Psalms 19:3-14
[There is] no speech
nor language
[where] their voice
{where...: or, without these their voice is heard: Heb. without their voice heard}<06963>
Their line
through all the earth
and their words
to the end
of the world
a tabernacle
for the sun
{line: or, rule, or, direction}<08121>_,
His going forth
[is] from the end
of the heaven
and his circuit
unto the ends
from the heat
The law
of the LORD
[is] perfect
the soul
the testimony
of the LORD
the simple
{law: or, doctrine} {converting: or, restoring}<06612>_.
The statutes
of the LORD
[are] right
the heart
the commandment
of the LORD
[is] pure
the eyes
The fear
of the LORD
[is] clean
for ever
the judgments
of the LORD
[are] true
{true: Heb. truth}<03162>_.
[are they] than gold
yea, than much
fine gold
also than honey
{the honeycomb: Heb. the dropping of honeycombs}<01706>
[his] errors