Kidung Jemaat
Psalms 66:16
Sebelum Semua Jadi [KJ.136]
1. Sebelum semua jadi ada Firman Mulia;
Dia Alfa dan Omega, citra Allah BapaNya.
Dia itu Yang Pertama, pun Yang Akhir
Dialah selamanya dan abadi.
Ams 8:23
Yoh 1:1-2
Why 1:8
Why 22:13
2. Oleh Firman diciptakan yang mengisi semesta:
langit, bumi dan samud'ra beserta penghuninya.
Oleh Dia, untuk Dia terbentuk semuanya
selamanya dan abadi.
Kej 1:3-31
Mzm 33:6
Yoh 1:3
Ibr 1:2
Kol 1:16
3. Ia ambil rupa insan, rupa Adam yang fana,
menderita sampai mati menebus manusia,
agar kita tak binasa, tapi hidup olehNya
selamanya dan abadi.
Yoh 1:14
Flp 2:6-8
Yoh 3:16
4. Ia pun telah dikandung dar pada Roh Kudus
dan perawan terberkati melahirkan penebus.
Tampak wujud Jurus'lamat di wajahNya yang kudus
selamanya dan abadi.
Mat 1:20
Luk 1:35, 42
2 Kor 4:6
5. Puji, hai malaikat sorga, puji Raja semesta!
Penguasa duniawi, puji Allah Yang Esa!
Biarlah segala lidah mengagungkan Tuhannya
selamanya dan abadi.
Mzm 148
Luk 2:14
Flp 2:9-11
6. Janji pada masa lampau dalam Dia t'lah genap.
Dialah yang disyairkan di halaman Alkitab.
Sudah datang Jurus'lamat; puji syukur menggegap
selamanya dan abadi.
Mat 1:22-23
7. Maha Hakim orang mati, Raja orang hidup pun,
Kau di takhta Allah Bapa mengalahkan lawanMu.
Unsur jahat Kauenyahkan dalam penghakimanMu
selamanya dan abadi.
2 Kor 5:10
Why 20:11-15
Kis 2:33-35
8. Biar kami, tua-muda, umatMu, kecil-besar,
bersyukur memuji Dikau, Raja adil dan benar:
biar madah orang s'lamat silih-ganti terdengar
selamanya dan abadi.Mzm 148:12-13
Why 19:5
Why 15:2-4
9. KepadaMu, Yesus Kristus, dan kepada BapaMu
dan kepada Roh Penghibur layak diberi syukur,
puji, hormat dan kuasa dalam KerajaanMu
selamanya dan abadi.Play Tabuh Gendang [KJ.292]
1. Tabuh gendang! Sambil menari nyanyikan lagu yang merdu!
Bunyikanlah gambus, kecapi: mari memuji Allahmu! Karya
Besar yang agung benar t'lah dilakukanNya terhadap umatNya!Kel 15:1-21
Mzm 66
Mzm 98
2. Israel pun atas berkatNya riang gembira bermazmur. Ikut serta
kita percaya dan kepadaNya bersyukur: "Tuhanlah baik, kasihNya
ajaib kekal selamanya; terpuji namaNya!"
Mzm 118:1-4, 29
Mzm 136
3. Dulu telah dari himpitan Ia bebaskan umatNya. Habis mendung
Ia berikan sinar mentari yang cerah! Puji terus yang Mahakudus:
Bebanmu yang berat digantiNya berkat!Mzm 77:17-21
Acts 4:8-12
Ingat akan Nama Yesus [KJ.344]
R:Kis 4:12
1. Ingat akan nama Yesus, kau yang susah dan sedih: Nama
itu menghiburmu k'mana saja kau pergi.
2. Indahlah namaNya, pengharapan dunia!
Indahlah namaNya, suka sorga yang baka!
3. Bawa nama Tuhan Yesus, itulah perisaimu.
Bila datang pencobaan, itu yang menolongmu.
4. Indahlah namaNya, pengharapan dunia!
Indahlah namaNya, suka sorga yang baka!
5. Sungguh agung nama Yesus, hati kita bergemar.
Bila kita dirangkulNya, sukacita pun besar.
6. Indahlah namaNya, pengharapan dunia!
Indahlah namaNya, suka sorga yang baka!7. Bila mendengar namaNya, baiklah kita menyembah
dan mengaku Dia Raja kini dan selamanya.
Why 17:14
Why 19:16
8. Indahlah namaNya, pengharapan dunia!
Indahlah namaNya, suka sorga yang baka!Play Manisnya Nama Penebus [KJ.386]
1. Manisnya nama Penebus untuk yang beriman;
pelipur hati yang sendu; yang takut pun tent'ram.
Kis 4:12
2. Olehnya pulih yang resah, yang luka pun sembuh,
yang rindu dipuaskannya, tertampung yang lesu.
3. Namanya Gunung Batuku, Perisai mulia,
Khazanah rahmat yang penuh, berlimpah kurnia.
4. Ya Yesus, Dikau Tuhanku, Jalanku, Hidupku,
Nabi,Imam dan Rajaku, terima syukurku.
5. Sekarang batinku lemah, terbatas budiku;
sempurna pujiku kelak di muka takhtaMu.
6. KasihMu ingin kusebar sepanjang hidupku;
merdu namaMu penyegar pun pada ajalku.Play Segala Benua dan Langit Penuh [KJ.281]
1. Segala benua dan langit penuh dengan bunyi Nama yang sangat
merdu, penghiburan orang berhati penat, pegharapan orang
yang sudah sesat. Nama itu suci kudus. Siapa belum mengenal Penebus?Kis 4:12
Mat 11:28
Luk 19:10
2. Sesungguhnya Yesus yang layak benar dib'ri Nama itu, kudus dan
besar, yang oleh sengsara kematianNya memb'ri keampunan
dan damai baka. Nama itu suci kudus. Siapa belum mengenal Penebus?
Rm 5:10-11
2 Kor 5:18-19
Ef 1:7
1 Yoh 2:2
3. Sekalian bangsa sekali hendak berlutut di hadapan Yesus kelak,
dan kita kiranya menyanyi serta malaikat di sorga pujian sembah:
"Yesus, Yesus, Tuhan Kudus, dipuji kekal namaMu, Penebus!"Flp 2:9-11
Psalms 22:22
[Psa 22:22] Amid The Thronging Worshippers
Amid the thronging worshippers
Jehovah will I bless,
Before my brethren, gathered there,
His Name I will confess.
Come, praise Him, ye that fear the Lord,
Ye children of His grace,
With reverence sound His glories forth
And bow before His face.The burden of the sorrowful
The Lord will not despise;
He has not turned from those that mourn,
He hearkens to their cries.
His goodness makes me join the throng
Where saints His praise proclaim,
And there will I fulfill my vows
’Mid those who fear His Name.He feeds with good the humble soul
And satisfies the meek,
And they shall live and praise the Lord
Who for His mercy seek.
The ends of all the earth take thought,
The nations seek the Lord;
They worship Him, the King of kings,
In earth and Heav’n adored.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 40:9-10
[Psa 40:9] Before Thy People, I Confess
Before Thy people I confess
The wonders of Thy righteousness;
Thou knowest, Lord, that I have made
Thy great salvation known,
Thy truth and faithfulness displayed,
Thy lovingkindness shown.Withhold not Thou Thy grace from me,
O Lord, Thy mercy let me see,
To me Thy lovingkindness show,
Thy truth be still my stay;
Let them preserve me where I go,
And keep me every day.Let all who seek to see Thy face,
Be glad and joyful in Thy grace;
Let those who Thy salvation love
Forevermore proclaim:
O praise the Lord Who dwells above,
And magnify His Name.Although I poor and needy be,
The Lord in love takes thought for me;
Thou art my help in time of need,
My Savior, Lord, art Thou;
Then, O my God, I pray, I plead:
Stay not, but save me now.A new and joyful song of praise
He taught my thankful heart to raise;
And many, seeing me restored,
Shall fear the Lord and trust;
And blest are they that trust the Lord,
The humble and the just.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 66:16
[Psa 66:16] Come, Ye That Fear The Lord
Come, ye that fear the Lord, and hear
What He has done for me;
My cry for help is turned to praise,
For He has set me free.
Through pain and trouble Thou hast led,
And humbled all our pride,
But, in the end, to liberty
And wealth Thy hand did guide.If in my heart I sin regard,
My prayer He will not hear;
But truly God has heard my voice,
My prayer has reached His ear.
O let the Lord, our gracious God,
Forever blessèd be,
Who has not turned my prayer from Him,
Nor yet His grace from me.Here in Thy house I give to Thee
The life that Thou dost bless,
And pay the solemn vows I made
When I was in distress.
O all ye peoples, bless our God,
Aloud proclaim His praise,
Who safely holds our soul in life,
And steadfast makes our ways.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 66:16] I Love To Tell The Story
I love to tell the story of unseen things above,
Of Jesus and His glory, of Jesus and His love.
I love to tell the story, because I know ’tis true;
It satisfies my longings as nothing else can do.Refrain
I love to tell the story, ’twill be my theme in glory,
To tell the old, old story of Jesus and His love.I love to tell the story; more wonderful it seems
Than all the golden fancies of all our golden dreams.
I love to tell the story, it did so much for me;
And that is just the reason I tell it now to thee.Refrain
I love to tell the story; ’tis pleasant to repeat
What seems, each time I tell it, more wonderfully sweet.
I love to tell the story, for some have never heard
The message of salvation from God’s own holy Word.Refrain
I love to tell the story, for those who know it best
Seem hungering and thirsting to hear it like the rest.
And when, in scenes of glory, I sing the new, new song,
’Twill be the old, old story that I have loved so long.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 66:16] Tell The Sweet Story Of Love
If you would rescue a soul from its sin,
Tell the sweet story of Jesus;
If for God’s kingdom a soul you would win,
Tell the sweet story of love.Refrain
Tell the sweet story of love,
Jesus will smile from above;
Tell the sweet story, the beautiful story,
The wonderful story of love.If you would comfort a sorrowing heart,
Tell the sweet story of Jesus;
Joy overflowing His peace will impart,
Tell the sweet story of love.Refrain
If you would kindle love’s beautiful flame,
Tell the sweet story of Jesus;
In darkened hearts that have ne’er heard His Name,
Tell the sweet story of love.Refrain
Would you make earth like a heaven below?
Tell the sweet story of Jesus;
Lovingly, gently, wherever you go,
Tell the sweet story of love.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 111:1
[Psa 111:1] O Give The Lord Whole-hearted Praise
O give the Lord whole-hearted praise,
To Him thanksgiving I will bring;
With all His people I will raise
My voice and of His glory sing.His saints delight to search and trace
His mighty works and wondrous ways;
Majestic glory, boundless grace,
And righteousness His work displays.The wondrous works that God has wrought
His people ever keep in mind;
His works with grace and mercy fraught,
Revealing that the Lord is kind.God’s promise shall forever stand,
He cares for those who trust His Word;
Upon His saints His mighty hand
The wealth of nations has conferred.His works are true and just indeed,
His precepts are forever sure;
In truth and righteousness decreed,
They shall forevermore endure.From Him His saints’ redemption came;
His cov’nant sure no change can know;
Let all revere His holy Name
In Heav’n above and earth belowIn reverence and godly fear
Man finds the gate to wisdom’s ways;
The wise His holy Name revere;
Through endless ages sound His praise.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 111:1] Praise Ye The Lord
Praise ye the Lord, the hope of our salvation;
Praise ye the Lord, our soul’s abiding trust;
Great are His works and wonderful His counsels;
Praise ye the Lord, the only wise and just.
Praise ye the Lord, our Strength and our Redeemer,
Praise ye the Lord, His mighty love recall,
Tell how He came from bondage to deliver,
Tell how He came to purchase life for all.Refrain
Praise ye the Lord, for good it is to praise Him;
O let the earth His majesty proclaim;
Shout, shout for joy and bow the knee before Him;
Sing to the harp and magnify His Name.Praise ye the Lord, whose throne is everlasting;
Praise ye the Lord, whose gifts are ever new;
Praise ye the Lord, whose tender mercy falleth
Pure as the rain and gentle as the dew.
Praise ye the Lord, oh, glory hallelujah!
Praise ye the Lord, whose kingdom has no end;
Praise ye the Lord, who watcheth o’er the faithful,
Praise ye the Lord, our never changing Friend.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal
Acts 4:8-12
[Act 4:12] Conquering Kings Their Titles Take
Conquering kings their titles take,
From the lands they captive make;
Jesus, Thine was given Thee
For a world Thou madest free.Not another name is given
Power possessing under heaven,
Strong to call dead souls to rise
And exalt them to the skies.That which Christ so hardly wrought,
That which He so dearly bought,
That salvation, mortals say,
Will ye madly cast away?Rather gladly for that Name
Bear the cross, endure the shame;
Joyfully for Him to die
Is not death but victory.Jesus, if Thou condescend
To be called the sinner’s Friend,
Ours the joy and glory be
Thus to make our boast of Thee.Glory to the Father be,
Glory, virgin born, to Thee,
Glory to the Holy Ghost,
Ever from the heavenly host.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Act 4:12] Only One Name
There is only one Name that the saints adore—
Jesus, our Elder Brother;
They give Him all the praise, now and ever more;
His Name is over every other.Refrain
Then lift the happy strain,
And sing the glad refrain—
The Name, the Name of Jesus;
Then lift the happy strain,
And sing the glad refrain—
The Name, the Name of Jesus.There is only one Name that the soul need know—
Jesus, the Lord’s Anointed;
He suffered to redeem us from sin and woe,
And bear us to the rest appointed.Refrain
There is only one Name that the angels sing—
Jesus, the Lord of Glory;
They gather at His feet while they hail Him King,
And listen to redemption’s story.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Act 4:12] ’tis For Conquering Kings To Gain
’Tis for conquering kings to gain
Glory o’er their myriads slain;
Jesus, Thy more glorious strife
Hath restored a world to life.So no other Name is giv’n
Unto mortals under Heav’n
Which can make the dead to rise,
And exalt them to the skies.That which Christ so hardly wrought,
That which He so dearly bought,
That salvation, mortals, say,
Will you madly cast away?Rather gladly for that Name
Bear the cross, endure the shame;
Joyfully for Him to die
Is not death, but victory.Dost Thou, Jesus, condescend
To be called the sinner’s Friend?
Ours, then, it shall always be
Thus to make our boast of Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Act 4:12] To The Name Of Our Salvation
To the Name of our salvation,
Laud and honor let us pay,
Which for many a generation
Hid in God’s foreknowledge lay;
But with holy exultation
We may sing aloud today.Jesus is the Name we treasure;
Name beyond what words can tell;
Name of gladness, Name of pleasure,
Ear and heart delighting well;
Name of sweetness, passing measure,
Saving us from sin and hell.’Tis the Name for adoration,
Name for songs of victory,
Name for holy meditation
In this vale of misery,
Name for joyful veneration
By the citizens on high.’Tis the Name that whoso preacheth
Speaks like music to the ear;
Who in prayer this Name beseecheth
Sweetest comfort findeth near;
Who its perfect wisdom reacheth,
Heavenly joy possesseth here.Jesus is the Name prevailing
Over every name by right;
At this Name, in terror quailing,
Powers of hell are put to flight;
God, in mercy never failing,
Saves by this Name of might.Therefore we in love adoring,
This most blessèd Name revere;
Holy Jesus, Thee imploring
So to write it in us here,
That hereafter, heavenward soaring,
We may sing with angels there.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Act 4:12] To The Name That Is Salvation
To the Name that is salvation,
Praise and homage let us pay;
Life of every generation,
Law that all the stars obey;
Love and light by Whose creation
All that is stands fast today.Fairest Name beyond all speaking,
Fullest end of all desire,
Close, yet far beyond all seeking,
Goodness, beauty, truth, entire;
Wisdom, never vengeance wreaking,
Radiance never vexed with ire.’Tis the Name of mercy, speeding,
Just and unjust with His ray;
Power that rules by patient leading,
Not by force, the easier way;
So that man, in freedom heeding,
May the law of love obey.Name of awe and Name of pleasure,
Glow divine of grace untold;
Sum of values, whose full treasure
Striving art can ne’er unfold;
Sea of virtue passing measure,
Life that doth all life uphold.Hail, O Father, all creating,
Now, as when the world began;
Master Mind, amazed we hail Thee,
As the light-year depths we scan;
Spirit of transcendent union,
True and just Thy ways to man!Play source: Cyberhymnal