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Psalms 44:9-26

thou hast cast off
<02186> (8804)_,
and put us to shame
<03637> (8686)_;
and goest not forth
<03318> (8799)
with our armies
Thou makest us to turn
<07725> (8686)
from the enemy
and they which hate
<08130> (8764)
us spoil
<08154> (8804)
for themselves.
Thou hast given
<05414> (8799)
us like sheep
[appointed] for meat
and hast scattered
<02219> (8765)
us among the heathen
{like...: Heb. as sheep of meat}
Thou sellest
<04376> (8799)
thy people
for nought
and dost not increase
<07235> (8765)
[thy wealth] by their price
{for...: Heb. without riches}
Thou makest
<07760> (8799)
us a reproach
to our neighbours
a scorn
and a derision
to them that are round about
Thou makest
<07760> (8799)
us a byword
among the heathen
a shaking
of the head
among the people
My confusion
[is] continually
before me, and the shame
of my face
hath covered
<03680> (8765)
For the voice
of him that reproacheth
<02778> (8764)
and blasphemeth
<01442> (8764)_;
by reason
of the enemy
<0341> (8802)
and avenger
<05358> (8693)_.
All this is come
<0935> (8804)
upon us; yet have we not forgotten
<07911> (8804)
thee, neither have we dealt falsely
<08266> (8765)
in thy covenant
Our heart
is not turned
<05472> (8738)
neither have our steps
<05186> (8799)
from thy way
{steps: or, goings}
Though thou hast sore broken
<01794> (8765)
us in the place
of dragons
and covered
<03680> (8762)
us with the shadow of death
If we have forgotten
<07911> (8804)
the name
of our God
or stretched out
<06566> (8799)
our hands
to a strange
<02114> (8801)
Shall not God
search this out
<02713> (8799)_?
for he knoweth
<03045> (8802)
the secrets
of the heart
Yea, for thy sake are we killed
<02026> (8795)
all the day
long; we are counted
<02803> (8738)
as sheep
for the slaughter
<05782> (8798)_,
why sleepest
<03462> (8799)
thou, O Lord
<06974> (8685)_,
cast [us] not off
<02186> (8799)
for ever
Wherefore hidest
<05641> (8686)
thou thy face
[and] forgettest
<07911> (8799)
our affliction
and our oppression
For our soul
is bowed down
<07743> (8804)
to the dust
our belly
<01692> (8804)
unto the earth
<06965> (8798)
for our help
and redeem
<06299> (8798)
us for thy mercies
sake. {for our...: Heb. a help for us}

Psalms 60:1

<To the chief Musician <05329> (8764)
upon Shushaneduth
of David
to teach
<03925> (8763)_;
when he strove
<05327> (8687)
with Aramnaharaim
<0763> <05104>
and with Aramzobah
when Joab
<07725> (8799)_,
and smote
<05221> (8686)
of Edom
in the valley
of salt
<08147> <06240>
O God
thou hast cast us off
<02186> (8804)_,
thou hast scattered
<06555> (8804)
us, thou hast been displeased
<0599> (8804)_;
O turn thyself to us again
<07725> (8787)_.
{Michtam: or, A golden Psalm} {scattered: Heb. broken}

Psalms 60:10

[Wilt] not thou, O God
[which] hadst cast us off
<02186> (8804)_?
and [thou], O God
[which] didst not go out
<03318> (8799)
with our armies

Psalms 77:7

Will the Lord
cast off
<02186> (8799)
for ever
and will
<03254> (8686)
he be favourable
<07521> (8800)
no more?

Psalms 77:1

<To the chief Musician <05329> (8764)_,
to Jeduthun
A Psalm
of Asaph
I cried
<06817> (8799)
unto God
with my voice
[even] unto God
with my voice
and he gave ear
<0238> (8689)
unto me. {of: or, for}

Psalms 28:9

<03467> (8685)
thy people
and bless
<01288> (8761)
thine inheritance
<07462> (8798)
them also, and lift them up
<05375> (8761)
for ever
{feed: or, rule}

Jeremiah 12:1

[art] thou, O LORD
when I plead
<07378> (8799)
with thee: yet let me talk
<01696> (8762)
with thee of [thy] judgments
Wherefore doth the way
of the wicked
<06743> (8804)_?
[wherefore] are all they happy
<07951> (8804)
that deal very
<0898> (8802)_?
{talk...: or, reason the case with thee}

Hosea 9:17

My God
will cast them away
<03988> (8799)_,
because they did not hearken
<08085> (8804)
unto him: and they shall be wanderers
<05074> (8802)
among the nations

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