Kidung Jemaat
Psalms 78:60-72
Tuntun Aku, Tuhan Allah [KJ.412] ( Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah )
1. Tuntun aku, Tuhan Allah, lewat gurun dunia.
Kau perkasa dan setia; bimbing aku yang lemah.
Roti sorga, Roti sorga, puaskanlah jiwaku,
puaskanlah jiwaku.
Mzm 73:23-24
Mzm 78
Mzm 106
Mzm 136
Kel 16
Yoh 6:32-58
Why 2:17
2. Buka sumber Air Hidup, penyembuhan jiwaku,
dan berjalanlah di muka dengan tiang awanMu.
Jurus'lamat, Jurus'lamat, Kau Perisai hidupku,
Kau Perisai hidupku.
Kel 17:6
Kel 13:21-22
Mzm 105:39-41
3. Pada batas Sungai Yordan hapuskanlah takutku.
Ya Penumpas kuasa maut, tuntun aku sertaMu.
Pujianku, pujianku bagiMu selamanya, bagiMu selamanya.Yos 3
2 Raj 2:6-12
Mzm 42:7-12
Mzm 114
1 Kor 15:54-56
2 Tim 1:10
Why 1:18
Psalms 78:1
Tuntun Aku, Tuhan Allah [KJ.412] ( Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah )
1. Tuntun aku, Tuhan Allah, lewat gurun dunia.
Kau perkasa dan setia; bimbing aku yang lemah.
Roti sorga, Roti sorga, puaskanlah jiwaku,
puaskanlah jiwaku.
Mzm 73:23-24
Mzm 78
Mzm 106
Mzm 136
Kel 16
Yoh 6:32-58
Why 2:17
2. Buka sumber Air Hidup, penyembuhan jiwaku,
dan berjalanlah di muka dengan tiang awanMu.
Jurus'lamat, Jurus'lamat, Kau Perisai hidupku,
Kau Perisai hidupku.
Kel 17:6
Kel 13:21-22
Mzm 105:39-41
3. Pada batas Sungai Yordan hapuskanlah takutku.
Ya Penumpas kuasa maut, tuntun aku sertaMu.
Pujianku, pujianku bagiMu selamanya, bagiMu selamanya.Yos 3
2 Raj 2:6-12
Mzm 42:7-12
Mzm 114
1 Kor 15:54-56
2 Tim 1:10
Why 1:18
Psalms 31:1-7
Yerusalem, Mulia dan Kudus [KJ.261]
1. Yerusalem, mulia dan kudus, rinduan hatiku!
'Ku tergerak hendak terbang terus ke puncak bukitmu,
diatas hutan rimba dan gunung dan lembah,
supaya aku tiba di negeri baka.
Mzm 48
Mzm 87
Mzm 122
Ibr 11:10
Why 3:12
Why 21:2, 9-11
2. Bila kelak bersinar cahyamu, o hari cemerlang,
waktunyalah kus'rahkan nyawaku gembira dan senang
ke dalam tangan Bapa yang t'lah memilihnya dan
kuperoleh s'lamat di Sion s'lamanya.
Mzm 31:6
3. Kota emas, gerbangmu bukalah, terima salamku!
Di dunia alangkah lamanya 'ku rindu padamu,
Tatkala aku susah di alam yang fana dan
kudambakan sorga pusaka yang baka.
Mat 5:3, 10
4. O lihatlah kumpulan yang kudus, berlaksa banyaknya!
Jumlah besar yang sudah ditebus, pilihan mulia,
Telah diutus Tuhan menyambut diriku
Di saat 'ku berjuang di kancah kemelut.
Why 5:11
Why 7:9
1 Tes 3:13
5. Nabi besar, leluhur mulia, jemaat beriman, yang t'lah
pernah memikul salibnya, disiksa, ditekan, sekarang
aku lihat berwajah yang cerah di cahya yang gemilang
yang tiada habisnya.
Why 18:20
1 Ptr 2:21
Ibr 11:35-40
Why 7:9-12
6. Wahai Firdaus, nyanyianmu merdu dan warnamu segar,
udaramu dan tamanmu penuh bahagia benar.
Kemuliaan sorga t'lah masuk hatiku dan 'ku menyanyi
Juga menurut lagumu.
Why 21:1-2
7. Madah besar gempita cemerlang di sana menggegap;
gambus, gendang, kecapi dan serdam membuatnya lengkap:
berlaksa-laksa lidah bersuara bergema di dalam gita indah
di sorga s'lamanya.Why 4:8-11
Why 5:9-14
Why 7:9-12
Why 14:2-3
Why 15:2-4
Why 19:1-8
Psalms 60:1-3
[Psa 60:1] O God, Thou Hast Cast Off Thy Saints
O God, Thou hast cast off Thy saints;
Thy face Thou dost in anger hide,
And lo, Thy Church for terror faints,
While breaches all her walls divide!Hard things Thou hast upon us laid,
And made us drink most bitter wine;
But still Thy banner we’ve displayed,
And borne aloft Thy truth divine.Our courage fails not, though the night
No earthly lamp avails to break,
For Thou wilt soon arise in might,
And of our captors captives make.Thy right hand shall Thy people aid;
Thy faithful promise makes us strong;
We will Philistia’s land invade,
And over Edom chant the song.In Jesu’s Name we’ll Shechem seize,
And swift divide all Succoth’s vale;
E’en Moab’s sons shall bow their knees,
And Jesu’s conquering scepter hail.Through Thee we shall most valiant prove,
And tread the foe beneath our feet;
Through Thee our faith shall hills remove,
And small as chaff the mountains beat.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 60:1] O God, Thou Hast Rejected Us
O God, Thou hast rejected us,
And hast afflicted sore;
Thou hast been angry, but in grace
O once again restore.Lo, Thou hast torn and rent our land,
Thy judgments dread appall;
O heal her shattered strength before
She totter to her fall.Through ways of trial and distress
Thy people Thou hast led,
A bitter cup Thou givest us
Of misery and dread.A glorious banner Thou has giv’n
To those who fear Thy Name,
A banner to display abroad,
And thus the truth proclaim.That Thy belovèd may be saved
And from their foes set free,
Help with the might of Thy right hand,
In mercy answer me.God in His holiness has said:
I will triumphant be,
All heathen lands I claim as Mine,
And they shall bow to Me.Now, therefore, who will lead us on
Sin’s strongholds to possess?
No longer cast us off, O God,
But give our hosts success.Give Thou Thy help against the foe,
For help of man is vain;
Through God we shall do valiantly,
The victory He shall gain.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 78:1
[Psa 78:1] Let Children Hear The Mighty Deeds
Let children hear the mighty deeds
Which God performed of old;
Which in our younger years we saw,
And which our fathers told.He bids us make His glories known,
His works of power and grace;
And we’ll convey His wonders down
Through every rising race.Our lips shall tell them to our sons,
And they again to theirs;
That generations yet unborn
May teach them to their heirs.Thus shall they learn in God alone
Their hope securely stands,
That they may ne’er forget His works,
But practice His commands.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 78:1] My People, Give Ear
My people, give ear, attend to My Word,
In parables new deep truths shall be heard;
The wonderful story our fathers made known
To children succeeding by us must be shown.Instructing our sons we gladly record
The praises, the works, the might of the Lord,
For He hath commanded that what He hath done
Be passed in tradition from father to son.Let children thus learn from history’s light
To hope in our God and walk in His sight,
The God of their fathers to fear and obey,
And ne’er like their fathers to turn from His way.The story be told, to warn and restrain,
Of hearts that were hard, rebellious, and vain,
Of soldiers who faltered when battle was near,
Who kept not God’s cov’nant nor walked in His fear.God’s wonderful works to them He had shown,
His marvelous deeds their fathers had known;
He made for their pathway the waters divide,
His glorious pillar of cloud was their guide.He gave them to drink, relieving their thirst,
And forth from the rock caused water to burst;
Yet faithless they tempted their God, and they said,
Can He Who gave water supply us with bread?Jehovah was wroth because they forgot
To hope in their God, and trusted Him not;
Yet gracious, He opened the doors of the sky
And rained down the manna in richest supply.With bread from on high their need He supplied,
And more did He do when thankless they sighed;
The strong winds commanding from south and from east
He sent them abundance of quail for their feast.Though well they were filled, their folly they chose;
Till God in His wrath o’erwhelmed them with woes;
He slew of their strongest and smote their young men,
But still unbelieving they sinned even then.Because of their sin He smote with His rod,
And then they returned and sought for their God;
Their Rock and Redeemer was God the Most high,
Yet false were their praises, their promise a lie.Not right with their God in heart and in will,
They faithlessly broke His covenant still;
But He, in compassion, reluctant to slay,
Forgave them and oft turned His anger away.His pity was great, though often they sinned,
For they were but flesh, a swift passing wind;
Yet though His compassion and grace they beheld,
They tempted and grieved Him and often rebelled.They limited God, the Most Holy One,
And hindered the work His grace had begun;
The hand that was mighty to save they forgot,
The day of redemption remembering not.Ungrateful and blind, no longer they thought
Of wonders and signs and mighty deeds wrought,
Of how all the rivers of Egypt ran red,
And plagues in God’s anger were heaped on their head.They thought not of how, their freedom to gain,
In Egypt’s abodes the first born were slain,
And how all God’s people were led forth like sheep,
The flock He delighted in safety to keep.Unharmed through the sea, where perished their foe,
He caused them with ease and safety to go;
His holy land gaining, in peace they were brought
To dwell in the mountain the Lord’s hand had bought.He gave them the land, a heritage fair;
The nations that dwelt in wickedness there
He drove out before them with great overthrow
And gave to His people the tents of the foe.Again they rebelled and tempted the Lord,
Unfaithful, they turned to idols abhorred,
And God in His anger withdrew from them then,
No longer delighting to dwell among men.He gave them to death in battle, although
His glory and strength were scorned by the foe;
Their young men were fallen, their maidens unwed,
Their priest slain in battle, none wept for the dead.Then mercy awoke, the Lord in His might
Returned, and the foes were scattered in flight;
Again to His people His favor He showed
And chose in Mount Zion to fix His abode.His servant He called, a shepherd of sheep,
From tending his flock, the people to keep;
So David their shepherd with wisdom and might
Protected and fed them and led them aright.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 78:1] O Come, My People, To My Law
O come, My people, to my Law,
Attentively give ear;
With willing heart and teachable
The words of wisdom hear.My mouth shall speak in parables
Of hidden truths of old,
Which, handed down form age to age,
To us our fathers told.We will not from their children hide
Jehovah’s worthy praise,
But tell the greatness of His strength,
His wondrous works and ways.A testimony and a law
The Lord our God decreed,
And bade our fathers teach their sons,
That they His ways might heed.He willed that each succeeding race
His deeds might learn and know,
And children’s children to their sons
Might all these wonders show.Let children learn God’s righteous ways
And on Him stay their heart,
That they may not forget His works,
Nor from His ways depart.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 31:1-7
[Psa 31:1] In Thee, O Lord, I Put My Trust
In Thee, O Lord, I put my trust,
I call upon Thy Name;
O save me in Thy righteousness,
Nor let me suffer shame.Bow down Thine ear to my request,
And swift deliverance send;
Be Thou to me a rock of strength,
A fortress to defend.Since Thou my Rock and Fortress art,
My Leader be, and Guide;
From all temptation rescue me,
Thou dost my strength abide.To Thee my spirit I commend;
Redemption is with Thee,
O Thou Jehovah, God of truth,
Who hast delivered me.I hate all those that love the false,
My trust is in the Lord;
I will be glad, and joyfully
Thy mercy will record.For mine affliction Thou hast seen,
And known my many woes;
Thou hast not let me be enslaved,
But freed me from my foes.Show mercy, Lord, to me distressed,
And send my soul relief;
My life is spent with bitterness,
My strength consumed with grief.My life has agèd grown with woe,
With sighs my years decay;
Mine eye is worn for very grief:
I pine and waste away.My foes have made me a reproach,
My state my neighbors see;
My friends, appalled at mine approach,
Turn them about and flee.For I have heard defaming tongues,
And marked the terror rife,
When all in league deliberate
To take away my life.But, Lord, in Thee is all my trust,
Thou art my God, I cried;
My life, my times are in Thy hand,
I in Thy strength abide.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 31:1] My Heart Rejoices In Thy Name
My heart rejoices in Thy Name,
My God, my help, my trust;
Thou hast preserved my face from shame,
Mine honor from the dust.“My life is spent with grief,” I cried,
“My years consumed in groans,
My strength decays, mine eyes are dried,
And sorrow wastes my bones.”Among mine enemies my name
Was a mere proverb grown,
While to my neighbors I became
Forgotten and unknown.Slander and fear on every side
Seized and beset me round
I to the throne of grace applied,
And speedy rescue found.How great deliverance Thou hast wrought
Before the sons of men!
The lying lips to silence brought,
And made their boastings vain!Thy children from the strife of tongues
Shall Thy pavilion hide;
Guard them from infamy and wrongs,
And crush the sons of pride.Within Thy secret presence, Lord,
Let me forever dwell;
No fencèd city, walled and barred,
Secures a saint so well.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 31:2] Jesus, High In Glory
Jesus, high in glory,
Lend a listening ear;
When we bow before Thee,
Children’s praises hear.Though Thou art so holy,
Heav’n’s almighty King,
Thou wilt stoop to listen
When Thy praise we sing.We are little children,
Weak and apt to stray;
Savior, guide and keep us
In the heav’nly way.Save us, Lord, from sinning;
Watch us day by day;
Help us now to love Thee;
Take our sins away.Strengthen us for duty,
While on earth we live;
May we to Thy service
Our best talents give.Then when Jesus calls us
To our heav’nly home,
We will gladly answer,
“Savior, Lord, we come.”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 31:3] I Do Not Ask, O Lord
I do not ask, O Lord, that life may be
A pleasant road;
I do not ask that Thou wouldst take from me
Aught of its load.I do not ask that flowers should always spring
Beneath my feet;
I know too well the poison and the sting
Of things too sweet.For one thing, only Lord, dear Lord, I plead:
Lead me aright,
Though strength should falter and though heart should bleed,
Through peace to light.I do not ask, O Lord, that Thou shouldst shed
Full radiance here
Give but a ray of peace, that I may tread
Without a fear.I do not ask my cross to understand,
My way to see;
Better in darkness just to feel Thy hand,
And follow Thee.Joy is like restless day; but peace divine
Like quiet night:
Lead me, O Lord, till perfect day shall shine,
Through peace to light.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 31:3] Jesus, Merciful And Mild
Jesus, merciful and mild, lead me as a helpless child:
On no other arm but Thine would my weary soul recline.
Thou art ready to forgive, Thou canst bid the sinner live;
Guide the wanderer, day by day, in the straight and narrow way.Thou canst fit me by Thy grace for the heav’nly dwelling place;
All Thy promises are sure, ever shall Thy love endure;
Then what more could I desire, how to greater bliss aspire?
All I need, in Thee I see; Thou art all in all to me.Jesus, Savior all divine, hast Thou made me truly Thine?
Hast Thou bought me by Thy blood? Reconciled my heart to God?
Hearken to my tender prayer; let me Thine own image bear.
Let me love Thee more and more till I reach Heav’n’s blissful shore.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 31:5] Into Thine Hand, O God Of Truth
Into Thine hand, O God of truth,
My spirit I commit;
Thou hast redeemed my soul from death,
And saved me from the pit.The passions of my hope and fear
Maintained a doubtful strife,
While sorrow, pain, and sin conspired
To take away my life.“My times are in Thine hand,” I cried,
“Though I draw near the dust”;
Thou art the Refuge where I hide,
The God in Whom I trust.O make Thy reconcilèd face
Upon Thy servant shine,
And save me for Thy mercy’s sake,
For I’m entirely Thine.’Twas in my haste my spirit said,
“I must despair and die,
I am cut off before Thine eyes”;
But Thou hast heard my cry.Thy goodness how divinely free!
How wondrous is Thy grace
To those that fear Thy majesty,
And trust Thy promises!O love the Lord, all ye His saints,
And sing His praises loud;
He’ll bend His ear to your complaints,
And recompense the proud.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 31:5] My Spirit On Thy Care
My spirit on Thy care,
Blest Savior, I recline;
Thou wilt not leave me to despair,
For Thou art Love divine.In Thee I place my trust,
On Thee I calmly rest;
I know Thee good, I know Thee just,
And count Thy choice the best.Whate’er events betide,
Thy will they all perform;
Safe in Thy breast my head I hide,
Nor fear the coming storm.Let good or ill befall,
It must be good for me;
Secure of having Thee in all,
Of having all in Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 31:5] O God Of Truth
O God of truth, whose living Word
Upholds whate’er hath breath,
Look down on Thy creation, Lord,
Enslaved by sin and death.Set up Thy standard, Lord, that we,
Who claim a heavenly birth,
May march with Thee to smite the lies
That vex Thy groaning earth.Ah! would we join that blest array,
And follow in the might
Of Him, the Faithful and the True,
In raiment clean and white!We fight for truth, we fight for God,
Poor slaves of lies and sin!
He who would fight for Thee on earth
Must first be true within.Then, God of truth, for Whom we long,
Thou Who wilt hear our prayer,
Do Thine own battle in our hearts,
And slay the falsehood there.Still smite; still burn; till naught is left
But God’s own truth and love;
Then, Lord, as morning dew come down,
Rest on us from above.Yes, come: then, tried as in the fire,
From every lie set free,
Thy perfect truth shall dwell in us,
And we shall live in Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 31:5] O God Of Truth, O Lord Of Might
O God of truth, O Lord of might,
Who ord’rest time and change aright,
Bright’ning the morn with golden gleams,
Kindling the noonday’s fiery beams.Quench Thou in us the flame of strife,
From passion’s heat preserve our life,
Our bodies keep from perils free,
And give our souls true peace in Thee.Almighty Father, hear my cry
Through Jesus Christ our Lord most high,
Who with the Holy Ghost and Thee
Doth live and reign eternally.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 31:7] Sweet Is Thy Mercy, Lord
Sweet is Thy mercy, Lord;
Before Thy mercy seat
My soul, adoring, pleads Thy Word,
And owns Thy mercy sweet.My need and Thy desires
Are all in Christ complete;
Thou hast the justice truth requires,
And I Thy mercy sweet.Where’er Thy Name is blest,
Where’er Thy people meet,
There I delight in Thee to rest,
And find Thy mercy sweet.Light Thou my weary way,
Lead Thou my wandering feet,
That while I stay on earth I may
Still find Thy mercy sweet.Thus shall the heavenly host
Hear all my songs repeat
To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
My joy, Thy mercy sweet.Play source: Cyberhymnal