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The Song of Songs 1:12--3:5

While the king
[sitteth] at his table
my spikenard
sendeth forth
<05414> (8804)
the smell
A bundle
of myrrh
[is] my wellbeloved
unto me; he shall lie
<03885> (8799)
all night betwixt my breasts
My beloved
[is] unto me [as] a cluster
of camphire
in the vineyards
of Engedi
{camphire: or, cypress}
Behold, thou [art] fair
my love
behold, thou [art] fair
thou [hast] doves
{my love: or, my companion}
Behold, thou [art] fair
my beloved
yea, pleasant
also our bed
[is] green
The beams
of our house
[are] cedar
[and] our rafters
<07351> (8675) <07351>
of fir
{rafters: or, galleries}
I [am] the rose
of Sharon
[and] the lily
of the valleys
As the lily
among thorns
so [is] my love
among the daughters
As the apple tree
among the trees
of the wood
so [is] my beloved
among the sons
I sat
<03427> (8804)
down under his shadow
with great delight
<02530> (8765)_,
and his fruit
[was] sweet
to my taste
{I sat...: Heb. I delighted and sat down, etc} {taste: Heb. palate}
He brought
<0935> (8689)
me to the banqueting
and his banner
over me [was] love
{banqueting...: Heb. house of wine}
<05564> (8761)
me with flagons
<07502> (8761)
me with apples
for I [am] sick
<02470> (8802)
of love
{comfort...: Heb. straw me with apples}
His left hand
[is] under my head
and his right hand
doth embrace
<02263> (8762)
I charge
<07650> (8689)
you, O ye daughters
of Jerusalem
by the roes
by the hinds
of the field
that ye stir not up
<05782> (8686)_,
nor awake
<05782> (8787)
[my] love
till he please
<02654> (8799)_.
{I charge...: Heb. I adjure you}
The voice
of my beloved
behold, he cometh
<0935> (8802)
<01801> (8764)
upon the mountains
<07092> (8764)
upon the hills
My beloved
is like
<01819> (8802)
a roe
or a young
behold, he standeth
<05975> (8802)
our wall
he looketh forth
<07688> (8688)
at the windows
<06692> (8688)
himself through the lattice
{shewing...: Heb. flourishing}
My beloved
<06030> (8804)_,
and said
<0559> (8804)
unto me, Rise up
<06965> (8798)_,
my love
my fair one
and come away
<03212> (8798)_.
For, lo, the winter
is past
<05674> (8804)_,
the rain
is over
<02498> (8804)
[and] gone
<01980> (8804)_;
The flowers
<07200> (8738)
on the earth
the time
of the singing
[of birds] is come
<05060> (8689)_,
and the voice
of the turtle
is heard
<08085> (8738)
in our land
The fig tree
putteth forth
<02590> (8804)
her green figs
and the vines
[with] the tender grape
<05414> (8804)
a [good] smell
<06965> (8798)_,
my love
my fair one
and come away
<03212> (8798)_.
O my dove
[that art] in the clefts
of the rock
in the secret
[places] of the stairs
let me see
<07200> (8685)
thy countenance
let me hear
<08085> (8685)
thy voice
for sweet
[is] thy voice
and thy countenance
[is] comely
<0270> (8798)
us the foxes
the little
that spoil
<02254> (8764)
the vines
for our vines
[have] tender grapes
My beloved
[is] mine, and I [am] his: he feedeth
<07462> (8802)
among the lilies
Until the day
<06315> (8799)_,
and the shadows
flee away
<05127> (8804)_,
<05437> (8798)_,
my beloved
and be thou like
<01819> (8798)
a roe
or a young
upon the mountains
of Bether
{of Bether: or, of division}
By night
on my bed
I sought
<01245> (8765)
him whom my soul
<0157> (8804)_:
I sought
<01245> (8765)
him, but I found
<04672> (8804)
him not.
I will rise
<06965> (8799)
now, and go about
<05437> (8779)
the city
in the streets
and in the broad ways
I will seek
<01245> (8762)
him whom my soul
<0157> (8804)_:
I sought
<01245> (8765)
him, but I found
<04672> (8804)
him not.
The watchmen
<08104> (8802)
that go about
<05437> (8802)
the city
<04672> (8804)
me: [to whom I said], Saw
<07200> (8804)
ye him whom my soul
<0157> (8804)_?
[It was] but a little
that I passed
<05674> (8804)
from them, but I found
<04672> (8804)
him whom my soul
<0157> (8804)_:
I held
<0270> (8804)
him, and would not let him go
<07503> (8686)_,
until I had brought
<0935> (8689)
him into my mother's
and into the chamber
of her that conceived
<02029> (8802)
I charge
<07650> (8689)
you, O ye daughters
of Jerusalem
by the roes
by the hinds
of the field
that ye stir not up
<05782> (8686)_,
nor awake
<05782> (8787)
[my] love
till he please
<02654> (8799)_.

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