Advanced Commentary
Texts -- 1 John 4:11-21 (NET)


- 1Jo 4:7--5:3 -- God is Love
Bible Dictionary

[isbe] TEXT AND MANUSCRIPTS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT - || I. SOURCES OF EVIDENCE FOR THE TEXT OF THE NEW TESTAMENT 1. Autographs of the New Testament Writers 2. Papyrus Fragments of the Greek New Testament 3. Greek Copies or Manuscript...
[isbe] SACRIFICE, IN THE NEW TESTAMENT, 2 - VI. Rationale of the Efficacy of Christ's Sacrifice. 1. Jesus' Teaching: Jesus emphasizes His voluntary spirit in making the sacrifice. "The Son of man also came .... to give his life a r...
[nave] RIGHTEOUSNESS By faith, Gen. 15:6; Rom. 4:3, 5, 9, 11, 13, 20, 22, 24. Garment of, Job 29:14; Matt. 22:11-14. Imputed on account of obedience, Deut. 6:25; Job 33:26. Fruits of Deut. 6:25; Josh. 22:31; Psa. 1:3; Psa. 15:1...
[isbe] PAPYRUS - pa-pi'-rus (Cyperus papyrus; bublos, biblos, whence biblion, a roll, ta biblia, "the Books" = the Bible): 1. Papyrus Paper 2. Egyptian Papyri 3. Aramaic Papyri 4. Greek Papyri 5. Their Discovery. 6. Classical Papyr...
[isbe] PAINFULNESS - pan'-fool-nes (mochthos): In the summary of his missionary labors in 2 Cor 11:27 the King James Version, Paul uses this word. The Revised Version (British and American) renders it "travail," which probably now ...
[isbe] LOVE - luv ('ahebh, 'ahabhah, noun; phileo, agapao, verb; agape, noun): Love to both God and man is fundamental to true religion, whether as expressed in the Old Testament or the New Testament. Jesus Himself declared that al...
[nave] LOVE. Of Children for Parents See: Children. Of God See: God, Love of. Of Mankind for God Ex. 20:6 Deut. 5:10. Deut. 6:5; Deut. 7:9; Deut. 10:12; Deut. 11:1; Deut. 13:3; Deut. 30:6 vs. 16,20.; Josh. 22:5 Deut. 11:1, 13...
[isbe] JOHN, THE EPISTLES OF, PART 4-9 - IV. Canonicity and Authorship. 1. Traditional View: As to the reception of the Epistle in the church, it is needless to cite any later witness than Eusebius (circa 325), who classes it among...
[isbe] JOHN, THE EPISTLES OF, PART 1-3 - || I. GENERAL CHARACTER 1. A True Letter 2. Subject-Matter 3. Characteristics of the Writer 4. Style and Diction II. POLEMICAL AIM 1. Gnosticism 2. Docetism 3. Antinomianism 4. Cerinthus III...
[isbe] JOHANNINE THEOLOGY, 2 - VI. Eternal Life. The development of the conception of eternal life must be set along with the doctrine of the moral nature of God and the doctrine of the incarnation as one of the greatest contributi...
[isbe] JOHANNINE THEOLOGY, 1 - jo-han'-in,-in: I. THE ANTECEDENTS 1. Personality of Writer 2. Earlier New Testament Writings 3. Christian Experience and Teaching of History 4. Widening Contact with Gentile World 5. The Odes of Solo...
[isbe] HOW - Represents various Hebrew and Greek words, interrogative, interjectional and relative. Its different uses refer to (1) the manner or way, e.g. Gen 44:34, "How shall I go up to my father?" ('ekh); Mt 6:28, "how they gro...
[isbe] HEREIN - her-in', Hebrew bezo'th, "in" or "by this" (Gen 34:22, the Revised Version (British and American) "on this condition"); en touta (Jn 4:37; 9:30; 15:8; Acts 24:16; 2 Cor 8:10; 1 Jn 4:10,17).
GOD, 3
[isbe] GOD, 3 - III. The Idea of God in the New Testament. 1. Dependence on the Old Testament: The whole of the New Testament presupposes and rests upon the Old Testament. Jesus Christ and His disciples inherited the idea of God re...
[isbe] FEAR - fer (yir'ah, yare'; phobos, phobeo): Terms, etc.: "Fear" is the translation of many words in the Old Testament; the chief are: yir'ah, "fear," "terror," "reverence," "awe," most often "the fear of God," "fear of Yahwe...
[ebd] Tents were in primitive times the common dwellings of men. Houses were afterwards built, the walls of which were frequently of mud (Job 24:16; Matt. 6:19, 20) or of sun-dried bricks. God "dwells in light" (1 Tim. 6:16; 1 Joh...
[isbe] DWELL - dwel: (1) In the Old Testament "dwell" is a translation of 9 words, of which by far the most frequent is yashabh, "to sit down," translated "dwell" over 400 times (Gen 4:20; Josh 20:4; 1 Ch 17:1,4,5, etc.); also very...
[nave] CHURCH, the collective body of believers. Miscellany of Minor Sub-Topics Called in the O.T., The Congregation, Ex. 12:3, 6, 19, 47; 16:1, 2, 9, 10, 22; Lev. 4:13, 15; 10:17; 24:14. Called in the N.T., Church, Matt. 16:18; ...
[isbe] BROTHERLY KINDNESS; BROTHERLY LOVE - kind'-nes (the King James Version 2 Pet 1:7), or LOVE (the King James Version Rom 12:10; 1 Thess 4:9; Heb 13:1; philadelphia): 1. As Moral Ideal: In the Revised Version (British and Ameri...
[isbe] BROTHER - bruth'-er ('ach; adelphos = kin by birth, from the same parents or parent): Used extensively in both Old Testament and New Testament of other relations and relationships, and expanding under Christ's teaching to in...
[isbe] ALSO - ol'-so: In the Greek kai, when it is equivalent to "also" or "even," is always placed before the word or phrase which it is intended to emphasize (e.g. Acts 12:3; 1 Jn 4:21). Mt 6:14 should therefore read, "Your heave...
[isbe] ADAM IN THE OLD TESTAMENT - (Evolutionary Interpretation): (NOTE: It ought to be superfluous to say that the unfolding or development of the human personality here identified with evolution is something far higher, deeper, a...


(Note: In "active" or "on" condition, the hymns music will be played automatically when mouse hover on a hymns title)
Allah Adalah Kasih [KJ.434]
Andaikan Yesus, Kau Bukan Milikku [KJ.300]
Hai, Siarkan di Gunung [KJ.120]
Tuhan Allah Hadir [KJ.17]
Yang Mahakasih [KJ.381]
[1Jo 4:14] Dear Christian People All, Rejoice
[1Jo 4:14] Dear Christians, One And All, Rejoice
[1Jo 4:16] Come, Ye That Know And Fear The Lord
[1Jo 4:16] God Is Goodness, God Is Love
[1Jo 4:16] God Is Love
[1Jo 4:16] God Is Love, By Him Upholden
[1Jo 4:16] God Is Love; His Mercy Brightens
[1Jo 4:16] Love Came Down At Christmas
[1Jo 4:16] Love Divine, All Loves Excelling
[1Jo 4:16] O Love Divine And Golden
[1Jo 4:16] O Thou Who Gavest Power To Love
[1Jo 4:16] See, Sinners, In The Gospel Glass
[1Jo 4:16] Thou Lord, Art Love, And Everywhere
[1Jo 4:16] Through Love To Light
[1Jo 4:18] O Love That Casts Out Fear
[1Jo 4:18] Valley Of Blessing, The
[1Jo 4:19] Gone From My Heart
[1Jo 4:19] How Can I Help But Love Him?
[1Jo 4:19] I Love Him Because He First Loved Me
[1Jo 4:19] I Love Thee
[1Jo 4:19] I Sought The Lord
[1Jo 4:19] I Will Love Jesus
[1Jo 4:19] I Will Sing Of Jesus’ Love
[1Jo 4:19] My Jesus, I Love Thee
[1Jo 4:19] Never Will I Cease To Love Him
[1Jo 4:19] O How I Love Jesus
[1Jo 4:19] Savior, Teach Me Day By Day
[1Jo 4:19] When The Lord Of Love Was Here

- A couple of texts in the Gospel of John seem to say the same thing as Colossians 1:27 - John 14:20; 15:4. 2 Corinthians 13:5 would also apply. John 17:23 may indicate both the Father and the Son's indwelling the believer: 1...
- The facts of experience do not bear out the conclusion that conscience and the Holy Spirit are the same. Conscience is a faculty of the soul which approves or Condemns according as one has or has not done what he believes to ...
- The whole issue of man's eternal separation from God revolves around God's holiness and man's sinfulness. As Habbakuk. 1:13 states, God's eyes are too pure to behold or approve evil and He cannot look upon sin. This does not ...
- There is more in the statement in Rev. 3:2l than a comparison of our victories with those of Christ It is rather a statement of similarity in the whole sequence of struggle, victory, and reward in the case of the Christian an...
- The word "fear," as used in the Bible, has two distinct meanings--fear in the sense of dread or fright, and fear in the sense of reverence and sincere obedience. It is not easy to determine which meaning is intended for the t...
- First, I think that there is an element of mystery here, and that we will never be able to "put God in a box" to the degree that we have all our questions answered, with all tensions or apparent contradictions resolved. Here,...
- First, I think that there is an element of mystery here, and that we will never be able to "put God in a box" to the degree that we have all our questions answered, with all tensions or apparent contradictions resolved. Here,...
- Love to God is commanded (Deu. 11:1) and is, indeed, the one great commandment (Matt. 22:38). It should be with all the heart, and is better than sacrifice (Deu. 6:5; Mark 12:33). It's produced by the Holy Ghost and engendere...
- God and Christ commanded us to love man. The Saviour gave us an example in doing it (I John 4:7,21; John 13:34; John 15:12; I John 3:23). It is taught by God and is a fruit of the Spirit (I Thes. 4:9; Gal. 5:22; Col. 1:8). Wi...
Sermon Illustrations

The Importance of Love;
He Must Punish Sin;
Why Did Jesus Die?;
Why Did Jesus Die?;
Rosemarys Rag Doll;
1 John 4:20

Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)
Let me share with you a couple of quotations that point out the importance of this book."Deuteronomy is one of the greatest books of the Old Testament. Its significance on the domestic and personal religion of all ages has no...
Because God had initiated love toward Israel by redeeming the nation (v. 6) the people were to respond appropriately by loving Him in return. This is the essence of God's grace. He initiates love, and the only reasonable resp...
First Samuel records David's preparation. Second Samuel records his service namely his reign. In our study of 1 Samuel I mentioned three aspects of his preparation: as shepherd, as courtier, and as "outlaw."In 2 Samuel we see...
The Lord, through His prophet, assured fearful Israel in this segment. Israel need not fear the nations (vv. 1-7) because Yahweh remained committed to His people and would use them to accomplish His purposes in the world (vv....
1:28 The fact that Gabriel greeted Mary as he did and did not greet Zechariah the same way shows Mary's favored position. Gabriel's greeting was customary: Hail! or Greetings! (Gr. chaire). Mary was highly "favored"(Gr. kecha...
John's return to the Word in verse 14 from verse 1 introduces new revelation about Him. Though still part of the prologue, the present section focuses on the Incarnation of the Word.1:14 The Word, who existed equal with God b...
This pericope explains why Jesus must become greater. It also unites several themes that appear through chapter 3. John the Apostle or John the Baptist may be the speaker. This is not entirely clear.3:31-32 The incarnate Son ...
The response of the Samaritans to Jesus was considerably more positive than the response of the Jews had been (1:11; 2:23-25). This would prove true as Jesus' ministry continued to progress.4:39 Harvesting followed the arriva...
Jesus began His instructions with His disciples' most important responsibility.13:31-32 Judas' departure to meet with the chief priests signalled the beginning of the Son of Man's glorification, which John recorded Jesus as c...
At the end of His answer to Peter's question (13:36), Jesus moved the conversation back to the general theme of preparation for His departure (v. 4). He did the same thing after answering Philip's question (v. 8). Obedience t...
This is the first of two incidents taken from Paul's ministry in Ephesus that bracket Luke's description of his general ministry there.19:1-2 Two roads led into Ephesus from the east, and Paul travelled the northern, more dir...
In the foregoing verses Paul spoke of God's plan for creation and the believer. In these verses he showed how central a place His children occupy in the plan He is bringing to completion in history.8:26 Hope helps us in our s...
"Nowhere else in Paul's writings do we find a more concise collection of ethical injunctions. In these five verses are thirteen exhortations ranging from love of Christians to hospitality for strangers. There are no finite ve...
2:19 Because of this union Gentile believers are no longer strangers (foreigners) and aliens respecting Israel. They are fellow citizens with Jewish believers in the church, God's new household (1 Tim. 3:15). Christians are a...
It is not surprising to find that James dealt with physical sickness in this epistle. He referred to the fact that departure from the will of God sets the Christian on a course that, unless corrected, will result in his or he...
To prepare his readers to meet the Lord soon Peter urged them to make the best use of their time now that they understood what he had written about suffering.4:7 Like the other apostles Peter believed the return of Jesus Chri...
I. Introduction: the purpose of the epistle 1:1-4II. Living in the light 1:5-2:29A. God as light 1:5-7B. Conditions for living in the light 1:8-2:291. Renouncing sin 1:8-2:22. Obeying God 2:3-113. Rejecting worldliness 2:12-1...
"The teaching of 1 John is concerned essentially with the conditions for true Christian discipleship. The two main divisions of the letter set out these conditions and exhort the readers to live in the light (1:5-2:29) as chi...
2:28 John introduced the new idea of the believer's meeting Jesus Christ at death or the Rapture to motivate his readers to continue to cultivate intimate fellowship with God. The prospect of this meeting remained the basis f...
"In the second division of this document (3:1-5:13) John concentrates on the developing spiritual life of his followers, rather than sustaining his attack on the heretics, some of whom have already seceded from his church (2:...
This section introduces John's recapitulation and expansion of his exposition of what is necessary for people to have fellowship with God. He changed his figure from God as light to God as the Father of the believer."John beg...
3:19-20 "By this"refers to what John said in verses 17-18. Tangible demonstrations of love for the brethren show the believer's true character. They should be a comfort to us when we feel guilty that we have not met many need...
3:23 Jesus taught the apostles to trust in Him and to love each other. This is the distillation of His teaching. Specifically He taught them to trust in the efficacy of His name when they prayed to His Father (John 14:12-15; ...
"The worldliness' in view here, as in 2:12-17, is primarily a wrong attitude: a determination to be anchored to a society which does not know God (cf. 3:1 . . .). But whereas in the earlier section John shows that worldly att...
4:11 That demonstration of love by God is our model for showing love to others. As God manifested love in (among) us then by sending Jesus Christ, so He manifests His love among us now as we love one another (vv. 12-13).4:12 ...
4:17 Our love becomes complete in the sense that we can now have confidence as we anticipate our day of judgment (i.e., the evaluation of our works at Christ's judgment seat; 1 Cor. 3:12-15; 2 Cor. 5:10). The characteristic o...
4:21 Furthermore, God commanded us to love both Himself and our brothers, not just Himself (2:3; 3:23-24; 5:3). Here is another false claim (cf. 1:6, 8, 10; 2:4, 6, 9, 22; 5:10)."Much verbal expression of devotion for the per...
Here John set out his fifth and final condition for living as children of God (cf. 2:18-29)."We canbelieve, and therefore we shouldmaintain the faith."162In the previous section (4:7-5:4) John wove together the themes of fait...
5:14-15 Prayer is another expression of the believer's trust in Jesus Christ and confidence toward God (cf. 3:21)."Prayer is not a battle, but a response; its power consists in lifting our wills to God, not in trying to bring...
John wrote this epistle to urge his readers to continue to be obedient to God by responding positively to the truth of His revelation. He also wanted them to resist the inroads of false teachers who sought to distort this tru...
22:8 John resumed addressing the reader, which he had not done since 1:1, 4, and 9. He affirmed the angel's words that the prophecy was genuine. He himself had heard and had seen the things that he had recorded (cf. Dan. 8:15...
Expositions Of Holy Scripture (Maclaren)
Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire? who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings? 15. He that walketh righteously, and speaketh uprightly; he that despiseth the gain of oppressions, that shaketh his hands ...
" As He is, so are we in this world.'--1 John 4:17.LARGE truths may be spoken in little words. Profundity is often supposed to be obscurity, but the deepest depth is clear. John, in his gospel and epistles, deals with t...
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.' --1 John 4:18.JOHN has been speaking of boldness, and that naturally suggests its opposite-...
"We love Him, because He first loved us.'--1 John 4:19.Very simple words! but they go down into the depths of God, lifting burdens off the heart of humanity, turning duty into delight, and changing the aspect of all things. H...