Advanced Commentary
Texts -- 2 Kings 15:1-12 (NET)


- 2Ki 15:1-7 -- Azariah's Reign over Judah
- 2Ki 15:8-16 -- Zechariah's Reign over Israel
Bible Dictionary

[ebd] remembered by the Lord. (1.) Son of Jeroboam II., king of Israel. On the death of his father there was an interregnum of ten years, at the end of which he succeeded to the throne, which he occupied only six months, having be...
[nave] ZACHARIAH 1. Son of Jeroboam, and last of the house of Jehu, 2 Kin. 10:30; 14:29; 15:8-12. 2. Grandfather of Hezekiah, 2 Kin. 18:2; 2 Chr. 29:1.
[isbe] ZECHARIAH, BOOK OF - 1. The Prophet 2. His Times and Mission 3. Contents and Analysis 4. The Critical Question Involved 5. The Unity of the Book 6. Conclusion LITERATURE Few books of the Old Testament are as difficult of int...
[isbe] ZECHARIAH (2) - (zekharyah, zekharydhu, "Yah has remembered" (2 Ki 14:29; 15:8-12); Zacharias, the King James Version Zachariah): Son of Jeroboam II, and 14th king of Israel. He was the 4th of the line of Jehu, and reigned s...
[ebd] a contracted form of Azari'ah the Lord is my strength. (1.) One of Amaziah's sons, whom the people made king of Judah in his father's stead (2 Kings 14:21; 2 Chr. 26:1). His long reign of about fifty-two years was "the most ...
[nave] UZZIAH 1. Called Azariah. King of Judah, 2 Kin. 14:21; 15:1, 2; 2 Chr. 26:1, 3. Rebuilds Elath, 2 Kin. 14:22; 2 Chr. 26:2. Reigns righteously, 2 Kin. 15:3; 2 Chr. 26:4, 5. Defeats the Philistines, 2 Chr. 26:6, 7. Takes t...
[isbe] UZZIAH; (AZARIAH) - u-zi'-a, oo-zi'-a (`uzziyah (2 Ki 15:13,30; Hos 1:1; Am 1:1; Zec 14:5), `uzziyahu (2 Ki 15:32,34; Isa 1:1; 6:1; 7:1; 2 Ch 26:1 ff; 27:2); also called `azaryah (2 Ki 14:21; 15:1,7; 1 Ch 3:12), 'azaryahu (2...
[isbe] UZZA; UZZAH - uz'-a, uz'-a ('uzzah (2 Sam 6:6-8), otherwise `uzza' meaning uncertain): (1) One of those who accompanied the ark on its journey from Kiriath-jearim toward David's citadel (2 Sam 6:3-8, "Uzzah" = 1 Ch 13:7-11, ...
[isbe] SHALLUM (2) - (shallum, shallum, "the requited one" (2 Ki 15:10-15)): The 15th king of Israel, and successor of Zechariah, whom he publicly assassinated in the 7th month of his reign. Nothing more is known of Shallum than th...
[ebd] increase of the people. (1.) The son of Nebat (1 Kings 11:26-39), "an Ephrathite," the first king of the ten tribes, over whom he reigned twenty-two years (B.C. 976-945). He was the son of a widow of Zereda, and while still ...
[isbe] JECOLIAH - jek-o-li'-a: 2 Ki 15:2; 2 Ch 26:3 the King James Version; see JECHILIAH; JECHOLIAH.
[ebd] dry. (1.) For Jabesh-Gilead (1 Sam. 11:3,9,10). (2.) The father of Shallum (2 Kings 15:10, 13, 14), who usurped the throne of Israel on the death of Zachariah.
[smith] (dry). Father of Shallum, the fifteenth king of Israel. (2Â Kings 15:10,13,14) Jabesh-gilead, or Jabesh in the territory of Gilead. In its widest sense Gilead included the half tribe of Manasseh, (1Â Chronicles 27:21) as...
[nave] ISRAEL 1. A name given to Jacob, Gen. 32:24-32; 2 Kin. 17:34; Hos. 12:3, 4. 2. A name of the Christ in prophecy, Isa. 49:3. 3. A name given to the descendants of Jacob, a nation. Called also Israelites, and Hebrews, Gen. 4...
[isbe] IBLEAM - ib'-le-am (yibhle`am); A town in the territory of Issachar which was assigned to Manasseh (Josh 17:11). This tribe, however, failed to expel the inhabitants, so the Canaanites continued to dwell in that land (Jdg 1:...
High place
[ebd] an eminence, natural or artificial, where worship by sacrifice or offerings was made (1 Kings 13:32; 2 Kings 17:29). The first altar after the Flood was built on a mountain (Gen. 8:20). Abraham also built an altar on a mount...
[isbe] HOSEA - ho-ze'-a: I. THE PROPHET 1. Name 2. Native Place 3. Date 4. Personal History (Marriage) (1) Allegorical View (2) Literal View II. THE BOOK 1. Style and Scope 2. Historical Background 3. Contents and Divisions (1) Hos...
[isbe] ELIAKIM - e-li'-a-kim ('elyaqim; Eliakeim, "God sets up"): (1) The son of Hilkiah who succeeded Shebna as gorvernor of the palace and "grand vizier" under Hezekiah (Isa 22:20). The functions of his office are seen from the o...
Chronicles, Books of
[ebd] The two books were originally one. They bore the title in the Massoretic Hebrew Dibre hayyamim, i.e., "Acts of the Days." This title was rendered by Jerome in his Latin version "Chronicon," and hence "Chronicles." In the Sep...
[isbe] CHRONOLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT - kro-nol'-o-ji: I. INTRODUCTORY 1. Difficulties of the Subject 2. Plan of Treatment 3. Bible to be Regarded as Highest Authority II. THE AGES BETWEEN THE TESTAMENTS III. PERSIAN PERIOD IV. BA...
[isbe] BEN- - Ben (prefix) (singular ben, "son of"; plural bene, "sons of" = Aramaic bar): This word is used in the singular or plural to express relationship of almost any kind: (1) to a person; as such it is found as part of many...
[smith] (whom the Lord helps) a common name in Hebrew, and especially in the families of the priests of the line of Eleazar, whose name has precisely the same meaning as Azariah. It is nearly identical, and is often confounded, with ...


Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)
I. The reign of Solomon chs. 1-11A. Solomon's succession to David's throne 1:1-2:121. David's declining health 1:1-42. Adonijah's attempt to seize the throne 1:5-533. David's charge to Solomon 2:1-94. David's death 2:10-12B. ...
The second major part of the Book of Kings records the histories of the Northern Kingdom of Israel and the Southern Kingdom of Judah.123During this era of 209 years (931-722 B.C.) the two kingdoms experienced differing relati...
(Continued from notes on 1 Kings)3. Ahaziah's evil reign in Israel -1 Kings 22:51-2 Kings 1:184. Jehoram's evil reign in Israel 2:1-8:155. Jehoram's evil reign in Judah 8:16-246. Ahaziah's evil reign in Judah 8:25-9:29C. The ...
Most Bible students know Azariah by his other name, Uzziah (vv. 13, 30, 32, 34; 2 Chron. 26; Isa. 1:1; Hosea 1:1, Amos 1:1; Zech. 14:5; et al.). His 52-year reign (790-739 B.C.) was longer than any other king of Judah or Isra...
Zechariah reigned only six months (753-752 B.C.) before his successor Shallum assassinated him. Zechariah was the fourth and last king of Jehu's dynasty (v. 12; cf. 10:30). The fact that the people made Shallum king after he ...
Ackroyd, Peter R. "An Interpretation of the Babylonian Exile: A Study of 2 Kings 20, Isaiah 38-39."Scottish Journal of Theology27:3:(August 1974):329-52.Albright, William F. The Archaeology of Palestine. 1949. Revised ed. Pel...
The Chronicler gave us much more information about Uzziah than we have in Kings (2 Kings 15:1-7). Uzziah ("Yahweh is strong") was evidently the king's throne name and Azariah ("Yahweh helps") his personal name.Uzziah, as his ...
6:1 Why did Isaiah date this passage since he did not date most of his others?70Probably he did so because King Uzziah had been the best king of Judah since Solomon. Nevertheless during the last part of his reign he suffered ...
The Lord used Hosea's family members as signs to communicate His message of coming judgment on Israel.1:2 At the beginning of Hosea's ministry, Yahweh commanded him to take a wife of harlotry and to have children of harlotry....
This section focuses on Israel's domestic sins.7:1 The Lord longed to heal Israel, but when He thought about doing so new evidences of her sins presented themselves. The prophets He sent to them were mainly ineffective in ste...
6:1 The prophet began this message by announcing coming woe (Heb. hoy, cf. 5:18). Those who felt at ease in Zion (Jerusalem) and secure in Samaria were the subjects of his message. Those who felt at ease in Samaria, partially...
7:7 Amos saw a third vision. The Lord was standing beside a vertical wall with a plumb line in His hand. A plumb line was a string with a weight on the end. People used it, and still use it, to determine if a vertical structu...
23:1 As we have seen, there were three groups of people present in the temple courtyard. These were the disciples of Jesus, His critics, namely the various groups of Israel's leaders, and the crowds of ordinary Israelites. Je...