Advanced Commentary

Texts -- 2 Kings 2:15-25 (NET)

2:15 When the members of the prophetic guild in Jericho , who were standing at a distance , saw him do this, they said , “The spirit that energized Elijah rests upon Elisha .” They went to meet him and bowed down to the ground before him. 2:16 They said to him, “Look , there are fifty capable men with your servants . Let them go and look for your master , for the wind sent from the Lord may have carried him away and dropped him on one of the hills or in one of the valleys .” But Elisha replied , “Don’t send them out .” 2:17 But they were so insistent , he became embarrassed . So he said , “Send them out .” They sent the fifty men out and they looked for three days , but could not find Elijah. 2:18 When they came back , Elisha was staying in Jericho . He said to them, “Didn’t I tell you, ‘Don’t go ’?”
Elisha Demonstrates His Authority
2:19 The men of the city said to Elisha , “Look , the city has a good location , as our master can see . But the water is bad and the land doesn’t produce crops .” 2:20 Elisha said , “Get me a new jar and put some salt in it.” So they got it. 2:21 He went out to the spring and threw the salt in . Then he said , “This is what the Lord says , ‘I have purified this water . It will no longer cause death or fail to produce crops .” 2:22 The water has been pure to this very day , just as Elisha prophesied . 2:23 He went up from there to Bethel . As he was traveling up the road , some young boys came out of the city and made fun of him, saying , “Go on up , baldy ! Go on up , baldy !” 2:24 When he turned around and saw them, he called God’s judgment down on them. Two female bears came out of the woods and ripped forty-two of the boys to pieces. 2:25 From there he traveled to Mount Carmel and then back to Samaria .



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