Advanced Commentary
Texts -- 2 Peter 1:8-21 (NET)


- 2Pe 1:12-21 -- Salvation Based on the Word of God
Bible Dictionary

[nave] ZEAL, Religious Josh. 24:15, 16; 2 Sam. 24:24, 25; 1 Kin. 9:4; 1 Kin. 15:14; 1 Chr. 29:17; 2 Chr. 15:15; 2 Chr. 19:3; Ezra 7:23; Job 16:19; Psa. 42:1, 2; Psa. 60:4; Psa. 96:2, 3, 10; Psa. 119:139; Prov. 11:30; Eccl. 9:10; ...
Transfiguration, the
[ebd] of our Lord on a "high mountain apart," is described by each of the three evangelists (Matt. 17:1-8; Mark 9:2-8; Luke 9:28-36). The fullest account is given by Luke, who, no doubt, was informed by Peter, who was present on t...
[isbe] TRANSFIGURATION - trans-fig-o-ra'-shun (metamorphoomai, "to be transformed"): Used only with reference to the transfiguration of Christ (Mt 17:2; Mk 9:2) and the change wrought in the Christian personality through fellowship...
[nave] TRANSFIGURATION Of Moses, Ex. 34:29-35. Of Jesus, Matt. 17:2-9; Mark 9:2-10; Luke 9:29-36; 2 Pet. 1:16-18. Of Stephen, Acts 6:15.
Star, Morning
[ebd] a name figuratively given to Christ (Rev. 22:16; comp. 2 Pet. 1:19). When Christ promises that he will give the "morning star" to his faithful ones, he "promises that he will give to them himself, that he will give to them h...
[ebd] invariably in the New Testament denotes that definite collection of sacred books, regarded as given by inspiration of God, which we usually call the Old Testament (2 Tim. 3:15, 16; John 20:9; Gal. 3:22; 2 Pet. 1:20). It was ...
[isbe] REVELATION, 3-4 - III. The Modes of Revelation. 1. Modes of Revelation: Theophany may be taken as the typical form of "external manifestation"; but by its side may be ranged all of those mighty works by which God makes Himse...
[ebd] (Heb. nabi, from a root meaning "to bubble forth, as from a fountain," hence "to utter", comp. Ps. 45:1). This Hebrew word is the first and the most generally used for a prophet. In the time of Samuel another word, ro'eh, "s...
[nave] PETER Called also Simon Bar-jona and Cephas, Matt. 16:16-19; Mark 3:16; John 1:42. A fisherman, Matt. 4:18; Luke 5:1-7; John 21:3. Call of, Matt. 4:18-20; Mark 1:16-18; Luke 5:1-11. His wife's mother healed, Matt. 8:14; M...
[isbe] PETER, SIMON - pe'-ter, si'-mon): 1. Name and Early Career 2. First Appearance in Gospel History 3. Life-Story (1) First Period (2) Second Period 4. Character 5. Writings (1) First Epistle (2) Second Epistle 6. Theology (1) ...
[smith] The following is a brief outline of the contents of this epistle: The customary opening salutation is followed by an enumeration of Christian blessings and exhortation to Christian duties. (2Â Peter 1:1-13) Referring then t...
[isbe] PAROUSIA - pa-roo'-zhi-a: I. THE APOSTOLIC DOCTRINE 1. Terms 2. Data and Sources 3. Consistency 4. Meaning of the Symbolism II. THE TEACHING OF JESUS 1. Critical Problems 2. Summary 3. Fall of Jerusalem 4. Time III. JOHN'S E...
[nave] MINISTER, a sacred teacher. Index of Sub-topics Miscellany of Minor Sub-topics; Call of; Character and Qualifications of; Charge Delivered to; Courage of; Duties of; Duties of the Church to; Emoluments of; Faithful, Instanc...
Jesus, The Christ
[nave] JESUS, THE CHRIST. Index of Sub-topics History of; Miscellaneous Facts Concerning; Unclassified Scriptures Relating to; Ascension of; Atonement by; Attributes of; Compassion of; Confessing; Creator; Death of; Design of His...
[isbe] INSPIRATION, 1-7 - in-spi-ra'-shun: 1. Meaning of Terms 2. Occurrences in the Bible 3. Consideration of Important Passages (1) 2 Timothy 3:16 (2) 2 Peter 1:19-21 (3) John 10:34 f 4. Christ's Declaration That Scripture Must B...
Holy Ghost
[ebd] the third Person of the adorable Trinity. His personality is proved (1) from the fact that the attributes of personality, as intelligence and volition, are ascribed to him (John 14:17, 26; 15:26; 1 Cor. 2:10, 11; 12:11). He ...
[ebd] Bible, the English form of the Greek name Biblia, meaning "books," the name which in the fifth century began to be given to the entire collection of sacred books, the "Library of Divine Revelation." The name Bible was adopte...
[isbe] BARREN; BARRENNESS - bar'-en, bar'-en-nes tsiyah; melehah; shakhol; `aqar; steiros; argos): (1) Of land that bears no crop, either (a) because it is naturally poor and sterile: tsiyah "dry" (Joel 2:20), melechah, "salt" (Job...
[isbe] ASTRONOMY, I - as-tron'-omi: I. THE HEAVENLY BODIES 1. The Ordinances of Heaven 2. The Sun (1) The Names for the Sun (2) The "City of the Sun" (3) The Greater Light-Giver (4) The Purpose of the Sun (5) The Sun as a Type 3. T...
[isbe] ABOUND; ABUNDANCE; ABUNDANT; ABUNDANTLY - a-bound', a-bun'-dans, a-bun'-dant, a-bun'-dant-li: These words represent in the English Versions of the Bible a considerable variety of different words in the Hebrew and Greek origi...


(Note: In "active" or "on" condition, the hymns music will be played automatically when mouse hover on a hymns title)
Berkumandang Suara dari Seberang [KJ.425] ( Send the light / There's a Call Comes Ringing )
Dalam Rumah Yang Gembira [KJ.447]
Kita Harus Membawa Berita [KJ.426]
Kristus, Penolong Umat yang Percaya [KJ.254]
O Hari Istirahat [KJ.20] ( O Day of Rest and Gladness )
SabdaMu Abadi [KJ.50a] ( Lord, Thy Word Abideth )
SabdaMu Abadi [KJ.50b] ( Lord, Thy Word Abideth )
Setiap Pagi RahmatMu [KJ.321]
T'rang Bintang Fajar Berseri [KJ.139]
Tak Kita Menyerahkan [KJ.54]
Terbitlah Bintang Timur [KJ.83]
Ya Sumber Kasih, Roh Kudus [KJ.55]
[2Pe 1:11] No King But Christ
[2Pe 1:11] Singing For Jesus, Our Savior And King
[2Pe 1:19] At Length There Dawns The Glorious Day
[2Pe 1:19] Brighter Dawn Is Breaking, A
[2Pe 1:19] Dawn Is Sprinkling In The East, The
[2Pe 1:19] Eternal Glory Of The Sky
[2Pe 1:19] Gloomy Night Will Soon Be Past, The
[2Pe 1:19] Sovereign Of Worlds! Display Thy Power
[2Pe 1:19] We Hail The Rising Day Star
[2Pe 1:19] We Have A Sure Prophetic Word

- I believe these passages do refer to the coming kingdom of which some of the disciples would get a preview in the transfiguration that immediately followed. But this does not negate the reality of a future millennial reign of...
- What we see going on today in the charismatic movement needs to be critiqued on the basis of Scripture and never by our own experiences which are never reliable unless judged by the Word of God. We are so easily deceived and ...
- "What symbols are used for both Christ and his people?" is a frequent question. There are six symbols used for both Christ and his people.1. A BRANCH. For Christ, in Isa. 11:1-4, "A branch out of his roots shall bear fruit," ...
- Each of the gospels get its name from the names of the human authors who wrote them, of course, God being the One who enable them to write their message under His inspiration (2 Pet. 1:21). All of these men were either an apo...
- I won't be able to answer your question fully (because it is, as you have acknowledged, a vast topic), but here is a start.One of the stock arguments of those who reject the authority of God's Wordis: "That's just your ...
- The question is asked, "How can I know that the Bible is inspired?"Even in this late day, when the number of Christians has multiplied from a mere handful to four hundred and seventy millions, or fully one-fourth of the entir...
Sermon Illustrations

2 Peter 1:1-11;
God Never
Christian Fruit;
Bearing Fruit;
What is Fruit?;
Why Would Christians Choose To Sin?;
2 Peter 1:11;
Well Pleased;
Names of Jesus;

Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)
The messianic psalms are perhaps the most commonly known type. They predict the coming of a messiah. Franz Delitzsch broke these psalms down into five kinds. The first is the purely prophetic, which predicts that a future Dav...
The next five sections (vv. 1-4, 5-8, 9-11, 12-13, and 14-18) continue the theme of Judah's guilt from the previous chapter. These pericopes have obvious connections with one another, but they were evidently originally separa...
11:1 The Spirit next lifted Ezekiel up in his vision and transported him to the east (main) gate of the temple courtyards where God's glory had moved (cf. 10:19). There the prophet saw 25 of the governing leaders of the peopl...
2:17-18 Daniel informed his three friends of the situation so they could pray together about it (cf. Phil. 4:6-7)."It is the first instance of united prayer recorded in Scripture; and the fact that these children of the capti...
Having referred to the words of the former prophets (v. 7), Zechariah now summarized them as an exhortation to his own generation of Israelites.7:8-10 Zechariah received another message from the Lord related to this inquiry. ...
This title verse explains what follows as the oracle of Yahweh's word that He sent to Israel through Malachi. The Hebrew word massa', translated "oracle,"occurs 27 times in the Prophets (e.g., Isa. 13:1 Nah. 1:1; Hab. 1:1; Ze...
The first sentence in this pericope (section) serves as a title for the section, as the sentence in verse 1 did for 1:1-17. Matthew recorded the supernatural birth of Jesus to demonstrate further His qualification as Israel's...
Jesus revealed next that some of the disciples whom He addressed would not die until they saw Him coming in His kingdom. This prediction may at first appear to be very similar to the one in 10:23. However, that verse refers t...
The Transfiguration confirmed three important facts. First, it confirmed to the disciples that the kingdom was indeed future. Second, it confirmed to them that Jesus was indeed the divine Messiah. Third, it confirmed to them ...
Jesus now proceeded to explain to His disciples that suffering would not only be His destiny but theirs too.8:34 Jesus addressed the crowds as well as the disciples because the requirements are the same for anyone who contemp...
Jesus proceeded to explain the consequences for disciples who choose to follow Him faithfully in view of His rejection.9:23 The "all"must be the disciples in view of the context (v. 18). Coming after Jesus means becoming a di...
The effect of Luke's omission of the conversation Jesus had with the disciples about Elijah is clear. This healing appears as the work of the Son of God whom the Transfiguration presented."It is the Jesus who has been transfi...
Luke omitted Jesus' warnings about false prophets that Matthew and Mark recorded (Matt. 24:23-28; Mark 13:21-23). Perhaps he did this because he had included similar warnings in his account of Jesus' earlier teachings (17:21-...
Jesus now proceeded to use the miracle that He had just performed as the background for important instruction. John presented Jesus doing this many times in this Gospel. The repetition of this pattern in the epilogue is an ev...
4:23-28 After hearing the apostle's report, the Christians sought the Lord (Gr. Despota, sovereign ruler) in prayer."Three movements may be discerned in this prayer of the early church: (1) God is sovereign (v. 24). (2) God's...
8:12 Because of what God has done for us (vv. 1-11), believers have an obligation to respond appropriately. However we can only do so with the Spirit's help. Paul stated only the negative side of our responsibility here. He c...
3:12 Paul had said that he had not already grasped the intimate knowledge of His Savior that he sought to obtain (v. 10). He did not want his readers to understand him as saying that his conversion brought him into the intima...
3:22 Paul probably made this section longer than the preceding two because he sent this epistle to Colosse with the Epistle to Philemon. Onesimus, Philemon's run-away slave, carried them.166Moreover there may well have been m...
Paul wrote these positive directions to enable Timothy to overcome the influences of the ascetic apostates that threatened the church at Ephesus. He also wrote to remind him of the importance of his personal life and public m...
3:14-15 In his personal life Timothy should continue living as he had rather than turning aside to follow the example of the evil men Paul just mentioned. Timothy's conduct grew out of what he had learned that gave him person...
The writer began his epistle with an affirmation of Jesus Christ's greatness to introduce his readers to his subject. This section is one sentence in the Greek text. It contrasts God's old revelation with the new, specificall...
The writer now focused on the issue of sacrifice."The argument moves a stage further as the author turns specifically to what Christ has done. The sacrifices of the old covenant were ineffectual. But in strong contrast Christ...
Peter reminded his readers that the prophets had predicted that Jesus Christ's life, as their own lives, would include suffering followed by glory. He mentioned this to encourage them to realize that their experience was not ...
This epistle claims that the Apostle Peter wrote it (1:1). It also claims to follow a former letter by Peter (3:1) that appears to be a reference to 1 Peter, though Peter may have been referring to a letter we no longer have....
Peter wrote this epistle, as he did 1 Peter, to establish believers in their faith. He wrote both letters in obedience to Jesus' instructions to him to "strengthen your brothers"(Luke 22:32). Both epistles contain reminders o...
I. Introduction 1:1-2II. The condition of the Christian 1:3-11A. The believer's resources 1:3-4B. The believer's needs 1:5-9C. The believer's adequacy 1:10-11III. The authority for the Christian 1:12-21A. The need for a remin...
Peter began his second epistle as he did to introduce himself to his readers and to lay a foundation for what follows.1:1 The writer could hardly have stated his identity more clearly than he did in this verse. "Simon"was Pet...
"The first chapter vividly portrays the nature of the Christian life with its challenge to spiritual growth and maturity, built on a sure foundation. The second part of the epistle is a ringing polemic against the false teach...
Having established the believer's basic adequacy through God's power in him and God's promises to him, Peter next reminded his readers of their responsibility to cultivate their own Christian growth. He did so to correct any ...
Peter concluded this section on the nature of the Christian by assuring his readers that simply practicing what he had just advocated would prepare them adequately for the future. He did this to help them realize that they ha...
Peter next returned to the subject of God's promises (v. 4). He developed the importance of the Scriptures as the resource of the believer. He did so to enable his readers to appreciate their value and to motivate them to dra...
Peter explained that his reminder came from one who was an eyewitness of Jesus Christ during His earthly ministry. He did so to heighten respect for his words in his readers' minds. This section begins Peter's defense of the ...
Peter proceeded to emphasize that the witness of the apostles, as well as the witness of Scripture, came from God. He did this to help his readers see that their choice boiled down to accepting God's Word or the word of men w...
Peter next warned his readers of the false teachers who presented a message contradictory to that of the apostles to help them avoid their influence. In chapter 1 Peter stressed the importance of building oneself up spiritual...
3:1 Peter's first letter was most likely 1 Peter. He implied that he wrote this letter soon after the earlier one. This second epistle, he said, went to the same audience in northern Asia Minor (cf. 1 Pet. 1:1), primarily Gen...
Peter warned his readers about the activity of mockers preceding the Lord's return to enable them to deal with this test of their faith."Peter finally brings together two of the most important issues in the letter: the false ...
Next Peter outlined what will surely happen so his readers would understand what will take place.3:7 God has given orders that the present heavens and earth (vv. 5-6) will experience another judgment yet future. Then God will...
Peter drew application for his readers and focused their attention on how they should live presently in view of the future.3:11 Peter believed that an understanding of the future should motivate the believer to live a holy li...
Peter concluded his epistle with a summary of what he had said and a doxology. He did so to condense his teaching for his readers and to redirect their living to glorify God.3:17 Much of what Peter had written was warning tha...
Alford, Henry. Alford's Greek Testament. 4 vols. New ed. London: Rivingtons, 1884.Bailey, Mark L., and Thomas L. Constable. The New Testament Explorer. Nashville: Word Publishing Co., 1999.Barbieri, Louis A. First and Second ...
This section introduces John's recapitulation and expansion of his exposition of what is necessary for people to have fellowship with God. He changed his figure from God as light to God as the Father of the believer."John beg...
Jude's introductory words were polite (cf. 2 Peter 1:12) but also a reminder that what he now said was fact beyond dispute. His readers knew these things "once for all"because God had delivered them "once for all"in Scripture...
Expositions Of Holy Scripture (Maclaren)
An entrance my decease.'--2 Peter 1:11-15.I DO not like, and do not often indulge in, the practice of taking fragments of Scripture for a text, but I venture to isolate these two words, because they correspond to one a...