Advanced Commentary
Texts -- John 21:20-25 (NET)


- Joh 21:20-23 -- Peter and the Disciple Jesus Loved
- Joh 21:24-25 -- A Final Note
Bible Dictionary

[isbe] TRICLINIUM - tri-klin'-ti-um (Latin from Greek triklinion, from tri and kline, "a couch"): A couch for reclining at meals among the ancient Romans, arranged along three sides of a square, the fourth side being left open for ...
[isbe] ROLL (SCROLL) - rol: The usual form of book in Biblical times. It had been in use in Egypt for perhaps 2,000 years at the time when, according to the Pentateuch, the earliest Biblical books were written in this form. The Bab...
[nave] PRESUMPTION. Ex. 5:2; Ex. 14:11, 12; Ex. 17:7; Num. 15:30; Num. 16:41; Num. 21:5; Deut. 29:19, 20; 1 Kin. 20:28; 1 Kin. 22:24; Job 15:25; Psa. 19:13; Psa. 131:1; Prov. 18:12, 13; Prov. 25:6, 7; Isa. 5:18-25; Isa. 10:15; Isa...
[nave] PETER Called also Simon Bar-jona and Cephas, Matt. 16:16-19; Mark 3:16; John 1:42. A fisherman, Matt. 4:18; Luke 5:1-7; John 21:3. Call of, Matt. 4:18-20; Mark 1:16-18; Luke 5:1-11. His wife's mother healed, Matt. 8:14; M...
[isbe] PETER, SIMON - pe'-ter, si'-mon): 1. Name and Early Career 2. First Appearance in Gospel History 3. Life-Story (1) First Period (2) Second Period 4. Character 5. Writings (1) First Epistle (2) Second Epistle 6. Theology (1) ...
[smith] Our information on the subject of meals is but scanty. The early Hebrews do not seem to have given special names to their several meals, for the terms rendered "dine" and "dinner" in the Authorized Version ((Genesis 43:16; Pr...
[isbe] LANGUAGE OF THE NEW TESTAMENT - lan'-gwaj (Greek). See ARAMAIC LANGUAGE also: I. THE VERNACULAR "KOINE" THE LANGUAGE OF THE NEW TESTAMENT 1. The Old Point of View 2. The Revolution 3. The Proof of the New Position (1) The Pa...
[nave] JOHN 1. The Baptist: Prophecies concerning, Isa. 40:3; Mal. 4:5, 6; Luke 1:11-17. Miraculous birth of, Luke 1:11-20, 57-65. Dwells in the desert, Matt. 3:1; Mark 1:4; Luke 1:80; 3:2, 3. Mission of, Matt. 17:11; Mark 1:2-8...
Jesus, The Christ
[nave] JESUS, THE CHRIST. Index of Sub-topics History of; Miscellaneous Facts Concerning; Unclassified Scriptures Relating to; Ascension of; Atonement by; Attributes of; Compassion of; Confessing; Creator; Death of; Design of His...
[isbe] JOHN, GOSPEL OF - || I. INTRODUCTORY 1. Scope of Gospel 2. State of Opinion as to Date of Appearance, etc. II. EXTERNAL EVIDENCE fOR THE FOURTH GOSPEL 1. At the End of 2nd Century 2. Irenaeus--Theophilus 3. Middle of 2nd Cen...
[smith] This Gospel was probably written at Ephesus about A.D. 78. (Canon Cook places it toward the close of John?s life, A.D. 90-100. --ED.) The Gospel was obviously addressed primarily to Christians, not to heathen. There can be li...
[isbe] JESUS CHRIST, 4F - F. THE RESURRECTION AND ASCENSION The Resurrection a Fundamental Fact: The resurrection of Jesus, with its completion in the ascension, setting the seal of the Father's acceptance on His finished work on e...
[isbe] JESUS CHRIST, 4A - PART III. COURSE OF THE EARTHLY LIFE OF JESUS 1. Divisions of the History: The wonderful story of the life of the world's Redeemer which we are now to endeavor to trace falls naturally into several divisio...
Galilee, Sea of
[ebd] (Matt. 4:18; 15:29), is mentioned in the Bible under three other names. (1.) In the Old Testament it is called the "sea of Chinnereth" (Num. 34:11; Josh. 12:3; 13:27), as is supposed from its harp-like shape. (2). The "lake ...
[nave] GALILEE 1. The northern district of Palestine. A city of refuge in, Josh. 20:7; 21:32; 1 Chr. 6:76. Cities in, given to Hiram, 1 Kin. 9:11, 12. Taken by king of Assyria, 2 Kin. 15:29. Prophecy concerning, Isa. 9:1; Matt. ...
[nave] CURIOSITY. Prov. 27:20; Eccl. 7:21 Instances of Of Eve, Gen. 3:6. Of Abraham, to know whether God would destroy the righteous in Sodom, Gen. 18:23-32. Of Jacob, to know the name of the angel, Gen. 32:29. Of the Israeli...
[isbe] CHRONOLOGY OF THE NEW TESTAMENT - || I. CHRONOLOGY OF THE LIFE OF JESUS 1. Birth of Jesus (1) Death of Herod (2) Census of Quirinius (3) Star of the Magi (4) Course of Abijah (5) Day and Month (6) Summary 2. Baptism of Jesus...
[isbe] CHRIST, THE EXALTATION OF - egz-ol-ta'-shun: I. THE RESURRECTION 1. Its Glorification of Christ 2. Resurrection Body--Identity, Change, Present Locality 3. The Agent of the Resurrection II. ASCENSION OF OUR LORD 1. Its Actua...
[isbe] BREAST - brest: Signifying the front view of the bust in humans and the corresponding portion of the body in animals. chazeh, occurs in Ex 29:26,27; Lev 7:30,31,34; 8:29; 10:14,15; Nu 6:20; 18:18; and chadhi, in Dan 2:32. sh...
[nave] BREAST parts of a sacrifice: Ex. 29:26, 27; Lev. 7:30, 30, 31, 34; 8:29; 9:20, 21; 10:14, 15; Num. 6:20; 18:18 area of the lap, chest: Jer. 31:19; Ezek. 21:12; Luke 18:13; 23:48; John 13:25; 21:20; Rev. 1:13; 15:6 of women: ...
[isbe] BODY, SPIRITUAL - spir'-it-u-al: Paul describes the body after the resurrection as a spiritual body (soma psuchikon) and contrasts it with the natural (psychical body, soma pneumatikon, 1 Cor 15:44). Our present natural body...
[isbe] ABRAHAM'S BOSOM - booz'-um (kolpos Abraam; kolpoi Abraam): Figurative. The expression occurs in Lk 16:22,23, in the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus, to denote the place of repose to which Lazarus was carried after his de...


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- Ten: (1) Mark 16:9-11; John 20:11-18; (2) Matt 28:8-10; Mark 16:8; Luke 24:9-11; (3) Luke 24:34; (4) Mark 16:12,13; Luke 24:13-35; (5) Mark 16:14; Luke 24:36-49; John 20:19-23; (6) John 20:24-29; (7) Matt 28:16-20; Mark 16:15...
- Each of the gospels get its name from the names of the human authors who wrote them, of course, God being the One who enable them to write their message under His inspiration (2 Pet. 1:21). All of these men were either an apo...
- This passage in John 21:20,22 is frequently misunderstood. John alone of all the disciples survived the destruction of Jerusalem and so witnessed the beginning of that series of events which belong to what are known as the "l...
- Jack Hyles is a godly man, deeply loves the Lord, and is solid on the Word of God. All that is truly wonderful! I myself am so committed to Scripture that I cry out almost weekly about those men in pulpits who play games and ...
Sermon Illustrations


Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)
The calling of these four men shows Jesus' authority over people. The response of these disciples was appropriate in view of their summons by the King. They obeyed "immediately"(vv. 20, 22).4:18-20 The Hebrews referred to lak...
Jesus evidently gave this prediction before He and His disciples left the upper room (cf. Luke 21:31-38; John 13:36-38). Matthew and Mark probably placed it where they did in their Gospels to stress the gravity of the discipl...
The writer of this Gospel did not identify himself as such in the text. This is true of all the Gospel evangelists. Nevertheless there is evidence within this Gospel as well as in the writings of the church fathers that the w...
A few scholars believe John could have written this book as early as 45 A.D., the date when Saul of Tarsus' persecutions drove many Christians out of Jerusalem (cf. Acts 8:1-4).9There are two main problems with such an early ...
I. Prologue 1:1-18A. The preincarnate Word 1:1-5B. The witness of John the Baptist 1:6-8C. The appearance of the Light 1:9-13D. The incarnation of the Word 1:14-18II. Jesus' public ministry 1:19-12:50A. The prelude to Jesus' ...
John now presented evidence that Jesus knew people as no others did and that many believed in His name (2:23). This constitutes further witness that He is the Son of God. John summarized several conversations that Jesus had w...
The textual authenticity of this pericope is highly questionable. Most ancient Greek manuscripts dating before the sixth century do not contain it. However, over 900 ancient manuscripts do contain it including the important e...
Jesus had spoken only briefly about His betrayal until now (cf. 6:70; 13:10, 18). Now He gave the Twelve more specific information.13:21-22 The prospect of His imminent betrayal and death upset Jesus visibly (Gr. etarachthe, ...
As the other evangelists, John alternated his account of the events surrounding Jesus' religious trial. He described what was happening in the courtyard (vv. 15-18), then what was happening inside (vv. 19-24), then what happe...
John took his readers back to the courtyard where Peter stood warming himself with the high priest's servants and officers (v. 18).18:25 Under pressure again, Peter denied for a second time that he was one of Jesus' disciples...
This pericope is unique to the fourth Gospel.19:31 The "day of preparation"was Friday, the day before the Sabbath (Saturday, cf. v. 14; Mark 15:42). The Jews considered sundown the beginning of a new day. In this case the new...
This is the first of four of Jesus' post-resurrection appearances that John included in his Gospel.Jesus' Post-resurrection Appearances627Easter morningto Mary Magdalene (Mark 16:9-11; John 20:10-18)to other women (Matt. 28:9...
This Gospel began with a theological prologue (1:1-18). It ends with a practical epilogue. John concluded his narrative designed to bring unbelievers to faith in Jesus Christ in chapter 20. Chapter 21 contains instruction for...
21:1 John recorded still another post-resurrection appearance of Jesus to His disciples. It undoubtedly occurred during the 32-day period between Thomas' confession (20:28) and Jesus' ascension (Acts 1:9). Exactly when is uni...
Jesus now proceeded to use the miracle that He had just performed as the background for important instruction. John presented Jesus doing this many times in this Gospel. The repetition of this pattern in the epilogue is an ev...
Some commentators refer to this ending as a colophon.690However, it is more similar to a postscript because it contains only hints of the writer's identity. Mainly it claims that this Gospel is a reliable though limited recor...
Allen, Ronald B. "Affirming Right-of-Way on Ancient Paths."Bibliotheca Sacra153:609 (January-March 1996):3-11.Ante-Nicene Christian Library: Translations of the Writings of the Fathers. Edited by Alexander Roberts and James D...
Paul had not finished all he wanted to say about money, so he returned to that subject briefly with a word of instruction for the wealthy Ephesian believers. He gave these directions to balance what he had said earlier in thi...
To encourage Timothy further to endure hardship Paul cited a commonly accepted and used quotation that encouraged believers to remain faithful to their Christian profession (cf. 1 Tim. 1:15; 3:1; 4:9; Titus 3:8). It may have ...
Expositions Of Holy Scripture (Maclaren)
Peter, seeing him, saith to Jesus, Lord, and what shall this man do! Jesus saith unto him, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? Follow thou Me.'--John 21:21-22.WE have seen in a former sermon that the ch...