Advanced Commentary

Texts -- Numbers 3:1-37 (NET)

The Sons of Aaron
3:1 Now these are the records of Aaron and Moses when the Lord spoke with Moses on Mount Sinai . 3:2 These are the names of the sons of Aaron : Nadab , the firstborn , and Abihu , Eleazar , and Ithamar . 3:3 These are the names of the sons of Aaron , the anointed priests , whom he consecrated to minister as priests . 3:4 Nadab and Abihu died before the Lord when they offered strange fire before the Lord in the wilderness of Sinai , and they had no children . So Eleazar and Ithamar ministered as priests in the presence of Aaron their father .
The Assignment of the Levites
3:5 The Lord spoke to Moses : 3:6 “Bring the tribe of Levi near , and present them before Aaron the priest , that they may serve him. 3:7 They are responsible for his needs and the needs of the whole community before the tent of meeting , by attending to the service of the tabernacle . 3:8 And they are responsible for all the furnishings of the tent of meeting , and for the needs of the Israelites , as they serve in the tabernacle . 3:9 You are to assign the Levites to Aaron and his sons ; they will be assigned exclusively to him out of all the Israelites . 3:10 So you are to appoint Aaron and his sons , and they will be responsible for their priesthood ; but the unauthorized person who comes near must be put to death .” 3:11 Then the Lord spoke to Moses : 3:12 “Look , I myself have taken the Levites from among the Israelites instead of every firstborn who opens the womb among the Israelites . So the Levites belong to me, 3:13 because all the firstborn are mine. When I destroyed all the firstborn in the land of Egypt , I set apart for myself all the firstborn in Israel , both man and beast . They belong to me. I am the Lord .”
The Numbering of the Levites
3:14 Then the Lord spoke to Moses in the wilderness of Sinai : 3:15 “Number the Levites by their clans and their families ; every male from a month old and upward you are to number .” 3:16 So Moses numbered them according to the word of the Lord , just as he had been commanded .
The Summary of Families
3:17 These were the sons of Levi by their names : Gershon , Kohath , and Merari . 3:18 These are the names of the sons of Gershon by their families : Libni and Shimei . 3:19 The sons of Kohath by their families were: Amram , Izhar , Hebron , and Uzziel . 3:20 The sons of Merari by their families were Mahli and Mushi . These are the families of the Levites by their clans .
The Numbering of the Gershonites
3:21 From Gershon came the family of the Libnites and the family of the Shimeites ; these were the families of the Gershonites . 3:22 Those of them who were numbered , counting every male from a month old and upward , were 7,500 . 3:23 The families of the Gershonites were to camp behind the tabernacle toward the west . 3:24 Now the leader of the clan of the Gershonites was Eliasaph son of Lael . 3:25 And the responsibilities of the Gershonites in the tent of meeting included the tabernacle , the tent with its covering , the curtain at the entrance of the tent of meeting , 3:26 the hangings of the courtyard , the curtain at the entrance to the courtyard that surrounded the tabernacle and the altar , and their ropes , plus all the service connected with these things.
The Numbering of the Kohathites
3:27 From Kohath came the family of the Amramites , the family of the Izharites , the family of the Hebronites , and the family of the Uzzielites ; these were the families of the Kohathites . 3:28 Counting every male from a month old and upward , there were 8,600 . They were responsible for the care of the sanctuary . 3:29 The families of the Kohathites were to camp on the south side of the tabernacle . 3:30 Now the leader of the clan of the families of the Kohathites was Elizaphan son of Uzziel . 3:31 Their responsibilities included the ark , the table , the lampstand , the altars , and the utensils of the sanctuary with which they ministered , the curtain , and all their service . 3:32 Now the head of all the Levitical leaders was Eleazar son of Aaron the priest . He was appointed over those who were responsible for the sanctuary .
The Numbering of Merari
3:33 From Merari came the family of the Mahlites and the family of the Mushites ; these were the families of Merari . 3:34 Those of them who were numbered , counting every male from a month old and upward , were 6,200 . 3:35 Now the leader of the clan of the families of Merari was Zuriel son of Abihail . These were to camp on the north side of the tabernacle . 3:36 The appointed responsibilities of the Merarites included the frames of the tabernacle , its crossbars , its posts , its sockets , its utensils , plus all the service connected with these things, 3:37 and the pillars of the courtyard all around , with their sockets , their pegs , and their ropes .



Bible Dictionary




Sermon Illustrations

The Structure of the Tabernacle


Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)

  • Jacob blessed all 12 of his sons and foretold what would become of each of them and their descendants. He disqualified Reuben, Simeon, and Levi from leadership and gave that blessing to Judah. He granted the double portion to...
  • The writer gave the credentials of God and His representatives, Moses and Aaron, in these verses.6:2-9 God explained to Moses that He would indeed deliver Israel out of Egypt in spite of the discouragement that Moses had enco...
  • ". . . the slaying of the first-born is both the culmination of the plague narrative and the beginning of the passover tradition. Chapter 11 as a literary unit, therefore, points both backward and forward."187Evidently Moses ...
  • This section is somewhat repetitive, but the emphasis is on the Lord's right to the first-born in Israel and how the Israelites were to acknowledge that right. The repetition stresses its importance.13:1-2 "Every"refers to th...
  • The Levites were Moses' closest kinsmen. Perhaps it was for this reason, as well as their loyalty to the Lord, that they sided with Moses. Their decision and obedience (v. 28) demonstrated their faith in God. They chose to go...
  • Breaking God's covenant resulted in the Israelites' separation from fellowship with Him. It did not terminate their relationship with Him, but it did hinder their fellowship with Him. Similarly when Christians sin we do not c...
  • The title the Jews used in their Hebrew Old Testament for this book comes from the fifth word in the book in the Hebrew text, bemidbar: "in the wilderness."This is, of course, appropriate since the Israelites spent most of th...
  • To formulate a statement that summarizes the teaching of this book it will be helpful to identify some of the major revelations in Numbers. These constitute the unique values of the book.The first major value of Numbers is th...
  • I. Experiences of the older generation in the wilderness chs. 1-25A. Preparations for entering the Promised Land from the south chs. 1-101. The first census and the organization of the people chs. 1-42. Commands and rituals t...
  • The first 10 chapters in Numbers describe Israel's preparation for entering the land.". . . just as the way from Goshen to Sinai was a preparation of the chosen people for their reception into the covenant with God, so the wa...
  • Note the recurrance of a key word in the Pentateuch in verse l: toledot."For the first time after the formative events of the Exodus deliverance and the revelation on Mount Sinai, the people of Israel are organized into a hol...
  • Moses did not arrange the three Levitical families in the text here in the order of the ages of their founders. He arranged them in the order of the holiness of the articles that they managed.The Kohathites--who included Mose...
  • Before going into battle against the Midianites as God commanded (25:18), the Lord directed Moses to take another census of the Israelites. Evidently the 24,000 who died in the recent plague (25:9) were the last of the genera...
  • "Just as the censuses of chs. 1, 3, and 4 led to a flurry of preparations for departure from Sinai, so the second censuses in ch. 26 lead to preparations for departure from the plains of Moab and entry into the land of Canaan...
  • The previous chapter dealt with the general borders of the land and its tribal boundaries. This one gives regulations concerning special towns in the land.285According to the plan of revelation established previously in Numbe...
  • The residents of the town of Gibeon decided that if they could not defeat the Israelites they would join them. This has been a strategy that enemies of believers have employed for centuries (cf. Num. 25:1-2).9:1-2 Israel is t...
  • Verses 1-6 stress the sin of self-styled worship. Verses 7-13 emphasize the folly of self-determined service.The writer did not call the young Levite who came to live with Micah a priest. He was evidently not a descendant of ...
  • This list clearly defines the priests and Levites' line of descent. Only the descendants of Aaron, the priests, could serve in the temple by offering sacrifices on the incense altar (v. 49; cf. Num. 3:5-38). Nehemiah correctl...
  • Verses 1 and 2 of chapter 23 provide an outline for what follows in chapters 23-27 but in reverse order. After David appointed Solomon as his coregent in 973 B.C., he began the preparations the writer described here.David ada...
  • The Chronicler gave us much more information about Uzziah than we have in Kings (2 Kings 15:1-7). Uzziah ("Yahweh is strong") was evidently the king's throne name and Azariah ("Yahweh helps") his personal name.Uzziah, as his ...
  • Shemaiah claimed to have received a prophecy from God (v. 12). He tried to scare Nehemiah into thinking that assassins were after him so he would seek sanctuary inside the temple. The Mosaic Law prohibited anyone but priests ...
  • The emphasis on the holiness of God that has marked this vision continues strong in this pericope and the next. God's holiness will determine who serves as priests and how they serve.44:4 The guide proceeded to take Ezekiel t...
  • The focus now changes from physical to spiritual deliverance (cf. Deut. 30:1-10).12:10 The Lord also promised to pour out on the Davidic rulers and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, representing all the Israelites, a spirit of re...
  • "The author steadily develops his argument that Jesus is supremely great. He is greater than the angels, the author of a great salvation, and great enough to become man to accomplish it. Now the author turns his attention to ...
  • Peter proceeded to clarify the nature of the church and in doing so explained the duty of Christians in the world.2:9 All the figures of the church that Peter chose here originally referred to Israel. However with Israel's re...
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