Advanced Commentary
Texts -- Psalms 65:13 (NET)


- Psa 65:1-13 -- Psalm 65
Bible Dictionary

[ebd] (1.) Heb. bik'ah, a "cleft" of the mountains (Deut. 8:7; 11:11; Ps. 104:8; Isa. 41:18); also a low plain bounded by mountains, as the plain of Lebanon at the foot of Hermon around the sources of the Jordan (Josh. 11:17; 12:7...
[isbe] VALE, VALLEY - val, val'-i: (1) gay'; either absolute: "from Bamoth to the valley that is in the field of Moab" (Nu 21:20); or with a proper name: "valley of Hinnom," also "valley of the son of Hinnom" (Josh 15:8); "valley o...
[nave] PRAISE Song of Moses, after the passage of the Red Sea, Ex. 15:1-19. Of Miriam, Ex. 15:21. Of Deborah, after defeating the Canaanites, Judg. 5. Of Haah, 1 Sam. 2:1-10. Of David, celebrating his deliverance from the hand ...
[isbe] PSALMS, BOOK OF - samz, (tehillim, "praises," cepher tehillim, "book of praises"; Psalmoi, Psalterion): I. INTRODUCTORY TOPICS 1. Title 2. Place in the Canon 3. Number of Psalms 4. Titles in the Hebrew Text II. AUTHORSHIP AN...
[isbe] POETRY, HEBREW - po'-et-ri: I. IS THERE POETRY IN THE OLD TESTAMENT? Poetry Defined: 1. In Matter, Concrete and Imaginative 2. In Form, Emotional and Rhythmical II. NEGLECT OF HEBREW POETRY: CAUSES III. CHARACTERISTICS OF HE...
[isbe] PHILOSOPHY - fi-los'-o-fi (philosophia): 1. Definition and Scope (1) Intuitive Philosophy Is Universal (2) Speculative Philosophy Belongs Mainly to Western Thought 2. Greek Philosophy 3. Philosophy in Old Testament and Judai...
[nave] GRAIN In valleys, Psa. 65:13; Mark 4:28. A product of Egypt, Gen. 41:47-49; Palestine, Deut. 33:28; Ezek. 27:17. Parched, Ruth 2:14; 1 Sam. 17:17; 25:18; 2 Sam. 17:28. Ground, 2 Sam. 17:19. Eaten by the Israelites, Josh....
[nave] GOD. List of Sub-Topics Miscellany; Unclassified Scriptures Relating to; Access to; Compassion of; Creator; Creator of Mankind; Eternity of; Faithfulness of; Fatherhood of; Favor of; Foreknowledge of; Glory of; Goodness of...
[ebd] The word so rendered (dagan) in Gen. 27:28, 37, Num. 18:27, Deut. 28:51, Lam. 2:12, is a general term representing all the commodities we usually describe by the words corn, grain, seeds, peas, beans. With this corresponds t...
[nave] BLESSING For blessing before eating, See: Prayer, Thanksgiving Before Taking Food. See also Benedictions. Responsive Blessings of the Law Deut. 28:1-14 For the responsive Curses of the law, See: Curse. Divine, Contingent...


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- Christianity is a religion less of the head than of the heart, and it is not surprising that the joy of the heart should find expression in songs and even at times in shouting. These are the natural, unrestrained outlets of a...

Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)
The texts of the individual psalms do not usually indicate who wrote them.1However some of the titles of the individual psalms do contain information about the writers.2This is the only really reliable information we have as ...
I. Book 1: chs. 1-41II. Book 2: chs. 42-72III. Book 3: chs. 73-89IV. Book 4: chs. 90-106V. Book 5: chs. 107-150...
In Book 1 we saw that all the psalms except 1, 2, 10, and 33 claimed David as their writer. It is likely that he wrote these four as well even though they do not bear his name. In Book 2 the titles identify David as the write...
65:9a Not only does God hear prayer, He also sends bountiful harvests.65:9b-10 These descriptions view God tending the earth as a farmer would. However, God is the One responsible for the abundance of crops (cf. 1 Cor. 3:6).6...
Allen, Ronald B. "Evidence from Psalm 89."In A Case for Premillennialism: A New Consensus, pp. 55-77. Edited by Donald K. Campbell and Jeffrey L. Townsend. Chicago: Moody Press, 1992._____. Lord of Song. Portland: Multnomah P...
Abbot, T. K. A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Epistles to the Ephesians and to the Colossians. International Critical Commentary series. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1897.Aldrich, Roy L. "The Gift of God."Biblioth...
Adamson, James B. The Epistle of James. New International Commentary on the New Testament series. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1976; reprint ed. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1984.Bailey, Mark...