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Text -- 1 Samuel 25:15-44 (NET)

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25:15 These men were very good to us. They did not insult us, nor did we sustain any loss during the entire time we were together in the field. 25:16 Both night and day they were a protective wall for us the entire time we were with them, while we were tending our flocks. 25:17 Now be aware of this, and see what you can do. For disaster has been planned for our lord and his entire household. He is such a wicked person that no one tells him anything!” 25:18 So Abigail quickly took two hundred loaves of bread, two containers of wine, five prepared sheep, five seahs of roasted grain, a hundred bunches of raisins, and two hundred lumps of pressed figs. She loaded them on donkeys 25:19 and said to her servants, “Go on ahead of me. I will come after you.” But she did not tell her husband Nabal. 25:20 Riding on her donkey, she went down under cover of the mountain. David and his men were coming down to meet her, and she encountered them. 25:21 Now David had been thinking, “In vain I guarded everything that belonged to this man in the desert. I didn’t take anything from him. But he has repaid my good with evil. 25:22 God will severely punish David, if I leave alive until morning even one male from all those who belong to him!” 25:23 When Abigail saw David, she got down quickly from the donkey, threw herself down before David, and bowed to the ground. 25:24 Falling at his feet, she said, “My lord, I accept all the guilt! But please let your female servant speak with my lord! Please listen to the words of your servant! 25:25 My lord should not pay attention to this wicked man Nabal. He simply lives up to his name! His name means ‘fool,’ and he is indeed foolish! But I, your servant, did not see the servants my lord sent. 25:26 “Now, my lord, as surely as the Lord lives and as surely as you live, it is the Lord who has kept you from shedding blood and taking matters into your own hands. Now may your enemies and those who seek to harm my lord be like Nabal. 25:27 Now let this present that your servant has brought to my lord be given to the servants who follow my lord. 25:28 Please forgive the sin of your servant, for the Lord will certainly establish the house of my lord, because my lord fights the battles of the Lord. May no evil be found in you all your days! 25:29 When someone sets out to chase you and to take your life, the life of my lord will be wrapped securely in the bag of the living by the Lord your God. But he will sling away the lives of your enemies from the sling’s pocket! 25:30 The Lord will do for my lord everything that he promised you, and he will make you a leader over Israel. 25:31 Your conscience will not be overwhelmed with guilt for having poured out innocent blood and for having taken matters into your own hands. When the Lord has granted my lord success, please remember your servant.” 25:32 Then David said to Abigail, “Praised be the Lord, the God of Israel, who has sent you this day to meet me! 25:33 Praised be your good judgment! May you yourself be rewarded for having prevented me this day from shedding blood and taking matters into my own hands! 25:34 Otherwise, as surely as the Lord, the God of Israel, lives– he who has prevented me from harming you– if you had not come so quickly to meet me, by morning’s light not even one male belonging to Nabal would have remained alive!” 25:35 Then David took from her hand what she had brought to him. He said to her, “Go back to your home in peace. Be assured that I have listened to you and responded favorably.” 25:36 When Abigail went back to Nabal, he was holding a banquet in his house like that of the king. Nabal was having a good time and was very intoxicated. She told him absolutely nothing until morning’s light. 25:37 In the morning, when Nabal was sober, his wife told him about these matters. He had a stroke and was paralyzed. 25:38 After about ten days the Lord struck Nabal down and he died. 25:39 When David heard that Nabal had died, he said, “Praised be the Lord who has vindicated me and avenged the insult that I suffered from Nabal! The Lord has kept his servant from doing evil, and he has repaid Nabal for his evil deeds.” Then David sent word to Abigail and asked her to become his wife. 25:40 So the servants of David went to Abigail at Carmel and said to her, “David has sent us to you to bring you back to be his wife.” 25:41 She arose, bowed her face toward the ground, and said, “Your female servant, like a lowly servant, will wash the feet of the servants of my lord.” 25:42 Then Abigail quickly went and mounted her donkey, with five of her female servants accompanying her. She followed David’s messengers and became his wife. 25:43 David had also married Ahinoam from Jezreel; the two of them became his wives. 25:44 (Now Saul had given his daughter Michal, David’s wife, to Paltiel son of Laish, who was from Gallim.)
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Abigail the widow of Nabal; wife of David,daughter of Jesse; sister of King David; wife of Ithra/Jether
 · Ahinoam a woman; Saul's wife, daughter of Ahimaaz,a woman; David's wife from Jezreel
 · Carmel a woman resident of the town of Carmel
 · David a son of Jesse of Judah; king of Israel,son of Jesse of Judah; king of Israel
 · Gallim a town of Benjamin whose exact location is unknown (ZD)
 · Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · Jezreel a resident of the town or region of Jezreel
 · Laish a town taken over by Danites 40 km north of Lake Galilee & 25 km SW of Mt. Hermon,father of Palti of Gallim to whom Saul gave Michal, David's wife
 · Michal daughter of Saul; wife of David
 · Nabal a man who was a rich descendant of Caleb in David's time
 · Palti son of Raphu of Benjamin; a spy sent by Moses,son of Laish of Gallim
 · Saul the sixth king of Edom,son of Simeon and a Canaanite woman,son of Uzziah of Kohath son of Levi

Dictionary Themes and Topics: David | Nabal | Abigail | CARMEL | RACAL | ZEBAH AND ZALMUNNA | SAMUEL, BOOKS OF | ARMY | Wife | Decision | Tact | Fig | Prudence | Intercession | Presents | Diplomacy | Ahinoam | ABIGAIL; ABIGAL | Polygamy | Michal | more
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Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: 1Sa 25:15 Heb “all the days we walked about with them when we were.”

NET Notes: 1Sa 25:17 Heb “he is a son of worthlessness.”

NET Notes: 1Sa 25:18 The seah was a dry measure equal to one-third of an ephah, or not quite eleven quarts.

NET Notes: 1Sa 25:21 Heb “said.”

NET Notes: 1Sa 25:22 Heb “one who urinates against a wall” (also in v. 34); KJV “any that pisseth against the wall.”

NET Notes: 1Sa 25:25 Heb “my lord’s servants, whom you sent.”

NET Notes: 1Sa 25:27 Heb “are walking at the feet of.”

NET Notes: 1Sa 25:29 Cf. KJV, NAB, NIV, NRSV “bundle”; NLT “treasure pouch.”

NET Notes: 1Sa 25:30 Heb “appoint.”

NET Notes: 1Sa 25:31 Heb “and the Lord will do well for my lord.”

NET Notes: 1Sa 25:32 Heb “blessed” (also in vv. 33, 39).

NET Notes: 1Sa 25:33 Heb “blessed.”

NET Notes: 1Sa 25:35 Heb “I have lifted up your face.”

NET Notes: 1Sa 25:36 Heb “and she did not tell him a thing, small or large.”

NET Notes: 1Sa 25:37 Heb “and his heart died within him and he became a stone.” Cf. TEV, NLT “stroke”; CEV “heart attack.” For an alter...

NET Notes: 1Sa 25:39 Heb “his servant he has held back from evil, and the evil of Nabal the Lord has turned back on his head.”

NET Notes: 1Sa 25:41 Heb “Here is your maidservant, for a lowly servant to wash.”

NET Notes: 1Sa 25:42 Heb “going at her feet.”

NET Notes: 1Sa 25:43 Heb “taken.”

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