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Text -- Deuteronomy 32:12-52 (NET)

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32:12 The Lord alone was guiding him, no foreign god was with him. 32:13 He enabled him to travel over the high terrain of the land, and he ate of the produce of the fields. He provided honey for him from the cliffs, and olive oil from the hardest of rocks, 32:14 butter from the herd and milk from the flock, along with the fat of lambs, rams and goats of Bashan, along with the best of the kernels of wheat; and from the juice of grapes you drank wine.
Israel’s Rebellion
32:15 But Jeshurun became fat and kicked, you got fat, thick, and stuffed! Then he deserted the God who made him, and treated the Rock who saved him with contempt. 32:16 They made him jealous with other gods, they enraged him with abhorrent idols. 32:17 They sacrificed to demons, not God, to gods they had not known; to new gods who had recently come along, gods your ancestors had not known about. 32:18 You have forgotten the Rock who fathered you, and put out of mind the God who gave you birth.
A Word of Judgment
32:19 But the Lord took note and despised them because his sons and daughters enraged him. 32:20 He said, “I will reject them, I will see what will happen to them; for they are a perverse generation, children who show no loyalty. 32:21 They have made me jealous with false gods, enraging me with their worthless gods; so I will make them jealous with a people they do not recognize, with a nation slow to learn I will enrage them. 32:22 For a fire has been kindled by my anger, and it burns to lowest Sheol; it consumes the earth and its produce, and ignites the foundations of the mountains. 32:23 I will increase their disasters, I will use up my arrows on them. 32:24 They will be starved by famine, eaten by plague, and bitterly stung; I will send the teeth of wild animals against them, along with the poison of creatures that crawl in the dust. 32:25 The sword will make people childless outside, and terror will do so inside; they will destroy both the young man and the virgin, the infant and the gray-haired man.
The Weakness of Other Gods
32:26 “I said, ‘I want to cut them in pieces. I want to make people forget they ever existed. 32:27 But I fear the reaction of their enemies, for their adversaries would misunderstand and say, “Our power is great, and the Lord has not done all this!”’ 32:28 They are a nation devoid of wisdom, and there is no understanding among them. 32:29 I wish that they were wise and could understand this, and that they could comprehend what will happen to them.” 32:30 How can one man chase a thousand of them, and two pursue ten thousand; unless their Rock had delivered them up, and the Lord had handed them over? 32:31 For our enemies’ rock is not like our Rock, as even our enemies concede. 32:32 For their vine is from the stock of Sodom, and from the fields of Gomorrah. Their grapes contain venom, their clusters of grapes are bitter. 32:33 Their wine is snakes’ poison, the deadly venom of cobras. 32:34 “Is this not stored up with me?” says the Lord, “Is it not sealed up in my storehouses? 32:35 I will get revenge and pay them back at the time their foot slips; for the day of their disaster is near, and the impending judgment is rushing upon them!” 32:36 The Lord will judge his people, and will change his plans concerning his servants; when he sees that their power has disappeared, and that no one is left, whether confined or set free. 32:37 He will say, “Where are their gods, the rock in whom they sought security, 32:38 who ate the best of their sacrifices, and drank the wine of their drink offerings? Let them rise and help you; let them be your refuge!
The Vindication of the Lord
32:39 “See now that I, indeed I, am he!” says the Lord, “and there is no other god besides me. I kill and give life, I smash and I heal, and none can resist my power. 32:40 For I raise up my hand to heaven, and say, ‘As surely as I live forever, 32:41 I will sharpen my lightning-like sword, and my hand will grasp hold of the weapon of judgment; I will execute vengeance on my foes, and repay those who hate me! 32:42 I will make my arrows drunk with blood, and my sword will devour flesh– the blood of the slaughtered and captured, the chief of the enemy’s leaders!’” 32:43 Cry out, O nations, with his people, for he will avenge his servants’ blood; he will take vengeance against his enemies, and make atonement for his land and people.
Narrative Interlude
32:44 Then Moses went with Joshua son of Nun and recited all the words of this song to the people. 32:45 When Moses finished reciting all these words to all Israel 32:46 he said to them, “Keep in mind all the words I am solemnly proclaiming to you today; you must command your children to observe carefully all the words of this law. 32:47 For this is no idle word for you– it is your life! By this word you will live a long time in the land you are about to cross the Jordan to possess.”
Instructions about Moses’ Death
32:48 Then the Lord said to Moses that same day, 32:49 “Go up to this Abarim hill country, to Mount Nebo (which is in the land of Moab opposite Jericho) and look at the land of Canaan that I am giving to the Israelites as a possession. 32:50 You will die on the mountain that you ascend and join your deceased ancestors, just as Aaron your brother died on Mount Hor and joined his deceased ancestors, 32:51 for both of you rebelled against me among the Israelites at the waters of Meribah Kadesh in the desert of Zin when you did not show me proper respect among the Israelites. 32:52 You will see the land before you, but you will not enter the land that I am giving to the Israelites.”
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Aaron a son of Amram; brother of Moses,son of Amram (Kohath Levi); patriarch of Israel's priests,the clan or priestly line founded by Aaron
 · Abarim a place where the Israelites made an encampment during the Exodus
 · Bashan a region east of Lake Galilee between Mt. Hermon and Wadi Yarmuk
 · Canaan the region ofeast Mediterranean coastal land from Arvad (modern Lebanon) south to Gaza,the coast land from Mt. Carmel north to the Orontes River
 · Gomorrah an ancient city known for its sin whose ruins are said to be visible from the Masada,a town destroyed with Sodom by burning sulphur
 · Hor a mountain on border of Edom),a mountain (on the North border of Israel)
 · Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · Jericho a town five miles west of the Jordan and 15 miles northeast of Jerusalem,a town of Benjamin 11 km NW of the mouth of the Jordan River
 · Jeshurun a nickname for the nation of Israel meaning "upright one" (ZD)
 · Jordan the river that flows from Lake Galilee to the Dead Sea,a river that begins at Mt. Hermon, flows south through Lake Galilee and on to its end at the Dead Sea 175 km away (by air)
 · Joshua a son of Eliezer; the father of Er; an ancestor of Jesus,the son of Nun and successor of Moses,son of Nun of Ephraim; successor to Moses,a man: owner of the field where the ark stopped,governor of Jerusalem under King Josiah,son of Jehozadak; high priest in the time of Zerubbabel
 · Meribath-Kadesh a place at Kadesh-Barnea where Moses struck the rock for water
 · Meribath-kadesh a place at Kadesh-Barnea where Moses struck the rock for water
 · Moab resident(s) of the country of Moab
 · Moses a son of Amram; the Levite who led Israel out of Egypt and gave them The Law of Moses,a Levite who led Israel out of Egypt and gave them the law
 · Nebo a town in Moab (on the east side of the Jordan),a mountain in Reuben, 15 km east of the mouth of the Jordan River,a town in Judah (IBD).,the Babylonian deity Nabu, son of Bel (Marduk),the forefather of some men who put away their heathen wives
 · Nun son of Elishama; father of Joshua (Ephraim), Moses' aide
 · Sheol the place of the dead
 · Sodom an ancient town somewhere in the region of the Dead Sea that God destroyed with burning sulphur,a town 25 km south of Gomorrah and Masada
 · Zin a wilderness area

Dictionary Themes and Topics: TEXT OF THE OLD TESTAMENT | Songs | Song | Religion | Poetry | POETRY, HEBREW | Moab | Idol | Hemlock | GOD, NAMES OF | GALL | Eagle | Devil | Death | Dart | DEUTERONOMY | Bee | BARUCH, BOOK OF | Arrows | ADAM IN THE OLD TESTAMENT | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , PBC , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , Maclaren , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable , Guzik

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Wesley: Deu 32:12 - -- When they were shut up in Egypt as in their nest whence they durst not venture to fly nor stir, he taught and encouraged and enabled them to fly out f...

When they were shut up in Egypt as in their nest whence they durst not venture to fly nor stir, he taught and encouraged and enabled them to fly out from that bondage, he dealt tenderly with them, bearing with their infirmities, keeping them from all harms.

Wesley: Deu 32:12 - -- To assist him at that work or to deliver them. The more unworthy they in giving to idols a share in that worship which they owe to God only.

To assist him at that work or to deliver them. The more unworthy they in giving to idols a share in that worship which they owe to God only.

Wesley: Deu 32:13 - -- To conquer their strongest holds, which often are in the mountains, and their cities fenced with walls of greatest height and strength. To ride upon, ...

To conquer their strongest holds, which often are in the mountains, and their cities fenced with walls of greatest height and strength. To ride upon, in scripture phrase, is to subdue or conquer.

Wesley: Deu 32:13 - -- This being a land flowing with honey, where the bees made honey in the holes of rocks, or in the trees that grew upon or among the rocks.

This being a land flowing with honey, where the bees made honey in the holes of rocks, or in the trees that grew upon or among the rocks.

Wesley: Deu 32:13 - -- The olive - trees grow and bear most fruit in rocky or hilly places.

The olive - trees grow and bear most fruit in rocky or hilly places.

Wesley: Deu 32:14 - -- For though the fat wherewith the inward parts were covered was not to be eaten by them, but offered to God, yet that fat which was mixed with the fles...

For though the fat wherewith the inward parts were covered was not to be eaten by them, but offered to God, yet that fat which was mixed with the flesh they might eat, as the Jewish doctors note.

Wesley: Deu 32:14 - -- A place famous for excellent cattle.

A place famous for excellent cattle.

Wesley: Deu 32:14 - -- With the finest of the grains of wheat; compared to kidneys for their shape and largeness.

With the finest of the grains of wheat; compared to kidneys for their shape and largeness.

Wesley: Deu 32:15 - -- Israel whom he calls right or upright, (as the word signifies) partly by way of instruction to mind them what they professed and ought to be; and part...

Israel whom he calls right or upright, (as the word signifies) partly by way of instruction to mind them what they professed and ought to be; and partly by way of exprobration, to shew them what a shame it was to degenerate so much from their name and profession.

Wesley: Deu 32:15 - -- As well fed cattle use to do: he grew insolent and rebellious against God and against his word and spirit.

As well fed cattle use to do: he grew insolent and rebellious against God and against his word and spirit.

Wesley: Deu 32:16 - -- To anger and fury, for jealousy is the rage of a man. And withall it implies the ground of his anger, their falseness to God whom they had accepted as...

To anger and fury, for jealousy is the rage of a man. And withall it implies the ground of his anger, their falseness to God whom they had accepted as their husband, and their spiritual whoredom with other gods.

Wesley: Deu 32:17 - -- Unto idols, which the devils brought into the world in opposition to God, in and by which the devils often manifested themselves to men, and gave them...

Unto idols, which the devils brought into the world in opposition to God, in and by which the devils often manifested themselves to men, and gave them answers, and received their worship. The Gentiles pretended to worship God in those idols, and the devils which inspired them, deluded the nations with pretences that they were a sort of lower gods. Moses takes off this mark, and shews the Israelites that these pretended gods were really devils, and therefore that it was the height of madness to honour or worship them.

Wesley: Deu 32:17 - -- For God utterly rejected those sacrifices which they offered to him together with idols.

For God utterly rejected those sacrifices which they offered to him together with idols.

Wesley: Deu 32:17 - -- Or, who never knew them, that is, never shewed any kindness to them, or did them any good: New gods - Not simply or absolutely, for some of these had ...

Or, who never knew them, that is, never shewed any kindness to them, or did them any good: New gods - Not simply or absolutely, for some of these had been worshipped for many generations, but comparatively to the true God, who is the ancient of days, Deu 7:9, and who was worshipped from the beginning of the world.

Wesley: Deu 32:17 - -- Served not, worshipped not.

Served not, worshipped not.

Wesley: Deu 32:18 - -- Of God, one of whose titles this is, or of Christ, who is called the rock, 1Co 10:4, whom the Israelites tempted.

Of God, one of whose titles this is, or of Christ, who is called the rock, 1Co 10:4, whom the Israelites tempted.

Wesley: Deu 32:19 - -- Such they were by calling and profession.

Such they were by calling and profession.

Wesley: Deu 32:20 - -- I will make them and others see, what the fruit of such actions shall be.

I will make them and others see, what the fruit of such actions shall be.

Wesley: Deu 32:20 - -- No fidelity: perfidious, that have broken their covenant so solemnly made with me.

No fidelity: perfidious, that have broken their covenant so solemnly made with me.

Wesley: Deu 32:21 - -- With the Heathen nations, who are none of my people, who scarce deserve the name of a people, as being without the knowledge and fear of God, which is...

With the Heathen nations, who are none of my people, who scarce deserve the name of a people, as being without the knowledge and fear of God, which is the foundation of all true policy and government, and many of them destitute of all government, laws and order. And yet these people I will take in your stead, receive them and reject you; which, when it came to pass how desperately did it provoke the Jews to jealousy? A foolish nation - So the Gentiles were both in the opinion of the Jews and in truth and reality, notwithstanding all their pretences to wisdom, there being nothing more foolish or brutish than the worship of idols.

Wesley: Deu 32:22 - -- Great and grievous judgments shall be inflicted, which often come under the name of fire. Are they proud of their plenty? It shall burn up the increas...

Great and grievous judgments shall be inflicted, which often come under the name of fire. Are they proud of their plenty? It shall burn up the increase of the earth. Are they confident of their strength? It shall destroy the very foundations of the mountains. It shall burn unto the lowest hell: it shall bring them to the very depth of misery in this world, which yet will he but a faint resemblance of their endless misery in the next.

Wesley: Deu 32:23 - -- Even empty my quiver, and send upon them all my plagues, which, like arrows shot by a skilful and strong hand, shall speedily reach and certainly hit ...

Even empty my quiver, and send upon them all my plagues, which, like arrows shot by a skilful and strong hand, shall speedily reach and certainly hit and mortally wound them.

Wesley: Deu 32:24 - -- With famine, which burns and parches the inward parts, and make the face black as a coal, Lam 4:8.

With famine, which burns and parches the inward parts, and make the face black as a coal, Lam 4:8.

Wesley: Deu 32:24 - -- From fevers or carbuncles, or other inflaming distempers.

From fevers or carbuncles, or other inflaming distempers.

Wesley: Deu 32:27 - -- Their rage against me, as it is expressed, Isa 37:28-29, their furious reproaches against my name, as if I were cruel to my people or unable to delive...

Their rage against me, as it is expressed, Isa 37:28-29, their furious reproaches against my name, as if I were cruel to my people or unable to deliver them. The fear hereof is ascribed to God after the manner of men.

Wesley: Deu 32:27 - -- Insolenty and arrogantly above what they used to do.

Insolenty and arrogantly above what they used to do.

Wesley: Deu 32:28 - -- Their enemies are foolish people, and therefore make so false and foolish a judgment upon things.

Their enemies are foolish people, and therefore make so false and foolish a judgment upon things.

Wesley: Deu 32:29 - -- Israel.


Wesley: Deu 32:29 - -- What their end will be, and that tho' God spare them long, yet at last judgment will certainly overtake them.

What their end will be, and that tho' God spare them long, yet at last judgment will certainly overtake them.

Wesley: Deu 32:30 - -- Israelite.


Wesley: Deu 32:30 - -- Their God, who was their refuge and defence.

Their God, who was their refuge and defence.

Wesley: Deu 32:30 - -- Namely, for bond - slaves, had given themselves up into their enemies hands.

Namely, for bond - slaves, had given themselves up into their enemies hands.

Wesley: Deu 32:30 - -- As it were in the net which their enemies had laid for them.

As it were in the net which their enemies had laid for them.

Wesley: Deu 32:31 - -- Who by their dear bought experience have been forced to acknowledge that our God was far stronger than they and their false gods together.

Who by their dear bought experience have been forced to acknowledge that our God was far stronger than they and their false gods together.

Wesley: Deu 32:32 - -- As if he had said, This is the reason why their rock hath shut them up.

As if he had said, This is the reason why their rock hath shut them up.

Wesley: Deu 32:32 - -- The people of Israel, which I planted as a choice vine, are now degenerated and become like the vine of Sodom, their principles and practices are all ...

The people of Israel, which I planted as a choice vine, are now degenerated and become like the vine of Sodom, their principles and practices are all corrupt and abominable.

Wesley: Deu 32:32 - -- Their fruits are loathsome to me, mischievous to others, and at last will be pernicious to themselves.

Their fruits are loathsome to me, mischievous to others, and at last will be pernicious to themselves.

Wesley: Deu 32:34 - -- All their wickedness mentioned before. My long suffering towards them may make them think I have forgotten their sins, but I remember them punctually,...

All their wickedness mentioned before. My long suffering towards them may make them think I have forgotten their sins, but I remember them punctually, they are sealed up as in a bag, Job 14:17, and as men seal up their treasures.

Wesley: Deu 32:35 - -- They who now think they stand fast and unmoveable, shall fall into utter destruction.

They who now think they stand fast and unmoveable, shall fall into utter destruction.

Wesley: Deu 32:35 - -- Though not so soon as some may expect, yet in that time when it shall be most proper, when they have filled up the measure of their sins.

Though not so soon as some may expect, yet in that time when it shall be most proper, when they have filled up the measure of their sins.

Wesley: Deu 32:35 - -- Heb. is near. So the scripture often speaks of those things which are at many hundred years distance, to signify, that though they may be afar off as ...

Heb. is near. So the scripture often speaks of those things which are at many hundred years distance, to signify, that though they may be afar off as to our measures of time, yet in God's account they are near, they are as near as may be, when the measure of their sins is once full, the judgment shall not be deferred.

Wesley: Deu 32:36 - -- Or, nevertheless, having spoken of the dreadful calamity which would come upon his people, he now turns his discourse into a more comfortable strain, ...

Or, nevertheless, having spoken of the dreadful calamity which would come upon his people, he now turns his discourse into a more comfortable strain, and begins to shew that after God had sorely chastised his people, he would have mercy upon them and turn their captivity.

Wesley: Deu 32:36 - -- Shall plead their cause, shall protect and deliver them.

Shall plead their cause, shall protect and deliver them.

Wesley: Deu 32:36 - -- Of the evils he hath brought upon them.

Of the evils he hath brought upon them.

Wesley: Deu 32:36 - -- Either in their strong cities or castles or other hiding places, or in the enemies hands or prisons, whence there might be some hope or possibility of...

Either in their strong cities or castles or other hiding places, or in the enemies hands or prisons, whence there might be some hope or possibility of redemption; and none left, as the poor and contemptible people are neglected and usually left by the conquerors in the conquered land, but all seem to be cut off and destroyed.

Wesley: Deu 32:37 - -- The Lord, before he deliver his people, will first convince them of their former folly in forsaking him and following idols.

The Lord, before he deliver his people, will first convince them of their former folly in forsaking him and following idols.

Wesley: Deu 32:38 - -- That is, to whom you offered sacrifices and oblations after the manner of the Gentiles.

That is, to whom you offered sacrifices and oblations after the manner of the Gentiles.

Wesley: Deu 32:38 - -- If they can.

If they can.

Wesley: Deu 32:39 - -- Learn by your own sad experience what vain and impotent things idols are.

Learn by your own sad experience what vain and impotent things idols are.

Wesley: Deu 32:39 - -- The only true, omnipotent and irresistible God.

The only true, omnipotent and irresistible God.

Wesley: Deu 32:40 - -- I solemnly swear, that I will do what here follows.

I solemnly swear, that I will do what here follows.

Wesley: Deu 32:40 - -- As sure as I live.

As sure as I live.

Wesley: Deu 32:41 - -- If once I begin to prepare for war and for the execution of my sentence.

If once I begin to prepare for war and for the execution of my sentence.

Wesley: Deu 32:41 - -- Of the instruments of judgment, of the weapons of war. A metaphor from warriors, that take their weapons into their hand, when they intend to fight.

Of the instruments of judgment, of the weapons of war. A metaphor from warriors, that take their weapons into their hand, when they intend to fight.

Wesley: Deu 32:42 - -- Whom my sword hath sorely wounded, though not utterly killed.

Whom my sword hath sorely wounded, though not utterly killed.

Wesley: Deu 32:42 - -- When once I begin to revenge myself and my people upon mine and their enemies, I will go on and make a full end.

When once I begin to revenge myself and my people upon mine and their enemies, I will go on and make a full end.

Wesley: Deu 32:43 - -- He calls upon the nations to rejoice and bless God for his favours, and especially for the last wonderful deliverance which shall be given to the Jews...

He calls upon the nations to rejoice and bless God for his favours, and especially for the last wonderful deliverance which shall be given to the Jews, when they shall be converted to the gospel in the last days; which they have all reason to do, because of that singular advantage which all nations will have at that time and upon that occasion.

Wesley: Deu 32:44 - -- Or Joshua. Probably Moses spoke it to as many as could hear him, while Joshua in another assembly at the same time delivered it to as many as his voic...

Or Joshua. Probably Moses spoke it to as many as could hear him, while Joshua in another assembly at the same time delivered it to as many as his voice would reach. Thus Joshua, as well as Moses, would be a witness against them, if ever they forsook God.

Wesley: Deu 32:47 - -- It is not an unprofitable or contemptible work I advise you to, but well worthy of your most serious care.

It is not an unprofitable or contemptible work I advise you to, but well worthy of your most serious care.

Wesley: Deu 32:48 - -- same day - Now he had finished his work, why should he desire to live a day longer? He had indeed formerly desired and prayed, that he might go over J...

same day - Now he had finished his work, why should he desire to live a day longer? He had indeed formerly desired and prayed, that he might go over Jordan: but now he is entirely satisfied, and saith no more of that matter.

Wesley: Deu 32:49 - -- A ridge or top of the mountains of Abarim.

A ridge or top of the mountains of Abarim.

Wesley: Deu 32:51 - -- God reminds him of the sin he had committed long before. It is good for the holiest of men to die repenting, even of their early sins.

God reminds him of the sin he had committed long before. It is good for the holiest of men to die repenting, even of their early sins.

Wesley: Deu 32:52 - -- And see it as the earnest of that better country, which is only seen with the eye of faith. What is death to him who has a believing prospect and a st...

And see it as the earnest of that better country, which is only seen with the eye of faith. What is death to him who has a believing prospect and a steadfast hope of eternal life?

JFB: Deu 32:13-14 - -- All these expressions seem to have peculiar reference to their home in the trans-jordanic territory, that being the extent of Palestine that they had ...

All these expressions seem to have peculiar reference to their home in the trans-jordanic territory, that being the extent of Palestine that they had seen at the time when Moses is represented as uttering these words. "The high places" and "the fields" are specially applicable to the tablelands of Gilead as are the allusions to the herds and flocks, the honey of the wild bees which hive in the crevices of the rocks, the oil from the olive as it grew singly or in small clumps on the tops of hills where scarcely anything else would grow, the finest wheat (Psa 81:16; Psa 147:14), and the prolific vintage.

JFB: Deu 32:15 - -- This is a poetical name for Israel. The metaphor here used is derived from a pampered animal, which, instead of being tame and gentle, becomes mischie...

This is a poetical name for Israel. The metaphor here used is derived from a pampered animal, which, instead of being tame and gentle, becomes mischievous and vicious, in consequence of good living and kind treatment. So did the Israelites conduct themselves by their various acts of rebellion, murmuring, and idolatrous apostasy.

JFB: Deu 32:17 - -- (See on Lev 17:7).

(See on Lev 17:7).

JFB: Deu 32:21 - -- That is, not favored with such great and peculiar privileges as the Israelites (or, rather poor, despised heathens). The language points to the future...

That is, not favored with such great and peculiar privileges as the Israelites (or, rather poor, despised heathens). The language points to the future calling of the Gentiles.

JFB: Deu 32:23 - -- War, famine, pestilence (Psa 77:17) are called in Scripture the arrows of the Almighty.

War, famine, pestilence (Psa 77:17) are called in Scripture the arrows of the Almighty.

JFB: Deu 32:29 - -- The terrible judgments, which, in the event of their continued and incorrigible disobedience, would impart so awful a character to the close of their ...

The terrible judgments, which, in the event of their continued and incorrigible disobedience, would impart so awful a character to the close of their national history.

JFB: Deu 32:32 - -- This fruit, which the Arabs call "Lot's Sea Orange," is of a bright yellow color and grows in clusters of three or four. When mellow, it is tempting i...

This fruit, which the Arabs call "Lot's Sea Orange," is of a bright yellow color and grows in clusters of three or four. When mellow, it is tempting in appearance, but on being struck, explodes like a puffball, consisting of skin and fiber only.

JFB: Deu 32:44-47 - -- It has been beautifully styled "the Song of the Dying Swan" [LOWTH]. It was designed to be a national anthem, which it should be the duty and care of ...

It has been beautifully styled "the Song of the Dying Swan" [LOWTH]. It was designed to be a national anthem, which it should be the duty and care of magistrates to make well known by frequent repetition, to animate the people to right sentiments towards a steadfast adherence to His service.

JFB: Deu 32:48-51 - -- (See on Num 20:13).

(See on Num 20:13).

JFB: Deu 32:52 - -- (Num 27:12). Notwithstanding so severe a disappointment, not a murmur of complaint escapes his lips. He is not only resigned but acquiescing; and in ...

(Num 27:12). Notwithstanding so severe a disappointment, not a murmur of complaint escapes his lips. He is not only resigned but acquiescing; and in the near prospect of his death, he pours forth the feelings of his devout heart in sublime strains and eloquent blessings.

Clarke: Deu 32:12 - -- So the Lord alone did lead him - By his power, and by his only, were they brought out of Egypt, and supported in the wilderness

So the Lord alone did lead him - By his power, and by his only, were they brought out of Egypt, and supported in the wilderness

Clarke: Deu 32:12 - -- And there was no strange god - They had help from no other quarter. The Egyptian idols were not able to save their own votaries; but God not only sa...

And there was no strange god - They had help from no other quarter. The Egyptian idols were not able to save their own votaries; but God not only saved his people, but destroyed the Egyptians.

Clarke: Deu 32:13 - -- He made him ride - ירכבהו yarkibehu , he will cause him to ride. All the verbs here are in the future tense, because this is a prophecy of th...

He made him ride - ירכבהו yarkibehu , he will cause him to ride. All the verbs here are in the future tense, because this is a prophecy of the prosperity they should possess in the promised land. The Israelites were to ride - exult, on the high places, the mountains and hills of their land, in which they are promised the highest degrees of prosperity; as even the rocky part of the country should be rendered fertile by the peculiar benediction of God

Clarke: Deu 32:13 - -- Suck honey out of the rock, and oil out of the flinty rock - This promise states that even the most barren places in the country should yield an abu...

Suck honey out of the rock, and oil out of the flinty rock - This promise states that even the most barren places in the country should yield an abundance of aromatic flowers, from which the bees should collect honey in abundance; and even the tops of the rocks afford sufficient support for olive trees, from the fruit of which they should extract oil in abundance: and all this should be occasioned by the peculiar blessing of God upon the land.

Clarke: Deu 32:14 - -- Fat of kidneys of wheat - Almost every person knows that the kidney is enveloped in a coat of the purest fat in the body of the animal, for which se...

Fat of kidneys of wheat - Almost every person knows that the kidney is enveloped in a coat of the purest fat in the body of the animal, for which several anatomical reasons might be given. As the kidney itself is to the abundantly surrounding fat, so is the germ of the grain to the lobes or farinaceous parts. The expression here may be considered as a very strong and peculiarly happy figure to point out the finest wheat, containing the healthiest and most vigorous germ, growing in a very large and nutritive grain; and consequently the whole figure points out to us a species of wheat, equally excellent both for seed and bread. This beautiful metaphor seems to have escaped the notice of every commentator

Clarke: Deu 32:14 - -- Pure blood of the grape - Red wine, or the pure juice of whatever color, expressed from the grapes, without any adulteration or mixture with water: ...

Pure blood of the grape - Red wine, or the pure juice of whatever color, expressed from the grapes, without any adulteration or mixture with water: blood here is synonymous with juice. This intimates that their vines should be of the best kind, and their wine in abundance, and of the most delicious flavour.

Clarke: Deu 32:15 - -- Jeshurun - ישרון the upright. This appellative is here put for Israel, and as it comes from ישר yashar , he was right, straight, may be i...

Jeshurun - ישרון the upright. This appellative is here put for Israel, and as it comes from ישר yashar , he was right, straight, may be intended to show that the people who once not only promised fair, but were really upright, walking in the paths of righteousness, should, in the time signified by the prophet, not only revolt from God, but actually fight against him; like a full fed horse, who not only will not bear the harness, but breaks away from his master, and endeavors to kick him as he struggles to get loose. All this is spoken prophetically, and is intended as a warning, that the evil might not take place. For were the transgression unavoidable, it must be the effect of some necessitating cause, which would destroy the turpitude of the action, as it referred to Israel; for if the evil were absolutely unavoidable, no blame could attach to the unfortunate agent, who could only consider himself the miserable instrument of a dire necessity. See a case in point, 1Sa 23:11-12 (note), where the prediction appears in the most absolute form, and yet the evil was prevented by the person receiving the prediction as a warning. The case is the following: -

The Philistines attacked Keilah and robbed the threshing-floors; David, being informed of it, asked counsel of God whether he should go and relieve it; he is ordered to go, and is assured of success; he goes, routs the Philistines, and delivers Keilah. Saul, hearing that David was in Keilah, determines to besiege the place. David, finding that Saul meditated his destruction, asked counsel of the Lord, thus: "O Lord God of Israel, thy servant hath certainly heard that Saul seeketh to come to Keilah, to destroy the city for my sake. Will the men of Keilah deliver me up into his hand? Will Saul come down, as thy servant hath heard? And the Lord said, He will come down. Then said David, Will the men of Keilah deliver me and my men into the hand of Saul? And the Lord said, They will deliver thee up. Then David and his men (about six hundred) arose and departed out of Keilah, and went whithersoever they could go: and it was told Saul that David was escaped from Keilah, and he forbore to go forth."Here was the most positive prediction that Saul would come to Keilah, and that the men of Keilah would deliver David into his hands; yet neither of these events took place, because David departed from Keilah. But had he continued there, Saul would have come down, and the men of Keilah would have betrayed their deliverer. Thus the prediction was totally conditional; and so were all these prophecies relative to the apostasy of Israel. They were only fulfilled in those who did not receive them as warnings. See Jer 18:8-10

Clarke: Deu 32:15 - -- The Rock of his salvation - He ceased to depend on the fountain whence his salvation issued; and thinking highly of himself, he lightly esteemed his...

The Rock of his salvation - He ceased to depend on the fountain whence his salvation issued; and thinking highly of himself, he lightly esteemed his God; and having ceased to depend on him, his fall became inevitable. The figure is admirably well supported through the whole verse. We see, first, a miserable, lean steed, taken under the care and into the keeping of a master who provides him with an abundance of provender. We see, secondly, this horse waxing fat under this keeping. We see him, thirdly, breaking away from his master, leaving his rich pasturage, and running to the wilderness, unwilling to bear the yoke or harness, or to make any returns for his master’ s care and attention. We see, fourthly, whence this conduct proceeds - from a want of consciousness that his strength depends upon his master’ s care and keeping; and a lack of consideration that leanness and wretchedness must be the consequence of his leaving his master’ s service, and running off from his master’ s pasturage. How easy to apply all these points to the case of the Israelites! and how illustrative of their former and latter state! And how powerfully do they apply to the case of many called Christians, who, having increased in riches, forget that God from whose hand alone those mercies flowed!

Clarke: Deu 32:17 - -- They sacrificed unto devils - The original word שדים shedim has been variously understood. The Syriac, Chaldee, Targums of Jerusalem and Jona...

They sacrificed unto devils - The original word שדים shedim has been variously understood. The Syriac, Chaldee, Targums of Jerusalem and Jonathan, and the Samaritan, retain the original word: the Vulgate, Septuagint, Arabic, Persic, Coptic, and Anglo-Saxon, have devils or demons. The Septuagint has εθυσαν δαιμονιοις, they sacrificed to demons: the Vulgate copies the Septuagint: the Arabic has sheeateen , the plural of Sheetan , Satan, by which the rebellious angels appear to be intended, as the word comes from the root shatana , he was obstinate, proud, refractory, went far away. And it is likely that these fallen spirits, having utterly lost the empire at which they aimed, got themselves worshipped under various forms and names in different places. The Anglo-Saxon has devils

Clarke: Deu 32:17 - -- New gods that came newly up - מקרב באו mikkarob bau , "which came up from their neighbors;"viz., the Moabites and Amorites, whose gods they ...

New gods that came newly up - מקרב באו mikkarob bau , "which came up from their neighbors;"viz., the Moabites and Amorites, whose gods they received and worshipped on their way through the wilderness, and often afterwards.

Clarke: Deu 32:18 - -- Of the Rock that begat thee - צור tsur , the first cause, the fountain of thy being. See the note on Deu 32:4.

Of the Rock that begat thee - צור tsur , the first cause, the fountain of thy being. See the note on Deu 32:4.

Clarke: Deu 32:19 - -- When the Lord saw it, etc. - More literally, And the Lord saw it, and through indignation he reprobated his sons and his daughters. That is, When th...

When the Lord saw it, etc. - More literally, And the Lord saw it, and through indignation he reprobated his sons and his daughters. That is, When the Lord shall see such conduct, he shall be justly incensed, and so reject and deliver up to captivity his sons and daughters.

Clarke: Deu 32:20 - -- Children in whom is no faith - לא אמן בם lo emon bam , "There is no steadfastness in them,"they can never be depended on. They are fickle, b...

Children in whom is no faith - לא אמן בם lo emon bam , "There is no steadfastness in them,"they can never be depended on. They are fickle, because they are faithless.

Clarke: Deu 32:21 - -- They have moved me to jealousy - This verse contains a very pointed promise of the calling of the Gentiles, in consequence of the rejection of the J...

They have moved me to jealousy - This verse contains a very pointed promise of the calling of the Gentiles, in consequence of the rejection of the Jews, threatened Deu 32:19; and to this great event it is applied by St. Paul, Rom 10:19.

Clarke: Deu 32:22 - -- The lowest hell - שאול תחתית sheol tachtith , the very deepest destruction; a total extermination, so that the earth - their land, and its...

The lowest hell - שאול תחתית sheol tachtith , the very deepest destruction; a total extermination, so that the earth - their land, and its increase, and all their property, should be seized; and the foundations of their mountains - their strongest fortresses, should be razed to the ground. All this was fulfilled in a most remarkable manner in the last destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans, so that of the fortifications of that city not one stone was left on another. See the notes on Matthew 24 (note).

Clarke: Deu 32:23 - -- I will spend mine arrows upon them - The judgments of God in general are termed the arrows of God, Job 6:4; Psa 38:2, Psa 38:3; Psa 91:5; see also E...

I will spend mine arrows upon them - The judgments of God in general are termed the arrows of God, Job 6:4; Psa 38:2, Psa 38:3; Psa 91:5; see also Eze 5:16; Jer 50:14; 2Sa 22:14, 2Sa 22:15. In this and the following verses, to the 28th inclusive, (Deu 32:23-28), God threatens this people with every species of calamity that could possibly fall upon man. How strange it is that, having this law continually in their hands, they should not discern those threatened judgments, and cleave to the Lord that they might be averted

It was customary among the heathens to represent any judgment from their gods under the notion of arrows, especially a pestilence; and one of their greatest deities, Apollo, is ever represented as bearing a bow and quiver full of deadly arrows; so Homer, Il. i., ver. 43, where he represents him, in answer to the prayer of his priest Chryses, coming to smite the Greeks with the pestilence: -

Ὡς εφατ ευχομενος· του δ εκλυε Φοιβος Απολλων·

Βη δε κατ Ουλυμποιο καρηνων χωομενος κηρ,

Τοξ ωμοισιν εχων αμφηρεφεα τε φαρετρην. -

Ἑζετ επειτ απανευθε νεων· μετα δ ιον ἑηκε·

Δεινη δε κλαγγη γενετ αργυρεοιο βιοιο. κ. τ. λ.

"Thus Chryses pray’ d; the favoring power attends

And from Olympus’ lofty tops descends

Bent was his bow the Grecian hearts to wound

Fierce as he moved, his silver shafts resound; -

The fleet in view, he twang’ d his deadly’ bow

And hissing fly the feather’ d fates below

On mules and dogs the infection first began

And last the vengeful arrows fix’ d in man.

How frequently the same figure is employed in the sacred writings, every careful reader knows; and quotations need not be multiplied.

Clarke: Deu 32:24 - -- They shall be burnt with hunger - Their land shall be cursed, and famine shall prevail. This is one of the arrows

They shall be burnt with hunger - Their land shall be cursed, and famine shall prevail. This is one of the arrows

Clarke: Deu 32:24 - -- Burning heat - No showers to cool the atmosphere; or rather boils, blains, and pestilential fevers; this was a second

Burning heat - No showers to cool the atmosphere; or rather boils, blains, and pestilential fevers; this was a second

Clarke: Deu 32:24 - -- Bitter destruction - The plague; this was a third

Bitter destruction - The plague; this was a third

Clarke: Deu 32:24 - -- Teeth of beasts - with the poison of serpents - The beast of the field should multiply upon and destroy them; this was a fourth: and poisonous serpe...

Teeth of beasts - with the poison of serpents - The beast of the field should multiply upon and destroy them; this was a fourth: and poisonous serpents, infesting all their steps, and whose mortal bite should produce the utmost anguish, were to be a fifth arrow. Added to all these, the sword of their enemies - terror among themselves, Deu 32:25, and captivity were to complete their ruin, and thus the arrows of God were to be spent upon them. There is a beautiful saying in the Toozuki Teemour, which will serve to illustrate this point, while it exhibits one of the finest metaphors that occurs in any writer, the sacred writers excepted

"It was once demanded of the fourth Khaleefeh, (Aaly), on whom be the mercy of the Creator, ‘ If the canopy of heaven were a Bow; and if the earth were the cord thereof; and if calamities were Arrows; if mankind were the mark for those arrows; and if Almighty God, the tremendous and the glorious, were the unerring Archer; to whom could the sons of Adam flee for protection?’ The Khaleefeh answered, saying, ‘ The sons of Adam must flee unto the Lord.’ "

Clarke: Deu 32:27 - -- Were it not that I feared the wrath of the enemy - Houbigant and others contend that wrath here refers not to the enemy, but to God; and that the pa...

Were it not that I feared the wrath of the enemy - Houbigant and others contend that wrath here refers not to the enemy, but to God; and that the passage should be thus translated: "Indignation for the adversary deters me, lest their enemies should be alienated, and say, The strength of our hands, and not of the Lord’ s, hath done this."Had not God punished them in such a way as proved that his hand and not the hand of man had done it, the heathens would have boasted of their prowess, and Jehovah would have been blasphemed, as not being able to protect his worshippers, or to punish their infidelities. Titus, when he took Jerusalem, was so struck with the strength of the place, that he acknowledged that if God had not delivered it into his hands, the Roman armies never could have taken it.

Clarke: Deu 32:29 - -- That they would consider their latter end! - אחריתם archaritham , properly, their latter times - the glorious days of the Messiah, who, accor...

That they would consider their latter end! - אחריתם archaritham , properly, their latter times - the glorious days of the Messiah, who, according to the flesh, should spring up among them. Should they carefully consider this subject, and receive the promised Savior, they would consequently act as persons under infinite obligations to God; his strength would be their shield, and then: -

Clarke: Deu 32:30 - -- How should one chase a thousand - If therefore they had not forgotten their Rock, God their author and defense, it could not possibly have come to p...

How should one chase a thousand - If therefore they had not forgotten their Rock, God their author and defense, it could not possibly have come to pass that a thousand of them should flee before one of their enemies.

Clarke: Deu 32:31 - -- For their rock - The gods and pretended protectors of the Romans

For their rock - The gods and pretended protectors of the Romans

Clarke: Deu 32:31 - -- Is not as our Rock - Have neither power nor influence like our God

Is not as our Rock - Have neither power nor influence like our God

Clarke: Deu 32:31 - -- Our enemies themselves being judges - For they often acknowledged the irresistible power of that God who fought for Israel. See Exo 14:25; Num 23:8-...

Our enemies themselves being judges - For they often acknowledged the irresistible power of that God who fought for Israel. See Exo 14:25; Num 23:8-12, Num 23:19-21; 1Sa 4:8

There is a passage in Virgil, Eclog. iv., ver. 58, very similar to this saying of Moses: -

Pan Deus Arcadia mecum si judice certet

Pan etiam Arcadia dicat se judice victum

"Should the god Pan contend with me,"(in singin

the praises of the future hero, the deliverer

prophesied of in the Sibylline books), "were eve

Arcadia judge, Pan would acknowledge himself to b

vanquished, Arcadia herself being judge."

Clarke: Deu 32:32 - -- For their vine is of the vine of Sodom - The Jews are as wicked and rebellious as the Sodomites; for by the vine the inhabitants of the land are sig...

For their vine is of the vine of Sodom - The Jews are as wicked and rebellious as the Sodomites; for by the vine the inhabitants of the land are signified; see Isa 5:2, Isa 5:7

Clarke: Deu 32:32 - -- Their grapes - Their actions, are gall and worm-wood-producing nothing but mischief and misery to themselves and others

Their grapes - Their actions, are gall and worm-wood-producing nothing but mischief and misery to themselves and others

Clarke: Deu 32:32 - -- Their clusters are bitter - Their united exertions, as well as their individual acts, are sin, and only sin, continually. That by vine is meant the ...

Their clusters are bitter - Their united exertions, as well as their individual acts, are sin, and only sin, continually. That by vine is meant the people, and by grapes their moral conduct, is evident from Isa 5:1-7. It is very likely that the grapes produced about the lake Asphaltites, where Sodom and Gomorrah formerly stood, were not only of an acrid, disagreeable taste, but of a deleterious quality; and to this, it is probable, Moses here alludes.

Clarke: Deu 32:33 - -- Their wine - Their system of doctrines and teaching, is the poison of dragons, etc., fatal and destructive to all them who follow it.

Their wine - Their system of doctrines and teaching, is the poison of dragons, etc., fatal and destructive to all them who follow it.

Clarke: Deu 32:34 - -- Sealed up among my treasures? - Deeds or engagements by which persons were bound at a specified time to fulfill certain conditions, were sealed and ...

Sealed up among my treasures? - Deeds or engagements by which persons were bound at a specified time to fulfill certain conditions, were sealed and laid up in places of safety; so here God’ s justice is pledged to avenge the quarrel of his broken covenant on the disobedient Jews, but the time and manner were sealed in his treasures, and known only to himself. Hence it is said: -

Clarke: Deu 32:35 - -- Their foot shall slide in due time, etc. - But Calmet thinks that this verse is spoken against the Canaanites, the enemies of the Jewish people.

Their foot shall slide in due time, etc. - But Calmet thinks that this verse is spoken against the Canaanites, the enemies of the Jewish people.

Clarke: Deu 32:36 - -- The Lord shall judge his people - He has an absolute right over them as their Creator, and authority to punish them for their rebellions as their So...

The Lord shall judge his people - He has an absolute right over them as their Creator, and authority to punish them for their rebellions as their Sovereign; yet he will repent himself - he will change his manner of conduct towards them, when he seeth that their power is gone - when they are entirely subjugated by their adversaries, so that their political power is entirely destroyed; and there is none shut up or left - not one strong place untaken, and not one family left, all being carried into captivity, or scattered into strange lands. Or, he will do justice to his people, and avenge them of their adversaries; see Deu 32:35.

Clarke: Deu 32:37 - -- He shall say - He shall begin to expostulate with them, to awaken them to a due sense of their ingratitude and rebellion. This may refer to the prea...

He shall say - He shall begin to expostulate with them, to awaken them to a due sense of their ingratitude and rebellion. This may refer to the preaching of the Gospel to them in the latter days.

Clarke: Deu 32:39 - -- See now that I-am he - Be convinced that God alone can save, and God alone can destroy, and that your idols can neither hurt nor help you

See now that I-am he - Be convinced that God alone can save, and God alone can destroy, and that your idols can neither hurt nor help you

Clarke: Deu 32:39 - -- I kill, and I make alive, etc. - My mercy is as great as my justice, for I am as ready to save the penitent as I was to punish the rebellious.

I kill, and I make alive, etc. - My mercy is as great as my justice, for I am as ready to save the penitent as I was to punish the rebellious.

Clarke: Deu 32:40 - -- For I lift up my hand to heaven - See concerning oaths and appeals to God in the note on Deu 6:13 (note).

For I lift up my hand to heaven - See concerning oaths and appeals to God in the note on Deu 6:13 (note).

Clarke: Deu 32:42 - -- From the beginning of revenges - The word פרעות paroth , rendered revenges, a sense in which it never appears to be taken, has rendered this p...

From the beginning of revenges - The word פרעות paroth , rendered revenges, a sense in which it never appears to be taken, has rendered this place very perplexed and obscure. Mr. Parkhurst has rendered the whole passage thus: -

I will make my arrows drunk with blood

And my sword shall devour flesh

With the blood of the slain and captiv

From the hairy head of the enemy

Probably מראש פרעות merosh paroth may be more properly translated, from the naked head - the enemy shall have nothing to shield him from my vengeance; the crown of dignity shall fall off, and even the helmet be no protection against the sword and arrows of the Lord.

Clarke: Deu 32:43 - -- Rejoice, O ye nations - Ye Gentiles, for the casting off of the Jews shall be the means of your ingathering with his people, for they shall not be u...

Rejoice, O ye nations - Ye Gentiles, for the casting off of the Jews shall be the means of your ingathering with his people, for they shall not be utterly cast off. (See Rom 15:9, for in this way the apostle applies it). But how shall the Gentiles be called, and the Jews have their iniquity purged? He will be merciful unto his land and to his people, וכפר vechipper , he shall cause an atonement to be made for his land and people; i. e., Jesus Christ, the long promised Messiah, shall be crucified for Jews and Gentiles, and the way to the holiest be made plain by his blood

The people have long been making atonements for themselves, but to none effect, for their atonements were but signs, and not the thing signified, for the body is Christ; now the Lord himself makes an atonement, for the Lamb of God alone taketh away the sin of the world. This is a very proper and encouraging conclusion to the awfully important matter of this poem

Israel shall be long scattered, peeled, and punished, but they shall have mercy in the latter times; they also shall rejoice with the Gentiles, in the common salvation purchased by the blood of the Savior of all mankind.

Clarke: Deu 32:44 - -- And Moses came - Probably from the tabernacle, where God had given him this prophetic ode, and he rehearsed it in the ears of the people.

And Moses came - Probably from the tabernacle, where God had given him this prophetic ode, and he rehearsed it in the ears of the people.

Clarke: Deu 32:46 - -- Set your hearts unto all the words - Another proof that all these awful denunciations of Divine wrath, though delivered in an absolute form, were on...

Set your hearts unto all the words - Another proof that all these awful denunciations of Divine wrath, though delivered in an absolute form, were only declaratory of what God would do If they rebelled against him.

Clarke: Deu 32:47 - -- Through this thing ye shall prolong your days - Instead of being cut off, as God here threatens, ye shall be preserved and rendered prosperous in th...

Through this thing ye shall prolong your days - Instead of being cut off, as God here threatens, ye shall be preserved and rendered prosperous in the land which, when they passed over Jordan, they should possess.

Clarke: Deu 32:49 - -- Get thee up into this mountain Abarim - The mount of the passages, i. e., of the Israelites when they entered into the promised land. See the notes ...

Get thee up into this mountain Abarim - The mount of the passages, i. e., of the Israelites when they entered into the promised land. See the notes on Num 27:12.

Clarke: Deu 32:50 - -- And die in the mount - as Aaron - Some have supposed that Moses was translated; but if so, then Aaron was translated, for what is said of the death ...

And die in the mount - as Aaron - Some have supposed that Moses was translated; but if so, then Aaron was translated, for what is said of the death of the one is said of the death of the other.

Clarke: Deu 32:51 - -- Ye trespassed against me - at the waters of Meribah - See the note on Num 20:12.

Ye trespassed against me - at the waters of Meribah - See the note on Num 20:12.

Clarke: Deu 32:52 - -- Thou shalt see the land before thee - See Num 27:12, etc. How glorious to depart out of this life with God in his heart and heaven in his eye! his w...

Thou shalt see the land before thee - See Num 27:12, etc. How glorious to depart out of this life with God in his heart and heaven in his eye! his work, his great, unparalleled usefulness, ending only with his life. The serious reader will surely join in the following pious ejaculation of the late Rev. Charles Wesley, one of the best Christian poets of the last century: -

"O that without a lingering groa

I may the welcome word receive

My body with my charge lay down

And cease at once to work and live!

It would require a dissertation expressly formed for the purpose to point out the general merit and extraordinary beauties of this very sublime ode. To enter into such particulars can scarcely comport with the nature of the present work. Drs. Lowth, Kennicott, and Durell, have done much in this way; and to their respective works the critical reader is referred. A very considerable extract from what they have written on this chapter may be found in Dr. Dodd’ s notes. In writing this ode the design of Moses was

1.    To set forth the Majesty of God; to give that generation and all successive ones a proper view of the glorious perfections of the object of their worship. He therefore shows that from his holiness and purity he must be displeased with sin; from his justice and righteousness he must punish it; and from the goodness and infinite benevolence of his nature he is ever disposed to help the weak, instruct the ignorant, and show mercy to the wretched, sinful sons and daughters of men

2.    To show the duty and interest of his people. To have such a Being for their friend is to have all possible happiness, both spiritual and temporal, secured; to have him for their enemy is to be exposed to inevitable destruction and ruin

3.    To warn them against irreligion and apostasy; to show the possibility of departing from God, and the miseries that would overwhelm them and their posterity should they be found walking in opposition to the laws of their Creator

4.    To give a proper and impressive view of the providence of God, by referring to the history of his gracious dealings with them and their ancestors; the minute attention he paid to all their wants, the wonderful manner in which he led, fed, clothed, protected, and saved them, in all their travels and in all perils

5.    To leave on record an everlasting testimony against them, should they ever cast off his fear and pollute his worship, which should serve at once as a warning to the world, and a vindication of his justice, when the judgments he had threatened were found to be poured out upon them; for he who loved them so long and so intensely could not become their enemy but in consequence of the greatest and most unprincipled provocations

6.    To show the shocking and unprecedented ingratitude which induced a people so highly favored, and so wondrously protected and loved, to sin against their God; and how reasonable and just it was, for the vindication of his holiness, that God should pour out upon them such judgments as he had never inflicted on any other people, and so mark their disobedience and ingratitude with fresh marks of his displeasure, that the punishment should bear some proportion to the guilt, and that their preservation as a distinct people might afford a feeling proof both of the providence and justice of God

7.    To show the glory of the latter days in the re-election of the long reprobated Jewish nation, and the final diffusion of his grace and goodness over the earth by means of the Gospel of Christ

And all this is done with such strength and elegance of diction, with such appropriate, energetic, and impressive figures and metaphors, and in such a powerful torrent of that soul-penetrating, pure poetic spirit that comes glowing from the bosom of God, that the reader is alternately elated or depressed, filled with compunction or confidence, with despair or hope, according to the quick transitions of the inimitable writer to the different topics which form the subject of this incomparable and wondrously varied ode. May that Spirit by which it was dictated give it its fullest, most durable, and most effectual impression upon the mind of every reader!

Calvin: Deu 32:12 - -- 12.So the Lord alone did lead hive This is spoken by anticipation, in order to take away every pretext from the Israelites, provided they should seek...

12.So the Lord alone did lead hive This is spoken by anticipation, in order to take away every pretext from the Israelites, provided they should seek, according to their custom, to mingle their superstitions with the pure service of God. For, when they were bringing in, from all quarters, gods of various nations, this was the excuse they commonly made, that God was not thus despoiled of His due honor: and hence it came to pass, that they permitted themselves to heap together a multitude of false gods, whom they worshipped as their patrons. But Moses anticipates them, and declares that God, as having no need of external aid, had not associated with Himself any strange gods in His preservation of the people. Hence it follows, that whatever gods the people introduced, they transferred to them the honor due to the one true God. Let us then learn from this passage, that, unless God be served without a rival, religion is altogether perverted by the impious admixture.

Calvin: Deu 32:13 - -- 13.He made him ride on the high places Theirs is but a frivolous imagination, who suppose that Judea was so called as being the navel or center of th...

13.He made him ride on the high places Theirs is but a frivolous imagination, who suppose that Judea was so called as being the navel or center of the earth; 262 it is more likely that it was called high in reference to Egypt; and, indeed, it is by no means an unusual expression, that those who go into Egypt, are said to go down, and those who come into Judea to come up. Still I am rather disposed Lo think that by height he denotes its excellency; inasmuch as that land, on account of its illustrious endowments, was, as it were, the most noble theater in the world.

Moses celebrates its fertility, when he says that the people sucked honey from the rock and oil from the stones: for he means to indicate, that no part of it was unproductive, since they gathered honey from the rocks, and upon them also the olive grew. The same is the intention of the other figures, that they ate “butter of kine, and milk of sheep;” by which he signifies that the land was full of rich pastures. By “fat of lambs,” he undoubtedly means the plumpness of their flesh, because it was not lawful to eat their actual fat; but it is not unusual to denote by this word any kind of richness, as soon afterwards he calls the best meal or flour, from which the more delicate kind of bread was made, “the fat of wheat.” With respect to the wine, he magnifies God’s liberality by the use of a poetic figure, when he says they drank of the blood of the grape. There is no doubt but that he alludes to its color; yet he takes occasion to extol more highly the beneficence of God, by intimating that, when the juice of the grapes is expressed, it is just as if their blood flowed forth for the nutriment of men. Since, then, the metaphor is taken from the redness of wine, I have not hesitated to translate the epithet חמר , chamer, at the end of the verse, red. 263 From many passages it appears to have been very delicious; and in Isa 27:2 the word חמר , chamer, is used for a vine of great preciousness and of exquisite flavor. Those who render it pure, have rather taken into consideration the fact, than the signification of the word.

Calvin: Deu 32:15 - -- 15.But Jeshurun 264 waxed fat. Moses here severely censures the ingratitude of the people, because when filled with delicacies, they began to wax w...

15.But Jeshurun 264 waxed fat. Moses here severely censures the ingratitude of the people, because when filled with delicacies, they began to wax wanton against God; for, according to the vulgar proverb, satiety breeds violence; but this arises from men’s detestable depravity, who ought rather to be inclined to humility and gentleness by the loving-kindness of God, since the more abundantly He supplies us with food, the more does He invite us to show forth the affection that becomes children, inasmuch as He thus more closely and familiarly declares Himself to be our Father. Intolerable, then, is the impiety of profane persons, who increase in insolence against Him, when they have gorged themselves with an abundance of all good things. They are here compared to restive horses, which, if they are well fed, without exercise, kick under their rider, and are rendered almost intractable. By using the word “upright” for Israel, he ironically taunts them with having departed from rectitude, and, reminding them of the high dignity conferred upon them, more severely reproves their sin of unfaithfulness. For elsewhere 265 Israel is honored with the same title without any evil imputation in respect to their calling; but here Moses reproachfully shows them how far they had departed from the pursuit of that piety, to the cultivation of which they had been called.

Calvin: Deu 32:16 - -- 16.They provoked him to jealousy It is only figuratively that jealousy is attributed to God, who is free from all passions; but, since men never suff...

16.They provoked him to jealousy It is only figuratively that jealousy is attributed to God, who is free from all passions; but, since men never sufficiently reflect how great pollution they contract by their idolatries, it is necessary that the grossness of the sin should be expressed in such terms as this, implying that men do no less injury to God, when they transfer to others the honor due to Him, and that the offense is no lighter than as if a licentious woman should provoke her husband’s mind to jealousy, and inflict a wound upon him by running after adulterers. This jealousy has reference to the sacred and spiritual marriage, whereby God had bound His people to Himself. The suae is, that the Israelites were as insulting to God by their superstitions as if they had designedly provoked Him.

In the next verse an amplification follows, viz., that they had transferred to devils the worship due to God alone. By the general consent of all nations God ought to be worshipped by sacrifices; for, although the Gentiles invented for themselves divers gods, still the persuasion continued to prevail, that this service was the peculiar prerogative of Deity. Nothing, then, could be more disgraceful or detestable than to rob God of His honor, and to offer it to demons. This, indeed, would never have been admitted by the Israelites, inasmuch as they pretended that their minor gods were their advocates with the supreme and only Creator of the world, and did not hesitate to account as rendered to Him whatever they shared among their idols. Here, however, He first of all repudiates all such mixtures whereby His holy name is unworthily profaned, and suffers Himself not to be associated with idols; and, secondly, by whatever titles they may dignify their idols, He declares all false gods to be demons. Hence it follows that the sacrifices made to them are infected with sacrilege. Both of these points are worthy of careful remark, viz., that God abominates all corruptions of His service; and also, that whatever names the world may invent for its gods, they are so many masks, under which the devil hides himself for the deception of the simple.

Furthermore, Moses reproves the folly of the Israelites in having promiscuously devoted themselves to unknown gods; just as an adulterous woman might prostitute herself indiscriminately to all comers. When he says that they came from near, 266 it has reference to time, and is equivalent to saying that they had lately sprung up. Thirdly, it is said, that these gods were not honored by their fathers; for thus their perverse love of novelty is proved against them, inasmuch as they had not been even led by imitation of their fathers, but in their restless innovation had procured for themselves new and unwonted gods. Not that the law of piety is founded on antiquity alone, as if it were sufficient to follow the customs handed down by our ancestors; for thus any of the religions of the Gentiles might be proved true, but because the genuine and faithful tradition of their fathers would be the sure and approved rule for the worship of God. For Moses assumes a higher principle, viz., that their fathers were truly and most unmistakably instructed who was the one and only God, in whom alone they ought to trust. Yet a distinction is here to be drawn between these holy fathers and the reprobate; for the imitation of their fathers, which here seems to be deemed praiseworthy, is elsewhere severely condemned, because the Jews were carried away, without discrimination, after the bad examples of their fathers. Moses, therefore, here refers to no other fathers than those who were in a position to hand down what they had learned from God Himself. The word fear often comprises, by synecdoche, the whole service of God, and sometimes is applied to outward ceremonies: the word שער , sagnar however, is here used, which means properly to stand in awe of, or to dread; 267 but still in the same sense.

Calvin: Deu 32:18 - -- 18.Of the Rock 268 that begat thee. He again aggravates the criminality of the people by referring to their ingratitude, inasmuch as they did not f...

18.Of the Rock 268 that begat thee. He again aggravates the criminality of the people by referring to their ingratitude, inasmuch as they did not fall through ignorance, but willfully stifled that knowledge of God, which ought to have shone brightly in all their hearts: for this is the effect of the reproach, that they were unmindful of their Rock: as much as to say, that they would never have given themselves up to their impious superstitions, unless they had cast into voluntary oblivion that God whom, by the most conspicuous proofs, they had experimentally found to be the foundation and support of their salvation.

Calvin: Deu 32:19 - -- 19.And when the Lord saw it The seeing of God, which is mentioned here, has reference to His forbearance in judgment: as if it were said, that He d...

19.And when the Lord saw it The seeing of God, which is mentioned here, has reference to His forbearance in judgment: as if it were said, that He does not act hastily, and is not alienated from His children, without having duly weighed their case; in the same way as it is said elsewhere: “Because the cry of Sodom is great, I will go down now and see whether” it is so, and “I will know.” (Gen 18:20) Assuredly God has no need to make any examination, since nothing escapes His eyes, however hidden it may be; but this going down and inquiring is contrasted with preposterous haste. Thus in this passage Moses shows that God was wroth, when he saw His sons and His daughters drawn away so faithlessly after their idols. Again, when he calls them God’s children, he does not judge them to be so on account of their merits, but in reference to God’s adoption, which, although it was canceled as regarded themselves, still had the effect of aggravating the guilt of their ingratitude. And for the same reason that he had just. said that God saw them, Moses introduces Him deliberating, as it were, that the time for punishing them might be perceived to be fully come. But we must notice the degrees; for God does not at once break forth into extreme severity, but is said to hide His face, that He might secretly consider what they would do: since this is a middle course between the manifest exhibition of His grace and favor, and the tokens of His wrath. God is, indeed, elsewhere said, in many passages, to hide His face, when He rejects men’s prayers, and withdraws His aid; but here He assumes the character of a man who, when he sees that he produces no effect by acting, 269 goes aside to some place, from whence he may quietly contemplate the result, And thus God’s weariness of them is expressed; for when He at length saw that His efforts to control them were thrown away, He abandoned the care of them. It is a false inference, which some draw from hence, that men, when forsaken by God, recover themselves by the exercise of their own free-will; as if God sat calmly and inactively in a watch-tower expecting what they may do; inasmuch as this hiding of Himself has reference only to the outward manifestation of His grace. In a word, it is a similitude taken from the conduct of men, whereby God signifies that He is overcome with weariness, and will no more be the leader and guardian of the people, until it shall effectually appear that they are altogether intractable. And this is gathered from the reason, which is presently added, wherein He censures their forward nature and want of faith, as much as to say, that, after long trial, nothing remained for Him but to abandon them.

Calvin: Deu 32:21 - -- 21.They have moved me to jealousy He now proceeds further, viz., that God, after having withdrawn Himself for a time, would, at length be the open en...

21.They have moved me to jealousy He now proceeds further, viz., that God, after having withdrawn Himself for a time, would, at length be the open enemy of the people, so as to repay them in kind. And he points out the mode of this retaliation, that as they had insultingly brought into antagonism with God empty phantoms and vanities, so on His part, He would exalt against them barbarous and worthless nations. This similitude is also taken from jealous husbands, who, when they perceive themselves to be despised by their adulterous wives, avenge themselves by their own amours. Why God should attribute to Himself the feeling of jealousy has been explained under the Second Commandment; Moses now only shows that it would be a most equitable mode of revenge, that God should insult, by means of despised and ignoble nations, those apostates, who had made to themselves idols in disparagement of Him.

The fulfillment of this sentence was manifested from time to time, when they were tyrannically oppressed by the neighboring nations. It is true, indeed, that the Egyptians, the Assyrians, and the Chaldeans were included among those people of nought and foolish nations, although they were preeminent in power and wealth, and famous for other splendid endowments; but it is no matter of surprise that, in comparison with that dignity which God had conferred upon the Israelites, all other nations should be accounted but refuse. The suae is, that God’s vengeance was ready whereby He would punish the vanities of His people, inasmuch as He could create out of nothing the enemies by whom they should be reduced to nothing. There is much elegance in the allusion of Paul, in which he extends this sentence further, inasmuch as, when God introduced the Gentiles into His Church, He stirred up the Jews to jealousy, in order that they might be led to repentance by a sense of their ignominy. Surely the calling of the Gentiles was exactly as if He created shadows, whom he might prefer to His reprobate people. (Rom 10:19.)

Calvin: Deu 32:22 - -- 22.For a fire is kindled in mine anger He confirms what went before, but more generally; for He compares His anger to a burning fire, which should p...

22.For a fire is kindled in mine anger He confirms what went before, but more generally; for He compares His anger to a burning fire, which should penetrate to the deepest abysses, and should utterly consume their land, so as not to spare the very roots of the mountains. This metaphor is, indeed, of frequent occurrence; but here more is expressed by it than in other passages. In the same sense also it is presently added, that God would spend all his scourges and arrows upon them; since, when His implacable anger is once aroused, there are no bounds to His severity. The verb אספה aspheh, may, however, also be taken for to heap, or to superadd; 270 but I willingly follow the more received interpretation, viz., that God will not omit anything to destroy them, as if He would apply to this purpose all weapons which were at hand.

Calvin: Deu 32:24 - -- 24.They shall be burnt with hunger He now descends to some particular modes of punishment, not, indeed, to enumerate them all, but only to adduce suc...

24.They shall be burnt with hunger He now descends to some particular modes of punishment, not, indeed, to enumerate them all, but only to adduce such specimens of them as to inspire the people with greater terror, inasmuch as mere generalities would not have sufficiently affected them. He mentions three especial scourges, pestilence, famine, and the sword, on which the prophets constantly dilate, when their object was to apply the Law to the actual use of the people, from whence it arose that they familiarly employ many of the expressions used by Moses. He introduces indeed other punishments, which the prophets also mention; but the sum of what he says is this, that the Israelites should feel that God was armed with all the punishments which were only too well known by experience, and by them would utterly destroy them.

First., he says, that they should be dried up, or rather roasted with hunger. 271 Instead of pestilence he uses the words burning (uredinem,) and bitter destruction: and before he speaks of the sword, declares that He would send forth beasts and serpents, so that on the one hand, open violence should assail them, and, on the other, secret wiles. Amos has also imitated this figure:

“The day of the Lord (he says) is darkness and not light: as if a man did flee from a lion and a bear met him; or went into the house, and leaned his hand on the wall, and a serpent bit him.”
(Amo 5:18.)

To war, and the cruelty of enemies he adds another evil, viz., terror: and this is, indeed, an aggravation worse than death itself, when we tremble within with terror, for it would be better to be slain ten times over bravely fighting in battle, than to be consumed with constant fear, as by a lingering death. 272

Let us learn, then, from this passage, that, whatever perils surround us, and whatever adversities, they are God’s weapons, and that they do not occur by chance to this or that person, but are directed by His hand. Thus it is the case that He not; only stirs up enemies against us, but fierce and noisome beasts also; that He shuts up the heaven and the earth; that He infects the atmosphere with deadly disease; that, in a word, he draws forth from all the elements manifold means of destruction.

But if it be the fact, that the godly are involved in similar punishments, since they suffer from hunger and want, and are not exempt from any evil; for even Paul acknowledges that he had himself experienced what God here denounces against those that wickedly despise Him, for he says that he was troubled without with fightings, and within with fears, (2Co 7:5;) we must bear in mind that all adversities are in themselves signs of God’s wrath, since they derive their origin from sin; but that through God’s marvelous provision it comes to pass, that to believers they are exercises of their faith and proofs of their patience. Hence we often see God’s children afflicted in common with the ungodly, but to a different end; though nevertheless all adversities are proofs of God’s wrath against the reprobate. On this point I have spoken at greater length in treating of the curses of the Law.

Calvin: Deu 32:26 - -- 26.I said, I would scatter them God again represents Himself in the character of a man, as if He were meditating opposite determinations, and restrai...

26.I said, I would scatter them God again represents Himself in the character of a man, as if He were meditating opposite determinations, and restrained His vehemence in consideration of the impediments He encountered. What it amounts to, however, is this, that God suspended His final judgment upon them for no other reason but because He had regard to His own glory, which would else have been subjected to the taunts of the Gentiles. Hence the Jews were reminded that, whereas they had deserved certain destruction, they were preserved on no other grounds but because God was unwilling to give the reins to the insolence of the Gentiles. The expression wrath, is here used for arrogant boasting, because in their prosperity ungodly and profane men burst forth into cruelty; unless it be preferred to render it simply irritation, 273 in which sense it is used in 2Kg 23:0 Immediately afterwards it is explained, “lest the adversaries should behave themselves strangely.” נכר , nacar, signifies sometimes to be strange, sometimes to put on a different face, sometimes to acknowledge. Thus I do not doubt but that Moses meant to express the arrogance of those who in a manner transform themselves that they may dazzle the eyes of the simple by their pomp and empty exaltation. If any approve of a different sense, i.e., lest they should separate themselves from God, and arrogate to themselves what belongs to Him alone, I make no objection: and this, indeed, seems to agree with what follows, 274 “Our high hand, and not the Lord, has done this:” for when men indulge in such unbridled license, they go so far astray as to have nothing in common with God. Thus the judgment of God, which should have been conspicuous in these punishments, would have been put out of sight, when the enemies appropriated to themselves the glory of the people’s destruction. Nevertheless the ungodly did not cease to pride themselves on their victories, (as God complains by Isaiah, and Habakkuk confirms;) 275 although their insolence was in some measure repressed, as long as there were some remnants of the elect people preserved. 276

It is only figuratively that God says, he feared this insolence, which He might have easily remedied and restrained: but I have already stated, that He speaks after the manner of men, to show the Israelites that they escaped rather on account of their enemies, than by their own merits. The question, however, arises, how such a consultation as this could have taken place after God had determined to consume them with the fire of His wrath; 277 I reply, that the consump tion there indicated was not such as totally to annihilate the nation, so that no ruins should remain as witnesses of their former state; whereas He now speaks of the destruction, which should altogether blot out the name of the nation, as if it had never been chosen by God.

Calvin: Deu 32:28 - -- 28.For they are a nation void of counsel The cause is assigned why God had almost blotted out altogether the memory of the people, viz., because thei...

28.For they are a nation void of counsel The cause is assigned why God had almost blotted out altogether the memory of the people, viz., because their faculty was incurable: for He does not merely indicate that their conduct was rash and inconsiderate, because they lacked reason mid discretion: but that they could be by no means brought to their senses, and, in fact, that not one drop of sagacity existed in them. The proof of this immediately follows, viz., that the tokens of God’s wrath were too clearly set before their eyes to escape their notice, unless they were utterly blind and stupid. The word לו , lu, which they render, “Would that” 278 ( utinam,) denotes commiseration rather than desire; and therefore it may be properly translated, “Oh, if they understood,” etc.

By the expression, “latter, ” their exceeding stupidity is censured: since not even by many and long experiences were they aroused to reflect on the causes of their calamities; whereas length of time extorts some sense at last from the very dullest, and almost idiotic persons. It was, therefore, a sign of desperate stupidity that they were still without understanding after so many years; as if by experience itself they had grown callous, when they ought to have shaken off their lethargy, and to have bestirred themselves to earnest inquiry. Justly, then, does Moses reproach them with not having considered even at the latter end; for not once only, nor in a single year, but by constant inflictions of punishment during a long series of years, had they been instructed without profit.

Calvin: Deu 32:30 - -- 30.How should one chase a thousand Of all the many tokens of God’s wrath, he selects one which was peculiarly striking; for as long as God was on t...

30.How should one chase a thousand Of all the many tokens of God’s wrath, he selects one which was peculiarly striking; for as long as God was on their side, they had put to flight mighty armies, nor had they been supported by any multitude of forces. Now, when, though in great numbers, they are conquered by a few, this change plainly shows that they are deprived of God’s aid, especially when a thousand, who were wont before, with a little band, to rout the greatest armies, gave way before ten men. Moses, therefore, condemns the stupidity of the people, in that it does not occur to their minds that they are rejected by God, when they are so easily overcome by a few enemies, whom they far exceed in numbers. Moses, however, goes still further, and says, that they were sold and betrayed; 279 inasmuch as God, having so often found them to be unworthy of His aid, not only deserted them, but made them subject to heathen nations, and, as it were, sold them to be their slaves. This threat is often repeated by the prophets: and Isaiah, desiring to awake in them a hope of deliverance, tells them that God would redeem the people whom He had sold. 280 But, in case any should object that it was no matter of wonder, if the uncertain chance of war should confer on others the victory which often, as a profane poet says,

“Hovers between the two on doubtful wings,” 281

Moses anticipates the objection by declaring that, unless the people should be deprived of God’s aid, they could not be otherwise than successful. A comparison is therefore instituted between the true God and false gods: as though Moses had said that, where the God of hosts presides, the issue of war can never be doubtful. Hence it follows, that God’s elect and peculiar people are exempted from the ordinary condition of nations, except in so far as it deserves to be rejected on the score of its ingratitude. He calls the unbelievers themselves to be the arbiters and witnesses of this, inasmuch as they had often experienced the formidable power of God, and knew assuredly that the God of Israel was unlike their idols. It is, then, just as if he had said, that this was conspicuous even to the blind, or were to cite as witnesses those who are blessed with no light from on high. In thus inviting unbelievers to be judges, it is not as if he supposed that they would pronounce what was true, and thoroughly understood by them, but because they must needs be convinced by experience: for, if any one had asked the heathen whether the supreme government and power of heaven and earth were in the hands of the One God of Israel, they never would have confessed that their idols were mere vanity. Still, however malignantly they might detract from God’s glory, Moses does not hesitate to boast, even themselves being judges, that God had magnificently exerted His unconquered might; although he refers rather to the experience of facts themselves, than to their feelings. Other commentators extract a different meaning, viz., that although unbelievers might be victorious, still God remained unaffected by it: neither was his arm broken, because he permitted them to afflict the apostate Israelites: 282 the former exposition, however, is the more appropriate one.

Calvin: Deu 32:32 - -- 32.For their vine is of the vine of Sodom I think it was far from the intention of Moses, as some make it to be, to refer to the punishment which the...

32.For their vine is of the vine of Sodom I think it was far from the intention of Moses, as some make it to be, to refer to the punishment which the Israelites deserved; but that he rather inveighs against their corrupted morals, and obstinate disposition. But metaphorically he calls them an offshoot from the vine of Sodom and Gomorrah, inasmuch as they resemble in their nature both those nations, as much as if they had sprung from them, just as grafts of the vine produce fruits similar to the stocks from which they are taken. God complains by Isaiah that, when he looked for good and sweet grapes from His vineyard, it brought forth wild grapes. (Isa 5:2.) And also by Jeremiah that, when He had planted a trustworthy and genuine seed, it was turned into the branches of a strange vine, (Jer 2:22;) but Moses goes further here, that the people was not merely a degenerate vine, bun poisonous, and producing nothing but what was deadly; and therefore he adds, not only that their clusters were bitter, but that their wine was the poison of dragons and asps; whereby he signifies that nothing worse or more abominable than that nation could be imagined.

Calvin: Deu 32:34 - -- 34.Is not this laid up in store with me? Although some explain this verse as relating to their punishments, as if God asserted that various kinds of ...

34.Is not this laid up in store with me? Although some explain this verse as relating to their punishments, as if God asserted that various kinds of them were laid up with Him, which He could produce whenever He pleased, it is more correct to understand it of their crimes. We are well aware that the ungodly, when God stays His severity, promise themselves impunity, as if His forbearance were a kind of connivance. Unless, therefore, He straightway lifts up His hand to chastise them, they imagine that all recollection of their crimes has vanished from before Him; and consequently the prophets often remind hypocrites of the day of visitation, in order that they may not suppose that they have gained anything by the delay. For this reason Jeremiah says that

“the sin of Judah is written with an iron pen
and with the point of a diamond,” (Jer 17:1.)

Moses employs a different figure, that, although God may not appear as an immediate avenger, still their sins are stored up in his treasures, and will be brought to light by Him at the fitting season. Hence we gather the profitable lesson, that although God may make as though He saw not (dissimulet) for a time, still He does not forget the iniquities, the memory of which wretched men foolishly imagine to be blotted out, unless they are pursued by God’s immediate vengeance.

Calvin: Deu 32:35 - -- 35.To me belongeth vengeance This passage is quoted to different purposes by Paul, and by the author 283 of the Epistle to the Hebrews, (Rom 12:19; H...

35.To me belongeth vengeance This passage is quoted to different purposes by Paul, and by the author 283 of the Epistle to the Hebrews, (Rom 12:19; Heb 10:30;) for Paul, with a view of persuading believers to bear injuries patiently, admonishes them to “give place unto wrath,” inasmuch as God declares vengeance to be His; but the author of the Epistle to the Hebrews, proclaiming that God will be the avenger of impiety, confirms his declaration by this testimony. Hence it is that part of the commentators suppose that punishment is here denounced against heathen nations because they have cruelly afflicted God’s elect people. And, indeed, this appears to be the meaning of Paul’s words, that injuries should be patiently endured, since God claims for Himself the office of Avenger; but there is nothing to prevent the same statement from being accommodated to different uses, and therefore Paul did not irrelevantly confirm his exhortation by this saying of Moses, although it literally refers to the internal chastisements of the Church. Besides, the apostles are not in the habit of quoting every word from the testimonies which they adduce, but briefly remind their readers to examine more closely the passages quoted. But, since God here joins the two things together, that He will punish the sins of His people, and at the same time be the avenger of their oppressions, there will be nothing absurd in saying that Paul, as it were, points his finger at this passage; 284 still, the simple explanation will be, that the general declaration is accommodated to a special case, in order that believers should bear their injuries patiently, and leave to God the office which He pronounces to appertain to Himself. In my judgment, indeed, these words are connected with the preceding verse; for God pertinently confirms His statement, that he takes account of the number of men’s sins, and has them stored among His treasures, by adding that the power and office of judging rests with Himself; inasmuch as these two things are contrary to each other, that He should be cognizant of whatever is done unrighteously and amiss, and still leave it unpunished. Not that it is opposed to God’s justice to pardon sinners when they repent, but because this principle always continues firm, that God is the judge of the world, for the punishment of all iniquities. Thus the confidence of hypocrites is destroyed, who flatter themselves with the hope of impunity, unless they are overtaken by immediate punishment.

The clause which follows some interpreters pervert by supplying the relative, “in the time in which their foot shall slide;” whereas Moses simply concludes that they will fall in their due time, or that, although they may think they stand, their ruin or fall was not far off; and this is further confirmed by what he adds, viz., that their day of calamity was at hand. This statement, as I have before said, often occurs in the Prophets, that there is with God a fit time, 285 in which to punish the sins which He has appeared to overlook, and therefore His long-suffering detracts nothing from the judgment which He delays. In this doctrine there is a twofold moral; first, that those whom God spares for a time, should not give way to self-indulgence; and, secondly, that the prosperity of the wicked should not disturb the minds of believers, but that they should allow God to decide the time and the place of executing vengeance. Inasmuch, however, as God’s delay renders hypocrites secure, so that they lull themselves to sleep in their vices, and, although they hear that they will have to render account of them, thoughtlessly indulge themselves during 286 their period of enjoyment, Moses declares that the day is near, and makes haste; for, if God does not openly alarm them, and reduce them to straits, they exult in their immunity. Hence those blasphemous sayings recorded by Isaiah, (Isa 5:19,) “Let him make speed, and hasten his work that we may see it; and let the counsel of the Holy One draw nigh and come, that we may know it! “Meanwhile we must bear in mind the words of Habakkuk, (Hab 2:3,) “Though the prophecy tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.”

Calvin: Deu 32:36 - -- 36.For the Lord shall judge his people Some connect this sentence with what precedes it, and thus take the word judge for to punish, and the Apos...

36.For the Lord shall judge his people Some connect this sentence with what precedes it, and thus take the word judge for to punish, and the Apostle in the Epistle to the Hebrews, seems to support their opinion, inasmuch as he proves by this testimony how fearful a thing it is “to fall into the hands of the living God.” (Hebrews10:30, 31.) But there is no reason why the Apostle should not have accommodated to a different purpose what was set forth by Moses for the consolation of the godly, in order that believers might be the more heedful, the nearer they saw God to show Himself as the Judge of His Church; unless it be perhaps preferred to construe the words of Moses thus: Although God should judge His people, yet at length He will be propitiated, or touched with repentance, so as to temper the vehemence of His anger. Whichever way we understand them will be of little difference in the main; for, after Moses has threatened the despisers of God, and the apostates, who desire to be accounted members of His household the Church, he now turns to the strangers and denounces against them that the cruelty which they have exercised towards the Israelites shall not be unpunished, because God will at length be mindful of His covenant, and will pardon His elect people. If you take the word judge for to govern, or to undertake their cause, the particle for must be rendered adversatively, as though it were said nevertheless or but; if we prefer the other sense, it will be equivalent to although, or even though. Doubtless the object of Moses is to encourage the hopes of the pious, who have profited by God’s chastisement, by showing that He will mitigate His severity towards His elect people, and in His wrath will remember mercy. (Hab 3:2.) Thus, then, Moses here teaches the same thing which God afterwards more clearly unfolded to David:

“If thy children forsake my law,... I will visit their transgressions with the rod of man,... nevertheless my loving-kindness will I not take away from them,” etc. 287 (Psa 89:30; 2Sa 7:14, 15.)

For nothing is more fitted to sustain us in afflictions than when God promises that there shall be some limit to them, so that He will not utterly destroy those whom He has chosen. Whenever, therefore, the ills which we suffer tempt us to despair, let this lesson recur to our minds, that the punishments, wherewith God chastises His children, are temporary, since His promise will never fail that “his anger endureth but a moment,” (Psa 30:5,) whilst the flow of His mercy is continual. Hence, too, that lesson which is especially directed to the Church: 288

“For a moment I afflicted thee, but I will pursue my mercies towards thee for ever.” (Isa 54:8.)

He here calls them His servants, not because they had deserved His pardon by their obedience, but because He condescends to acknowledge them as His own; for this honor has reference to His gratuitous election; as when David says, “I am thy servant, and the son of thine handmaid,” (Psa 116:16,) he assuredly arrogates nothing peculiar to himself; but only boasts that he from the womb had been of God’s family, just as slaves are born in the house of their masters. At the same time we must observe that, whenever God declares that He will be merciful to His servants, he only refers to those who heartily seek for reconciliation, and not to the reprobate, who are carried away to destruction by their desperate obstinacy. In short, to the end that God should repent of His severity, repentance is required on the part of sinners; as he teaches elsewhere:

“Turn ye unto me,... and I will turn unto you.”
(Zec 1:3.)

Instead of shall repent, some translate the word, shall console himself. 289 Jerome, regarding the drift of the passage rather than the meaning of the word, translates it shall have mercy.

We must, however, remark the time which God prefixes for the exertion of His grace, viz., when all their power (virtus) shall have departed from them, and all shall be reduced to almost entire destruction; for the word hand is used for vigor; 290 as though it were said that God would be by no means content with a light chastisement, and consequently would not be appeased until they should have come to extremities. This circumstance is well worthy of notice, so flint our hopes may not fail us even in the most severe afflictions of the Church; but that we may be assured that although all may be in the worst state possible, still the due season of reparation will come even yet.

That none should remain behind, or shut up or left, is almost a proverbial phrase in Hebrew; as when it is said, (1Kg 14:10,) “I will cut off from Jeroboam,... him that is shut up and left in Israel,” i.e., as well in the city as in the country, or at home as abroad. And this is again repeated respecting the posterity of Ahab. ( Ibid. 21:21.) And hence it is plain that they are mistaken 291 who explain this as referring to riches shut up in treasure-houses, and cattle dispersed through the fields. And this will be still more apparent from another passage in which the Prophet unquestionably referred to this, “The Lord saw the affliction of Israel, that it was very bitter; for there was not any shut up, nor any left,” and inasmuch as He had not determined to blot out His people,” he saved them by the hand of Jeroboam;” as much as to say, that God, as He had promised, had pity upon His people in their extreme destitution. (2Kg 14:26.)

Calvin: Deu 32:37 - -- 37.And he shall say, Where are their gods? Commentators are here at issue, for some continue the paragraph, as if Moses were reporting the boastings ...

37.And he shall say, Where are their gods? Commentators are here at issue, for some continue the paragraph, as if Moses were reporting the boastings and insults of their enemies in the afflicted state of the Church; whilst others consider it to be a pious exultation, wherein the faithful will celebrate the deliverance of the Church. If we suppose the enemies to be here speaking, it will be inconsistent that the word “gods” should be used in the plural number: besides, what follows will proceed from their mistake and ignorance, that the Israelites “did eat the fat,” which was not lawful for them even in their common food, and much less in the sacrifices wherein the fat was burnt. The other exposition, however, is that which I rather approve of, viz., that when the tables were turned, and God should have shown Himself as the avenger of the unbelievers cruel injustice, — God’s children would be at liberty to upbraid them. The word “he shall say,” 292 is used indefinitely for “It shall be said by any or all of God’s children.” Just, then, as unbelievers, when they see the saints afflicted, impudently ridicule their faith, so on the other side Moses, when God comes to the help of His Church, introduces the saints derisively inquiring, where are the gods of the Gentiles, and where are all their patrons? since all of them, as is well known, had their tutelary gods. Thus their impure and spurious sacrifices are satirized in which they ate the fat, and drank the libations of wine. In short, Moses intimates that, when God succors His people, their mouth is opened to sing the song of triumph to the glory of the true God, and to upbraid unbelievers with the false confidence whereby they are deceived.

Calvin: Deu 32:39 - -- 39.See now that 1, even I, am he Those who attribute the preceding verses to the unbelievers, now introduce God speaking, as it were, abruptly, and a...

39.See now that 1, even I, am he Those who attribute the preceding verses to the unbelievers, now introduce God speaking, as it were, abruptly, and asserting His glory, in rebuke of their blasphemies. But it is rather a confirmation of that holy boasting which He has just dictated to the believers, when God not only bids His people lift up their voices against the idols, but Himself comes forward to condemn the senselessness of the Gentiles; although the context clearly shows that He addresses Himself to the faithful, After, therefore, He has exhorted His people to despise the idols, He now adds that He supplies them with ample grounds of confidence in Himself. For when He bids them “look,” He signifies that no obscure manifestation of His power is before their eyes, if they will only pay attention to it. The repetition of the pronoun I is emphatic, both to arouse the people from their sluggishness, and to keep their minds steadfast, lest they should waver as if in doubt. For we know that men’s minds can hardly be drawn to the true knowledge of God, because they wind about by circuitous courses, so as not to direct themselves straight to Him. And again, when they do apprehend God, we are aware how easily they are drawn away from Him; since the vicissitudes of things becloud them, so that they wander hither and thither in uncertainly. For this reason, when God has overthrown all fictitious deities, He declares that He always remains the same, whether he kills or makes alive, so that in the thick darkness of affliction believers may not cease to look to Him. Let us learn from this passage that God is defrauded of His right, unless He alone is preeminent, all idols being reduced to nothing; and also that our faith is then truly fixed in Him, and has firm roots, if, amidst the various changes which occur, it does not stagger or waver, but surmounts such obstacles, so as not to cease to hope in Him even when He seems to “slay” us, as Job says, (Job 13:15.) And surely nothing is more unreasonable than that our faith should look round upon all events so as to depend upon them; since God would have His promises to quicken us in death itself. The close of the verse may fitly be referred to their enemies, inasmuch as God declares that none can deliver them out of His hand.

Calvin: Deu 32:40 - -- 40.For 293 I lift up my, hand to heaven. Others render it, “When I shall have lifted up my hand,” and read it connectedly with the foregoing ve...

40.For 293 I lift up my, hand to heaven. Others render it, “When I shall have lifted up my hand,” and read it connectedly with the foregoing verse, that God’s power in destroying and preserving will be manifest, if He raises up His hand to heaven. I do not doubt, however, but that it is the beginning of a new sentence, and that God thus commences, in order to affirm more strongly what He immediately adds respecting the future destruction of their enemies. If, however, any prefer the adverb of time “when,” I have no great objection to offer, provided these clauses are connected, “As soon as I shall have lifted up my hand to heaven, I will put to confusion the enemies of my Church.”

To lift up the hand is explained in two ways; for some suppose it to be a manifestation of power, as men are wont, by the uplifting of their hand, to glow, when they are confident in their strength, and despise their enemies. Others, however, more correctly state it to be a form of adjuration God, who is exalted above all heavens, cannot, indeed, be literally said to lift His hand; but it is no new thing for Him to borrow modes of expression taken from men’s common habits and customs, especially when He suddenly rises again to sublimity, after having appeared for a while to sink below the level of His greatness. Certainly the words which follow contain in them an oath, “I live for ever;” and hence it is probable 294 that the elevation of His hand was expressive of His taking the oath.

God swears by His life in a very different sense from men. Sometimes, indeed, He adopts our common modes of speaking, as when He is said to swear by His soul; but here, “I live,” is tantamount to His swearing by Himself, or by His eternal essence.

Calvin: Deu 32:41 - -- 41.If I whet my glittering sword The conditional particle does not leave the matter doubtful, or in suspense, but must be resolved into an adverb of ...

41.If I whet my glittering sword The conditional particle does not leave the matter doubtful, or in suspense, but must be resolved into an adverb of time; as though He had said, As soon as He should take up arms, the destruction of the enemies would be certain; not indeed that God wants arms for the overthrow of His enemies; just as when He adds directly afterwards, “When my hand shall have taken hold of judgment,” He does not mean that it ever is taken away from Him, or escapes Him, but He thus designates its present and manifest operation. 295 Since, therefore, God, when He spares His enemies, seems, as it were, to have thrown aside His weapons, and to be at rest, having ceased to execute the office of judge, He declares that His arms shall be ready wherewith to destroy His enemies; and again, that then He will once more take upon Him the judgment which He had seemed to lay aside; in which words He indirectly animadverts upon the foolish security of those who conceive that His power is annihilated, unless He openly exerts it, and that the judgment which He postpones is altogether extinct.

Calvin: Deu 32:42 - -- 42.I will make my arrows drunk with blood In these words He describes a horrible massacre, as though He had said, There shall be no end to my vengean...

42.I will make my arrows drunk with blood In these words He describes a horrible massacre, as though He had said, There shall be no end to my vengeance, until the earth shall be full of blood and corpses. Elsewhere 296 also, God’s sword is said to be “drunk with blood,” as here His arrows, when His wrath proceeds to inflict great acts of carnage; and in the same sense it is here said to “devour flesh.”

The second מדם , midam, some render, “on account of the blood;” and I admit that מ , mem, is sometimes the causalparticle. They understand it, then, that this would be the just recompense of their cruelty, when the wicked, who had slain the Israelites, or led them away captive, should be cut off by God. But I do not see why the same word should be expounded in two different senses; and I have no doubt but that it is a repetition of the same thing, that God will make His “arrows drunk with blood;” 297 but He says, “the blood both of the slain and of the captives,” since, when an army is put to the sword, some fall in the battle itself, whilst others, maimed and wounded, make an effort to escape.

The conclusion of the verse is twisted into various senses; some expound the word “head” by change of number, “heads,” as though it were said, “I will cut off the heads of the enemies;” it would, however, be more plausible to apply it metaphorically to the leaders. But others translate it more correctly, “the beginning,” not, indeed, with reference to time, but as though it were said, the flower, or best of the multitude, according to the common phrase, “from the first to the last.” My interpretation of “the revenges of the enemy” is, not those which God will inflict upon His enemies, but such as are capital, or deadly, as though He had said that He would deal as an enemy with the wicked, so that there should be no place for mercy. 298

Calvin: Deu 32:43 - -- 43.Rejoice, O ye nations, with his people The appositive reading, which some prefer, “Praise him, O nations, His people,” supplying the word “G...

43.Rejoice, O ye nations, with his people The appositive reading, which some prefer, “Praise him, O nations, His people,” supplying the word “God,” is constrained. For there is no incongruity in the notion that the Gentiles should celebrate the benefits which God has conferred upon His people; at any rate, it is more simple to take it thus, that so conspicuous was the favor of God towards the Israelites, that the knowledge and favor of it should diffuse itself far and wide, and be renowned even among the Gentiles. For Scripture thus magnifies some of the more memorable exertions of God’s power, especially when reference is made to the redemption of the elect people, and commands His praise to be proclaimed among the nations, since it would be by no means fitting that it should be confined within the narrow limits of Judea. A question, however, occurs, because Paul seems to quote this passage differently; for he says, “Rejoice, ye Gentiles, with his people,” (Rom 15:10;) and undoubtedly the word נקם , nakam, which Moses uses, also signifies to rejoice. 299 If we admit that Paul took this sentence from Moses, the same Spirit, who spoke both by Moses and Paul, is the best interpreter of His own words; nor will it be inconsistent that the Gentiles should rejoice at the felicity of God’s people. But it may have been the case that Paul did not take this testimony from any particular place, but from the general teaching of Scripture. At any rate, the dignity of the people is celebrated on the ground that God esteems their blood precious, and will deem their persecutors His own adversaries.

The word כפר , capbar, at the end of the verse, some render to expiate, others, to be propitious, which is the rendering I have preferred, although I do not reject the former meaning. The verb כפר , caphar, signifies that an expiation is made with sacrifice to appease God; and it is probable that Moses alludes to the legal mode of reconciliation; nevertheless, in my judgment, he means that God will restore His land and people to His favor.

Calvin: Deu 32:44 - -- Deu 32:44.And Moses came and spake It is not without reason that Moses again records that he repeated this Song before the people; because it thence a...

Deu 32:44.And Moses came and spake It is not without reason that Moses again records that he repeated this Song before the people; because it thence appears how far from all ambition he was, in that he did not fear, at the very close of his life, to irritate all their minds, so as to render the memory of his name hateful; and besides, his authority was sanctioned by the silence and submissiveness of the people, when they suffered themselves to be thus severely dealt with. For, such was their general refractoriness, that they never would have listened to him, had not the secret inspiration of the Spirit interposed to subdue them.

He associates with himself Joshua, whom he undoubtedly desired to furnish with equal authority, and, what is worthy of observation, he bids them be attentive to the threatenings and reprehensions, in order to obtain reverence for the law. For we often see that bare doctrine is cold and nerveless, unless the sluggishness, which as it were stifles men’s minds, is sharply stimulated; lest, then, the teaching of the Law should be despised or forgotten, or, from being but languidly received, should gradually be obliterated from their minds, he as it were spurs them up by the vehemence of this Song, and commands that their posterity should be instructed in it, in order that their attention may be aroused by its menaces. In the next verse (47) he recommends to them zeal in the observance of the Law on the score of its profitableness; for translators render it improperly, as it seems to me, “Lest it should be an empty word to you,” or, “It is not an empty word, such as you should despise.” Jerome’s translation is better — “The precepts are not given you in vain;” for Moses simply intimates that the Law was not given in vain, so as to end in fruitlessness; and consequently they were to beware lest they should frustrate God’s purpose, who desired to do them good. רק , rek, therefore, is used as the converse of “fruitful,” as more clearly appears from the confirmation immediately added, that they “might prolong their days in the promised land.” The Law, then, is said not to be vain, because it is fruitful unto salvation. In what way it is also deadly, and has no inherent efficacy, I have already shown. 300 It is indeed true that the Law, as being the sure rule of righteousness, does not deceptively promise salvation to men; but, since there is no one who actually performs what God requires, through the accidental guilt of men, life is turned into death; but, when all are plunged beneath the curse, a new remedy supervenes, and by God’s gratuitous pardon they are so reconciled to Him, as that their obedience, such as it is, becomes acceptable.

Calvin: Deu 32:48 - -- 48.And the Lord spake unto Moses We infer that this is not recorded in its regular order, because it is certain that Moses was warned of his approach...

48.And the Lord spake unto Moses We infer that this is not recorded in its regular order, because it is certain that Moses was warned of his approaching death before the Song was composed; and this the second passage, which I have here appended, expressly confirms; for he says that, before he substituted Joshua for himself, the place was pointed out to him in which he was to die. It is, however, by no means unusual for the order of narration to be inverted.

We may here perceive a singular specimen of faith and obedience. All naturally fly from death, so that no one hastens towards it of his own accord. He would never, therefore, have voluntarily entered the tomb, unless relying on the hope of a better life. We have already seen a similar instance in the case of Aaron: although the resurrection was not then so clearly revealed as it now is by the Gospel, nor had Christ appeared, who is the first-fruits of them that rise again. Wherefore, though our carnal sense may be averse from death, let our faith prevail to overcome all its terrors: even as Paul teaches that God’s children, although they desire not “to be unclothed,” still long to be “clothed upon, that mortality may be swallowed up of life.” (2Co 5:4.) This, however, was remarkable obedience, to prepare himself no less willingly for death than as if he had been invited to some joyful banquet. Thus it is plain that these holy men had so consecrated themselves to God, that they were ready to live or to die, according to His pleasure.

Mount Abarim seems to have obtained its name from its angles or sides, because it was divided 301 into many hills; as it is called also Nebo in this place, and elsewhere by divers other names. Others think it is named from a passage; but the other opinion is more probable, since it is called in the plural number Abarim, that is, heights, or summits, or interstices, which were situated on opposite heights.

Although we shall presently see that there was another reason why God desired to withdraw His servant from the sight of men, still we must take notice of the consolation, which is here referred to, that the pain of his death was alleviated by the permission to behold the land of Canaan. For this reason he is commanded to get up into the top of the mountain; for, although he would have been satisfied with the mere promise of God, even had he been deprived of this blessing, still it had no slight additional effect in enabling him more cheerfully to leave the people on the threshold of their inheritance. For faith does not altogether deprive God’s children of human feelings; but our heavenly Father in His indulgence has compassion on their infirmity. Thus, as it was a cause of sorrow to Moses to be withheld from entering the land, he was supported by a seasonable remedy, that he might not be hindered in his course by this impediment.

Calvin: Deu 32:51 - -- 51.Because ye trespassed against me We perceive from his punishment how necessary to Moses was such a token of favor. 302 For death in itself would n...

51.Because ye trespassed against me We perceive from his punishment how necessary to Moses was such a token of favor. 302 For death in itself would not have been so bitter, but the cause, which is again alleged, grievously wounded the mind of the holy man, in that he saw himself to be excluded in God’s just vengeance from the common inheritance on account of his own guilt, which is more afflictive to the pious than a hundred, nay, innumerable deaths. Hence those mournful complaints of David and Hezekiah, and others elsewhere, when their life is taken from them by all angry God:

“the grave cannot praise thee, death cannot celebrate thee: they that go down into the pit cannot hope for thy truth.” (Isa 38:18; Psa 6:5; Psa 115:17.)

Surely it was not so formidable a thing for them to die, but that they would have calmly and cheerfully departed from the world when their time came; but what they deprecated was the awful judgment of God, at the thoughts of which they were alarmed. The same grief might have overwhelmed the mind of Moses, had it not been alleviated.

But since none, however eminent, have been altogether exempt from temporal punishments, let us learn to bear them patiently. God did not spare Moses; what wonder if our condition is no better than his? Moreover, in the opinion of men it was a trifling offense, for the sake of which he was so severely chastised; for, carried away by indignation, he had been so irritated against the people that he had attributed less power to God that was due to Him. Now, those errors, into which we fall through thoughtless impetuosity, are more easily pardoned; but hence it is manifest; how precious to God is His glory, when He does not suffer it to be obscured with impunity even by inadvertence. At the same time, also, we are taught that nothing is more irrational than to assume to ourselves the judgment respecting sins, and to weigh them in our own balance, when God is their only legitimate assessor.

But, although He declares that Moses and Aaron revolted, and were rebellious “to His mouth,” 303 still, lest it should be thought that they studiously refused credence to God’s word, a kind of qualification is added, viz., that they did not sanctify God in the midst, or before the eyes, of the children of Israel. Hence it. is plain that they were only condemned for the excessive violence of their passion, whereby they did not uphold God’s glory before the people with sufficient energy.

As to the rest, it may be looked for under Num 20:0.

TSK: Deu 32:12 - -- the Lord : Deu 1:31; Neh 9:12; Psa 27:11, Psa 78:14, Psa 78:52, Psa 78:53, Psa 80:1, Psa 136:16; Isa 46:4; Isa 63:9-13 no strange : Isa 43:11, Isa 43:...

TSK: Deu 32:13 - -- ride : Deu 33:26, Deu 33:29; Isa 58:14; Eze 36:2 honey : Job 29:6; Psa 81:16; Isa 48:21; Eze 21:17

TSK: Deu 32:14 - -- Butter : Gen 18:8; Jdg 5:25; 2Sa 17:29; Job 20:17; Isa 7:15, Isa 7:22 of Bashan : Psa 22:12; Eze 39:18; Amo 4:1; Mic 7:14 the fat : Psa 81:16, Psa 147...

TSK: Deu 32:15 - -- Jeshurun : Deu 33:5, Deu 33:26; Isa 44:2 kicked : 1Sa 2:29; Act 9:5 waxen fat : Deu 31:20; Job 15:27; Psa 17:10, Psa 73:7, Psa 119:70; Isa 6:10; Act 2...

TSK: Deu 32:16 - -- provoked : Deu 5:9; 1Ki 14:22; Nah 1:1, Nah 1:2; 1Co 10:22 abominations : Deu 7:25; Lev 18:27; 2Ki 23:13

TSK: Deu 32:17 - -- sacrificed : Lev 17:7; Psa 106:37, Psa 106:38; 1Co 10:20; 1Ti 4:1; Rev 9:20 not to God : or, which were not God, Deu 32:21; Jer 10:15; 1Co 8:4, 1Co 10...

sacrificed : Lev 17:7; Psa 106:37, Psa 106:38; 1Co 10:20; 1Ti 4:1; Rev 9:20

not to God : or, which were not God, Deu 32:21; Jer 10:15; 1Co 8:4, 1Co 10:19

to God : Deu 28:64; Isa 44:8

to new gods : Jdg 5:8

TSK: Deu 32:18 - -- the Rock : Deu 32:4, Deu 32:15; Isa 17:10 forgotten : Deu 6:12, Deu 8:11, Deu 8:14, Deu 8:19; Psa 9:17, Psa 44:20-22, Psa 106:21; Isa 17:10, Isa 22:10...

TSK: Deu 32:19 - -- And when : Lev 26:11; Jdg 2:14; Psa 5:4, Psa 10:3, Psa 78:59, Psa 106:40; Amo 3:2, Amo 3:3; Zec 11:8; Rev 3:16 abhorred them : or, despised, Lam 2:6 o...

And when : Lev 26:11; Jdg 2:14; Psa 5:4, Psa 10:3, Psa 78:59, Psa 106:40; Amo 3:2, Amo 3:3; Zec 11:8; Rev 3:16

abhorred them : or, despised, Lam 2:6

of his sons : Psa 82:6, Psa 82:7; Isa 1:2; Jer 11:15

TSK: Deu 32:20 - -- I will hide : Deu 31:17, Deu 31:18; Job 13:24, Job 34:29; Isa 64:7; Jer 18:17; Hos 9:12 a very : Deu 32:5; Isa 65:2-5; Mat 11:16, Mat 11:17; Luk 7:31,...

TSK: Deu 32:21 - -- moved me : Deu 32:16; Psa 78:58 with their vanities : 1Sa 12:21; 1Ki 16:13, 1Ki 16:26; Psa 31:6; Jer 8:19, Jer 10:8, Jer 14:22; Jon 2:8; Act 11:15 I w...

TSK: Deu 32:22 - -- For a fire : Deu 29:20; Num 16:35; Psa 21:9, Psa 83:14, Psa 97:3; Isa 66:15, Isa 66:16; Jer 4:4, Jer 15:14; Jer 17:4; Lam 2:3, Lam 4:11; Eze 36:5; Nah...

TSK: Deu 32:23 - -- heap mischiefs : Deu 28:15; Lev 26:18, Lev 26:24; Isa 24:17, Isa 24:18, Isa 26:15; Jer 15:2, Jer 15:3; Eze 14:21; Mat 24:7, Mat 24:8 spend : Psa 7:12,...

TSK: Deu 32:24 - -- burnt : Deu 28:53; Jer 14:18; Lam 4:4-9, Lam 5:10 burning heat : Heb. burning coals, Psa 18:12-14, Psa 120:4; Hab 3:5 the teeth : Lev 26:22; Jer 15:3,...

TSK: Deu 32:25 - -- sword : Lev 26:36, Lev 26:37; Isa 30:16; Jer 9:21; Lam 1:20; Eze 7:15; 2Co 7:5 within : Heb. from the chambers destroy : Heb. bereave, the young. Lam ...

sword : Lev 26:36, Lev 26:37; Isa 30:16; Jer 9:21; Lam 1:20; Eze 7:15; 2Co 7:5

within : Heb. from the chambers

destroy : Heb. bereave, the young. Lam 2:19-22, Lam 4:4

TSK: Deu 32:26 - -- Deu 28:25, Deu 28:37, Deu 28:64; Lev 26:33, Lev 26:38; Isa 63:16; Luk 21:24

TSK: Deu 32:27 - -- lest their : 1Sa 12:22; Isa 37:28, Isa 37:29, Isa 37:35, Isa 47:7; Jer 19:4; Lam 1:9; Eze 20:13, Eze 20:14; Eze 20:20-22; Zec 1:14, Zec 1:15 they shou...

lest their : 1Sa 12:22; Isa 37:28, Isa 37:29, Isa 37:35, Isa 47:7; Jer 19:4; Lam 1:9; Eze 20:13, Eze 20:14; Eze 20:20-22; Zec 1:14, Zec 1:15

they should : Exo 32:12; Num 14:15, Num 14:16; Jos 7:9; Psa 115:1, Psa 115:2, Psa 140:8; Isa 10:8-15; Isa 37:10, Isa 37:12-23; Dan 4:30-37

Our hand : etc. or, Our high hand and not the Lord hath done all this

TSK: Deu 32:28 - -- Deu 32:6; Job 28:28; Psa 81:12; Pro 1:7; Isa 27:11, Isa 29:14; Jer 4:22, Jer 8:9; Hos 4:6; Mat 13:14, Mat 13:15; Rom 11:25; 1Co 3:19

TSK: Deu 32:29 - -- O that : Deu 5:29; Psa 81:13, Psa 107:15, Psa 107:43; Isa 48:18, Isa 48:19; Hos 14:9; Luk 19:41, Luk 19:42 they would : Isa 10:3, Isa 47:7; Jer 5:31, ...

TSK: Deu 32:30 - -- one chase : Lev 26:8; Jos 23:10; Jdg 7:22, Jdg 7:23; 1Sa 14:15-17; 2Ch 24:24; Isa 30:17 sold them : Jdg 2:14, Jdg 3:8; Psa 44:12; Isa 50:1, Isa 52:3; ...

TSK: Deu 32:31 - -- Exo 14:25; Num 23:8, Num 23:23; 1Sa 2:2, 1Sa 4:8; Ezr 1:3, Ezr 6:9-12, Ezr 7:20, Ezr 7:21; Jer 40:3; Dan 2:47, Dan 3:29, Dan 6:26, Dan 6:27

TSK: Deu 32:32 - -- of the vine of Sodom : or, worse than the vine of Sodom, etc. Isa 1:10; Jer 2:21; Lam 4:6; Eze 16:45-51; Mat 11:24 their grapes : Deu 29:18; Isa 5:4; ...

of the vine of Sodom : or, worse than the vine of Sodom, etc. Isa 1:10; Jer 2:21; Lam 4:6; Eze 16:45-51; Mat 11:24

their grapes : Deu 29:18; Isa 5:4; Heb 12:15

TSK: Deu 32:33 - -- the poison : Job 20:14-16; Psa 58:4, Psa 140:3; Jer 8:14 *marg. Rom 3:13

TSK: Deu 32:34 - -- Job 14:17; Jer 2:22; Hos 13:12; Rom 2:5; 1Co 4:5; Rev 20:12, Rev 20:13

TSK: Deu 32:35 - -- To me : Deu 32:43; Psa 94:1; Nah 1:2, Nah 1:6; Rom 12:19, Rom 13:4; Heb 10:30 their foot : Psa 73:17-19; Pro 4:19; Isa 8:15; Jer 6:21, Jer 13:16; 1Pe ...

TSK: Deu 32:36 - -- For the : Psa 7:8, Psa 50:4, Psa 96:13, Psa 135:14 repent : Jdg 2:18, Jdg 10:15, Jdg 10:16; Psa 90:13, Psa 106:45; Jer 31:20; Joe 2:14; Amo 7:3, Amo 7...

TSK: Deu 32:37 - -- Jdg 10:14; 2Ki 3:13; Jer 2:28

TSK: Deu 32:38 - -- eat the fat : Lev 21:21; Psa 50:13; Eze 16:18, Eze 16:19; Hos 2:8; Zep 2:11 let them : Jdg 10:14 your protection : Heb. an hiding for you

eat the fat : Lev 21:21; Psa 50:13; Eze 16:18, Eze 16:19; Hos 2:8; Zep 2:11

let them : Jdg 10:14

your protection : Heb. an hiding for you

TSK: Deu 32:39 - -- even I : Psa 102:27; Isa 41:4, Isa 45:5, Isa 45:18, Isa 45:22, Isa 46:4, Isa 48:12; Heb 1:12; Rev 1:11, Rev 2:8 no god : Deu 4:35; Isa 45:5, Isa 45:18...

TSK: Deu 32:40 - -- Gen 14:22; Exo 6:8; Num 14:28-30; Jer 4:2; Heb 6:17, Heb 6:18; Rev 10:5, Rev 10:6

TSK: Deu 32:41 - -- whet : Psa 7:12; Isa 27:1, Isa 34:5, Isa 34:6, Isa 66:16; Eze 21:9-15, Eze 21:20; Zep 2:12 I will : Deu 32:35; Isa 1:24, Isa 59:18, Isa 66:6; Mar 1:2 ...

TSK: Deu 32:42 - -- make mine : Deu 32:23; Psa 45:5, Psa 68:23; Isa 34:6-8; Jer 16:10; Eze 35:6-8, Eze 38:21, Eze 38:22 revenges : The word parôth , rendered revenges...

make mine : Deu 32:23; Psa 45:5, Psa 68:23; Isa 34:6-8; Jer 16:10; Eze 35:6-8, Eze 38:21, Eze 38:22

revenges : The word parôth , rendered revenges, a sense in which it never seems to be used, has rendered this passage very obscure. As the word paira signifies the hair of the head, both in Hebrew and Arabic, Mr. Parkhurst and others render mairosh parôth , ""from the hairy head;""but to have this sense, the words should rather have been mipparôth rosh , according the Hebrew idiom. The word farôu , in Arabic, however, also denotes a prince or chief; and the words may be literally rendered, with the LXX, απο κεφαλης αρχοντων εχθρων , ""from the head of the chiefs of the enemies.""The hyperbaton, or transposition of words from their grammatical order, is very observable in this verse; the third member forming a continuation of the first, and the fourth of the second. Job 13:24; Jer 30:14; Lam 2:5

TSK: Deu 32:43 - -- Rejoice : or, Praise his people, ye nations; or, Sing ye, O ye nations. Gen 12:3; 1Ki 8:43; Psa 22:27; Isa 11:10, Isa 19:23, Isa 19:25; Luk 2:10, Luk ...

TSK: Deu 32:44 - -- spake : Deu 31:22, Deu 31:30 Hoshea : or, Joshua, Num 13:8, Num 13:16

spake : Deu 31:22, Deu 31:30

Hoshea : or, Joshua, Num 13:8, Num 13:16

TSK: Deu 32:46 - -- Deu 6:6, Deu 6:7, Deu 11:18; 1Ch 22:19; Pro 3:1-4; Eze 40:4; Luk 9:44; Heb 2:1

TSK: Deu 32:47 - -- Deu 30:19; Lev 18:5; Pro 3:1, Pro 3:2, Pro 3:18, Pro 3:22, Pro 4:22; Isa 45:19; Mat 6:33; Rom 10:5, Rom 10:6; 1Ti 4:8, 1Ti 6:6-8; 1Pe 3:10-12; 2Pe 1:3...

TSK: Deu 32:48 - -- am 2553, bc 1451, An, Ex, Is, 40, Adar, Num 27:12, Num 27:13

am 2553, bc 1451, An, Ex, Is, 40, Adar, Num 27:12, Num 27:13

TSK: Deu 32:49 - -- mountain : Deu 34:1; Num 33:47, Num 33:48 and behold : Deu 34:2-5; Isa 33:17; 2Co 5:1

mountain : Deu 34:1; Num 33:47, Num 33:48

and behold : Deu 34:2-5; Isa 33:17; 2Co 5:1

TSK: Deu 32:50 - -- be gathered : Gen 15:15, Gen 25:8, Gen 25:17, Gen 49:33; Dan 12:13 as Aaron : Num 20:24-29, Num 33:38

TSK: Deu 32:51 - -- ye trespassed : Deu 3:23-27; Num 20:11, Num 20:12, Num 20:24, Num 27:14 Meribah-Kadesh : or, strife at Kadesh, Num 20:13, Num 20:14 because ye : Lev 1...

ye trespassed : Deu 3:23-27; Num 20:11, Num 20:12, Num 20:24, Num 27:14

Meribah-Kadesh : or, strife at Kadesh, Num 20:13, Num 20:14

because ye : Lev 10:3; 1Ki 13:21-26; Isa 8:13; 1Pe 4:17

TSK: Deu 32:52 - -- Deu 32:49, Deu 34:1-4; Num 27:12; Heb 11:13, Heb 11:39

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Deu 32:1-42 - -- Song of Moses If Deu 32:1-3 be regarded as the introduction, and Deu 32:43 as the conclusion, the main contents of the song may be grouped und...

Song of Moses

If Deu 32:1-3 be regarded as the introduction, and Deu 32:43 as the conclusion, the main contents of the song may be grouped under three heads, namely,

(1) Deu 32:4-18, the faithfulness of God, the faithlessness of Israel;

(2) Deu 32:19-33, the chastisement and the need of its infliction by God;

(3) Deu 32:34-42, God’ s compassion upon the low and humbled state of His people.

The Song differs signally in diction and idiom from the preceding chapters; just as a lyrical passage is conceived in modes of thought wholly unlike those which belong to narrative or exhortation, and is uttered in different phraseology.

There are, however, in the Song numerous coincidences both in thoughts and words with other parts of the Pentateuch, and especially with Deuteronomy; while the resemblances between it and Ps. 90: "A Prayer of Moses,"have been rightly regarded as important.

The Song has reference to a state of things which did not ensue until long after the days of Moses. In this it resembles other parts of Deuteronomy and the Pentateuch which no less distinctly contemplate an apostasy (e. g. Deu 28:15; Lev 26:14), and describe it in general terms. If once we admit the possibility that Moses might foresee the future apostasy of Israel, it is scarcely possible to conceive how such foresight could be turned to better account by him than by the writing of this Song. Exhibiting as it does God’ s preventing mercies, His people’ s faithlessness and ingratitude, God’ s consequent judgments, and the final and complete triumph of the divine counsels of grace, it forms the summary of all later Old Testament prophecies, and gives as it were the framework upon which they are laid out. Here as elsewhere the Pentateuch presents itself as the foundation of the religious life of Israel in after times. The currency of the Song would be a standing protest against apostasy; a protest which might well check waverers, and warn the faithful that the revolt of others was neither unforeseen nor unprovided for by Him in whom they trusted.

That this Ode must on every ground take the very first rank in Hebrew poetry is universally allowed.

Deu 32:1-3

Introduction. Heaven and earth are here invoked, as elsewhere (see the marginal references), in order to impress on the hearers the importance of what is to follow.

Deu 32:4

He is the Rock, his work is perfect - Rather, the Rock, perfect is his work. This epithet, repeated no less than five times in the Song Deu 32:15, Deu 32:18, Deu 32:30-31, represents those attributes of God which Moses is seeking to enforce, immutability and impregnable strength. Compare the expression "the stone of Israel"in Gen 49:24; and see 1Sa 2:2; Psa 18:2; Mat 16:18; Joh 1:42. Zur, the original of "Rock,"enters frequently into the composition of proper names of the Mosaic time, e. g., Num 1:5-6, Num 1:10; Num 2:12; Num 3:35, etc. Our translators have elsewhere rendered it according to the sense "everlasting strength"Isa 26:4, "the Mighty One"Isa 30:29; in this chapter they have rightly adhered to the letter throughout.

Deu 32:5

Render: "It"(i. e. "the perverse and crooked generation") "hath corrupted itself before Him (compare Isa 1:4); they are not His children, but their blemish:"i. e., the generation of evil-doers cannot be styled God’ s children, but rather the shame and disgrace of God’ s children. The other side of the picture is thus brought forward with a brevity and abruptness which strikingly enforces the contrast.

Deu 32:6

Hath bought thee - Rather perhaps, "hath acquired thee for His own,"or "possessed thee:"compare the expression "a peculiar people,"margin "a purchased people,"in 1Pe 2:9.

Deu 32:8

That is, while nations were being constituted under God’ s providence, and the bounds of their habitation determined under His government (compare Act 17:26), He had even then in view the interests of His elect, and reserved a fitting inheritance "according to the number of the children of Israel;"i. e., proportionate to the wants of their population. Some texts of the Greek version have "according to the number of the Angels of God;"following apparently not a different reading, but the Jewish notion that the nations of the earth are seventy in number (compare Gen 10:1 note), and that each has its own guardian Angel (compare Ecclus. 17:17). This was possibly suggested by an apprehension that the literal rendering might prove invidious to the many Gentiles who would read the Greek version.

Deu 32:9-14

These verses set forth in figurative language the helpless and hopeless state of the nation when God took pity on it, and the love and care which He bestowed on it.

Deu 32:10

In the waste howling wilderness - literally, "in a waste, the howling of a wilderness,"i. e., a wilderness in which wild beasts howl. The word for "waste"is that used in Gen 1:2, and there rendered "without form."

Deu 32:11

Compare Exo 19:4. The "so,"which the King James Version supplies in the next verse, should he inserted before "spreadeth,"and omitted from Deu 32:12. The sense is, "so He spread out His wings, took them up,"etc.

Deu 32:12

With him - i. e., with God. The Lord alone delivered Israel; Israel therefore ought to have served none other but Him.

Deu 32:13

i. e., God gave Israel possession of those commanding positions which carry with them dominion over the whole land (compare Deu 33:29), and enabled him to draw the richest provision out of spots naturally unproductive.

Deu 32:14

Breed of Bashan - Bashan was famous for its cattle. Compare Psa 22:12; Eze 39:18.

Fat of kidneys of wheat - i. e., the finest and most nutritious wheat. The fat of the kidneys was regarded as being the finest and tenderest, and was therefore specified as a part of the sacrificial animals which was to be offered to the Lord: compare Exo 29:13, etc.

The pure blood of the qrape - Render, the blood of the grape, even wine. The Hebrew word seems (compare Isa 27:2) a poetical term for wine.

Deu 32:15

Jesbarun - This word, found again only in Deu 33:5, Deu 33:26, and Isa 44:2, is not a diminutive but an appellative (containing an allusion to the root, "to be righteous"); and describes not the character which belonged to Israel in fact, but that to which Israel was called. Compare Num 23:21. The prefixing of this epithet to the description of Israel’ s apostasy contained in the words next following is full of keen reproof.

Deu 32:16

They provoked him to jealousy - The language is borrowed from the matrimonial relationship, as in Deu 31:16.

Deu 32:17

Devils - Render, destroyers. The application of the word to the false gods points to the trait so deeply graven in all pagan worship, that of regarding the deities as malignant, and needing to be propitiated by human sufferings.

Not to God - Rather, "not God,"i. e., which were not God; see the margin and Deu 32:21. Compare Deu 13:7; Deu 29:25.

Deu 32:19

The anger of God at the apostasy of His people is stated in general terms in this verse; and the results of it are described, in words as of God Himself, in the next and following verses. These results consisted negatively in the withdrawal of God’ s favor Deu 32:20, and positively in the infliction of a righteous retribution.

Daughters - The women had their full share in the sins of the people. Compare Isa 3:16 ff; Isa 32:9 ff; Jer 7:18; Jer 44:15 ff.

Deu 32:20

I will see what their end shall be - Compare the similar expression in Gen 37:20.

Deu 32:21

God would mete out to them the same measure as they had done to Him. Through chosen by the one God to be His own, they had preferred idols, which were no gods. So therefore would He prefer to His people that which was no people. As they had angered Him with their vanities, so would He provoke them by adopting in their stead those whom they counted as nothing. The terms, "not a people,"and "a foolish nation,"mean such a people as, not being God’ s, would not be accounted a people at all (compare Eph 2:12; 1Pe 2:10), and such a nation as is destitute of that which alone can make a really "wise and understanding people"Deu 4:6, namely, the knowledge of the revealed word and will of God (compare 1Co 1:18-28).

Deu 32:24

Burning heat - i. e., the fear of a pestilential disease. On the "four sore judgments,"famine, plague, noisome beasts, the sword, compare Lev 26:22; Jer 15:2; Eze 5:17; Eze 14:21.

Deu 32:26, Deu 32:27

Rather, I would utterly disperse them, etc., were it not that I apprehended the provocation of the enemy, i. e., that I should be provoked to wrath when the enemy ascribed the overthrow of Israel to his own prowess and not to my judgments. Compare Deu 9:28-29; Eze 20:9, Eze 20:14, Eze 20:22.

Behave themselves strangely - Rather, misunderstand it, i. e., mistake the cause of Israel’ s ruin.

Deu 32:30

The defeat of Israel would be due to the fact that God, their strength, had abandoned them because of their apostasy.

Deu 32:31

Our enemies - i. e., the enemies of Moses and the faithful Israelites; the pagan, more especially those with whom Israel was brought into collision, whom Israel was commissioned to "chase,"but to whom, as a punishment for faithlessness, Israel was "sold,"Deu 32:30. Moses leaves the decision, whether "their rock"(i. e. the false gods of the pagan to which the apostate Israelites had fallen away) or "our Rock"is superior, to be determined by the unbelievers themselves. For example, see Exo 14:25; Num. 23; 24; Jos 2:9 ff; 1Sa 4:8; 1Sa 5:7 ff; 1Ki 20:28. That the pagan should thus be constrained to bear witness to the supremacy of Israel’ s God heightened the folly of Israel’ s apostasy.

Deu 32:32

Their vine - i. e., the nature and character of Israel: compare for similar expressions Psa 80:8, Psa 80:14; Jer 2:21; Hos 10:1.

Sodom ... Gomorrah - Here, as elsewhere, and often in the prophets, emblems of utter depravity: compare Isa 1:10; Jer 23:14,

Gall - Compare Deu 29:18 note.

Deu 32:35

Rather: "Vengeance is mine and recompence, at the time when their foot slideth.

Deu 32:36

Repent himself for - Rather, have compassion upon. The verse declares that God’ s judgment of His people would issue at once in the punishment of the wicked, and in the comfort of the righteous.

None shut up, or left - A proverbial phrase (compare 1Ki 14:10) meaning perhaps "married and single,"or "guarded and forsaken,"but signifying generally "all men of all sorts."

Deu 32:40-42

Render: For I lift up my hand to heaven and say, As I live forever, if I whet, etc. On Deu 32:40, in which God is described as swearing by Himself, compare Isa 45:23; Jer 22:5; Heb 6:17. The lifting up of the hand was a gesture used in making oath (compare Gen 14:22; Rev 10:5).

Deu 32:42

From the beginning of revenges upon the enemy - Render, (drunk with blood) from the head (i. e. the chief) of the princes of the enemy.

Barnes: Deu 32:43 - -- Rejoice, O ye nations, with His people - Some prefer the marginal rendering. In this profound passage, there is shadowed forth the purpose of G...

Rejoice, O ye nations, with His people - Some prefer the marginal rendering.

In this profound passage, there is shadowed forth the purpose of God to overrule:

(1) the unbelief of the Jews to the bringing in of the Gentiles; and

(2) the mercy shown to the Gentries to the eventual restoration of the Jews (compare Rom 11:25-36).

The Song closes as it began Deu 32:1-3, with an invitation to praise. It has reached, through a long series of divine interpositions, its grandest theme in this call to the Gentiles, now pagan no more, to rejoice over God’ s restored people, the Jews.

Barnes: Deu 32:44-52 - -- These verses were, no doubt, added by the author of the supplement to Deuteronomy. For the statements contained in them, consult the marginal refere...

These verses were, no doubt, added by the author of the supplement to Deuteronomy. For the statements contained in them, consult the marginal references.

Poole: Deu 32:12 - -- i.e. When they were shut up in Egypt, as in their nest, whence they durst not venture to fly nor stir, he taught, and encouraged, and enabled them t...

i.e. When they were shut up in Egypt, as in their nest, whence they durst not venture to fly nor stir, he taught, and encouraged, and enabled them to fly out and flee themselves from that bondage, and brought them into a state of liberty and safety; he dealt tenderly with them, bearing with their infirmities, keeping them from all harms.

No strange god with him to wit, to assist him at that work, or to deliver them. The more unworthy they in giving to idols a share in that worship and service which they owe to God only.

Poole: Deu 32:13 - -- On the high places of the earth i.e. to conquer their strongest holds, which ofttimes are in the mountains, and their cities fenced with walls of gre...

On the high places of the earth i.e. to conquer their strongest holds, which ofttimes are in the mountains, and their cities fenced with walls of greatest height and strength, Deu 1:28 2:36 33:29 Isa 58:14 . To ride upon in Scripture phrase is to subdue or conquer, as Psa 45:4 66:12 Rev 6:2 19:11,14 .

To suck honey out of the rock this being a land flowing with honey, Exo 3:8,17 , where the bees made honey even in woods, as 1Sa 14 , or in the holes of rocks, or in the trees that grew upon or among rocks.

Oil out of the flinty rock: the olive trees grow and fructify most in rocky or hilly places.

Poole: Deu 32:14 - -- With fat of lambs for though the fat wherewith the inward parts were covered was not to be eaten by them, but offered to God, Lev 3:9,10 , yet that f...

With fat of lambs for though the fat wherewith the inward parts were covered was not to be eaten by them, but offered to God, Lev 3:9,10 , yet that fat which was fast joined to and mixed with the flesh they might eat, as the Jewish doctors note.

Bashan a place famous for excellent cattle, Num 32:4,33 .

With the fat of kidneys of wheat i.e. with the finest of the grains or kernels of wheat, compared to kidneys for their shape, and plumpness, and largeness. Compare Psa 81:16 147:14 .

The pure blood of the grape wine not mixed with water, but pure as it comes from the grape, which was of a red or bloody colour. See Psa 75:8 Isa 27:2 .

Poole: Deu 32:15 - -- Joshurun i.e. Israel, as is agreed by Christian and Jewish interpreters, whom he calls right , or upright , or righteous, (as the word signifies,) ...

Joshurun i.e. Israel, as is agreed by Christian and Jewish interpreters, whom he calls right , or upright , or righteous, (as the word signifies,) not that they were so indeed, but partly by way of instruction, to mind them what they professed, and promised, and ought to be; and partly by way of exprobration, to show them how unlike they were to the people of God, which they pretended to be, and what a shame it was to them to degenerate so much from their their name and profession.

Waxed fat, and kicked as well-fed and wanton cattle used to do; he grew insolent and rebellious against God, and against his word and Spirit.

Thou art covered with fatness which is here rightly understood and supplied, by comparing this place with Job 15:27 Psa 17:10 .

Poole: Deu 32:16 - -- To jealousy i.e. to anger and fury, for jealousy is the rage of a man Pro 6:31 . And withal it implies the ground of his anger, to wit, their falsen...

To jealousy i.e. to anger and fury,

for jealousy is the rage of a man Pro 6:31 . And withal it implies the ground of his anger, to wit, their falseness to God, whom they had owned and accepted as their Husband, and their spiritual whoredom with other gods.

Poole: Deu 32:17 - -- Unto devils i.e. unto idols, which the devils brought into the world in opposition to God, in and by which the devils ofttimes manifested themselves ...

Unto devils i.e. unto idols, which the devils brought into the world in opposition to God, in and by which the devils ofttimes manifested themselves unto men, and gave them answers, and received their worship. Compare 1Co 10:20 . The Gentiles pretended to worship God in those idols, and the devils which inspired them deluded the nations with false pretences that they were a sort of lower gods. Moses therefore takes off this mask, and shows the Israelites that these pretended gods were really devils, those great enemies of mankind, and therefore that it was the height of madness to honour or worship them.

Not to God: this he saith, either because though at first they joined God and idols together in worship, yet at last they quite forsook God, and adhered to idols only; or because God utterly rejected those sacrifices which they offered to him together with idols, and took them for no sacrifices. See 1Co 10:21 .

Whom they knew not or, who never knew them , i.e. never showed any kindness to them, or did them any good; for so words of knowledge are oft used, as Psa 1:6 Hos 13:5 .

That came newly up not simply or absolutely, for some of these gods had been worshipped for many generations, and had a fair pretence of long antiquity, but comparatively to the true God, who is the Ancient of days , Dan 7:9 , and who was worshipped from the beginning of the world. To this original and first antiquity Moses recalls them; as also our Saviour doth recall the Jews to the first institution, Mat 19:8 . And therefore we may safely follow both their patterns in despising all pretences of antiquity, which are contrary to God’ s first institutions contained (as all confess) in the Holy Scriptures.

Whom your fathers feared not i.e. served not, worshipped not, but justly despised and abhorred them.

Poole: Deu 32:18 - -- Of the Rock i.e. of God, one of whose titles this is, above, Deu 32:4 Isa 44:8 ; or of Christ, who is called the Rock , 1Co 10:4 , whom the Israelit...

Of the Rock i.e. of God, one of whose titles this is, above, Deu 32:4 Isa 44:8 ; or of Christ, who is called the Rock , 1Co 10:4 , whom the Israelites are said to have tempted, there, Deu 32:9 .

That begat thee i.e. who hath adopted you to be his people, and hath showed as much care and kindness to you as if he had begotten you.

Poole: Deu 32:19 - -- Because of their sins, whereby they provoked him to anger. Or, by reason of his great and just anger against them he abhorred , or reprobated ...

Because of their sins, whereby they provoked him to anger. Or, by reason of his great and just anger against them he abhorred , or reprobated , or cast off his sons and his

daughters for such they were by calling and profession, but not in truth and reality, Deu 32:5 .

Poole: Deu 32:20 - -- I will see what their end shall be I will see and observe what will be the issue of all this, what will become of them at last; but this God doth not...

I will see what their end shall be I will see and observe what will be the issue of all this, what will become of them at last; but this God doth not see only by way of speculation, but practically, i.e. considers with himself what he shall do with them, and how he shall punish them, and sees what he wills or purposes to do. A speech after the manner of men. Or

I will see is put for I will make them and others to see , what the fruit of such actions shall be. Hebrew verbs in cal do ofttimes take the signification of hiphil . In whom there is no faith ; perfidious, that have broken their covenant so solemnly made with me.

Poole: Deu 32:21 - -- With those which are not a people i.e. with the Gentile or heathenish nations, who are none of my people, who scarce deserve the name of a people, as...

With those which are not a people i.e. with the Gentile or heathenish nations, who are none of my people, who scarce deserve the name of a people, as being without yoke, without the knowledge and fear of God, which is the foundation of all true policy and government, and without righteous and necessary laws; and many of them are destitute of all government, and laws, and order, barbarous and rude, and savage, and brutish in their manners. And yet these people I will prefer before you, and take in your stead; receive them, and reject you; which, when it came to pass, how desperately it provoked the Jews to jealousy, may be gathered from Mat 21:43 Act 11:2,3 22:21-23 1Th 2:15,16 .

A foolish nation so the Gentiles were both in the opinion of the Jews, and in truth and reality, notwithstanding all their pretences to wisdom, Rom 1:22 , there being nothing more foolish or brutish than the worship of idols. See Jer 10:8 1Co 12:2 .

Poole: Deu 32:22 - -- A fire is kindled i.e. great and grievous judgments shall be inflicted, which oft come under the name of fire , &c. See Deu 4:24 Eze 30:8 Amo 2:2,5 ...

A fire is kindled i.e. great and grievous judgments shall be inflicted, which oft come under the name of fire , &c. See Deu 4:24 Eze 30:8 Amo 2:2,5 .

Unto the lowest hell or, unto hell , or the graves beneath . The sense is, it shall not only burn up all the corn and fruits and buildings which appear above ground, but it shall reach to the inwards and depths of the earth, and burn up the very roots and hopes of future increase.

Poole: Deu 32:23 - -- i.e. Even empty my quiver, and send upon them all my plagues, which, like arrows shot by a skilful and strong hand, shall speedily reach, and certai...

i.e. Even empty my quiver, and send upon them all my plagues, which, like arrows shot by a skilful and strong hand, shall speedily reach, and certainly hit, and mortally wound them. Compare Zec 9:14 .

Poole: Deu 32:24 - -- With hunger with famine, which burneth and parcheth the inward parts, and makes the face black as a coal, Lam 4:8 . With burning heat from fevers o...

With hunger with famine, which burneth and parcheth the inward parts, and makes the face black as a coal, Lam 4:8 .

With burning heat from fevers or carbuncles or other inflaming distempers.

Serpents of the dust who feed upon the dust, Gen 3:14 , and lurk in it, that they may surprise unwary passengers, Gen 49:17 .

Poole: Deu 32:27 - -- The wrath of the enemy i.e. their rage against me, as it is expressed Isa 37:28,29 ; their insolent and furious reproaches against my name, as if I w...

The wrath of the enemy i.e. their rage against me, as it is expressed Isa 37:28,29 ; their insolent and furious reproaches against my name, as if I were unnatural and cruel to my people, or unable to deliver them. Compare Exo 32:12 Num 14:13 Deu 9:28 Jos 7:9 . The fear hereof is ascribed to God after the manner of men.

Strangely i.e. insolently and arrogantly, above what they used to do. Or,

make themselves strangers i.e. either really not acknowledge, or pretend they did not know, that which I had publicly declared, and they either did or easily might have known, to wit, that this judgment was inflicted upon them by my hand for their sins.

Poole: Deu 32:28 - -- They either, 1. The enemies last mentioned, who are foolish people, and therefore make so false and foolish a judgment upon things. Or rather, 2. T...

They either,

1. The enemies last mentioned, who are foolish people, and therefore make so false and foolish a judgment upon things. Or rather,

2. The Israelites themselves, of whom he speaks both in the foregoing Deu 32:26 , and in the whole foregoing chapter, and in the next verse Deu 32:29 , and afterwards.

Void of counsel that have not wisdom to direct themselves, nor discretion to desire and receive counsel from others, but rashly and madly go on in those courses which will certainly ruin them.

Poole: Deu 32:29 - -- What their end will be; and that although God spare them long, yet at last judgment will certainly overtake them.

What their end will be; and that although God spare them long, yet at last judgment will certainly overtake them.

Poole: Deu 32:30 - -- How should one chase a thousand? whence should this miraculous change come, that whereas God had promised that five Israelites should chase an hun...

How should one chase a thousand? whence should this miraculous change come, that whereas God had promised that five Israelites should chase an hundred of their enemies, &c., Deu 26:8 , now, on the contrary,

one enemy

should chase a thousand Israelites?

Their Rock i.e. their God, as before, Deu 32:4,18 , who was their only refuge and defence; had sold them, to wit, for bond-slaves, had quitted his right and relation to them, and given them up into their enemies’ hands.

Shut them up as it were, in the net which their enemies had laid for them.

Poole: Deu 32:31 - -- Who by their dear-bought experience have been forced to acknowledge that our God was far stronger than they and their false gods together. See Exo 1...

Who by their dear-bought experience have been forced to acknowledge that our God was far stronger than they and their false gods together. See Exo 14:25 Nu 23 1Sa 4:8 Jer 40:3 .

Poole: Deu 32:32 - -- For or but ; for these words seem to contain an answer to that question, Deu 32:30 , How should , &c. To this he answers, 1. Negatively; It was no...

For or but ; for these words seem to contain an answer to that question, Deu 32:30 , How should , &c. To this he answers,

1. Negatively; It was not from impotency in God, for if he had not forsaken and delivered them up, they could not have been so easily chased.

2. Positively; But, saith he, the true reason was this, their vine , &c. Of the vine of Sodom : The people of Israel, which I planted and brought up as a choice vine, are now degenerated and become like the vine of Sodom; their principles and practices are all corrupt and abominable. Compare Isa 1:10 .

Their clusters are bitter their fruits or actions are most loathsome to me, malicious and mischievous to others, and at last will be pernicious to themselves.

Poole: Deu 32:33 - -- The poison of dragons for although some write that the dragons of Greece have no poison in them, yet that the African and Arabian dragons, of which M...

The poison of dragons for although some write that the dragons of Greece have no poison in them, yet that the African and Arabian dragons, of which Moses here writes, have poison in them, is confessed by ancient heathen authors.

The cruel venom of asps whose poison kills certainly and speedily, as Aristotle and others write.

Poole: Deu 32:34 - -- i.e. All their wickedness mentioned before. My longsuffering towards them may make them and others think that I have forgotten their sins, but I rem...

i.e. All their wickedness mentioned before. My longsuffering towards them may make them and others think that I have forgotten their sins, but I remember them punctually, they are sealed up as in a bag, Job 14:17 , and as men seal up their treasures that nothing be lost; and I shall bring them to their remembrance also.

Poole: Deu 32:35 - -- It is my office to punish sin, and therefore as I know their sins, so I will assuredly punish them. Their feet shall slide ; they who now think the...

It is my office to punish sin, and therefore as I know their sins, so I will assuredly punish them. Their feet shall slide ; they who now think they stand fast and unmovable, they shall fall into utter destruction.

In due time though not so soon as some may expect it, yet in that time when it shall be most proper and seasonable, when they have filled up the measure of their sins. This due time may be the same with that fulness of time , Gal 4:4 , when Christ came into the world, whom this people by wicked hands crucified and slew, Act 2:23 , for which wrath came upon them to the uttermost , 1Th 2:15,16 .

Is at hand Heb. is near . So the Scripture oft speaks of those things which are at many hundred years’ distance, to meet with objections arising in men’ s minds from the delays of them, and to signify, that though they may be afar off as to our measures of time and expectation of the things, yet in God’ s account they are near, they are as near as may be; as soon as ever the fit and the full time is come, they come instantly, they are nearer than sinners would have them; when the measure of their sins is once full, the judgment shall not be deferred.

Poole: Deu 32:36 - -- For or, nevertheless , or, but yet , as the particle chi is sometimes used, as Job 5:7 Isa 9:1 49:25 . Having spoken of the dreadful calamity whi...

For or, nevertheless , or, but yet , as the particle chi is sometimes used, as Job 5:7 Isa 9:1 49:25 . Having spoken of the dreadful calamity which would come upon his people, he now turns his discourse into a more comfortable strain, according to the usual method of the prophets, and here begins to show that after God had humbled and sorely chastised his people, yet at last he would have mercy upon them, and turn their captivity, as it here follows.

Shall judge his people i.e. shall plead their cause, shall protect and deliver them, as that phrase is oft used. See Psa 7:8 10:18 Isa 1:17 11:4 Jer 5:28 22:16 .

Repent himself for his servants i.e. repent of the evils he hath brought upon them, will change his course and carriage towards them.

None shut up, or left: none shut up, either in their strong cities or castles, or other hiding-places, or in the enemy’ s hands or prisons, whence there might be some hope or possibility of redemption; and none left , as the poor and contemptible people are neglected and usually left by the conquerors in the conquered land, as 2Ki 25:12 , but all seem to be cut off; and the people quite destroyed. So this phrase is used 1Ki 14:10 21:21 2Ki 9:8 14:26 .

Poole: Deu 32:37 - -- He shall say: the Lord, before he deliver his people, will first convince them of their former folly in forsaking him and following idols; he will fi...

He shall say: the Lord, before he deliver his people, will first convince them of their former folly in forsaking him and following idols; he will find an occasion from that miserable and hopeless condition into which their idols have brought them, to upbraid them with it.

Poole: Deu 32:38 - -- i.e. To whom you offered sacrifices and oblations after the manner of the Gentiles. See Exo 34:13 Psa 106:28 1Co 10:20 . Let them help you if they...

i.e. To whom you offered sacrifices and oblations after the manner of the Gentiles. See Exo 34:13 Psa 106:28 1Co 10:20 .

Let them help you if they can do it. Compare Jud 10:14 Jer 2:28 .

Poole: Deu 32:39 - -- See now learn now by your own sad experience what vain and impotent things idols are, and what a silly thing it was in you to put your trust in them,...

See now learn now by your own sad experience what vain and impotent things idols are, and what a silly thing it was in you to put your trust in them, as they did Deu 32:37 .

I am he i.e. the only true, and omnipotent, and irresistible God, as it here follows.

Poole: Deu 32:40 - -- I lift up my hand to heaven i.e. I solemnly swear that I will do what here follows, that as I will deliver my people, so I will fully avenge myself u...

I lift up my hand to heaven i.e. I solemnly swear that I will do what here follows, that as I will deliver my people, so I will fully avenge myself upon all mine enemies, whom I have used as rods to scourge my people.

I live for ever i.e. As sure as I live. Compare Jer 4:2 Heb 6:13 Rev 10:5,6 .

Poole: Deu 32:41 - -- If once I begin to prepare for war, and for the execution of my sentence. Take hold on judgment i.e. of the instruments of judgment, of the weapon...

If once I begin to prepare for war, and for the execution of my sentence.

Take hold on judgment i.e. of the instruments of judgment, of the weapons of war. A metaphor from warriors that take their weapons into their hand when they intend to fight.

Poole: Deu 32:42 - -- Of the captives whom my sword hath sorely wounded, though not utterly killed. From the beginning of revenges upon the enemy i.e. when once I begin ...

Of the captives whom my sword hath sorely wounded, though not utterly killed.

From the beginning of revenges upon the enemy i.e. when once I begin to revenge myself and my people upon mine and their enemies, I will go on and make a full end. Or, with the head , or with the blood of the head , i.e. of the chief or chiefs, of the revenges of the enemy, i. e. of the revengeful or malicious enemy of God and of his people. The noun substantive is oft put for the adjective; as Gen 17:5 , a multitude of nations is put for many nations , Rom 4:17 Gen 45:22 , changes of raiment , i.e. changeable raiment; and Psa 99:4 , the king’ s strength , i.e. the strong and mighty king; and so here, the revenges of the enemy , i.e. the revengeful enemy. And by the head may be here understood either the devil, or the beads and rulers of those empires which were enemies to God’ s people. Or, of the head shall be the revenges upon the enemies , i.e. I will take vengeance upon all mine enemies, yea, upon the head or heads of them.

Poole: Deu 32:43 - -- With his people This translation is justified by St. Paul, Rom 15:10 , the particle with being oft understood, as Lev 26:42 . He calls upon the nat...

With his people This translation is justified by St. Paul, Rom 15:10 , the particle with being oft understood, as Lev 26:42 . He calls upon the nations to rejoice and bless God for his favours, and especially for the last wonderful deliverance which shall be given to the Jews when they shall be converted unto the gospel in the last days, which they have all reason to do, not only kern that duty of sympathy which they owe to all people, and especially to God’ s ancient people, whereby they are to rejoice with them that rejoice , but because of that singular advantage and happiness which all nations will have at that time, and upon that occasion. Or, Rejoice, O ye Gentiles, his people ; i.e. O you Gentiles, who once were not God’ s people, but now are his people, do you rejoice for God’ s mercies to the Jews his ancient people, bless God for their conversion and salvation.

Poole: Deu 32:44 - -- Hoshea or Joshua , who is here joined with Moses in this action, because though Moses only spake the words, yet Joshua consented to them; and, it ma...

Hoshea or Joshua , who is here joined with Moses in this action, because though Moses only spake the words, yet Joshua consented to them; and, it may be, afterwards repeated them; this being not a song to be sung once for all, but a standing monument, which was written and kept for future use, Deu 31:22 , &c., and to be repeated again and again upon solemn occasions, which Joshua and other magistrates were to take care of.

Poole: Deu 32:47 - -- It is not an unprofitable or contemptible work I advise you to, but well worthy of your most serious care, oft to remember and diligently to conside...

It is not an unprofitable or contemptible work I advise you to, but well worthy of your most serious care, oft to remember and diligently to consider it.

Poole: Deu 32:49 - -- Nebo was a ridge or top of the mountains of Abarim. See Poole "Num 27:12" ; See Poole "Deu 3:27" .

Nebo was a ridge or top of the mountains of Abarim. See Poole "Num 27:12" ; See Poole "Deu 3:27" .

PBC: Deu 32:12 - -- PB: Ps 78:17 PBtop: THE DEITY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT A Brief Study

PB: Ps 78:17


Haydock: Deu 32:12 - -- With him, to stand up in their defence, though the Israelites adored but too many others in the desert.

With him, to stand up in their defence, though the Israelites adored but too many others in the desert.

Haydock: Deu 32:13 - -- High land, in a place of safety, both against the enemy, and the inundations of water. The Nile renders Egypt like one continued sea for about 80 da...

High land, in a place of safety, both against the enemy, and the inundations of water. The Nile renders Egypt like one continued sea for about 80 days, in the summer season. (Calmet) ---

God had already begun to put the Israelites in possession of the fertile countries east of the Jordan, where there were several high mountains. (Haydock) ---

But when this canticle should be recited, in after ages, they would also enjoy the other regions, which had been promised unto them, on the west. Moses speaks, like a prophet, of things to come, as if they were already past. (Menochius) ---

Stone. Bees make honey in such places, and olive trees flourish on the side of a hill. Vestiges still remain of the industry with which the Jews have formerly cultivated their territory, supporting the earth with walls (Calmet) when it was in danger of falling down, or of becoming barren, for want of moisture. (Haydock)

Haydock: Deu 32:14 - -- Butter, or "cream," as the former article was probably not yet discovered, Genesis xviii. 8. (Calmet) --- The proofs of this assertion, from the or...

Butter, or "cream," as the former article was probably not yet discovered, Genesis xviii. 8. (Calmet) ---

The proofs of this assertion, from the original, chemath, and from the Scripture, frequently representing butter as a liquid, seem not, however, very solid. See Judges v. 25., and Proverbs xxx. 33. The Septuagint have literally, "the butter of oxen," but the latter name includes all of the species. (Haydock) ---

Basan. The Septuagint have, "the young of bulls and of he-goats;" though they generally translate "fat sheep." See St. Jerome in Isaias liii. ---

Wheat. Hebrew, "fat of the kidneys of wheat." ---

Grape. See Genesis xlix. 11. Androcides wrote to Alexander, who loved wine too much, "when thou art about to drink wine, remember, O king, that thou art drinking the blood of the earth." (Pliny, [Natural History?] xiv. 15.)

Haydock: Deu 32:15 - -- Beloved. Hebrew yeshurun, is supposed to be a diminutive of Israel, chap. xxxii. 5., and 26. (Calmet) --- Protestants, "Jeshurun waxed fat, and k...

Beloved. Hebrew yeshurun, is supposed to be a diminutive of Israel, chap. xxxii. 5., and 26. (Calmet) ---

Protestants, "Jeshurun waxed fat, and kicked; thou art waxen fat, thou art grown thick, thou art covered with fatness; then he forsook God, which made him, and lightly esteemed the rock of his salvation." This sudden change of persons is not found in the Septuagint. "And Jacob eat, and was filled, and the beloved kicked; he grew fat, thick, and broad, and he abandoned God....and revolted from God his Saviour." (Haydock) ---

Temporal prosperity occasioned the revolt of the Jews against their benefactor. (Worthington)

Haydock: Deu 32:17 - -- Devils. Hebrew, "to the destroyers, or to those of the fields." See Leviticus xvii. 7., and Baruch iv. 7, 35. (Calmet) --- Knew not. Septuagi...

Devils. Hebrew, "to the destroyers, or to those of the fields." See Leviticus xvii. 7., and Baruch iv. 7, 35. (Calmet) ---

Knew not. Septuagint, "revered not." (Haydock) ---

Hebrew may be, "who knew them not," who had bestowed nothing upon them, chap. xxix. 26. ---

Come up. Hebrew, "of the neighbourhood;" gods whose origin they knew, (Calmet) as well as the people who had given them that title; (Haydock) gods of human invention. (Menochius) ---

Novelty allureth to the worship of idols and to heresy. (Worthington)

Haydock: Deu 32:18 - -- Created. Septuagint, "gave thee food." Hebrew, "of the rock that begat thee, thou art unmindful, and hast forgotten God that formed thee, (Haydock)...

Created. Septuagint, "gave thee food." Hebrew, "of the rock that begat thee, thou art unmindful, and hast forgotten God that formed thee, (Haydock) or praises thee," the source of thy felicity. (Calmet) ---

Calvin (Institutes i. 11. 9,) to insinuate that Catholics adore pictures, as the Israelites did the golden calf, pretends that they could not have forgotten that God delivered them out of Egypt. Thus he contradicts the Scriptures! (Worthington)

Haydock: Deu 32:19 - -- Daughters. The women of Israel, who were not less addicted to idolatry than the men. (Haydock)

Daughters. The women of Israel, who were not less addicted to idolatry than the men. (Haydock)

Haydock: Deu 32:20 - -- From them. The Jews themselves acknowledged, in the siege of Jerusalem, that God had abandoned and given up to destruction his once beloved people. ...

From them. The Jews themselves acknowledged, in the siege of Jerusalem, that God had abandoned and given up to destruction his once beloved people. (Josephus, Jewish Wars vii. 8.) (Calmet) ---

Consider, or look on their utter ruin with indifference, or rather with complacency. (Haydock) ---

I will laugh at your destruction, Proverbs i. 16. (Calmet) ---

God loves without seeing any preceding merit in his creatures, but he never abandons them till they have first proved unfaithful. (Worthington)

Haydock: Deu 32:21 - -- Vanities. Septuagint, "idols." (Haydock) --- Nation. The Gentiles were of this description, when they were called to the true faith. This excit...

Vanities. Septuagint, "idols." (Haydock) ---

Nation. The Gentiles were of this description, when they were called to the true faith. This excited the indignation of the Jews, as they would neither enter heaven themselves, nor suffer others to obtain that happiness, Romans i. 19. (Theodoret, q. 41.) "An association bound together by law, constitutes a nation. A multitude which has no laws, or bad ones, is unworthy of the name." (Grotius) ---

The Jews looked upon all others with sovereign contempt. (Calmet) ---

Now, in their turn, they are despised. (Worthington)

Haydock: Deu 32:22 - -- A fire. He alludes to the destruction of Sodom, (Calmet) which may be considered as a figure of that which will overtake the whole world at the last...

A fire. He alludes to the destruction of Sodom, (Calmet) which may be considered as a figure of that which will overtake the whole world at the last day, and excruciate both the souls and the bodies of the reprobate in the flames of hell. (Haydock) ---

Fire also denotes war, the horrors of which overwhelmed the Jews both at the first and the last sieges of Jerusalem. (Calmet)

Haydock: Deu 32:23 - -- Arrows. Pestilence, famine, war, sickness, and death, are termed the arrows of God.

Arrows. Pestilence, famine, war, sickness, and death, are termed the arrows of God.

Haydock: Deu 32:24 - -- Birds. This refers in a particular manner to those who are deprived of sepulture, and hung on a gibbet, chap. xxvii. 26. Josephus (Jewish Wars vi. ...

Birds. This refers in a particular manner to those who are deprived of sepulture, and hung on a gibbet, chap. xxvii. 26. Josephus (Jewish Wars vi. 12,) informs us, that the multitude of Jews who were to be crucified, was so great, that sufficient wood could not be procured to make crosses for them, nor was there place for them to stand. Hebrew, "they shall be burnt with hunger, and devoured with burning heat;" (Haydock) or with the disease called the carbuncle. (Calmet) ---

But the Septuagint and Chaldean explain it of "birds." (Haydock) ---

Bite. Septuagint, "with a painful contraction of the nerves." Chaldean, "infested with evil spirits." ---

Beasts. Thus God forced the people of Samaria to obey his law, 4 Kings xvii. 25. ---

Fury, "venom." (Pagnin) (Menochius)

Haydock: Deu 32:27 - -- Wrath. The enemies of the Israelites wished nothing more than their destruction. If therefore God had gratified this desire, by punishing his peopl...

Wrath. The enemies of the Israelites wished nothing more than their destruction. If therefore God had gratified this desire, by punishing his people as they deserved, the enemy would have presently insinuated that He had not been able to drive them out, or that (Haydock) he was fickle, &c. ---

Mighty. ( excelsa; ) "lifted up." This expression shews the pride and insolence of those who make use of it, as if they despised God and all his laws. Procopius mentions this wicked inscription, to be still seen at Rome, "I lift up my hands to (or against) God, who destroyed me, though innocent, in the 20th year of my age." Pos. Procius, (Calmet) who seems to have been a woman, quæ vixi, &c. (Haydock)

Haydock: Deu 32:28 - -- Wisdom. Interpreters generally explain this and the eight following verses, of those nations whom God employed to scourge his people, though some un...

Wisdom. Interpreters generally explain this and the eight following verses, of those nations whom God employed to scourge his people, though some understand it all of the Israelites. (Calmet) ---

The words may be applied to all who transgress the law of God, as this is a sure mark of folly and impiety, and the Lord earnestly wishes that all should be converted, ver. 29. True wisdom reflects on the past, present, and future, (Worthington) in order to make provision for the last great conflict. (Haydock)

Haydock: Deu 32:30 - -- Thousand. In the battles which the Israelites had fought, the hand of God had appeared so visibly in their defence, giving them the victory over nat...

Thousand. In the battles which the Israelites had fought, the hand of God had appeared so visibly in their defence, giving them the victory over nations much more numerous, (Calmet) that all must confess their defeat must be in punishment of some former transgression, and that it is not the mighty hand of the enemy, but God himself, who chastises his people, as he had foretold, chap. xxviii. 7, 25, 49. (Haydock) ---

Of this the neighbouring nations were convinced, as Achior declared to the Holofernes, Judith v. 17. When the Hebrews neglected the law of God they were oppressed, and their conversion was presently rewarded with liberty, (Calmet) and a profusion of blessings.

Haydock: Deu 32:31 - -- Judges. The Egyptians, Amalecites, &c., had witnessed the miracles which God had now wrought for 40 years' time, in favour of his people. (Haydock)...

Judges. The Egyptians, Amalecites, &c., had witnessed the miracles which God had now wrought for 40 years' time, in favour of his people. (Haydock) ---

They knew also how the Israelites had been punished for their sins. (Menochius) ---

Though they followed a false religion themselves, they could discern the beauty of the true one. (Worthington) ---

Video meliora proboque---Deteriora sequor. (Ovid)

Haydock: Deu 32:32 - -- Bitter. The enemies of Israel, were of an accursed progeny. (Haydock) --- They imitated the vices of those wicked cities. Moses cautioned his peo...

Bitter. The enemies of Israel, were of an accursed progeny. (Haydock) ---

They imitated the vices of those wicked cities. Moses cautioned his people to beware of the root of bitterness, chap. xxix. 18. (Calmet) ---

If they should neglect the admonition, and become like the Chanaanites, they knew what they had to expect. (Haydock) ---

Their works being hateful to the Lord, (Menochius) he would surely punish them. The fruits which grow near the lake of Sodom, though sometimes fair to the eye, (Haydock) are full of dust, "black and empty, they fall to ashes," in cinerem vanescunt. (Tacitus v.; Josephus, Jewish Wars v. 5.) Growing on a bituminous soil, they could not but have a disagreeable taste. (Calmet) ---

The authors of the Universal History call in question what the ancients have reported concerning the fruits of Sodom. (Haydock)

Haydock: Deu 32:34 - -- Treasures. Whether we refer to the preceding remarks to the faithless Israelites, whose corruption was less pardonable, as they had received so many...

Treasures. Whether we refer to the preceding remarks to the faithless Israelites, whose corruption was less pardonable, as they had received so many favours from above, or to their proud and cruel enemies, who exceeded the bounds of moderation in their wars, God keeps an exact account of all, and will shortly punish both according to their deserts. (Haydock)

Haydock: Deu 32:35 - -- Time. Men are eager to punish their enemies, for fear lest they should escape. But God defers his chastisements frequently in this world, designing...

Time. Men are eager to punish their enemies, for fear lest they should escape. But God defers his chastisements frequently in this world, designing to make his enemies feel the weight of his indignation for all eternity. How consoling it is for the just, to think they have God for an avenger! "If thou, says Tertullian, remit the injury, which thou hast received, into his hands, he is the avenger....How much ought patience to endure, in order to make God a debtor." Adeo satisidoneus patientiæ sequester Deus. ---

That. Septuagint, "when" (Calmet) they shall fall and come to ruin. (Menochius)

Haydock: Deu 32:36 - -- People who have been guilty, that he may spare them, when they repent. (Menochius) --- "He will give judgment in favour of his people," &c. (Houbi...

People who have been guilty, that he may spare them, when they repent. (Menochius) ---

"He will give judgment in favour of his people," &c. (Houbigant) ---

Servants. He will not involve the innocent in the ruin of the rebellious. (Menochius) ---

But, at the same time, he will have them to be convinced that their salvation came not from themselves. He will assist them when all human aid has proved abortive, (Haydock) and when they are reduced to the utmost distress. See Isaias xxxv. 3., and 3 Kings xxi. 21. Those who may have thought themselves secure in their sins, will not escape punishment. (Worthington)

Haydock: Deu 32:38 - -- Wine. Hence the Jews abhor the wine of Christians, whom they consider as the greatest enemies of God. The pagans were accustomed to make libations ...

Wine. Hence the Jews abhor the wine of Christians, whom they consider as the greatest enemies of God. The pagans were accustomed to make libations to their idols, even in their ordinary repasts. (Calmet) ---

The fat was always sacred to God, Leviticus iii. 17. (Menochius)

Haydock: Deu 32:40 - -- For ever. God can swear by no one greater than himself, Hebrews vi. 13.

For ever. God can swear by no one greater than himself, Hebrews vi. 13.

Haydock: Deu 32:41 - -- Lightning, equally terrible and penetrating: fulminis acta modo. (Virgil, Æneid ix.) (Calmet) --- Judgment, to punish with rigour my declared e...

Lightning, equally terrible and penetrating: fulminis acta modo. (Virgil, Æneid ix.) (Calmet) ---

Judgment, to punish with rigour my declared enemies. (Haydock) ---

These verses seem to regard the idolatrous nations, (Menochius) though God will not fail to punish the guilty, wherever they may be found. (Haydock)

Haydock: Deu 32:42 - -- Enemies. I will tear the crown from off their head. Chaldean, I will destroy the king, as well as the meanest captives. Protestants, "from the begi...

Enemies. I will tear the crown from off their head. Chaldean, I will destroy the king, as well as the meanest captives. Protestants, "from the beginning of revenges upon the enemy." At the very first I will completely destroy them. (Haydock) ---

I will punish them for the slaughter and captivity of my people, whom they have shaved, as a mark of their servile condition. (Menochius) ---

Their bare head, or vain counsels, will be detected and punished. (Worthington)

Haydock: Deu 32:43 - -- People. Though God afflicted the Israelites for a time, he was always disposed to receive them to his favour again upon their repentance; and he wil...

People. Though God afflicted the Israelites for a time, he was always disposed to receive them to his favour again upon their repentance; and he will even receive them into his Church before the day of judgment, Romans xi. 25. (Calmet) ---

This decided predilection for them, would naturally induce other nations to praise them. Grabe's Septuagint reads, "Rejoice ye heavens with him, and let all the sons of God adore him, and let all the angels of God strengthen them, because He revengeth the blood of his sons; and he will continue to do so, and he will punish his enemies, and will render to those who hate him; and the Lord will purify the land of his people." (Haydock) ---

In some editions, after Let all the angels of God adore him, (cited [in] Hebrews i. 6.; Cappel.) they read, Rejoice, ye Gentiles, with his people, which St. Paul quotes, Romans xv. 10; and then they add, "And Moses wrote this canticle on that day, and he taught it to the children of Israel; (Calmet) (Ver. 44.) and Moses came forth to the people, and spoke all the words of this law, in the ears of the people, he and Jesus, the son of Nave," by which name they designate Josue, the son of Nun. (Haydock) ---

He assisted Moses in singing the canticle, as his colleague in office, to whom the obligation of withdrawing the people from idolatry would henceforth devolve. (Menochius) ---

God always preserved some of the Jews from the general corruption, till the time of the Messias. (Worthington)

Haydock: Deu 32:47 - -- Live. Hebrew, "it is your life." They were to cherish the law as their own lives; for their prosperity and length of days depended on their observa...

Live. Hebrew, "it is your life." They were to cherish the law as their own lives; for their prosperity and length of days depended on their observance of it.

Haydock: Deu 32:49 - -- Passages. The author of the Vulgate has given this explication of Abarim. (Calmet)

Passages. The author of the Vulgate has given this explication of Abarim. (Calmet)

Haydock: Deu 32:51 - -- Cades. Hebrew, "at the waters of Meriba-Cadesh," &c.

Cades. Hebrew, "at the waters of Meriba-Cadesh," &c.

Haydock: Deu 32:52 - -- Into it. By repeating this reproach and judgment God excited in his servant the most lively sentiments of repentance for his fault, Numbers xx. (Ha...

Into it. By repeating this reproach and judgment God excited in his servant the most lively sentiments of repentance for his fault, Numbers xx. (Haydock) ---

Aaron had been deprived of the sight of this delightful country. If they had been labouring for its acquisition alone, the reflection must have been very cutting. But they had a better country in view, though they had greatly desired to enter into that land which was to be ennobled and purified by the birth and blood of the Son of God. (Haydock) ---

Having received the order from God in the evening, after Moses had taught his canticle to the people, he immediately set his house in order, and on the following morning he gave his last blessing to the tribes of Israel, and was attended by the chief to the foot of the mountain. (Salien)

Gill: Deu 32:12 - -- So the Lord alone did lead him,.... Out of Egypt, through the wilderness, to the land of Canaan, going before them in a pillar of fire and cloud; tho...

So the Lord alone did lead him,.... Out of Egypt, through the wilderness, to the land of Canaan, going before them in a pillar of fire and cloud; though this is not to be understood to the exclusion of the ministry of Moses and Aaron, by whom he led them, Psa 77:20; it may be interpreted of the people being alone in the wilderness when led:

and there was no strange god with him; with Israel; so Aben Ezra, no idolatry among them then; to which sense are the Targums of Jerusalem and Jonathan; but it may rather signify that the Lord alone was the leader of his people, and he had no assistant in that work, and therefore all the glory should be given to him: he is the leader of his people, in a spiritual sense, out of a state of unregeneracy, which is a state of darkness and bondage; out of the ways of sin, and from the pastures of their own righteousness, into an open state of grace, which is a state of light and liberty; in Christ the way, and in the paths of faith, truth, holiness, and righteousness, unto the heavenly glory, typified by the land of Canaan, the blessings of which are next described: the Jews say z, this will be in the days of the King Messiah; when there will be no abominable thing in Israel, the Lord alone shall lead him.

Gill: Deu 32:13 - -- He made him to ride on the high places of the earth,.... Or land, the land of Canaan; by which are meant the towers, castles, and fortified places in ...

He made him to ride on the high places of the earth,.... Or land, the land of Canaan; by which are meant the towers, castles, and fortified places in it, some of which might be built on hills and mountains; and being made to ride on them may denote the delivery of them into their hands, their conquests and possession of them, and triumph in them; see Isa 58:14; so the Targum of Jonathan paraphrases, it,"made him to dwell in the towers of the land of Israel,''those high walled and strongly fenced cities which they dreaded; this may be an emblem of the conquest believers have of their spiritual enemies, sin. Satan, and the world, in and through Christ; of their safety and triumph in him; of their high and elevated frames of soul, when they have got above the world and the things of it; this will be the case of spiritual Israel in every sense in the latter day, when the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established on the top of the mountains:

that he might eat the increase of the fields: the produce of them, particularly corn for bread, and which the Israelites ate of as soon as they came into the land of Canaan, Jos 5:11; an emblem of the Gospel, and the truths of it, which are salutary, nourishing, strengthening, reviving, and cheering, and of Christ the bread of life, which believers by faith eat of, and feed upon and live:

and he made him to suck honey out of the rock; not water out of the rock, as sweet to them as honey, that they had in the wilderness; but either the honey of bees that made their nests in rocks, as a swarm of them did in the carcass of a lion; and so in like manner as honey came out of the lion, it may be said to be sucked out of the rock: so Homer a speaks of swarms of bees out of a hollow rock: or this was the honey of palm trees, as Aben Ezra observes, some say, which might grow on rocks; see Gill on Deu 8:8; and this is favoured by the Targum of Jonathan, which paraphrases the words,"honey from those fruits which grow on the rocks,''unless it means honey gathered by bees from such fruits; the rock may typify Christ, and the honey out of it the Gospel, which is from him and concerning him; comparable to honey for the manner of its production and gathering, by the laborious ministers of the word; for its nourishment, and especially for its sweetness, its precious promises, and pleasant doctrines:

and oil out of the flinty rock; that is, oil out of the olives, which grow on rocks, and these delight to grow on hills and mountains; hence we read of the mount of Olives, see Job 29:6; and so the Targum of Jonathan,"and oil out of the olives and suckers which grow on the strong rocks;''this may signify the Spirit and his graces, the unction which comes from Christ the Holy One, and the blessings of grace had from him, and the Gospel and its truths; which are cheering and refreshing, mollifying and healing, feeding and fattening, pure and unmixed, and useful for light, as oil is.

Gill: Deu 32:14 - -- Butter of kine,.... Made of milk, which kine or cows give; Jarchi says, this is the fat that is gathered on the top of milk, he means cream, and which...

Butter of kine,.... Made of milk, which kine or cows give; Jarchi says, this is the fat that is gathered on the top of milk, he means cream, and which indeed was the butter of the ancients, and is here meant:

and milk of sheep: which they give, though not in such plenty as the kine, yet what is very wholesome and nourishing: the philosopher b observes, that sheep give more milk in proportion to the size of their bodies than cows: and Pliny c says their milk is sweeter and more nourishing, and the butter made of it is the fattest:

with fat of lambs; or fat lambs, rich and delicious food:

and rams of the breed of Bashan, and goats; a fruitful country abounding with pasturage, where rams and goats of the best sort were and the breed of them was coveted and had in the land of Canaan; the kine of Bashan are mentioned elsewhere, Psa 22:12,

with the fat of kidneys of wheat: that is, the best wheat, the grains are plump and full; and Aben Ezra observes, that a grain of wheat has some likeness to a kidney, see Psa 81:16,

and thou didst drink the pure blood of the grape; wine which comes from the grape, red wine, pure and unmixed, see Gen 40:11; the land of Canaan was a land of vines, and abounded with good wine, Deu 8:8; which the Israelites, when they came into it, drank of in common, who had only drank water in the wilderness, and had but little flesh, and lived on manna, and now abounded with plenty of all good things; all which are observed as instances of divine goodness, and to aggravate their ingratitude in rejecting the Messiah, they then enjoying all these good things, the land being alike fertile and affluent then, as appears from Isa 7:14; Jarchi applies this fruitfulness to the times of Solomon, as the butter of kine, and the kidneys of wheat, 1Ki 4:22; and fat of lambs, and the blood of the grape, to the times of the ten tribes, Amo 6:4; but this was the constant fertility of the land, and lasted to the times of the Messiah: now all these may be expressive of the blessings of grace, and the spiritual food of the Gospel: Ainsworth very prettily remarks, that here is both food for babes and for grown persons, butter and milk for the one, and meat for the other, and drink for them both: the plain truths of the Gospel are like butter, soft and easy to be taken in, and like milk, easy of digestion, cooling, nourishing, sweet, and pleasant; the more sublime truths of the Gospel are meat for strong men, signified by the flesh of fat lambs, rams, and goats; which all being used in sacrifices were typical of Christ; as also the finest of wheat is an emblem of him the bread of life, on whom the weakest believer lives by faith; and the drink for both, the wine the blood of the grape, may signify the love of Christ, the Gospel and the truths of it, and the blessings of grace, which come through the everlasting covenant.

Gill: Deu 32:15 - -- But Jeshurun waxed fat, and kicked,.... This is undoubtedly a name of the people of Israel; it is to be met with only in three places more, in Deu 33:...

But Jeshurun waxed fat, and kicked,.... This is undoubtedly a name of the people of Israel; it is to be met with only in three places more, in Deu 33:5; it is generally thought to come from a word d which signifies upright and righteous, such these people ought to have been, and some among them were; and they generally professed themselves, and outwardly appeared to be upright, just, and righteous persons, and were desirous of being reckoned so; which was their character in the times of Christ, when they rejected him: others derive it from a word e which signifies to behold, to see, and so describes them as seeing ones; and such they had been in the times of Moses, saw extraordinary sights and wonders in Egypt, the great salvation at the Red sea, the Lord going before them in a pillar of cloud and life; the manna every day falling about their tents; twice rocks smitten, and waters flowing from them, and had often very uncommon sights of the glory of God: and in the times of Christ, to which this song refers, they saw him in the flesh, preaching in their synagogues, doing miracles, riding on an ass to Jerusalem, according to one of their prophecies, and expiring on the cross, and yet rejected him. They are said to "wax fat", enjoy great outward prosperity, to abound in temporal good things, as they also did in spiritual, privileges; enjoying, or they might have enjoyed, such a ministry of the word, as never was before or since, the ministry of John the Baptist, the forerunner of Christ, of Christ himself, and of his apostles, yet they "kicked"; which may denote their disobedience to the laws of God, moral and ceremonial, see 1Sa 2:29; and particularly the introduction of idolatry among them, which was kicking against God, and his worship; first among the ten tribes, in the times of Jeroboam, and among the two tribes, more especially in the times of Manasseh; and this kicking was particularly verified in Judas's lifting up his heel against Christ, and betraying him; which was not merely the sin of him only, but what the whole body of the people were involved in, see Psa 41:9,

thou art waxen fat, thou art grown thick, thou art covered with fatness; which is repeated and expressed by different words, both for the certainty of it, and to denote their great affluence of good things, and so the more to aggravate their impiety and ingratitude, next observed:

then he forsook God which made him; the worship of God, as the Targum of Jonathan, giving into idolatry in times past; and the written word of God, by giving heed to the traditions of the elders, to the making void and of none effect the word of God; or Christ, the essential Word of God; so the Targum of Jonathan,"and left the Word of God, who created them;''that Word of God which was in the beginning of all things, and by whom all things were made, and they also; who in the fulness of time was made flesh, and dwelt among men, Joh 1:1,

and lightly esteemed the rock of his salvation; the same divine Person, described in Deu 32:4; and there called "the Rock"; see Gill on Deu 32:4; here "the rock of salvation"; because salvation flows from him: he is the author of it, and it is to be had of him, and no other; and this epithet shows not only his ability and strength to effect it, but the security of it in him, which being wrought out is an everlasting one. He is said to be the rock of "his" salvation, Jeshurun or Israel, he being of the Jews, raised up among them, and sent unto them, and was the Saviour of some of them actually, even of the lost sheep of the house of Israel, and on account of his salvation deserving of universal esteem. But the Jews "lightly esteemed" him, had no value for him, set this rock and stone at nought; he was refused and rejected by the builders, who is now the head of the corner; they despised him, mocked at him, and treated him with the utmost contempt and disdain, yea, with abhorrence; all which, and more, is signified by the word here used: they traduced him as a vile and wicked person, and charged and, treated him as such, so some render the word f; and, as others g, they made a dead carcass of him, they crucified and slew him; this is the crime of ingratitude hinted at in Deu 32:6; and all between is an enumeration of instances of divine goodness to this people, mentioned with a view to aggravate this unheard of sin.

Gill: Deu 32:16 - -- They provoked him to jealousy with strange gods,.... Or "with others" h; the word "gods" is not in the text, nor were the Jews guilty of worshipping ...

They provoked him to jealousy with strange gods,.... Or "with others" h; the word "gods" is not in the text, nor were the Jews guilty of worshipping strange gods or idols in the times of Christ, nor had they been from the time of their coming out of the Babylonish captivity; but the word, as Cocceius observes, is used for "another", as in Job 19:27; and signifies other saviours, other messiahs, whom the Jews set up when they rejected Christ, the rock of salvation; and it is observable, that before the coming of Christ, they never attempted to set up any; but, after they had rejected him, were ready to embrace everyone that offered, of which one, called Bar Cochab, the son of a star, in allusion to Num 24:17; is a flagrant instance; and whom, when they found themselves deceived, they called Bar Cozba, the son of a lie, or a lying fellow; to whom our Lord may be thought to have respect, Joh 5:43; and where he expressly calls him another. Now, not only to reject Jesus, the true Messiah, but to set up others in his room, false Christs, was highly provoking to God, who is a jealous God, and will not give his glory to another:

with abominations provoked they him to anger; by advancing the traditions of the elders to an equality with, and above the word of God; and by continuing sacrifices, after the great sacrifice was offered up, when they ought to have ceased; for, by continuing them, it was saying Christ was not come in the flesh, nor his sacrifice offered up; it was trampling under foot the Son of God, and treating his blood and sacrifice with contempt; which must be an abomination to God, and highly provoking of his anger, when that sacrifice was of a sweet smelling savour to him; and especially what was abominable to him, and grievously provoked him to anger and wrath, was their setting up the idol of their own righteousness, refusing to submit to the righteousness of Christ, Rom 10:3; and indeed, whenever anything is set up in competition with him, or in opposition to him, be it what it will, it must be an abomination to God; because it opposes his purposes and resolutions of saving men by Christ alone, reflects on his wisdom in the scheme of salvation, flies in the face of his love, grace, and mercy, makes the death of Christ of none effect, advances pride in the creature, gives God the lie, who says there is no other Saviour, and is a total slight and neglect of his Gospel; all which must be abominable, and dreadfully provoking to him; see Isa 65:5;

Gill: Deu 32:17 - -- They sacrificed to devils, not to God,.... Their sacrifices being continued, when it was the will of God they should cease, were reckoned by him not a...

They sacrificed to devils, not to God,.... Their sacrifices being continued, when it was the will of God they should cease, were reckoned by him not as, offered to him, but to demons, and to such that were not God; they being therein under the instigation of Satan, and doing his lusts, Joh 8:44; just as Pagans and Papists, worshipping idols under the influence and direction of Satan, are said to worship devils, and sacrifice to them, 1Co 10:20; and indeed setting up their own righteousness was sacrificing to their own net, and burning incense to their own drag, to an idol, and not to God: to which may be added, that whereas they trampled under foot the Son of God, and did despite to the Spirit of grace, by which Christ cast out devils, and offered himself without spot, they excluded two of the divine Persons in the Deity, and so worshipped not the true God, Father, Son, and Spirit:

to gods whom they knew not, to gods that came newly up; such as angels, into the worship of which they fell, as their writings testify i, and to which the apostle seems to have respect, Col 2:18,

whom your fathers feared not; paid no regard unto, put no trust or confidence in; or, as the Targum of Jonathan,"with whom your fathers had nothing to do:''as they had not with the idol of man's righteousness, but wholly looked unto and trusted in the grace and righteousness of Christ, and expected salvation alone by him: the Gospel of righteousness and salvation by Christ was preached to our first parents in Eden's garden, which they embraced and believed in; Noah was an heir and preacher of the righteousness of faith, that is, of the righteousness of Christ, received by faith; that righteousness, which was what Abraham believed in, was imputed to him for his justifying righteousness; and Jacob waited for the Messiah, the salvation of God; in short all the Old Testament saints were saved by the grace of Christ, as we are; the idols, the works of men's own righteousness, are new deities they paid no deference to, placed no confidence in.

Gill: Deu 32:18 - -- Of the rock that begat thee thou art unmindful,.... The same with the rock of salvation, Deu 32:15; repeated and expressed in different words, that t...

Of the rock that begat thee thou art unmindful,.... The same with the rock of salvation, Deu 32:15; repeated and expressed in different words, that their wretched ingratitude might be taken notice of and observed: begetting is ascribed to this rock, as regeneration is to Christ, 1Jo 2:29; and was true of some among the Jews: some choose to render the words, "the rock of thy kindred" k; being a near kinsman, a brother through his incarnation, which aggravated their unmindfulness of him:

and hast forgotten God that formed thee: for the rock they were unmindful of and forgot is the true God and eternal life, the essential Word of God, as both the Targums of Jonathan and Jerusalem interpret it; him the Jewish nation forgot; they forgot the characters given of him in the promises and prophecies of the Old Testament; and therefore they knew him not when he came and fulfilled the voices of the prophets they were ignorant of in condemning him: hence they were unmindful of his person, his offices, his works, his benefits, and the great salvation by him; as indeed too many are that call themselves Christians: some observe that the word here used signifies bringing forth children with pain, and so way respect the bitter sorrows and sufferings of Christ, sometimes expressed by a word l which signifies the pains of women in childbirth, Act 2:24; and called the travail of his soul, Isa 53:11; and so a further aggravation of their ingratitude, that they should forget him that suffered so much, at least on account of some of them; for, those he endured to bring forth children unto God, or to gather together the children of God, scattered abroad both in Judea and in the whole world, Joh 11:51.

Gill: Deu 32:19 - -- And when the Lord saw it,.... The disregard of the Jews to Christ, their forgetfulness of him, their disesteem and rejection of him; their continuanc...

And when the Lord saw it,.... The disregard of the Jews to Christ, their forgetfulness of him, their disesteem and rejection of him; their continuance of sacrifices, when the great sacrifice was offered up; their setting up other messiahs and saviours, and the idol of their own righteousness, in opposition to the righteousness of Christ; all which not only as the omniscient God he saw, but took notice of, and considered, and did not at once pass judgment on them, at least did not immediately execute it, but waited some time to see how they would afterwards behave; for it was thirty years or more after the crucifixion of Christ that the utter destruction of the Jews came upon them:

he abhorred them; in his heart, despised them, and at last rejected them with contempt and abhorrence, very righteously and in just retaliation, see Zec 11:8; as for what before observed, so for what follows:

because of the provoking of his sons, and of his daughters; which is not to be understood of the Lord being provoked to wrath by the sins of those who called themselves or were called his sons and daughters; for these are such who were truly his sons and daughters, and different from those in Deu 32:20, said to be "children in whom is no faith": these are no other than the disciples and followers of Christ, that believed in him, both men and women, and so the children of God, his sons and his daughters by special grace; and the "provoking" of them is the wrath of the enemy against them, as the same word is used and rendered in Deu 32:27; and should be here, "because of wrath", or "indignation against his sons and his daughters" m; meaning the affliction, distress, and persecution of them, through the wrath of the unbelieving Jews; for after the death of Christ they persecuted his apostles, they beat them and cast them into prison, and put some to death; a persecution was raised against the church at Jerusalem, in which Saul was concerned, who breathed out threatenings and slaughters against the disciples of the Lord, and haled men and women, the sons and daughters of God, and committed them to prison, and persecuted them to strange cities, and gave his voice to put them to death; and in the Gentile world, when the Gospel was carried there, the Jews stirred up the Gentiles everywhere against the followers of Christ, to harass and distress them; and this the Lord saw, and he abhorred them for it, and rejected them.

Gill: Deu 32:20 - -- And he said, I will hide my face from them,.... Now the Lord proceeds to pass sentence on the Jews for their ill treatment of his Son, and of his foll...

And he said, I will hide my face from them,.... Now the Lord proceeds to pass sentence on the Jews for their ill treatment of his Son, and of his followers; which respects judgments that should come upon them, both spiritual and temporal, or corporeal; the former lies in Deu 32:20, and the latter in Deu 32:22; and this the Lord said in his own heart and mind, decreed and determined it within himself, and declared it in his word by his prophets, as here and in other places: and this first part of the sentence denotes the withdrawing of the gracious presence of God, and the manifestation of his favour, from the people of the Jews, his dislike and contempt of them, having taken out from among them the remnant according to the election of grace, the disciples and followers of Christ; and the removal of the Gospel, and the ordinances of it, from them, the means of light and knowledge, joy and comfort, and the giving of them up to blindness and hardness of heart, which continues to this day; they have a vail of darkness and ignorance upon their hearts while reading the books of the Old Testament, which will be done away when they turn to the Lord, and not before; likewise this was fulfilled when all the symbols of the divine Presence were removed, when the temple was destroyed, and all things in it, or carried away; and this house, which was formerly the house of God, and where he dwelt, was left desolate by him; and it is remarkable, that a little before the destruction of Jerusalem, a voice was heard in the temple, "let us go hence", as Josephus relates z:

I will see what their end shall be: their destruction, called in the New Testament "the end of the world"; the end of the Jewish church state and commonwealth: this the Lord said, not as ignorant what it should be, or when it would be; but the sense is, either that he would cause them and others to see it, when he should bring wrath upon them to the uttermost; or that he would look upon it with pleasure and delight, which would be an aggravation of their punishment, Pro 1:26,

for they are a very froward generation; men of perverse spirits, of a contrary and contradictory temper and disposition, who pleased not God, and were contrary to all men; as well as contradicted and blasphemed the Gospel of Christ, were men of distorted principles in religion, implicated and inconsistent, they wresting the Scriptures to their own destruction; and were obstinate, stubborn, and inflexible in their notions and practices, and that to the last, which was their ruin:

children in whom is no faith; for though they had faith in one God, in the Scriptures of the Old Testament as the word of God, in the law of Moses, and in a future state, the resurrection of the dead, and judgment to come; especially the Pharisees, the greater part of the Jews; yet though they were the children of Abraham, and would be thought to be the children of God, they had no faith in Jesus, the true Messiah; him they disbelieved and rejected; and as their fathers could not enter into the land of Canaan, whose carcasses fell in the wilderness, because of unbelief; so these were cast out of the land, and from the Lord, because of their unbelief in the rejection of the Messiah. Aben Ezra observes, that it may be interpreted there is no men of faithfulness, or no faithful men among them, as in Psa 12:1; they were a faithless generation, covenant breakers, broke their covenant with God, and therefore he rejected them.

Gill: Deu 32:21 - -- They have moved me to jealousy with that which is not God,.... With a false messiah; for after the death of Jesus, the true Messiah, God as well as m...

They have moved me to jealousy with that which is not God,.... With a false messiah; for after the death of Jesus, the true Messiah, God as well as man, many false Christs arose, as he predicted, and were received for a time, who were mere men, and deceivers; and their now vainly expected messiah, or whom they look for, according to their own sense of him, is no other than a mere creature, and not God: or with the idol of their own righteousness; which, as an idol is nothing in the world, that is, nothing in the business of justification, and put in the room of Christ highly provokes the Lord to jealousy:

they have provoked me to anger with their vanities; such were their false Christs they in vain trusted in, and such the idol of their own righteousness they set up, but could not make to stand; and such were the traditions of their elders; they put upon an equality with, or above the word of God; all which stirred up the wrath and anger of God against them:

and I will move them to jealousy with those which are not a people: this is not to be understood of any particular nation, but of the Gentiles in general, and of God's elect among them, and of the calling of them; which would be provoking to the Jews, as the Apostle Paul has taught us to understand it, Rom 10:19. These were not the people of God, or not my people, as he says Rom 9:25; In some sense indeed they were his people, being chosen by him, and taken into covenant with him; for he is God not of the Jews only, but of the Gentiles also; and those were given to Christ as his people, and are his other sheep which were not of the Jewish fold; and who were redeemed by him to be a peculiar people out of every kindred, tongue, people, and nation, all which was before their calling: yet, in another sense they were not his people; they were without any spiritual privileges, the word and ordinances, without the knowledge of God and Christ, without communion with them; they were not a people near unto the Lord, he had not laid hold on and formed them for himself in regeneration and conversion; they were not reckoned the people of God, nor called so, and especially by the Jews, who accounted themselves to be the only people of God; see Eph 2:11,

I will provoke them to anger with a foolish nation; either the Romans in particular are meant, so called because of their gross idolatry, to which they were addicted, who otherwise in their political affairs were a wise and understanding people; to these Judea became a province, and were subject to tribute; and by the exactions of the Romans, and their ill usage of them, they were provoked to rise against them, which issued in their ruin: or rather the Gentiles in general, who might be called foolish because of their superstition and idolatry, ignorance, and blindness in religious matters, and especially were so in the account of the Jews; and the elect of God among them in particular, who in their state of unregeneracy were foolish, as all unregenerate men are; both their principles and practices were foolish, and they were the foolish things of the Gentile world that God chose and called: and the calling of them was exceedingly provoking to the Jews; which was as if a man, moved to jealousy by the behaviour of his wife, should strip her of her ornaments and jewels, and reject her as his wife; and take another before her eyes of mean estate, and marry her, and put her ornaments on her, to which the allusion is; for the Lord, being moved to jealousy by the conduct of the Jewish nation towards him, rejected them from being his people, and stripped them of all their privileges, civil and religious, and took the Gentiles in the room of them, and so in just retaliation moved them to jealousy and wrath. It was displeasing to the carnal Jews to hear of the prophecies of the calling of the Gentiles, Rom 10:20; and the first display of grace to them was resented even by believing Jews themselves at first, Act 11:2. The anger of the Scribes and Pharisees on this account is thought by some to be hinted at in the parable of the two sons, Luk 15:27. The Jews were offended with Christ for eating with publicans, the Roman tax gatherers, and were greatly displeased when he told them the kingdom of God would be taken from them, and given to another nation, Mat 9:10 Mat 21:43. Their rage and envy were very great when the Gospel was first preached to the Gentiles, Act 13:41; and there is such an extraordinary instance of their spite and malice to the Gentiles, and of their jealousy and anger they were moved unto, as is not to be paralleled, 1Th 2:15.

Gill: Deu 32:22 - -- For a fire is kindled in mine anger,.... Here begins the account of temporal and corporeal judgments inflicted on the Jews for their disbelief and rej...

For a fire is kindled in mine anger,.... Here begins the account of temporal and corporeal judgments inflicted on the Jews for their disbelief and rejection of the Messiah, their contempt of his Gospel, and ill treatment of his followers; and this here respects the destruction of the land of Judea in general, and the burning of the city and temple of Jerusalem in particular, as the effect of the wrath and anger of God like fire kindled against them:

and shall burn unto the lowest hell; which denotes an entire destruction, like that of the burning of Sodom and Gomorrah with fire and brimstone from heaven; which issued in a sulphurous lake, and which sulphureous matter sunk to the bottom of the Dead Sea; and to that destruction is this of the land of Judea compared, Deu 29:23,

and shall consume the earth with her increase: the land of Judea, with the cities and towns in it, and buildings on it, and the fruits of the earth; which were either gathered into their barns and storehouses, or were growing in their fields, and vineyards, and oliveyards; all were destroyed and consumed at or before the destruction of Jerusalem, or quickly after it:

and set on fire the foundations of the mountains; the city of Jerusalem, as Jarchi himself interprets it, whose foundations were by the mountains, according to Psa 125:2; and the temple of Jerusalem particularly was built on Mount Moriah, and that as well as the city was utterly consumed by fire: and it is remarkable that when Julian the apostate attempted to rebuild it, as is related even by an Heathen historian a, that flames of fire burst out from the foundations, and burnt the workmen; so that he was obliged to desist from his rash undertaking.

Gill: Deu 32:23 - -- I will heap mischief upon them,.... One calamity upon another, which are after particularly mentioned: I will spewed mine arrows upon them; God is ...

I will heap mischief upon them,.... One calamity upon another, which are after particularly mentioned:

I will spewed mine arrows upon them; God is here represented as an enemy to the Jews, as having bent his bow against them like an enemy, Lam 2:4; and as having a quiver, and that full of arrows, and as determined to draw out and spend everyone of them, in taking vengeance upon them; which arrows are his four sore judgments mentioned Eze 14:21; and expressed in Deu 32:24.

Gill: Deu 32:24 - -- They shall be burnt with hunger,.... This is the arrow of famine, Eze 5:16; the force of which is such that it makes the skin black as if burnt, Lam ...

They shall be burnt with hunger,.... This is the arrow of famine, Eze 5:16; the force of which is such that it makes the skin black as if burnt, Lam 5:10; Onkelos paraphrases it,"inflated or swelled with famine,''which is a phrase Josephus b makes use of in describing the famine at the siege of Jerusalem. Jarchi observes, that one of their writers c interprets the words "hairs of hunger", because he says that a man that is famishing and pining, his hair grows, and he becomes hairy: this judgment was notorious among the Jews, at the siege of Jerusalem, and was very sore and dreadful: See Gill on Deu 28:53,

and devoured with burning heat, and with bitter destruction; with burning fevers, pestilential ones, with the plague, the arrow of the Lord that flies by day, the pestilence that walks in darkness, and the destruction that wastes at noonday, Psa 91:5; and which also raged at the siege of Jerusalem, arising from the stench of dead bodies, which lay in all parts of the city, and is one of the signs of the destruction of it given by our Lord, Mat 24:7,

I will also send the teeth, of beasts upon them, with the poison of serpents of the dust; another of the arrows in the quiver of the Lord of hosts, or of his four judgments, and which he used to threaten the people of the Jews with in case of disobedience, Lev 26:22. And such of the Jews who fled to deserts, and caves and dens of the earth, for shelter, could not escape falling into the hands of wild beasts, and of meeting with poisonous serpents that go upon their bellies, and feed on the dust of the earth; and besides, when Titus had taken Jerusalem, he disposed of his captives some one way and some another; and, among the rest, many were cast to the wild beasts in the theatre, as Josephus relates d; add to this, that both Rome Pagan, and Roman Papal, are called beasts, Rev 13:1; into both whose hands the Jews fell, and from whom they have suffered much; with which in part agrees the Targum of Jerusalem,

"the teeth of the four monarchies, which are like to wild beasts, I will send upon them;''and particularly the Targum of Jonathan paraphrases it,"and the Greeks, who bite with their teeth like wild beasts, I will send upon them;''but it would have been much better to have interpreted it of the Romans.

Gill: Deu 32:25 - -- The sword without,.... Either without the city, the sword of the Roman army besieging it, which destroyed all that came out or attempted to go in; or ...

The sword without,.... Either without the city, the sword of the Roman army besieging it, which destroyed all that came out or attempted to go in; or in the streets of the city, the sword of the seditious, which destroyed multitudes among themselves:

and terror within; within the city, on account of the sword of the Romans, and the close siege they made of it; and on account of the famine and pestilence which raged in it, and the cruelty of the seditious persons among themselves; all these filled the people with horror and terror in their houses; and even in their bedchambers, as the word signifies, they were not free from terror; yea, from the temple, and inward parts, and chambers of that, which may be referred to, terror came, that being in the hands of the seditious; they sallied out from thence, and ravaged the city, and filled all places with the dread of them; and many, no doubt, through fear died, as well as by the sword and other judgments; which it is threatened

shall destroy both the young man and the virgin, the suckling also,

with the man of gray hairs; none of any age or sex were spared, even those unarmed; not the young man, for his strength and promising usefulness; nor the virgin for her beauty and comeliness; nor the suckling for its innocence and tenderness; nor the aged man through any reverence of his gray hairs, or on account of the infirmities of old age, but all would be destroyed; and never was such a carnage made at the siege of anyone city in the world before or since; no less than 1,100,000 persons perished in it, as Josephus relates e.

Gill: Deu 32:26 - -- I said,.... Or could have said, or might have said; that is, determined and resolved, as it was in his power, and in right and justice might have done...

I said,.... Or could have said, or might have said; that is, determined and resolved, as it was in his power, and in right and justice might have done what follows:

I would scatter them into corners; which does not fitly express the sense of the word used, and besides this was what was done; it is notorious that the Jews were and are scattered into the several corners of the world, and there is no corner where they are not; whereas the phrase is expressive of something that could and might have been done, but was not: moreover, to disperse them into the several parts of the world does not agree with what follows; for that, instead of making their remembrance to cease, would make them the more known, and the more to be remembered. But the word literally taken may be rendered, "I will corner them" f; drive them up into a corner, and cut them off together, or search for them in, and ferret them out of, every corner in which they should get, and destroy them all: agreeably to which is the Targum of Onkelos,"mine anger shall rest upon them, and I will destroy them;''and so Aben Ezra interprets it of the destruction of them, and observes, that otherwise it would not agree with what follows. There may be an allusion in it to the corner of the field, which was ordered to be left to the poor, and not reaped, Lev 19:9; and so the sense is, I could and might have determined when the harvest of this land and people was come, or the time of wrath upon them, to cut down every corner, and leave none, no, not one standing stalk of corn, but make clean riddance of them:

I would make the remembrance of them cease from among men; as of the Amalekites, Moabites, Midianites, Edomites, Chaldeans, and others, whose names as well as nations are no more. This is what the enemies of the Jews plotted and conspired to do, Psa 83:4; and what God could and might have done, but has not; the Jews continue to this day a distinct people, though it is now near 1900 years since the destruction of their city and temple, and their dispersion in the various parts of the world; which is what was never known of any other people in the like circumstances, and which is a most amazing and surprising event; the reasons of it follow.

Gill: Deu 32:27 - -- Were it not that I feared the wrath of the enemy,.... Satan, the enemy of mankind in general, of the people of God in particular, and especially of th...

Were it not that I feared the wrath of the enemy,.... Satan, the enemy of mankind in general, of the people of God in particular, and especially of the Messiah, the seed of the woman, and of God himself, whom he would dethrone, or at least place himself on an equality with him; this enemy is full of wrath, enmity, and blasphemy, against God, and stirs up all of this kind in the hearts of men, and instigates them to persecute the people of God; and does all he can to obscure the glory of God, and lessens his own "grief", as the word signifies, occasioned by it: and now though God has nothing to fear, either from the power and policy of the devil, being infinitely mightier and wiser than he; yet as Moses expressed his concern, if God should cut off the people of Israel as one man, that the Egyptians would say he brought them out of Egypt for mischief, or that he was not able to bring them into the land of Canaan, Exo 32:12; so the Lord, speaking after the manner of men, as Aben Ezra observes, expresses his fears of the wrath of the enemy; not properly, but it denotes his precaution, provision, and preparation he made to put a check upon it, and a stop to it, that he might not have the opportunity of instilling it into the minds of men, that God was cruel to his people, or had not ability to save them from their enemies, or was unfaithful to his promises; and therefore he did not entirely cut them off, as he could and might have done, but made a reserve of them, as a standing proof to the contrary:

lest their adversaries; the Romans, who fought against them, took them, and carried them captive:

should behave themselves strangely; alienate the glory of God from him, and give it to their strange gods; which the Romans were wont to do, when they obtained victories, and did do something of this kind to Jupiter Capitolinus, when they carried the Jews captive, and their trophies in triumph to Rome: yet there was such an apparent hand of God in this affair, that the Heathens were obliged to own it. Titus the conqueror himself confessed that it was God that favoured him, and that it was he that brought the Jews out of the fortresses and fastnesses in which they were; and that no hands of men, or machines, were anything against such towers as they had g: and when some neighbouring nations would have crowned him because of his victories over the Jews, he refused it, saying, he was unworthy of it, he had not done this of himself, but had only lent an hand to God that was angry with them h. Cicero also observes i the hand of God in the conquest, captivity, and servitude of the Jewish nation; moreover, a remnant was preserved to be to the Romans, as the Canaanites were to the Israelites, thorns in their sides, and pricks in their eyes; to be a burden to them, a dead weight upon them, and to check their ovations and triumphs over them; for, that people conquered gave them great trouble, raised commotions and insurrections in many places, which obliged the emperors in succeeding reigns to come from distant parts, and quell them, and were the occasion of vast quantities of blood being shed; insomuch that one of their poets k wishes Judea had never been subdued by them: likewise a number of them was preserved to prevent the growth and spread of idolatry, and that they might be a standing example and caution to Christians among the Gentiles not to give into it, when they should observe what they suffered on the account of it, as their prophecies, extant in their sacred books preserved, abundantly testified and declared:

and lest they should say, our hand is high, and the Lord hath not done all this; lest anyone should say among the Gentiles, as particularly deists, lest they should lift up their horn on high, and speak with a stiff neck, and deny that ever any such things were done for this people the Scriptures speak of, as the miracles in the land of Egypt, at the Red sea, and in the wilderness; and confidently affirm there never was any such people, and defy Christians to show them a Jew if they could: now here was a reserve made of them, to be a standing proof of the truth of divine revelation against such infidels; as also that they might be a check unto all false teachers, and leave them inexcusable who embrace the same errors that have been condemned in them, and God has shown his displeasure at, and which they still retain; such as the doctrines of freewill, of justification by a man's own righteousness, of salvation not being wholly by the Messiah, and of his being non-Jehovah, or only a mere creature; for the words may be rendered, "non-Jehovah hath done all this" l; or he that is not Jehovah hath done all that is done for the people of the Jews; and say, all that the Messiah hath done, with respect to salvation, is done by him that is not Jehovah, or God, but a creature. These were the doctrines of the Jews in Christ's time; the Pharisees, the prevailing sect among them, were freewillers, as Josephus relates m; and the whole nation were self-justiciaries, as the Apostle Paul assures us, and sought for righteousness not by faith, but as it were by the works of the law, Rom 9:31; and such they are to this day, as well as Unitarians to a man; now Arians, Socinians, Pelagians, and Arminians, may look upon these people, who are continued, as having imbibed the same errors; and may read theirs in them, and God's displeasure at them.

Gill: Deu 32:28 - -- For they are a nation void of counsel,.... This is said not of the Jews, whose character is given, Deu 32:6; and instances of their ingratitude, foll...

For they are a nation void of counsel,.... This is said not of the Jews, whose character is given, Deu 32:6; and instances of their ingratitude, folly, and want of counsel and understanding, have been already mentioned, and punishment for the same inflicted on them, according to this prophetic song; so that the prophecy respecting them is issued, and another people are taken notice of, even their enemies, of whom the Jewish writers in general interpret these words, and what follows; and was true of the Gentiles, both of the Pagan sort of them, who took too much to themselves, and ascribed the destruction of the Jews, and their conquest of them, to themselves, and their idols; and of false Christians among them, when the Roman empire became Christian, such as expressed themselves in the language of the latter part Deu 32:27, "our hand is high", &c. which plainly showed them to be a people devoid of the true knowledge of the Scriptures, they should have made the men of their counsel, and have consulted; and of the Gospel of Christ, which is the counsel of God, as the Arians, Pelagians, &c. must be, or they would never imbibe and advance tenets so diametrically opposite thereunto:

neither is there any understanding is them; of divine and spiritual things, of the Scriptures, and the doctrines of them; of the person of Christ, and his divine perfections, or they would never deny his deity; of the righteousness of God, of that which is required in the law, and revealed in the Gospel, or they would never set up a righteousness of their own for justification; and of themselves, their unrighteousness, impurity, and impotence to that which is good; or they would never so strongly assert the purity of human nature, and the power of man's freewill: God foreseeing all the folly, and want of counsel and understanding in the Gentile world, under different characters, preserved a remnant of the Jews as a standing admonition to them.

Gill: Deu 32:29 - -- O that they were wise,.... These are not the words of God, and so no instances of mere velleities, and unsuccessful wishes in him, and as arguing a po...

O that they were wise,.... These are not the words of God, and so no instances of mere velleities, and unsuccessful wishes in him, and as arguing a power in man to make himself wise if he would; but of Moses, under a spirit of prophecy, foreseeing the ignorance and stupidity of the above persons; or as representing a true believer in Christ, in the times in which such men should live; for the person speaking is one that had faith in Christ, the rock of salvation, and built upon him alone for it; and who had enemies on that account, as appears from Deu 32:31, and these words are spoken not of the Jews, with whom this song has no more concern, unless it be in what respects, their conversion in the latter day; but of false Christians, Pelagians, Arians, &c. whose language and character are expressed in Deu 32:28, and contain a pathetic wish that they might have wisdom to see their follies, errors, and mistakes, and renounce them: or, "if they were wise" k; as they are not, and their tenets show it:

that they would understand this; namely what follows:

that they would consider their latter end; either the latter end of the Jews; had they wisdom, they would understand and observe that the displeasure of God against them, and his destruction of them, was for their lightly esteeming the rock of salvation, as Arians do; and for setting up their own righteousness, in opposition to the righteousness of Christ, as do Pelagians and Arminians; and were they wise, they would be hereby cautioned against such notions; and though imbibed by them, would relinquish them; as they may justly fear some such like end will be theirs: for if God does not give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth their end must be miserable; since the errors they embrace and profess are what the apostle calls "damnable heresies"; who, denying the Lord that bought them, bring on themselves swift destruction; and whose judgment, he says, lingers not, and their damnation slumbers not, 2Pe 2:1.

Gill: Deu 32:30 - -- How should one chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight,.... This is said for the conviction of the Pagan Romans of their folly in behavin...

How should one chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight,.... This is said for the conviction of the Pagan Romans of their folly in behaving strangely, attributing to their gods what belonged to the true God; for since the Jews were more numerous than they, both in Judea, in the times of Titus Vespasian, when the country was subdued by him; and in other parts of the world, in the times of Adrian, when the Jews rose up in vast numbers, greatly superior to the Romans, and yet were conquered; which, allowing the phrase to be hyperbolical, was like one to a thousand, and two to ten thousand: now since this was what was promised to the Jews in case of obedience, that they should in this manner chase their enemies, Lev 26:8; it cannot be accounted for that they should in like manner be chased by their enemies, as threatened Isa 30:17,

except their rock had sold them, and the Lord had shut them up; that is, unless the Lord, who was their rock and fortress, and in whom they should have trusted as such, had forsaken them, and given them up into their enemies' hands, shut up as they were in the city of Jerusalem in the times of Titus, and afterwards in Bither in the times of Adrian; it is a plain case that this was of God, and not owing to the idols of the Gentiles; see Psa 44:9; Cocceius and Van Till interpret this of Constantine overcoming Maxentius, Licinius, and Maximinius, whereby the whole Roman empire on a sudden became Christian nominally, when but a little before Dioclesian had erected a trophy with this inscription on it,"the Christian name blotted out;''so that the odds between the Christians and Pagans were as one to a thousand, and two to ten thousand, and the victory therefore must be ascribed to God; this could never have been unless Satan, the great red dragon, had given his kingdom to the beast, which was done by the permission and sovereign will of God; see Rev 6:14; so those interpreters, but the former sense seems best.

Gill: Deu 32:31 - -- For their rock is not as our rock,.... That is, the gods of the Heathens, the rock in which they trusted, are not like the God of Israel, the rock of...

For their rock is not as our rock,.... That is, the gods of the Heathens, the rock in which they trusted, are not like the God of Israel, the rock of salvation, in which all true believers, whether Jews or Gentiles, place their confidence; and indeed let that be what it will, that is short of Christ the rock, men lay the stress of their salvation on, it is no rock, but sand, and will stand them in no stead; see Mat 7:24,

even our enemies themselves being judges; as has been confessed of the God of Israel by the Heathens; see Exo 14:25; and was by Titus with respect to the destruction of Jerusalem; See Gill on Deu 32:27; and by the Roman emperors when conquered by the Christians, who asked pardon of the God of the Christians, and owned that the God of Constantine was the true God; See Gill on Rev 6:16.

Gill: Deu 32:32 - -- For their vine is of the vine of Sodom, and of the fields of Gomorrah,.... This respects the false Christians in the Roman empire, who should have ta...

For their vine is of the vine of Sodom, and of the fields of Gomorrah,.... This respects the false Christians in the Roman empire, who should have taken warning by the Jews, and not have embraced such sentiments of theirs, which had been resented by the Lord, and condemned in them; such as the doctrines of man's freewill, of justification and salvation not alone by Christ, but by their own works of righteousness, saying, "our hand is high, and the Lord hath not done all this", Deu 32:27. Now out of the errors and heresies which arose in the primitive Christian church sprung the man of sin, the son of perdition, antichrist, or the antichristian and apostate church of Rome, the degenerate plant of a strange vine; and is here described as "of the vine of Sodom", a slip from that, transplanted from Judea, and from the worse part of it, Sodom; bearing a resemblance to the old Jewish church in its more degenerate state, reviving many of its antiquated rites and ceremonies, and embracing its unsound doctrines; especially which relate to justification, and salvation by the works of men; and having such a likeness to Sodom in its abominable practices, that it is even called Sodom itself, Rev 11:8; particularly for pride, luxury, idleness, idolatry, profaneness, contempt of serious religion, and for bodily uncleanness; even for that sin which has its name from Sodom, which has not only been frequently committed by the popes and other great personages among their, and connived at; but praised and commended in printed books, published and sheltered under public authority; See Gill on Rev 11:8; and with this compare Eze 16:49; "and of the fields of Gomorrah"; another city of the plain, destroyed for the same sins that Sodom was; the phrase signifies the same as before; who has not heard of the apples and fruits of Gomorrah, which are said to look very fair and beautiful without, but when touched into ashes? a fit emblem of the fair show of religion and devotion, and the many outward works of piety in the Romish church they pretend to perform, but when examined are "lies in hypocrisy", 1Ti 4:2,

their grapes are grapes of gall, their clusters are bitter; which may denote the large number of the members of this church clustered together, and the many religious orders in it; which make a fair show in the flesh, but are in the gall of bitterness, and bond of iniquity; and the variety of ordinances and institutions of man's devising: so as the ordinances of the true church of Christ are compared to clusters of grapes, Son 7:7; the ordinances of the false church are like clusters of bitter grapes, both for their quantity and quality; and may mean also their many evil works and actions, especially their oppression and cruelty in persecuting the saints, and shedding their blood; just as the wild grapes of the vine of Judah are interpreted of oppression and a cry, Isa 5:4.

Gill: Deu 32:33 - -- Their wine is the poison of dragons,.... Of these creatures, both land and sea dragons; see Gill on Mic 1:8; See Gill on Mal 1:3; Pliny says l the dr...

Their wine is the poison of dragons,.... Of these creatures, both land and sea dragons; see Gill on Mic 1:8; See Gill on Mal 1:3; Pliny says l the dragon has no poison in it; yet, as Dalechamp, in his notes on that writer observes, he in many places prescribes remedies against the bite of the dragon; but Heliodorus m expressly speaks of some archers, whose arrows were infected with the poison of dragons; and Leo Africanus n says, the Atlantic dragons are exceeding poisonous: and yet other writers o besides Pliny have asserted that they are free from poison. It seems the dragons of Greece are without, but not those of Africa and Arabia; and to these Moses has respect, as being well known to him. The Targum of Jerusalem is,

"the poison of this people is like the poison of dragons as they drink wine;''and the Targum of Jonathan,"as the poison of dragons, when they are at or from their wine;''that is, after and as soon as they have drank it; for, according to natural historians, serpents, though they need and use but little drink, yet are very fond of wine: and it seems that thereby their poison becomes more sharp and intense, as Bochart p observes; wherefore the allusion is very proper and pertinent, and denotes the wine of fornication of the apostate church of Rome, frequently spoken of Rev 14:8; which is no other than her corrupt doctrines, intoxicating, enticing, and leading to idolatry and superstition; and as the true Gospel of Christ is sometimes compared to wine, so the false doctrines of this church; but then it is such that is not only loathsome and abominable, but poisonous and pernicious to the souls of men, damnable and ruinous, and brings upon them swift destruction, 2Pe 2:1; and may well be compared to the poison of dragons for such reasons; as also because they are doctrines of devils, and come from the great dragon, that old serpent called the devil and Satan, 2Ti 4:1,

and the cruel venom of asps; which, of all kind of serpents, Pliny q says is the least curable; nay, according to the Septuagint and Vulgate Latin versions of this clause, it is incurable; and so Aristotle says r there is no remedy for it; and so says Aelianus s, who also observes t, that the mark it makes is so small, that it is scarcely discerned by the sharpest eye. Pliny u represents it as a most revengeful creature; when its mate is killed by any, it will pursue the slayer, flee where he will, and as far and fast as he can: it breaks through all difficulties, and is not to be stopped by rivers, or any obstacles, and will attack the person, whom it presently knows, let him be in ever such a crowd: and therefore it and its poison may well be called cruel; and as the poison of this creature lies under its tongue, this is a fit simile to express the poisonous and pernicious doctrines of the apostate church.

Gill: Deu 32:34 - -- Is not this laid up in store with me,.... The fruit of the degenerate vine, its bitter clusters of grapes, and poisonous wine; meaning the evil princ...

Is not this laid up in store with me,.... The fruit of the degenerate vine, its bitter clusters of grapes, and poisonous wine; meaning the evil principles and practices of the apostate church, well known to God, taken notice of by him, and laid up in his mind and memory; for both she and her sins will come in remembrance before God, and will be brought to open view, and appear to have been laid up by him, in order to be exposed at a proper time; see Rev 16:19; and so the Targums interpret it of evil works: or this may be understood of the punishment of the evil doctrines and practices of the antichristian church, the sentence of which God had secretly passed in his eternal mind, and which he had in reserve, and in due time would execute; it was drawn and signed by him, and, as he says:

and sealed up among my treasures; his treasures of wrath, denoting the secrecy of it, and the sure and certain performance of it, and the authority of Christ to execute it; to whom this sealed diploma is given, and all judgment committed; and particularly this to judge the whore of Rome; and who, is able to open the sealed book of God's purposes and decrees, and to accomplish them; and among the rest those which relate to the utter ruin of antichrist, and the antichristian states: so the Targum of Jerusalem, interprets it of the vengeance of the Lord, laid up for the wicked;"is not the cup of the judgment of vengeance mixed and prepared for the ungodly sealed up among my treasures, to the day of the great judgment?''it is true of the cup of the wine of the fierceness of the wrath of God, or of the wine of the wrath of God poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation, which he will make great Babylon, and all the worshippers of the beast, drink of, Rev 14:9.

Gill: Deu 32:35 - -- To me belongeth vengeance and recompense,.... Or, I will repay, or recompence, as it is quoted in Rom 12:19; and so all the three Targums, the Septua...

To me belongeth vengeance and recompense,.... Or, I will repay, or recompence, as it is quoted in Rom 12:19; and so all the three Targums, the Septuagint and Vulgate Latin versions, here, and so Jarchi interprets it. Vengeance belongs only to a divine Person, not to an Heathen deity called Dice, or vengeance, Act 28:4; nor to Satan and his spiteful angels, nor to any of the sons of men in a private capacity; though magistrates, being in public office, and representing God, are revengers to execute wrath on them that do evil, Rom 13:4; otherwise it is peculiar to God; and there is a great deal of reason to believe he will recompence it, as it may be concluded from his hatred of sin, his strict justice, and his faithfulness to his threatenings as well as his promises; from the instances of his vengeance on the old world, on Sodom and Gomorrah, and others; and from his taking vengeance on the inventions even of good men, whose sins he pardons, and especially from his sparing his own Son, when standing in the legal place and, stead of sinners: and this is applicable to Christ, who not only in the days of his flesh took vengeance Satan, and his principalities and powers; and, when he came in his kingdom and power, took vengeance on the Jews his enemies, who would not have him to rule over them; but also, at his spiritual coming, he will take vengeance on antichrist, whom he will destroy with the breath of his mouth, and send that son of perdition into the perdition appointed for him; and pour out the vials of his wrath on all the antichristian states, the time of which is next pointed at:

their foot shall slide in due time; there is a time fixed for the reign of antichrist, when it will end, forty two months, or 1260 days; that is, so many years; see Rev 11:2; and a little before the expiration of them, his foot will begin to slide, as the slipping of the foot is just before a fall; and then will the foot of antichrist slip and slide, when the witnesses slain by him shall revive and stand upon their feet, and cause fear to fall on them that are on the earth; and when they shall ascend up into heaven, or rise to superior power and authority, greatness and splendour, than they formerly had, and this in the sight of their enemies; and when there will be earthquakes and revolutions in the several antichristian states; and the tenth part of the great city shall fall, and many persons of renown be slain, and others frightened, and will give glory to the God of heaven; when an angel, or a set of Gospel ministers, shall fly in the midst of heaven, with the everlasting Gospel, to preach to all nations; which will be immediately followed by another, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen; when the kings of the earth will dislike and resent various things done by the pope of Rome, and shall hate him, and meditate his ruin, and then may his foot be said to slide; see. Rev 11:11,

for the day of their calamity is at hand; a cloudy day, as the word signifies, when the kingdom of the beast will be full of darkness and confusion, Rev 16:10; and when all those calamities shall come upon Babylon, expressed in Rev 14:8,

and the things that shall come upon them make haste; even all those evil things God has determined in his counsels and purposes, and which are foretold in prophecy, these shall come upon antichrist in haste; for, though his judgment and damnation may seem to linger and slumber, it shall not; God will hasten it in his due time, and all his judgments will come on Babylon in one day, Rev 18:8.

Gill: Deu 32:36 - -- For the Lord shall judge his people,.... The true church and members of it, in opposition to the false and apostate church; his chosen and covenant pe...

For the Lord shall judge his people,.... The true church and members of it, in opposition to the false and apostate church; his chosen and covenant people, whom he gave to Christ, and who are redeemed by his blood, and effectually called by his grace; the people he shall call out of Babylon, or preserve from the corruptions of it before its fall; and who are the objects of his love and delight; a distinct, peculiar, and special people, near unto him, and all righteous: these he will judge at this time, distinguish between them and the followers of antichrist; he will take their cause in hand, and plead it, and do justice to them; he will right their wrongs and injuries, and take vengeance on their enemies; he will protect and defend them, reign and rule over them. Now will be the time, when the witnesses slain are raised, that he will take to himself his great power and reign, and the time of the dead when they will be judged, and a reward given to his servants and prophets, to his saints, and all that fear his name; and when he will destroy them that have destroyed the earth, Rev 11:17; so the Targum of Jonathan interprets this of the word of the Lord that shall judge his people in mercy:

and repent himself for his servants; by whom are meant not only the ministers of the Gospel, his witnesses that prophesy in sackcloth, and who will be slain when they have finished their testimony; but all that are effectually called by grace, who though they have been the servants of sin, and the vassals of Satan, yet by the grace of God become the servants of God and of righteousness; dislike and cast off their old masters; readily, willingly, and cheerfully, take upon them the yoke of Christ, and freely obey him, constrained by his love, and influenced by views of interest in him: and so serve him without any selfish views, owning that, when they have done all they can, they are but unprofitable servants: now for or on account of these he will repent himself, because of the evils he has suffered to come upon them, being moved with pity, and compassion to them in their miserable circumstances, as they will be in when the witnesses his servants will be slain; not that, properly speaking, repentance is in God; he never changes his mind, counsel, and purposes; he never alters his love, his choice, nor his covenant; or repents of his gifts, and calling of special grace; though he is sometimes said to repent of outward good things he has bestowed, or promised to bestow conditionality; and of evils he has threatened or inflicted; yet this is only to be understood of a change of his outward dealings and dispensations with men, according to his changeable will; and this will be the case now with respect to his servants, whom he will have suffered to be slain, and lie unburied; but repenting or changing his manner of conduct to them will revive them, and cause them to ascend to heaven; see Rev 11:11,

when he seeth that their power is gone; not the hand and power of the enemy, going and prevailing over them, and strong upon them, as the Targum of Jonathan and Jarchi; but rather the hand and power of the righteous, as the Targum of Jerusalem; and respects not their internal power and strength, which they have not in themselves, but in Christ; though the exertion of that power, and the exercise of their graces, as faith, and hope, and love, will be greatly declined; but their external power, and protection which they had from Protestant princes; they being removed, and others not like them succeeding, or apostatizing to the church of Rome: the outward court or national establishments are a fence and protection to the inward court worshippers, or servants of God; when that shall be given to the Gentiles, the Papists, as it will, Rev 11:2; the power or hand, the protecting sheltering hand of the saints, will be gone, and they will become a prey to their adversaries:

and there is none shut up or left; a phrase used to express the miserable state and condition of a people, when none are left, but all are carried off, or cut off, and destroyed, and there is none to help them; see 1Ki 14:10; when there are none shut up in garrisons, and left there to defend a people; or there are none shut up in prison, or any left to till the ground; which is sometimes the case when a nation is conquered, and the greater part are carried captives; but it denotes such a general destruction, that there are none remaining any where, and thus it will be at the slaying of the witnesses. This passage has respect to their dead bodies, which will not be shut up in graves, nor any left to bury them, Rev 11:9. There will scarcely be a professor of religion, or any that will appear to favour the witnesses slain in any respect; there will be"none to support and uphold,''as the Targum of Jerusalem; not to support and uphold the true religion, or to help the people of God in these their distresses: and when the Lord shall see all this, he will look upon them with an eye of pity and compassion; he will repent for his servants, according to the multitude of his tender mercies; and will plead their cause, and judge them, and will put on the garments of vengeance, and repay fury and recompense to his and their enemies, Isa 59:15; who will insultingly say as follows.

Gill: Deu 32:37 - -- And he shall say, where are their gods?.... Not the Lord shall say to Israel, upbraiding them with their idols and their idolatries; but, as the Targ...

And he shall say, where are their gods?.... Not the Lord shall say to Israel, upbraiding them with their idols and their idolatries; but, as the Targum of Jonathan,"the enemy shall say, where is the God of Israel?''and to the same purpose is, the Jerusalem Targum, and which is the sense of other Jewish writers w; and the words may be rendered impersonally, and in the singular number, "and it shall be said, where is their God?" as it follows:

their rock in whom they trusted? that is, it shall be said to the people of God, when in the low estate before described, and which will make it still more distressing; it shall be said to them by their enemies in a sneering way, where is the Lord their God they boasted of, and the rock of salvation in whom they trusted? which agrees with other passages of Scripture, Psa 42:3. The persons insulted and upbraided are the Protestant witnesses at the time of their being slain; when "they that dwell upon the earth", the Papists, "shall rejoice over them", Rev 11:10; they are such who are true believers in the God and Father of Christ, as their God and Father in Christ, who of his own free grace has blessed them with all spiritual blessings in him; and who trust in Christ the rock alone for justification before God, for acceptance with him, and for their whole salvation; rejecting the Popish notion of justification by works, the doctrines of merit, and of works of supererogation, and the like; who now will be taunted at, and triumphed over, saying, where is the God of the Protestants they gloried in, as being on their side? and where is their rock on which they say the church is built, and not on Peter?

Gill: Deu 32:38 - -- Which did eat the fat of their sacrifices, and drank the wine of their drink offerings,.... Alluding to the fat of the sacrifices under the law, whic...

Which did eat the fat of their sacrifices, and drank the wine of their drink offerings,.... Alluding to the fat of the sacrifices under the law, which was claimed by the Lord as his, and represented as his food, Lev 3:11; and to the drink offerings of wine, which were of a sweet savour to God, and with respect to which wine is said to cheer him, Num 15:7. Now New Testament worship and services are here expressed in Old Testament language, which is not unusual; see Isa 56:7; and signify the best of the sacrifices and services of true believers in Christ, presenting their souls and bodies unto him as a holy, living, acceptable sacrifice, which is but their reasonable service; offering their sacrifices of prayer and praise unto him through Christ; doing all good works in his name and strength, and all acts of beneficence in love to him and his people, with which sacrifices he is well pleased; yea, cheerfully laying down their lives as victims in his cause, when called unto it. Now these words are a taunt at the Protestant doctrine of the acceptance of the service and sacrifices of believers in Christ, through him, and for his sake, and not for any merit or worthiness in them:

let them rise up and help you; their God and their rock, Jehovah the Father, their covenant God, and his Son the rock of their salvation, in whom they trust; and so they will arise and help them in this time of extreme distress; though they may seem as asleep, and to take no notice of the sad estate of saints, they will arise in wrath and indignation at their enemies, and deliver them out of their hands; the Spirit of life from God shall be sent to bring to life the slain witnesses, and Christ will rise up in the exertion of his kingly power; he will take to himself his great power, and reign, and destroy them that destroyeth the earth, Rev 11:11,

and be your protection; or "let him be your hiding place" x; that is, the rock in whom they trusted, and so he is, and will be "an hiding place the wind, and a covert from the storm", Isa 32:2; not only from the wrath and justice of God, but from the rage and fury of men; Christ will protect and defend his people against all their enemies, and in his own time will deliver them from them; who, in answer to these taunts and derisions, rises up, and thus he says, as follows.

Gill: Deu 32:39 - -- See now that I, even I, am he,.... Which words are directed to the people of God in their low estate, to look to Christ, and expect deliverance and ...

See now that I, even I, am he,.... Which words are directed to the people of God in their low estate, to look to Christ, and expect deliverance and salvation from him; or to their enemies that insult them, to the despisers, to look, and wonder, and perish, as they will, when the witnesses slain by them shall arise, and go up to heaven in their sight, Rev 11:11; they are spoken by the Word and Son of God, to whom the Father has committed all judgment, and who will now rise up and execute it; so the Targum of Jonathan,"when the Word of the Lord shall reveal himself to redeem his people, he will say to all people, see now, &c.''and who will declare himself to be the great Jehovah, the self-existent Being, the eternal and immutable I AM; for this phrase is expressive of his existence, eternity, immutability, and sovereignty; and which the above Targum paraphrases thus,"see now that I am he that have been, and am, and I am he that shall be,''which, as it is a deciphering the word "Jehovah", is what is applied to Christ, Rev 1:8. The repeating the word "I", as it may denote the strong affection of the speaker, and the certainty of what he would do, so it may have respect to both sorts of persons the words are directed to, and to the several sorts of things to be done, hereafter related; signifying that it is the same I, that does the one, does also the other, kills and makes alive, &c.

and there is no god with me; this the Redeemer and Saviour says elsewhere, Isa 44:6; see Deu 32:12; there is but one God, and Christ the Word, with the Father and the Spirit, are that one God, 1Jo 5:7; and there is no other with him; he is the true God, in opposition to all factitious and fictitious gods; he is not a made god, nor a god by office, nor by name and title only, but by nature the one, true, only, and living God; and so it may be most truly believed of him, that he is able to do, and will do, what he next says:

I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: Christ is the sovereign disposer of life and death, of sickness and health, in a temporal sense; and in a spiritual sense he wounds and kills, by the law in the hand of his Spirit; and he heals and makes alive by his Gospel, as it is accompanied by his Spirit and grace also: this is by some referred to the resurrection from the dead, which will be by Christ the resurrection and the life, the earnest, exemplar, and efficient cause of it; so the Targum of Jerusalem,"I am he that kills the living in this world, and quickens the dead in the world to come:''but it refers to another resurrection previous to that, namely, the reviving of the witnesses after they have been slain three days; who, as they will be killed in a civil sense, in the same sense they will be quickened by the Spirit of life from Christ; that is, they will be raised from that very low estate into which they will be brought, into a glorious one, signified by their ascending up into heaven; which will be done by Christ when he takes to himself his great power, and reigns; then as he suffered his witnesses and people to be wounded and killed, he will make them alive, and heal them, and restore comforts and happiness to them, see Rev 11:11,

neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand; for, at the same time that he saves his people, he will take their enemies into his hands, out of which there will be no escape; at this time seven thousand names of men, or men of name, will be slain; see Gill on Rev 11:13.

Gill: Deu 32:40 - -- For I lift up my hand to heaven,.... Which is a gesture used in swearing, Gen 14:22, and is ascribed to a divine Person, Eze 20:5; and particularly to...

For I lift up my hand to heaven,.... Which is a gesture used in swearing, Gen 14:22, and is ascribed to a divine Person, Eze 20:5; and particularly to Christ the angel, that is so wonderfully described, Rev 10:1; though sometimes it is used, as Aben Ezra observes, to excite the attention of hearers, but here it signifies swearing; and so the Targums of Jonathan and Jerusalem paraphrase it,"I have lift up my hands with an oath to heaven;''and to the same sense is the Septuagint version:

and say, I live for ever; which is the form of an oath; when men swear, they are to swear, the Lord liveth, or to swear by the living God, and him only, Jer 4:2; and when the Lord swears in this manner, he swears by his life, by himself, because he can swear by no greater; and his form of swearing is, "as truly as I live, saith the Lord", Num 14:21; so the above angel is said to swear by him that liveth for ever and ever, Rev 10:6; and since Christ is the living God, without beginning of days, and end of life, and lives for evermore, he may be thought to swear by himself, by his own life, which is for ever; and as the oath of the Lord is used in condescension by him, to confirm the faith of his people in the immutability of his counsel and promises, and to ascertain unto them the sure performance of them; so it is also used to assure wicked men of the certain performance of his threatenings; and it is as if Christ here said, as sure as I am the living God, and do and shall live for ever, I will most certainly do the things which next follow.

Gill: Deu 32:41 - -- If I whet my glittering sword,.... That is, I will do it as sure as I live, if I do not, be it so and so; what that is is not said, but left to be con...

If I whet my glittering sword,.... That is, I will do it as sure as I live, if I do not, be it so and so; what that is is not said, but left to be concluded. A glittering sword is a sword drawn, the blade of it drawn out of the scabbard, cleaned and polished, whetted and made sharp, that it may more easily penetrate and pierce; and this, being brandished, glitters like lightning, as the word used signifies. Whetting the sword is a preparation for doing execution with it; and is a warning, a giving notice of it, as girding: the sword on the thigh also is ascribed to Christ, Psa 45:3. This sword intends a sword of justice, the sharp sword said to proceed out of the mouth of Christ, the judiciary sentence which he will pronounce and execute on antichrist, and all his followers, Rev 19:15,

and my hand take hold on judgment: in order to execute it; the allusion is to the laying hold on the instruments of justice and death, as the glittering sword before mentioned, and arrows afterwards; and may have respect to the four sore judgments, or at least to some of them, which the Lord will execute on mystical Babylon, Eze 14:21; and particularly to the seven vials of God's wrath, which will be poured out on the antichristian states, Rev 16:1,

I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and I will reward them that hate me; his enemies that hate him, and will not have him to rule over them, are the followers of antichrist, who has his name from his opposition to Christ, his hatred of him, and enmity against him; opposing him in his kingly office, taking upon him to exercise dominion and tyranny over the consciences of men, making new laws, and imposing them on them, and dispensing with the laws of Christ; and setting aside his priestly office by the sacrifice of the Mass, granting pardons and indulgences, and advancing the works and merits of men, in opposition to the righteousness of Christ, and pretending even to works of supererogation; making of none effect, as much as in him lies, his prophetic office, by setting up unwritten traditions before the word of God, and making them the rule of faith and practice, and assuming to himself an infallible interpretation of the sense of Scripture. The vengeance Christ will render, as a righteous reward to those his enemies, is expressed by destroying antichrist with the breath of his mouth; by the beast going into perdition; by leading them captive who have led others; by killing them with the sword who have killed others with it; by pouring out the vials of his wrath on them; by giving them the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath; by smiting them with the sword that comes out of his mouth, and by bringing upon them death, mourning, and famine, and burning them with fire; all which he will most surely render unto them, 2Th 2:8 Rev 19:15.

Gill: Deu 32:42 - -- I will make mine arrows drunk with blood,.... Signifying, that by various judgments he would bring upon them, which, like arrows, would come suddenly,...

I will make mine arrows drunk with blood,.... Signifying, that by various judgments he would bring upon them, which, like arrows, would come suddenly, fly swiftly, and pierce deeply, there would be a prodigious effusion of blood like that in Rev 14:20; so that these arrows, which cause it, being plunged and soaked, and covered in it, may be said to be inebriated with it, just as the sword is said to be bathed and filled with blood, Isa 34:5; which prophecy respects the same vengeance of Christ on the selfsame enemies of his as here; and as the whore of Rome is said to be drunken with the blood of the saints and martyrs of Jesus, the arrows of her destruction are represented in just retaliation as drunk with her blood, Rev 17:6,

and my sword shall devour flesh: the flesh of kings, of captains, of mighty men, of horses, and of them that sit on them the flesh of all men, bond and free, small and great, Rev 19:18; that is, shall destroy great multitudes of men:

and that with the blood of the slain, and of the captives; that is, his arrows should be drunk not only with the blood of these that were wounded and killed, but of the captives; who commonly are spared, but in this case should not, their blood should be shed: it may be rendered, "because of the blood of the slain", &c. y; because of the blood of the saints whom they have killed, and carried captive, and who have died in prisons:

from the beginning of revenges upon the enemy; or "of the enemy"; that is, from the time the enemy began to oppress the saints, and take revenge on them, and shed their blood; all that blood shall be found in them that has been from the beginning shed, and charged to their account, and revenged on them; just as the blood of all the righteous, from the beginning of the world, was brought upon the Jews, Mat 23:35. The Targum of Jerusalem is,"from the heads of their mighty men, the generals of their armies;''to, which agrees the Septuagint version,"from the head of the princes of the enemies;''and so may refer to the head or heads of the antichristian people, the pope of Rome, and his princes, the cardinals, and all the antichristian kings and states, the captains and generals of their armies, which will be brought to Armageddon, and there destroyed, see Psa 68:21.

Gill: Deu 32:43 - -- Rejoice, O ye nations, with his people,.... Or, "rejoice, ye nations", who are "his" people; so Kimchi and Ben Melech interpret it; the Gentiles, who...

Rejoice, O ye nations, with his people,.... Or, "rejoice, ye nations", who are "his" people; so Kimchi and Ben Melech interpret it; the Gentiles, who are the Lord's chosen and covenant people, redeemed and called, and the fulness of them now brought in, and so matter of great rejoicing; or rather, as the Septuagint, which is approved and confirmed by the Apostle Paul, "rejoice, ye Gentiles, with his people", Rom 15:10; and as it is there applied to the then state of the Christian church, when Jews and Gentiles were incorporated and united together; so here it respects future time, when, as the fulness of the Gentiles will be brought in, so the Jews will be converted, and the "loammi", Hos 1:9, will be taken off from them, and they will be reckoned among the people of God; and Jews and Gentiles will be joined together in the same Gospel church state, and so are called upon to rejoice in their common salvation, and in their common blessings and privileges, and particularly for what follows:

for he will avenge the blood of his servants, and will render vengeance to his adversaries; by his servants are meant the martyrs of Jesus, whose blood has been shed by antichrist, and the antichristian powers, his adversaries; as the blood of the Waldenses in the valleys of Piedmont, the Albigenses in Spain, and the Petrobrussians in France, the Bohemians in Germany, the Wickliffites, Lollards and the "martyrs" in Queen Mary's days in England, with many others; and when inquisition is made for blood, the blood of those will be found out, and vengeance rendered for it:

and will be merciful unto his land, and to his people: or "will atone for" z, expiate, cleanse, and purge both land and people; clear the whole earth, which is the Lord's, from Mahometanism, Paganism, and Popery, and cover it with the knowledge of the Lord by the everlasting Gospel, which will be preached to all nations; and particularly the land of Canaan, laid under an anathema or curse, as threatened, Mal 4:6; under which it has lain ever since the destruction of it by the Romans, and has ever since been inhabited by Pagans, Mahometans, and Papists; and, though once a land flowing with milk and honey, has been turned into a barren wilderness, and will thus remain, and Jerusalem, its metropolis, trodden down by the Gentiles, until their times are fulfilled; which now will be, and then it will be restored to its former fruitfulness and fertility, Luk 21:24; and will be inhabited by the converted Jews, to whom the Lord will be pacified, upon the foot or Christ's atonement, which now will be made known and applied unto them, with the full and free pardon of all their sins, Rom 11:25; and thus ends this most excellent and wonderful song, which is of such a large extent and compass, as to reach from the beginning of the Jewish nation, and before it, to the conversion of the Jews in the latter day; an history of more than four thousand years already; and how long more is yet to come before all in it is fulfilled no man call say.

Gill: Deu 32:44 - -- And Moses came,.... To the people, as the Greek version, the heads of the people being gathered together according to his order, Deu 31:28; The Targum...

And Moses came,.... To the people, as the Greek version, the heads of the people being gathered together according to his order, Deu 31:28; The Targum of Jonathan says, he came from the tabernacle, the house of instruction:

and spake all the words of this song in the ears of the people; which is observed both before and after the reading of it, to show the certainty of it, and how punctually and faithfully he had delivered it:

he, and Hoshea the son of Nun; the same with Joshua, whose name at first was Hoshea, Num 13:16, probably Joshua read the song to one part of the people, while Moses read it to the other.

Gill: Deu 32:45 - -- And Moses made an end of speaking all these words to all Israel. Finished all he had to say to them from the Lord, whether by way of precept, moral, c...

And Moses made an end of speaking all these words to all Israel. Finished all he had to say to them from the Lord, whether by way of precept, moral, civil, and ceremonial or in the form of a song.

Gill: Deu 32:46 - -- And he said unto them,.... By way of exhortation: set your hearts to all the words which I testify among you this day; it was not enough to hear th...

And he said unto them,.... By way of exhortation:

set your hearts to all the words which I testify among you this day; it was not enough to hear them, but they were to lay them up in their hearts, and retain them in their memories; and not only so, but reflect on them in their minds, and closely apply to the consideration of them, and get the true knowledge and sense of them, and put it in practice:

which ye shall command your children to observe, to do all the words of this law; which shows that the exhortation does not respect the song only, but the whole law delivered in this book; which they were not only to attend to themselves, but to transmit to their children, and enjoin them the observance of, that so religion might be perpetuated in their posterity.

Gill: Deu 32:47 - -- For it is not a vain thing for you,.... That is, the law is not, and the observance of it in them and their children; it was no light and trifling ma...

For it is not a vain thing for you,.... That is, the law is not, and the observance of it in them and their children; it was no light and trifling matter, but of great importance and consequence, obedience to it being attended with rewards, and disobedience with punishment:

because it is your life: if obeyed, the means of a comfortable and happy life, in the enjoyment of all good things, of the preservation and continuance of it to a length of time; and long life was always reckoned a great temporal mercy:

and through this thing ye shall prolong your days in the land whither you go over Jordan to possess it; that is, through their obedience to the law they should live long in the land of Canaan, which they were just going to possess; which explains what is meant by its being their life; their comfortable living and continuance in the land depended on their obedience to the law; see Isa 1:19.

Gill: Deu 32:48 - -- And the Lord spake unto Moses the selfsame day,.... On which he finished the reading of the law, and the above song, which was the seventh of Adar or ...

And the Lord spake unto Moses the selfsame day,.... On which he finished the reading of the law, and the above song, which was the seventh of Adar or February; according to the Targum of Jonathan, the day he died on; according to the Egyptian Calendar a, it was the sixteenth of that month, see Deu 34:5,

saying; as follows.

Gill: Deu 32:49 - -- Get thee up into this mountain Abarim,.... Which was near in sight, and pointed at; it was a range of mountains, of which see Num 21:11, unto Moun...

Get thee up into this mountain Abarim,.... Which was near in sight, and pointed at; it was a range of mountains, of which see Num 21:11,

unto Mount Nebo; which was one of the mountains of Abarim, and had its name either from its height, or a city of this name, to which it was near, see Num 32:38; Jerom says b, in his lays it was shown six miles from Heshbon to the east; it should be read, to the west:

which is in the land of Moab; it formerly belonged to it, but was taken from he Moabites by Sihon, and now possessed by Israel:

that is over against Jericho; which lay on the other side of Jordan, in the land of Canaan:

and behold the land of Canaan, which I give unto the children of Israel for a possession; which he might take a view of from the high mountain of Nebo, especially his sight being strengthened by the Lord, as no doubt it was; and this would give him a pleasure to behold, though he might not go into it, and confirm his faith that Israel would possess it, as well as be an emblem to him of the heavenly Canaan he was going to inherit.

Gill: Deu 32:50 - -- And die in the mount whither thou goest up,.... Immediately after having taken a view of the land, expect to die, prepare for it, and willingly and ch...

And die in the mount whither thou goest up,.... Immediately after having taken a view of the land, expect to die, prepare for it, and willingly and cheerfully submit to it:

and be gathered unto thy people; to the spirits of just men made perfect in heaven, his more immediate and more remote ancestors, the souls of good men; for otherwise there were none that died, and were buried here, before him, and therefore can have no respect to the buryingplace of his people:

as Aaron thy brother died in Mount Hor, and was gathered unto his people; of which Moses was an eyewitness; and which is observed, because there was a great likeness between the death of him, and what Moses was now called to, both as to the place and manner of it; and likewise the cause of it, later mentioned; as also to make death more easy and familiar, and less terrible to him, when he cared to mind how calmly, cheerfully, and comfortably, his brother Aaron died; see Num 20:25.

Gill: Deu 32:51 - -- Because ye trespassed against me among the children of Israel,.... By their unbelief, doubting whether God would give water or no to such a rebellious...

Because ye trespassed against me among the children of Israel,.... By their unbelief, doubting whether God would give water or no to such a rebellious people, and by giving way to passion and wrathful expressions: and this was done

at the waters of Meribahkadesh; so called, to distinguish it from another Meribah, where also there was a contention on account of water, Num 20:13,

in the wilderness of Zin; where Kadesh was, and further describes and distinguishes this place; of the one we read in Exo 17:7; and of the other, which is here referred to, in Num 20:1,

because ye sanctified me not in, the midst of the children of Israel; through their unbelief and disagreeable behaviour, they sanctified him not themselves, and gave no honour to him, nor were the cause of his being sanctified by the Israelites; and this was the reason why Moses and Aaron might not enter into the land of Canaan, Num 20:12.

Gill: Deu 32:52 - -- Yet thou shalt see the land before thee,.... Which Jarchi interprets, afar off; and so does Noldius c; he saw it at a distance, as the Old Testament ...

Yet thou shalt see the land before thee,.... Which Jarchi interprets, afar off; and so does Noldius c; he saw it at a distance, as the Old Testament saints saw the things promised afar off, and were persuaded of them, though they did not enjoy them, Heb 11:13,

but thou shalt not go thither unto the land which I give the children of Israel; the land of Canaan was a gift of God to Israel, into which they were not to be introduced by Moses, but by Joshua; signifying that eternal life, or the heavenly Canaan, is the gift of God through Christ, the antitype of Joshua, and not to obtained by the works of the law.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Deu 32:12 The distinctive form of the suffix on this verb form indicates that the verb is an imperfect, not a preterite. As such it draws attention to God’...

NET Notes: Deu 32:13 Olive oil from rock probably suggests olive trees growing on rocky ledges and yet doing so productively. See E. H. Merrill, Deuteronomy (NAC), 415; cf...

NET Notes: Deu 32:15 The LXX reads the third person masculine singular (“he”) for the MT second person masculine singular (“you”), but such alterat...

NET Notes: Deu 32:16 Heb “abhorrent (things)” (cf. NRSV). A number of English versions understand this as referring to “idols” (NAB, NIV, NCV, CEV)...

NET Notes: Deu 32:17 Heb “your fathers.”

NET Notes: Deu 32:18 The Hebrew text is corrupt here; the translation follows the suggestion offered in HALOT 1477 s.v. שׁיה. Cf. NASB, NLT “...

NET Notes: Deu 32:20 Heb “sons” (so NAB, NASB); TEV “unfaithful people.”

NET Notes: Deu 32:21 Heb “a foolish nation” (so KJV, NAB, NRSV); NIV “a nation that has no understanding”; NLT “I will provoke their fury by ...

NET Notes: Deu 32:22 Sheol refers here not to hell and hell-fire – a much later concept – but to the innermost parts of the earth, as low down as one could get...

NET Notes: Deu 32:23 Heb “upon them.”

NET Notes: Deu 32:24 The Hebrew term קֶטֶב (qetev) is probably metaphorical here for the sting of a disease (HALOT 1091-92 s.v.).

NET Notes: Deu 32:25 A verb is omitted here in the Hebrew text; for purposes of English style one suitable to the context is supplied.

NET Notes: Deu 32:26 The LXX reads “I said I would scatter them.” This reading is followed by a number of English versions (e.g., KJV, ASV, NIV, NCV, NRSV, NLT...

NET Notes: Deu 32:27 Heb “Our hand is high.” Cf. NAB “Our own hand won the victory.”

NET Notes: Deu 32:30 Heb “sold them” (so NAB, NIV, NRSV, NLT).

NET Notes: Deu 32:31 Heb “their,” but the referent (enemies) is specified in the translation for the sake of clarity.

NET Notes: Deu 32:32 Sodom…Gomorrah. The term “vine” is a reference to the pagan deities which, the passage says, find their ultimate source in Sodom and...

NET Notes: Deu 32:34 Verses 34-35 appear to be a quotation of the Lord and so the introductory phrase “says the Lord” is supplied in the translation.

NET Notes: Deu 32:35 Heb “prepared things,” “impending things.” See BDB 800 s.v. עָתִיד.

NET Notes: Deu 32:36 The translation understands the verb in the sense of “be grieved, relent” (cf. HALOT 689 s.v. נחם hitp 2); cf. KJV, ASV ...

NET Notes: Deu 32:39 Heb “deliver from” (so NRSV, NLT).

NET Notes: Deu 32:41 The Hebrew term שָׂנֵא (sane’, “hate”) in this covenant context speaks of those who reject Yahwe...

NET Notes: Deu 32:42 Or “head” (the same Hebrew word can mean “head” in the sense of “leader, chieftain” or “head” in the s...

NET Notes: Deu 32:44 Heb “Hoshea” (so KJV, ASV), another name for the same individual (cf. Num 13:8, 16).

NET Notes: Deu 32:49 For the location of Jericho see Map5 B2; Map6 E1; Map7 E1; Map8 E3; Map10 A2; Map11 A1.

NET Notes: Deu 32:50 Mount Hor. See note on the name “Moserah” in Deut 10:6.

NET Notes: Deu 32:51 Heb “did not esteem me holy.” Cf. NIV “did not uphold my holiness”; NLT “failed to demonstrate my holiness.”

Geneva Bible: Deu 32:13 He made him ride on the high places of the ( g ) earth, that he might eat the increase of the fields; and he made him to suck ( h ) honey out of the r...

Geneva Bible: Deu 32:15 ( i ) But Jeshurun waxed fat, and kicked: thou art waxen fat, thou art grown thick, thou art covered [with fatness]; then he forsook God [which] made ...

Geneva Bible: Deu 32:16 They provoked him to jealousy with ( k ) strange [gods], with abominations provoked they him to anger. ( k ) By changing his service for their supers...

Geneva Bible: Deu 32:17 They sacrificed unto devils, not to God; to gods whom they knew not, to ( l ) new [gods that] came newly up, whom your fathers feared not. ( l ) Scri...

Geneva Bible: Deu 32:19 And when the LORD saw [it], he abhorred [them], because of the provoking of his ( m ) sons, and of his daughters. ( m ) He calls them God's children,...

Geneva Bible: Deu 32:21 They have moved me to jealousy with [that which is] not God; they have provoked me to anger with their vanities: and I will move them to jealousy with...

Geneva Bible: Deu 32:25 The sword ( o ) without, and terror within, shall destroy both the young man and the virgin, the suckling [also] with the man of gray hairs. ( o ) Th...

Geneva Bible: Deu 32:27 Were it not that I feared the wrath of the enemy, lest their adversaries should ( p ) behave themselves strangely, [and] lest they should say, Our han...

Geneva Bible: Deu 32:29 O that they were wise, [that] they understood this, [that] they would ( q ) consider their latter end! ( q ) They would consider the happiness that w...

Geneva Bible: Deu 32:33 Their ( r ) wine [is] the poison of dragons, and the cruel venom of asps. ( r ) The fruit of the wicked are as poison, detestable to God, and dangero...

Geneva Bible: Deu 32:36 For the LORD shall judge his people, and repent himself for his servants, when he seeth that [their] power is gone, and [there is] none ( s ) shut up,...

Geneva Bible: Deu 32:40 For I ( t ) lift up my hand to heaven, and say, I live for ever. ( t ) That is, I swear, read (Gen 14:22).

Geneva Bible: Deu 32:43 Rejoice, O ye nations, [with] his people: for he will avenge the ( u ) blood of his servants, and will render vengeance to his adversaries, and will b...

Geneva Bible: Deu 32:47 For it [is] not a ( x ) vain thing for you; because it [is] your life: and through this thing ye shall prolong [your] days in the land, whither ye go ...

Geneva Bible: Deu 32:51 Because ye trespassed against me among the children of Israel at the waters of Meribah-Kadesh, in the wilderness of Zin; because ye ( y ) sanctified m...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Deu 32:1-52 - --1 Moses song, which sets forth God's mercy and vengeance.46 He exhorts them to set their hearts upon it.48 God sends him up to mount Nebo, to see the ...

Maclaren: Deu 32:31 - --Deut. 32:31 Moses is about to leave the people whom he had led so long, and his last words are words of solemn warning. He exhorts them to cleave to G...

MHCC: Deu 32:7-14 - --Moses gives particular instances of God's kindness and concern for them. The eagle's care for her young is a beautiful emblem of Christ's love, who ca...

MHCC: Deu 32:15-18 - --Here are two instances of the wickedness of Israel, each was apostasy from God. These people were called Jeshurun, " an upright people," so some; " a...

MHCC: Deu 32:19-25 - --The revolt of Israel was described in the foregoing verses, and here follow the resolves of Divine justice as to them. We deceive ourselves, if we thi...

MHCC: Deu 32:26-38 - --The idolatry and rebellions of Israel deserved, and the justice of God seemed to demand, that they should be rooted out. But He spared Israel, and con...

MHCC: Deu 32:39-43 - --This conclusion of the song speaks, 1. Glory to God. No escape can be made from his power. 2. It speaks terror to his enemies. Terror indeed to those ...

MHCC: Deu 32:44-47 - --Here is the solemn delivery of this song to Israel, with a charge to mind all the good words Moses had said unto them. It is not a trifle, but a matte...

MHCC: Deu 32:48-52 - --Now Moses had done his work, why should he desire to live a day longer? God reminds him of the sin of which he had been guilty, for which he was kept ...

Matthew Henry: Deu 32:7-14 - -- Moses, having in general represented God to them as their great benefactor, whom they were bound in gratitude to observe and obey, in these verses g...

Matthew Henry: Deu 32:15-18 - -- We have here a description of the apostasy of Israel from God, which would shortly come to pass, and to which already they had a disposition. One wo...

Matthew Henry: Deu 32:19-25 - -- The method of this song follows the method of the predictions in the foregoing chapter, and therefore, after the revolt of Israel from God, describe...

Matthew Henry: Deu 32:26-38 - -- After many terrible threatenings of deserved wrath and vengeance, we have here surprising intimations of mercy, undeserved mercy, which rejoices aga...

Matthew Henry: Deu 32:39-43 - -- This conclusion of the song speaks three things: I. Glory to God, Deu 32:39. "See now upon the whole matter, that I, even I, am he. Learn this fro...

Matthew Henry: Deu 32:44-52 - -- Here is, I. The solemn delivery of this song to the children of Israel, Deu 32:44, Deu 32:45. Moses spoke it to as many as could hear him, while Jos...

Keil-Delitzsch: Deu 32:1-43 - -- The Song of Moses. - In accordance with the object announced in Deu 31:19, this song contrasts the unchangeable fidelity of the Lord with the perver...

Keil-Delitzsch: Deu 32:44-47 - -- In Deu 32:44-47 it is stated that Moses, with Joshua, spake the song to the people; and on finishing this rehearsal, once more impressed upon the he...

Keil-Delitzsch: Deu 32:48-52 - -- "That self-same day," viz., the day upon which Moses had rehearsed the song to the children of Israel, the Lord renewed the announcement of his deat...

Constable: Deu 31:1--34:12 - --VII. MOSES' LAST ACTS chs. 31--34 Having completed the major addresses to the Israelites recorded to this point ...

Constable: Deu 32:1-43 - --2. The song itself 32:1-43 One writer called the Song of Moses "one of the most impressive religious poems in the entire Old Testament."336 It contras...

Constable: Deu 32:44 - --3. The conclusion to the song 32:44 This verse is the closing bracket that surrounds the song in...

Constable: Deu 32:45-47 - --1. Moses' exhortation to obedience 32:45-47 Moses addressed the Israelites again after he had ta...

Constable: Deu 32:48-52 - --2. The announcement of Moses' death 32:48-52 The same day Moses gave his song to the Israelites ...

Guzik: Deu 32:1-52 - --Deuteronomy 32 - The Song of Moses A. The song of Moses. 1. (1-4) Introduction. Give ear, O heavens, and I will speak; And hear, O earth, the w...

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Commentary -- Other

Critics Ask: Deu 32:13 DEUTERONOMY 32:13-14 —How could there be sufficient pasture for the herds of 2 million people in a desert? PROBLEM: The Bible informs us that t...

Critics Ask: Deu 32:14 DEUTERONOMY 32:13-14 —How could there be sufficient pasture for the herds of 2 million people in a desert? PROBLEM: The Bible informs us that t...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Deuteronomy (Book Introduction) DEUTERONOMY, the second law, a title which plainly shows what is the object of this book, namely, a recapitulation of the law. It was given in the for...


TSK: Deuteronomy (Book Introduction) The book of Deuteronomy marks the end of the Pentateuch, commonly called the Law of Moses; a work every way worthy of God its author, and only less th...

TSK: Deuteronomy 32 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Deu 32:1, Moses song, which sets forth God’s mercy and vengeance; Deu 32:46, He exhorts them to set their hearts upon it; Deu 32:48, Go...

Poole: Deuteronomy (Book Introduction) FIFTH BOOK of MOSES, CALLED DEUTERONOMY THE ARGUMENT Moses, in the two last months of his life, rehearseth what God had done for them, and their ...

Poole: Deuteronomy 32 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 32 The Divine song, in which God’ s power, mercy to his people, and vengeance on his enemies exalted, their ingratitude is rebuked, De...

MHCC: Deuteronomy (Book Introduction) This book repeats much of the history and of the laws contained in the three foregoing books: Moses delivered it to Israel a little before his death, ...

MHCC: Deuteronomy 32 (Chapter Introduction) (Deu 32:1, Deu 32:2) The song of Moses. (Deu 32:3-6) The character of God, The character of Israel. (Deu 32:7-14) The great things God had done for ...

Matthew Henry: Deuteronomy (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Fifth Book of Moses, Called Deuteronomy This book is a repetition of very much both of the history ...

Matthew Henry: Deuteronomy 32 (Chapter Introduction) In this chapter we have, I. The song which Moses, by the appointment of God, delivered to the children of Israel, for a standing admonition to the...

Constable: Deuteronomy (Book Introduction) Introduction Title The title of this book in the Hebrew Bible was its first two words,...

Constable: Deuteronomy (Outline) Outline I. Introduction: the covenant setting 1:1-5 II. Moses' first major address: a review...

Constable: Deuteronomy Deuteronomy Bibliography Adams, Jay. Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage in the Bible. Phillipsburg, N.J.: Presbyt...

Haydock: Deuteronomy (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION. THE BOOK OF DEUTERONOMY. This Book is called Deuteronomy, which signifies a second law , because it repeats and inculcates the ...

Gill: Deuteronomy (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO DEUTERONOMY This book is sometimes called "Elleh hadebarim", from the words with which it begins; and sometimes by the Jews "Mishne...

Gill: Deuteronomy 32 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO DEUTERONOMY 32 This chapter contains the song mentioned and referred to in the former, the preface to it, Deu 32:1; the character o...

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