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Text -- Galatians 4:1-20 (NET)

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4:1 Now I mean that the heir, as long as he is a minor, is no different from a slave, though he is the owner of everything. 4:2 But he is under guardians and managers until the date set by his father. 4:3 So also we, when we were minors, were enslaved under the basic forces of the world. 4:4 But when the appropriate time had come, God sent out his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, 4:5 to redeem those who were under the law, so that we may be adopted as sons with full rights. 4:6 And because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, who calls “Abba! Father!” 4:7 So you are no longer a slave but a son, and if you are a son, then you are also an heir through God.
Heirs of Promise Are Not to Return to Law
4:8 Formerly when you did not know God, you were enslaved to beings that by nature are not gods at all. 4:9 But now that you have come to know God (or rather to be known by God), how can you turn back again to the weak and worthless basic forces? Do you want to be enslaved to them all over again? 4:10 You are observing religious days and months and seasons and years. 4:11 I fear for you that my work for you may have been in vain. 4:12 I beg you, brothers and sisters, become like me, because I have become like you. You have done me no wrong!
Personal Appeal of Paul
4:13 But you know it was because of a physical illness that I first proclaimed the gospel to you, 4:14 and though my physical condition put you to the test, you did not despise or reject me. Instead, you welcomed me as though I were an angel of God, as though I were Christ Jesus himself! 4:15 Where then is your sense of happiness now? For I testify about you that if it were possible, you would have pulled out your eyes and given them to me! 4:16 So then, have I become your enemy by telling you the truth? 4:17 They court you eagerly, but for no good purpose; they want to exclude you, so that you would seek them eagerly. 4:18 However, it is good to be sought eagerly for a good purpose at all times, and not only when I am present with you. 4:19 My children– I am again undergoing birth pains until Christ is formed in you! 4:20 I wish I could be with you now and change my tone of voice, because I am perplexed about you.
Parallel   Cross Reference (TSK)   ITL  

Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Abba a title by which one addresses his father

Dictionary Themes and Topics: THORN IN THE FLESH | Son of God | Passover | Nativity of Christ | Minister | Love | LAW IN THE NEW TESTAMENT | Judaism | James, Epistle of | Incarnation | Humiliation of Christ | God | Galatians, Epistle to | GALATIANS, EPISTLE TO THE | Fulness | Elements | Election of Grace | Covenant | CHILDREN OF GOD | Beg | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Robertson , Vincent , Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , Defender , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , Combined Bible , Maclaren , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Barclay , Constable , College , McGarvey , Lapide


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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Robertson: Gal 4:1 - -- So long as ( Ephesians' hoson chronon ). "For how long a time,"incorporation of the antecedent (chronon ) into the relative clause.

So long as ( Ephesians' hoson chronon ).

"For how long a time,"incorporation of the antecedent (chronon ) into the relative clause.

Robertson: Gal 4:1 - -- The heir ( ho klēronomos ). Old word (klēros , lot, nemomai , to possess). Illustration from the law of inheritance carrying on the last thought ...

The heir ( ho klēronomos ).

Old word (klēros , lot, nemomai , to possess). Illustration from the law of inheritance carrying on the last thought in Gal 3:29.

Robertson: Gal 4:1 - -- A child ( nēpios ). One that does not talk (nē , epos , word). That is a minor, an infant, immature intellectually and morally in contrast with ...

A child ( nēpios ).

One that does not talk (nē , epos , word). That is a minor, an infant, immature intellectually and morally in contrast with teleioi , full grown (1Co 3:1; 1Co 14:20; Phi 3:15; Eph 4:13).

Robertson: Gal 4:1 - -- From a bondservant ( doulou ). Slave. Ablative case of comparison after diapherei for which verb see Mat 6:26.

From a bondservant ( doulou ).

Slave. Ablative case of comparison after diapherei for which verb see Mat 6:26.

Robertson: Gal 4:1 - -- Though he is lord of all ( Kurios pantōn ōn ). Concessive participle ōn , "being legally owner of all"(one who has the power, ho echōn kuros ...

Though he is lord of all ( Kurios pantōn ōn ).

Concessive participle ōn , "being legally owner of all"(one who has the power, ho echōn kuros ).

Robertson: Gal 4:2 - -- Under guardians ( hupo epitropous ). Old word from epitrepō , to commit, to intrust. So either an overseer (Mat 20:8) or one in charge of children ...

Under guardians ( hupo epitropous ).

Old word from epitrepō , to commit, to intrust. So either an overseer (Mat 20:8) or one in charge of children as here. It is common as the guardian of an orphan minor. Frequent in the papyri as guardian of minors.

Robertson: Gal 4:2 - -- Stewards ( oikonomous ). Old word for manager of a household whether freeborn or slave. See note on Luk 12:42 and 1Co 4:2. Papyri show it as manager ...

Stewards ( oikonomous ).

Old word for manager of a household whether freeborn or slave. See note on Luk 12:42 and 1Co 4:2. Papyri show it as manager of an estate and also as treasurer like Rom 16:23. No example is known where this word is used of one in charge of a minor and no other where both occur together.

Robertson: Gal 4:2 - -- Until the time appointed of the father ( achri tēs prothesmias tou patros ). Supply hēmeras (day), for prothesmios is an old adjective "appoi...

Until the time appointed of the father ( achri tēs prothesmias tou patros ).

Supply hēmeras (day), for prothesmios is an old adjective "appointed beforehand"(pro , thesmos , from tithēmi ). Under Roman law the tutor had charge of the child till he was fourteen when the curator took charge of him till he was twenty-five. Ramsay notes that in Graeco-Phrygia cities the same law existed except that the father in Syria appointed both tutor and curator whereas the Roman father appointed only the tutor. Burton argues plausibly that no such legal distinction is meant by Paul, but that the terms here designate two functions of one person. The point does not disturb Paul’ s illustration at all.

Robertson: Gal 4:3 - -- When we were children ( hote ēmen nēpioi ). Before the epoch of faith came and we (Jews and Gentiles) were under the law as paedagogue, guardian,...

When we were children ( hote ēmen nēpioi ).

Before the epoch of faith came and we (Jews and Gentiles) were under the law as paedagogue, guardian, steward, to use all of Paul’ s metaphors.

Robertson: Gal 4:3 - -- We were held in bondage ( hēmeis ēmetha dedoulōmenoi ). Periphrastic past perfect of douloō , to enslave, in a permanent state of bondage.

We were held in bondage ( hēmeis ēmetha dedoulōmenoi ).

Periphrastic past perfect of douloō , to enslave, in a permanent state of bondage.

Robertson: Gal 4:3 - -- Under the rudiments of the world ( hupo ta stoicheia tou kosmou ). Stoichos is row or rank, a series. So stoicheion is any first thing in a stoic...

Under the rudiments of the world ( hupo ta stoicheia tou kosmou ).

Stoichos is row or rank, a series. So stoicheion is any first thing in a stoichos like the letters of the alphabet, the material elements in the universe (2Pe 3:10), the heavenly bodies (some argue for that here), the rudiments of any act (Heb 5:12; Act 15:10; Gal 5:1; Gal 4:3, Gal 4:9; Col 2:8, Col 2:20). The papyri illustrate all the varieties in meaning of this word. Burton has a valuable excursus on the word in his commentary. Probably here (Lightfoot) Paul has in mind the rudimentary character of the law as it applies to both Jews and Gentiles, to all the knowledge of the world (kosmos as the orderly material universe as in Col 2:8, Col 2:20). See note on Mat 13:38; note on Act 17:24; note on 1Co 3:22. All were in the elementary stage before Christ came.

Robertson: Gal 4:4 - -- The fulness of the time ( to plērōma tou chronou ). Old word from plēroō , to fill. Here the complement of the preceding time as in Eph 1:10....

The fulness of the time ( to plērōma tou chronou ).

Old word from plēroō , to fill. Here the complement of the preceding time as in Eph 1:10. Some examples in the papyri in the sense of complement, to accompany. God sent forth his preexisting Son (Phi 2:6) when the time for his purpose had come like the prothesmia of Gal 4:2.

Robertson: Gal 4:4 - -- Born of a woman ( genomenon ek gunaikos ). As all men are and so true humanity, "coming from a woman."There is, of course, no direct reference here t...

Born of a woman ( genomenon ek gunaikos ).

As all men are and so true humanity, "coming from a woman."There is, of course, no direct reference here to the Virgin Birth of Jesus, but his deity had just been affirmed by the words "his Son"(ton huion autou ), so that both his deity and humanity are here stated as in Rom 1:3. Whatever view one holds about Paul’ s knowledge of the Virgin Birth of Christ one must admit that Paul believed in his actual personal preexistence with God (2Co 8:9; Phi 2:5-11), not a mere existence in idea. The fact of the Virgin Birth agrees perfectly with the language here.

Robertson: Gal 4:4 - -- Born under the law ( genomenon hupo nomon ). He not only became a man, but a Jew. The purpose (hina ) of God thus was plainly to redeem (exagorasē...

Born under the law ( genomenon hupo nomon ).

He not only became a man, but a Jew. The purpose (hina ) of God thus was plainly to redeem (exagorasēi , as in Gal 3:13) those under the law, and so under the curse. The further purpose (hina ) was that we (Jew and Gentile) might receive (apolabōmen , second aorist active subjunctive of apolambanō ), not get back (Luk 15:27), but get from (apo ) God the adoption (tēn huiothesian ). Late word common in the inscriptions (Deissmann, Bible Studies , p. 239) and occurs in the papyri also and in Diogenes Laertes, though not in lxx. Paul adopts this current term to express his idea (he alone in the N.T.) as to how God takes into his spiritual family both Jews and Gentiles who believe. See also Rom 8:15, Rom 8:23; Rom 9:4; Eph 1:5. The Vulgate uses adoptio filiorum . It is a metaphor like the others above, but a very expressive one.

Robertson: Gal 4:6 - -- Because ye are sons ( hoti este huioi ). This is the reason for sending forth the Son (Gal 4:4 and here). We were "sons"in God’ s elective purpo...

Because ye are sons ( hoti este huioi ).

This is the reason for sending forth the Son (Gal 4:4 and here). We were "sons"in God’ s elective purpose and love. Hoti is causal (1Co 12:15; Rom 9:7).

Robertson: Gal 4:6 - -- The Spirit of his Son ( to pneuma tou huioi autou ). The Holy Spirit, called the Spirit of Christ (Rom 8:9.), the Spirit of Jesus Christ (Phi 1:19). ...

The Spirit of his Son ( to pneuma tou huioi autou ).

The Holy Spirit, called the Spirit of Christ (Rom 8:9.), the Spirit of Jesus Christ (Phi 1:19). The Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and from the Son (Joh 15:26).

Robertson: Gal 4:6 - -- Crying, Abba, Father ( krazon Abba ho patēr ). The participle agrees with pneuma neuter (grammatical gender), not neuter in fact. An old, though ...

Crying, Abba, Father ( krazon Abba ho patēr ).

The participle agrees with pneuma neuter (grammatical gender), not neuter in fact. An old, though rare in present as here, onomatopoetic word to croak as a raven (Theophrastus, like Poe’ s The Raven ), any inarticulate cry like "the unuttered groanings"of Rom 8:26 which God understands. This cry comes from the Spirit of Christ in our hearts. Abba is the Aramaic word for father with the article and ho patēr translates it. The articular form occurs in the vocative as in Joh 20:28. It is possible that the repetition here and in Rom 8:15 may be "a sort of affectionate fondness for the very term that Jesus himself used"(Burton) in the Garden of Gethsemane (Mar 14:36). The rabbis preserve similar parallels. Most of the Jews knew both Greek and Aramaic. But there remains the question why Jesus used both in his prayer. Was it not natural for both words to come to him in his hour of agony as in his childhood? The same thing may be true here in Paul’ s case.

Robertson: Gal 4:7 - -- No longer a bondservant ( ouketi doulos ). Slave. He changes to the singular to drive the point home to each one. The spiritual experience (Gal 3:2) ...

No longer a bondservant ( ouketi doulos ).

Slave. He changes to the singular to drive the point home to each one. The spiritual experience (Gal 3:2) has set each one free. Each is now a son and heir.

Robertson: Gal 4:8 - -- To them which by nature are not gods ( tois phusei mē ousi theois ). In 1Co 10:20 he terms them "demons,"the "so-called gods"(1Co 8:5), worshipping...

To them which by nature are not gods ( tois phusei mē ousi theois ).

In 1Co 10:20 he terms them "demons,"the "so-called gods"(1Co 8:5), worshipping images made by hands (Act 17:29).

Robertson: Gal 4:9 - -- Now that ye have come to know God ( nun de gnontes ). Fine example of the ingressive second aorist active participle of ginōskō , come to know by...

Now that ye have come to know God ( nun de gnontes ).

Fine example of the ingressive second aorist active participle of ginōskō , come to know by experience through faith in Christ.

Robertson: Gal 4:9 - -- Rather to be known of God ( mallon de gnōsthentes hupo theou ). First aorist passive participle of the same verb. He quickly turns it round to the ...

Rather to be known of God ( mallon de gnōsthentes hupo theou ).

First aorist passive participle of the same verb. He quickly turns it round to the standpoint of God’ s elective grace reaching them (Gal 4:6).

Robertson: Gal 4:9 - -- How ( pōs ). "A question full of wonder"(Bengel). See note on Gal 1:6.

How ( pōs ).

"A question full of wonder"(Bengel). See note on Gal 1:6.

Robertson: Gal 4:9 - -- Turn ye back again? ( epistrephete paliṅ ). Present active indicative, "Are ye turning again?"See metatithesthe in Gal 1:6.

Turn ye back again? ( epistrephete paliṅ ).

Present active indicative, "Are ye turning again?"See metatithesthe in Gal 1:6.

Robertson: Gal 4:9 - -- The weak and beggarly rudiments ( ta asthenē kai ptōcha stoicheia ). The same stoicheia in Gal 4:3 from which they had been delivered, "weak an...

The weak and beggarly rudiments ( ta asthenē kai ptōcha stoicheia ).

The same stoicheia in Gal 4:3 from which they had been delivered, "weak and beggarly,"still in their utter impotence from the Pharisaic legalism and the philosophical and religious legalism and the philosophical and religious quests of the heathen as shown by Angus’ s The Religious Quests of the Graeco-Roman World. These were eagerly pursued by many, but they were shadows when caught. It is pitiful today to see some men and women leave Christ for will o’ the wisps of false philosophy.

Robertson: Gal 4:9 - -- Over again ( palin anōthen ). Old word, from above (anō ) as in Mat 27:51, from the first (Luk 1:3), then "over again"as here, back to where the...

Over again ( palin anōthen ).

Old word, from above (anō ) as in Mat 27:51, from the first (Luk 1:3), then "over again"as here, back to where they were before (in slavery to rites and rules).

Robertson: Gal 4:10 - -- Ye observe ( paratēreisthe ). Present middle indicative of old verb to stand beside and watch carefully, sometimes with evil intent as in Luk 6:7, ...

Ye observe ( paratēreisthe ).

Present middle indicative of old verb to stand beside and watch carefully, sometimes with evil intent as in Luk 6:7, but often with scrupulous care as here (so in Dio Cassius and Josephus). The meticulous observance of the Pharisees Paul knew to a nicety. It hurt him to the quick after his own merciful deliverance to see these Gentile Christians drawn into this spider-web of Judaizing Christians, once set free, now enslaved again. Paul does not itemize the "days"(Sabbaths, fast-days, feast-days, new moons) nor the "months"(Isa 66:23) which were particularly observed in the exile nor the "seasons"(passover, pentecost, tabernacles, etc.) nor the "years"(sabbatical years every seventh year and the Year of Jubilee). Paul does not object to these observances for he kept them himself as a Jew. He objected to Gentiles taking to them as a means of salvation.

Robertson: Gal 4:11 - -- I am afraid of you ( phoboumai humas ). He shudders to think of it.

I am afraid of you ( phoboumai humas ).

He shudders to think of it.

Robertson: Gal 4:11 - -- Lest by any means I have bestowed labour upon you in vain ( mē pōs eikēi kekopiaka eis humas ). Usual construction after a verb of fearing abou...

Lest by any means I have bestowed labour upon you in vain ( mē pōs eikēi kekopiaka eis humas ).

Usual construction after a verb of fearing about what has actually happened (mē pōs and the perfect active indicative of kopiaō , to toil wearily). A fear about the future would be expressed by the subjunctive. Paul fears that the worst has happened.

Robertson: Gal 4:12 - -- Be as I am ( ginesthe hōs egō ). Present middle imperative, "Keep on becoming as I am."He will not give them over, afraid though he is.

Be as I am ( ginesthe hōs egō ).

Present middle imperative, "Keep on becoming as I am."He will not give them over, afraid though he is.

Robertson: Gal 4:13 - -- Because of an infirmity of the flesh ( di' astheneian tēs sarkos ). All that we can get from this statement is the fact that Paul’ s preaching...

Because of an infirmity of the flesh ( di' astheneian tēs sarkos ).

All that we can get from this statement is the fact that Paul’ s preaching to the Galatians "the first time"or "the former time"(to proteron , adverbial accusative) was due to sickness of some kind whether it was eye trouble (Gal 4:15) which was a trial to them or to the thorn in the flesh (2Co 12:7) we do not know. It can be interpreted as applying to North Galatia or to South Galatia if he had an attack of malaria on coming up from Perga. But the narrative in Acts 13; 14 does not read as if Paul had planned to pass by Pisidia and by Lycaonia but for the attack of illness. The Galatians understood the allusion for Paul says "Ye know"(oidate ).

Robertson: Gal 4:14 - -- A temptation to you in my flesh ( ton peirasmon humōn en tēi sarki mou ). "Your temptation (or trial) in my flesh."Peirasmon can be either as we ...

A temptation to you in my flesh ( ton peirasmon humōn en tēi sarki mou ).

"Your temptation (or trial) in my flesh."Peirasmon can be either as we see in Jam 1:2, Jam 1:12. If trial here, it was a severe one.

Robertson: Gal 4:14 - -- Nor rejected ( oude exeptusate ). First aorist active indicative of ekptuō , old word to spit out (Homer), to spurn, to loathe. Here only in N.T. C...

Nor rejected ( oude exeptusate ).

First aorist active indicative of ekptuō , old word to spit out (Homer), to spurn, to loathe. Here only in N.T. Clemen ( Primitive Christianity , p. 342) thinks it should be taken literally here since people spat out as a prophylactic custom at the sight of invalids especially epileptics. But Plutarch uses it of mere rejection.

Robertson: Gal 4:14 - -- As an angel of God ( hōs aggelon theou ) , as Christ Jesus (hōs Christon Iēsoun ). In spite of his illness and repulsive appearance, whateve...

As an angel of God ( hōs aggelon theou )

, as Christ Jesus (hōs Christon Iēsoun ). In spite of his illness and repulsive appearance, whatever it was. Not a mere "messenger"of God, but a very angel, even as Christ Jesus. We know that at Lystra Paul was at first welcomed as Hermes the god of oratory (Act 14:12.). But that narrative hardly applies to these words, for they turned against Paul and Barnabas then and there at the instigation of Jews from Antioch in Pisidia and Iconium.

Robertson: Gal 4:15 - -- That gratulation of yourselves ( ho makarismos humōn ). "Your felicitation."Rare word from makarizō , to pronounce happy, in Plato, Aristotle, Pl...

That gratulation of yourselves ( ho makarismos humōn ).

"Your felicitation."Rare word from makarizō , to pronounce happy, in Plato, Aristotle, Plutarch. See also Rom 4:6, Rom 4:9. You no longer felicitate yourselves on my presence with you.

Robertson: Gal 4:15 - -- Ye would have plucked out your eves and given them to me ( tous ophthalmous humōn exoruxantes edōkate moi ). This is the conclusion of a conditio...

Ye would have plucked out your eves and given them to me ( tous ophthalmous humōn exoruxantes edōkate moi ).

This is the conclusion of a condition of the second class without an expressed which would have made it clearer. But see Joh 16:22, Joh 16:24; Rom 7:7 for similar examples where the context makes it plain without an . It is strong language and is saved from hyperbole by "if possible"(ei dunaton ). Did Paul not have at this time serious eye trouble?

Robertson: Gal 4:16 - -- Your enemy ( echthros humōn ). Active sense of echthros , hater with objective genitive. They looked on Paul now as an enemy to them. So the Pharis...

Your enemy ( echthros humōn ).

Active sense of echthros , hater with objective genitive. They looked on Paul now as an enemy to them. So the Pharisees and Judaizers generally now regarded him.

Robertson: Gal 4:16 - -- Because I tell you the truth ( alētheuōn humin ). Present active participle of alētheuō , old verb from alēthēs , true. In N.T. only here...

Because I tell you the truth ( alētheuōn humin ).

Present active participle of alētheuō , old verb from alēthēs , true. In N.T. only here and Eph 4:15. "Speaking the truth."It is always a risky business to speak the truth, the whole truth. It may hit and hurt.

Robertson: Gal 4:17 - -- They zealously seek you ( zēlousin humas ). Zēloō is an old and a good word from zēlos (zeal, jealousy), but one can pay court with good ...

They zealously seek you ( zēlousin humas ).

Zēloō is an old and a good word from zēlos (zeal, jealousy), but one can pay court with good motives or evil. So here in contrast with Paul’ s plain speech the Judaizers bring their fawning flattery.

Robertson: Gal 4:17 - -- To shut you out ( ekkleisai humas ). From Christ as he will show (Gal 5:4).

To shut you out ( ekkleisai humas ).

From Christ as he will show (Gal 5:4).

Robertson: Gal 4:17 - -- That ye may seek them ( hina autous zēloute ). Probably present active indicative with hina as in phusiousthe (1Co 4:6) and ginōskomen (1Jo...

That ye may seek them ( hina autous zēloute ).

Probably present active indicative with hina as in phusiousthe (1Co 4:6) and ginōskomen (1Jo 5:20). The contraction ̇oēte would be ̇ōte , not ̇oute (Robertson, Grammar , p. 325).

Robertson: Gal 4:18 - -- To be zealously sought in a good matter ( zēlousthai en kalōi ). Present passive infinitive. It is only in an evil matter that it is bad as here ...

To be zealously sought in a good matter ( zēlousthai en kalōi ).

Present passive infinitive. It is only in an evil matter that it is bad as here (ou kalos ).

Robertson: Gal 4:18 - -- When I am present ( en tōi pareinai me ). "In the being present as to me."

When I am present ( en tōi pareinai me ).

"In the being present as to me."

Robertson: Gal 4:19 - -- I am in travail ( ōdinō ). I am in birth pangs. Old word for this powerful picture of pain. In N.T. only here, Gal 4:27; Rev 12:2.

I am in travail ( ōdinō ).

I am in birth pangs. Old word for this powerful picture of pain. In N.T. only here, Gal 4:27; Rev 12:2.

Robertson: Gal 4:19 - -- Until Christ be formed in you ( mechris hou morphōthēi Christos en humin ). Future temporal clause with mechris hou (until which time) and the ...

Until Christ be formed in you ( mechris hou morphōthēi Christos en humin ).

Future temporal clause with mechris hou (until which time) and the first aorist passive subjunctive of morphoō , late and rare verb, in Plutarch, not in lxx, not in papyri, only here in N.T. This figure is the embryo developing into the child. Paul boldly represents himself as again the mother with birth pangs over them. This is better than to suppose that the Galatians are pregnant mothers (Burton) by a reversal of the picture as in 1Th 2:7.

Robertson: Gal 4:20 - -- I could with ( ēthelon ). Imperfect active, I was wishing like Agrippa’ s use of eboulomēn in Act 25:22, "I was just wishing. I was longin...

I could with ( ēthelon ).

Imperfect active, I was wishing like Agrippa’ s use of eboulomēn in Act 25:22, "I was just wishing. I was longing to be present with you just now (arti )."

Robertson: Gal 4:20 - -- To change my voice ( allaxai tēn phōnēn mou ). Paul could put his heart into his voice. The pen stands between them. He knew the power of his v...

To change my voice ( allaxai tēn phōnēn mou ).

Paul could put his heart into his voice. The pen stands between them. He knew the power of his voice on their hearts. He had tried it before.

Robertson: Gal 4:20 - -- I am perplexed ( aporoumai ). I am at a loss and know not what to do. Aporeō is from a privative and poros , way. I am lost at this distance fr...

I am perplexed ( aporoumai ).

I am at a loss and know not what to do. Aporeō is from a privative and poros , way. I am lost at this distance from you.

Robertson: Gal 4:20 - -- About you ( en humin ). In your cases. For this use of en see 2Co 7:16Gal 1:24.

About you ( en humin ).

In your cases. For this use of en see 2Co 7:16Gal 1:24.

Vincent: Gal 4:1 - -- Now I say ( λέγω δὲ ) Introducing a continued, explanatory discussion. Comp. Gal 3:17; Gal 5:16; 1Co 1:12.

Now I say ( λέγω δὲ )

Introducing a continued, explanatory discussion. Comp. Gal 3:17; Gal 5:16; 1Co 1:12.

Vincent: Gal 4:1 - -- The heir ( ὁ κληρονόμος ) See on inheritance , 1Pe 1:4. The article is generic as in the mediator , Gal 3:20.

The heir ( ὁ κληρονόμος )

See on inheritance , 1Pe 1:4. The article is generic as in the mediator , Gal 3:20.

Vincent: Gal 4:1 - -- A child ( νήπιος ) A minor. See on 1Co 3:1. Used by Paul in contrast with τέλειος full grown . See Eph 4:13; 1Co 14:20; Phi 3...

A child ( νήπιος )

A minor. See on 1Co 3:1. Used by Paul in contrast with τέλειος full grown . See Eph 4:13; 1Co 14:20; Phi 3:15. The Jews called proselytes or novices babes . See Rom 2:20.

Vincent: Gal 4:1 - -- Lord of all Legally, by right of birth, though not actually.

Lord of all

Legally, by right of birth, though not actually.

Vincent: Gal 4:2 - -- Tutors ( ἐπιτρόπους ) Better, guardians. See on Luk 8:3. Only here in Paul. A general term, covering all to whom supervision of the...

Tutors ( ἐπιτρόπους )

Better, guardians. See on Luk 8:3. Only here in Paul. A general term, covering all to whom supervision of the child is intrusted, and should not be limited to παιδαγωγός (Gal 3:24). See 2 Macc. 11:1; 13:2; 14:2.

Vincent: Gal 4:2 - -- Governors ( οἰκονόμους ) Better stewards . Lat. dispensatores . More special than guardians , signifying those who had charge of...

Governors ( οἰκονόμους )

Better stewards . Lat. dispensatores . More special than guardians , signifying those who had charge of the heir's property. See on Luk 16:1. In later Greek it was used in two special senses: 1. The slave whose duty it was to distribute the rations to the other slaves: so Luk 12:42. 2. The land-steward : so Luk 16:1. Comp. Rom 16:23, ὁ οἰκονόμος τῆς πόλεως , commonly rendered city-treasurer : A.V. chamberlain . In Lucian, Alex . 39, the Roman procurators, or fiscal administrators, are called Καίσαρος οἰκονόμοι ; comp. 1 Esdr. 4:49; Est 8:9. The dispensator in the Roman household had charge of the accounts and made the payments (see Cicero, ad Att . xi. 1; Juv. Sat i. 91). He was commonly a slave. Christian teachers are called " stewards of the mysteries of God" and " of the grace of God" (1Co 4:1; 1Pe 4:10), as those who have received the counsels of God and impart them to men. A bishop or overseer is also called " a steward of God" (Tit 1:7).

Vincent: Gal 4:2 - -- The time appointed ( προθεσμίας ) N.T.o . o lxx. In Athenian law the term limited for bringing actions and prosecutions. Προθεσ...

The time appointed ( προθεσμίας )

N.T.o . o lxx. In Athenian law the term limited for bringing actions and prosecutions. Προθεσμίας νόμος a statute of limitations . It was also applied to the time allowed a defendant for paying damages, after the expiration of which, if he had not paid, he was called ὑπερήμερος , or ἐκπρόθεσμος , or ὑπερπρόθεσμος one who had gone over his day of payment . Whether Paul's figure assumes that the father is dead or living is a point which does not affect his argument. It is not easy to decide. As Alford justly remarks: " the antitype breaks through the type and disturbs it, as is the case wherever the idea of inheritance is spiritualised." Προθεσμία an appointed time for the termination of the minority , would seem to imply that the father is conceived as living; since, if he were dead, that matter would be regulated by statute.

Vincent: Gal 4:3 - -- We Not Jewish Christians only, but all Christians. For in Gal 4:5, Jewish Christians are distinctly characterized as those under the law, while...


Not Jewish Christians only, but all Christians. For in Gal 4:5, Jewish Christians are distinctly characterized as those under the law, while the following we , subjects of Christian adoption, points back to the we in this verse. Again, elements of the world is too wide a conception to suit the law, which was given to Israel only.

Vincent: Gal 4:3 - -- Elements of the world ( τὰ στοιχεῖα τοῦ κόσμου ) For the word στοιχεῖα in N.T. see Col 2:8, Col 2:20; Heb 5...

Elements of the world ( τὰ στοιχεῖα τοῦ κόσμου )

For the word στοιχεῖα in N.T. see Col 2:8, Col 2:20; Heb 5:12; 2Pe 3:10, 2Pe 3:12.

See on 2Pe 3:10. Interpretations differ. 1. Elements of knowledge , rudimentary religious ideas . See Heb 5:12. The meaning of world will then be, the material as distinguished from the spiritual realm. Elements of the world will be the crude beginnings of religion, suited to the condition of children, and pertaining to those who are not Christians: elementary religious truths belonging to mankind in general. Thus the Jewish economy was of the world as appealing to the senses, and affording only the first elements of a spiritual system. The child-heir was taught only faint outlines of spiritual truth, and was taught them by worldly symbols. 2. Elements of nature - of the physical world, especially the heavenly bodies. See 2Pe 3:10, 2Pe 3:12; Wisd. 7:17. According to this explanation, the point would be that the ordering of the religious life was regulated by the order of nature; " the days, months, times," etc. (Gal 4:10), as well as the heathen festivals, being dependent on the movements of the heavenly bodies. This was the patristic view (Ambrose, Augustine, Chrysostom, Theodoret). 3. The elements of the world are the personal , elemental spirits . This seems to be the preferable explanation, both here and in Col 2:8. According to Jewish ideas, all things had their special angels. In the Book of Jubilees, chapter 2, appear, the angel of the presence (comp. Isa 63:9); the angel of adoration; the spirits of the wind, the clouds, darkness, hail, frost, thunder and lightning, winter and spring, cold and heat. In the Book of Enoch, 82:10-14, appear the angels of the stars, who keep watch that the stars may appear at the appointed time, and who are punished if the stars do not appear (18:15). In the Revelation of John we find four angels of the winds (14:18); the angel of the waters (16:5); the angel in the sun (19:17). In Heb 1:7 we read, " who maketh his angels winds ." Paul also recognizes elemental forces of the spiritual world. The thorn is " a messenger of Satan" (2Co 12:7); Satan prevents his journey to Thessalonica (1Th 2:18); the Corinthian offender is to be " delivered to Satan" (1Co 5:5); the Kingdom of God is opposed by " principalities and powers" (1Co 15:24); Christians wrestle against " the rulers of the darkness of this world; against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the upper regions" (Eph 6:12). In this passage the elements of the world are compared with overseers and stewards . This would seem to require a personal interpretation. In Gal 4:8, " did service to them which by nature are no gods," appears to be = " in bondage under the elements," suggesting a personal interpretation of the latter. The Galatians had turned again to the observance of times and seasons (Gal 4:10), which were controlled by the heavenly bodies and their spirits.

Vincent: Gal 4:4 - -- Fullness of the time ( τὸ πλήρωμα τοῦ χρόνου ) The moment by which the whole pre-messianic period was completed. Comp. ...

Fullness of the time ( τὸ πλήρωμα τοῦ χρόνου )

The moment by which the whole pre-messianic period was completed. Comp. Eph 1:10. It answers to the time appointed of the Father (Gal 4:2). For πλήρωμα see on Joh 1:16. The meaning of the word is habitually passive - that which is completed, full complement. There are frequent instances of its use with the genitive, as " fullness of the earth, blessing, time, the sea, Christ," in all which it denotes the plenitude or completeness which characterizes the nouns.

Vincent: Gal 4:4 - -- Sent forth ( ἐξαπέστειλεν ) From himself: from his heavenly glory. This does not mean that God then, for the first time, embodied...

Sent forth ( ἐξαπέστειλεν )

From himself: from his heavenly glory. This does not mean that God then, for the first time, embodied what had previously been a mere ideal, but that he sent forth a preexisting person. See Phi 2:6.

Vincent: Gal 4:4 - -- Made of a woman ( γενόμενον ) Or born . Repeated, and expressing the fact that Christ became a man, as distinguished from his prehi...

Made of a woman ( γενόμενον )

Or born . Repeated, and expressing the fact that Christ became a man, as distinguished from his prehistoric form of being.

Vincent: Gal 4:4 - -- Under the law The earthly being of Christ began under the law. He was not only of human birth, but of Jewish birth; subjected to all the ordi...

Under the law

The earthly being of Christ began under the law. He was not only of human birth, but of Jewish birth; subjected to all the ordinances of the law, as circumcision for instance, like any other Jewish boy.

Vincent: Gal 4:5 - -- To redeem ( ἵνα ἐξαγοράσῃ ) See on Gal 3:13. To redeem from the dominion and curse of the law. The means of redemption is n...

To redeem ( ἵνα ἐξαγοράσῃ )

See on Gal 3:13. To redeem from the dominion and curse of the law. The means of redemption is not mentioned. It cannot be merely the birth of Christ of a woman and under the law. These are mentioned only as the preliminary and necessary conditions of his redeeming work. The means or method appears in Gal 3:13.

Vincent: Gal 4:5 - -- We might receive ( ἀπολάβωμεν ) Not receive again or back , as Luk 15:27, for adoption was something which men did not have befo...

We might receive ( ἀπολάβωμεν )

Not receive again or back , as Luk 15:27, for adoption was something which men did not have before Christ; but receive from the giver.

Vincent: Gal 4:5 - -- The adoption ( τὴν υἱοθεσίαν ) Po . See on Rom 8:15, and comp. Rom 9:4; Eph 1:5. Not sonship, but sonship conferred .

The adoption ( τὴν υἱοθεσίαν )

Po . See on Rom 8:15, and comp. Rom 9:4; Eph 1:5. Not sonship, but sonship conferred .

Vincent: Gal 4:6 - -- Because ye are sons ( ὅτι ) For ὅτι in this sense at the beginning of a clause see Rom 9:7; 1Co 12:15; Joh 15:19; Joh 20:29. The e...

Because ye are sons ( ὅτι )

For ὅτι in this sense at the beginning of a clause see Rom 9:7; 1Co 12:15; Joh 15:19; Joh 20:29. The emphasis is on sons . The spirit would not be given is ye were not sons . Others take ὅτι as demonstrative, as a proof that ye are sons ; but examples of such usage are wanting. It is not a proof of the fact of sonship that the apostle is giving, but a consequence of it. Comp. Rom 8:16, where the witness of the Spirit attests the sonship.

Vincent: Gal 4:6 - -- The Spirit of his Son The Holy Spirit which animated Jesus in his human life, and which, in the risen Christ, is the life-principle of believers....

The Spirit of his Son

The Holy Spirit which animated Jesus in his human life, and which, in the risen Christ, is the life-principle of believers. See 1Co 15:45, and comp. Rom 8:9-11. The Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of Christ , Rom 8:9, Rom 8:10, where Paul uses Spirit of God , Spirit of Christ and Christ as convertible terms. The phrase Spirit of Jesus Christ only Phi 1:19. In Joh 3:34 Christ is represented as dispensing the Spirit. He is fully endowed with the Spirit (Mar 1:10; Joh 1:32): he sends the Spirit from the Father to the disciples, and he is the burden of the Spirit's testimony (Joh 15:26; Joh 16:7, Joh 16:9, Joh 16:10, Joh 16:15). The Paraclete is given in answer to Christ's prayer (Joh 14:16). Christ identifies his own coming and presence with those of the Spirit (Joh 14:17, Joh 14:18). Paul identifies him personally with the Spirit (2Co 3:17).

Vincent: Gal 4:6 - -- Our hearts Note the interchange of persons: we might receive, ye are sons, our hearts. Comp. Rom 7:4.

Our hearts

Note the interchange of persons: we might receive, ye are sons, our hearts. Comp. Rom 7:4.

Vincent: Gal 4:6 - -- Crying ( κρᾶζον ) A strong word, expressing deep emotion. The verb originally represents the sound of a croak or harsh scream; thence, ge...

Crying ( κρᾶζον )

A strong word, expressing deep emotion. The verb originally represents the sound of a croak or harsh scream; thence, generally, an inarticulate cry ; an exclamation of fear or pain . The cry of an animal. So Aristoph. Knights , 1017, of the barking of a dog: 285, 287, of two men in a quarrel, trying to bawl each other down: Frogs , 258, of the croaking of frogs. This original sense appears in N.T. usage, as Mat 14:26; Mat 15:23; Mat 27:50; Mar 5:5, etc., and is recognized even where the word is used in connection with articulate speech, by adding to it the participles λέγων, λέγοντες saying , or διδάσκων teaching . See Mat 8:29; Mat 15:22; Mar 3:11; Joh 7:28, etc. In Mar 10:47 the inarticulate cry and the articulate utterance are distinguished. At the same time, the word is often used of articulate speech without such additions, as Mar 10:48; Mar 11:9; Mar 15:13, Mar 15:14; Luk 18:39; Act 7:60; Act 19:34; Rom 8:15. It falls into more dignified association in lxx, where it is often used of prayer or appeal to God, as Judges 3:9, 15; 4:3; 6:7; Psalm 21:2, 5; 27:1, 54:16; and in N.T., where it is applied to solemn, prophetic utterance, as Rom 9:27; Joh 1:15, and is used of Jesus himself, as Joh 7:28, Joh 7:37; Joh 12:44, and of the Holy Spirit, as here. The Spirit gives the inspiration of which the believer is the organ. In Rom 8:15 the statement is inverted. The believer cries under the power of the Spirit.

Vincent: Gal 4:6 - -- Abba, Father Comp. Mar 14:36; Rom 8:15. Ὁ πατήρ the Father , is not added in order to explain the Aramaic Abba for Greek readers. ...

Abba, Father

Comp. Mar 14:36; Rom 8:15. Ὁ πατήρ the Father , is not added in order to explain the Aramaic Abba for Greek readers. Rather the whole phrase Ἁββά ὁ πατήρ had passed into the early Christian prayers, the Aramaic title by which Christ addressed his Father (Mar 14:36) being very early united with the Greek synonym. Such combinations of Hebrew and Greek addresses having the same meaning were employed in rabbinical writings. Comp. also Rev 9:11; Rev 12:9.

Vincent: Gal 4:7 - -- Servant ( δοῦλος ) Bondservant. See on Mat 20:26; see on Mar 9:35; see on Rom 1:1.

Servant ( δοῦλος )

Bondservant. See on Mat 20:26; see on Mar 9:35; see on Rom 1:1.

Vincent: Gal 4:7 - -- Then an heir ( καὶ κληρονόμος ) Καὶ marks the logical sequence. Comp. Rom 8:17. The figure is based upon Roman, not upon J...

Then an heir ( καὶ κληρονόμος )

Καὶ marks the logical sequence. Comp. Rom 8:17. The figure is based upon Roman, not upon Jewish, law. According to Roman law, all the children, sons and daughters, inherited alike. According to Jewish law, the inheritance of the sons was unequal, and the daughters were excluded, except where there were no male heirs. Thus the Roman law furnished a more truthful illustration of the privileges of Christians. Comp. Gal 3:28.

Vincent: Gal 4:7 - -- Of God through Christ The correct reading is διὰ θεοῦ through God , omitting Christ .

Of God through Christ

The correct reading is διὰ θεοῦ through God , omitting Christ .

Vincent: Gal 4:8 - -- Over against their filial freedom in Christ, Paul sets their lapse into subjection to the elements of the world (Gal 4:3). Knew not God See on 2...

Over against their filial freedom in Christ, Paul sets their lapse into subjection to the elements of the world (Gal 4:3).

Knew not God

See on 2Th 1:8.

Vincent: Gal 4:8 - -- Ye did service ( ἐδουλεύσατε ) Better, were in bondage or were slaves .

Ye did service ( ἐδουλεύσατε )

Better, were in bondage or were slaves .

Vincent: Gal 4:8 - -- By nature ( φύσει ) Not denying their existence (comp. 1Co 8:5) but their deity . Emphasis on by nature . Comp. 1Co 10:20.

By nature ( φύσει )

Not denying their existence (comp. 1Co 8:5) but their deity . Emphasis on by nature . Comp. 1Co 10:20.

Vincent: Gal 4:9 - -- Rather are known of God Rather corrects the first statement, have known God , which might seem to attach too much to human agency in attai...

Rather are known of God

Rather corrects the first statement, have known God , which might seem to attach too much to human agency in attaining the knowledge of God. The divine side of the process is thrown into the foreground by are known , etc. Known does not mean approved or acknowledged , but simply recognized . Saving knowledge is doubtless implied, but is not expressed in the word. The relation of knowledge between God and his sons proceeds from God. The Galatians had not arrived at the knowledge of God by intuition nor by any process of reasoning. " God knew them ere they knew him, and his knowing them was the cause of their knowing him" (Eadie). Comp. 1Co 13:12; 2Ti 2:19; Mat 7:23. Dean Stanley remarks that " our knowledge of God is more his act than ours." If God knows a man, that fact implies an activity of God which passes over to the man, so that he, as the subject of God's knowledge, comes into the knowledge of God. In N.T. γινώσκειν often implies a personal relation between the knower and the known, so that knowledge implies influence. See 1Co 2:8; Joh 1:10; Joh 2:24; Joh 17:3. For a parallel to this interchange between the active and the passive, see Phi 3:12.

Vincent: Gal 4:9 - -- How ( πῶς ) " A question full of wonder" (Bengel). Comp. I marvel , Gal 1:6.

How ( πῶς )

" A question full of wonder" (Bengel). Comp. I marvel , Gal 1:6.

Vincent: Gal 4:9 - -- Turn ye again ( ἐπιστρέφετε πάλιν ) Better, the continuous present, are ye turning , as of a change still in progress....

Turn ye again ( ἐπιστρέφετε πάλιν )

Better, the continuous present, are ye turning , as of a change still in progress. Comp. Gal 1:6. Πάλιν again , according to N.T. usage, and corresponding with πάλιν ἄνωθεν in the following clause. Not back , which is the earlier sense and the usual classical meaning.

Vincent: Gal 4:9 - -- Weak and beggarly elements ( ἀσθενῆ καὶ πτωχὰ στοιχεῖα ) For elements see on Gal 4:3. For πτωχὰ beggarl...

Weak and beggarly elements ( ἀσθενῆ καὶ πτωχὰ στοιχεῖα )

For elements see on Gal 4:3. For πτωχὰ beggarly , see on Mat 5:3. The two adjectives express the utter impotence of these " elements" to do and to bestow what was done and given by God in sending his Son into the world. Comp. Rom 8:3; Heb 7:18.

Vincent: Gal 4:9 - -- Again ( πάλιν ἄνωθεν ) Ἄνωθεν (ἄνω above ) adds to πάλιν the idea of going back to the beginni...

Again ( πάλιν ἄνωθεν )

Ἄνωθεν (ἄνω above ) adds to πάλιν the idea of going back to the beginning . Its primary meaning is from above ; thence, from the first , reckoning in a descending series. So Luk 1:3; Act 26:5. Such combinations as this are not uncommon in N.T. and Class. See, for instance, Act 18:21; Mat 26:42; Act 10:15; Joh 21:16. But these additions to πάλιν are not pleonastic. They often define and explain it. Thus, Joh 21:16, πάλιν marks the repetition of Jesus' question, δεύτερον the number of the repetition. He asked again , and this was the second time of asking.

Vincent: Gal 4:9 - -- Ye desire ( θέλετε ) It was more than a mere desire. They were bent on putting themselves again into bondage. See on Mat 1:19.

Ye desire ( θέλετε )

It was more than a mere desire. They were bent on putting themselves again into bondage. See on Mat 1:19.

Vincent: Gal 4:10 - -- Ye observe ( παρατήρεισθε ) See on Mar 3:2, and see on Joh 18:12, and comp. Joseph. Ant . 3:5, 5, παρατηρεῖν τὰς ...

Ye observe ( παρατήρεισθε )

See on Mar 3:2, and see on Joh 18:12, and comp. Joseph. Ant . 3:5, 5, παρατηρεῖν τὰς ἑβδομάδας to watch the weeks . The word denotes careful , scrupulous observance, an intent watching lest any of the prescribed seasons should be overlooked. A merely legal or ritual religion always develops such scrupulousness.

Vincent: Gal 4:10 - -- Days Sabbaths, fast-days, feast-days, new moons. Comp. Rom 14:5, Rom 14:6; Col 2:16.


Sabbaths, fast-days, feast-days, new moons. Comp. Rom 14:5, Rom 14:6; Col 2:16.

Vincent: Gal 4:10 - -- Months Sacred months. Comp. Isa 66:23. In the preexilic time the months were mostly not named but numbered first , second , third , etc., and ...


Sacred months. Comp. Isa 66:23. In the preexilic time the months were mostly not named but numbered first , second , third , etc., and this usage appears also in the post-exilic writings of the O.T. Only four months had special names: the first, Abib, the ear month, which marked the beginning of harvest (Exo 13:4; Exo 23:15; Exo 34:18): the second, Sif or Zîv, the flower month (1Ki 6:1, 1Ki 6:37): the seventh, Ethanum, the month of streaming rivers fed by the autumnal rains (1Ki 8:2): the eighth, Bul, the month of rain (1Ki 6:38). In the post-exilic time names for all the months came into use, the most of which appear in the Palmyrene inscriptions and among the Syrians. According to the Talmud, the returning Jews brought these names from Babylon. The names of all are found in a month table discovered at Nineveh. Nîsan corresponds to Abib (Neh 2:1; Est 3:7), answering to the latter part of March and April. Jjar answered to Ziv (Targ. 2Ch 30:2), our May. Tisri to Ethanim, the seventh month of the ecclesiastical, and the first of the civil year, corresponding to October. Marcheschwan (see Joseph. Ant . 1:3, 3) answered to Bul and November. Tisri, being the seventh or sabbatical month, was peculiarly sacred, and the fourth (Sivan, June), fifth (Ab, August), and tenth (Tebeth, January) were distinguished by special fasts.

Vincent: Gal 4:10 - -- Times ( καιροὺς ) Better, seasons . See on Mat 12:1; see on Eph 1:10, and comp. Lev 23:4. The holy, festal seasons, as Passover Penteco...

Times ( καιροὺς )

Better, seasons . See on Mat 12:1; see on Eph 1:10, and comp. Lev 23:4. The holy, festal seasons, as Passover Pentecost, Feast of Tabernacles. See 2Ch 8:13.

Vincent: Gal 4:10 - -- Years ( ἐνιαυτούς ) Sabbatical years, occurring every seventh year. Not years of Jubilee, which had ceased to be celebrated after th...

Years ( ἐνιαυτούς )

Sabbatical years, occurring every seventh year. Not years of Jubilee, which had ceased to be celebrated after the time of Solomon.

Vincent: Gal 4:11 - -- I am afraid of you ( φοβοῦμαι ὑμᾶς ) Not a felicitous translation, though retained by Rev. Rather, " I am afraid for you or ...

I am afraid of you ( φοβοῦμαι ὑμᾶς )

Not a felicitous translation, though retained by Rev. Rather, " I am afraid for you or concerning you." The second ὑμᾶς is not attracted into the principal clause so as to read, " I am afraid lest I have bestowed labor," etc. The two clauses are distinct. I am afraid about you : then the reason for the fear is added, lest I have bestowed , etc.

Vincent: Gal 4:11 - -- Upon you ( εἰς ὑμᾶς ) Lit. into you. The labor, though in vain, had born directly upon its object. See the same phrase Rom 16:6.

Upon you ( εἰς ὑμᾶς )

Lit. into you. The labor, though in vain, had born directly upon its object. See the same phrase Rom 16:6.

Vincent: Gal 4:11 - -- In vain ( εἰκῇ ) Comp. Gal 3:4; 1Co 15:2, and εἰς to no purpose , Phi 2:16; 2Co 6:1; Gal 2:2; 1Th 3:5. After all my labor, yo...

In vain ( εἰκῇ )

Comp. Gal 3:4; 1Co 15:2, and εἰς to no purpose , Phi 2:16; 2Co 6:1; Gal 2:2; 1Th 3:5. After all my labor, you may return to Judaism. Luther says: " These words of Paul breathe tears."

Vincent: Gal 4:12 - -- Be as I am ( γίνεσθε ὡς ἐγώ ) Better, become as I am; free from the bondage of Jewish ordinances.

Be as I am ( γίνεσθε ὡς ἐγώ )

Better, become as I am; free from the bondage of Jewish ordinances.

Vincent: Gal 4:12 - -- I am as ye are ( κἀγὼ ὡς ἐγώ ) Rather, I became . Supply ἐγενόμην or γέγονα . Become as I am, for I beca...

I am as ye are ( κἀγὼ ὡς ἐγώ )

Rather, I became . Supply ἐγενόμην or γέγονα . Become as I am, for I became a Gentile like you. Comp. Phi 3:7, Phi 3:8. For the phrase γινέσθαι ὡς to become as , see Mat 6:16; Rom 9:29; 1Co 4:13; 1Co 9:20-22.

Vincent: Gal 4:12 - -- Ye have not injured me at all ( οὐδέν με ἠδικήσατε ) This translation misses the force of the aorist, and conveys a wrong...

Ye have not injured me at all ( οὐδέν με ἠδικήσατε )

This translation misses the force of the aorist, and conveys a wrong impression, that Paul, up to this time, had received no wrong at the hands of the Galatians. This was not true. The reference is to his earlier relations with the Galatians, and is explained by Gal 4:13, Gal 4:14. Rend. ye did not injure me at all . Ye did not injure me then, do not do so now.

Vincent: Gal 4:13 - -- Ye know ( οἴδατε δὲ ) The A.V. omits δὲ which is wanting in some Mss. Δὲ not oppositional as commonly explained: " Ye d...

Ye know ( οἴδατε δὲ )

The A.V. omits δὲ which is wanting in some Mss. Δὲ not oppositional as commonly explained: " Ye did not injure me, but on the contrary ye know, etc." ; but introducing an explanation of ye did not injure me by reference to the fact that they might easily have been moved to do him wrong by the unfavorable circumstances under which he first preached the gospel to them (through infirmity of the flesh). The formulas οἶδα δὲ , οἴδαμεν δὲ , οἴδατε δὲ , are habitually used by Paul to introduce an explanation of what precedes, from a new point of view. See Rom 2:2; Rom 3:19; Rom 15:29; Phi 4:15. The general sense therefore is: " Ye did not wrong me at all as you might easily have been moved to do; for (δὲ ) you know in what an unfavorable light my infirmities placed me when I first came among you."

Vincent: Gal 4:13 - -- Through infirmity ( δἰ ἀσθένειαν ) On account of infirmity. Referring to the fact that Paul, in his first journey, was compelled...

Through infirmity ( δἰ ἀσθένειαν )

On account of infirmity. Referring to the fact that Paul, in his first journey, was compelled by sickness to remain in Galatia, and preached to the Galatians during this enforced sojourn. This fact made their kindly reception the more commendable.

Vincent: Gal 4:13 - -- At the first ( τὸ πρότερον ) Either generally, at an earlier time than the present (as Joh 6:62; Joh 9:8; 1Ti 1:13), ...

At the first ( τὸ πρότερον )

Either generally, at an earlier time than the present (as Joh 6:62; Joh 9:8; 1Ti 1:13), or the first time (as Heb 7:27). Here in the latter sense. Paul had visited the Galatians twice before he wrote this letter.

Vincent: Gal 4:14 - -- My temptation which was in my flesh ( τὸν πειρασμὸν ὑμῶν ἐν τῇ σαρκί μου ) The correct reading is π...

My temptation which was in my flesh ( τὸν πειρασμὸν ὑμῶν ἐν τῇ σαρκί μου )

The correct reading is πειρασμὸν ὑμῶν your temptation. The trial to which they were subjected by his bodily infirmity (Gal 4:13), and which might have tempted them to treat him with indifference.

Vincent: Gal 4:14 - -- Ye despised not nor rejected ( οὐκ ἐξουθενήσατε οὐδὲ ἐξεπτύσατε ) Commonly explained by making both ve...

Ye despised not nor rejected ( οὐκ ἐξουθενήσατε οὐδὲ ἐξεπτύσατε )

Commonly explained by making both verbs govern your temptation . Thus the meaning would be: " You were tempted to treat my preaching contemptuously because of my bodily infirmity; but you did not despise nor reject that which was a temptation to you." This is extremely far fetched, awkward, and quite without parallel in Paul's writings or elsewhere. It does not suit the following but received me , etc. It lays the stress on the Galatians' resistance of a temptation to despise Paul; whereas the idea of a temptation is incidental. On this construction we should rather expect Paul to say: " Ye did despise and repudiate this temptation." Better, make your temptation , etc., dependent on ye know (Gal 4:13); place a colon after flesh , and make both verbs govern me in the following clause. Rend. " Ye know how through infirmity of the flesh I preached the gospel to you the first time, and (ye know) your temptation which was in my flesh: ye did not despise nor reject me, but received me." The last clause thus forms one of a series of short and detached clauses beginning with Gal 4:10. Ὁυκ ἐξουθενήσατε ye did not set at nought , from οὐδέν nothing . The form οὐθέν occurs Luk 22:35; Luk 23:14; Act 19:27; Act 26:26; 1Co 13:2; 2Co 11:8. For the compound here, comp. Luk 18:9; Luk 23:11; Act 4:11; 2Co 10:10. o Class. Ἑξεπτύσατε spurned , N.T.o . Lit. spat out . A strong metaphor, adding the idea of contempt to that of setting at nought . Comp. Hom. Od . v. 322; Aristoph. Wasps , 792. The two verbs express contemptuous indifference. Ἑμέσαι to vomit , as a figure of contemptuous rejection, is found in Rev 3:16. The simple πτύειν to spit only in the literal sense in N.T. Mar 7:33; Mar 8:23; Joh 9:6, and no other compound occurs.

Vincent: Gal 4:14 - -- As an angel Bengel says: " The flesh, infirmity, temptation, are known to angels; wherefore to receive as an angel is to receive with great vener...

As an angel

Bengel says: " The flesh, infirmity, temptation, are known to angels; wherefore to receive as an angel is to receive with great veneration."

Vincent: Gal 4:14 - -- As Jesus Christ With even higher honor than an angel. Comp. Mat 10:40; Joh 13:20.

As Jesus Christ

With even higher honor than an angel. Comp. Mat 10:40; Joh 13:20.

Vincent: Gal 4:15 - -- Where is then the blessedness ye spake of? ( ποῦ οὖν ὁ μακαρισμὸς ὑμῶν ) Μακαρισμὸς , Po . Comp. R...

Where is then the blessedness ye spake of? ( ποῦ οὖν ὁ μακαρισμὸς ὑμῶν )

Μακαρισμὸς , Po . Comp. Rom 4:6, Rom 4:9. Not blessedness , but pronouncing blessed , felicitation . " What had become of your self gratulation on my presence and teaching?" Ye spake of is an attempt to render ὑμῶν . Better, " Where is then that gratulation of yours? "

Vincent: Gal 4:15 - -- I bear you record ( μαρτυρῶ ) Better, witness . Bear record is common in A.V. for bear witness . Record is used both of a pers...

I bear you record ( μαρτυρῶ )

Better, witness . Bear record is common in A.V. for bear witness . Record is used both of a person, as God is my record , Phi 1:8; I call God for a record , 1Co 1:23, and in the sense of evidence or testimony . So Shaks. Richard II . I. i. 30:

" First, Heaven be the record to my speech."

Vincent: Gal 4:15 - -- Plucked out ( ἐξορύξαντες ) Lit. dug out. Only here, and Mar 2:4, of digging up the roof in order to let down the paralytic befo...

Plucked out ( ἐξορύξαντες )

Lit. dug out. Only here, and Mar 2:4, of digging up the roof in order to let down the paralytic before Jesus.

Vincent: Gal 4:15 - -- Your own eyes ( τοὺς ὀφθαλμοὺς ὑμῶν ) Better, your eyes. Eyes, as most treasured possessions. Comp. Psa 17:8; Pro 7:...

Your own eyes ( τοὺς ὀφθαλμοὺς ὑμῶν )

Better, your eyes. Eyes, as most treasured possessions. Comp. Psa 17:8; Pro 7:2; Zec 2:8. Some have found here evidence that Paul was afflicted with disease of the eyes. See Dr. John Brown's Horae Subsecivae . Accordingly they explain these words, " You would have given me your own eyes to replace mine." But ὑμῶν is unemphatic, your . All attempts to connect the passage with Paul's " thorn in the flesh" (2Co 7:7) are to be dismissed as fanciful.

Vincent: Gal 4:16 - -- Therefore ( ὥστε ) Better, so then : seeing that your love for me has waned.

Therefore ( ὥστε )

Better, so then : seeing that your love for me has waned.

Vincent: Gal 4:16 - -- Your enemy ( ἐχθρὸς ὑμῶν ) Ἐχθρὸς enemy , in an active sense, as is shown by the next clause. Not passive, an obj...

Your enemy ( ἐχθρὸς ὑμῶν )

Ἐχθρὸς enemy , in an active sense, as is shown by the next clause. Not passive, an object of hatred , which would have the pronoun in the dative.

Vincent: Gal 4:16 - -- Because I tell you the truth ( ἀληθεύων ὑμῖν ) Ἀληθεύειν , only here and Eph 4:15, means to speak the tru...

Because I tell you the truth ( ἀληθεύων ὑμῖν )

Ἀληθεύειν , only here and Eph 4:15, means to speak the truth or to deal truly . The present participle refers to the same time as γέγονα I am become , the time of his second visit. The clause is usually construed as interrogative (A.V.). It is rather a direct statement with a slight interrogative suggestion. " So then, I am become your enemy, am I."

Vincent: Gal 4:17 - -- They zealously affect you ( ζηλοῦσιν ὑμᾶς ) They are zealously paying you court in order to win you over to their side. A...

They zealously affect you ( ζηλοῦσιν ὑμᾶς )

They are zealously paying you court in order to win you over to their side. Affect, in this sense, is obsolete. It is from affectare , to strive after , earnestly desire . So Shaks. Tam . of Shr . I. i. 40:

" In brief, sir, study what you most affect."

Ben Johnson, Alchem . iii. 2:

" Pray him aloud to name what dish he affects."

As a noun, desire . So Chaucer, Troil . and Cress . iii. 1391:

" As Crassus dide for his affectis wronge" (his wrong desires).

Comp. 1Co 12:31; 1Co 14:1.

Vincent: Gal 4:17 - -- Not well ( οὐ καλῶς ) Not in an honorable way.

Not well ( οὐ καλῶς )

Not in an honorable way.

Vincent: Gal 4:17 - -- Nay ( ἀλλὰ ) So far from dealing honorably.

Nay ( ἀλλὰ )

So far from dealing honorably.

Vincent: Gal 4:17 - -- They would exclude you ( ἐκκλεῖσαι ὑμᾶς θέλουσιν ) From other teachers who do not belong to their party - those of...

They would exclude you ( ἐκκλεῖσαι ὑμᾶς θέλουσιν )

From other teachers who do not belong to their party - those of anti-Judaising views who formed the sounder part of the church.

Vincent: Gal 4:17 - -- That ye might affect them ( ἵνα αὐτοὺς ζηλοῦτε ) So that in your isolation from others, you might be led to seek affili...

That ye might affect them ( ἵνα αὐτοὺς ζηλοῦτε )

So that in your isolation from others, you might be led to seek affiliation with them.

Vincent: Gal 4:18 - -- It is good - in a good thing Ζηλοῦσθαι to be zealously sought , in the same sense as before. It is passive. It is good for you ...

It is good - in a good thing

Ζηλοῦσθαι to be zealously sought , in the same sense as before. It is passive. It is good for you Galatians to be zealously sought. In a good thing (ἐν καλῷ ) answers to οὐ καλῶς not honorably , Gal 4:17. In a good matter - the interest of the gospel. Thus Paul would say: " These Judaisers zealously strive to win you over to their views; but they do not do this in an honorable way. There is no harm in seeking to interest and enlist you, provided it is in a good cause."

Vincent: Gal 4:19 - -- My little children ( τεκνία μου ) Only here in Paul, but often in John. See Joh 13:33; 1Jo 2:1, 1Jo 2:12, 1Jo 2:28; 1Jo 3:7, 1Jo 3:18,...

My little children ( τεκνία μου )

Only here in Paul, but often in John. See Joh 13:33; 1Jo 2:1, 1Jo 2:12, 1Jo 2:28; 1Jo 3:7, 1Jo 3:18, etc. See on Gal 3:26.

Vincent: Gal 4:19 - -- I travail in birth again ( πάλιν ὠδίνω ) Better as Rev. of whom I am again in travail . Ὡδίνω only here an...

I travail in birth again ( πάλιν ὠδίνω )

Better as Rev. of whom I am again in travail . Ὡδίνω only here and Rev 12:2. Gal 4:27 is a quotation. The metaphorical use of the word is frequent in O.T. See Psa 7:14; Sir. 19:11; 31:5; 43:17; Mic 4:10; Isa 26:18; Isa 66:8. Paul means that he is for the second time laboring and distressed for the Galatian converts, with the same anguish which attended his first efforts for their conversion. The metaphor of begetting children in the gospel is found in 1Co 4:15; Phm 1:10. It was a Jewish saying: " If one teaches the son of his neighbor the law, the Scripture reckons this the same as though he had begotten him."

Vincent: Gal 4:19 - -- Until Christ be formed in you ( μέχρις οὗ μορφωθῇ Χριστὸς ἐν ὑμῖν ) The forming of Christ in them, ...

Until Christ be formed in you ( μέχρις οὗ μορφωθῇ Χριστὸς ἐν ὑμῖν )

The forming of Christ in them, their attainment of the complete inner life of Christians, is the object of the new birth. By their relapse they have retarded this result and renewed Paul's spiritual travail. The verb μορφοῦν N.T.o . The idea under different aspects is common. See Rom 8:9; 1Co 2:16; 1Co 6:15; 2Co 3:18; Gal 2:20; Eph 3:17; Col 1:27.

Vincent: Gal 4:20 - -- I desire ( ἤθελον ) Better, I could wish , the imperfect tense referring to a suppressed conditional clause, as if it were ...

I desire ( ἤθελον )

Better, I could wish , the imperfect tense referring to a suppressed conditional clause, as if it were possible . Comp. Act 25:22; Rom 9:3.

Vincent: Gal 4:20 - -- To change my voice ( ἀλλάξαι τὴν φωνήν μου ) To address you, not with my former severity, so as to make you think me yo...

To change my voice ( ἀλλάξαι τὴν φωνήν μου )

To address you, not with my former severity, so as to make you think me your enemy, but affectionately, as a mother speaks to her children, yet still telling them the truth (ἀληθεύων ).

Vincent: Gal 4:20 - -- I stand in doubt of you ( ἀποροῦμαι ἐν ὑμῖν ) Lit. I am perplexed in you . For this use of ἐν, comp. 2Co 7...

I stand in doubt of you ( ἀποροῦμαι ἐν ὑμῖν )

Lit. I am perplexed in you . For this use of ἐν, comp. 2Co 7:16; Gal 1:24. Paul's perplexity is conceived as taking place in the readers. For the verb, see on Mar 6:20; see on 2Co 4:8. Paul means: " I am puzzled how to deal with you; how to find entrance to your hearts.

Wesley: Gal 4:1 - -- To illustrate by a plain similitude the preeminence of the Christian, over the legal, dispensation. The heir, as long as he is a child - As he is unde...

To illustrate by a plain similitude the preeminence of the Christian, over the legal, dispensation. The heir, as long as he is a child - As he is under age.

Wesley: Gal 4:1 - -- Not being at liberty either to use or enjoy his estate.

Not being at liberty either to use or enjoy his estate.

Wesley: Gal 4:1 - -- Proprietor of it all.

Proprietor of it all.

Wesley: Gal 4:2 - -- As to his person.

As to his person.

Wesley: Gal 4:2 - -- As to his substance.

As to his substance.

Wesley: Gal 4:3 - -- The church of God.

The church of God.

Wesley: Gal 4:3 - -- In our minority, under the legal dispensation.

In our minority, under the legal dispensation.

Wesley: Gal 4:3 - -- In a kind of servile state.

In a kind of servile state.

Wesley: Gal 4:3 - -- Under the typical observances of the law, which were like the first elements of grammar, the A B C of children; and were of so gross a nature, as hard...

Under the typical observances of the law, which were like the first elements of grammar, the A B C of children; and were of so gross a nature, as hardly to carry our thoughts beyond this world.

Wesley: Gal 4:4 - -- Appointed by the Father, Gal 4:2. Was come, God sent forth - From his own bosom. His Son, miraculously made of the substance of a woman - A virgin, wi...

Appointed by the Father, Gal 4:2. Was come, God sent forth - From his own bosom. His Son, miraculously made of the substance of a woman - A virgin, without the concurrence of a man.

Wesley: Gal 4:4 - -- Both under the precept, and under the curse, of it.

Both under the precept, and under the curse, of it.

Wesley: Gal 4:5 - -- From the curse of it, and from that low, servile state.

From the curse of it, and from that low, servile state.

Wesley: Gal 4:5 - -- Jews who believe.

Jews who believe.

Wesley: Gal 4:5 - -- All the privileges of adult sons.

All the privileges of adult sons.

Wesley: Gal 4:6 - -- Gentiles who believe, are also thus made his adult sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts likewise, crying, Abba, Father - E...

Gentiles who believe, are also thus made his adult sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts likewise, crying, Abba, Father - Enabling you to call upon God both with the confidence, and the tempers, of dutiful children. The Hebrew and Greek word are joined together, to express the joint cry of the Jews and gentiles.

Wesley: Gal 4:7 - -- Who believest in Christ.

Who believest in Christ.

Wesley: Gal 4:7 - -- Like those who are under the law.

Like those who are under the law.

Wesley: Gal 4:7 - -- Of mature age. And if a son, then an heir of all the promises, and of the all - sufficient God himself.

Of mature age. And if a son, then an heir of all the promises, and of the all - sufficient God himself.

Wesley: Gal 4:8 - -- That is, in reality.

That is, in reality.

Wesley: Gal 4:8 - -- And so were under a far worse bondage than even that of the Jews. For they did serve the true God, though in a low, slavish manner.

And so were under a far worse bondage than even that of the Jews. For they did serve the true God, though in a low, slavish manner.

Wesley: Gal 4:9 - -- As his beloved children.

As his beloved children.

Wesley: Gal 4:9 - -- Weak, utterly unable to purge your conscience from guilt, or to give that filial confidence in God.

Weak, utterly unable to purge your conscience from guilt, or to give that filial confidence in God.

Wesley: Gal 4:9 - -- incapable of enriching the soul with such holiness and happiness as ye are heirs to.

incapable of enriching the soul with such holiness and happiness as ye are heirs to.

Wesley: Gal 4:9 - -- Though of another kind; now to these elements, as before to those idols.

Though of another kind; now to these elements, as before to those idols.

Wesley: Gal 4:10 - -- Jewish sabbaths.

Jewish sabbaths.

Wesley: Gal 4:10 - -- New moons.

New moons.

Wesley: Gal 4:10 - -- As that of the passover, pentecost, and the feast of tabernacles.

As that of the passover, pentecost, and the feast of tabernacles.

Wesley: Gal 4:10 - -- Annual solemnities. it does not mean sabbatic years. These were not to be observed out of the land of Canaan.

Annual solemnities. it does not mean sabbatic years. These were not to be observed out of the land of Canaan.

Wesley: Gal 4:11 - -- The apostle here, dropping the argument, applies to the affections, Gal 4:11-20, and humbles himself to the Galatians, with an inexpressible tendernes...

The apostle here, dropping the argument, applies to the affections, Gal 4:11-20, and humbles himself to the Galatians, with an inexpressible tenderness.

Wesley: Gal 4:12 - -- Meet me in mutual love.

Meet me in mutual love.

Wesley: Gal 4:12 - -- I still love you as affectionately as ye once loved me.

I still love you as affectionately as ye once loved me.

Wesley: Gal 4:12 - -- I have received no personal injury from you.

I have received no personal injury from you.

Wesley: Gal 4:13 - -- That is, notwithstanding bodily weakness, and under great disadvantage from the despicableness of my outward appearance.

That is, notwithstanding bodily weakness, and under great disadvantage from the despicableness of my outward appearance.

Wesley: Gal 4:14 - -- That is, ye did not slight or disdain me for my temptation, my "thorn in the flesh."

That is, ye did not slight or disdain me for my temptation, my "thorn in the flesh."

Wesley: Gal 4:15 - -- On which ye so congratulated one another.

On which ye so congratulated one another.

Wesley: Gal 4:17 - -- The judaizing teachers who are come among you.

The judaizing teachers who are come among you.

Wesley: Gal 4:17 - -- Express an extraordinary regard for you.

Express an extraordinary regard for you.

Wesley: Gal 4:17 - -- Their zeal is not according to knowledge; neither have they a single eye to your spiritual advantage. Yea, they would exclude you - From me and from t...

Their zeal is not according to knowledge; neither have they a single eye to your spiritual advantage. Yea, they would exclude you - From me and from the blessings of the gospel.

Wesley: Gal 4:17 - -- Love and esteem them.

Love and esteem them.

Wesley: Gal 4:18 - -- In what is really worthy our zeal. True zeal is only fervent love.

In what is really worthy our zeal. True zeal is only fervent love.

Wesley: Gal 4:19 - -- He speaks as a parent, both with authority, and the most tender sympathy, toward weak and sickly children.

He speaks as a parent, both with authority, and the most tender sympathy, toward weak and sickly children.

Wesley: Gal 4:19 - -- As I did before, Gal 4:13, in vehement pain, sorrow, desire, prayer.

As I did before, Gal 4:13, in vehement pain, sorrow, desire, prayer.

Wesley: Gal 4:19 - -- Till there be in you all the mind that was in him.

Till there be in you all the mind that was in him.

Wesley: Gal 4:20 - -- Particularly in this exigence.

Particularly in this exigence.

Wesley: Gal 4:20 - -- Variously to attemper.

Variously to attemper.

Wesley: Gal 4:20 - -- He writes with much softness; but he would speak with more. The voice may more easily be varied according to the occasion than a letter can.

He writes with much softness; but he would speak with more. The voice may more easily be varied according to the occasion than a letter can.

Wesley: Gal 4:20 - -- So that I am at a loss how to speak at this distance.

So that I am at a loss how to speak at this distance.

JFB: Gal 4:1-7 - -- (Gal 3:29). It is not, as in earthly inheritances, the death of the father, but our Father's sovereign will simply that makes us heirs.

(Gal 3:29). It is not, as in earthly inheritances, the death of the father, but our Father's sovereign will simply that makes us heirs.

JFB: Gal 4:1-7 - -- Greek, "one under age."

Greek, "one under age."

JFB: Gal 4:1-7 - -- That is, has no more freedom than a slave (so the Greek for "servant" means). He is not at his own disposal.

That is, has no more freedom than a slave (so the Greek for "servant" means). He is not at his own disposal.

JFB: Gal 4:1-7 - -- By title and virtual ownership (compare 1Co 3:21-22).

By title and virtual ownership (compare 1Co 3:21-22).

JFB: Gal 4:2 - -- Rather, "guardians (of the person) and stewards (of the property)." Answering to "the law was our schoolmaster" or "tutor" (Gal 3:24).

Rather, "guardians (of the person) and stewards (of the property)." Answering to "the law was our schoolmaster" or "tutor" (Gal 3:24).

JFB: Gal 4:2 - -- In His eternal purposes (Eph 1:9-11). The Greek is a legal term, expressing a time defined by law, or testamentary disposition.

In His eternal purposes (Eph 1:9-11). The Greek is a legal term, expressing a time defined by law, or testamentary disposition.

JFB: Gal 4:3 - -- The Jews primarily, and inclusively the Gentiles also. For the "we" in Gal 4:5 plainly refers to both Jew and Gentile believers. The Jews in their bon...

The Jews primarily, and inclusively the Gentiles also. For the "we" in Gal 4:5 plainly refers to both Jew and Gentile believers. The Jews in their bondage to the law of Moses, as the representative people of the world, include all mankind virtually amenable to God's law (Rom 2:14-15; compare Note, see on Gal 3:13; Gal 3:23). Even the Gentiles were under "bondage," and in a state of discipline suitable to nonage, till Christ came as the Emancipator.

JFB: Gal 4:3 - -- As "servants" (Gal 4:1).

As "servants" (Gal 4:1).

JFB: Gal 4:3 - -- Or "rudiments"; rudimentary religion teaching of a non-Christian character: the elementary lessons of outward things (literally, "of the [outward] wor...

Or "rudiments"; rudimentary religion teaching of a non-Christian character: the elementary lessons of outward things (literally, "of the [outward] world"); such as the legal ordinances mentioned, Gal 4:10 (Col 2:8, Col 2:20). Our childhood's lessons [CONYBEARE and HOWSON]. Literally, The letters of the alphabet (Heb 5:12).

JFB: Gal 4:4 - -- Namely, "the time appointed by the Father" (Gal 4:2). Compare Note, see on Eph 1:10; Luk 1:57; Act 2:1; Eze 5:2. "The Church has its own ages" [BENGEL...

Namely, "the time appointed by the Father" (Gal 4:2). Compare Note, see on Eph 1:10; Luk 1:57; Act 2:1; Eze 5:2. "The Church has its own ages" [BENGEL]. God does nothing prematurely, but, foreseeing the end from the beginning, waits till all is ripe for the execution of His purpose. Had Christ come directly after the fall, the enormity and deadly fruits of sin would not have been realized fully by man, so as to feel his desperate state and need of a Saviour. Sin was fully developed. Man's inability to save himself by obedience to the law, whether that of Moses, or that of conscience, was completely manifested; all the prophecies of various ages found their common center in this particular time: and Providence, by various arrangements in the social and political, as well as the moral world, had fully prepared the way for the coming Redeemer. God often permits physical evil long before he teaches the remedy. The smallpox had for long committed its ravages before inoculation, and then vaccination, was discovered. It was essential to the honor of God's law to permit evil long before He revealed the full remedy. Compare "the set time" (Psa 102:13).

JFB: Gal 4:4 - -- Greek, "came."

Greek, "came."

JFB: Gal 4:4 - -- Greek, "sent forth out of heaven from Himself" [ALFORD and BENGEL]. The same verb is used of the Father's sending forth the Spirit (Gal 4:6). So in Ac...

Greek, "sent forth out of heaven from Himself" [ALFORD and BENGEL]. The same verb is used of the Father's sending forth the Spirit (Gal 4:6). So in Act 7:12. Compare with this verse, Joh 8:42; Isa 48:16.

JFB: Gal 4:4 - -- Emphatical. "His own Son." Not by adoption, as we are (Gal 4:5): nor merely His Son by the anointing of the Spirit which God sends into the heart (Gal...

Emphatical. "His own Son." Not by adoption, as we are (Gal 4:5): nor merely His Son by the anointing of the Spirit which God sends into the heart (Gal 4:6; Joh 1:18).

JFB: Gal 4:4 - -- "made" is used as in 1Co 15:45, "The first man, Adam, was made a living soul," Greek, "made to be (born) of a woman." The expression implies a special...

"made" is used as in 1Co 15:45, "The first man, Adam, was made a living soul," Greek, "made to be (born) of a woman." The expression implies a special interposition of God in His birth as man, namely, causing Him to be conceived by the Holy Ghost. So ESTIUS.

JFB: Gal 4:4 - -- "made to be under the law." Not merely as GROTIUS and ALFORD explain, "Born subject to the law as a Jew." But "made" by His Father's appointment, and ...

"made to be under the law." Not merely as GROTIUS and ALFORD explain, "Born subject to the law as a Jew." But "made" by His Father's appointment, and His own free will, "subject to the law," to keep it all, ceremonial and moral, perfectly for us, as the Representative Man, and to suffer and exhaust the full penalty of our whole race's violation of it. This constitutes the significance of His circumcision, His being presented in the temple (Luk 2:21-22, Luk 2:27; compare Mat 5:17), and His baptism by John, when He said (Mat 3:15), "Thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness."

JFB: Gal 4:5 - -- Greek, "That He might redeem."

Greek, "That He might redeem."

JFB: Gal 4:5 - -- Primarily the Jews: but as these were the representative people of the world, the Gentiles, too, are included in the redemption (Gal 3:13).

Primarily the Jews: but as these were the representative people of the world, the Gentiles, too, are included in the redemption (Gal 3:13).

JFB: Gal 4:5 - -- The Greek implies the suitableness of the thing as long ago predestined by God. "Receive as something destined or due" (Luk 23:41; 2Jo 1:8). Herein Go...

The Greek implies the suitableness of the thing as long ago predestined by God. "Receive as something destined or due" (Luk 23:41; 2Jo 1:8). Herein God makes of sons of men sons of God, inasmuch as God made of the Son of God the Son of man [AUGUSTINE on Psalm 52].

JFB: Gal 4:6 - -- The gift of the Spirit of prayer is the consequence of our adoption. The Gentile Galatians might think, as the Jews were under the law before their ad...

The gift of the Spirit of prayer is the consequence of our adoption. The Gentile Galatians might think, as the Jews were under the law before their adoption, that so they, too, must first be under the law. Paul, by anticipation, meets this objection by saying, YE ARE sons, therefore ye need not be as children (Gal 4:1) under the tutorship of the law, as being already in the free state of "sons" of God by faith in Christ (Gal 3:26), no longer in your nonage (as "children," Gal 4:1). The Spirit of God's only Begotten Son in your hearts, sent from, and leading you to cry to, the Father, attests your sonship by adoption: for the Spirit is the "earnest of your inheritance" (Rom 8:15-16; Eph 1:13). "It is because ye are sons that God sent forth" (the Greek requires this translation, not "hath sent forth") into OUR (so the oldest manuscripts read for "your," in English Version) hearts the Spirit of His son, crying, "Abba, Father" (Joh 1:12). As in Gal 4:5 he changed from "them," the third person, to "we," the first person, so here he changes from "ye," the second person, to "our," the first person: this he does to identify their case as Gentiles, with his own and that of his believing fellow countrymen, as Jews. In another point of view, though not the immediate one intended by the context, this verse expresses, "Because ye are sons (already in God's electing purpose of love), God sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts," &c.: God thus, by sending His Spirit in due time, actually conferring that sonship which He already regarded as a present reality ("are") because of His purpose, even before it was actually fulfilled. So Heb 2:13, where "the children" are spoken of as existing in His purpose, before their actual existence.

JFB: Gal 4:6 - -- By faith ye are one with the Son, so that what is His is yours; His Sonship ensures your sonship; His Spirit ensures for you a share in the same. "If ...

By faith ye are one with the Son, so that what is His is yours; His Sonship ensures your sonship; His Spirit ensures for you a share in the same. "If any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His" (Rom 8:9). Moreover, as the Spirit of God proceeds from God the Father, so the Spirit of the Son proceeds from the Son: so that the Holy Ghost, as the Creed says, "proceedeth from the Father and the Son." The Father was not begotten: the Son is begotten of the Father; the Holy Ghost proceeding from the Father and the Son.

JFB: Gal 4:6 - -- Here the SPIRIT is regarded as the agent in praying, and the believer as His organ. In Rom 8:15, "The Spirit of adoption" is said to be that whereby W...

Here the SPIRIT is regarded as the agent in praying, and the believer as His organ. In Rom 8:15, "The Spirit of adoption" is said to be that whereby WE cry, "Abba, Father"; but in Rom 8:26, "The SPIRIT ITSELF maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered." The believers' prayer is His prayer: hence arises its acceptability with God.

JFB: Gal 4:6 - -- The Hebrew says, "Abba" (a Hebrew term), the Greek, "Father" ("Pater," a Greek term in the original), both united together in one Sonship and one cry ...

The Hebrew says, "Abba" (a Hebrew term), the Greek, "Father" ("Pater," a Greek term in the original), both united together in one Sonship and one cry of faith, "Abba, Father." So "Even so ('Nai,' Greek) Amen (Hebrew)," both meaning the same (Rev 1:7). Christ's own former cry is the believers' cry, "Abba, Father" (Mar 14:36).

JFB: Gal 4:7 - -- Conclusion inferred from Gal 4:4-6.

Conclusion inferred from Gal 4:4-6.

JFB: Gal 4:7 - -- Individualizing and applying the truth to each. Such an individual appropriation of this comforting truth God grants in answer to them who cry, "Abba,...

Individualizing and applying the truth to each. Such an individual appropriation of this comforting truth God grants in answer to them who cry, "Abba, Father."

JFB: Gal 4:7 - -- The oldest manuscripts read, "an heir through God." This combines on behalf of man, the whole before-mentioned agency, of THE TRINITY: the Father sent...

The oldest manuscripts read, "an heir through God." This combines on behalf of man, the whole before-mentioned agency, of THE TRINITY: the Father sent His Son and the Spirit; the Son has freed us from the law; the Spirit has completed our sonship. Thus the redeemed are heirs THROUGH the Triune GOD, not through the law, nor through fleshly descent [WINDISCHMANN in ALFORD]; (Gal 3:18 confirms this).

JFB: Gal 4:7 - -- Confirming Gal 3:29; compare Rom 8:17.

Confirming Gal 3:29; compare Rom 8:17.

JFB: Gal 4:8-11 - -- Appeal to them not to turn back from their privileges as free sons, to legal bondage again.

Appeal to them not to turn back from their privileges as free sons, to legal bondage again.

JFB: Gal 4:8-11 - -- When ye were "servants" (Gal 4:7).

When ye were "servants" (Gal 4:7).

JFB: Gal 4:8-11 - -- Not opposed to Rom 1:21. The heathen originally knew God, as Rom 1:21 states, but did not choose to retain God in their knowledge, and so corrupted th...

Not opposed to Rom 1:21. The heathen originally knew God, as Rom 1:21 states, but did not choose to retain God in their knowledge, and so corrupted the original truth. They might still have known Him, in a measure, from His works, but as a matter of fact they knew Him not, so far as His eternity, His power as the Creator, and His holiness, are concerned.

JFB: Gal 4:8-11 - -- That is, have no existence, such as their worshippers attribute to them, in the nature of things, but only in the corrupt imaginations of their worshi...

That is, have no existence, such as their worshippers attribute to them, in the nature of things, but only in the corrupt imaginations of their worshippers (see on 1Co 8:4; 1Co 10:19-20; 2Ch 13:9). Your "service" was a different bondage from that of the Jews, which was a true service. Yet theirs, like yours, was a burdensome yoke; how then is it ye wish to resume the yoke after that God has transferred both Jews and Gentiles to a free service?

JFB: Gal 4:9 - -- They did not first know and love God, but God first, in His electing love, knew and loved them as His, and therefore attracted them to the saving know...

They did not first know and love God, but God first, in His electing love, knew and loved them as His, and therefore attracted them to the saving knowledge of Him (Mat 7:23; 1Co 8:3; 2Ti 2:19; compare Exo 33:12, Exo 33:17; Joh 15:16; Phi 3:12). God's great grace in this made their fall from it the more heinous.

JFB: Gal 4:9 - -- Expressing indignant wonder at such a thing being possible, and even actually occurring (Gal 1:6). "How is it that ye turn back again?"

Expressing indignant wonder at such a thing being possible, and even actually occurring (Gal 1:6). "How is it that ye turn back again?"

JFB: Gal 4:9 - -- Powerless to justify: in contrast to the justifying power of faith (Gal 3:24; compare Heb 7:18).

Powerless to justify: in contrast to the justifying power of faith (Gal 3:24; compare Heb 7:18).

JFB: Gal 4:9 - -- Contrasted with the riches of the inheritance of believers in Christ (Eph 1:18). The state of the "child" (Gal 4:1) is weak, as not having attained ma...

Contrasted with the riches of the inheritance of believers in Christ (Eph 1:18). The state of the "child" (Gal 4:1) is weak, as not having attained manhood; "beggarly," as not having attained the inheritance.

JFB: Gal 4:9 - -- "rudiments." It is as if a schoolmaster should go back to learning the A, B, C'S [BENGEL].

"rudiments." It is as if a schoolmaster should go back to learning the A, B, C'S [BENGEL].

JFB: Gal 4:9 - -- There are two Greek words in the original. "Ye desire again, beginning afresh, to be in bondage." Though the Galatians, as Gentiles, had never been un...

There are two Greek words in the original. "Ye desire again, beginning afresh, to be in bondage." Though the Galatians, as Gentiles, had never been under the Mosaic yoke, yet they had been under "the elements of the world" (Gal 4:3): the common designation for the Jewish and Gentile systems alike, in contrast to the Gospel (however superior the Jewish was to the Gentile). Both systems consisted in outward worship and cleaved to sensible forms. Both were in bondage to the elements of sense, as though these could give the justification and sanctification which the inner and spiritual power of God alone could bestow.

JFB: Gal 4:9 - -- Or "will." Will-worship is not acceptable to God (Col 2:18, Col 2:23).

Or "will." Will-worship is not acceptable to God (Col 2:18, Col 2:23).

JFB: Gal 4:10 - -- To regard the observance of certain days as in itself meritorious as a work, is alien to the free spirit of Christianity. This is not incompatible wit...

To regard the observance of certain days as in itself meritorious as a work, is alien to the free spirit of Christianity. This is not incompatible with observing the Sabbath or the Christian Lord's day as obligatory, though not as a work (which was the Jewish and Gentile error in the observance of days), but as a holy mean appointed by the Lord for attaining the great end, holiness. The whole life alike belongs to the Lord in the Gospel view, just as the whole world, and not the Jews only, belong to Him. But as in Paradise, so now one portion of time is needed wherein to draw off the soul more entirely from secular business to God (Col 2:16). "Sabbaths, new moons, and set feasts" (1Ch 23:31; 2Ch 31:3), answer to "days, months, times." "Months," however, may refer to the first and seventh months, which were sacred on account of the number of feasts in them.

JFB: Gal 4:10 - -- Greek, "seasons," namely, those of the three great feasts, the Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles.

Greek, "seasons," namely, those of the three great feasts, the Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles.

JFB: Gal 4:10 - -- The sabbatical year was about the time of writing this Epistle, A.D. 48 [BENGEL].

The sabbatical year was about the time of writing this Epistle, A.D. 48 [BENGEL].

JFB: Gal 4:11 - -- Greek, "lest haply." My fear is not for my own sake, but for yours.

Greek, "lest haply." My fear is not for my own sake, but for yours.

JFB: Gal 4:12 - -- "As I have in my life among you cast off Jewish habits, so do ye; for I am become as ye are," namely, in the non-observance of legal ordinances. "The ...

"As I have in my life among you cast off Jewish habits, so do ye; for I am become as ye are," namely, in the non-observance of legal ordinances. "The fact of my laying them aside among Gentiles, shows that I regard them as not at all contributing to justification or sanctification. Do you regard them in the same light, and act accordingly." His observing the law among the Jews was not inconsistent with this, for he did so only in order to win them, without compromising principle. On the other hand, the Galatian Gentiles, by adopting legal ordinances, showed that they regarded them as needful for salvation. This Paul combats.

JFB: Gal 4:12 - -- Namely, at the period when I first preached the Gospel among you, and when I made myself as you are, namely, living as a Gentile, not as a Jew. You at...

Namely, at the period when I first preached the Gospel among you, and when I made myself as you are, namely, living as a Gentile, not as a Jew. You at that time did me no wrong; "ye did not despise my temptation in the flesh" (Gal 4:14): nay, you "received me as an angel of God." Then in Gal 4:16, he asks, "Have I then, since that time, become your enemy by telling you the truth?"

JFB: Gal 4:13 - -- Rather, as Greek, "Ye know that because of an infirmity of my flesh I preached," &c. He implies that bodily sickness, having detained him among them, ...

Rather, as Greek, "Ye know that because of an infirmity of my flesh I preached," &c. He implies that bodily sickness, having detained him among them, contrary to his original intentions, was the occasion of his preaching the Gospel to them.

JFB: Gal 4:13 - -- Literally, "at the former time"; implying that at the time of writing he had been twice in Galatia. See my Introduction; also see on Gal 4:16, and Gal...

Literally, "at the former time"; implying that at the time of writing he had been twice in Galatia. See my Introduction; also see on Gal 4:16, and Gal 5:21. His sickness was probably the same as recurred more violently afterward, "the thorn in the flesh" (2Co 12:7), which also was overruled to good (2Co 12:9-10), as the "infirmity of the flesh" here.

JFB: Gal 4:14 - -- The oldest manuscripts read, "your temptation." My infirmity, which was, or might have been, a "temptation," or trial, to you, ye despised not, that i...

The oldest manuscripts read, "your temptation." My infirmity, which was, or might have been, a "temptation," or trial, to you, ye despised not, that is, ye were not tempted by it to despise me and my message. Perhaps, however, it is better to punctuate and explain as LACHMANN, connecting it with Gal 4:13, "And (ye know) your temptation (that is, the temptation to which ye were exposed through the infirmity) which was in my flesh. Ye despised not (through natural pride), nor rejected (through spiritual pride), but received me," &c. "Temptation does not mean here, as we now use the word, tendency to an evil habit, but BODILY TRIAL."

JFB: Gal 4:14 - -- As a heaven-inspired and sent messenger from God: angel means "messenger" (Mal 2:7). Compare the phrase, 2Sa 19:27, a Hebrew and Oriental one for a pe...

As a heaven-inspired and sent messenger from God: angel means "messenger" (Mal 2:7). Compare the phrase, 2Sa 19:27, a Hebrew and Oriental one for a person to be received with the highest respect (Zec 12:8). An angel is free from the flesh, infirmity, and temptation.

JFB: Gal 4:14 - -- Being Christ's representative (Mat 10:40). Christ is Lord of angels.

Being Christ's representative (Mat 10:40). Christ is Lord of angels.

JFB: Gal 4:15 - -- Of what value was your congratulation (so the Greek for "blessedness" expresses) of yourselves, on account of your having among you me, the messenger ...

Of what value was your congratulation (so the Greek for "blessedness" expresses) of yourselves, on account of your having among you me, the messenger of the Gospel, considering how entirely you have veered about since? Once you counted yourselves blessed in being favored with my ministry.

JFB: Gal 4:15 - -- One of the dearest members of the body--so highly did you value me: a proverbial phrase for the greatest self-sacrifice (Mat 5:29). CONYBEARE and HOWS...

One of the dearest members of the body--so highly did you value me: a proverbial phrase for the greatest self-sacrifice (Mat 5:29). CONYBEARE and HOWSON think that this particular form of proverb was used with reference to a weakness in Paul's eyes, connected with a nervous frame, perhaps affected by the brightness of the vision described, Act 22:11; 2Co 12:1-7. "You would have torn out your own eyes to supply the lack of mine." The divine power of Paul's words and works, contrasting with the feebleness of his person (2Co 10:10), powerfully at first impressed the Galatians, who had all the impulsiveness of the Celtic race from which they sprang. Subsequently they soon changed with the fickleness which is equally characteristic of Celts.

JFB: Gal 4:16 - -- Translate, "Am I then become your enemy (an enemy in your eyes) by telling you the truth" (Gal 2:5, Gal 2:14)? He plainly did not incur their enmity a...

Translate, "Am I then become your enemy (an enemy in your eyes) by telling you the truth" (Gal 2:5, Gal 2:14)? He plainly did not incur their enmity at his first visit, and the words here imply that he had since then, and before his now writing, incurred it: so that the occasion of his telling them the unwelcome truth, must have been at his second visit (Act 18:23, see my Introduction). The fool and sinner hate a reprover. The righteous love faithful reproof (Psa 141:5; Pro 9:8).

JFB: Gal 4:17 - -- Your flatterers: in contrast to Paul himself, who tells them the truth.

Your flatterers: in contrast to Paul himself, who tells them the truth.

JFB: Gal 4:17 - -- Zeal in proselytism was characteristic especially of the Jews, and so of Judaizers (Gal 1:14; Mat 23:15; Rom 10:2).

Zeal in proselytism was characteristic especially of the Jews, and so of Judaizers (Gal 1:14; Mat 23:15; Rom 10:2).

JFB: Gal 4:17 - -- That is, court you (2Co 11:2).

That is, court you (2Co 11:2).

JFB: Gal 4:17 - -- Not in a good way, or for a good end. Neither the cause of their zealous courting of you, nor the manner, is what it ought to be.

Not in a good way, or for a good end. Neither the cause of their zealous courting of you, nor the manner, is what it ought to be.

JFB: Gal 4:17 - -- "They wish to shut you out" from the kingdom of God (that is, they wish to persuade you that as uncircumcised Gentiles, you are shut out from it), "th...

"They wish to shut you out" from the kingdom of God (that is, they wish to persuade you that as uncircumcised Gentiles, you are shut out from it), "that ye may zealously court them," that is, become circumcised, as zealous followers of themselves. ALFORD explains it, that their wish was to shut out the Galatians from the general community, and attract them as a separate clique to their own party. So the English word "exclusive," is used.

JFB: Gal 4:18 - -- Rather, to correspond to "zealously court" in Gal 4:18, "to be zealously courted." I do not find fault with them for zealously courting you, nor with ...

Rather, to correspond to "zealously court" in Gal 4:18, "to be zealously courted." I do not find fault with them for zealously courting you, nor with you for being zealously courted: provided it be "in a good cause" (translate so), "it is a good thing" (1Co 9:20-23). My reason for saying the "not well" (Gal 4:17; the Greek is the same as that for "good," and "in a good cause," in Gal 4:28), is that their zealous courting of you is not in a good cause. The older interpreters, however, support English Version (compare Gal 1:14).

JFB: Gal 4:18 - -- Translate and arrange the words thus, "At all times, and not only when I am present with you." I do not desire that I exclusively should have the priv...

Translate and arrange the words thus, "At all times, and not only when I am present with you." I do not desire that I exclusively should have the privilege of zealously courting you. Others may do so in my absence with my full approval, if only it be in a good cause, and if Christ be faithfully preached (Phi 1:15-18).

JFB: Gal 4:19 - -- (1Ti 1:18; 2Ti 2:1; 1Jo 2:1). My relation to you is not merely that of one zealously courting you (Gal 4:17-18), but that of a father to his children...

(1Ti 1:18; 2Ti 2:1; 1Jo 2:1). My relation to you is not merely that of one zealously courting you (Gal 4:17-18), but that of a father to his children (1Co 4:15).

JFB: Gal 4:19 - -- That is, like a mother in pain till the birth of her child.

That is, like a mother in pain till the birth of her child.

JFB: Gal 4:19 - -- A second time. The former time was when I was "present with you" (Gal 4:18; compare Note, see on Gal 4:13).

A second time. The former time was when I was "present with you" (Gal 4:18; compare Note, see on Gal 4:13).

JFB: Gal 4:19 - -- That you may live nothing but Christ, and think nothing but Christ (Gal 2:20), and glory in nothing but Him, and His death, resurrection, and righteou...

That you may live nothing but Christ, and think nothing but Christ (Gal 2:20), and glory in nothing but Him, and His death, resurrection, and righteousness (Phi 3:8-10; Col 1:27).

JFB: Gal 4:20 - -- Translate as Greek, "I could wish." If circumstances permitted (which they do not), I would gladly be with you [M. STUART].

Translate as Greek, "I could wish." If circumstances permitted (which they do not), I would gladly be with you [M. STUART].

JFB: Gal 4:20 - -- As I was twice already. Speaking face to face is so much more effective towards loving persuasion than writing (2Jo 1:12; 3Jo 1:13-14).

As I was twice already. Speaking face to face is so much more effective towards loving persuasion than writing (2Jo 1:12; 3Jo 1:13-14).

JFB: Gal 4:20 - -- As a mother (Gal 4:19): adapting my tone of voice to what I saw in person your case might need. This is possible to one present, but not to one in wri...

As a mother (Gal 4:19): adapting my tone of voice to what I saw in person your case might need. This is possible to one present, but not to one in writing [GROTIUS and ESTIUS].

JFB: Gal 4:20 - -- Rather, "I am perplexed about you," namely, how to deal with you, what kind of words to use, gentle or severe, to bring you back to the right path.

Rather, "I am perplexed about you," namely, how to deal with you, what kind of words to use, gentle or severe, to bring you back to the right path.

Clarke: Gal 4:1 - -- The heir, as long as He is a child - Though he be appointed by his father’ s will heir of all his possessions yet till he arrive at the legal a...

The heir, as long as He is a child - Though he be appointed by his father’ s will heir of all his possessions yet till he arrive at the legal age he is master of nothing, and does not differ from one of the common domestics.

Clarke: Gal 4:2 - -- But is under tutors - Επιτροπους· Guardians and governors; οικονομους· those who have the charge of the family. These word...

But is under tutors - Επιτροπους· Guardians and governors; οικονομους· those who have the charge of the family. These words are nearly similar; but we may consider the first as executor, the last as the person who superintends the concerns of the family and estate till the heir become of age; such as we call trustee

Clarke: Gal 4:2 - -- Until the time appointed of the father - The time mentioned in the father’ s will or testament.

Until the time appointed of the father - The time mentioned in the father’ s will or testament.

Clarke: Gal 4:3 - -- Even so we - The whole Jewish people were in a state of nonage while under the law

Even so we - The whole Jewish people were in a state of nonage while under the law

Clarke: Gal 4:3 - -- The elements of the world - A mere Jewish phrase, יסודי עולם הזה yesodey olam hazzeh , "the principles of this world;"that is, the rudi...

The elements of the world - A mere Jewish phrase, יסודי עולם הזה yesodey olam hazzeh , "the principles of this world;"that is, the rudiments or principles of the Jewish religion. The apostle intimates that the law was not the science of salvation, it was only the elements or alphabet of it; and in the Gospel this alphabet is composed into a most glorious system of Divine knowledge: but as the alphabet is nothing of itself, unless compounded into syllables, words, sentences, and discourses; so the law, taken by itself, gives no salvation; it contains indeed the outlines of the Gospel, but it is the Gospel alone that fills up these outlines.

Clarke: Gal 4:4 - -- When the fullness of the time was come - The time which God in his infinite wisdom counted best; in which all his counsels were filled up; and the t...

When the fullness of the time was come - The time which God in his infinite wisdom counted best; in which all his counsels were filled up; and the time which his Spirit, by the prophets, had specified; and the time to which he intended the Mosaic institutions should extend, and beyond which they should be of no avail

Clarke: Gal 4:4 - -- God sent forth his Son - Him who came immediately from God himself, made of a woman, according to the promise, Gen 3:15; produced by the power of Go...

God sent forth his Son - Him who came immediately from God himself, made of a woman, according to the promise, Gen 3:15; produced by the power of God in the womb of the Virgin Mary without any intervention of man; hence he was called the Son of God. See Luke, Luk 1:35, and the note there

Clarke: Gal 4:4 - -- Made under the law - In subjection to it, that in him all its designs might be fulfilled, and by his death the whole might be abolished; the law dyi...

Made under the law - In subjection to it, that in him all its designs might be fulfilled, and by his death the whole might be abolished; the law dying when the Son of God expired upon the cross.

Clarke: Gal 4:5 - -- To redeem them - Εξαγορασῃ· To pay down a price for them, and thus buy them off from the necessity of observing circumcision, offering...

To redeem them - Εξαγορασῃ· To pay down a price for them, and thus buy them off from the necessity of observing circumcision, offering brute sacrifices, performing different ablutions, etc., etc

Clarke: Gal 4:5 - -- That we might receive the adoption of sons - Which adoption we could not obtain by the law; for it is the Gospel only that puts us among the childre...

That we might receive the adoption of sons - Which adoption we could not obtain by the law; for it is the Gospel only that puts us among the children, and gives us a place in the heavenly family. On the nature of adoption see the notes on Rom 8:15.

Clarke: Gal 4:6 - -- And because ye are sons - By faith in Christ Jesus, being redeemed both from the bondage and curse of the law; God - the Father, called generally th...

And because ye are sons - By faith in Christ Jesus, being redeemed both from the bondage and curse of the law; God - the Father, called generally the first person of the glorious Trinity, hath sent forth the Spirit - the Holy Ghost, the second person of that Trinity, of his Son - Jesus Christ, the third person of the Trinity - crying, Abba, Father! from the fullest and most satisfactory evidence that God, the Father, Son, and Spirit, had become their portion. For the explanation of the phrase, and why the Greek and Syriac terms are joined together here, see the notes on Mar 14:36, and on Rom 8:15 (note).

Clarke: Gal 4:7 - -- Thou art no more a servant - Thou who hast believed in Christ art no longer a slave, either under the dominion of sin or under obligation to the Mos...

Thou art no more a servant - Thou who hast believed in Christ art no longer a slave, either under the dominion of sin or under obligation to the Mosaic ritual; but a son of God, adopted into the heavenly family

Clarke: Gal 4:7 - -- And if a son, then an heir - Having a right to the inheritance, because one of the family, for none can inherit but the children; but this heirship ...

And if a son, then an heir - Having a right to the inheritance, because one of the family, for none can inherit but the children; but this heirship is the most extraordinary of all: it is not an heirship of any tangible possession, either in heaven or earth; it is not to possess a part or even the whole of either, it is to possess Him who made all things; not God’ s works, but God himself: heirs of God through Christ.

Clarke: Gal 4:8 - -- When ye knew not God - Though it is evident, from the complexion of the whole of this epistle, that the great body of the Christians in the Churches...

When ye knew not God - Though it is evident, from the complexion of the whole of this epistle, that the great body of the Christians in the Churches of Galatia were converts from among the Jews or proselytes to Judaism; yet from this verse it appears that there were some who had been converted from heathenism; unless we suppose that the apostle here particularly addresses those who had been proselytes to Judaism and thence converted to Christianity; which appears to be most likely from the following verses.

Clarke: Gal 4:9 - -- Now, after that ye have known God - After having been brought to the knowledge of God as your Savior

Now, after that ye have known God - After having been brought to the knowledge of God as your Savior

Clarke: Gal 4:9 - -- Or rather are known of God - Are approved of him, having received the adoption of sons

Or rather are known of God - Are approved of him, having received the adoption of sons

Clarke: Gal 4:9 - -- To the weak and beggarly elements - After receiving all this, will ye turn again to the ineffectual rites and ceremonies of the Mosaic law - rites t...

To the weak and beggarly elements - After receiving all this, will ye turn again to the ineffectual rites and ceremonies of the Mosaic law - rites too weak to counteract your sinful habits, and too poor to purchase pardon and eternal life for you? If the Galatians were turning again to them, it is evident that they had been once addicted to them. And this they might have been, allowing that they had become converts from heathenism to Judaism, and from Judaism to Christianity. This makes the sense consistent between the 8th and 9th verses.

Clarke: Gal 4:10 - -- Ye observe days - Ye superstitiously regard the Sabbaths and particular days of your own appointment

Ye observe days - Ye superstitiously regard the Sabbaths and particular days of your own appointment

Clarke: Gal 4:10 - -- And months - New moons; times - festivals, such as those of tabernacles, dedication, passover, etc

And months - New moons; times - festivals, such as those of tabernacles, dedication, passover, etc

Clarke: Gal 4:10 - -- Years - Annual atonements, sabbatical years, and jubilees.

Years - Annual atonements, sabbatical years, and jubilees.

Clarke: Gal 4:11 - -- I am afraid of you - I begin now to be seriously alarmed for you, and think you are so thoroughly perverted from the Gospel of Christ, that all my p...

I am afraid of you - I begin now to be seriously alarmed for you, and think you are so thoroughly perverted from the Gospel of Christ, that all my pains and labor in your conversion have been thrown away.

Clarke: Gal 4:12 - -- Be as I am - Thoroughly addicted to the Christian faith and worship, from the deepest conviction of its truth

Be as I am - Thoroughly addicted to the Christian faith and worship, from the deepest conviction of its truth

Clarke: Gal 4:12 - -- For I am as ye are - I was formerly a Jew, and as zealously addicted to the rites and ceremonies of Judaism as ye are, but I am saved from that mean...

For I am as ye are - I was formerly a Jew, and as zealously addicted to the rites and ceremonies of Judaism as ye are, but I am saved from that mean and unprofitable dependence: "Be therefore as I am now; who was once as you now are."Others think the sense to be this: "Be as affectionate to me as I am to you; for ye were once as loving to me as I am now to you.

Clarke: Gal 4:12 - -- Ye have not injured me at all - I do not thus earnestly entreat you to return to your Christian profession because your perversion has been any loss...

Ye have not injured me at all - I do not thus earnestly entreat you to return to your Christian profession because your perversion has been any loss to me, nor because your conversion can be to me any gain: ye have not injured me at all, ye only injure yourselves; and I entreat you, through the intense love I bear to you, as my once beloved brethren in Christ Jesus, to return to him from whom ye have revolted.

Clarke: Gal 4:13 - -- Ye know how through infirmity - The apostle seems to say that he was much afflicted in body when he first preached the Gospel to them. And is this a...

Ye know how through infirmity - The apostle seems to say that he was much afflicted in body when he first preached the Gospel to them. And is this any strange thing, that a minister, so laborious as St. Paul was, should be sometimes overdone and overcome by the severity of his labors? Surely not. This might have been only an occasional affliction, while laboring in that part of Asia Minor; and not a continual and incurable infirmity, as some have too hastily conjectured.

Clarke: Gal 4:14 - -- And my temptation which was in my flesh - On this verse there are a great many various readings, as there are various opinions Instead of μου, M...

And my temptation which was in my flesh - On this verse there are a great many various readings, as there are various opinions

Instead of μου, My temptation, ABC*D*FG, some others, with the Coptic, Vulgate, Itala, and several of the primitive fathers, have ὑμων, Your temptation

The word πειρασμον, which we translate temptation, signifies trial of any kind. The verse therefore may be read, "Ye despised not the trial which was in my flesh;"or, "Ye despised not your trial, which was in my flesh:"i.e. what my flesh suffered on your account, the afflictions I passed through in consequence of my severe labors on your account. You did not consider me less an apostle of God on account of my sinking for a time under the weight of my work. Had they been disaffected towards him at that time, they would have used this to the prejudice of his apostolic mission. "What! do you pretend to be an extraordinary messenger from God, and yet are suffered to fall into sickness under the severity of your labor? If God sent you, would he not sustain you?"This would have been quite natural, had they not been well affected toward him. But, on the contrary, notwithstanding these afflictions, they received him as an angel of God - as a messenger from heaven, and as Jesus Christ himself. This appears to me to be the simple meaning of the apostle, and that he neither alludes to a bodily nor mental infirmity, which generally or periodically afflicted him, as some have imagined. Nor does he appear at all to speak of the same case as that mentioned 2Co 12:7, where I wish the reader to consult the notes. That St. Paul had frequent and severe afflictions, in consequence of his constant and severe exertions in the Gospel ministry, we may readily believe, and of this his own words bear sufficient testimony

See his affecting account, 2Co 11:23-29, and the notes there.

Clarke: Gal 4:15 - -- Where is then the blessedness ye spake of? - Ye spake of should be in italics, there being no corresponding word in the Greek text. Perhaps there is...

Where is then the blessedness ye spake of? - Ye spake of should be in italics, there being no corresponding word in the Greek text. Perhaps there is not a sentence in the New Testament more variously translated than this. I shall give the original: τις ουν ην ὁ μακαρισμος ὑμων· What was then your blessedness! Or, How great was your happiness at that time! Or, What blessings did ye then pour on me! It is worthy of remark, that, instead of τις, what, ABCFG, several others, the older Syriac, the later Syriac in the margin, the Armenian, Vulgate, one copy of the Itala, and some of the fathers, have που, where; and ην, was, is omitted by ACD, several others, also the Vulgate, Itala, and the Latin fathers. According to these authorities the text should be read thus: Where then is your blessedness? Having renounced the Gospel, you have lost your happiness. What have your false teachers given you to compensate the loss of communion with God, or that Spirit of adoption, that Spirit of Christ, by which you cried Abba, Father! If, however, we understand the words as implying the benedictions they then heaped on the apostle, the sense will be sufficiently natural, and agree well with the concluding part of the verse; for I bear you record, that, if possible, ye would have plucked out your own eyes, and have given them to me. You had then the strongest affection for me; you loved God, and you loved me for God’ s sake, and were ready to give me the most unequivocal proof of your love

Dearer than one’ s eyes, or to profess to give one’ s eyes for the sake of a person, appears to have been a proverbial expression, intimating the highest tokens of the strongest affection. We find a similar form of speech in Terence, Adelphi, act iv., scene 5, ver. 67

Di me pater Omnes oderint, ni magis t

quam oculos nunc ego amo meos

"O father, may all the gods hate me

if I do not love you now more than my own eyes."

Clarke: Gal 4:16 - -- Am I therefore become your enemy - How is it that you are so much altered towards me, that you now treat me as an enemy, who formerly loved me with ...

Am I therefore become your enemy - How is it that you are so much altered towards me, that you now treat me as an enemy, who formerly loved me with the most fervent affection? Is it because I tell you the truth; that very truth for which you at first so ardently loved me?

Clarke: Gal 4:17 - -- They zealously affect you, but not well - It is difficult for common readers to understand the meaning of these words: perhaps it would be better to...

They zealously affect you, but not well - It is difficult for common readers to understand the meaning of these words: perhaps it would be better to translate Ζηλουσιν ὑμας ου καλως, these false teachers endeavor to conciliate your esteem, but not in honest or true principles; they work themselves into your good graces; they wish you to place all your affection upon themselves

Clarke: Gal 4:17 - -- They would exclude you - They wish to shut you out from the affection of your apostle, that you might affect them, ἱνα αυτους ζηλου...

They would exclude you - They wish to shut you out from the affection of your apostle, that you might affect them, ἱνα αυτους ζηλουτε, that you might love them alone, hear them alone, abide by their directions only, and totally abandon him who called you into the grace of the Gospel of Christ. Some MSS. read ἡμας, us, instead of ὑμας, you; they wish to shut us entirely out from among you, that you may receive and believe them alone. The sense is nearly the same but the former appears to be the more authentic reading.

Clarke: Gal 4:18 - -- It is good to be zealously affected - It is well to have a determined mind and an ardent heart in reference to things which are laudable and good

It is good to be zealously affected - It is well to have a determined mind and an ardent heart in reference to things which are laudable and good

Clarke: Gal 4:18 - -- Not only when I am present - You were thus attached to me when I was among you, but now ye have lost both your reverence and affection for me. Your ...

Not only when I am present - You were thus attached to me when I was among you, but now ye have lost both your reverence and affection for me. Your false teachers pretended great concern for you, that you might put all your confidence in them; they have gained their end; they have estranged you from me, and got you to renounce the Gospel, and have brought you again into your former bondage.

Clarke: Gal 4:19 - -- My little children - Τεκνια μου· My beloved children. As their conversion to God had been the fruit of much labor, prayers, and tears, s...

My little children - Τεκνια μου· My beloved children. As their conversion to God had been the fruit of much labor, prayers, and tears, so he felt them as his children, and peculiarly dear to him, because he had been the means of bringing them to the knowledge of the truth; therefore he represents himself as suffering the same anxiety and distress which he endured at first when he preached the Gospel to them, when their conversion to Christianity was a matter of great doubt and uncertainty. The metaphor which he uses needs no explanation

Clarke: Gal 4:19 - -- Until Christ be formed in you - Till you once more receive the Spirit and unction of Christ in your hearts, from which you are fallen, by your rejec...

Until Christ be formed in you - Till you once more receive the Spirit and unction of Christ in your hearts, from which you are fallen, by your rejection of the spirit of the Gospel.

Clarke: Gal 4:20 - -- I desire to be present with you - I wish to accommodate my doctrine to your state; I know not whether you need stronger reprehension, or to be dealt...

I desire to be present with you - I wish to accommodate my doctrine to your state; I know not whether you need stronger reprehension, or to be dealt with more leniently

Clarke: Gal 4:20 - -- I stand in doubt of you - I have doubts concerning your state; the progress of error and conviction among you, which I cannot fully know without bei...

I stand in doubt of you - I have doubts concerning your state; the progress of error and conviction among you, which I cannot fully know without being among you, This appears to be the apostle’ s meaning, and tends much to soften and render palatable the severity of his reproofs.

Calvin: Gal 4:1 - -- 1.Now I say. Whoever made the division into chapters has improperly separated this paragraph from the preceding, as it is nothing else than the concl...

1.Now I say. Whoever made the division into chapters has improperly separated this paragraph from the preceding, as it is nothing else than the concluding section, (ἐπεξεργασία,) in which Paul explains and illustrates the difference that exists between us and the ancient people. He does so by introducing a third comparison, drawn from the relation which a person under age bears to his tutor. The young man, though he is free, though he is lord of all his father’s family, still resembles a slave; for he is under the government of tutors. 65 But the period of guardianship lasts only “until the time appointed by the father” after which he enjoys his freedom. In this respect the fathers under the Old Testament, being the sons of God, were free; but they were not in possession of freedom, while the law held the place of their tutor, and kept them under its yoke. That slavery of the law lasted as long as it pleased God, who put an end to it at the coming of Christ. Lawyers enumerate various methods by which the tutelage or guardianship is brought to a close; but of all these methods, the only one adapted to this comparison is that which Paul has selected, “the appointment of the father.”

Let us now examine the separate clauses. Some apply the comparison in a different manner to the case of any man whatever, whereas Paul is speaking of two nations. What they say, I acknowledge, is true; but it has nothing to do with the present passage. The elect, though they are the children of God from the womb, yet, until by faith they come to the possession of freedom, remain like slaves under the law; but, from the time that they have known Christ, they no longer require this kind of tutelage. Granting all this, I deny that Paul here treats of individuals, or draws a distinction between the time of unbelief and the calling by faith. The matters in dispute were these. Since the church of God is one, how comes it that our condition is different from that of the Israelites? Since we are free by faith, how comes it that they, who had faith in common with us, were not partakers with us of the same freedom? Since we are all equally the children of God, how comes it that we at this day are exempt from a yoke which they were forced to bear? On these points the controversy turned, and not on the manner in which the law reigns over each of us before we are freed by faith from its slavery. Let this point be first of all settled, that Paul here compares the Israelitish church, which existed under the Old Testament, with the Christian church, that thus we may perceive in what points we agree and in what we differ. This comparison furnishes most abundant and most profitable instruction.

First, we learn from it that our hope at the present day, and that of the fathers under the Old Testament, have been directed to the same inheritance; for they were partakers of the same adoption. According to the dreams of some fanatics, and of Servetus among others, the fathers were divinely elected for the sole purpose of prefiguring to us a people of God. Paul, on the other hand, contends that they were elected in order to be together with us the children of God, and particularly attests that to them, not less than to us, belonged the spiritual blessing promised to Abraham.

Secondly, we learn that, notwithstanding their outward slavery, their consciences were still free. The obligation to keep the law did not hinder Moses and Daniel, all the pious kings, priests, and prophets, and the whole company of believers, from being free in spirit. They bore the yoke of the law upon their shoulders, but with a free spirit they worshipped God. More particularly, having been instructed concerning the free pardon of sin, their consciences were delivered from the tyranny of sin and death. Hence we ought to conclude that they held the same doctrine, were joined with us in the true unity of faith, placed reliance on the one Mediator, called on God as their Father, and were led by the same Spirit. All this leads to the conclusion, that the difference between us and the ancient fathers lies in accidents, not in substance. In all the leading characters of the Testament or Covenant we agree: the ceremonies and form of government, in which we differ, are mere additions. Besides, that period was the infancy of the church; but now that Christ is come, the church has arrived at the estate of manhood.

The meaning of Paul’s words is clear, but has he not some appearance of contradicting himself? In the Epistle to the Ephesians he exhorts us to make daily progress

“till we come to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.” (Eph 4:13.)

In the first Epistle to the Corinthians he says, (1Co 3:2,)

“I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able;”

and shortly after this he compares the Galatians to children. (Gal 4:19) In those passages, I reply, the apostle speaks of particular men, and of their faith as individuals; but here he speaks generally of two bodies without regard to persons. This reply will assist us in resolving a much greater difficulty. When we look at the matchless faith of Abraham, and the vast intelligence of the holy prophets, with what effrontery shall we dare to talk of such men as our inferiors? Were not they rather the heroes, and we the children? To say nothing of ourselves, who among the Galatians would have been found equal to any of those men?

But here, as I have already said, the apostle describes not particular persons, but the universal condition of both nations. Some men were endowed with extraordinary gifts; but they were few, and the whole body did not share with them. Besides, though they had been numerous, we must inquire not what they inwardly were, but what was that kind or government under which God had placed them; and that was manifestly a school, παιδαγωγία, a system of instruction for children. And what are we now? God has broken those chains, governs his church in a more indulgent manner, and lays not upon us such severe restraint. At the same time, we may remark in passing, that whatever amount of knowledge they might attain partook of the nature of the period; for a dark cloud continually rested on the revelation which they enjoyed. And hence that saying of our Savior,

“Blessed are the eyes which see the things that ye see: for I tell you that many prophets and kings have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them.” (Luk 10:23.)

We now understand in what respect we are preferred to those who were greatly our superiors; for the statements are not applied to persons, but relate entirely to the economy of the Divine administration.

This passage will prove a most powerful battery for destroying the pageantry of ceremonies, which constitutes the entire splendor of the Papal system. For what else is it that dazzles the eyes of simple people, so as to lead them to regard the dominion of the Pope, if not with admiration, at least with some degree of reverence, but the magnificent army of ceremonies, rites, gesticulations, and equipage of every description, contrived for the express purpose of amazing the ignorant? From this passage it appears that they are false disguises, by which the true beauty of the church is impaired. I do not now speak of greater and more frightful corruptions, such as, that they hold them out for divine worship, imagine them to possess the power of meriting salvation, and enforce with more rigid severity the observation of those trifles than the whole law of God. I only advert to the specious pretext under which our modern contrivers apologize for such a multitude of abominations. What though they object that the ignorance of the multitude prevails to a greater extent than it formerly did among the Israelites, and that many assistances are therefore required? They will never be able in this way to prove that the people must be placed under the discipline or a school similar to what existed among the people of Israel; for I shall always meet them with the declaration, that the appointment of God is totally different.

If they plead expediency, I ask, are they better judges of what is expedient than God himself? Let us entertain the firm conviction that the highest advantage, as well as the highest propriety, will be found in whatever God has determined. In aiding the ignorant, we must employ not those methods which the fancy of men may have been pleased to contrive, but those which had been fixed by God themself, who unquestionably has left out nothing that was fitted to assist their weakness. Let this shield suffice for repelling any objections: “God has judged otherwise, and his purpose supplies to us the place of all arguments; unless it be supposed that men are capable of devising better aids than those which God had provided, and which he afterwards threw aside as useless.” Let it be carefully observed, Paul does not merely say that the yoke which had been laid upon the Jews is removed from us, but expressly lays down a distinction in the government which God has commanded to be observed. I acknowledge that we are now at liberty as to all outward matters, but only on the condition that the church shall not be burdened with a multitude of ceremonies, nor Christianity confounded with Judaism. The reason of this we shall afterwards consider in the proper place.

Calvin: Gal 4:3 - -- 3.Under the elements of the world. Elements may either mean, literally, outward and bodily things, or, metaphorically, rudiments. I prefer the latter...

3.Under the elements of the world. Elements may either mean, literally, outward and bodily things, or, metaphorically, rudiments. I prefer the latter interpretation. But why does he say that those things which had a spiritual signification were of the world ? We did not, he says, enjoy the truth in a simple form, but involved in earthly figures; and consequently, what was outward must have been “of the world,” though there was concealed under it a heavenly mystery.

Calvin: Gal 4:4 - -- 4.When the fullness of the time was come. He proceeds with the comparison which he had adduced, and applies to his purpose the expression which has a...

4.When the fullness of the time was come. He proceeds with the comparison which he had adduced, and applies to his purpose the expression which has already occurred, “the time appointed by the Father,” — but still shewing that the time which had been ordained by the providence of God was proper and seasonable. That season is the most fit, and that mode of acting is the most proper, which the providence of God directs. At what time it was expedient that the Son of God should be revealed to the world, it belonged to God alone to judge and determine. This consideration ought to restrain all curiosity. Let no man presume to be dissatisfied with the secret purpose of God, and raise a dispute why Christ did not appear sooner. If the reader desires more full information on this subject, he may consult what I have written on the conclusion of the Epistle to the Romans.

God sent forth his Son. These few words contain much instruction. The Son, who was sent, must have existed before he was sent; and this proves his eternal Godhead. Christ therefore is the Son of God, sent from heaven. Yet this same person was made of a woman, because he assumed our nature, which shews that he has two natures. Some copies read natum instead of filium; but the latter reading is more generally followed, and, in my opinion, is preferable. But the language was also expressly intended to distinguish Christ from other men, as having been formed of the substance of his mother, and not by ordinary generation. In any other sense, it would have been trifling, and foreign to the subject. The word woman is here put generally for the female sex.

Subjected under the law The literal rendering is, Made under the law; but in my version I have preferred another word, which expresses more plainly the fact that he was placed in subjection to the law. Christ the Son of God, who might have claimed to be exempt from every kind of subjection, became subject to the law. Why? He did so in our room, that he might obtain freedom for us. A man who was free, by constituting himself a surety, redeems a slave: by putting on himself the chains, he takes them off from the other. So Christ chose to become liable to keep the law, that exemption from it might be obtained for us; otherwise it would have been to no purpose that he should come under the yoke of the law, for it certainly was not on his own account that he did so.

To redeem them that were under the law 66 We must here observe, the exemption from the law which Christ has procured for us does not imply that we no longer owe any obedience to the doctrine of the law, and may do whatever we please; for the law is the everlasting rule of a good and holy life. But Paul speaks of the law with all its appendages. From subjection to that law we are redeemed, because it is no longer what it once was. “The vail being rent,” (Mat 27:51,) freedom is openly proclaimed, and this is what he immediately adds.

Calvin: Gal 4:5 - -- 5.That we might receive the adoption. The fathers, under the Old Testament, were certain of their adoption, but did not so fully as yet enjoy their p...

5.That we might receive the adoption. The fathers, under the Old Testament, were certain of their adoption, but did not so fully as yet enjoy their privilege. Adoption, like the phrase, “the redemption of our body,” (Rom 8:23,) is here put for actual possession. As, at the last day, we receive the fruit of our redemption, so now we receive the fruit of adoption, of which the holy fathers did not partake before the coming of Christ; and therefore those who now burden the church with an excess of ceremonies, defraud her of the just right of adoption.

Calvin: Gal 4:6 - -- 6.And because ye are sons. The adoption which he had mentioned, is proved to belong to the Galatians by the following argument. This adoption must ha...

6.And because ye are sons. The adoption which he had mentioned, is proved to belong to the Galatians by the following argument. This adoption must have preceded the testimony of adoption given by the Holy Spirit; but the effect is the sign of the cause. In venturing, he says, to call God your Father, you have the advice and direction of the Spirit of Christ; therefore it is certain that you are the sons of God. This agrees with what is elsewhere taught by him, that the Spirit is the earnest and pledge of our adoption, and gives to us a well-founded belief that God regards us with a father’s love.

“Who hath also sealed us, and given the earnest of the Spirit
in our hearts.” (2Co 1:22.)

“Now he that hath wrought us for the self-same thing is God,
who also hath given unto us the earnest of the Spirit.”
(2Co 5:5.)

But it will be objected, do not wicked men, too, carry their rashness so far as to proclaim that God is their Father? Do they not frequently, with greater confidence than others, utter their false boasts? I reply, Paul’s language does not relate to idle boasting, or to the proud opinion of himself which any man may entertain, but to the testimony of a pious conscience which accompanies the new birth. This argument can have no weight but in the case of believers, for ungodly men have no experience of this certainty; as our Lord himself declares.

“The Spirit of truth,” says he, “whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him.”
(Joh 14:17.)

This is implied in Paul’s words, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts. It is not what the persons themselves, in the foolish judgment of the flesh, may venture to believe, but what God declares in their hearts by his Spirit. The Spirit of his Son is a title more strictly adapted to the present occasion than any other that could have been employed. We are the sons of God, because we have received the same Spirit as his only Son.

Let it be observed, that Paul ascribes this universally to all Christians; for where this pledge of the Divine love towards us is wanting, there is assuredly no faith. Hence it is evident what sort of Christianity belongs to Popery, since any man who says, that he has the Spirit of God, is charged by them with impious presumption. Neither the Spirit of God, nor certainty, belongs to their notion of faith. This single tenet held by them is a remarkable proof that, in all the schools of the Papists, the devil, the father of unbelief, reigns. I acknowledge, indeed, that the scholastic divines, when they enjoin upon the consciences of men the agitation of perpetual doubt, are in perfect agreement with what the natural feelings of mankind would dictate. It is the more necessary to fix in our minds this doctrine of Paul, that no man is a Christian who has not learned, by the teaching of the Holy Spirit, to call God his Father.

Crying. This participle, I think, is used in order to express greater boldness. Hesitation does not allow us to speak freely, but keeps the mouth nearly shut, while the half-broken words can hardly escape from a stammering tongue. “Crying,” on the other hand, expresses firmness and unwavering confidence.

“For we have not received again the spirit of bondage to fear,
but of freedom to full confidence.” (Rom 8:15.)

Abba, Father. The meaning of these words, I have no doubt, is, that calling upon God is common to all languages. It is a fact which bears directly on the present subject, that the name Father is given to God both by the Hebrews and by the Greeks; as had been predicted by Isaiah,

“Every tongue shall make confession to my name.”
(Isa 45:23.)

The whole of this subject is handled by the apostle at greater length in his Epistle to the Romans. I judge it unnecessary to repeat here observations which I have already made in the exposition of that Epistle, and which the reader may consult. Since, therefore, Gentiles are reckoned among the sons of God, it is evident that adoption comes not by the merit of the law, but by the grace of faith.

Calvin: Gal 4:7 - -- 7.Wherefore thou art no more a servant. In the Christian Church slavery no longer exists, but the condition of the children is free. In what respect ...

7.Wherefore thou art no more a servant. In the Christian Church slavery no longer exists, but the condition of the children is free. In what respect the fathers under the law were slaves, we have already inquired; for their freedom was not yet revealed, but was hidden under the coverings and yoke of the law. Our attention is again directed to the distinction between the Old and New Testaments. The ancients were also sons of God, and heirs through Christ, but we hold the same character in a different manner; for we have Christ present with us, and in that manner enjoy his blessings.

Calvin: Gal 4:8 - -- 8.But when ye as yet knew not God This is not intended as an additional argument; and indeed he had already proved his point so fully, that no doubt ...

8.But when ye as yet knew not God This is not intended as an additional argument; and indeed he had already proved his point so fully, that no doubt remained, and the rebuke which was now to be administered could not be evaded. His object is to make their fall appear more criminal, by comparing it with past events. It is not wonderful, he says, that formerly ye did service to them which by nature are no gods; for, wherever ignorance of God exists, there must be dreadful blindness. You were then wandering in darkness, but how disgraceful is it that in the midst of light you should fall into such gross errors! The main inference is, that the Galatians were less excusable for corrupting the gospel than they had formerly been for idolatry. But here it ought to be observed, that, till we have been enlightened in the true knowledge of one God, we always serve idols, whatever pretext we may throw over the false religion. The lawful worship of God, therefore, must be preceded by just views of his character. By nature, that is, in reality, they are no gods. Every object of worship which men contrive is a creature of their own imagination. In the opinion of men idols may be gods, but in reality they are nothing.

Calvin: Gal 4:9 - -- 9.But now, 67 after that ye have known God. No language can express the base ingratitude of departing from God, when he has once been known. What is...

9.But now, 67 after that ye have known God. No language can express the base ingratitude of departing from God, when he has once been known. What is it but to forsake, of our own accord, the light, the life, the fountain of all benefits, — “to forsake,” as Jeremiah complains,

“the fountain of living waters, and hew out cisterns,
broken cisterns, that can hold no water!” (Jer 2:13.)

Still farther to heighten the blame, he corrects his language, and says, or rather have been, known by God; for the greater the grace of God is towards us, our guilt in despising it must be the heavier. Paul reminds the Galatians whence they had derived the knowledge of God. He affirms that they did not obtain it by their own exertions, by the acuteness or industry of their own minds, but because, when they were at the farthest possible remove from thinking of him, God visited them in his mercy. What is said of the Galatians may be extended to all; for in all are fulfilled the words of Isaiah,

“I am sought by them that asked not for me:
I am found by them that sought me not.” (Isa 65:1.)

The origin of our calling is the free election of God, which predestinates us to life before we are born. On this depends our calling, our faith, our whole salvation.

How turn ye again ? They could not turn again to ceremonies which they had never practiced. The expression is figurative, and merely denotes, that to fall again into wicked superstition, as if they had never received the truth of God, was the height of folly. When he calls the ceremonies beggarly elements, he views them as out of Christ, and, what is more, as opposed to Christ. To the fathers they were not only profitable exercises and aids to piety, but efficacious means of grace. But then their whole value lay in Christ, and in the appointment of God. The false apostles, on the other hand, neglecting the promises, endeavored to oppose the ceremonies to Christ, as if Christ alone were not sufficient. That they should be regarded by Paul as worthless trifles, cannot excite surprise; but of this I have already spoken. The word bondage conveys a reproof for submitting to be slaves. 68

Calvin: Gal 4:10 - -- 10.Ye observe days. He adduces as an instance one description of “elements,” the observance of days. No condemnation is here given to the observa...

10.Ye observe days. He adduces as an instance one description of “elements,” the observance of days. No condemnation is here given to the observance of dates in the arrangements of civil society. The order of nature out of which this arises, is fixed and constant. How are months and years computed, but by the revolution of the sun and moon? What distinguishes summer from winter, or spring from harvest, but the appointment of God, — an appointment which was promised to continue to the end of the world? (Gen 8:22.) The civil observation of days contributes not only to agriculture and to matters of politics, and ordinary life, but is even extended to the government of the church. Of what nature, then, was the observation which Paul reproves? It was that which would bind the conscience, by religious considerations, as if it were necessary to the worship of God, and which, as he expresses it in the Epistle to the Romans, would make a distinction between one day and another. (Rom 14:5.)

When certain days are represented as holy in themselves, when one day is distinguished from another on religious grounds, when holy days are reckoned a part of divine worship, then days are improperly observed. The Jewish Sabbath, new moons, and other festivals, were earnestly pressed by the false apostles, because they had been appointed by the law. When we, in the present age, intake a distinction of days, we do not represent them as necessary, and thus lay a snare for the conscience; we do not reckon one day to be more holy than another; we do not make days to be the same thing with religion and the worship of God; but merely attend to the preservation of order and harmony. The observance of days among us is a free service, and void of all superstition.

Calvin: Gal 4:11 - -- 11.Lest I have bestowed upon you labor in vain. The expression is harsh, and must have filled the Galatians with alarm; for what hope was left to the...

11.Lest I have bestowed upon you labor in vain. The expression is harsh, and must have filled the Galatians with alarm; for what hope was left to them, if Paul’s labor had been in vain? Some have expressed astonishment that Paul should be so powerfully affected by the observance of days, as almost to designate it a subversion of the whole gospel. But if we carefully weigh the whole, we shall see that there was just reason; and that the false apostles not only attempted to lay the yoke of Jewish bondage on the neck of the church, but filled their minds with wicked superstitions. To bring back Christianity to Judaism, was in itself no light evil; but far more serious mischief was done, when, in opposition to the grace of Christ, they set up holidays as meritorious performances, and pretended that this mode of worship would propitiate the divine favor. When such doctrines were received, the worship of God was corrupted, the grace of Christ made void, and the freedom of conscience oppressed.

Do we wonder that Paul should be afraid that he had labored in vain, that the gospel would henceforth be of no service? And since that very description of impiety is now supported by Popery, what sort of Christ or what sort of gospel does it retain? So far as respects the binding of consciences, they enforce the observance of days with not less severity than was done by Moses. They consider holidays, not less than the false apostles did, to be a part of the worship of God, and even connect with them the diabolical notion of merit. The Papists must therefore be held equally censurable with the false apostles; and with this addition in aggravation, that, while the former proposed to keep those days which had been appointed by the law of God, the latter enjoin days, rashly stamped with their own seal, to be observed as most holy.

Calvin: Gal 4:12 - -- 12.Be as I am. Having till now spoken roughly, he begins to adopt a milder strain. The former harshness had been more than justified by the heinousne...

12.Be as I am. Having till now spoken roughly, he begins to adopt a milder strain. The former harshness had been more than justified by the heinousness of the offense; but as he wished to do good, he resolves to adopt a style of conciliation. It is the part of a wise pastor to consider, not what those who have wandered may justly deserve, but what may be the likeliest method of bringing them back to the right path. He must “be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with all long-suffering and doctrine.” (2Ti 4:2.) Following the method which he had recommended to Timothy, he leaves off chiding, and begins to use entreaties. I beseech you, he says, and calls them brethren, to assure them that no bitterness had mingled with his reproofs.

The words, be as I am, refer to the affection of the mind. As he endeavors to accommodate himself to them, so he wishes that they would do the like by him in return. For I am as ye are. “As I have no other object in view than to promote your benefit, so it is proper that you should be prevailed on to adopt moderate views, and to lend a willing, obedient ear to my instructions.” And here again pastors are reminded of their duty to come down, as far as they can, to the people, and to study the various dispositions of those with whom they have to deal, if they wish to obtain compliance with their message. The proverb still holds: “to be loved, you must be lovely.”

Ye have not injured me at all. This is intended to remove the suspicion which might have rendered his former reproofs more disagreeable. If we think that a person is speaking under a sense of injury, or revenging a private quarrel, we turn away our minds from him entirely, and are sure to torture whatever he says into an unfavourable interpretation. Paul therefore meets the rising prejudice by saying, “So far as respects myself, I have no cause to complain of you. It is not on my own account, nor from any hostility to you, that I feel warmly; and therefore, if I use strong language, it must arise from some other cause than hatred or anger.”

Calvin: Gal 4:13 - -- 13.Ye know that, through infirmity of the flesh. He recalls to their recollection the friendly and respectful manner in which they had received him, ...

13.Ye know that, through infirmity of the flesh. He recalls to their recollection the friendly and respectful manner in which they had received him, and he does so for two reasons. First, to let them know that he loved them, and thus to gain a ready ear to all that he says; and secondly, to encourage them, that, as they had begun well, they would go on in the same course. This mention of past occurrences, then, while it is an expression of his kind regards, is intended likewise as an exhortation to act in the same manner as they had done at an earlier period.

By infirmity of the flesh he means here, as in other places, what had a tendency to make him appear mean and despised. Flesh denotes his outward appearance, which the word infirmity describes to have been contemptible. Such was Paul when he came among them, without show, without pretense, without worldly honors or rank, without everything that could gain him respect or estimation in the eyes of men. Yet all this did not prevent the Galatians from giving him the most honorable reception. The narrative contributes powerfully to his argument, for what was there in Paul to awaken their esteem or veneration, but the power of the Holy Spirit alone? Under what pretext, then, will they now begin to despise that power? Next, they are charged with inconsistency, since no subsequent occurrence in the life of Paul could entitle them to esteem him less than before. But this he leaves to be considered by the Galatians, contenting himself with indirectly suggesting it as a subject of consideration.

Calvin: Gal 4:14 - -- 14.My temptation. That is, “Though ye perceived me to be, in a worldly point of view, a contemptible person, yet ye did not reject me.” He calls ...

14.My temptation. That is, “Though ye perceived me to be, in a worldly point of view, a contemptible person, yet ye did not reject me.” He calls it a temptation or trial, because it was a thing not unknown or hidden, and he did not himself attempt to conceal it, as is usually done by ambitious men, who are ashamed of anything about them that may lower them in public estimation. It frequently happens that unworthy persons receive applause, before their true character has been discovered, and shortly afterwards are dismissed with shame and disgrace. But widely different was the case of Paul, who had used no disguise to impose on the Galatians, but had frankly told them what he was.

As an angel of God. In this light every true minister of Christ ought to be regarded. As God employs the services of angels for communicating to us his favors, so godly teachers are divinely raised up to administer to us the most excellent of all blessings, the doctrine of eternal salvation. Not without good reason are they, by whose hands God dispenses to us such a treasure, compared to angels: for they too are the messengers of God, by whose mouth God speaks to us. And this argument is used by Malachi.

“The priest’s lips should keep knowledge, and they should seek the law at his mouth, for he is the messenger of the Lord of hosts. ” (Mal 2:7.)

But the apostle rises still higher, and adds, even as Christ Jesus; for the Lord himself commands that his ministers shall be viewed in the same light as himself.

“He that heareth you heareth me,
and he that despiseth you despiseth me.” (Luk 10:16.)

Nor is this wonderful; for it is in his name that they discharge their embassy, and thus they hold the rank of him in whose room they act. Such is the highly commendatory language which reveals to us at once the majesty of the gospel, and the honorable character of its ministry. If it be the command of Christ that his ministers shall be thus honored, it is certain that contempt of them proceeds from the instigation of the devil; and indeed they never can be despised so long as the word of God is esteemed. In vain do the Papists attempt to hold out this pretext for their own arrogant pretensions. As they are plainly the enemies of Christ, how absurd is it that they should assume the garb, and take to themselves the character, of Christ’s servants! If they wish to obtain the honors of angels, let them perform the duty of angels: if they wish that we should listen to them as to Christ, let them convey to us faithfully his pure word.

Calvin: Gal 4:15 - -- 15.Where is there your blessedness? Paul had made them happy, and he intimates that the pious affection with which they formerly regarded him was an ...

15.Where is there your blessedness? Paul had made them happy, and he intimates that the pious affection with which they formerly regarded him was an expression of their happiness. But now, by allowing themselves to be deprived of the services of him to whom they ought to have attributed whatever knowledge they possessed of Christ, they gave evidence that they were unhappy. This hint was intended to produce keen reflection. “What? Shall all this be lost? Will you forfeit all the advantage of having once heard Christ speaking by my lips? Shall the foundation in the faith which you received from me be to no purpose? Shall your falling away now destroy the glory of your obedience in the presence of God?” In short, by despising the pure doctrine which they had embraced, they throw away, of their own accord, the blessedness which they had obtained, and draw down upon themselves the destruction in which their unhappy career must terminate.

For I bear you record. It is not enough that pastors be respected, if they are not also loved; for both are necessary to make the doctrine they preach be fully relished; and both, the apostle declares, had existed among the Galatians. He had already spoken of their respect for him, and he now speaks of their love. To be willing to pluck out their own eyes, if it had been necessary, was an evidence of very extraordinary love, stronger than the willingness to part with life.

Calvin: Gal 4:16 - -- 16.Am I therefore become your enemy? He now returns to speak about himself. It was entirely their own fault, he says, that they had changed their min...

16.Am I therefore become your enemy? He now returns to speak about himself. It was entirely their own fault, he says, that they had changed their minds. Though it is a common remark, that truth begets hatred, yet, except through the malice and wickedness of those who cannot endure to hear it, truth is never hateful. While he vindicates himself from any blame in the unhappy difference between them, he indirectly censures their ingratitude. Yet still his advice is friendly, not to reject, on rash or light grounds, the apostleship of one whom they had formerly considered to be worthy of their warmest love. What can be more unbecoming than that the hatred of truth should change enemies into friends? His aim then is, not so much to upbraid, as to move them to repentance.

Calvin: Gal 4:17 - -- 17.They are jealous of you He comes at length to the false apostles, and does more by silence to make them odious, than if he had given their names; ...

17.They are jealous of you He comes at length to the false apostles, and does more by silence to make them odious, than if he had given their names; for we usually abstain from naming those whose very names produce in us dislike and aversion. He mentions the immoderate ambition of those men, and warns the Galatians not to be led astray by their appearance of zeal. The comparison is borrowed from honorable love, as contrasted with those professions of regard which arise from unhallowed desires. Jealousy, on the part of the false apostles, ought not to impose upon them; for it proceeded not from right zeal, but from an improper desire of obtaining reputation, — a desire most unlike that holy jealousy of which Paul speaks to the Corinthians.

“For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy; for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ. But I fear lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.”
(2Co 11:2.)

To expose still more fully their base arts, he corrects his language. Yea, they would exclude you 69 They not only endeavor to gain your affections, but, as they cannot obtain possession of you by any other means, they endeavor to kindle strife between us. When you have been thrown as it were destitute, they expect that you will yield yourselves up to them; for they perceive that, so long as there shall be maintained between us a religious harmony, they can have no influence. This stratagem is frequently resorted to by all the ministers of Satan. By producing in the people a dislike of their pastor, they hope afterwards to draw them to themselves; and, having disposed of the rival, to obtain quiet possession. A careful and judicious examination of their conduct will discover that in this way they always begin.

Calvin: Gal 4:18 - -- 18.But it is good to be the object of jealousy It is hard to say whether this refers to himself or to the Galatians. Good ministers are exhorted to c...

18.But it is good to be the object of jealousy It is hard to say whether this refers to himself or to the Galatians. Good ministers are exhorted to cherish holy jealousy in watching over the churches,

“that they may present them as a chaste virgin to Christ.”
(2Co 11:2.)

If it refers to Paul, the meaning will be: “I confess that I also am jealous of you, but with a totally different design: and I do so as much when I am absent as when I am present, because I do not seek my own advantage.” But I am rather inclined to view it as referring to the Galatians, though in this case it will admit of more than one interpretation. It may mean: “They indeed attempt to withdraw your affections from me, that, when you are thrown destitute, you may go over to them; but do you, who loved me while I was present, continue to cherish the same regard for me when I am absent.” But a more correct explanation is suggested by the opposite senses which the wordζηλοῦσθαι bears. As, in the former verse, he had used the word jealous in a bad sense, denoting an improper way of accomplishing an object, so here he uses it in a good sense, denoting a zealous imitation of the good qualities of another. By condemning improper jealousy, he now exhorts the Galatians to engage in a different sort of competition, and that, too, while he was absent.

Calvin: Gal 4:19 - -- 19.My little children. The word children is still softer and more affectionate than brethren; and the diminutive, little children, is an expression...

19.My little children. The word children is still softer and more affectionate than brethren; and the diminutive, little children, is an expression, not of contempt, but of endearment, though, at the same time, it suggests the tender years of those who ought now to have arrived at full age. (Heb 5:12.) The style is abrupt, which is usually the case with highly pathetic passages. Strong feeling, from the difficulty of finding adequate expression, breaks off our words when half uttered, while the powerful emotion chokes the utterance.

Of whom I travail in birth again. This phrase is added, to convey still more fully his vehement affection, which endured, on their account, the throes and pangs of a mother. It denotes likewise his anxiety; for

“a woman, when she is in travail, hath sorrow, because her hour is come; but as soon as she is delivered of the child, she remembereth no more the anguish, for joy that a man is born into the world.” (Joh 16:21.)

The Galatians had already been conceived and brought forth; but, after their revolt, they must now be begotten a second time.

Until Christ be formed in you. By these words he soothes their anger; for he does not set aside the former birth, but says that they must be again nourished in the womb, as if they had not yet been fully formed. That Christ should be formed in us is the same thing with our being formed in Christ; for we are born so as to become new creatures in him; and he, on the other hand, is born in us, so that we live his life. Since the true image of Christ, through the superstitions introduced by the false apostles, had been defaced, Paul labors to restore that image in all its perfection and brightness. This is done by the ministers of the gospel, when they give

“milk to babes, and strong meat to them that are of full age,” (Heb 5:13,)

and, in short, ought to be their employment during the whole course of their preaching. But Paul here compares himself to a woman in labor, because the Galatians were not yet completely born.

This is a remarkable passage for illustrating the efficacy of the Christian ministry. True, we are “born of God,” (1Jo 3:9;) but, because he employs a minister and preaching as his instruments for that purpose, he is pleased to ascribe to them that work which Himself performs, through the power of his Spirit, in co-operation with the labors of man. Let us always attend to this distinction, that, when a minister is contrasted with God, he is nothing, and can do nothing, and is utterly useless; but, because the Holy Spirit works efficaciously by means of him, he comes to be regarded and praised as an agent. Still, it is not what he can do in himself, or apart from God, but what God does by him, that is there described. If ministers wish to do anything, let them labor to form Christ, not to form themselves, in their hearers. The writer is now so oppressed with grief, that he almost faints from exhaustion without completing his sentence.

Calvin: Gal 4:20 - -- 20.I would wish to be present with you now This is a most serious expostulation, the complaint of a father so perplexed by the misconduct of his sons...

20.I would wish to be present with you now This is a most serious expostulation, the complaint of a father so perplexed by the misconduct of his sons, that he looks around him for advice, and knows not to what hand to turn. 70 He wishes to have an opportunity of personally addressing them, because we thus obtain a better idea of what is adapted to present circumstances; because, according as the hearer is affected, according as he is submissive or obstinate, we are enabled to regulate our discourse. But something more than this was meant by the desire to change the voice 71 He was prepared most cheerfully to assume a variety of forms, and even, if the case required it, to frame a new language. This is a course which pastors ought most carefully to follow. They must not be entirely guided by their own inclinations, or by the bent of their own genius, but must accommodate themselves, as far as the case will allow, to the capacity of the people, — with this reservation, however, that they are to proceed no farther than conscience shall dictate, 72 and that no departure from integrity shall be made, in order to gain the favor of the people.

Defender: Gal 4:4 - -- The many Messianic prophecies and promises in the Old Testament had indeed focused on a time in history when the Savior would come into the world. Not...

The many Messianic prophecies and promises in the Old Testament had indeed focused on a time in history when the Savior would come into the world. Note especially the prophecy of the seventy weeks in Dan 9:24-26. There were actually a few Jewish men and women who were somehow aware that the time was at hand and who therefore, "looked for redemption in Jerusalem" (Luk 2:25, Luk 2:26, Luk 2:38).

Defender: Gal 4:4 - -- This phrase, "made of a woman," may mean merely that when God sent Him forth, the Son became part of the human family. There is, however, a strong pro...

This phrase, "made of a woman," may mean merely that when God sent Him forth, the Son became part of the human family. There is, however, a strong probability that it refers to Christ's miraculous conception and virgin birth. The word "made" (Greek ginomai) is not the usual word for "born" (gennao) and was never so rendered by the King James scholars. The latter word normally refers to male procreation, although it can also refer to the actual birth process of the mother. Paul deliberately rejected the word meaning "born," and instead used the standard word for "made," evidently to emphasize that the human birth of Jesus was unique, different from all other human births. He was to be, in a one-time-only sense, the "Seed" of the woman, as promised by God in the very beginning (Gen 3:15), not made from a male seed. In fact, His human body was specially "prepared" by God (Heb 10:5), so as to be born without inherent sin or genetic defects from either parent (see notes on Luk 1:31-37)."

Defender: Gal 4:5 - -- In order to "redeem" those who were under the law (lost sinners) the Son must Himself be "without blemish and without spot." He had been "foreordained...

In order to "redeem" those who were under the law (lost sinners) the Son must Himself be "without blemish and without spot." He had been "foreordained before the foundation of the world," then, finally, was "manifest in these last times" (1Pe 1:18-20)."

Defender: Gal 4:6 - -- "Abba" is the Aramaic word for "father" (perhaps more like "papa"). The cry of the Spirit in our hearts is thus, "Abba, Father," using both an intimat...

"Abba" is the Aramaic word for "father" (perhaps more like "papa"). The cry of the Spirit in our hearts is thus, "Abba, Father," using both an intimate name and a respectful name for one's father. It was actually the expression used by Jesus as He prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane (Mar 14:36; Rom 8:15)."

Defender: Gal 4:9 - -- Paul places special emphasis on being known by God. God knew us before we knew Him!

Paul places special emphasis on being known by God. God knew us before we knew Him!

Defender: Gal 4:9 - -- Before their conversion, the Galatians had been pagans (perhaps some had been Jews, as was true in most of the early churches). They had been in bonda...

Before their conversion, the Galatians had been pagans (perhaps some had been Jews, as was true in most of the early churches). They had been in bondage to evolutionary pantheistic polytheism and committed to many pagan rituals and sacrifices. If some were Jews, they had been in bondage to Jewish law and tradition, hoping to earn salvation by the impossible burden of obeying all the laws. No wonder Paul was impatient with their desire to give up liberty in Christ for renewed bondage."

Defender: Gal 4:13 - -- This may be the same as the "thorn in the flesh" mentioned to the church at Corinth (2Co 12:7)."

This may be the same as the "thorn in the flesh" mentioned to the church at Corinth (2Co 12:7)."

Defender: Gal 4:15 - -- This phrase may suggest that Paul's physical handicap was some eye disease, possibly opthalmia (Gal 6:11)."

This phrase may suggest that Paul's physical handicap was some eye disease, possibly opthalmia (Gal 6:11)."

TSK: Gal 4:1 - -- That : Gal 4:23, Gal 4:29; Gen 24:2, Gen 24:3; 2Ki 10:1, 2Ki 10:2, 2Ki 11:12, 2Ki 12:2

TSK: Gal 4:3 - -- when : Gal 3:19, Gal 3:24, Gal 3:25 in : Gal 4:9, Gal 4:25, Gal 4:31, Gal 2:4, Gal 3:23, Gal 5:1; Mat 11:28; Joh 8:31; Act 15:10; Rom 8:15 elements : ...

TSK: Gal 4:4 - -- the fulness : Gen 49:10; Dan 9:24-26; Mal 3:1; Mar 1:15; Act 1:7; Eph 1:10; Heb 9:10 God : Isa 48:16; Zec 2:8-11; Joh 3:16, Joh 6:38, Joh 8:42, Joh 10...

TSK: Gal 4:5 - -- redeem : Gal 4:21, Gal 3:13; Mat 20:28; Luk 1:68; Act 20:28; Eph 1:7, Eph 5:2; Col 1:13-20; Tit 2:14; Heb 1:3, Heb 9:12, Heb 9:15; 1Pe 1:18-20, 1Pe 3:...

TSK: Gal 4:6 - -- God : Luk 11:13; Joh 7:39, Joh 14:16; Rom 5:5, Rom 8:15-17; 2Co 1:22; Eph 1:13, Eph 4:30 the Spirit : Joh 3:34, Joh 15:26, Joh 16:7; Rom 5:5, Rom 8:9,...

TSK: Gal 4:7 - -- thou : Gal 4:1, Gal 4:2, Gal 4:5, Gal 4:6, Gal 4:31, Gal 5:1 but : Gal 3:26 if : Gal 3:29; Rom 8:16, Rom 8:17 heir : Gen 15:1, Gen 17:7, Gen 17:8; Psa...

TSK: Gal 4:8 - -- when : Exo 5:2; Jer 10:25; Joh 1:10; Act 17:23, Act 17:30; Rom 1:28; 1Co 1:21; Eph 2:11, Eph 2:12, Eph 4:18; 1Th 4:5; 2Th 1:8; 1Jo 3:1 ye did : Jos 24...

TSK: Gal 4:9 - -- ye have : 1Ki 8:43; 1Ch 28:9; Psa 9:10; Pro 2:5; Jer 31:34; Hab 2:14; Mat 11:27; Joh 17:3; 1Co 15:34; 2Co 4:6; Eph 1:17; 2Pe 2:20; 1Jo 2:3, 1Jo 2:4, 1...

TSK: Gal 4:10 - -- Lev. 23:1-44, Lev 25:1, Lev 25:13; Num. 28:1-29:40; Rom 14:5; Col 2:16, Col 2:17

Lev. 23:1-44, Lev 25:1, Lev 25:13; Num. 28:1-29:40; Rom 14:5; Col 2:16, Col 2:17

TSK: Gal 4:11 - -- am : Gal 4:20; 2Co 11:2, 2Co 11:3, 2Co 12:20,2Co 12:21 lest : Gal 2:2, Gal 5:2-4; Isa 49:4; Act 16:6; 1Co 15:58; Phi 2:16; 1Th 3:5; 2Jo 1:8

TSK: Gal 4:12 - -- be : Gal 2:14, Gal 6:14; Gen 34:15; 1Ki 22:4; Act 21:21; 1Co 9:20-23; Phi 3:7, Phi 3:8 ye : 2Co 2:5

TSK: Gal 4:13 - -- through : 1Co 2:3; 2Co 10:10, 2Co 11:6, 2Co 11:30, 2Co 12:7-10, 2Co 13:4 at : Gal 1:6; Act 16:6

TSK: Gal 4:14 - -- ye : Gal 4:13; Job 12:5; Psa 119:141; Ecc 9:16; Isa 53:2, Isa 53:3; 1Co 1:28, 1Co 4:10; 1Th 4:8 an angel : 2Sa 14:17, 2Sa 19:27; Zec 12:8; Mal 2:7; He...

TSK: Gal 4:15 - -- Where is : or, What was the blessedness : Gal 3:14, Gal 5:22, Gal 6:4; Luk 8:13; Rom 4:6-9, Rom 5:2, Rom 15:13 I bear : Rom 10:2; 2Co 8:3; Col 4:13 if...

Where is : or, What was

the blessedness : Gal 3:14, Gal 5:22, Gal 6:4; Luk 8:13; Rom 4:6-9, Rom 5:2, Rom 15:13

I bear : Rom 10:2; 2Co 8:3; Col 4:13

if : Gal 4:19; Rom 9:3; 1Th 2:8, 1Th 5:13; 1Jo 3:16-18

TSK: Gal 4:16 - -- become : Gal 3:1-4; 1Ki 18:17, 1Ki 18:18, 1Ki 21:20, 1Ki 22:8, 1Ki 22:27; 2Ch 24:20-22, 2Ch 25:16; Psa 141:5; Pro 9:8; Joh 7:7, Joh 8:45 because : Gal...

TSK: Gal 4:17 - -- zealously : Gal 6:12, Gal 6:13; Mat 23:15; Rom 10:2, Rom 16:18; 1Co 11:2; 2Co 11:3, 2Co 11:13-15; Phi 2:21; 2Pe 2:3, 2Pe 2:18 exclude you : or, exclud...

TSK: Gal 4:18 - -- it is : Num 25:11-13; Psa 69:9, Psa 119:139; Isa 59:17; Joh 2:17; 1Co 15:58; Tit 2:14; Rev 3:19 I am : Gal 4:20; Phi 1:27, Phi 2:12

TSK: Gal 4:19 - -- little : 1Co 4:14; 1Ti 1:2; Tit 1:4; Phm 1:10,Phm 1:19; Jam 1:18; 1Jo 2:1, 1Jo 2:12, 1Jo 5:21 of : Num 11:11, Num 11:12; Isa 53:11; Luk 22:44; Phi 1:8...

TSK: Gal 4:20 - -- to be : 1Co 4:19-21; 1Th 2:17, 1Th 2:18, 1Th 3:9 stand in doubt of you : or, am perplexed for you, Gal 4:11

to be : 1Co 4:19-21; 1Th 2:17, 1Th 2:18, 1Th 3:9

stand in doubt of you : or, am perplexed for you, Gal 4:11

collapse all
Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Gal 4:1 - -- Now I say - He had before said Gal 3:24-25 that while they were under the Law they were in a state of minority. This sentiment he proceeds furt...

Now I say - He had before said Gal 3:24-25 that while they were under the Law they were in a state of minority. This sentiment he proceeds further to illustrate by showing the true condition of one who was a minor.

That the heir - Any heir to an estate, or one who has a prospect of an inheritance. No matter how great is the estate; no matter how wealthy his father; no matter to how elevated a rank he may be raised on the moment that he enters on his inheritance, yet until that time he is in the condition of a servant.

As long as he is a child - Until he arrives at the age. The word rendered "child"( νήπιοι nēpioi ) properly means an infant; literally, "one not speaking"( νη nē insep. un , ἔπος epos ), and hence, a child or babe, but without any definite limitation - Robinson. It is used as the word "infant"is with us in law, to denote "a minor."

Differeth nothing from a servant - That is, he has no more control of his property; he has it not at his command. This does not mean that he does not differ in any respect, but only that in the matter under consideration he does not differ. He differs in his prospects of inheriting the property, and in the affections of the father, and usually in the advantages of education, and in the respect and attention shown him. but in regard to property, he does not differ, and he is like a servant, under the control and direction of others.

Though he be lord of all - That is, in prospect. He has a prospective right to all the property, which no one else has. The word "lord"here ( κύριος kurios ), is used in the same sense in which it is often in the Scriptures, to denote master or owner. The idea which this is designed to illustrate is, that the condition of the Jews before the coming of the Messiah was inferior in many respects to what the condition of the friends of God would be under him - as inferior as the condition of an heir was before he was of age, to what it would be when he should enter on his inheritance. The Jews claimed, indeed, that they were the children or the sons of God, a title which the apostle would not withhold from the pious part of the nation; but it was a condition in which they had not entered on the full inheritance, and which was far inferior to that of those who had embraced the Messiah, and who were admitted to the full privileges of sonship. They were indeed heirs. They were interested in the promises. But still they were in a condition of comparative servitude, and could be made free only by the gospel.

Barnes: Gal 4:2 - -- But is under - Is subject to their control and direction. Tutors - The word tutor with us properly means instructor. But this is not quit...

But is under - Is subject to their control and direction.

Tutors - The word tutor with us properly means instructor. But this is not quite the sense of the original. The word ( επίτροπος epitropos ); properly means a steward, manager, agent; Mat 20:8; Luk 8:3. As used here, it refers to one - usually a slave or a freedman - to whose care the boys of a family were committed, who trained them up, accompanied them to school, or sometimes instructed them at home; compare the note at Gal 3:24. Such a one would have the control of them.

And governors - This word ( οἰκόνομος oikonomos ) means a house-manager, an overseer, a steward. It properly refers to one who had authority over the slaves or servants of a family, to assign them their tasks and portions. They generally, also, had the management of the affairs of the household, and of the accounts. They were commonly slaves, who were entrusted with this office as a reward for fidelity; though sometimes free persons were employed; Luk 16:1, Luk 16:3,Luk 16:8. These persons had also charge of the sons of a family, probably in respect to their pecuniary matters, and thus differed from those called tutors. It is not necessary, however, to mark the difference in the words with great accuracy. The general meaning of the apostle is, that the heir was under government and restraint. Until the time appointed of the father - The time fixed for his entering on the inheritance. The time when he chose to give him his portion of the property. The law with us fixes the age at twenty-one when a son shall be at liberty to manage for himself. Other countries have affixed other times. But still, the time when the son shall inherit the father’ s property must be fixed by the father himself if he is living, or may be fixed by his will if he is deceased. The son cannot claim the property when he comes of age.

Barnes: Gal 4:3 - -- Even so we - We who were Jews - for so I think the word here is to be limited, and not extended to the pagan, as Bloomfield supposes. The reaso...

Even so we - We who were Jews - for so I think the word here is to be limited, and not extended to the pagan, as Bloomfield supposes. The reasons for limiting it are:

(1)    That the pagans in no sense sustained such a relation to the Law and promises of Gad as is here supposed;

(2)    Such an interpretation would not be pertinent to the design of Paul. He is stating reasons why there should not be subjection to the laws of Moses, and his argument is, that that condition was like that of bondage or minorship.

When we were children - ( νήπιοι nēpioi ). Minors; see the note at Gal 4:1. The word is not υἱοι huioi , "sons;"but the idea is, that they were in a state of non-age; and though heirs, yet were under severe discipline and regimen. They were under a kind of government that was suited to that state, and not to the condition of those who had entered on their inheritance.

Were in bondage - In a state of servitude. Treated as servants or slaves.

Under the elements of the world - Margin, Rudiments. The word rendered "elements"(sing. στοιχεῖον stoicheion ), properly means a row or series; a little step; a pin or peg, as the gnomen of a dial; and then anything "elementary,"as a sound, a letter. It then denotes the elements or rudiments of any kind of instruction, and in the New Testament is applied to the first lessons or principles of religion; Heb 5:12. It is applied to the elements or component parts of the physical world; 2Pe 3:10, 2Pe 3:12. Here the figure is kept up of the reference to the infant Gal 4:1, Gal 4:3; and the idea is, that lessons were taught under the Jewish system adapted to their nonage - to a state of childhood. They were treated as children under tutors and governors. The phrase "the elements of the world,"occurs also in Col 2:8, Col 2:20. In Gal 4:9, Paul speaks of these lessons as "beggarly elements,"referring to the same thing as here.

Different opinions have been held as to the reason why the Jewish institutions are here called "the elements of the world."Rosenmuller supposes it was because many of those rites were common to the Jews and to the pagan - as they also had altars, sacrifices, temples, libations, etc. Doddridge supposes it was because those rites were adapted to the low conceptions of children, who were most affected with sensible objects, and have no taste for spiritual and heavenly things. Locke supposes it was because those institutions led them not beyond this world, or into the possession and taste of their heavenly inheritance. It is probable that there is allusion to the Jewish manner of speaking, so common in the Scriptures, where this world is opposed to the kingdom of God, and where it is spoken of as transient and worthless compared with the future glory. The world is fading, unsatisfactory, temporary. In allusion to this common use of the word, the Jewish institutions are called the wordly rudiments. It is not that they were in themselves evil - for that is not true; it is not that they were adapted to foster a worldly spirit - for that is not true; it is not that they had their origin from this world - for that is not true; nor is it from the fact that they resembled the institutions of the pagan world - for that is as little true; but it is, that, like the things of the world, they were transient, temporary, and of little value. They were unsatisfactory in their nature, and were soon to pass away, and to give place to a better system - as the things of this world are soon to give place to heaven.

Barnes: Gal 4:4 - -- But when the fulness of the time was come - The full time appointed by the Father; the completion (filling up, πλήρωμα plērōma...

But when the fulness of the time was come - The full time appointed by the Father; the completion (filling up, πλήρωμα plērōma ,) of the designated period for the coming of the Messiah; see the Isa 49:7-8 notes; 2Co 6:2 note. The sense is, that the time which had been predicted, and when it was proper that he should come, was complete. The exact period had arrived when all things were ready for his coming. It is often asked why he did not come sooner, and why mankind did not have the benefit of his incarnation and atonement immediately after the fall? Why were four thousand dark and gloomy years allowed to roll on, and the world suffered to sink deeper and deeper in ignorance and sin? To these questions perhaps no answer entirely satisfactory can be given. God undoubtedly saw reasons which we cannot; see, and reasons which we shall approve if they are disclosed to us.

It may be observed, however, that this delay of redemption was in entire accordance with the whole system of divine arrangements, and with all the divine interpositions in favor of men. People are suffered long to pine in want, to suffer from disease, to encounter the evils of ignorance, before interposition is granted. On all the subjects connected with human comfort and improvement, the same questions may be asked as on the subject of redemption. Why was the invention of the art of printing so long delayed, and people suffered to remain in ignorance? Why was the discovery of vaccination delayed so long, and millions suffered to die who might have been saved? Why was not the bark of Peru sooner known, and why did so many millions die who might have been saved by its use? So of most of the medicines, and of the arts and inventions that go to ward off disease, and to promote the intelligence, the comfort, and the salvation of man. In respect to all of these, it may be true that they are made known at the very best time, the time that will on the whole most advance the welfare of the race. And so of the incarnation and work of the Saviour. It was seen by God to be the best time, the time when on the whole the race would be most benefited by his coming. Even with our limited and imperfect vision, we can see the following things in regard to its being the most fit and proper time.

\caps1 (1) i\caps0 t was just the time when all the prophecies centerd in him, and when there could be no doubt about their fulfillment. It was important that such an event should be predicted in order that there might be full evidence that he came from heaven; and yet in order that prophecy may be seen to have been uttered by God, it must be so far before the event as to make it impossible to have been the result of mere human conjecture.

\caps1 (2) i\caps0 t was proper that the world should be brought to see its need of a Saviour, and that a fair and satisfactory opportunity should be given to men to try all other schemes of salvation that they might be prepared to welcome this. This had been done. Four thousand years were sufficient to show to man his own powers, and to give him an opportunity to devise some scheme of salvation. The opportunity had been furnished under every circumstance that could be deemed favorable. The most profound and splendid talent of the world had been brought to bear on it, especially in Greece and Rome; and ample Opportunity had been given to make a fair trial of the various systems of religion devised on national happiness and individual welfare; their power to meet and arrest crime; to purify the heart; to promote public morals, and to support man in his trials; their power to conduct him to the true God, and to give him a wellfounded hope of immortality. All had failed; and then it was a proper time for the Son of God to come and to reveal a better system.

\caps1 (3) i\caps0 t was a time when the world was at peace. The temple of Janus, closed only in times of peace, was then shut, though it had been but once closed before during the Roman history. What an appropriate time for the "Prince of Peace"to come! The world was, to a great extent, under the Roman sceptre. Communications between different parts of the world were then more rapid and secure than they had been at any former period, and the gospel could be more easily propagated. Further, the Jews were scattered in almost all lands, acquainted with the promises, looking for the Messiah, furnishing facilities to their own countrymen the apostles to preach the gospel in numerous synagogues, and qualified, if they embraced the Messiah, to become most zealous and devoted missionaries. The same language, the Greek, was, moreover, after the time of Alexander the Great, the common language of no small part of the world, or at least was spoken and understood among a considerable portion of the nations of the earth. At no period before had there been so extensive a use of the same language.

\caps1 (4) i\caps0 t was a proper period to make the new system known. It accorded with the benevolence of God, that it should be delayed no longer than that the world should be in a suitable state for receiving the Redeemer. When that period, therefore, had arrived, God did not delay, but sent his Son on the great work of the world’ s redemption.

God sent forth his Son - This implies that the Son of God had an existence before his incarnation; see Joh 16:28. The Saviour is often represented as sent into the world, and as coming forth from God.

Made of a woman - In human nature; born of a woman, This also implies that he had another nature than that which was derived from the woman. On the supposition that he was a mere man, how unmeaning would this assertion be! How natural to ask, in what other way could he appear than to be born of a woman? Why was he particularly designated as coming into the world in this manner? How strange would it sound if it were said, "In the sixteenth century came Faustus Socinus preaching Unitarianism, made of a woman!"or, "In the eighteenth century came Dr. Joseph Priestley, born of a woman, preaching the doctrines of Socinus!"How else could they appear? would be the natural inquiry. What was there special in their birth and origin that rendered such language necessary? The language implies that there were other ways in which the Saviour might have come; that there was something special in the fact that he was born of a woman; and that there was some special reason why that fact should be made prominently a matter of record. The promise was Gen 3:15 that the Messiah should be the "seed"or the descendant of woman; and Paul probably here alludes to the fulfillment of that promise.

Made under the law - As one of the human race, partaking of human nature, he was subject to the Law of God. As a man he was hound by its requirements, and subject to its control. He took his place under the Law that he might accomplish an important purpose for those who were under it. He made himself subject to it that he might become one of them, and secure their redemption.

Barnes: Gal 4:5 - -- To redeem them - By his death as an atoning sacrifice; see the note at Gal 3:13. Them that were under the law - Sinners, who had violated...

To redeem them - By his death as an atoning sacrifice; see the note at Gal 3:13.

Them that were under the law - Sinners, who had violated the Law, and who were exposed to its dread penalty.

That we might receive the adoption of sons - Be adopted as the sons or the children of God; see Joh 1:12, note; Rom 8:15, note.

Barnes: Gal 4:6 - -- And because ye are sons - As a consequence of your being adopted into the family of God, and being regarded as his sons. It follows as a part o...

And because ye are sons - As a consequence of your being adopted into the family of God, and being regarded as his sons. It follows as a part of his purpose of adoption that his children shall have the spirit of the Lord Jesus.

The Spirit of his Son - The spirit of the Lord Jesus; the spirit which animated him, or which he evinced. The idea is, that as the Lord Jesus was enabled to approach God with the language of endearment and love, so they would be. He, being the true and exalted Son of God, had the spirit appropriate to such a relation; they being adopted, and made like him, have the same spirit. The "spirit"here referred to does not mean, as I suppose: the Holy Spirit as such; nor the miraculous endowments of the Holy Spirit, but the spirit which made them like the Lord Jesus; the spirit by which they were enabled to approach God as his children, and use the reverent, and tender, and affectionate language of a child addressing a father. It is that language used by Christians when they have evidence of adoption; the expression of the warm, and elevated, and glowing emotions which they have when they can approach God as their God, and address him as their Father.

Crying - That is, the spirit thus cries, Πνεῦμα Pneuma - κράζον krazon ). Compare the notes, Rom 8:26-27. In Rom 8:15 it is, "wherewith we cry."

Abba, Father - See the note at Rom 8:15. It is said in the Babylonian Gemara, a Jewish work, that it was not permitted slaves to use the title of Abba in addressing the master of the family to which they belonged. If so, then the language which Christians are here represented as using is the language of freemen, and denotes that they are not under the servitude of sin.

Barnes: Gal 4:7 - -- Wherefore - In consequence of this privilege of addressing God as your Father. Thou art no more - You who are Christians. A servant ...

Wherefore - In consequence of this privilege of addressing God as your Father.

Thou art no more - You who are Christians.

A servant - In the servitude of sin; or treated as a servant by being bound under the oppressive rites and ceremonies of the Law; compare the note at Gal 4:3

But a son - A child of God, adopted into his family, and to be treated as a son.

And if a son ... - Entitled to all the privileges of a son, and of course to be regarded as an heir through the Redeemer, and with him. See the sentiment here expressed explained in the the note at Rom 8:17.

Barnes: Gal 4:8 - -- Howbeit - But, ἀλλὰ alla . The address in this verse and the following is evidently to the portion of the Galatians who had been p...

Howbeit - But, ἀλλὰ alla . The address in this verse and the following is evidently to the portion of the Galatians who had been pagan. This is probably indicated by the particle ἀλλὰ alla , but denoting a transition. In the previous verses Paul had evidently had the Jewish converts more particularly in his eye, and had described their former condition as one of servitude to the Mosaic rites and customs, and had shown the inconveniences of that condition, compared with the freedom imparted by the gospel. To complete the description, he refers also to the Gentiles, as a condition of worse servitude still, and shows Gal 4:9 the absurdity of their turning back to a state of bondage of any kind, after the glorious deliverance which they had obtained from the degrading servitude of pagan rites. The sense is, "If the Jews were in such a state of servitude, how much more galling and severe was that of those who had been pagans. Yet fron that servitude the gospel had delivered them, and made them freemen. How absurd now to go back to a state of vassalage, and to become servants under the oppressive rites of the Jewish law!"

When ye knew not God - In your state of paganism, when you had no knowledge of the true God and of his service. The object is not to apologize for what they did, because they did not know God; it is to state the fact that they were in a state of gross and galling servitude.

Ye did service - This does not express the force of the original. The meaning is, "Ye were "slaves"to ( ἐδουλεύσατε edouleusate ); you were in a condition of servitude, as opposed to the freedom of the gospel;"compare Gal 4:3, where the same word is used to describe the state of the Jews. The drift of the apostle is, to show that the Jews and Gentiles, before their conversion to Christianity, were in a state of vassalage or servitude, and that it was absurd in the highest degree to return to that condition again.

Unto them which by nature are no gods - Idols, or false gods. The expression "by nature," φύσει phusei , according to Grotius, means, "in fact, re ipsa ."The sense is, that they really had no pretensions to divinity. Many of them were imaginary beings; many were the objects of creation, as the sun, and winds, and streams; and many were departed heroes that had been exalted to be objects of worship. Yet the servitude was real. It fettered their faculties; controlled their powers; bound their imagination, and commanded their time and property, and made them slaves. Idolatry is always slavery; and the servitude of sinners to their passions and appetites, to lust and gold, and ambition, is not less galling and severe than was the servitude to the pagan gods or the Jewish rites, or than is the servitude of the African now to a harsh and cruel master. Of all Christians it may be said that before their conversion they "did service,"or were slaves to harsh and cruel masters; and nothing but the gospel has made them free. It may be added, that the chains of idolatry all over the world are as fast riveted and as galling as they were in Galatia, and that nothing but the same gospel which Paul preached there can break those chains and restore man to freedom.

Barnes: Gal 4:9 - -- But now ... - The sense is, that since they had been made free from their ignoble servitude in the worship of false gods, and had been admitted...

But now ... - The sense is, that since they had been made free from their ignoble servitude in the worship of false gods, and had been admitted to the freedom found in the worship of the true God, it was absurd that they should return again to that which was truly slavery or bondage, the observance of the rites of the Jewish law.

That ye have known God - The true God, and the ease and freedom of his service in the gospel.

Or rather are known of God - The sense is, "Or, to speak more accurately or precisely, are known by God."The object of this correction is to avoid the impression which might be derived from the former phrase that their acquaintance with God was owing to themselves. He therefore states, that it was rather that they were known of God; that it was all owing to him that they had been brought to an acquaintance with himself. Perhaps, also, he means to bring into view the idea that it was a favor and privilege to be known by God, and that therefore it was the more absurd to turn back to the weak and beggarly elements.

How turn ye again - Margin, "Back.""How is it that you are returning to such a bondage?"The question implies surprise and indignation that they should do it.

To the weak and beggarly elements - To the rites and ceremonies of the Jewish law, imposing a servitude really not less severe than the customs of paganism. On the word elements, see the note at Gal 4:3. They are called "weak"because they had no power to save the soul; no power to justify the sinner before God. They are called "beggarly"(Greek πτωχὰ ptōcha , poor), because they could not impart spiritual riches. They really could confer few benefits on man. Or it may be, as Locke supposes, because the Law kept people in the poor estate of pupils from the full enjoyment of the inheritance; Gal 4:1-3.

Whereunto ye desire again to be in bondage - As if you had a wish to be under servitude. The absurdity is as great as it would be for a man who had been freed from slavery to desire his chains again. They had been freed by the gospel from the galling servitude of paganism, and they now again had sunk into the Jewish observances, as if they preferred slavery to freedom, and were willing to go from one form of it to another. The main idea is, that it is absurd for people who have been made free by the gospel to go back again into any kind of servitude or bondage. We may apply it to Christians now. Many sink into a kind of servitude not less galling than was that to sin before their conversion. Some become the slaves of mere ceremonies and forms in religion. Some are slaves to fashion, and the world still rules them with the hand of a tyrant. They have escaped, it may be, from the galling chains of ambition, and degrading vice, and low sensuality; but they became slaves to the love of money, or of dress, or of the fashions of the world, as if they loved slavery and chains; and they seem no more able to break loose than the slave is to break the bonds which bind him. And some are slaves to some expensive and foolish habit. Professed Christians, and Christian ministers too, become slaves to the disgusting and loathsome habit of using tobacco, bound by a servitude as galling and as firm as that which ever shackled the limbs of an African. I grieve to add also that many professed Christians are slaves to the habit of "sitting long at the wine"and indulging in it freely. O that such knew the liberty of Christian freedom, and would break away from all such shackles, and show how the gospel frees people from all foolish and absurd customs!

Barnes: Gal 4:10 - -- Ye observe - The object of this verse is to specify some of the things to which they had become enslaved. Days - The days here referred t...

Ye observe - The object of this verse is to specify some of the things to which they had become enslaved.

Days - The days here referred to are doubtless the days of the Jewish festivals. They had numerous days of such observances, and in addition to those specified in the Old Testament, the Jews had added many others as days commemorative of the destruction and rebuilding of the temple, and of other important events in their history. It is not a fair interpretation of this to suppose that the apostle refers to the Sabbath, properly so called, for this was a part of the Decalogue; and was observed by the Saviour himself, and by the apostles also. It is a fair interpretation to apply it to all those days which are not commanded to be kept holy in the Scriptures; and hence, the passage is as applicable to the observance of saints’ days, and days in honor of particular events in sacred history, as to the days observed by the Galatians. There is as real servitude in the observance of the numerous festivals, and fasts in the papal communion and in some Protestant churches, as there was in the observance of the days in the Jewish ecclesiastical calendar, and for anything that I can see, such observances are as inconsistent now with the freedom of the gospel as they were in the time of Paul. We should observe as seasons of holy time what it can be proved God has commanded us, and no more.

And months - The festivals of the new moon, kept by the Jews. Num 10:10; Num 28:11-14. On this festival, in addition to the daily sacrifice, two bullocks, a ram, and seven sheep of a year old were offered in sacrifice. The appearance of the new-moon was announced by the sound of trumpets. See Jahn, Archae. 352.

And times - Stated times; festivals returning periodically, as the Passover, the Feast of Pentecost, and the Feast of Tabernacles. See Jahn, Archae . chap. 3. 346-360.

And years - The sabbatical year, or the year of jubilee. See Jahn as above.

Barnes: Gal 4:11 - -- I am afraid of you ... - I have fears respecting you. His fears were that they had no genuine Christian principle. They had been so easily perv...

I am afraid of you ... - I have fears respecting you. His fears were that they had no genuine Christian principle. They had been so easily perverted and turned back to the servitude of ceremonies and rites, that he was apprehensive that there could be no real Christian principle in the case. What pastor has not often had such fears of his people, when he sees them turn to the weak and beggarly elements of the world, or when, after having "run well,"he sees them become the slaves of fashion, or of some habit inconsistent with the simplicity of the gospel?

Barnes: Gal 4:12 - -- Brethren, I beseech you, be as I am ... - There is great brevity in this passage, and no little obscurity, and a great many different interpret...

Brethren, I beseech you, be as I am ... - There is great brevity in this passage, and no little obscurity, and a great many different interpretations have been given of it by commentators. The various views expressed may be seen in Bloomfield’ s Crit. Dig. Locke renders it, "Let you and I be as if we were all one, Think yourselves to be very me; as I in my own mind put no difference at all between you and myself."Koppe explains it thus: Imitate my example; for I, though a Jew by birth, care no more for Jewish rites than you."Rosenmuller explains it, "Imitate my manner of life in rejecting the Jewish rites; as I, having renounced the Jewish rites, was much like you when I preached the gospel to you."Other interpretations may be seen in Chandler, Doddridge, Calvin, etc. In our version there seems to be an impropriety of expression; for if he was as they were it would seem to be a matter of course that they would be like him, or would resemble him. The sense of the passage, however, it seems to me cannot be difficult. The reference is doubtless to the Jewish rites and customs, and to the question whether they were binding on Christians. Paul’ s object is to persuade them to abandon them. He appeals to them, therefore, by his own example. And it means evidently, "Imitate me in this thing. Follow my example, and yield no conformity to those rites and customs."The ground on which he asks them to imitate him may be either:

(1)    That he had abandoned them or,

(2)    Because he asks them to yield a point to him.

He had done so in many instances for their welfare, and had made many sacrifices for their salvation, and he now asks them to yield this one point, and to become as he was, and to cease these Jewish observances, as he had done.

For I am as ye are - Greek "For I as ye."This means, I suppose, "For I have conformed to your customs in many things. I have abandoned my own peculiarities; given up my customs as far as possible; conformed to you as Gentiles as far as I could do, in order to benefit and save you. I have laid aside the uniqueness of the Jew on the principle of becoming all things to all men (Notes, 1Co 9:20-22), in order that I might save you. I ask in return only the slight sacrifice that you will now become like me in the matter under consideration."

Ye have not injured me at all - "It is not a personal matter. I have no cause of complaint. You have done me no personal wrong. There is no variance between us; no unkind feeling; no injury done as individuals. I may, therefore, with the more freedom, ask you to yield this point, when I assure you that I do not feel personally injured. I have no wrong to complain of, and I ask it on higher grounds than would be an individual request: it is for your good, and the good of the great cause."When Christians turn away from the truth, and disregard the instructions and exhortations of pastors, and become conformed to the world, it is not a personal matter, or a matter of personal offence to them, painful as it may be to them. They have no special reason to say that they are personally injured. It is a higher matter. The cause suffers. The interests of religion are injured. The church at large is offended, and the Saviour is "wounded in the house of his friends."Conformity to the world, or a lapse into some sin, is a public offence, and should be regarded as an injury done to the cause of the Redeemer. It shows the magnanimity of Paul, that though they had abandoned his doctrines, and forgotten his love and his toils in their welfare, he did not regard it as a personal offence, and did not consider himself personally injured. An ambitious man or an impostor would have made that the main, if not the only thing.

Barnes: Gal 4:13 - -- Ye know how - To show them the folly of their embracing the new views which they had adopted, he reminds them of past times, and particularly o...

Ye know how - To show them the folly of their embracing the new views which they had adopted, he reminds them of past times, and particularly of the strength of the attachment which they had evinced for him in former days.

Through infirmity of the flesh - Greek "Weakness"( ἀσθένειαν astheneian ); compare the 1Co 2:3 note; 2Co 10:10; 2Co 12:7 notes.

Barnes: Gal 4:14 - -- And my temptation - "My trial,"the thing which was to me a trial and calamity. The meaning is, that he was afflicted with various calamities an...

And my temptation - "My trial,"the thing which was to me a trial and calamity. The meaning is, that he was afflicted with various calamities and infirmities, but that this did not hinder their receiving him as an angel from heaven. There is, however, a considerable variety in the mss. on this verse. Many mss., instead of "my temptation,"read "your temptation;"and Mill maintains that this is the true reading. Griesbach hesitates between the two. But it is not very important to determine which is the true reading. If it should be "your,"then it means that they were tempted by his infirmities to reject him; and so it amounts to about the same thing. The general sense is, that he had some bodily infirmity, perhaps some periodically returning disease, that was a great trial to him, which they bore with, with great patience and affection. What that was, he has not informed us, and conjecture is vain.

But received me as an angel of God - With the utmost respect, as if I had been an angel sent from God.

Even as Christ Jesus - As you would have done the Redeemer himself. Learn hence:

(1) That the Lord Jesus is superior to an angel of God.

\caps1 (2) t\caps0 hat the highest proof of attachment to a minister, is to receive him as the Saviour would be received.

\caps1 (3) i\caps0 t showed their attachment to the Lord Jesus, that they received his apostle as they would have received the Saviour himself; compare Mat 10:40.

Barnes: Gal 4:15 - -- Where is then the blessedness - Margin, "What was"- in accordance with the Greek. The words "ye spake of"are not in the Greek, and should have ...

Where is then the blessedness - Margin, "What was"- in accordance with the Greek. The words "ye spake of"are not in the Greek, and should have been printed in italics. But they obscure the sense at any rate. This is not to be regarded as a question, asking what had become of the blessedness, implying that it had departed; but it is rather to be regarded as an exclamation, referring to the happiness of that moment, and their affection and joy when they thus received him. "What blessedness you had then! How happy was that moment! What tenderness of affection! What overflowing joy!"It was a time full of joy, and love, and affectionate confidence. So Tyndale well renders it, "How happy were ye then!"In this interpretation, Doddridge, Rosenmuller, Bloomfield, Koppe, Chandler, and others concur. Locke renders it, "What benedictions did you then pour out on me!"

For I bear you record - I testify.

Ye would have plucked out your own eyes ... - No higher proof of attachment could have been given. They loved him so much, that they would have given to him anything, however dear; they would have done anything to contribute to his welfare. How changed, now that they had abandoned his doctrines, and yielded themselves to the guidance of those who taught a wholly different doctrine!

Barnes: Gal 4:16 - -- Am I therefore become your enemy ... - Is my telling you the truth in regard to the tendency of the doctrines which you have embraced, and the ...

Am I therefore become your enemy ... - Is my telling you the truth in regard to the tendency of the doctrines which you have embraced, and the character of those who have led you astray, and your own error, a proof that I have ceased to be your friend? How apt are we to feel that the man who tells us of our faults is our enemy! How apt are we to treat him coldly, and to "cut his acquaintance,"and to regard him with dislike! The reason is, he gives us pain; and we cannot have pain given to us, even by the stone against which we stumble, or by any of the brute creation, without momentary indignation, or regarding them for a time as our enemies. Besides, we do not like to have another person acquainted with our faults and our follies; and we naturally avoid the society of those who are thus acquainted with us. Such is human nature; and it requires no little grace for us to overcome this. and to regard the man who tells us of our faults, or the faults of our families, as our friend.

We love to be flattered, and to have our friends flattered; and we shrink with pain from any exposure, or any necessity for repentance. Hence, we become alienated from him who is faithful in reproving us for our faults. Hence, people become offended with their ministers when they reprove them for their sins. Hence, they become offended at the truth. Hence, they resist the influences of the Holy Spirit, whose office it is to bring the truth to the heart, and to reprove men for their sins. There is nothing more difficult than to regard with steady and unwavering affection the man who faithfully tells us the truth at all times, when that truth is painful. Yet he is our best friend. "Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful,"Pro 27:6. If I am in danger of falling down a precipice, he shows to me the purest friendship who tells me of it; if I am in danger of breathing the air of the pestilence, and it can be avoided, he shows to me pure kindness who tells me of it. So still more, if I am indulging in a course of conduct that may ruin me, or cherishing error that may endanger my salvation, he shows me the purest friendship who is most faithful in warning me, and apprising me of what must be the termination of my course.

Barnes: Gal 4:17 - -- They zealously affect you - See 1Co 12:31 (Greek); 1Co 14:39. The word used here ( Ζηλόω Zēloō ), means to be "zealous"toward, t...

They zealously affect you - See 1Co 12:31 (Greek); 1Co 14:39. The word used here ( Ζηλόω Zēloō ), means to be "zealous"toward, that is, for or against any person or thing; usually, in a good sense, to be eager for. Here it means, that the false teachers made a show of zeal toward the Galatians, or professed affection for them in order to gain them as their followers. They were full of ardor, and professed an extraordinary concern for their welfare - as people always do who are demagogues, or who seek to gain proselytes. The object of the apostle in this is, probably, to say, that it was not wholly owing to themselves that they had become alienated from the doctrines which he had taught. Great pains had been taken to do it; and there had been a show of zeal which would be likely to endanger any person.

But not well - Not with good motives, or with good designs.

Yea, they would exclude you - Margin, "Us."A few printed editions of the New Testament have ἡμᾶς hēmas , "us,"instead of ὑμᾶς humas , "you"- Mill. The word "exclude"here probably means, that they endeavored to exclude the Galatians from the love and affection of Paul. They would shut them out from that, in order that they might secure them for their own purposes. If the reading in the margin, however, should be retained, the sense would be clearer. "They wish to exclude us, that is, me, the apostle, in order that they may have you wholly to themselves. If they can once get rid of your attachment to me, then they will have no difficulty in securing you for themselves."This reading, says Rosenmuller, is found "in many of the best codices, and versions, and fathers."It is adopted by Doddridge, Locke, and others. The main idea is clear: Paul stood in the way of their designs. The Galatians were truly attached to him, and it was necessary, in order to accomplish their ends, to withdraw their affections from him. When false teachers have designs on a people, they begin by alienating their confidence and affections from their pastors and teachers. They can hope for no success until this is done; and hence, the efforts of errorists, and of infidels, and of scorners, is to undermine the confidence of a people in the ministry, and when this is done there is little difficulty in drawing them over to their own purposes.

That ye might affect them - The same word as in the former part of the verse, "that ye might zealously affect them"- that is, that ye might show ardent attachment to them. Their first work is to manifest special interest for your welfare; their second, to alienate you from him who had first preached the gospel to you; their object, not your salvation, or your real good, but to secure your zealous love for themselves.

Barnes: Gal 4:18 - -- But it is good to be, zealously affected - The meaning of this is, "Understand me: I do not speak against zeal. I have not a word to say in its...

But it is good to be, zealously affected - The meaning of this is, "Understand me: I do not speak against zeal. I have not a word to say in its disparagement. In itself, it is good; and their zeal would be good if it were in a good cause."Probably, they relied much on their zeal; perhaps they maintained, as errorists and deceivers are very apt to do, that zeal was sufficient evidence of the goodness of their cause, and that persons who are so very zealous could not possibly be bad men. How often is this plea set up by the friends of errorists and deceivers!

And not only when I am present with you - It seems to me that there is great adroitness and great delicacy of irony in this remark; and that the apostle intends to remind them as gently as possible, that it would have been as well for them to have shown their zeal in a good cause when he was absent, as well as when he was with them. The sense may be, "You were exceedingly zealous in a good cause when I was with you. You loved the truth; you loved me. Since I left you, and as soon almost as I was out of your sight, your zeal died away, and your ardent love for me was transferred to others. Allow me to remind you, that it would be well to be zealous of good when I am away, as well as when I am with you. There is not much true affection in that which dies away as soon as a man’ s back is turned."The doctrine is, that true zeal or love will live alike when the object is near and when it is removed; when our friends are present with us, and when they leave us; when their eye is upon us, and when it is turned away.

Barnes: Gal 4:19 - -- My little children - The language of tender affection, such as a parent would use toward his own offspring; see the note at 1Co 4:15; compare M...

My little children - The language of tender affection, such as a parent would use toward his own offspring; see the note at 1Co 4:15; compare Mat 18:3; Joh 13:33; 1Jo 2:1, 1Jo 2:12-13; 1Jo 4:4; 1Jo 5:21. The idea here is, that Paul felt that he sustained toward them the relation of a father, and he had for them the deep and tender feelings of a parent.

Of whom I travail in birth again - For whose welfare I am deeply anxious: and for whom I endure deep anguish; compare 1Co 4:15. His anxiety for them he compares to the deepest sufferings which human nature endures; and his language here is a striking illustration of what ministers of the gospel should feel, and do sometimes feel, in regard to their people.

Until Christ be formed in you - The name Christ is often used to denote his religion, or the principles of his gospel; see the note at Rom 13:14. Here it means, until Christ reigns wholly in your hearts; until you wholly and entirely embrace his doctrines; and until you become wholly imbued with his spirit; see Col 1:27.

Barnes: Gal 4:20 - -- I desire to be present with you now - They had lost much by his absence; they had changed their views; they had in some measure become alienate...

I desire to be present with you now - They had lost much by his absence; they had changed their views; they had in some measure become alienated from him; and he wishes that he might be again with them, as he was before. He would hope to accomplish much more by his personal presence than he could by letter.

And to change my voice - That is, from complaint and censure, to tones of entire confidence.

For I stand in doubt of you - Margin, "I am perplexed for you."On the meaning of the word used here, see the note at 2Co 4:8. The sense is plain. Paul had much reason to doubt the sincerity and the solidity of their Christian principles, and he was deeply anxious on that account.

Poole: Gal 4:1 - -- Gal 4:1-3 The Jews were for a while held under the law, as an heir under his guardian till he be of age. Gal 4:4-7 But Christ came to redeem tho...

Gal 4:1-3 The Jews were for a while held under the law, as an

heir under his guardian till he be of age.

Gal 4:4-7 But Christ came to redeem those that were under the

law, and to give both to Jew and Gentile the adoption,

and consequently the freedom, of sons.

Gal 4:8-10 Paul therefore reproveth the Galatians, who from

serving idols had been received of God, for falling

back to the bondage of legal observances.

Gal 4:11-20 He expresseth his fears and tender regard for them,

and calleth to mind their former respect and good will

to him, from which he admonisheth them not to be

seduced in his absence.

Gal 4:21-31 He allegorically describeth the Jewish and Christian

churches under the types of Agar and Sara, and

inferreth that we, being children of the free-woman,

are free.

The apostle had before determined, that the whole body of such as believed in Jesus Christ, were that seed of Abraham to which the promise was made, and so heirs of the promises made to him; yet so, that, as it is among men, though a child be a great heir, and lord of a great estate, yet while he is under age he is used like a servant; so the time of the law being as it were the time of believers’ nonage, those who lived in that time were used like servants.

Poole: Gal 4:2 - -- The heir, (mentioned in the former verse), though he be an heir of a great estate, yet is not presently possessed of it; but he is by his father kep...

The heir, (mentioned in the former verse), though he be an heir of a great estate, yet is not presently possessed of it; but he is by his father kept under tutors and governors, until the time which he hath appointed when he will be pleased to release him from his pupillage, and settle some part of his inheritance upon him.

Poole: Gal 4:3 - -- Such children were all believers, the seed of Abraham; from the first designed to a gospel liberty, but that was not to be fully enjoyed, until the ...

Such children were all believers, the seed of Abraham; from the first designed to a gospel liberty, but that was not to be fully enjoyed, until the fulness of time should come when God intended to send his Son into the world; and during the time of their nonage they were kept under the law, as a tutor and governor, leading them unto Christ. He chiefly intendeth the ceremonial law, which, Act 15:10 , Peter calleth a yoke, which neither they nor their fathers were able to bear. He calls these ordinances the elements of the world; so also Col 2:20 : he means that discipline by which God instructed, and under which God by Moses at first tutored, the world, that is, the Jews, who were that part of the world to whom God pleased to make his oracles known. He calls those ritual observances, elements, or rudiments, because they were the first instructions God gave believers, leading them to Christ; like the first elements or rudiments in grammar learning.

Poole: Gal 4:4 - -- But when the fulness of the time was come; the time which answered the time appointed of the earthly father, mentioned Gal 4:2 ; when that time came ...

But when the fulness of the time was come; the time which answered the time appointed of the earthly father, mentioned Gal 4:2 ; when that time came in which God had designed to bring his people into the most perfect state of liberty, which in this life they are capable of.

God sent forth his Son who was existent before, (being brought forth before the mountains or hills were settled, Pro 8:25 ), but not

sent forth until this fulness of time came. And then

made of a woman conceived in the womb of the virgin, by the power of the Holy Ghost overshadowing her.

Made under the law to which, as God, he was not subject, (being himself the lawmaker), but he subjected himself. He was born in a nation, and of a parent, under the law; he was circumcised, and submitted to the ceremonial law; he in all things conformed his life to the rule of the law, and subjected himself to the curse of the law, being made a curse for us. Nothing of this is questioned, except the last; which yet appears also to have been necessary by what followeth in the next verse, for how else could he have redeemed those who were under the law; and this agreeth with what we had, Gal 3:13 .

Poole: Gal 4:5 - -- This makes it appear, that Christ’ s being under the law must be understood as well of the moral as of the ceremonial law, that is, subject t...

This makes it appear, that Christ’ s being under the law must be understood as well of the moral as of the ceremonial law, that is, subject to the precepts of it, as well as to the curse of it; for if the end of this being born under the law, was to redeem those that were under it, that he had not reached by being merely under the ceremonial law; for the Gentiles were not under that law, but only under the moral law; and they also were to be redeemed, and to receive the great privilege of

adoption or rather, the rights of adopted children; which (some think) is to be understood here, rather than what is strictly to be understood by the term of adoption, viz. a right to be called and to be the sons of God. Others, by adoption, understand that full state of liberty of which the apostle had been before speaking, in opposition to that state of childhood and nonage in which believers were until the times of the gospel; for, Gal 5:1 , we shall find that that was a liberty wherewith Christ made us free: and indeed this last sense seemeth best to agree with what the apostle had before said, Gal 4:1-3 , though the other senses are not to be excluded.

Poole: Gal 4:6 - -- Lest the Jews should claim the adoption as peculiar to them, the apostle tells them that these Gentiles were also sons; and in confirmation of that,...

Lest the Jews should claim the adoption as peculiar to them, the apostle tells them that these Gentiles were also sons; and in confirmation of that, he saith, that God had sent

the Spirit of his Son into their hearts: not that the Holy Spirit is not the Spirit of the Father, as well as of Christ; but he calleth him the Spirit of Christ, because he had made adoption the end and fruit of redemption; and redemption is every where made the work of the Son. The apostle saith, Rom 9:4 , that the adoption belongeth to the Israelites: the Jews were the first people whom God dignified with the name of his sons, his first-born, Exo 4:22 ; and so many of them as believed also received the Spirit, Eze 36:27 ; but the full effusion of the Spirit was reserved to gospel times, and until the time that Christ ascended, Joh 7:39 16:7 . After which the Spirit was poured out in the days of Pentecost, Act 2:1-47 , whose effects were evident, not only in power to work miracles, and speak with divers tongues, (which were not common to all believers), but also in a variety of spiritual gifts and habits, amongst which this was one, teaching them to cry,

Abba, Father

Crying ( it is expounded, Rom 8:15 , whereby we cry, that is, through whose influence and working in us we cry), Abba, Father, that is, Father, Father: which not only signifieth the Spirit’ s influence upon believers’ words in prayer, first conceived in the heart, then uttered by the lips; but chiefly those habits of grace, by which we pray acceptably; faith and holy boldness, by which we call God Father; zeal and fervency, by which we are importunate with God, and say, Father, Father. Which were now not the privileges of Jews only, but of these Galatians also, who were by nature Gentiles, and strangers to God; and a certain evidence of their concern in the redemption of Christ, and that they also might expect salvation from him.

Poole: Gal 4:7 - -- Thou that art a believing Gentile, as well as the believing Israelites, art no more a servant not in that state of servile subjection to the law; ...

Thou that art a believing Gentile, as well as the believing Israelites,

art no more a servant not in that state of servile subjection to the law;

but a son but in a more excellent state of liberty, like unto that of sons that have attained to a full and ripe age. Christ told his disciples, Joh 15:15 , that he did not call them servants, for servants knew not what their lord did; but he had freely communicated to them what he had received from the Father. The apostle here saith, they were sons, sons by adoption; which is the highest notion of freedom and liberty. And this entitled them to an inheritance:

if a son, then an heir of God through Christ: which agreeth with Rom 8:17 . And as it is with sons and heirs, though the inheritance cometh not fully to them till the death of the parent, yet while they live they are in a far better condition than servants; so the believing Gentiles, being made sons and heirs of God through Christ, though they were to stay a while for the inheritance reserved for the sons of God in the heavens, yet their state was much better than that of servants; for though they were obliged to serve the Lord, yet they served him without servile fear, and were no otherwise servants than sons are also servants to their father.

Poole: Gal 4:8 - -- When ye knew not God as he is, or as ye ought to have known him, or as, since, you have known him; for even the heathen have some knowledge of God, R...

When ye knew not God as he is, or as ye ought to have known him, or as, since, you have known him; for even the heathen have some knowledge of God, Rom 1:21 .

Ye did service unto them which by nature are no gods you paid religious homages unto idols; which are gods, not by nature and essence, but only in the opinion of idolaters. Which was a more miserable bondage and servitude than the Jews were under, who knew the true God; though in the time when the church was like the heir under age, it was subject to the law contained in ordinances, and under the yoke of the law.

Poole: Gal 4:9 - -- After that ye have known God after that you are come to a true and saving knowledge of God in Christ, and know God as he is. Or rather are known of ...

After that ye have known God after that you are come to a true and saving knowledge of God in Christ, and know God as he is.

Or rather are known of God or rather after you are received of God, approved of him, made through Christ acceptable to him, which is much more than a true comprehension of God in your notion and understanding.

How turn ye again to the weak and beggarly elements, whereunto ye desire again to be in bondage? How turn you back again to the legal services of the ceremonial law? Which he calleth elements, or rudiments, because they were God’ s first instructions given to his church for his worship, to which he intended afterward a more perfect way of worship. He calls them

weak because they brought nothing to perfection; and the observance of them was impotent as to the justification of a soul, as all the law is. He calls them

beggarly in comparison of the more rational, spiritual way of worship under the gospel. He saith that they desired

to be in bondage unto these, because they would not see and make use of the liberty from them which Christ had purchased.

Objection. It may be objected, that the Galatians were not educated in Judaism; how then doth the apostle charge them with turning back to them?

Answer. This hath made some think, that, by

the weak and beggarly elements mentioned in this verse, the apostle meaneth their Gentile superstitions and idolatries; but this is not probable, the apostle, all along the Epistle, charging them with no such apostacy. Others think, that he in this verse chiefly reflecteth on the believing Jews, who afterwards returned again to the use of the law. But why may not we rather say, that he calleth their fact a turning back, not so much with reference to their personal practice, as to the state of the church; which was once under those elements, but by the coming of Christ was brought into a more perfect state. So that for them who were called into the church in the time of this its more perfect state, for them to return to the bondage of the law, that was truly to turn back; if not to any practice of their own, which they had cast off, yet to a state of the church which the church of God had now outgrown.

Poole: Gal 4:10 - -- If we had any evidence that these Galatians were relapsed to their Gentile superstitions, these terms might be understood of such days, &c. as they ...

If we had any evidence that these Galatians were relapsed to their Gentile superstitions, these terms might be understood of such days, &c. as they kept in honour to their idols. But the apostle, throughout the whole Epistle, not reflecting upon them for any such gross apostacy (as returning to the vanities of the heathen in which they formerly lived); but only for Judaizing, and using the ceremonies of the Jewish law, as necessary to be observed, besides their believing in Christ, for their justification; it is much more probable that he meaneth by days the Jewish festivals, such as their new moons, &c.; by months, the first and the seventh month, when they religiously fasted; by times, their more solemn times, such as were their feasts of first-fruits, tabernacles, &c.; and by years, their years of jubilee, the seventh and the fiftieth year. His meaning is, that they took themselves to be under a religious obligation to observe these times as still commanded by God.

Poole: Gal 4:11 - -- Paul knew that, with reference to himself, he had not laboured in vain; he might say with Isaiah, Isa 49:5 : Though Israel be not gathered, yet sha...

Paul knew that, with reference to himself, he had not laboured in vain; he might say with Isaiah, Isa 49:5 : Though Israel be not gathered, yet shall I be glorified. He had told the Corinthians, that he knew he should be a sweet savour to God, as well in them that perished as in them that should be saved, 2Co 2:15 . But he speaks with reference to them. A faithful minister accounteth his labour lost when he seeth no fruits of it upon the souls of his people. Nor was Paul afraid of this as to the sincerer part of this church, who truly believed, and were justified, but he speaketh this with reference to the whole body of this church. That which he feared, was their falling back from their profession of Christianity to Judaism; as judging the observation of the Jewish days necessary by Divine precept to Christians. Nor doth he speak of the observation of such days, as it was their duty in obedience to the moral law to observe, which commandeth the observation of a seventh day for the weekly sabbath, and gives a liberty for setting apart other days, and the commanding the observation of them, to take notice of and acknowledge God in emergent providences. But he only speaks of days imposed by the ceremonial law, and men’ s religious observation of them, as being tied to it by a Divine precept, by which they made them a part of worship. We have a liberty to set apart any day for God’ s worship, and magistrates have a liberty to set apart particular days for the acknowledgment of God in emergent providences whether of mercy or judgment; but none hath a power to make a day holy, so as that it shall be a sin against God for all to labour therein, much less hath any a liberty to keep Jewish holy-days.

Poole: Gal 4:12 - -- Be as I am; for I am as ye are be as friendly to me as I am to you: see the like phrase, 1Ki 22:4 . But how doth the apostle say they had not injured...

Be as I am; for I am as ye are be as friendly to me as I am to you: see the like phrase, 1Ki 22:4 . But how doth the apostle say they had not injured him at all, when it is manifest they had defamed him?

Answer. He had forgiven, or was ready to forgive, this to them; he had no desire or design to be revenged on them. Or in this particular thing of Judaizing, for which he had been reflecting upon them, they had done him no personal injury; it was only his care for and love to their souls, which had drawn out this discourse from him; not any particular prejudice to them, or any desire he had to take any revenge upon them, for any personal injury done to himself.

Poole: Gal 4:13 - -- The Scripture having not given us a particular account of Paul’ s circumstances when he first preached the gospel to the Galatians, we are at a...

The Scripture having not given us a particular account of Paul’ s circumstances when he first preached the gospel to the Galatians, we are at a loss to determine what those infirmities were which Paul here speaketh of, more than that he calls them

infirmities of the flesh: by which may be understood, either the baseness and contemptibleness of his presence, (which the false teachers at Corinth objected to him, 2Co 10:10 ), or some bodily sickness which Paul had at that time, (as some of the ancients guess), or his sufferings for the gospel, which were those infirmities wherein he chose to glory, 2Co 11:30 .

Poole: Gal 4:14 - -- And my temptation which was in my flesh ye despised not, nor rejected the apostle saith they were so far from injuring him, (as he had said, Gal 4:12...

And my temptation which was in my flesh ye despised not, nor rejected the apostle saith they were so far from injuring him, (as he had said, Gal 4:12 ), that they had expressed great kindness to him: for though, when he first came amongst them to preach the gospel, he was a man of no great presence; but, in the judgment of some, vile and base; or was full of bodily weakness and disease, was persecuted by men; yet they did not reject nor despise him, for those temptations he had in the flesh: by which he means, the same things he before meant by infirmities, for both bodily weaknesses, and sufferings for the gospel, are temptations, or, as the word signifieth, trials.

But received me as an angel of God, even as Christ Jesus; nay, (saith he), you were so for from rejecting or despising me upon that account, that (on the contrary) you received me as if I had been an angel; yea, if Jesus Christ himself had come amongst you, you could not have been more kind to him than you were to me. This he tells them, partly, to let them know, that what he had spoken was not out of any ill will or prejudice to them; partly, to retain their good will, that they might not show themselves uncertain and inconstant in their judgments and affections; and partly, (as the following verse testifieth), to show the levity of some of them, who had too much forgotten their first judgment of him, and value for him.

Poole: Gal 4:15 - -- Some understand the blessedness here spoken of in a passive sense; you were then a blessed and happy people, receiving the doctrine of the gospel ...

Some understand the blessedness here spoken of in a passive sense; you were then a blessed and happy people, receiving the doctrine of the gospel in the truth and purity of it; what is now become of that blessedness? But both the preceding and the following words seem to rule the sense otherwise, viz. Where is that blessedness which you predicted of me? You called me then blessed, and showed me such a dear affection that you would, if it would have done me good, have parted with what was dearest to you.

Poole: Gal 4:16 - -- What hath now altered your mind, or made you have a worse opinion of me? Wherein have I offended you or done you any harm? I have done nothing but r...

What hath now altered your mind, or made you have a worse opinion of me? Wherein have I offended you or done you any harm? I have done nothing but revealed to you the truth of God; am I therefore become your enemy? Or do you account me your enemy on that account?

Poole: Gal 4:17 - -- They the false teachers, that have perverted you as to the faith of the gospel. Zealously affect you pretend a great warmth of affection for you. ...

They the false teachers, that have perverted you as to the faith of the gospel.

Zealously affect you pretend a great warmth of affection for you.

But not well but in this they do not well, nor for a good end.

They would exclude you from our good opinion and affection.

That ye might affect them that they might have all your love and respect; and so, by the ruin of our reputation with you, they might build up their own reputation.

Poole: Gal 4:18 - -- It is good to be zealously affected always in a good thing: the apostle, in the former verses, had been speaking of a great zeal, or warmth of affect...

It is good to be zealously affected always in a good thing: the apostle, in the former verses, had been speaking of a great zeal, or warmth of affection, (for that zeal signifieth), which these Galatians had for and declared towards him, when he first preached the gospel amongst them; and also of a great warmth and degree of affection which these false tcachers had pretended to this church. These words are so delivered that they are applicable to either of these; but the latter words seem to make them most properly applicable to the former; so the term

always is emphatical: There was a time, when you were very warm in your love to me; the cause being good, your warmth of affection ought not to have abated, but continued always,

and not only while you saw me, and I was

present with you

Poole: Gal 4:19 - -- By calling them little children he both hints to them that he was their spiritual father, and had begotten them to Christ; and that they were as ye...

By calling them little children he both hints to them that he was their spiritual father, and had begotten them to Christ; and that they were as yet weak in the faith, not grown men, but as yet little children: and also hints to them, the tender affection he had towards them, which was the same as of a mother to her little children: though they did not own and honour him as their spiritual father, yet he loved them as his

little children

Of whom I travail in birth again for whom I am in as great pain, through my earnest desire for the good of your souls, as the woman is that is in travail for the bringing forth of a child.

Until Christ be fully and perfectly formed in you that is, till you be brought off from your Judaism, and opinion of the necessity of superadding the works of the law to the faith of Christ in order to your justification, and be rooted in the truth and established in the liberty of the gospel, witIt which Christ hath made you free.

Poole: Gal 4:20 - -- I desire to be present with you now I wish circumstances so concurred that I could be present with you. And to change my voice that I might use my ...

I desire to be present with you now I wish circumstances so concurred that I could be present with you.

And to change my voice that I might use my tongue towards you as I saw occasion; either commending, or reproving, or exhorting, as I saw cause.

For I stand in doubt of you for I do not know what to think of you; I am afraid of your falling away from the profession of the gospel to Judaism.

Haydock: Gal 4:1 - -- By the child, in this place, the apostles understands all the Jewish people, who, as long as they were under the childhood of the law, were subject to...

By the child, in this place, the apostles understands all the Jewish people, who, as long as they were under the childhood of the law, were subject to numerous restrictions, although they were the favorite children of God. But when the fulness of time came, they received the adoption of children, and were in possession of the liberty of the law of grace. They were no longer obliged to observe the legal rites. Whence the apostle wishes the conclusion to be drawn, that if persons once subject to the law were now exempt from it, how much more will those be excused from its yoke, who were never under its control. (Calmet)

Haydock: Gal 4:3 - -- Under the elements of the world. St. John Chrysostom understands the exterior ceremonies and precepts of the law of Moses, with an allusion to the f...

Under the elements of the world. St. John Chrysostom understands the exterior ceremonies and precepts of the law of Moses, with an allusion to the first elements or rudiments which children are taught. (Witham)

Haydock: Gal 4:4 - -- The fulness of the time. That is, the time decreed by Divine Providence. --- God sent his Son made of a woman, who took a true human body of his v...

The fulness of the time. That is, the time decreed by Divine Providence. ---

God sent his Son made of a woman, who took a true human body of his virgin Mother. ---

Under the law, as he was man, because he was pleased to make himself so. (Witham)

Haydock: Gal 4:6 - -- Crying, Abba. That is, Father; Christ taught us in prayer to call God our Father, he having made us his adoptive sons by his grace, and heirs...

Crying, Abba. That is, Father; Christ taught us in prayer to call God our Father, he having made us his adoptive sons by his grace, and heirs of heaven. (Witham)

Haydock: Gal 4:8-9 - -- You served them, who by nature are no gods. These words are to be understood of the converts, who had been Gentiles. --- Known of God. That is, a...

You served them, who by nature are no gods. These words are to be understood of the converts, who had been Gentiles. ---

Known of God. That is, approved and loved by him. (Witham) ---

The language of the apostle in this verse is not perhaps strictly precise. The Galatians, whom he addresses, had been converted from paganism, and of course were never subject to the law of Moses. But the apostle, by these words, entreats them not to begin now to serve these weak and useless elements, (as he calls the Jewish rites) or by this expression he may mean (as St. John Chrysostom and Theophylactus explain it) the tyranny of error and wickedness. (Calmet)

Haydock: Gal 4:10-11 - -- You observe [1] days, &c. These false teachers were for obliging all Christians to observe all the Jewish feasts, fasts, ceremonies, &c. Some of ...

You observe [1] days, &c. These false teachers were for obliging all Christians to observe all the Jewish feasts, fasts, ceremonies, &c. Some of the later reformers find here an occasion to blame the fasts and holydays kept by Catholics. St. Jerome, in his commentary on these words, tells us that some had made the like objection in his time: his answer might reasonably stop their rashness; to wit, that Christians keep indeed the sabbath on Sunday, (not the Jewish sabbath on Saturdays) that they keep also divers holydays, and days on which great saints suffered martyrdom, (let our adversaries take notice of this) but that both the days are different, and the motives of keeping them. See St. Jerome, tom. iv. p. 271. (Witham) ---

This text cannot mean to condemn the feasts appointed to be kept holy in the Catholic Church. For on the festivals dedicated to our Lord, St. Augustine writeth thus: "We dedicate and consecrate the memory of God's benefits with solemnities on solemn appointed days, lest in process of time they might creep into ungrateful and unkind oblivion." And of the martyrs thus: "Christians people celebrate the memories of martyrs with religious solemnity, both to move themselves to an imitation of their virtues, and that they may be partakers of their merits, and helped by their prayers." (Cont. Faust. lib. xx. chap. 21.) And of other saints thus: "keep ye and celebrate with sobriety the nativities of saints, that we may imitate them that are gone before us, and that they may rejoice in us, who pray for us." (In Ps. .xxxviii. Conc. 2. in fine.)

Haydock: Gal 4:10 - -- [BIBLIOGRAPHY] St. Jerome on this verse, p. 271, dicat aliquis, nos simile crimen in[]urrimus....observantes diem dominicam....Pascha festivitatem,...


St. Jerome on this verse, p. 271, dicat aliquis, nos simile crimen in[]urrimus....observantes diem dominicam....Pascha festivitatem, & Pentecostes []ætitiam, & pro varietate regionum, diversa in honore martyrum tempora consti[]uta, &c.

Haydock: Gal 4:12 - -- Be ye as I, for I also am as you. I add no word in the translation, because it is uncertain what is to be understood: some give this construction, b...

Be ye as I, for I also am as you. I add no word in the translation, because it is uncertain what is to be understood: some give this construction, be you as I am, because I also was, as you now are; and they expound them thus: lay aside your zeal for the Jewish ceremonies as I have done, who was once as zealous for them as you seem now to be. Others would have the construction and sense to be: be you as I am, because I am as you; that is, be affected to me, and love me, as I have still a true affection and love for you, which is agreeable to what follows, you have not offended me at all. (Witham)

Haydock: Gal 4:13-16 - -- Through infirmity of the flesh....and your temptation in my flesh. St. Jerome thinks the apostle had some bodily infirmity upon him. St. John Chrys...

Through infirmity of the flesh....and your temptation in my flesh. St. Jerome thinks the apostle had some bodily infirmity upon him. St. John Chrysostom understands his poverty, and want, and persecutions, and that some were inclined to contemn him and his preaching on these accounts. Yet others among them did not esteem him less: they received him, respected him as an Angel of God, as Christ Jesus; they would have given him their eyes, as one may say, and all that was dear to them. He puts them in mind how happy then they thought themselves, and asketh why they are now so much changed? (Witham)

Haydock: Gal 4:17-20 - -- He tells them this change come from the false teachers among them, who with a false zeal would exclude them from a friendship and a submission to ...

He tells them this change come from the false teachers among them, who with a false zeal would exclude them from a friendship and a submission to St. Paul, and deprive them again of that Christian liberty by which Christ, and the faith of Christ, had freed them from the yoke of the Mosaical law. On this account I must labor and travail, as it were to bring you forth a second time. How do I now wish to be with you, to change my voice, to exhort you, to reprehend you, to use all ways and means to regain you to Christ? ---

I am in confusion about you, [2] I am perplexed, as the Greek signifies, as not knowing what to say or do. (Witham)

Haydock: Gal 4:20 - -- [BIBLIOGRAPHY] Confundor in vobis, Greek: aporoumai. See 2 Corinthians iv. 8. &c.


Confundor in vobis, Greek: aporoumai. See 2 Corinthians iv. 8. &c.

Gill: Gal 4:1 - -- Now I say,.... To illustrate what he had said of the law's being a schoolmaster to the Jews until the coming of Christ, and then ceasing as such, he p...

Now I say,.... To illustrate what he had said of the law's being a schoolmaster to the Jews until the coming of Christ, and then ceasing as such, he proposes the case of an heir during his minority, till he come to the proper time of enjoying his estate.

that the heir, as long as he is a child; anyone that is an heir to his father's estate, or another's, whilst under age, being reckoned as a child, as he is from his infancy to his manhood,

differeth nothing from a servant: he is not his own man, nor at his own dispose; he cannot do as he pleases; he is under restraint; he is kept to school or to business, and is liable to correction and chastisement according as he behaves; nor can he have the free use of his father's estate,

though he be Lord of all, of all the servants, according to the Arabic version; or of the whole estate his father left him, of which he is Lord in right, but not in possession; he is right heir to it, though as yet it is not in his hands, nor can he do with it as he will.

Gill: Gal 4:2 - -- But is under tutors and governors,.... The word rendered "tutors", is adopted by the Jewish Targumists and Rabbins into their language; and by the for...

But is under tutors and governors,.... The word rendered "tutors", is adopted by the Jewish Targumists and Rabbins into their language; and by the former is used x for any ruler and governor, civil or domestic; and by the latter, for such as are guardians of infants, fatherless children, and such as are under age, as it is here used; and who were either appointed by the will of the deceased, or by the sanhedrim, of whom they say y, אפוטרופא לדיקנני לא מוקמינן, "we do not appoint a tutor or guardian for a bearded person"; that is, an adult person, one that is grown up to man's estate; but מוקמינן ליה אפוטרופא לינוקא, "we appoint a guardian for an infant"; and they had not used to appoint women or servants, or such as were minors themselves, or any of the common people; but men of substance, integrity, and wisdom z; a fatherless child had two tutors a; the power that guardians so appointed had, is at large described by Maimonides b. Governors were such as acted under the tutors or guardians, and were employed by them for the improvement of their estates and minds, as stewards, schoolmasters, &c. until the time appointed of the father; by his last will and testament, which might be sooner or later, as he pleased; but if he died intestate, the time of minority, and so the duration of tutors and guardians, were according to the laws of the nation; which with the Romans was until a man was twenty five years of age; and with the Jews, for a male, was until he was thirteen years of age and one day; and for a female, until she was twelve years of age and one day, if the signs of ripeness of age appeared; but if they did not, the time was protracted until they were twenty, and even sometimes till they were thirty five years of age, before the matter was determined c.

Gill: Gal 4:3 - -- Even so we,.... Jews, for of such the apostle is only speaking, and to whom he applies the above case of heirs in minority; it was to the Jews he had ...

Even so we,.... Jews, for of such the apostle is only speaking, and to whom he applies the above case of heirs in minority; it was to the Jews he had spoken of the law, as being a military guard, a prison, and a schoolmaster to them; and then having addressed the Gentiles, as being the children of God, baptized into Christ, one in him, interested in him, the spiritual seed of Abraham, and heirs of all the blessings of grace and glory; he returns to the Jews, and represents their estate and condition under the law by the above simile, which he here makes an application of:

when we were children; not in age, but in knowledge of divine, spiritual, and evangelical things; which must be understood not of every individual person among them, for there were some grown men, men of great faith, light, knowledge, and experience; but of the bulk and generality of the people of the Jews, and that also in comparison of the clear understanding of the saints under the Gospel dispensation. The Jews were like children, peevish, froward, and perverse, and often stood in need of correction and chastisement; and as children are pleased with pictures, shows, sights, and gaudy amusements, so they were taken with an external pompous form of worship, and which they had, and was suited to their infant state; and which infant state of the Jewish church commenced from the time of their coming up out of Egypt, and lasted until the times of the Messiah; see Hos 11:1.

Were in bondage under the elements of the world; by which are meant, not the four elements of fire, water, earth, and air; nor the angels, who by some are thought to preside over them; nor the sun and moon, according to whose revolutions the festivals of the Jews were regulated; but the several institutions of the Mosaic economy, which were to the Jews what an A B C, or an alphabet of letters, is to one that is beginning to learn; or what an accidence and grammar be to such who are learning any language, and which contain the rudiments of it; as the physical elements are the first principles of nature, and the general rules of speech and language are the rudiments thereof, so the Mosaic institutions were the elements, rudiments, or first principles of the Jewish religion, taught them by the law, as their schoolmaster, and by which they were used as children: these are called "elements", in allusion to the first principles of nature and learning; and the elements "of the world", because they lay in outward worldly and earthly things, as meats, drinks, divers washings, &c. and because that hereby God instructed the world, at least a part of it, the world of the Jews: or as the word κοσμος may be rendered "beauty", or "elegancy", these were elegant elements, which in a most beautiful manner taught the people of the Jews the first principles of the doctrine of Christ: but nevertheless, whilst they were under the instructions and discipline of the law as a schoolmaster, "they were in bondage"; referring not to their bondage in Egypt, nor in the several captivities into which they were carried by their neighbours; nor to the bondage of sin and Satan, common to all men in a state of nature; but to the bondage which the law naturally gendered, led them to, induced upon them, and kept them in, through its sanctions and penalties; for, through fear of death, they were under a servile disposition, and were all their lifetime subject to bondage; they carried a yoke of bondage upon their necks, and were under a spirit of bondage unto fear; they were like children closely kept to school to learn their letters, say their lessons, and perform their tasks; and, if not, receive due correction, which kept them in continual fear and bondage.

Gill: Gal 4:4 - -- But when the fulness of time was come,.... The time agreed and fixed upon between God and his Son from all eternity, in the council and covenant of pe...

But when the fulness of time was come,.... The time agreed and fixed upon between God and his Son from all eternity, in the council and covenant of peace, when the Son of God should assume human nature; which time was diligently searched into by the prophets, was revealed unto them, and predicted by them; as more generally that it should be before the civil government ceased from Judah, and before the destruction of the second temple; and more particularly by Daniel in his prophecy of the "seventy weeks", towards and about the close of which there was a general expectation among the Jews of the Messiah's coming; and was the fulness of time here referred to, and what is sometimes called the dispensation of the fulness of time, the end of the Mosaic dispensation and Jewish church state, the last days of that state, and the end of the Jewish world, as to their ecclesiastical and civil polity. The Jews themselves own that the time of the Messiah's coming is fixed, and that at that time he shall come, whether they are worthy or not, for so it is asserted in their Talmud d;

"says R. Jochanan, the son of David does not come, but in an age which is all worthy, or all wicked; in a generation which is all worthy, as it is written, Isa 60:21 in a generation that is all wicked, as it is written, Isa 66:5 and it is written, "for my name's sake will I do it"; says R. Alexander, R. Joshua ben Levi objects what is written, Isa 60:22 "in its time"; and it is written, "I will hasten it"; if they are worthy I will hasten it, if they are not worthy it shall be בעתה, "in its time".''

And accordingly a more modern writer of theirs says e,

"our redemption upon all accounts shall be, בזמנה, "in its time", whether worthy or, wicked; but if worthy its time will be hastened;''

it must be owned they do not always say so: this phrase, "the fulness of time", is an Hebraism, and is the same with מלאת ימי, in Eze 5:2 which the Septuagint render την πληρωσιν των ημερων, "the fulness of days", and we, "when the days were fulfilled", when the time was up; and the same sense it has here, and it is also the same with מועד, "the appointed time", Hab 2:3 and answers to προθεσμια του πατρος, "the time appointed of the Father", Gal 4:2.

God sent forth his Son; God not absolutely and essentially, but personally and relatively considered, is here meant, namely, God the Father, as appears from the relation the person sent stands in to him, "his Son"; not by creation, as angels, Adam, and all men are the sons of God; nor by adoption, as saints are; or by office, as magistrates be; or on account of his incarnation or resurrection from the dead, for he was the Son of God before either; but by divine generation, being the only begotten of the Father, of his divine nature and essence, equal to him, and one with him: and who was "sent" by him, not out of disrespect to him, but love to us; nor without his consent or against his will, he readily and heartily agreeing to it; nor does it imply any local motion or change of place, but only designs the assumption of human nature; nor does it suppose any superiority and inferiority, for though Christ, as man, and in his office capacity, as Mediator, is inferior to the Father, yet not as to his divine nature, or as the Son of God; but it suggests, that he existed before he was sent, and that as a person, and as a distinct person from the Father, otherwise he could not with any propriety be said to be sent by him; and also that there was an entire harmony and agreement between them in this matter, the Father agreed to send his Son, and the Son agreed to be sent; and that as to his taking upon him the office of Mediator, and his assumption of human nature in order to obtain eternal redemption: all this was not of himself, but done in concert with his Father, from whom as Mediator he had his mission and commission;

made of a woman; "made", not created as Adam was; nor begotten by man, as men in common are; nor is he said to be born, though he truly was, but "made"; which word the Holy Ghost chooses, to express the mighty power of God, in his mysterious incarnation, wonderful conception, and birth; though some copies read, "born of a woman"; and so the Arabic and Ethiopic version: "of a woman"; whose seed he was from the beginning said to be; of a woman, without a man; of a woman, a virgin, as was foretold; and not only made and formed in her, but of her, of her flesh and blood, of which he took part; and which denotes the low estate and great humiliation of Christ, and shows that as sin came into the world by the woman, the Saviour from sin came also the same way:

made under the law; under the civil and judicial law as a Jew, to which he was subject, paying tribute to the collectors of it; and which was necessary; that it might appear he sprung from that nation, to whom he was promised; and that he came before the civil government of that people was at an end; and to teach us subjection to the civil magistrate: and as a son of Abraham he was made under the ceremonial law, was circumcised the eighth day, kept the several feasts of tabernacles, passover, &c. and which was proper, since he was the principal end of it, in whom it centres, and for whose sake it was made; and that he might completely fulfil it, and by so doing put a period to it: and he was made under the moral law, both as a man and the surety of his people, and was subject to all the precepts of it, and bore the penalty of it, death, in their room and stead, and thereby fulfilled it, and delivered them from its curse and condemnation. So the Targumist f, joins the incarnation of the Messiah and his subjection to the law together, as the apostle here does;

"the prophet saith to the house of David, because a child is born unto us, and a son is given to us, עלוהי למטרה וקביל אוריתא, "and he hath took upon him the law to keep it, and his name shall be called", &c.''

Gill: Gal 4:5 - -- To redeem them that were under the law,.... By whom are meant chiefly the Jews, who are elsewhere represented as in and under the law, in distinction ...

To redeem them that were under the law,.... By whom are meant chiefly the Jews, who are elsewhere represented as in and under the law, in distinction from the Gentiles who were without it; see Rom 2:12 the Gentiles indeed, though they were not under the law of Moses, yet were not without law to God, they were under the law of nature. The law was given to Adam as a covenant of works, and not to him as a single person, but as a federal head to all his posterity; hence he sinning, and they in him, they all came under its sentence of condemnation and death, God's elect not excepted, and who are the persons said to be redeemed; for Christ was not sent to redeem all that were under the law; for as all mankind were included in it as a covenant of works made with Adam, and all are transgressors of it, the whole world is pronounced guilty before God by it, and liable to the curse of it; but not all mankind, only some out of every kindred, tongue, people, and nation, are redeemed by Christ, even all the elect, whether among Jews or Gentiles. The chosen among the Jews seem to be here principally designed; the redemption of them, which is the end of Christ's being sent, intends not only a deliverance of them from sin and Satan, and the world, to whom they were in bondage, but from the law under which they were; from the bondage of the ceremonial, and from the curse and condemnation of the moral law:

that we might receive the adoption of children; by which may be meant, both the grace, blessing, and privilege of adoption, and the inheritance adopted to; both are received, and that in consequence of redemption by Christ; and such as receive the one will also receive the other. Adoption, as a blessing of grace, exists before it is received; nor does the reception of it add anything to the thing itself; it was in God's designation from all eternity, who predestinated his chosen ones unto it by Christ, according to the good pleasure of his will; it was provided, laid up, and secured for them in the everlasting covenant; and is part of that grace given them in Christ before the world began; but sin intervening, whereby the law was broken, obstacles were thrown in the way of God's elect receiving and enjoying this privilege in their own persons; wherefore Christ was sent to redeem them from sin and the law, and by so doing remove these obstructions, that so they might receive this privilege in a way consistent with the righteousness and holiness of God, as well as with his grace and goodness: receiving of it shows it to be a gift, a free grace gift, and not owing to any merit of the creature; faith is the hand which receives it, as it does all other blessings, as Christ himself, grace out of his fulness, righteousness, pardon, &c. and has no more causal influence on this than on any of these; faith does not make any the sons of God, or put them among the children; but receives the power, the authority, the privilege from God through Christ, under the witnessings of the spirit of adoption; whereby they become such, and have a right to the heavenly inheritance, which they shall hereafter enjoy.

Gill: Gal 4:6 - -- And because ye are sons,.... That is of God, so some copies read; and the Ethiopic version, "inasmuch as ye are his sons"; not in so high a sense as C...

And because ye are sons,.... That is of God, so some copies read; and the Ethiopic version, "inasmuch as ye are his sons"; not in so high a sense as Christ is the Son of God; nor in so low a sense as all men are his offspring; nor in such sense as magistrates are the children of the most High; nor merely on account of a profession of religion, as the "sons of God" was a phrase very early used of the worshippers of the true God; but by virtue of adoption, and which is not owing to the merits of men, who are by nature children of wrath, but to the free rich sovereign grace of God. It is a privilege and blessing of grace in which all the three persons are concerned. The Father has predestinated to it, and in the covenant has provided and laid it up; he set up his Son as the pattern to which these sons should be conformed, and proposed the glory of his own grace, as the end; by virtue of which act of grace they were considered as the children of God, as early as the gift of them to Christ; and so by him when he partook of their flesh and blood, and died to gather them together who were scattered abroad; see Heb 2:13. The Son of God has also an hand in this affair; for through his espousing their persons, they become the sons and daughters of the Lord God Almighty; and through his assumption of their nature they become his brethren, and so to be in the relation of sons to God; through his redemption they receive the adoption of children, and at his hands the privilege, the power itself, to become such. The Spirit of God not only regenerates them, which is an evidence of their sonship, but as a spirit of adoption manifests it to them, works faith in them to receive it, and frequently witnesses to the truth of it; all which show how any come and are known to be the sons of God. This is a privilege that exceeds all others; it is more to be a son than to be a saint; angels are saints, but not sons, they are servants; it is more to be a child of God, than to be redeemed, pardoned, and justified; it is great grace to redeem from slavery, to pardon criminals, and justify the ungodly; but it is another and an higher act of grace to make them sons; and which makes them infinitely more honourable, than to be the sons and daughters of the greatest potentate upon earth; yea, gives them an honour which Adam had not in innocence, nor the angels in heaven, who though sons by creation, yet not by adoption. The consequence, and so the evidence of it, follows,

God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying Abba, Father. The Syriac and Arabic versions read, "our Father"; all the three divine persons here appear, as having a concern in this business, as before observed; here are God and his Son, and the Spirit of his Son, said to be sent; by whom is designed not any work of his upon the heart, nor any of his gifts and graces; but he himself in person, even the same Spirit of God that moved upon the face of the waters at the creation of the world, and moved holy men of God to write the Scriptures; who formed and filled the human nature of Christ, and descended on him as a dove; and by whom Christ and his apostles wrought their miracles; and who is called the Spirit of his Son; as he is frequently by the Jews g, רוחו של מלך משיח, "the Spirit of the King Messiah"; and sometimes h רוח מימריה, "the Spirit of his word", the essential word of God; because he proceeds from him as from the Father, and because he dwells in him, in an eminent manner, as Mediator, and is sent by virtue of his mediation and intercession; and he is the rather mentioned under this character, because adoption proceeds upon the natural sonship of Christ, and is what is the peculiar office of the Spirit to testify. When he is said to be "sent", it does not suppose any local motion or change of place in him, who is a spirit infinite, immense, and omnipresent; nor any inferiority to the Father that sends him, or to the Son whose Spirit he is; for he is one God with the Father and Son, and with the Father is the sender of Christ, Isa 48:16, but it regards his peculiar office in this affair of adoption, by agreement of all the three persons; the Father predestinated to it, the Son redeems, that it might be received, and the Spirit is sent to discover, apply, and bear witness to it; which is a wondrous instance of the grace of God. The place where he is sent is "into" the "heart": where he is as a principle of spiritual life, and which he furnishes and supplies with all grace; where he dwells as in his temple, and is the evidence of God's dwelling there, and also of interest in Christ; is there as a pledge and an earnest of future glory; and the whole is a surprising instance of condescending grace. The work he does there is various, and consists of divers parts; as convincing of sin, and righteousness, working faith, and acting the part of a comforter; but what is here referred to, is the discharge of his office as a spirit of adoption, "crying Abba, Father". The word Abba is an Hebrew, or rather a Syriac or Chaldee word, signifying "father"; and which is added for explanation sake; and its repetition may denote the vehemency of filial affection, the strength of faith and confidence as to interest in the relation; and being expressed both in Hebrew and Greek, may show that God is the Father both of Jews and Gentiles, and that there is but one Father of all; and if it might not be thought too curious an observation, it may be remarked that the word "Abba", read backwards or forwards, is the same pronunciation, and may teach us that God is the Father of his people in adversity as well as in prosperity. The act of "crying", though it is here ascribed to the Spirit, yet is not properly his, but the believers; and is attributed to him because he excites, encourages, and assists them as a spirit of adoption to call God their Father; and may be understood both of the secret internal crying of the soul, or exercise of faith on God as its Father, and of an open outward invocation of him as such, with much confidence, freedom, and boldness.

Gill: Gal 4:7 - -- Wherefore thou art no more a servant,.... This is a benefit resulting from adoption, and the manifestation of it to the children of God, and supposes ...

Wherefore thou art no more a servant,.... This is a benefit resulting from adoption, and the manifestation of it to the children of God, and supposes them to have been formerly servants; as whilst in a natural state they were the servants of sin, the vassals of Satan, slaves to the world, and the lusts of it, and in bondage to the law; but now being declared to be the sons of God under the witnessings of the Spirit, they are freed from the servitude of sin, from the captivity of Satan, from the slavery of the world, and particularly from the law, and that spirit of bondage which it brought upon them, which is chiefly designed; and from which they are delivered by the spirit of adoption, enabling and encouraging them to cry "Abba", Father; so that they are now no more under the former servile spirit, the spirit of a servant,

but a son; whose spirit, state, and case, are vastly different from those of a servant: the servant has not that interest in his master's affections as the son has; nor that liberty of access to him; nor is he fed and clothed as he is, or shares in the same privileges he does; nor is his obedience performed in the same free generous manner, from a principle of love and gratitude, but in a servile and mercenary way; and though he may expect his wages, he cannot hope for the inheritance; nor does he always abide in the house as the son does. He that is once a son, is always so, and no more a servant: predestination to sonship is immutable; it is God's act to put any among the children, and none can put them out; the covenant of grace, in which this blessing is secured, is unalterable; union with Christ, the Son of God, on which it is founded, is indissoluble; the spirit of adoption, wherever he witnesses, abides as such. They that are the sons of God may be corrected and chastised, as they often are, in a fatherly way; but these corrections are proofs for, and not against their sonship; they may indeed judge themselves unworthy to be called the sons of God, and may be in such frames of soul as to conclude, at least fear, they are not; but still the relation abides, and ever will. They will never more be servants, but always sons. The very learned Mr. Selden i thinks the apostle alludes to a custom among the Jews, who allowed only freemen, and not servants and handmaids, to call any Abba, Father such an one, or "Imma", Mother such an one: but this seems to proceed upon a mistaken sense, and rendering of a passage in the Talmud k, which is as follows, עבדים ושפחות אין קורין או־תאם אבא פלוני ואמא פלונית; which he thus renders, "neither servants nor handmaids use this kind of appellation, Abba", or "Father such an one", and "Imma", or "Mother such an one"; whereas it should be rendered, "servants and handmaids, they do not call them Abba, Father such an one", and "Imma, Mother such an one"; this is clear from what follows. "The Family of "R. Gamaliel" used to call them Father such an one, and Mother such an one"; which in the other Talmud l is, "the family of" R. Gamaliel "used to call their servants and their handmaids Father Tabi, and Mother Tabitha"; which were the names of the servant and handmaid of Gamaliel. Rather therefore reference is had to a tradition m of theirs, that

"a servant, who is carried captive, when others redeemed him, if under the notion of a servant, or in order to be one, he becomes a servant; but if under the notion of a freeman, לא ישתעבד, "he is no more a servant".''

Or to the general expectation of that people, that when they are redeemed by the Messiah, they shall be servants no more; for so they say n,

"your fathers, though they were redeemed, became servants again, but you, when ye are redeemed, עוד אין א־תאם משתעבדין, "shall be no more servants";''

which in a spiritual sense is true of all that are redeemed by Christ, and through that redemption receive the adoption of children, and is what the apostle here means.

And if a son, then an heir of God through Christ; which is another benefit arising from adoption. Such as are the children of God, they are heirs of God himself; he is their portion and exceeding great reward; his perfections are on their side, and engaged for their good; all his purposes run the same way, and all his promises belong to them; they are heirs of all the blessings of grace and glory, of righteousness, of life, of salvation, and a kingdom and glory; and shall inherit all things, and all "through Christ": he is the grand heir of all things; they are joint heirs with him; their sonship is through him, and so is their heirship and inheritance; their inheritance is in his possession, it is reserved safe in him; and by him, and with him they shall enjoy it. The Alexandrian copy, and some others, only read, "an heir through God", and so the Vulgate Latin version; and the Ethiopic version only, "an heir of God".

Gill: Gal 4:8 - -- Howbeit then, when ye know not God,.... Whilst in Gentilism, and in a state of unregeneracy, they had no true knowledge of God; though they might know...

Howbeit then, when ye know not God,.... Whilst in Gentilism, and in a state of unregeneracy, they had no true knowledge of God; though they might know by the light of nature, and works of creation, that there was a God, yet they did not know who he was, but called either mortal men, or some one or other of the creatures, or stocks, and stones, and images of men's device, by this name; they knew not the God of Israel; they did not know God in Christ, and are therefore said to be without him; and a common description of them it is, that they knew not God: and whilst this was their case, what follows was true of them,

ye did service unto them which by nature are no gods; only by name, and in the opinion of men, but have no divinity in them, are only called gods, mere nominal, fictitious deities, who have nothing of the nature and essence of God in them; for there is but one God by nature and essence, the Father, Son, and Spirit; all others have only the name and appearance, but not the truth of deity; and these the Gentiles in their times of ignorance did "service" to, which is what the Jews call עבודה זרה, "strange service"; that is, idolatry, concerning which there is a whole treatise in the Talmud, and which bears that name o. This service lay in paying homage to them, worshipping of them, and performing various rites and ceremonies in a way of adoration, and which they reckoned religious service; and which, comparatively speaking, whilst in this state of blindness, was excusable in them; though it is a wonderful instance of grace that such idolaters should be the sons of God.

Gill: Gal 4:9 - -- But now, after that ye have known God, God in Christ, as their covenant God and Father, through the preaching of the Gospel, and in the light of divi...

But now, after that ye have known God, God in Christ, as their covenant God and Father, through the preaching of the Gospel, and in the light of divine grace; God having caused light to shine in their dark hearts; and having given them the light of the knowledge of himself in the face of Christ, and having sent down into their hearts the Spirit of his Son, crying "Abba", Father.

Or rather are known of God; for it is but little that the best of these, that have the greatest share of knowledge, know of him; and what knowledge they have, they have it first, originally, and wholly from him: that knowledge which he has of them is particular, distinct, and complete; and is to be understood, not of his omniscience in general, so all men are known by him; but of his special knowledge, joined with affection, approbation, and care: and the meaning is, that they were loved by him with an everlasting love, which had been manifested in their conversion, in the drawing of them to himself, and to his Son; that he approved of them, delighted in them, had an exact knowledge, and took special care of them: but, oh, folly and ingratitude!

how turn ye again to the weak and beggarly elements, whereunto you desire again to be in bondage? meaning the ordinances of the ceremonial law, he before calls "the elements of the world", and here "weak", because they could not give life, righteousness, peace, joy, comfort, and salvation; and, since the coming of Christ, were become impotent to all the uses they before served; and beggarly, because they lay in the observation of mean things, as meats, drinks, &c. and which were only shadows of those good things, the riches of grace and glory, which come by Christ. The Galatians are said to turn again to these; not that they were before in the observation of them, except the Jews, but because there was some likeness between these, and the ceremonies with which they carried on the service of their idols; and by showing an inclination to them, they discovered a good will to come into a like state of bondage they were in before; than which nothing could be more stupid and ungrateful in a people that had been blessed with so much grace, and with such clear Gospel light and knowledge.

Gill: Gal 4:10 - -- Ye observe days, and months, and times, and years. Lest the apostle should be thought to suggest, without foundation, the inclination of these people ...

Ye observe days, and months, and times, and years. Lest the apostle should be thought to suggest, without foundation, the inclination of these people to be in bondage to the ceremonies of the law, he gives this as an instance of it; which is to be understood, not of a civil observation of times, divided into days, months, and years, for which the luminaries of the heavens were made, and into summer and winter, seedtime and harvest, which is not only lawful, but absolutely necessary; but of a religious observation of days, &c. not of the lucky and unlucky days, or of any of the festivals of the Gentiles, but of Jewish ones. By "days" are meant their seventh day sabbaths; for since they are distinguished from months and years, they must mean such days as returned weekly; and what else can they be but their weekly sabbaths? These were peculiar to the Israelites, and not binding on others; and being typical of Christ, the true rest of his people, and he being come, are now ceased. By "months" are designed their new moons, or the beginning of their months upon the appearance of a new moon, which were kept by blowing trumpets, offering sacrifices, hearing the word of God, abstaining from work, and holding religious feasts; and were typical of that light, knowledge, and grace, the church receives from Christ, the sun of righteousness; and he, the substance, being come, these shadows disappeared. By "times" are intended the three times in the year, when the Jewish males appeared before the Lord at Jerusalem, to keep the three feasts of tabernacles, passover, and pentecost, for the observance of which there was now no reason; not of the feast of tabernacles, since the word was made flesh, and tabernacled among us; nor of the passover, since Christ, our passover, is sacrificed for us; nor of pentecost, or the feast of weeks, or of the first fruits of the harvest, since the Spirit of God was poured down in a plenteous manner on that day upon the apostles; and when the firstfruits of a glorious harvest were brought in to the Lord, in the conversion of three thousand souls. And by "years" are to be understood their sabbatical years; every seventh year the land had a rest, and remained untilled; there were no ploughing and sowing, and there was a general release of debtors; and every fiftieth year was a jubilee to the Lord, when liberty to servants, debtors, &c. was proclaimed throughout the land: all which were typical of rest, payment of debts, and spiritual liberty by Christ; and which having their accomplishment in him, were no longer to be observed; wherefore these Galatians are blamed for so doing; and the more, because they were taught to observe them, in order to obtain eternal life and salvation by them.

Gill: Gal 4:11 - -- I am afraid of you,.... Which shows the danger he apprehended they were in, by taking such large steps from Christianity to Judaism, and expresses the...

I am afraid of you,.... Which shows the danger he apprehended they were in, by taking such large steps from Christianity to Judaism, and expresses the godly jealousy of the apostle over them; intimates he had some hope of them, and in the whole declares his great love and affection for them; for love is a thing full of care and fear:

lest I have bestowed upon you labour in vain; in preaching the Gospel among them with so much diligence and constancy, though so many afflictions and pressures lay upon him. Faithful ministers of the word are laborious ones; and such an one was the apostle; and who indeed laboured more abundantly than the rest in all places wherever he came; and such will be concerned, as he was, lest their labours should be in vain, not to themselves, but to the souls of others, whose everlasting good and welfare they are seeking. But how is it that the apostle should fear that his labour in preaching the Gospel would be in vain, and become of no effect through their observance of days, months, times, and years? because that hereby the pure spiritual and evangelic worship of God was corrupted, they bringing into it that which God had removed, and so became guilty of will worship; their Christian liberty was infringed, and they brought into bondage, a deliverance from which the Gospel proclaims; the doctrine of free grace in pardon, justification, and salvation, was made void, they observing these things in order to procure them thereby; and it was virtually and tacitly saying, that Christ was not come in the flesh, which is the main article of the Gospel; for since these things had respect to him, and were to continue no longer than till his coming, to keep on the observation of them, was declaring that he was not come; which is in effect to set aside the whole Gospel, and the ministration of it; so that the apostle might justly fear, that by such a proceeding all his labour, and the pains he had took to preach the Gospel, and salvation by Christ unto them, would be in vain.

Gill: Gal 4:12 - -- Brethren, I beseech you, be as I am,.... Though they had gone so far backwards, yet still hoping well of them that they would he reclaimed, he styles ...

Brethren, I beseech you, be as I am,.... Though they had gone so far backwards, yet still hoping well of them that they would he reclaimed, he styles them "brethren": not in a carnal but spiritual relation, as being born of God, and belonging to his family; and out of his sincere and hearty love for them as his brethren in Christ, he exhorts them to be as he was; which some understand of affection, as desiring them to show the same love to him as to themselves, that he might be to them as another I, as a part of themselves; so true friendship makes, and true friends look upon each other to be, as Jonathan and David, and the first Christians were, of one heart and soul. But this phrase rather seems to have regard to likeness and imitation; and the sense is, that he would have them to be as he was, and do as he did; to be as free from the law, and the servitude and bondage of it, as he was; to reckon themselves dead unto it, as he did; and to relinquish the observance of days, and months, and times, and years, and any and every part of the ceremonial law, and to account all these things, as he had done, loss and dung for Christ; and this he presses, not in an authoritative way, laying his commands as an apostle upon them, but in a kind and gentle manner entreating them: and which he backs with the following reason or argument,

for I am as ye are; as your very selves; I have the same love for you, you have for yourselves; I love you as I do myself; this way go such interpreters that understand the exhortation to regard love and affection: but rather the meaning is, be as I am, and do as I do, "because I was as you are"; so the Syriac and Arabic versions read the words. Some think that the apostle particularly addresses the Jews in these churches; and that his sense is, that he was born a Jew, as they were, was brought up in the Jewish religion, and in the observance of these things, as they had been, and yet he had relinquished them, therefore would have them do so likewise: or rather his intention is, that he had been as zealous for the observation of the ceremonial law, and all the rituals of it, as they now were; and though he was a Jew by birth, and had had a Jewish education, and so had been prejudiced in favour of these things, yet he had renounced them all; and therefore they who were Gentiles, and were never under obligation to them, should never think of coming into bondage by them; and since he had accommodated himself to them, and had become all things to all, that he might gain some, whether Jews or Gentiles, so he hoped they would condescend to him, and follow his example: or this may have respect, not to his former but present state, according to our version; and the sense be, I am as you are, and you are as I am with respect to things spiritual; we are both alike in Christ, chosen in him, and redeemed by him; are equally regenerated by his Spirit, and are all the children of God by faith in him, and no more servants; are all equally Christ's free men, and have a right to the same privileges and immunities; and therefore be as I am, as free from observing the ceremonies of the law, and so from the bondage of it, since we are upon an equal foot, and upon the same foundation in Christ.

Ye have not injured me at all; what injury they had done was to God, whose will it was that these things should be abolished; and to Christ, who had broken down the middle wall of partition; and to the Gospel, which proclaimed liberty to the captives; and to their own souls, by entangling themselves with the yoke of bondage; but no personal private injury was done to the apostle by their compliance with the law. This he says, lest they should think that he spoke out of anger and resentment, and on account of any personal affront offered to him; which leads him to take notice of their former kindness and respect to him, and which he designs as a reason why they should pay the same deference to him now as then.

Gill: Gal 4:13 - -- Ye know how, through infirmity of the flesh,.... Meaning either their infirmity, to which the apostle accommodated himself in preaching the Gospel to ...

Ye know how, through infirmity of the flesh,.... Meaning either their infirmity, to which the apostle accommodated himself in preaching the Gospel to them, delivering it in such a manner as suited with their capacities, feeding them with milk, and not with strong meat; or his own infirmity, respecting either some particular bodily infirmity and disorder, as the headache, with which he is said to be greatly troubled; or the weakness of his bodily presence, the mean outward appearance he made, the contemptibleness of his voice, and the great humility with which he behaved; or rather the many reproaches, afflictions, and persecutions which attended him, when, says he,

I preached the Gospel unto you at the first; not the law, but the Gospel; and this he did at his first entrance among them, and was the first that preached it to them, and was the means of their conversion; and therefore, being their spiritual Father, they ought to be as he was, and follow him as they had him for an example.

Gill: Gal 4:14 - -- And my temptation which was in my flesh,.... The same with the infirmity of his flesh, and which was a trial of his faith and patience, and every othe...

And my temptation which was in my flesh,.... The same with the infirmity of his flesh, and which was a trial of his faith and patience, and every other grace, as the afflictions of the saints be. The Alexandrian copy, and some others, and the Vulgate Latin version read, "your temptation in my flesh"; that which was a trial of them, whether they would receive him or not. This

ye despised not; nor the apostle on the account of it, nor his ministry; they thought never the worse of him, nor of the Gospel he preached, because of this:

nor rejected; him, nor the counsel of God declared by him,

but received me; as they did, into their cities and places of worship, into their houses, and into their hearts and affections: and that

as an angel of God; with all that reverence and respect, that high esteem, veneration, and affection, as if one of the celestial inhabitants had been sent down from heaven to bring them the good tidings of the Gospel: or "as a messenger of God", as the phrase may be rendered: as one that had his mission and commission from God, which was not at all disputed by them: but they looked upon him under that character, and regarded him as such,

even as Christ Jesus; as his ambassador, as representing him, as being in his stead; yea, if he had been personally present as man among them, they could not have shown greater respect to him as such, than they did to the apostle; for as for any religious worship and adoration, that they did not offer to him; and had they, he would have addressed them in like manner he did the inhabitants of Lystra, Act 14:14. Now since they showed him so much respect, notwithstanding all his infirmities, temptations, and afflictions, when he first preached the Gospel; what should hinder that they should not pay the same regard to him now, by abiding in his doctrine and following his example, since he was the same man in his principles and practices now as then?

Gill: Gal 4:15 - -- Where is then the blessedness you spake of?.... Or, as some copies read, "what was then your blessedness?" what, and how great was it? meaning, when t...

Where is then the blessedness you spake of?.... Or, as some copies read, "what was then your blessedness?" what, and how great was it? meaning, when the Gospel was first preached to them by him; when Christ was revealed to them as God's salvation; when the doctrines of free justification by the righteousness of Christ, and full pardon by his atonement and satisfaction by his sacrifice, were published among them; when the love of God was shed abroad in their hearts, and the Spirit of Christ was sent thither, crying "Abba", Father: but, alas! where was this blessedness now, since they were turning to the weak and beggarly elements of the ceremonial law, and were inclined to observe its ordinances, and bring themselves hereby into a state of bondage? They were happy persons while under the ministry of the apostle; as a Gospel ministry is a great happiness to any that enjoy it; for this is the way to find eternal life, to have spiritual peace and pleasure, joy and comfort, light and liberty, whereas a contrary doctrine leads to all the reverse. The apostle hereby puts them in mind how they were looked upon as happy persons by himself at that time, whom they received with so much respect and reverence, and his ministry with so much readiness and cheerfulness, and to so much profit and advantage; and also by other churches who were sensible of the high favour they enjoyed, by having so great a preacher of the Gospel among them; and even at that time they thought themselves the happiest persons in the world, and that they could not have been more so, unless they had had Christ himself in person among them; so beautiful were the feet of this bringer of glad tidings to them:

for I bear you record, that if it had been possible ye would have plucked out your own eyes, and have given them to me; so fully persuaded was the apostle of their strong and sincere affection for him at that time, that he was ready to attest the truth of this in any form to any persons; that were it a possible thing for them, and could it have been of any advantage to him, they would even have plucked out their eyes, than which nothing is dearer, or more useful to a man, and have parted with them to him, and for his sake; and doubtless persons so affected would cheerfully have laid down their lives for him; but things had taken another turn since.

Gill: Gal 4:16 - -- Am I therefore become your enemy,.... Not that he was an enemy to them, he had the same cordial affection for them as ever; he had their true interest...

Am I therefore become your enemy,.... Not that he was an enemy to them, he had the same cordial affection for them as ever; he had their true interest at heart, and was diligently pursuing it; but they, through the insinuations of the false teachers, had entertained an ill opinion of him, and an aversion to him, and treated him as if he had been an enemy to them, and as if they had a real hatred of him: and that for no other reason, as he observes, but

because I tell you the truth; the Gospel so called, because it comes from the God of truth, is concerned with Christ, who is truth itself, and is dictated, revealed, and blessed by the Spirit of truth; and is opposed unto, and is distinct from the law, which is only an image and shadow, and not truth itself: it chiefly respects the great truths of salvation alone by Christ, and justification by his righteousness; and may also regard what he had said concerning the abrogation of the law, blaming them for the observance of it, and calling its institutions weak and beggarly elements; all which he told or spoke publicly, plainly, honestly, fully, and faithfully, boldly, constantly, and with all assurance, consistently, and in pure love to their souls; and yet it brought on him their anger and resentment. Telling the truth in such a manner often brings many enemies to the ministers of Christ; not only the men of the world, profane sinners, but professors of religion, and sometimes such who once loved and admired them.

Gill: Gal 4:17 - -- They zealously affect you,.... Or "are jealous of you"; meaning the false apostles, whose names, in contempt, he mentions not, being unworthy to be ta...

They zealously affect you,.... Or "are jealous of you"; meaning the false apostles, whose names, in contempt, he mentions not, being unworthy to be taken notice of, and their names to be transmitted to posterity. These were jealous of them, not with a godly jealousy, as the apostle was, lest their minds should be corrupted from the simplicity of the Gospel; but they were jealous, lest they should love the apostle more than they, and therefore represented him in a very bad light, and expressed great love and kindness for them themselves:

but not well; their zeal and affection were not hearty, and sincere, and without dissimulation, but were all feigned, were only in word and in tongue, not in deed, and in truth: this zealous affection neither proceeded from right principles, nor with right views; they sought themselves, and their own carnal worldly interest, their own pleasure and profit, and not the good and welfare of the souls of these Galatians:

yea, they would exclude you; that is, either from the apostle, from bearing any love unto, and having any respect for him. What they were wishing and seeking for was to draw off the minds and affections of these persons from him; or they were desirous of removing them from the Gospel of Christ unto another Gospel, and did all they could to hinder them from obeying the truth; and particularly were for shutting them out of their Christian liberty, and bringing them under the bondage of the law; yea, were for separating them from the churches, that they might set up themselves at the head of them. Some copies read "us", instead of "you"; and then the meaning is, that they were desirous of excluding the apostle from their company, and from having any share in their affections, which makes little alteration in the sense: and others, instead of "exclude", read "include"; and which is confirmed by the Syriac version, which renders the word למחבשכון, "but they would include you"; that is, either they would include, or imprison you under the law, and the bondage of it; or they would monopolize you, and engross all your love to themselves; and which is also the sense of the Arabic version:

that you might affect them; love them, show respect to them, be on their side, follow their directions, imbibe their doctrines, and give up yourselves wholly to their care, and be at their call and command.

Gill: Gal 4:18 - -- But it is good to be zealously affected,.... A zealous affection when right is very commendable, as the instances of Phinehas, Elijah, John the Baptis...

But it is good to be zealously affected,.... A zealous affection when right is very commendable, as the instances of Phinehas, Elijah, John the Baptist, and our Lord Jesus Christ show, and a contrary spirit is very disagreeable. But then it must be expressed

in a good thing; in a good cause, for God, and the things of Christ; for the Gospel, and the ordinances of it, and for the discipline of God's house, and against immorality and profaneness, errors and heresies: and it should be "always"; not at certain times, and upon some particular accounts, but it should be constant, and always continue; it should be ever the same towards God, Christ, and his ministers:

and not only when I am present with you; by which the apostle suggests, that while he was with them they were zealously attached to him and truth; but no sooner was he gone from them, but their zealous affection abated, and was fixed on others, which discovered their weakness, fickleness, and inconstancy; whereas he was always the same to them, and bore the same love to them, as the following words show.

Gill: Gal 4:19 - -- My little children,.... A soft and tender way of speaking, used by Christ to his disciples, and frequently by that affectionate and beloved disciple, ...

My little children,.... A soft and tender way of speaking, used by Christ to his disciples, and frequently by that affectionate and beloved disciple, John. It is expressive of the apostle's strong love and affection for them, and points out their tenderness in the faith, and that small degree of spiritual light and knowledge they had, as well as signifies that he had been, as he hoped, and in a judgment of charity believed, an instrument of their conversion, and was their spiritual parent: hence it follows,

of whom I travail in birth again; he compares himself to a woman with child, as the church in bringing forth souls to Christ sometimes is; and all his pains and labours in the ministry of the word to the sorrows of a woman during the time of childbearing, and at the birth. When he first came among them, he laboured exceedingly; he preached the Gospel in season, and out of season; he followed his indefatigable endeavours with importunate prayers; and his ministry among them was attended with much weakness of body, and with many reproaches, afflictions, and persecutions, comparable to the birth throes of a woman in travail: however, as he hoped he was the means of their being born again, of the turning of them from Heathenism to Christianity, and from serving idols to serve the living God, and believe in his Son Jesus Christ; but the false apostles coming among them had so strangely wrought upon them, and they were so much gone back and degenerated, that they seemed to be like so many abortions, or as an unformed foetus; wherefore he laboured again with all his might and main, by writing to them, using arguments with them, sometimes giving them good words, at other times rough ones, and fervently praying for them, if possible, to recover them from Judaism, to which they were inclined, to the pure Gospel of Christ.

Until Christ be formed in you; which is the same as to be created in Christ, to be made new creatures, or new men in him; or, in other words, to have the principle of grace wrought in the soul, which goes by the name of Christ formed in the heart; because it is from him, he is the author of it, and it bears a resemblance to him, and is that by which he lives, dwells, and reigns in the souls of his people. Now though, as he hoped, this new man, new creature, or Christ, was formed in them before, when he first preached the Gospel to them; yet it was not a perfect man; particularly their knowledge of Christ, of his Gospel, and Gospel liberty, was far from being so, in which they went backwards instead of forwards; and therefore he was greatly concerned, laboured exceedingly, and vehemently endeavoured, which he calls travailing in birth again, to bring them to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ. It is also the same as to be conformed to the image of Christ, which in regeneration is stamped upon the saints, and is gradually increased, and will be perfected in heaven; and that this might more manifestly appear, over which a veil was drawn, by their departure in any degree from the truths of the Gospel, was what he earnestly sought after: once more, it is the same as to have the form of Christ; that is, of the Gospel of Christ upon them, or to be cast into the form of doctrine, and mould of the Gospel, and to receive a Gospel impression and spirit from it; which is to have a spirit of liberty, in opposition to legal bondage; to live by faith on Christ, and not on the works of the law; to derive comfort alone from him, and not from any services and duties whatever; to have repentance, and the whole course of obedience, influenced by the grace of God, and love of Christ; and to be zealous of good works, and yet have no dependence on them for justification and salvation. This is what the apostle so earnestly desired, when, instead of it, these Galatians seemed to have the form of Moses, and of the law.

Gill: Gal 4:20 - -- I desire to be present with you now,.... His meaning is, either that be wished he was personally present among them; that he had but an opportunity of...

I desire to be present with you now,.... His meaning is, either that be wished he was personally present among them; that he had but an opportunity of seeing them face to face, and telling them all his mind, and in such a manner as he could not in a single epistle; or that they would consider him, when they read this epistle, as if he was really among them; and as if they saw the concern of his mind, the agonies of his soul, the looks of his countenance, and heard the different tone of his voice:

and to change my voice; when present with them, either by a different way of preaching; that whereas before he preached the Gospel of the grace of God unto them, and his voice was charming to them like that of an angel, and even of Jesus Christ himself; but they having turned their backs upon it, and slighted it, he would now thunder out the law to them they seemed to be so fond of; even that voice of words, which when, the Israelites on Mount Sinai heard, entreated they might hear no more; as these Galatians also must when they heard the true voice of it, which is no other than a declaration of wrath, curse, and damnation; or by using a different way of speaking to them, as necessity might require, either softly or roughly, beseeching or chiding them, which might more move and affect them than an epistle could:

for I stand in doubt of you, The Vulgate Latin reads it, "I am confounded in you"; and the Syriac, דתמיה, "I am stupefied"; and to the same sense the Arabic. He was ashamed of them for their apostasy and degeneracy; he was amazed and astonished at their conduct; or, as the word may be rendered, be was "perplexed" on their account; he did not know what to think of them, and their state; sometimes he hoped well of them, at other times he was ready to despair; nor did he well know what course to take with them, whether to use them roughly or smoothly, and what arguments might be most proper and pertinent, in order to reclaim them.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Gal 4:1 Grk “master” or “lord” (κύριος, kurios).

NET Notes: Gal 4:2 Grk “the,” but the Greek article is used here as a possessive pronoun (ExSyn 215).

NET Notes: Gal 4:3 Or “basic principles,” “elemental things,” or “elemental spirits.” Some interpreters take this as a reference to s...

NET Notes: Gal 4:4 Grk “the fullness of time” (an idiom for the totality of a period of time, with the implication of proper completion; see L&N 67.69).

NET Notes: Gal 4:5 The Greek term υἱοθεσία (Juioqesia) was originally a legal technical term for adoption as a son with full rig...

NET Notes: Gal 4:6 The term “Abba” is the Greek transliteration of the Aramaic אַבָּא (’abba’), literally mea...

NET Notes: Gal 4:7 The unusual expression διὰ θεοῦ (dia qeou, “through God”) certainly prompted scribes to alter it to m...

NET Notes: Gal 4:8 Grk “those that by nature…” with the word “beings” implied. BDAG 1070 s.v. φύσις 2 sees this as...

NET Notes: Gal 4:9 Grk “basic forces, to which you want to be enslaved…” Verse 9 is a single sentence in the Greek text, but has been divided into two ...

NET Notes: Gal 4:10 The adjective “religious” has been supplied in the translation to make clear that the problem concerns observing certain days, etc. in a r...

NET Notes: Gal 4:12 Grk “brothers.” See note on the phrase “brothers and sisters” in 1:11.

NET Notes: Gal 4:14 Grk “as an angel of God…as Christ Jesus.” This could be understood to mean either “you welcomed me like an angel of God would,...

NET Notes: Gal 4:15 Or “blessedness.”

NET Notes: Gal 4:16 Or “have I become your enemy because I am telling you the truth?” The participle ἀληθεύων (alhqeu...

NET Notes: Gal 4:17 Or “so that you would be zealous.”

NET Notes: Gal 4:18 Grk “But it is always good to be zealous in good.”

NET Notes: Gal 4:19 That is, until Christ’s nature or character is formed in them (see L&N 58.4).

NET Notes: Gal 4:20 Grk “voice” or “tone.” The contemporary English expression “tone of voice” is a good approximation to the meaning ...

Geneva Bible: Gal 4:1 Now ( 1 ) I say, [That] the heir, as long as he is a child, differeth nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all; ( 1 ) He declares by another ...

Geneva Bible: Gal 4:2 But is under tutors and governors ( a ) until the time appointed of the father. ( a ) This is added because he that is always under a tutor or govern...

Geneva Bible: Gal 4:3 Even so we, when we were children, were in bondage under the ( b ) elements of the world: ( b ) The Law is called elements, because by the Law God in...

Geneva Bible: Gal 4:4 ( 2 ) But when the ( c ) fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a ( d ) woman, made under the law, ( 2 ) He utters and declare...

Geneva Bible: Gal 4:5 To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the ( e ) adoption of sons. ( e ) The adoption of the sons of God is from everlasting, ...

Geneva Bible: Gal 4:6 ( 3 ) And because ye are sons, God hath ( f ) sent forth the ( g ) Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father. ( 3 ) He shows that we a...

Geneva Bible: Gal 4:7 Wherefore thou art no more a ( h ) servant, but a son; and if a son, then an ( i ) heir of God through Christ. ( h ) The word "servant" is not taken ...

Geneva Bible: Gal 4:8 ( 4 ) Howbeit then, when ye knew not God, ye did service unto them which by nature are no gods. ( 4 ) He applies the former doctrine to the Galatians...

Geneva Bible: Gal 4:9 But now, after that ye have known God, or rather are known of God, how turn ye again to the weak and ( k ) beggarly elements, whereunto ye desire ( l ...

Geneva Bible: Gal 4:12 ( 5 ) Brethren, I beseech you, be as I [am]; for I [am] as ye [are]: ye have not injured me at all. ( 5 ) He moderates and qualifies those things in ...

Geneva Bible: Gal 4:13 Ye know how through ( m ) infirmity of the flesh I preached the gospel unto you at the first. ( m ) Many afflictions.

Geneva Bible: Gal 4:14 And my ( n ) temptation which was in my flesh ye despised not, nor rejected; but received me as an angel of God, [even] as ( o ) Christ Jesus. ( n ) ...

Geneva Bible: Gal 4:15 ( p ) Where is then the blessedness ye spake of? for I bear you record, that, if [it had been] possible, ye would have plucked out your own eyes, and ...

Geneva Bible: Gal 4:17 They zealously affect you, ( q ) [but] not well; yea, they would exclude you, ( r ) that ye might affect them. ( q ) For they are jealous over you fo...

Geneva Bible: Gal 4:18 But [it is] good to be ( s ) zealously affected always in [a] good [thing], and not only when I am present with you. ( s ) He sets his own true and g...

Geneva Bible: Gal 4:20 I desire to be present with you now, and to ( t ) change my voice; for I stand in doubt of you. ( t ) Use other words among you.

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Gal 4:1-31 - --1 We were under the law till Christ came, as the heir is under the guardian till he be of age.5 But Christ freed us from the law;7 therefore we are se...

Combined Bible: Gal 4:1 - --color="#000000"> VERSE 1. Now I say, That the heir, as long as he is a child, differeth nothing from a servant, though he be Lord of al...

Combined Bible: Gal 4:2 - --color="#000000"> 2. But is under tutors and governors until the time appointed of the father.      The Apostle had appa...

Combined Bible: Gal 4:3 - --color="#000000"> 3. Even so we, when we were children, were in bondage under the elements of the world.      As childre...

Combined Bible: Gal 4:4 - --color="#000000"> 4, 5. But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem them that we...

Combined Bible: Gal 4:5 - --color="#000000"> 5. That we might receive the adoption of sons.      Paul still has for his text Gen 22:18 , "In thy s...

Combined Bible: Gal 4:6 - --color="#000000"> 6. And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts.      In the ea...

Combined Bible: Gal 4:7 - --color="#000000"> 7. Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son.      This sentence clinches Paul's argument. He sa...

Combined Bible: Gal 4:8 - --color="#000000"> 8, 9. Howbeit then, when ye knew not God, ye did service unto them which by nature are no gods. But now, after that ye have known God...

Combined Bible: Gal 4:9 - --color="#000000"> 9. But now, after that ye have known God.      "Is it not amazing," cries Paul, "that you Galatians wh...

Combined Bible: Gal 4:10 - --color="#000000"> 10. Ye observe days, and months, and times, and years.      The Apostle Paul knew what the false apost...

Combined Bible: Gal 4:11 - --color="#000000"> 11. I am afraid of you, lest I have bestowed upon you labor in vain.      It grieves the Apostle to th...

Combined Bible: Gal 4:12 - --color="#000000"> 12. Be as I am; for I am as ye are.      Up to this point Paul has been occupied with the doctrinal as...

Combined Bible: Gal 4:13 - --color="#000000"> 13, 14. Ye know how through infirmity of the flesh I preached the gospel unto you at the first. And my temptation which was in my fle...

Combined Bible: Gal 4:14 - --color="#000000"> notes on vs 13   

Combined Bible: Gal 4:15 - --color="#000000"> 15. Where is then the blessedness ye spake of?      "How much happier you used to be. And how you Gala...

Combined Bible: Gal 4:16 - --color="#000000"> 16. Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?      Paul's reason for praising th...

Combined Bible: Gal 4:17 - --color="#000000"> 17. They zealously affect you, but not well.      Paul takes the false apostles to task for their flat...

Combined Bible: Gal 4:18 - --color="#000000"> 18. But it is good to be zealously affected always in a good thing, and not only when I am present with you.    &nbs...

Combined Bible: Gal 4:19 - --color="#000000"> 19. My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you.      With ever...

Combined Bible: Gal 4:20 - --color="#000000"> 20. I desire to be present with you now, and to change my voice.      A common saying has it that a le...

Maclaren: Gal 4:4-5 - --The Son Sent When the fulness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, that He might redeem them which were und...

MHCC: Gal 4:1-7 - --The apostle deals plainly with those who urged the law of Moses together with the gospel of Christ, and endeavoured to bring believers under its bonda...

MHCC: Gal 4:8-11 - --The happy change whereby the Galatians were turned from idols to the living God, and through Christ had received the adoption of sons, was the effect ...

MHCC: Gal 4:12-18 - --The apostle desires that they would be of one mind with him respecting the law of Moses, as well as united with him in love. In reproving others, we s...

MHCC: Gal 4:19-20 - --The Galatians were ready to account the apostle their enemy, but he assures them he was their friend; he had the feelings of a parent toward them. He ...

Matthew Henry: Gal 4:1-7 - -- In this chapter the apostle deals plainly with those who hearkened to the judaizing teachers, who cried up the law of Moses in competition with the ...

Matthew Henry: Gal 4:8-11 - -- In these verses the apostle puts them in mind of what they were before their conversion to the faith of Christ, and what a blessed change their conv...

Matthew Henry: Gal 4:12-16 - -- That these Christians might be the more ashamed of their defection from the truth of the gospel which Paul had preached to them, he here reminds the...

Matthew Henry: Gal 4:17-18 - -- The apostle is still carrying on the same design as in the foregoing verse, which was, to convince the Galatians of their sin and folly in departing...

Matthew Henry: Gal 4:19-20 - -- That the apostle might the better dispose these Christians to bear with him in the reproofs which he was obliged to give them, he here expresses his...

Barclay: Gal 4:1-7 - --In the ancient world the process of growing up was much more definite than it is with us. (i) In the Jewish world, on the first Sabbath after a boy h...

Barclay: Gal 4:8-11 - --Paul is still basing on the conception that the law is an elementary stage in religion, and that the mature man is he who takes his stand on grace. ...

Barclay: Gal 4:12-20 - --Paul makes not a theological but a personal appeal. He reminds them that for their sake he had become a Gentile; he had cut adrift from the traditio...

Constable: Gal 3:1--5:1 - --III. THEOLOGICAL AFFIRMATION OF SALVATION BY FAITH 3:1--4:31 Here begins the theological section of the epistle,...

Constable: Gal 4:1-31 - --B. Clarification of the doctrine ch. 4 In chapter 3 the Jews' preoccupation with the Law of Moses was fo...

Constable: Gal 4:1-11 - --1. The domestic illustration 4:1-11 Continuing his case for faith over the Mosaic Law Paul cited...

Constable: Gal 4:1-7 - --The illustration 4:1-7 4:1-3 Already Paul had compared the Law to a prison warden (3:22) and a baby sitter (3:24). Now he compared it to a trustee app...

Constable: Gal 4:8-11 - --The appeal 4:8-11 Paul next reminded his readers of their former way of life, the transformation that their adoption into God's family had wrought, an...

Constable: Gal 4:12-20 - --2. The historical illustration 4:12-20 Paul appealed next to his past contacts with the Galatians and called on them to remember his visits to Galatia...

College: Gal 4:1-31 - --GALATIANS 4 3. The Full Rights of the Children (4:1-7) 1 What I am saying is that as long as the heir is a child, he is no different from a slave, a...

McGarvey: Gal 4:1 - --But I say that so long as the heir is a child, he differeth nothing from a bondservant though he is lord of all

McGarvey: Gal 4:2 - --but is under guardians and stewards until the day appointed of the father.

McGarvey: Gal 4:3 - --So we also, when we were children, were held in bondage under the rudiments of the world

McGarvey: Gal 4:4 - --but when the fulness of the time came, God sent forth his Son, born of a woman, born under the law

McGarvey: Gal 4:5 - --that he might redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons. [In this paragraph Paul resumes the metaphor begun at G...

McGarvey: Gal 4:6 - --And because ye are sons, God sent forth the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, Abba, Father .

McGarvey: Gal 4:7 - --So that thou art no longer a bondservant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir through God . [And being made sons by the Son through the operation of...

McGarvey: Gal 4:8 - --Howbeit at that time, not knowing God, ye were in bondage to them that by nature are no gods

McGarvey: Gal 4:9 - --but now that ye have come to know God, or rather to be known by God, how turn ye back again to the weak and beggarly rudiments, whereunto ye desire to...

McGarvey: Gal 4:10 - --Ye observe days, and months, and seasons, and years.

McGarvey: Gal 4:11 - --I am afraid of you, lest by any means I have bestowed labor upon you in vain . [This paragraph is addressed especially to the Gentile Christians. He r...

McGarvey: Gal 4:12 - --I beseech you, brethren, become as I am, for I also am become as ye are. Ye did me no wrong

McGarvey: Gal 4:13 - --but ye know that because of an infirmity of the flesh I preached the gospel unto you the first time

McGarvey: Gal 4:14 - --and that which was a temptation to you in my flesh ye despised not, nor rejected; but ye received me as an angel of God, even as Christ Jesus.

McGarvey: Gal 4:15 - --Where then is that gratulation of yourselves? for I bear you witness, that, if possible, ye would have plucked out your eyes and given them to me.

McGarvey: Gal 4:16 - --So then am I become your enemy, by telling you the truth? [I beseech you, brethren, become as I am, and be not Jews; for I forsook Judaism and became ...

McGarvey: Gal 4:17 - --They zealously seek you in no good way; nay, they desire to shut you out, that ye may seek them.

McGarvey: Gal 4:18 - --But it is good to be zealously sought in a good matter at all times, and not only when I am present with you . [The Jews showed great zeal in proselyt...

McGarvey: Gal 4:19 - --My little children [1Ti 1:18 ; 2Ti 2:1 ; 1Jo 2:1], of whom I am again in travail until Christ be formed in you

McGarvey: Gal 4:20 - --but I could wish to be present with you now, and to change my tone; for I am perplexed about you. [My little children, for whom I endured spiritual tr...

Lapide: Gal 4:1-31 - --CHAPTER 4 SYNOPSIS OF THE CHAPTER i. He continues the argument of the preceding chapter that the Jews, like children and slaves, were under the Jew...

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Commentary -- Other

Evidence: Gal 4:5 There is no difference between Jew and Gentile . Both must be put " under the Law" first, before the gospel can redeem them. Why would any sinner see...

Evidence: Gal 4:6 QUESTIONS & OBJECTIONS "How can you know that you are saved?" A two-year-old boy was once staring at a heater, fascinated by its bright orange glow...

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Introduction / Outline

Robertson: Galatians (Book Introduction) The Epistle To The Galatians Probable Date a.d. 56 Or 57 By Way of Introduction It is a pity that we are not able to visualize more clearly the ...

JFB: Galatians (Book Introduction) THE internal and external evidence for Paul's authorship is conclusive. The style is characteristically Pauline. The superscription, and allusions to ...


TSK: Galatians (Book Introduction) The Galatians, or Gallograecians, were the descendants of Gauls, who migrated from their own country, and after a series of disasters, got possession ...

TSK: Galatians 4 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Gal 4:1, We were under the law till Christ came, as the heir is under the guardian till he be of age; Gal 4:5, But Christ freed us from t...

Poole: Galatians 4 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 4

MHCC: Galatians (Book Introduction) The churches in Galatia were formed partly of converted Jews, and partly of Gentile converts, as was generally the case. St. Paul asserts his apostoli...

MHCC: Galatians 4 (Chapter Introduction) (Gal 4:1-7) The folly of returning to legal observances for justification. (Gal 4:8-11) The happy change made in the Gentile believers. (Gal 4:12-18...

Matthew Henry: Galatians (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Epistle of St. Paul to the Galatians This epistle of Paul is directed not to the church or churches...

Matthew Henry: Galatians 4 (Chapter Introduction) The apostle, in this chapter, is still carrying on the same general design as in the former - to recover these Christians from the impressions made...

Barclay: Galatians (Book Introduction) A GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO THE LETTERS OF PAUL The Letters Of Paul There is no more interesting body of documents in the New Testament than the letter...

Barclay: Galatians 4 (Chapter Introduction) The Days Of Childhood (Gal_4:1-7) Progress In Reverse (Gal_4:8-11) Love's Appeal (Gal_4:12-20) An Old Story And A New Meaning (Gal_4:21-31; Gal_...

Constable: Galatians (Book Introduction) Introduction Historical Background "The most uncontroverted matter in the study of Gal...

Constable: Galatians (Outline)

Constable: Galatians Galatians Bibliography Allen, Kenneth W. "Justification by Faith." Bibliotheca Sacra 135:538 (April-June 1978):...

Haydock: Galatians (Book Introduction) THE EPISTLE OF ST. PAUL, THE APOSTLE, TO THE GALATIANS. INTRODUCTION. The Galatians, soon after St. Paul had preached the gospel to them, were...

Gill: Galatians (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO GALATIANS The persons to whom this epistle is written were not such who made up a single church only, in some certain town or city,...

Gill: Galatians 4 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO GALATIANS 4 In this chapter the apostle discourses concerning the abrogation of the ceremonial law, under which the Old Testament s...

College: Galatians (Book Introduction) FOREWORD Since the earliest days of the concept of a commentary series jointly authored by church of Christ and Christian church scholars, I have eag...

College: Galatians (Outline) OUTLINE I. AUTHORITY: The Apostolic Gospel - 1:1-2:21 A. Greeting - 1:1-5 B. Paul's Astonishment - 1:6-10 C. Paul's Call by God - 1:11-17 ...

Advanced Commentary (Dictionaries, Hymns, Arts, Sermon Illustration, Question and Answers, etc)

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