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Text -- Job 31:1-30 (NET)

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Job Vindicates Himself
31:1 “I made a covenant with my eyes; how then could I entertain thoughts against a virgin? 31:2 What then would be one’s lot from God above, one’s heritage from the Almighty on high? 31:3 Is it not misfortune for the unjust, and disaster for those who work iniquity? 31:4 Does he not see my ways and count all my steps? 31:5 If I have walked in falsehood, and if my foot has hastened to deceit31:6 let him weigh me with honest scales; then God will discover my integrity. 31:7 If my footsteps have strayed from the way, if my heart has gone after my eyes, or if anything has defiled my hands, 31:8 then let me sow and let another eat, and let my crops be uprooted. 31:9 If my heart has been enticed by a woman, and I have lain in wait at my neighbor’s door, 31:10 then let my wife turn the millstone for another man, and may other men have sexual relations with her. 31:11 For I would have committed a shameful act, an iniquity to be judged. 31:12 For it is a fire that devours even to Destruction, and it would uproot all my harvest. 31:13 “If I have disregarded the right of my male servants or my female servants when they disputed with me, 31:14 then what will I do when God confronts me in judgment; when he intervenes, how will I respond to him? 31:15 Did not the one who made me in the womb make them? Did not the same one form us in the womb? 31:16 If I have refused to give the poor what they desired, or caused the eyes of the widow to fail, 31:17 If I ate my morsel of bread myself, and did not share any of it with orphans31:18 but from my youth I raised the orphan like a father, and from my mother’s womb I guided the widow! 31:19 If I have seen anyone about to perish for lack of clothing, or a poor man without a coat, 31:20 whose heart did not bless me as he warmed himself with the fleece of my sheep, 31:21 if I have raised my hand to vote against the orphan, when I saw my support in the court, 31:22 then let my arm fall from the shoulder, let my arm be broken off at the socket. 31:23 For the calamity from God was a terror to me, and by reason of his majesty I was powerless. 31:24 “If I have put my confidence in gold or said to pure gold, ‘You are my security!’ 31:25 if I have rejoiced because of the extent of my wealth, or because of the great wealth my hand had gained, 31:26 if I looked at the sun when it was shining, and the moon advancing as a precious thing, 31:27 so that my heart was secretly enticed, and my hand threw them a kiss from my mouth, 31:28 then this also would be iniquity to be judged, for I would have been false to God above. 31:29 If I have rejoiced over the misfortune of my enemy or exulted because calamity found him– 31:30 I have not even permitted my mouth to sin by asking for his life through a curse
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Verse Notes / Footnotes
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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Job 31:1 This half-verse is the effect of the covenant. The interrogative מָה (mah) may have the force of the negative, and so be translated ...

NET Notes: Job 31:2 Heb “lot of Shaddai,” which must mean “the lot from Shaddai,” a genitive of source.

NET Notes: Job 31:5 The verbs “walk” and “hasten” (referring in the verse to the foot) are used metaphorically for the manner of life Job lived.

NET Notes: Job 31:6 The verb is וְיֵדַע (vÿyeda’, “and [then] he [God] will know”). The verb could also b...

NET Notes: Job 31:7 The word מֻאוּם (mu’um) could be taken in one of two ways. One reading is to represent מוּ...

NET Notes: Job 31:8 The word means “what sprouts up” (from יָצָא [yatsa’] with the sense of “sprout forth”). I...

NET Notes: Job 31:9 Gordis notes that the word פֶּתַח (petakh, “door”) has sexual connotations in rabbinic literature, bas...

NET Notes: Job 31:10 The idea is that if Job were guilty of adultery it would be an offense against the other woman’s husband, and so by talionic justice another man...

NET Notes: Job 31:11 The expression עָוֹן פְּלִילִים (’avon pÿlilim) m...

NET Notes: Job 31:12 The verb means “to root out,” but this does not fit the parallelism with fire. Wright changed two letters and the vowels in the verb to ge...

NET Notes: Job 31:13 This construction is an adverbial clause using the temporal preposition, the infinitive from רִיב (riv, “contend”)...

NET Notes: Job 31:14 The verb פָקַד (paqad) means “to visit,” but with God as the subject it means any divine intervention for bl...

NET Notes: Job 31:15 Heb “him,” but the plural pronoun has been used in the translation to indicate that the referent is the servants mentioned in v. 13 (since...

NET Notes: Job 31:16 Heb “kept the poor from [their] desire.”

NET Notes: Job 31:17 Heb “and an orphan did not eat from it.”

NET Notes: Job 31:18 Heb “I guided her,” referring to the widow mentioned in v. 16.

NET Notes: Job 31:20 This clause is interpreted here as a subordinate clause to the first half of the verse. It could also be a separate clause: “was he not warmed&#...

NET Notes: Job 31:21 Heb “gate,” referring to the city gate where judicial decisions were rendered in the culture of the time. The translation uses the word &#...

NET Notes: Job 31:22 The word קָנֶה (qaneh) is “reed; shaft; beam,” and here “shoulder joint.” All the commentaries t...

NET Notes: Job 31:23 The form is וּמִשְּׂאֵתוֹ (umissÿ’eto); the preposition is ca...

NET Notes: Job 31:26 Heb “light”; but parallel to the moon it is the sun. This section speaks of false worship of the sun and the moon.

NET Notes: Job 31:27 Heb “and my hand kissed my mouth.” The idea should be that of “my mouth kissed my hand.” H. H. Rowley suggests that the hand w...

NET Notes: Job 31:28 The verb כָּחַשׁ (kakhash) in the Piel means “to deny.” The root meaning is “to deceive; t...

NET Notes: Job 31:29 The word is רָע (ra’, “evil”) in the sense of anything that harms, interrupts, or destroys life.

NET Notes: Job 31:30 The infinitive construct with the ל (lamed) preposition (“by asking”) serves in an epexegetical capacity here, explaining the verb o...

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