Text -- Matthew 27:55-66 (NET)

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Robertson: Mat 27:55 - -- Many women ( gunaikes pollai ).
We have come to expect the women from Galilee to be faithful, last at the Cross and first at the tomb. Luke (Luk 23:4...
Many women (
We have come to expect the women from Galilee to be faithful, last at the Cross and first at the tomb. Luke (Luk 23:49) says that "all his acquaintance"(

Robertson: Mat 27:57 - -- And when even was come ( opsias de genomenēs ).
It was the Preparation (paraskeuē ), the day before the sabbath (Mar 15:42; Luk 23:54; Joh 19:42...
And when even was come (
It was the Preparation (

Robertson: Mat 27:63 - -- Sir, we remember ( kurie , emnesthēmen ).
This was the next day, on our Saturday, the Jewish Sabbath, the day after the Preparation (Mat 27:62). In...
Sir, we remember (
This was the next day, on our Saturday, the Jewish Sabbath, the day after the Preparation (Mat 27:62). Ingressive aorist indicative, we have just recalled. It is objected that the Jewish rulers would know nothing of such a prediction, but in Mat 12:40 he expressly made it to them. Meyer scouts as unhistorical legend the whole story that Christ definitely foretold his resurrection on the third day. But that is to make legendary much of the Gospels and to limit Jesus to a mere man. The problem remains why the disciples forgot and the Jewish leaders remembered. But that is probably due on the one hand to the overwhelming grief of the disciples coupled with the blighting of all their hopes of a political Messiah in Jesus, and on the other hand to the keen nervous fear of the leaders who dreaded the power of Jesus though dead. They wanted to make sure of their victory and prevent any possible revival of this pernicious heresy.

Robertson: Mat 27:63 - -- That deceiver ( ekeinos ho planos )
they call him, a vagabond wanderer (planos ) with a slur in the use of that (ekeinos ), a picturesque sidelig...
That deceiver (
they call him, a vagabond wanderer (

Robertson: Mat 27:64 - -- The last error ( hē eschatē planē ).
The last delusion, imposture (Weymouth), fraud (Moffatt). Latin error is used in both senses, from err...
The last error (
The last delusion, imposture (Weymouth), fraud (Moffatt). Latin error is used in both senses, from errare , to go astray. The first fraud was belief in the Messiahship of Jesus, the second belief in his resurrection.

Robertson: Mat 27:65 - -- Make it as sure as you can ( asphalisasthe hōs oidate ).
"Make it secure for yourselves (ingressive aorist middle) as you know how."
Make it as sure as you can (
"Make it secure for yourselves (ingressive aorist middle) as you know how."

Robertson: Mat 27:65 - -- Have a guard ( echete koustōdian )
, present imperative, a guard of Roman soldiers, not mere temple police. The Latin term koustodia occurs in a...
Have a guard (
, present imperative, a guard of Roman soldiers, not mere temple police. The Latin term koustodia occurs in an Oxyrhynchus papyrus of a.d. 22. "The curt permission to the Jews whom he despised is suitable in the mouth of the Roman official"(McNeile).

Robertson: Mat 27:66 - -- Sealing the stone, the guard being with them ( sphragisantēs ton lithon meta tēs koustōdias ).
Probably by a cord stretched across the stone an...
Sealing the stone, the guard being with them (
Probably by a cord stretched across the stone and sealed at each end as in Dan 6:17. The sealing was done in the presence of the Roman guard who were left in charge to protect this stamp of Roman authority and power. They did their best to prevent theft and the resurrection (Bruce), but they overreached themselves and provided additional witness to the fact of the empty tomb and the resurrection of Jesus (Plummer).
Vincent: Mat 27:55 - -- Which had followed ( αἵτινες )
Denoting a class: who were of the body of women that had followed him.
Which had followed (
Denoting a class: who were of the body of women that had followed him.

Vincent: Mat 27:56 - -- Magdalene ( ἡ Μαγδαληνὴ )
Neither Mary of Bethany (Mat 26:6-13) nor the woman who had been a sinner (Luk 7:37-48). The word denotes...
Magdalene (
Neither Mary of Bethany (Mat 26:6-13) nor the woman who had been a sinner (Luk 7:37-48). The word denotes merely her town : She of Magdala .

Vincent: Mat 27:57 - -- When even was come
The Hebrews reckoned two evenings, an earlier and a later. The former began midway between noon and sunset, or at three o'cloc...
When even was come
The Hebrews reckoned two evenings, an earlier and a later. The former began midway between noon and sunset, or at three o'clock in the afternoon. The latter began at sunset, six o'clock. The reference here is to the earlier evening, though the time may have been well on toward the beginning of the later. The preparations had to be hurried because the Sabbath would begin at sunset,

Vincent: Mat 27:60 - -- New tomb ( καινῷ )
See on Mat 26:29. Not newly hewn, but fresh , undefiled by anybody.
New tomb (
See on Mat 26:29. Not newly hewn, but fresh , undefiled by anybody.

Vincent: Mat 27:60 - -- A great stone
Though in the Jews' sepulchres in general there were doors hung on hinges, the grooves and perforations for which may still be seen...
A great stone
Though in the Jews' sepulchres in general there were doors hung on hinges, the grooves and perforations for which may still be seen. Joseph's tomb may have been differently constructed, or else was in an unfinished state.

Vincent: Mat 27:63 - -- We remember ( ἐμνήσθημεν )
Lit., we remembered: i.e., it occurred to us: we have just remembered, and have come to tell you befor...
We remember (
Lit., we remembered: i.e., it occurred to us: we have just remembered, and have come to tell you before it shall be too late.

Vincent: Mat 27:63 - -- That deceiver ( ἐκεῖνος ὁ πλάνος )
The pronoun that is very picturesque; being used of distant objects, and therefore her...
That deceiver (
The pronoun that is very picturesque; being used of distant objects, and therefore here as pointing to one who is out of the way and far removed.

Vincent: Mat 27:64 - -- Error ( πλάνη )
Not, as many render, deceit or imposture, referring to πλάνος above; but the error on the people's part. Th...
Error (
Not, as many render, deceit or imposture, referring to

Vincent: Mat 27:65 - -- Ye have ( ἔχετε )
Or, as some render, imperatively: Have a guard! Rev., in margin, take.
Ye have (
Or, as some render, imperatively: Have a guard! Rev., in margin, take.

Vincent: Mat 27:66 - -- Sealing the stone and setting a watch ( σφραγίσαντες τὸν λίθον, μετὰ τῆς κουστωδίας )
Lit., hav...
Sealing the stone and setting a watch (
Lit., having sealed the stone with the watch. Rev., Sealing the stone, the guard being with them. This is rather awkward, but the rendering rightly corrects the A. V. The idea is that they sealed the stone in the presence of the guard, and then left them to keep watch. It would be important that the guard should witness the sealing. The sealing was performed by stretching a cord across the stone and fastening it to the rock at either end by means of sealing clay. Or, if the stone at the door happened to be fastened with a cross beam, this latter was sealed to the rock.
Wesley: Mat 27:56 - -- The less: he was so called, to distinguish him from the other James, the brother of John; probably because he was less in stature.
The less: he was so called, to distinguish him from the other James, the brother of John; probably because he was less in stature.

Wesley: Mat 27:57 - -- That is, after three o'clock; the time from three to six they termed the evening. Mar 15:42; Luk 23:50; Joh 19:38.

Wesley: Mat 27:62 - -- The day of preparation was the day before the Sabbath, whereon they were to prepare for the celebration of it. The next day then was the Sabbath accor...
The day of preparation was the day before the Sabbath, whereon they were to prepare for the celebration of it. The next day then was the Sabbath according to the Jews. But the evangelist seems to express it by this circumlocution, to show the Jewish Sabbath was then abolished.

Wesley: Mat 27:63 - -- We do not find that he had ever said this to them, unless when he spoke of the temple of his body, Joh 2:19, Joh 2:21. And if they here refer to what ...
We do not find that he had ever said this to them, unless when he spoke of the temple of his body, Joh 2:19, Joh 2:21. And if they here refer to what he then said, how perverse and iniquitous was their construction on these words, when he was on his trial before the council? Mat 26:61. Then they seemed not to understand them!

Wesley: Mat 27:65 - -- Of your own, in the tower of Antonia, which was stationed there for the service of the temple.
Of your own, in the tower of Antonia, which was stationed there for the service of the temple.

Wesley: Mat 27:66 - -- They set Pilate's signet, or the public seal of the sanhedrim upon a fastening which they had put on the stone. And all this uncommon caution was over...
They set Pilate's signet, or the public seal of the sanhedrim upon a fastening which they had put on the stone. And all this uncommon caution was overruled by the providence of God, to give the strongest proofs of Christ's ensuing resurrection; since there could be no room for the least suspicion of deceit, when it should be found, that his body was raised out of a new tomb, where there was no other corpse, and this tomb hewn out of a rock, the mouth of which was secured by a great stone, under a seal, and a guard of soldiers.
JFB: Mat 27:55 - -- The sense here would be better brought out by the use of the pluperfect, "which had followed Jesus."
The sense here would be better brought out by the use of the pluperfect, "which had followed Jesus."

JFB: Mat 27:55 - -- As these dear women had ministered to Him during His glorious missionary tours in Galilee (see on Luk 8:1-3), so from this statement it should seem th...
As these dear women had ministered to Him during His glorious missionary tours in Galilee (see on Luk 8:1-3), so from this statement it should seem that they accompanied him and ministered to His wants from Galilee on His final journey to Jerusalem.

JFB: Mat 27:56 - -- The wife of Cleophas, or rather Clopas, and sister of the Virgin (Joh 19:25). See on Mat 13:55-56.
The wife of Cleophas, or rather Clopas, and sister of the Virgin (Joh 19:25). See on Mat 13:55-56.

JFB: Mat 27:56 - -- That is, Salome: compare Mar 15:40. All this about the women is mentioned for the sake of what is afterwards to be related of their purchasing spices ...
That is, Salome: compare Mar 15:40. All this about the women is mentioned for the sake of what is afterwards to be related of their purchasing spices to anoint their Lord's body.
The Taking Down from the Cross and the Burial (Mat 27:57-60).
For the exposition of this portion, see on Joh 19:38-42.
The Women Mark the Sacred Spot that They Might Recognize It on Coming Thither to Anoint the Body (Mat 27:61).

JFB: Mat 27:62 - -- That is, after six o'clock of our Saturday evening. The crucifixion took place on the Friday and all was not over till shortly before sunset, when the...
That is, after six o'clock of our Saturday evening. The crucifixion took place on the Friday and all was not over till shortly before sunset, when the Jewish sabbath commenced; and "that sabbath day was an high day" (Joh 19:31), being the first day of the feast of unleavened bread. That day being over at six on Saturday evening, they hastened to take their measures.

JFB: Mat 27:63 - -- Never, remarks BENGEL, will you find the heads of the people calling Jesus by His own name. And yet here there is betrayed a certain uneasiness, which...
Never, remarks BENGEL, will you find the heads of the people calling Jesus by His own name. And yet here there is betrayed a certain uneasiness, which one almost fancies they only tried to stifle in their own minds, as well as crush in Pilate's, in case he should have any lurking suspicion that he had done wrong in yielding to them.

JFB: Mat 27:63 - -- Important testimony this, from the lips of His bitterest enemies, to the reality of Christ's death; the corner-stone of the whole Christian religion.
Important testimony this, from the lips of His bitterest enemies, to the reality of Christ's death; the corner-stone of the whole Christian religion.

JFB: Mat 27:63 - -- Which, according to the customary Jewish way of reckoning, need signify no more than "after the commencement of the third day."
Which, according to the customary Jewish way of reckoning, need signify no more than "after the commencement of the third day."

JFB: Mat 27:63 - -- "I rise," in the present tense, thus reporting not only the fact that this prediction of His had reached their ears, but that they understood Him to l...
"I rise," in the present tense, thus reporting not only the fact that this prediction of His had reached their ears, but that they understood Him to look forward confidently to its occurring on the very day named.

JFB: Mat 27:64 - -- After which, if He still lay in the grave, the imposture of His claims would be manifest to all.
After which, if He still lay in the grave, the imposture of His claims would be manifest to all.

JFB: Mat 27:64 - -- The imposture of His pretended resurrection worse than that of His pretended Messiahship.
The imposture of His pretended resurrection worse than that of His pretended Messiahship.

JFB: Mat 27:65 - -- The guards had already acted under orders of the Sanhedrim, with Pilate's consent; but probably they were not clear about employing them as a night wa...
The guards had already acted under orders of the Sanhedrim, with Pilate's consent; but probably they were not clear about employing them as a night watch without Pilate's express authority.

JFB: Mat 27:65 - -- As ye know how, or in the way ye deem securest. Though there may be no irony in this speech, it evidently insinuated that if the event should be contr...
As ye know how, or in the way ye deem securest. Though there may be no irony in this speech, it evidently insinuated that if the event should be contrary to their wish, it would not be for want of sufficient human appliances to prevent it.

JFB: Mat 27:66 - -- To guard it. What more could man do? But while they are trying to prevent the resurrection of the Prince of Life, God makes use of their precautions f...
To guard it. What more could man do? But while they are trying to prevent the resurrection of the Prince of Life, God makes use of their precautions for His own ends. Their stone-covered, seal-secured sepulchre shall preserve the sleeping dust of the Son of God free from all indignities, in undisturbed, sublime repose; while their watch shall be His guard of honor until the angels shall come to take their place.
Clarke: Mat 27:55 - -- Many women - To their everlasting honor, these women evidenced more courage, and affectionate attachment to their Lord and Master, than the disciple...
Many women - To their everlasting honor, these women evidenced more courage, and affectionate attachment to their Lord and Master, than the disciples did, who had promised to die with him rather than forsake him

Clarke: Mat 27:55 - -- Beholding afar off - At a distance - απο μακροθεν . Though this expression may be understood to refer, rather to the distance from which...
Beholding afar off - At a distance -

Clarke: Mat 27:56 - -- Mary Magdalene - She probably had her name from Magdala, a village or district in Lower Galilee. See Mat 15:39. Some think she was called Magdalene ...
Mary Magdalene - She probably had her name from Magdala, a village or district in Lower Galilee. See Mat 15:39. Some think she was called Magdalene from

Clarke: Mat 27:56 - -- Mary the mother of James - She was mother of him called James the lesser, or junior, who was son of Alpheus or Cleopas - see Mat 10:3; Mar 15:40; Jo...
Mary the mother of James - She was mother of him called James the lesser, or junior, who was son of Alpheus or Cleopas - see Mat 10:3; Mar 15:40; Joh 19:25; and she was sister to the holy virgin. Thus it appears that there were four remarkable Marys mentioned in the Gospels
1. Mary the Virgin, wife of Joseph
2. Mary Salome, her sister, wife of Cleopas, Joh 19:25
3. Mary Magdalene, or Mary of Magdala; and
4. Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus, Joh 11:1
Though Baronius asserts, and Lightfoot is of the same opinion, that Mary Magdalene, and Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus, was one and the same person. It is difficult to ascertain and distinguish these women where their names occur in the Gospels, so many being called by the name of Mary

Joses - Several MSS. and versions read Joseph.

Clarke: Mat 27:57 - -- When the even - This must have been about three o’ clock, or a little after; for our Lord having expired about three o’ clock, Mat 27:46, ...
When the even - This must have been about three o’ clock, or a little after; for our Lord having expired about three o’ clock, Mat 27:46, and the Jewish passover beginning about four, it was necessary that Joseph, who would not fail to eat the passover at the usual time, should have obtained and buried the body of Christ some time before four o’ clock. But such was the general consternation, occasioned by the prodigies that took place on this most awful occasion, that we may safely conjecture that nothing was done in order, and perhaps the passover itself was not eaten at the usual hour, if at all, that day. See at the end of the preceding chapter .

Clarke: Mat 27:57 - -- A rich man - He was a counsellor of the great Sanhedrin, Luk 23:50; and, from the accounts given of him by the evangelists we learn that he was a ma...
A rich man - He was a counsellor of the great Sanhedrin, Luk 23:50; and, from the accounts given of him by the evangelists we learn that he was a man of the greatest respectability. He now acted a more honorable part than all the disciples of our Lord. He was of Arimathea, or Rama, in the tribe of Benjamin, Mat 2:18, but lived ordinarily in Jerusalem, as being a member of the great council.

Clarke: Mat 27:58 - -- Begged the body - That he might bury it honorably otherwise, by the Jewish customs, he would have either been burned, or buried in the common place ...
Begged the body - That he might bury it honorably otherwise, by the Jewish customs, he would have either been burned, or buried in the common place appointed for executed criminals.

Clarke: Mat 27:59 - -- Wrapped it in a clean linen cloth - The Jews, as well as the Egyptians, added spices to keep the body from putrefaction, and the linen was wrapped a...
Wrapped it in a clean linen cloth - The Jews, as well as the Egyptians, added spices to keep the body from putrefaction, and the linen was wrapped about every part to keep the aromatics in contact with the flesh. From Joh 19:39, Joh 19:40, we learn that a mixture of myrrh and aloes of one hundred pounds’ weight had been applied to the body of Jesus when he was buried. And that a second embalmment was intended, we learn from Luk 23:56; Luk 24:1, as the hurry to get the body interred before the Sabbath did not permit them to complete, the embalming in the first instance. See an account of the mode of embalming among the Egyptians, in the note on Gen 50:2, Gen 50:26 (note).

Clarke: Mat 27:60 - -- Laid it in his own new tomb - To all human appearance the body of Christ must have had the same burial-place with those of the two robbers, as he wa...
Laid it in his own new tomb - To all human appearance the body of Christ must have had the same burial-place with those of the two robbers, as he was numbered with the transgressors, and suffered with them; for then he was a sacrifice, bearing the sin of the world in his own body on the tree; but now the sacrifice is offered, the atonement made and accepted, he is no longer to be enrolled with the transgressors, and, according to a prophecy delivered nearly seven hundred years before that time, he is to have the burying-place of a rich man. See Isa 53:9, Isa 53:10. Had our Lord been buried in the common burial-ground of the malefactors, his resurrection could not have been so distinctly remarked, as the chief priests would never have thought of sealing the stone there, or setting a watch; but now that the body is got into the hands of a friend, they judge it necessary to make use of these precautions, in order, as they said, to prevent imposture; and from this very circumstance the resurrection of Christ had its fullest evidence, and was put beyond the power of successful contradiction. What a number of objections would not human prudence have made to Joseph’ s conduct, had he consulted it on this occasion! It would have represented to him that, "this was to expose himself, to bring himself into trouble, to render himself suspected, to put himself out of all capacity of doing good, to ruin himself irrecoverably; and now it could do no good to his teacher - he is now dead, and needs no longer any office of kindness from men."There is, sometimes in our whole life, but one opportunity in which God designs signally to employ us; and, through our general backwardness to every good work, we are for reserving ourselves to other opportunities, in which God neither requires nor will accept our services

Clarke: Mat 27:60 - -- Rolled a great stone to the door - Some are of opinion that this tomb was cut down into the rock, perpendicularly from the surface; and that the gre...
Rolled a great stone to the door - Some are of opinion that this tomb was cut down into the rock, perpendicularly from the surface; and that the great stone spoken of here covered over the entrance to it. The stone, no doubt, was intended to secure the place as much as possible.

Clarke: Mat 27:61 - -- Mary Magdalene, and the other Mary - The mother of James and Joses, Mat 27:56. The mother of our Lord had probably, by this time, been taken home to...

Clarke: Mat 27:61 - -- Sitting over against the sepulchre - These holy women, filled with that love to their Lord which death cannot destroy, cleaved to him in life, and i...
Sitting over against the sepulchre - These holy women, filled with that love to their Lord which death cannot destroy, cleaved to him in life, and in death were not divided. They came to the grave to see the end, and overwhelmed with sorrow and anguish, sat down to mourn.

Clarke: Mat 27:62 - -- The next day - This was the seventh, or Saturday, and might be what we should term the evening of the sixth, or Friday, because the Jews always ende...
The next day - This was the seventh, or Saturday, and might be what we should term the evening of the sixth, or Friday, because the Jews always ended their day when the sun set, and then began the next

Clarke: Mat 27:62 - -- That followed the day of the preparation - That is, of the Sabbath. The victuals, etc., which were to be used on the Sabbath by the Jews, were alway...
That followed the day of the preparation - That is, of the Sabbath. The victuals, etc., which were to be used on the Sabbath by the Jews, were always prepared the preceding evening before the sun set. It is of this preparation that the evangelist speaks here; and it is the same which is mentioned by Mark, Mar 15:42; by Luke, Luk 23:54; and by John, Joh 19:31. But there was another preparation which happened in the same day: viz. The preparation of the passover; this began about twelve o’ clock, and continued till four, the time in which they ate the paschal lamb. See Joh 19:14.

Clarke: Mat 27:63 - -- Sir, we remember, etc. - While these wicked men are fulfilling their own vicious counsels, they are subserving the great cause of Christianity. Ever...
Sir, we remember, etc. - While these wicked men are fulfilling their own vicious counsels, they are subserving the great cause of Christianity. Every thing depended on the resurrection of Christ; if it did not appear that he rose from the dead, then the whole system was false, and no atonement was made. It was necessary therefore that the chief priests, etc., should make use of every precaution to prevent an imposture, that the resurrection of Christ might have the fullest evidence to support it. See on Mat 27:60 (note)
The word

Clarke: Mat 27:63 - -- After three days I will rise again - This they probably took from his saying, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will build it up. If so, they...
After three days I will rise again - This they probably took from his saying, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will build it up. If so, they destroyed, by their own words, the false accusation they brought against him to put him to death; then they perverted the meaning, now they declare it. Thus the wise are taken in their own craftiness. Neither the devil nor his servants ever speak truth, but when they expect to accomplish some bad purpose by it.

Clarke: Mat 27:64 - -- Lest his disciples come by night - Νυκτος, by night, is wanting in ten of the uncial MSS., and in several others, and in most of the versions...
Lest his disciples come by night -

Clarke: Mat 27:65 - -- Ye have a watch - The Jews had a corps of Roman troops, consisting of several companies, as a guard for the temple, Act 4:1. These companies mounted...

Clarke: Mat 27:66 - -- Made the sepulchre sure, sealing the stone, and setting a watch - Or rather, made the tomb secure by the guard, and by sealing the stone. I follow K...
Made the sepulchre sure, sealing the stone, and setting a watch - Or rather, made the tomb secure by the guard, and by sealing the stone. I follow Kypke, in construing
1. The death of Christ was ordered, so as to be witnessed by thousands; and if his resurrection take place, it must be demonstrated; and it cannot take place without being incontestable, such are the precautions used here to prevent all imposture
2. The more the circumstances of the death of Christ are examined, the more astonishing the whole will appear. The death is uncommon - the person uncommon - and the object uncommon; and the whole is grand, majestic, and awful. Nature itself is thrown into unusual action, and by means and causes wholly supernatural. In every part, the finger of God most evidently appears
3. How glorious does Christ appear in his death! Were it not for his thirst, his exclamation on the cross, and the piercing of his side, we should have found it difficult to believe that such a person could ever have entered the empire of death; but the divinity and the manhood equally appear, and thus the certainty of the atonement is indubitably established
4. But who can reflect on the state of the poor disciples, during the whole of the time in which our blessed Lord lay under the empire of death, without sharing their sorrows! When he expired on the cross their expectation was cut off; and when his body was laid in the grave their hopes were buried; and nothing but the resurrection of Christ from the dead could have given a resurrection to their hopes. It is true they had heard him say that he would rise again the third day; but in this it is evident their faith was very imperfect; and the uncertainty, perplexity, anxiety, and distress which they in consequence must have suffered, can neither be described nor imagined. Though we know the glorious result, yet who can help sympathizing with the pious father, the virgin mother, and the disconsolate disciples!
Calvin: Mat 27:55 - -- 55.And there were also many women there I consider this to have been added in order to inform us that, while the disciples had fled and were scattere...
55.And there were also many women there I consider this to have been added in order to inform us that, while the disciples had fled and were scattered in every direction, still some of their company were retained by the Lord as witnesses. Now though the Apostle John did not depart from the cross, yet no mention is made of him; but praise is bestowed on the women alone, who accompanied Christ till death, because their extraordinary attachment to their Master was the more strikingly displayed, when the men fled trembling. For they must have been endued with extraordinary strength of attachment, since, though they could render him no service, they did not cease to treat him with reverence, even when exposed to the lowest disgrace. And yet we learn fromLuke that all the men had not fled; for he says that all his acquaintances stood at a distance. But not without reason do the Evangelists bestow the chief praise on the women, for they deserved the preference above the men. In my opinion, the implied contrast suggests a severe reproof of the apostles. I speak of the great body of them; for since only one remained, the three Evangelists, as I mentioned a little ago, take no notice of him. It was in the highest degree disgraceful to chosen witnesses to withdraw from that spectacle on which depended the salvation of the world. Accordingly, when they afterwards proclaimed the gospel, they must have borrowed from women the chief portion of the history. But if a remedy had not been miraculously prepared by Providence against a great evil, they would have deprived themselves, and us along with them, of the knowledge of redemption.
At first sight, we might think that the testimony of the women does not possess equal authority; but if we duly consider by what power of the Spirit they were supported against that temptation, we shall find that there is no reason why our faith should waver, since it rests on God, who is the real Author of their testimony. 292 Yet let us observe, that it proceeded from the inconceivable goodness of God, that even to us should come that gospel which speaks of the expiation by which God has been reconciled to us. For during the general desertion of those who ought to have run before others, God encouraged some, out of the midst of the flock, who, recovering from the alarm, should be witnesses to us of that history, without the belief of which we cannot be saved. Of the women themselves, we shall presently have another opportunity of saying something. At present, it may be sufficient to take a passing notice of one point, that their eagerness for instruction led them to withdraw from their country, and constantly to learn from the lips of Christ, and that they spared neither toil nor money, provided that they might enjoy his saving doctrine.

Calvin: Mat 27:57 - -- Mat 27:57.And when the evening was come Let it be understood that Joseph did not come in the dusk of the evening, but before sunset, that he might...
Mat 27:57.And when the evening was come Let it be understood that Joseph did not come in the dusk of the evening, but before sunset, that he might perform this office of kindness to his Master, without violating the Sabbath; for the Sabbath commenced in the evening, and therefore it was necessary that Christ should be laid in the grave before night came on. Now from the time that Christ died until the Sabbath began to be observed, there were three free days. And though John does not mention Joseph only, but joins Nicodemus as his companion, (Joh 19:39;) yet as he alone undertook the business at first, and as Nicodemus did no more than follow and join him, the three: Evangelists satisfied themselves with relating in a brief narrative what was done by Joseph alone.
Now though this affection of Joseph deserved uncommon praise, still we ought first to consider the providence of God, in subduing a man of high and honorable rank among his countrymen, to wipe away the reproach of the cross by the honor of burial. And, indeed, as he exposed himself to the dislike and hatred of the whole nation, and to great dangers, there can be no doubt that this singular courage arose from a secret movement of the Spirit; for though he had formerly been one of Christ’s disciples, yet he had never ventured to make a frank and open profession of his faith. When the death of Christ now presents to him a spectacle full of despair, and fitted to break the strongest minds, how comes he suddenly to acquire such noble courage that, amidst the greatest terrors, he feels no dread, and hesitates not to advance farther than he had ever done, when all was in peace? Let us know then that, when the Son of God was buried by the hand of Joseph, it was the work of God.
To the same purpose must also be referred the circumstances which are here detailed. Joseph’s piety and integrity of life are commended, that in the servant of God we may learn to recognize the work of God. The Evangelists relate that he was rich, in order to inform us that his amazing magnanimity of mind enabled him to rise superior to the obstruction which would otherwise have compelled him to retire. For rich men, being naturally proud, find nothing more difficult than to expose themselves voluntarily to the contempt of the people. Now we know how mean and disgraceful an act it was to receive from the hand of the executioner the body of a crucified man. Besides, as men devoted to riches are wont to avoid everything fitted to excite prejudice, the more eminent he was for wealth, the more cautious and timid he would have been, unless a holy boldness 295 had been imparted to him from heaven. The dignity of his rank is likewise mentioned, that he was a counselor, or senator, that in this respect also the power of God may be displayed; for it was not one of the lowest of the people that was employed to bury the body of Christ in haste and in concealment, but from a high rank of honor he was raised up to discharge this office. For the less credible it was that such an office of kindness should be performed towards Christ, the more clearly did it appear that the whole of this transaction was regulated by the purpose and hand of God.
We are taught by this example, that the rich are so far from being excusable, when they deprive Christ of the honor due to him: that they must be held to be doubly criminal, for turning into obstructions those circumstances which ought to have been excitements to activity. It is too frequent and customary, I acknowledge, for those who think themselves superior to others, to withdraw from the yoke, and to become soft and effeminate through excessive timidity and solicitude about their affairs. But we ought to view it in a totally different light; for if riches and honors do not aid us in the worship of God, we utterly abuse them. The present occurrence shows how easy it is for God to correct wicked fears by hindering us from doing our duty; since formerly Joseph did not venture to make an open profession of being a disciple of Christ, when matters were doubtful, but now, when the rage of enemies is at its height, and when their cruelty abounds, he gathers courage, and does not hesitate to incur manifest danger. We see then how the Lord in a moment forms the hearts to new feelings, and raises up by a spirit of fortitude those who had previously fainted. But if, through a holy desire to honor Christ, Joseph assumed such courage, while Christ was hanging on the cross, woe to our slothfulness, 296 if, now that he has risen from the dead, an equal zeal, at least, to glorify him do not burn in our hearts.

Calvin: Mat 27:59 - -- Mat 27:59.And having taken the body The three Evangelists glance briefly at the burial; and therefore they say nothing about the aromatic ointments wh...
Mat 27:59.And having taken the body The three Evangelists glance briefly at the burial; and therefore they say nothing about the aromatic ointments which John alone mentions, (Joh 19:39) only they relate that Joseph purchased a clean linen cloth; from which we infer, that Christ was honorably buried. And, indeed, there could be no doubt that a rich man, when he gave up his sepulcher to our Lord, made provision also, in other respects, for suitable magnificence and splendor. And this, too, was brought about by the secret providence of God, rather than by the premeditated design of men, that a new sepulcher, in which no man had ever yet been laid, was obtained by our Lord, who is the first-born from the dead, (Col 1:18,) and the first-fruits of them that rise, (1Co 15:20.) God intended, therefore, by this Mark to distinguish his Son from the remainder of the human race, and to point out by the sepulcher itself his newness of life.

Calvin: Mat 27:61 - -- 61.And Mary Magdalene, and the other Mary, were there Matthew and Mark relate only that the women looked at what was done, and marked the place wher...
61.And Mary Magdalene, and the other Mary, were there Matthew and Mark relate only that the women looked at what was done, and marked the place where the body was laid. But Luke states, at the same time, their resolution, which was, that they returned to the city, and prepared spices and ointments, that two days afterwards they might render due honor to the burial. Hence we learn that their minds were filled with a better odor, which the Lord breathed into his death, that he might bring them to his grave, and exalt them higher.

Calvin: Mat 27:62 - -- Mat 27:62.And the next day In this narrative Matthew did not so much intend to show with what determined rage the scribes and priests pursued Christ, ...
Mat 27:62.And the next day In this narrative Matthew did not so much intend to show with what determined rage the scribes and priests pursued Christ, as to exhibit to us, as in a mirror, the amazing providence of God in proving the resurrection of his Son. Cunning men, practiced at least in fraud and treachery, plot among themselves, and contrive a method by which they may extinguish the memory of a dead man; for they see that they have gained nothing, if they do not destroy the certainty of the resurrection. But while they are attempting to do this, they appear rather as if they had expressly intended to bring it forth to the light, that it might be known. The resurrection of Christ would undoubtedly have been less manifest, or, at least, they would have had more plausible grounds for denying it, if they had not taken pains to station witnesses at the sepulcher. We see then how the Lord not only disappointeth the crafty, (Job 5:12,) but employs even their own schemes as snares for holding them fast, that he may draw and compel them to render obedience to him. The enemies of Christ were indeed unworthy of having his resurrection made known to them; but it was proper that their insolence should be exposed, and every occasion of slander taken away from them, and that even their consciences should be convinced, so that they might not be held excusable for ignorance. Yet let us observe that God, as if he had hired them for the purpose, employed their services for rendering the glory of Christ more illustrious, because no plausible ground for lying, in order to deny it, was left to them when they found the grave empty; not that they desisted from their wicked rage, but with all persons of correct and sober judgment it was a sufficient testimony that Christ was risen, since his body, which had been placed in a grave, and protected by guards who surrounded it on all sides, was not to be found.

Calvin: Mat 27:63 - -- 63. We remember that that impostor said This thought was suggested to them by divine inspiration, not only that the Lord might execute upon them just...
63. We remember that that impostor said This thought was suggested to them by divine inspiration, not only that the Lord might execute upon them just vengeance for their wickedness, (as he always punishes bad consciences by secret torments,) but chiefly in order to restrain their unholy tongues. Yet we again perceive what insensibility seizes on wicked men, when they are bewitched by Satan. They go so far as to call him an impostor, whose divine power and glory were lately manifested by so many miracles. This certainly was not to defy the clouds, but to spit in the face of God, so to speak, by ridiculing the brightness of the sun. Such examples show us that we ought, with pious and modest thoughtfulness, to direct our attention early to the glory of God when it is presented to our view, that our hardness of heart may not lead us to brutal and dreadful blindness. Now though it may appear strange and absurd for wicked men to indulge in such wicked mockery over Christ when dead, that our minds may not be rendered uneasy by this licentiousness, we ought always to consider wisely the purpose to which the Lord turns it. Wicked men imagine that they will overwhelm the whole of the doctrine of Christ, together with his miracles, by that single blasphemy, which they haughtily vomit out; but God employs no other persons than themselves for vindicating his Son from all blame of imposture. Whenever these wicked men shall labor to overturn everything by their calumnies, and shall launch out into unmeasured slander, let us wait with composure and tranquillity of mind until God bring light out of darkness.

Calvin: Mat 27:65 - -- 65.You have a guard By these words, Pilate means that he grants their request by permitting them to post soldiers to keep watch. This, permission bou...
65.You have a guard By these words, Pilate means that he grants their request by permitting them to post soldiers to keep watch. This, permission bound them more firmly, so that they could not escape by any evasion; for though they were not ashamed to break out against Christ after his resurrection, yet with Pilate’s signet they as truly shut their own mouths as they shut up the sepulcher.
Defender: Mat 27:60 - -- There is more here than meets the eye. Joseph was a rich man who lived in Arimathea, so why would he build a new tomb in Jerusalem, especially one in ...
There is more here than meets the eye. Joseph was a rich man who lived in Arimathea, so why would he build a new tomb in Jerusalem, especially one in the rock on a hillside close to Golgotha within easy earshot of the cries of crucified criminals? It could hardly have been planned for himself; all indications point to his having prepared it ahead of time to receive the body of Jesus (Mar 15:42-47; Luk 23:50-56; Joh 19:38-42)."

Defender: Mat 27:66 - -- The chief priests and Pharisees evidently took the Lord's promise to rise on the third day more seriously than His disciples (Mat 27:63, Mat 27:64). H...
The chief priests and Pharisees evidently took the Lord's promise to rise on the third day more seriously than His disciples (Mat 27:63, Mat 27:64). However, they did not believe this was possible (especially the Sadducean priests who did not believe in the resurrection), so they must have assumed the disciples would try to steal the body. Their paranoia, however, served only to strengthen the evidence for the resurrection. Their firm preparations to prevent the theft of the body merely eliminated that possibility as a plausible explanation for the empty tomb three days later."
TSK: Mat 27:55 - -- many : Luk 23:27, Luk 23:28, Luk 23:48, Luk 23:49; Joh 19:25-27
ministering : Luk 8:2, Luk 8:3

TSK: Mat 27:56 - -- Mary Magdalene : Mat 27:61, Mat 28:1; Mar 15:40,Mar 15:41, Mar 16:1, Mar 16:9; Luk 24:10; Joh 20:1, Joh 20:18
Mary the : Mar 15:47, Mar 16:1; Joh 19:2...

TSK: Mat 27:57 - -- there : Mar 15:42, Mar 15:43; Luk 23:50,Luk 23:51; Joh 19:38-42
Arimathaea : 1Sa 1:1, 1Sa 7:17

TSK: Mat 27:60 - -- in his : Isa 53:9
a great : Mat 27:66, Mat 28:2; Mar 16:3, Mar 16:4; Luk 24:2; Joh 20:1

TSK: Mat 27:62 - -- the day : Mat 26:17; Mar 15:42; Luk 23:54-56; Joh 19:14, Joh 19:42
the chief priests : Mat 27:1, Mat 27:2; Psa 2:1-6; Act 4:27, Act 4:28

TSK: Mat 27:63 - -- that deceiver : Luk 23:2; Joh 7:12, Joh 7:47; 2Co 6:8
After : Mat 16:21, Mat 17:23, Mat 20:19, Mat 26:61; Mar 8:31, Mar 10:34; Luk 9:22, Luk 18:33, Lu...

TSK: Mat 27:66 - -- and made : Every thing was here done which human policy and prudence could, to prevent a resurrection, which these very precautions had the most direc...

collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)
Barnes: Mat 27:55 - -- Beholding afar off - These women were probably not suffered to come near the cross because it was surrounded by soldiers. They witnessed with i...
Beholding afar off - These women were probably not suffered to come near the cross because it was surrounded by soldiers. They witnessed with intense feelings his sufferings from some convenient place as near as they could approach.
Ministering unto him - Attending him and providing for his wants. While multitudes of people joined in the cry, "Crucify him!"and forsook him in his trying moments, it does not appear that any of his female followers were thus unfaithful. In the midst of all his trials, and all the Contempt poured upon him, they adhered to their Redeemer. Never did female constancy shine more brightly, and never was a happier example set for all who should afterward believe on him!

Barnes: Mat 27:56 - -- Mary Magdalene - Mary of Magdala. She had a special cause of attachment to the Saviour, having been relieved by him of a most dreadful calamity...
Mary Magdalene - Mary of Magdala. She had a special cause of attachment to the Saviour, having been relieved by him of a most dreadful calamity and restored to her right mind, after being possessed by seven devils. See the notes at Luk 8:2.
And the mother of Zebedee’ s children - That is, of James and John, Mat 10:2. Her name was Salome, Mar 15:40.

Barnes: Mat 27:57 - -- When the even was come - That is, some time after three o’ clock in the afternoon. Before this, the Jews had besought Pilate that the legs...
When the even was come - That is, some time after three o’ clock in the afternoon. Before this, the Jews had besought Pilate that the legs of those who were crucified might be broken and the bodies be taken down, that they might not remain on the cross during the Sabbath. The soldiers, coming to Jesus for that purpose, found that he was already dead, contrary to their expectation. A soldier, however, thrust a spear into his side, and there was furnished the fullest proof that he had expired. See the notes at Joh 19:31-37.
A rich man of Arimathea - It is uncertain where Arimathea was. There were several cities of that name in Judea. It is commonly supposed to be the same as Rama. See the notes at Mat 2:17. Luke says that this was a "city of the Jews,"and it is probable, therefore, that it was in the tribe of Benjamin, and but a short distance from Jerusalem. This man sustained a high character. He was an "honorable counsellor, who also waited for the kingdom of God"Mar 15:43; he was "a good man and a just"Luk 23:50; he had nobly set himself against the wicked purposes of the Sanhedrin Luk 23:51; he was a disciple of Jesus, though he was not openly his follower, because he feared the Jews, Joh 19:38.

Barnes: Mat 27:58 - -- He went to Pilate - Because no one had a right to remove the body but by authority of the magistrate. Jesus was condemned to be crucified, usua...
He went to Pilate - Because no one had a right to remove the body but by authority of the magistrate. Jesus was condemned to be crucified, usually a long and most bitter death, and in common cases it would have been unlawful to have removed the body so soon.

Barnes: Mat 27:59 - -- "He wrapped it in a clean linen cloth."John adds that this was done "with spices"Joh 19:40. The Jews were accustomed to use myrrh, aloes, and other ...
"He wrapped it in a clean linen cloth."John adds that this was done "with spices"Joh 19:40. The Jews were accustomed to use myrrh, aloes, and other aromatics in large quantities when they buried their dead. When they were not regularly embalmed, which was a long and tedious process, they enclosed the spices in the folds of the linen, or wrapped the body in it. Spices were sometimes used in such quantities as to form a "heap or bed,"on which the dead body was laid. Thus it is said of Asa 2Ch 16:14, "they laid him in the bed which was filled with sweet odors and spices,"etc. There not being time properly to embalm the body of Jesus, he was buried in this manner. The women who attended him, either not being aware of this, or desirous of showing a further regard for him, returned from the sepulchre and prepared other spices with which to embalm him on the first day of the week, Luk 23:56; Luk 24:1.

Barnes: Mat 27:60 - -- In his own new tomb - John says Joh 19:41 that this was in a garden that was "in"or "near"the place where he was crucified. This tomb Joseph ha...
In his own new tomb - John says Joh 19:41 that this was in a garden that was "in"or "near"the place where he was crucified. This tomb Joseph had prepared for himself, as was not uncommon among the Jews. Compare the notes at Isa 22:16. In this tomb Luke and John inform us that no man had been laid. This was so ordered, in the providence of God, doubtless, that there might be no suspicion about his identity when he rose; that it might not be alleged that another person had risen, or that he was raised by touching the bones of some prophet, as happened to the corpse that touched the bones of Elisha, 2Ki 13:21. Farther, by being buried here an important prophecy was remarkably fulfilled Isa 53:9; "He made his grave - with the rich in his death."The fulfillment of this is the more remarkable, because during his life he associated with the poor and was himself poor. See the notes at Isa 53:9. "Which he had hewn out in the rock."This was a common way of constructing tombs in Judea. See the notes at Mat 8:28. Being cut out of a rock, there was no way by which the disciples could have access to it but by the entrance, at which the guard was placed, and consequently it was impossible for them to steal him away. The sepulchre, thus secure, was rendered more so by rolling a great stone at its entrance; all possible precautions thus being used, in the providence of God, against imposition and deceit.

Barnes: Mat 27:62 - -- Now the next day, that followed the days of the preparation - The first day of the feast of the Passover was called the day of "preparation,"be...
Now the next day, that followed the days of the preparation - The first day of the feast of the Passover was called the day of "preparation,"because all things were on that day got in readiness for the observances of the paschal week. The Jewish day closed at sunset, and the Sabbath at that time commenced. The "next day"mentioned here does not mean the following day in our acceptation of the word, or the following "morning,"but the next day in the Jewish way of speaking - that is, after the next day had commenced, or after sundown. To suppose them to have waited until the next morning would be absurd, as the disciples would be as likely to steal him away the first night as the second.

Barnes: Mat 27:63 - -- We remember - They had either heard him say this, or, more probably, had understood that this was one of his doctrines. That deceiver - O...
We remember - They had either heard him say this, or, more probably, had understood that this was one of his doctrines.
That deceiver - One of the charges against him was that he deceived the people, Joh 7:12. By this title they still chose to designate him, thinking that his death had fully confirmed the truth of the charges against him.

Barnes: Mat 27:64 - -- Until the third day - That is, during two nights and the intervening day. This proves that when the Jews spoke of "three days,"they did not of ...
Until the third day - That is, during two nights and the intervening day. This proves that when the Jews spoke of "three days,"they did not of necessity mean three "whole days,"but parts of three days, as was the case in our Saviour’ s lying in the grave. See the notes at Mat 12:40.
The last error shall be worse than the first - That is, the last "deception,"or the taking him from the tomb, pretending that he rose, will have a wider influence among the people than the first, or his pretending to be the Messiah.

Barnes: Mat 27:65 - -- Ye have a watch - The Jews had a guard of Roman soldiers, who kept watch in the tower of Antonia, on the northwest of the temple. Pilate either...
Ye have a watch - The Jews had a guard of Roman soldiers, who kept watch in the tower of Antonia, on the northwest of the temple. Pilate either referred to these, or to the "watch"that attended the crucifixion - the whole "band"that had been appointed for that. As the torments of crucifixion sometimes lasted many days, the band had been probably granted to them during that time, and they were therefore still at the direction of the chief priests.

Barnes: Mat 27:66 - -- Sealing the stone - The sepulchre was made sure by affixing the large stone to the entrance in such a way that it could not be removed without ...
Sealing the stone - The sepulchre was made sure by affixing the large stone to the entrance in such a way that it could not be removed without detection. It was sealed. In what way this was done cannot now be certainly told. The cave in which Daniel was cast was fastened in the same manner, and sealed with the king’ s signet Dan 6:17, perhaps by fastening the stone in its place with cords, and bringing them together and uniting them with wax, and impressing on that the seal of the king. In this way, letters and books were anciently sealed. Possibly on the sepulchre of Jesus was impressed in this manner the seal of Pilate - the seal of office - making it doubly sure; or it may be that the stone was fitted into the tomb with clay or cement, and on that was impressed the seal of Pilate.
Setting a watch - That is, as large a number of soldiers as they judged necessary to secure the tomb.
We cannot but be struck with the wisdom of God in ordering the circumstances of the Saviour’ s burial in such a manner as to avoid the possibility of deception. Had all this been done by his "friends,"it might have been said that they only pretended to secure the tomb, and only pretended that he was dead. But he was adjudged to be dead "by the Jews themselves;"Pilate was satisfied that that was the fact; they had their own way about his burial; he was buried alone; the place of his sepulchre was made sure, "expressly to prevent his being removed;"and they placed around him a guard, in their own judgment large enough to prevent his being taken away by force or strength. His very enemies, therefore, took every possible precaution to place his resurrection beyond the possibility of suspicion of fraud and imposture, and those precautions were the very means of furnishing the most striking proof that his death, burial, and resurrection were not impositions, but most affecting, awful, and yet cheering realities.
Poole: Mat 27:54-56 - -- Ver. 54-56. Mark saith, Mar 15:39-41 , And when the centurion, which stood over against him, saw that he so cried out, and gave up the ghost, he sai...
Ver. 54-56. Mark saith, Mar 15:39-41 , And when the centurion, which stood over against him, saw that he so cried out, and gave up the ghost, he said, Truly this man was the Son of God. There were also women looking on afar off: among whom was Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James the less and of Joses, and Salome; (who also when he was in Galilee, followed him, and ministered unto him); and many other women which came up with him to Jerusalem.
Luke saith, Luk 23:47-49 , Now when the centurion saw what was done, he glorified God, saying, Certainly this was a righteous man. And all the people that came together to that sight, beholding the things which were done, smote their breasts, and returned. And all his acquaintance, and the women that followed him from Galilee, stood afar off, beholding these things.
We heard before, Mat 27:36 , that the soldiers sat down and watched Christ. The centurion here mentioned was the captain of this watch; he seeing the earthquake, and all the other things that were done, saith Matthew. Mark saith, When he saw that he so cried out, and gave up the ghost. He glorified God, saith Luke. Matthew and Mark tell us how he said. Truly this man was the Son of God. Luke saith he said, Certainly this was a righteous man: he glorified God by a confession of the truth, to the glory of God, saying, he was a righteous man, and such a righteous man as was also the Son of God. It seems very probable that this captain, living amongst the Jews, had learned from them their expectation of a Messiah, and speaketh this with reference to that, and acknowledgeth that Christ was he. Luke addeth, that all the people that came to see that sight returned, smiting their breasts, being convinced of the great wickedness committed by their high priests, and chief priests and elders, and fearing that vengeance which followed in less than forty years.
And many women were there: these women had followed Christ out of Galilee: two only are named here,
Mary Magdalene who probably had her name from Magdala a city in Galilee,
and Mary the mother of James and Joses ( James the less, saith Mark, to distinguish him from James the son of Zebedee),
and the mother of Zebedee’ s children: these stood afar off, these three evangelists say. John told us, Joh 19:25 , that two of these were so near the cross, with the mother of our Lord, that he spake to them. Here we read nothing of the mother of our Lord, probably she was gone with John, to whom Christ had commended her, and the rest withdrew and stood farther off from the cross at this time. Matthew goeth on now, describing the coming of Joseph of Arimathea to beg the dead body of Christ; so doth Mark and Luke.
John interposes something tending to complete the history, Joh 19:31-37 : The Jews therefore, because it was the preparation, that the bodies should not remain upon the cross on the sabbath day, (for that sabbath day was an high day), besought Pilate that their legs might be broken, and that they might be taken away. Then came the soldiers, and brake the legs of the first, and of the other which was crucified with him. But when they came to Jesus, and saw that he was dead already, they brake not his legs: but one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side, and forthwith came thereout blood and water. And he that saw it bare record, and his record is true: and he knoweth that he saith true, that ye might believe. For these things were done, that the scripture should be fulfilled, A bone of him shall not be broken. And again another scripture saith, They shall look on him whom they pierced.
The day upon which he was crucified was the fifteenth day of the month Nisan, upon the Friday, as we call it; this appeareth from this text, which saith it was the preparation to the Jewish sabbath; and that sabbath, the evangelist saith, was a high day, not because, as some think, the Jews put off their passover to that day, but because it was the second day of the feast of unleavened bread. It is true, Joh 19:14 , it is called the preparation of the passover; but we must remember, that all the seven days of unleavened bread were so called, as I before noted. This day was indeed the preparation to the sabbath in the paschal week, for otherwise we must say that Christ did not eat the passover the same day that the Jews did, which involves us in many inextricable difficulties, and could not be if the paschal lamb was to be killed by the priests, for they would not have killed it the day before. It is therefore most probable, that Joh 19:14 must be expounded by Joh 19:31 , and the preparation of the passover, Joh 19:14 ; was the preparation to the sabbath, which falling within the compass of the seven days of unleavened bread, was a great day with them, especially being the day following the eating of the paschal lamb. By the law, Deu 21:23 , the body of none that was hanged was to abide all night upon the tree. It was between three and four of the clock in the afternoon before that Christ died; they used to set some hours apart for preparation to the sabbath, which that night began as soon as the sun was set; this therefore makes them go to Pilate, and desire that the legs of them that suffered might be broken. Pilate grants their request. The soldiers brake the legs of the two thieves, but when they came to Christ, they found him dead, and brake not his legs, but a soldier with a spear pierced his side. The evangelist takes notice of these minute things, (and assures us he saw them, that we might believe), that he might show us how in every point the things of old spoken of Christ were fulfilled in him. Christ was the true paschal Lamb, as to which the law was, That a bone of it should not be broken, Exo 12:46 Num 9:12 ; or else the evangelist refers to Psa 34:20 , where it is said of a righteous man, He keepeth all his bones; not one of them is broken. Our Saviour’ s side was pierced, and that also is recorded, to let us know the fulfilling of that scripture, Zec 12:10 , They shall look upon me whom they have pierced.

Poole: Mat 27:57-61 - -- Ver. 57-61. Mark hath it, Mar 15:42-47 , And now when the even was come, because it was the preparation, that is, the day before the sabbath, Joseph...
Ver. 57-61. Mark hath it, Mar 15:42-47 , And now when the even was come, because it was the preparation, that is, the day before the sabbath, Joseph of Arimathea, an honourable counsellor, which also waited for the kingdom of God, came, and went in boldly unto Pilate, and craved the body of Jesus. And Pilate marvelled if he were already dead: and calling unto him the centurion, he asked him whether he had been any while dead. And when he knew it of the centurion, he gave the body to Joseph. And he bought fine linen and took him down, and wrapped him in the linen, and laid him in a sepulchre which was hewn out of a rock, and rolled a stone unto the door of the sepulchre. And Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Joses beheld where he was laid.
Luke hath it, Luk 23:50-54 , thus: And behold there was a man named Joseph, a counsellor; and he was a good man, and a just: (the same had not consented to the counsel and deed of them); he was of Arimathea, a city of the Jews: who also himself waited for the kingdom of God. This man went unto Pilate, and begged the body of Jesus. And he took it down, and wrapped it in linen, and laid it in a sepulchre that was hewn in stone, wherein never man before laid. And that day was the preparation, and the sabbath drew on.
John reports it with some additions, Joh 19:38-42 : And after this Joseph of Arimathea, being a disciple of Jesus, but secretly for fear of the Jews, besought Pilate that he might take away the body of Jesus: and Pilate gave him leave. He came therefore, and took the body of Jesus. And there came also Nicodemus, which at the first came to Jesus by night, and brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about an hundred pound weight. Then took they the body of Jesus, and wound it in linen clothes with the spices, as the manner of the Jews is to bury. Now in the place where he was crucified there was a garden; and in the garden a new sepulchre, wherein was never man yet laid. There laid they Jesus therefore because of the Jews’ preparation day: for the sepulchre was nigh at hand.
All four evangelists (as we see) repeat this history, one supplying what is wanting in another towards the completeness of it. Nor must we think it is for nothing so punctually related; much depended upon the world’ s satisfaction in the truth and certainty of his death, burial, and resurrection, they are three great articles of our faith. We have therefore here punctually described his burial, with all the circumstances of it. As it is with us, so it seems it was with them.
The bodies of those who died as malefactors were taken to be in the power of the magistrates, to dispose of as they pleased, though they were ordinarily granted upon petition to their friends and relations. The person who begged the body of our Saviour is described to us by his name, Joseph; by his city, Arimathea (there it seems he was born, or had his mansion house, though he resided in Jerusalem); by his quality, both his more exterior quality, and his more interior qualification. As for his outward quality, Matthew saith he was a rich man. Mark saith he was an honourable counsellor. Luke also calls him a counsellor, but had not consented to the counsel and deed of them, that is, of them who had examined and condemned Christ: whether he was a member of the Jewish sanhedrim, or of Pilate’ s council, (though the last be not probable), or had been a counsellor formerly, but now was not so, is hard to determine; but his quality doubtless made his access more free to Pilate. He went in boldly to him, saith Mark; his quality in the city, and his love to Christ, both contributed to this boldness. For his more inward qualifications, Matthew and John both tell us he was a disciple, one that had learned of Christ, though John tells us, it was secretly for fear of the Jews. Among the chief rulers many believed on him, Joh 12:42 .
As bad as that set of rulers was which now ruled the Jewish affairs, (and a worse could not be), Christ had some disciples amongst them, as well as afterward in Nero’ s court: these, for fear of the Jews casting them out of the synagogues, durst not openly own Christ, but secretly loved him. Joseph and Nicodemus were two of them. And to let us know what the disciples of Christ are, and should be, this Joseph is described by Luke to be a good and a just man; by Mark, to be one who waited for the kingdom of God; a believer, one who, believing what Christ had said, both concerning his kingdom of grace and glory, lived in the expectation of it. This man begs of the governor the body of Christ. Pilate wondered that he should be so soon dead, but inquiring of the centurion, and hearing that he was dead, he commands that his body should be delivered unto Joseph.
The manner of the Jews was, neither to have gardens nor burying places within the city, but without the wall; it should appear that this Joseph had a garden place without the city, and near to the place where Christ was crucified, and in that garden he had cut out of some great stone a sepulchre for himself. Matthew calls it his own new tomb, which he had hewn out in the rock. The other evangelists do not call it his own new tomb, only Luke and John observe it was a sepulchre in which none ever before was laid. So as when they found him risen from the dead, they could not say it was some other body, for there was no other body in the tomb. But before they laid in the body, both Matthew and Mark observe, that Joseph wrapped it in fine linen, and John further addeth, that they embalmed the body; to which purpose it was that Nicodemus (that ruler who came to Jesus by night, of which we have the story, Joh 3:1-36 , with whom our Saviour had a discourse about regeneration) brought the mixture of myrrh and aloes, of about an hundred pound weight; John adds, as the manner of the Jews is to bury, not ordinarily, but persons of greater note, whose estates were such as they could bear such an expense. This was the beginning of honour done unto Christ, after that he had passed through his lowest degree of humiliation.
Mary Magdalene, and the other Mary that is, the wife of Cleophas, of whom we heard before, stayed to see where he was laid, and took their seats over against the sepulchre. Luke saith, Luk 23:55,56 , The women also, which came with him from Galilee, followed after, and beheld the sepulchre, and how his body was laid. And they returned, and prepared spices and ointments; and rested the sabbath day, according to the commandment. It seems they sat but a little while (as Matthew saith) right over against the sepulchre, but went home, and prepared spices and ointments to embalm him, but would not do it on the sabbath, which was now beginning, thinking that it would be time enough upon the first day of the week. Matthew saith, that Joseph rolled a great stone to the door of the sepulchre, and departed.

Poole: Mat 27:62-66 - -- Ver. 62-66. This part of the history is recorded by no other evangelist: the recording it by Matthew contributes yet further to evidence the truth of...
Ver. 62-66. This part of the history is recorded by no other evangelist: the recording it by Matthew contributes yet further to evidence the truth of Christ’ s resurrection; for here was all imaginable care taken to prevent a cheat in the case.
The next day, that followed the day of the preparation, must be the sabbath day, Mar 15:42 . These superstitious hypocrites, that quarrelled with our Saviour for his disciples (being hungry) plucking ears of corn on the sabbath day, and for his healing him that had a withered hand, Mat 12:13 , can now themselves go to Pilate, to set him on work to command that the sepulchre should be made fast to the third day. They allege that Christ, whom they impiously call that deceiver, said, while he was alive, that he would rise again the third day, to answer the type of the prophet Jonas, Mat 12:39,40 . They were doubtless jealous that there was more truth in those words than they were willing to believe. They pretend also a fear lest his disciples should come privately by night, and steal his body away, and then say he was risen. But was this a probable thing, that a government should be afraid of a few poor, unarmed men? They were doubtless convicted in their own consciences that he would rise again from the dead, and to prevent his coming out of the sepulchre, they would have Pilate command that the sepulchre should be made sure. Pilate tells them, that they had a watch, a band of soldiers, which he had commanded at this time to attend them, either for the guard of the temple, or other things about which they would employ them; they might make the sepulchre as sure as they could.
So they went, and made the sepulchre sure, sealing the stone, and setting a watch Vain men! As if the same power that was necessary to raise and quicken the dead could not also remove the stone, and break through the watch which they had set. But by this their excessive care and diligence, instead of preventing Christ’ s resurrection, as they intended, they have confirmed the truth and belief of it to all the world. So doth God take the wise in their own craftiness, and turn their wisdom into foolishness, that he may set his King upon his holy hill of Zion.
Lightfoot: Mat 27:56 - -- Among which was Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James and Joses, and the mother of Zebedee's children.  [Mary Magdalene.] That Ma...
Among which was Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James and Joses, and the mother of Zebedee's children.  
[Mary Magdalene.] That Magdalene was the same with Mary the sister of Lazarus Baronius proves at large; whom see. It is confirmed enough from this very place; for if Mary Magdalene was not the same with Mary the sister of Lazarus, then either Mary the sister of Lazarus was not present at the crucifixion of Christ, and at his burial, or else she is passed over in silence by the evangelists; both which are improbable. Whence she was called Magdalene; doth not so plainly appear; whether from Magdala; a town on the lake of Gennesaret, or from the word which signifies a plaiting or curling of the hair; a thing usual with harlots. Let us see what is spoken by the Talmudists concerning Mary Magdala; who, they say, was mother of Ben Satda:  
"They stoned the son of Satda in Lydda, and they hanged him up on the evening of the Passover. Now this son of Satda was son of Pandira. Indeed, Rabh Chasda said, 'The husband [of his mother] was Satda; her husband was Pandira; her husband was Papus the son of Juda: but yet I say his mother was Satda, namely, Mary, the plaiter of women's hair; as they say in Pombeditha, she departed from her husband.' " These words are also repeated in Schabath; "Rabh Bibai, at a time when the angel of death was with him, said to his officer, Go, bring me Mary the plaiter of women's hair. He went and brought to him Mary, the plaiter of young men's hair;" etc. The Gloss; "The angel of death reckoned up to him what he had done before: for this story of Mary, the plaiter of women's hair; was under the second Temple, for she was the mother of N., as it is said in Schabath." See the Gloss there at the place before quoted.  
"There are some who find a fly in their cup, and take it out and will not drink; such was Papus Ben Judas, who locked the door upon his wife, and went out." Where the Glosser says thus; "Papus Ben Juda was the husband of Mary, the plaiter of women's hair; and when he went out of his house into the street, he locked his door upon his wife, that she might not speak with anybody; which, indeed, he ought not to have done: and hence sprang a difference between them, and she broke out into adulteries."  
I pronounce 'Ben Satda,' not that I am ignorant that it is called 'Ben Stada' by very learned men. The reason of our thus pronouncing it we fetch from hence, that we find he was called Ben Sutdah by the Jerusalem Talmudists; to which the word Satda more agrees than Stada. By the like agreement of sounds they call the same town both Magdala; and Mugdala; as we have observed elsewhere.  
As they contumeliously reflect upon the Lord Jesus under the name of Ben Satda; so there is a shrewd suspicion that, under the name of Mary Magdala; they also cast reproach upon Mary Magdalene. The title which they gave their Mary is so like this of ours, that you may with good reason doubt whether she was called Magdalene from the town Magdala; or from that word of the Talmudists, a plaiter of hair. We leave it to the learned to decide.  
[Joses.] Josi; a very usual name in the Talmudists: "Five were called Be R. Josi; Ismael, Lazar, Menahem, Chelpatha, Abdimus." Also, "R. Jose Ben R. Chaninah," etc. One may well inquire why this Mary is called the mother of 'James and Joses,' and not also of 'Judas and Simon,' as Mar 6:3.

Lightfoot: Mat 27:58 - -- He went to Pilate, and begged the body of Jesus. Then Pilate commanded the body to be delivered.  [Begged the body of Jesus.] It was not...
He went to Pilate, and begged the body of Jesus. Then Pilate commanded the body to be delivered.  
[Begged the body of Jesus.] It was not lawful to suffer a man to hang all night upon a tree, Deu 21:23; nay, nor to lie all night unburied: " Whosoever suffers a dead body to lie all night unburied violates a negative precept. But they that were put to death by the council were not to be buried in the sepulchres of their fathers; but two burying-places were appointed by the council, one for those that were slain by the sword and strangled, the other for those that were stoned [who also were hanged] and burnt." There, according to the custom, Jesus should have been buried, had not Joseph, with a pious boldness, begged of Pilate that he might be more honourably interred: which the fathers of the council, out of spite to him, would hardly have permitted, if they had been asked; and yet they did not use to deny the honour of a funeral to those whom they had put to death, if the meanness of the common burial would have been a disgrace to their family. As to the dead person himself, they thought it would be better for him to be treated dishonourably after death, and to be neither lamented nor buried; for this vilifying of him they fancied amounted to some atonement for him; as we have seen before. And yet, to avoid the disgrace of his family, they used, at the request of it, to allow the honour of a funeral.
Haydock: Mat 27:55 - -- Ministering unto him. It was customary with the Jews, for the women of that country to minister unto their teachers both food and raiment; but becau...
Ministering unto him. It was customary with the Jews, for the women of that country to minister unto their teachers both food and raiment; but because this was liable to abuse, and to cause scandal to the Gentiles, St. Paul dispensed with their assistance. These women ministered to our Lord, hoping that he would bestow heavenly food to them, who offered earthly food to him: not that the Creator of all things stood in need of assistance: but he wished to shew his disciples an example of poverty in himself, and charity in these women. But let us see what sort of women these were that followed our Lord, among whom were Mary Magdalene, sister of Martha and Lazarus; Mary, the mother of James the less and Joseph, sister of the blessed Virgin Mary, and the mother of the sons of Zebedee, otherwise called Salome, who were disciples of Jesus. (St. Jerome, and Menochius)

Haydock: Mat 27:57 - -- When it was evening, &c. St. John tells us, (Chap. xix. 31.) that the day on which Jesus died, being the day of preparation, (literally, the para...
When it was evening, &c. St. John tells us, (Chap. xix. 31.) that the day on which Jesus died, being the day of preparation, (literally, the parasceve ) that is the Friday or eve of the great sabbath, to wit, of the sabbath-day, which happened in the week of the paschal solemnity, the Jews desired of Pilate that the bodies might not remain on the crosses on the sabbath-day, but that they might be taken away. Some soldiers were sent for this purpose, and broke the legs of the two others that were not quite dead; but perceiving that Jesus was dead, they broke not his legs, but one of them pierced and opened his side with a lance or spear; and with such a wound, as would have deprived him of life, had he not been already dead. The divine Providence permitted this, to make his death more certain and undoubted. ---
Joseph, a disciple in private, now encouraged by the miracles which had happened, went bodily to Pilate, and begged the body of Jesus. St. Mark says, Pilate wondered, when he heard he was dead; and having been informed of the truth by the centurion, he granted the body to Joseph. Nicodemus also, who is called a prince of the Jews, (John xxx. 1.) came to bury our Saviour, bringing with him a mixture of myrrh and aloes, to embalm the body, as they did. (Witham) ---
The evangelist does not call Joseph a rich man out of vanity, or to inform us that Jesus had persons of distinction among his followers, but to shew why Joseph in preference to any other went to beg the body; for being a nobleman, he could obtain easier access to the governor of Judea than any of the other disciples, who were chiefly poor illiterate fishermen. (St. Jerome) ---
The town of Arimathea is placed on the maps about eighteen or twenty miles north-west of Jerusalem.

Haydock: Mat 27:58 - -- The Roman laws forbade sepulture to be given to criminals, without an express permission from the judges. (Bible de Vence, and Menochius)
The Roman laws forbade sepulture to be given to criminals, without an express permission from the judges. (Bible de Vence, and Menochius)

Haydock: Mat 27:59 - -- Wrapt it up. Behold with admiration the courage and constancy of this disciple of Christ, who, through love for his crucified Saviour, willingly exp...
Wrapt it up. Behold with admiration the courage and constancy of this disciple of Christ, who, through love for his crucified Saviour, willingly exposed himself not only to the enmity of his countrymen, but even to the danger of death, and daring in the presence of all to beg the body of Jesus, and to give it public interment. (St. John Chrysostom, hom. lxxxix.)

Haydock: Mat 27:60 - -- And Joseph laid it in his own new monument, ... hewed or cut out in a rock, where no one had ever been laid: and rolled a great stone against th...
And Joseph laid it in his own new monument, ... hewed or cut out in a rock, where no one had ever been laid: and rolled a great stone against the entrance, that no on might go in, or take away the body. But Mary Magdalene, and other women that had accompanied Jesus from Galilee, followed at a distance, to mark the place, having a design to come afterwards, and again embalm the body. (Witham) ---
It was the custom of that country, to excavate a tomb from the hard rock, for all persons of great distinction. (Bible de Vence) ---
From the unadorned tomb of a Man-God, we are taught to despise the grandeur of this perishable world, and fear the example of those who, even in their sepulchres, manifest to the world how grieved they were to leave their wealth, since they carried it with them to their tombs, ornamenting them with every costly decoration human ingenuity could devise. (St. Jerome)

Haydock: Mat 27:61 - -- Sitting over-against. Though St. Matthew makes mention of two women only, who were there, it is nevertheless certain from the other evangelists, tha...
Sitting over-against. Though St. Matthew makes mention of two women only, who were there, it is nevertheless certain from the other evangelists, that there were more, though these two are here particularized, because they perhaps shewed greater anxiety. They are said to be sitting, because they were afraid to join themselves with the two noblemen, Joseph, of Arimathea, and Nicodemus; and not able to leave their Lord, without knowing where he was placed, they sat down to see the end. (Jansenius)

Haydock: Mat 27:62 - -- The next day, which followed that of the perasceve, or preparation, (that is, on the great sabbath-day) the chief priests came to Pilate, to be...
The next day, which followed that of the perasceve, or preparation, (that is, on the great sabbath-day) the chief priests came to Pilate, to beg him to set a guard at the monument. (Witham) ---
The day of the preparation. The eve of the sabbath; so called, because on that day they prepared all things necessary; not being allowed so much as to dress their meat on the sabbath-day. (Challoner)

Haydock: Mat 27:63 - -- Sir, we have remembered, that that seducer, this impostor, this cheat; so the called our blessed Redeemer; from whence, says St. Augustine, Christian...
Sir, we have remembered, that that seducer, this impostor, this cheat; so the called our blessed Redeemer; from whence, says St. Augustine, Christians may learn to be patient under the greatest injuries. ---
Said: ... after three days I will rise again. This, therefore, must have been well known among the Jews. (Witham) ---
The chief motive, which influenced the high priest on this occasion, was probably the apprehension lest this prediction of Christ's resurrection should be verified. The wonderful prodigies which took place at his death, and especially the opening of the graves, (though none arose it is believed till after Christ's resurrection, since Christ is called the first-born from the dead, 1 Colossians i. 18. and the first-fruits of them that sleep, 1 Corinthians xv. 20.) might naturally appear as preludes to what he had so often foretold. It is true they had no idea but of a temporal passing resurrection , like that of Lazarus, which they had seen: yet they judged that such an event might be attended with the most serious consequences. Hence, it is probable, that they gave them most express injunctions to put Jesus to death by all means, and to secure the body in the monument: for, it is certain, they formed a similar design against the life of Lazarus, whose resurrection occasioned many to believe in Jesus. (Haydock) ---
They were not satisfied with taking his life; they must, moreover, deprived him of his good name. (Menochius) ---The chief priests could not yet be satisfied, after the horrid murder they had committed, unless they stirred up the minds of the people to a still greater height, by calumniating this innocent Lamb of God, and calling him an impostor, who was the most innocent of men, and spread abroad their poisonous doctrines in every sentence they uttered. (St. Jerome)

Haydock: Mat 27:65 - -- You have a guard; supposed to be a company of Roman soldiers, destined for the guard of the temple: (Bible de Vence) or, may take a guard; go, and ...
You have a guard; supposed to be a company of Roman soldiers, destined for the guard of the temple: (Bible de Vence) or, may take a guard; go, and make it secure; which they did, sealing the stone, and placing guards at the monument. Providence ordered this, to make Christ's resurrection more certain and evident. (Witham)

Haydock: Mat 27:66 - -- They departing. See how beyond the possibility of contradiction these precautions prove the reality of Christ's resurrection, and how the inveterate...
They departing. See how beyond the possibility of contradiction these precautions prove the reality of Christ's resurrection, and how the inveterate enemies of Christ become unwilling witnesses of it; for, since the sepulchre was guarded, there was an impossibility of any deceit on the part of the disciples. Now, if the least deceit was utterly impracticable, then indeed Christ our Lord was infallibly risen; and to remove every, the least possibility of deceit, Pilate would not permit the soldiers alone to seal up the monument. (St. Thomas Aquinas) ---
The high priests made the sepulchre sure, sealing the stone at the entrance of the monument with the public seal, Greek: sphragisantes ton lithon, proof against all fraud, either of corrupt guards or of designing followers, as Darius did, (Daniel vi. 17.) that no violence might be offered him. All this diligence, on the part of the enemies of the Christian faith, was permitted by divine Providence, that our faith in Christ's resurrection might be more certain, his glory greater, and the minds of the people better disposed to believe. (Jansenius)
Gill: Mat 27:55 - -- And many women were there,.... At the cross of Christ, at some little distance from it; but where was Peter, who had declared he would never be offend...
And many women were there,.... At the cross of Christ, at some little distance from it; but where was Peter, who had declared he would never be offended, though all men were; and would die with Christ, rather than deny him? and where were the rest of the disciples, who said the same things? None were present excepting John, as can be learnt from the evangelists; but many women, those of the weaker sex, were there, which was a rebuke of the former vanity and confidence of the disciples, and of their present pusillanimity and cowardice:
beholding afar off; Christ upon the cross, in all his agonies, the chief priests and people mocking him, the darkness upon the earth, the quaking of it, and the rending of the rocks: they were witnesses of all this, being at some little distance, by reason of the crowd of people and soldiers about the cross; and they beheld with an eye of faith, their bleeding, dying Lord, as crucified for them, and as bearing and taking away their sins: a sight which at once stirred up their affection and love to Christ, their concern for him, and sorrow for sin; and yet joy and peace, in believing in him:
which followed Jesus from Galilee: where they had seen his miracles, heard his doctrines, and had been savingly converted by him; and therefore followed him wherever he went, though an hundred miles or more, and through many difficulties and discouragements: they attended him in his triumphant entry into Jerusalem, and now at his cross; nor did they leave him when dead, and in his grave:
ministering unto him: not now, for he stood in no need of their assistance, nor could they give him any; but this respects what they had done heretofore, in their journey with him from Galilee to Jerusalem; when they ministered to him of their worldly substance, as a token of their affection for him; and which expresses the low estate and mean condition he was in, and is an instruction to his followers, how to behave towards the faithful preachers of his Gospel; see Luk 8:3.

Gill: Mat 27:56 - -- Among which was Mary Magdalene,.... Out of whom Christ had cast out seven devils; and who having received much from him, loved much, which she showed ...
Among which was Mary Magdalene,.... Out of whom Christ had cast out seven devils; and who having received much from him, loved much, which she showed by her zealous and constant attachment to him. She was called Magdalene, either because she was an inhabitant of Magdala, Mat 15:39, so we read e of R. Isaac,
and Mary the mother of James and Joses: the same with the wife of Cleophas, and sister to Mary, the mother of Jesus: instead of Joses, the Vulgate Latin and Ethiopic versions read Joseph:
And the mother of Zebedee's children: that is, of James and John; her name was Salome, Mar 15:40.

Gill: Mat 27:57 - -- When the even was come,.... The second evening, when it was just at sunset; at which time the Jewish sabbath began, and when the bodies of those that ...
When the even was come,.... The second evening, when it was just at sunset; at which time the Jewish sabbath began, and when the bodies of those that were crucified, must be taken down; and if not dead, their bones must be broken, and they dispatched, in order to be interred in the common burying place of malefactors:
there came a rich man Arimathea: not from thence now, for he lived at Jerusalem; but this was the place of his nativity, or former abode, and from whence he originally came; and is the same with Ramathaim Zophim, and Ramah, and was the birthplace of Samuel the prophet, 1Sa 1:1, and is by the Septuagint called Armathaim, in 1Sa 1:1. His character, as a rich man, is particularly mentioned, not merely to show that such men may be, and sometimes are, instances of the grace of God; much less in a way of boasting, that such a man was attached to Jesus; but rather to point out the reason, how he came to have such easy access to Pilate, and to succeed in his business with him; as well as to observe the accomplishment of a prophecy, in Isa 53:9,
named Joseph; the same name with one of the patriarchs, the sons of Jacob; between whom there was a resemblance, not only as good men, but in their observance of funeral rites and obsequies; the one in those of his father, the other in those of his dear Lord and Master. Some think k he is the same with Joseph ben Gorion, the brother of Nicodemus ben Gorion, often spoken of as a priest, and one of the richest of them in Jerusalem:
who also himself was Jesus' disciple; though he was only a secret one, as Nicodemus was: he had not as yet, or till now publicly professed him, for fear of the Jews, who had made a law, that whoever did, should be cast out of the synagogue; see Joh 19:38.

Gill: Mat 27:58 - -- He went to Pilate,.... To his house where he lived, and went in, as Mark says, Mar 15:43, boldly; not being ashamed of Christ crucified, or afraid to ...
He went to Pilate,.... To his house where he lived, and went in, as Mark says, Mar 15:43, boldly; not being ashamed of Christ crucified, or afraid to own him, and show his respect to him as dead, though he knew he should incur the displeasure, reproach, and persecution of the Jews:
and begged the body of Jesus; which could not be taken down and interred, without the leave of the Roman governor; and which was generally granted to the friends of the deceased, when asked; otherwise they were buried in places l appointed for such persons,
See Gill on Mat 27:33. And this would have been the case of Christ, had not Joseph craved his body; and which he did, to prevent its being abused by the Jews, and interred in such an ignominious manner:
then Pilate commanded the body to be delivered; to Joseph, after he had understood by the centurion that Jesus was dead, which he at first could not tell how to believe, and marvelled at it,
Mar 15:44. Joseph might the more easily obtain his request, as he was a person of character and riches; and because Pilate himself had a good opinion of Jesus, and of his innocence, as well as his wife was much in his favour: so that Joseph had no difficulty to obtain the body of Christ; but as soon as he asked, he had the favour granted, and orders were given to the centurion and his soldiers, to deliver it to him,

Gill: Mat 27:59 - -- And when Joseph had taken the body,.... Down from the cross, with the assistance of others, or from the hands of those who had orders to deliver it to...
And when Joseph had taken the body,.... Down from the cross, with the assistance of others, or from the hands of those who had orders to deliver it to him:
he wrapped it in a clean linen cloth: that is, he wound up the body in it round and round, as was the custom of the Jews; see Act 5:6.
Joh 11:44. Nor was it usual to bury in any thing but linen: so it is said m,
"let the wrappings, or grave clothes, be
This clean linen cloth, in which the dead body of Christ was wrapped, may be an emblem of his purity and innocence, who did no sin; nor did he die for any of his own, but for the sins of others; and also of his pure and spotless righteousness, which is compared to fine linen, clean and white, and which he now had wrought out, and brought in; see Rev 19:8.

Gill: Mat 27:60 - -- And laid it in his own new tomb,.... Christ was laid not in his own, but in another's tomb; for as in his lifetime he had not where to lay his head; s...
And laid it in his own new tomb,.... Christ was laid not in his own, but in another's tomb; for as in his lifetime he had not where to lay his head; so when he was dead, he had no sepulchre of his own to put his body in: and moreover, this shows that as he was born for others, and suffered and died not for himself, but them; so he was buried for them, as well as rose again for their justification: and it was a "new" tomb in which he was laid, in which none had been laid before; and was so ordered by providence, for the confirmation of the truth of his resurrection; for had another body been laid there, it might have been said that it was that, and not his that was raised. The Jews distinguish between a new grave, and an old grave n:
"a new grave may be measured, and sold, and divided; an old one may not be measured, nor sold, nor divided: there is a new grave, which is as an old one; and an old one, which is as a new one; an old grave, in which are ten dead bodies, which is not in the power of the owners, lo! this is as a new grave.
Which he had hewn out in the rock; it was usual with the Jews to make their sepulchres in rocks:
"in the midst (of the court of the sepulchre, they say o) two caves are opened, one on one side, and the other on the other; R. Simeon says, four on the four sides; Rabban Simeon ben Gamaliel says, all are
i.e. according to the nature of the rock, out of which the sepulchre is hewn; see Isa 22:16.
And he rolled a great stone to the door of the sepulchre; for the sepulchres were made with doors to go in and out at: hence we often read p of
and when he had so done,
he departed to his own house; for the sabbath drew on, and there was no more time to do any thing more in this affair. The Syriac version reads these last clauses in the plural number; "they rolled a great stone, and they put it", &c. and they went away; intimating, that Joseph did not do this himself; the stone was too great; but by others, or with their assistance. It may be observed, that all this was done on a feast day; on one of the days of the feast of the passover, when no servile work was to be done; and yet this was agreeably to the Jewish canons, which say u,
"they do all things needful for the dead on a feast day; they shave his head, and wash his clothes, and make him a coffin; and if they have no boards, they bring timber and saw boards of it, silently within doors; and if the person is a man of note, they do it even in the street; but they do not cut wood out of the forest, to saw planks of it for the coffin; nor do they hew stones, to build a tomb with them.
In this case, there was no need for the latter, because the sepulchre in which the body of Christ was laid, had been hewn out of a rock before; but the body was wrapped in a clean linen cloth, and wound up in it with myrrh and aloes to preserve it, and was interred; and so the women on this day, prepared spices and ointments, to anoint it with; though they rested on the sabbath day according to the commandment; but then as soon as that was over, though it was a feast day, they came to the sepulchre with their spices and ointments, Luk 23:56.

Gill: Mat 27:61 - -- And there was Mary Magdalene and the other Mary,.... The wife of Cleophas, and the mother of James and of Joses:
sitting over against the sepulchre...
And there was Mary Magdalene and the other Mary,.... The wife of Cleophas, and the mother of James and of Joses:
sitting over against the sepulchre; observing where the body of Christ was put, and how it was laid; for they intended to prepare spices and ointments to anoint it with; and were mourning for the death of Christ: for sitting was a mourning posture, which now they were allowed, the body being taken down from the cross, and interred by leave of the governor; for, for one that died as a malefactor, they might not use the outward signs of mourning: the canon is this w; for such
"they do not mourn, but they grieve; and there is no grieving but in the heart:
hence these women before stood, Joh 19:25, but now they sat,

Gill: Mat 27:62 - -- Now the next day that followed the day of preparation,.... Which was the sabbath day; for the day of preparation was the day before the sabbath, Mar 1...
Now the next day that followed the day of preparation,.... Which was the sabbath day; for the day of preparation was the day before the sabbath, Mar 15:42, in which they prepared every thing necessary for the sabbath, and therefore was so called: and as this introduces the account of the chief priests and Pharisees, making application to Pilate, to secure the sepulchre; and which by his leave they did, by sealing the stone, and setting a guard about the sepulchre; it shows what consciences these men had, who accused the disciples of Christ of a violation of the sabbath, for plucking a few ears of corn on that day; and sought to kill Jesus, because he healed a man on it, and bid him take up his bed and walk; and yet they themselves could leave their devotions, and first meet together and agree upon an address to Pilate, and then go in a body to his palace; and having obtained their request, march to Joseph's garden, and make the sepulchre sure, sealing the stone, and setting a watch, which were servile works, and, according to their laws and traditions, not to be done on the sabbath day; and yet they scrupled them not, notwithstanding their characters and profession, which follow:
the chief priests and Pharisees came together unto Pilate; these were the inveterate and implacable enemies of Christ; they took counsel how to put him to death; they employed Judas to betray him, and sent a band of soldiers with him to take him; they suborned false witnesses against him; they moved the people to prefer Barabbas to him; they got him condemned to death, and followed him to the cross, where they mocked him; and still, like the troubled sea, they were restless and uneasy; for though he was dead, they feared his resurrection; and though they could not prevent the thing, they consult to hinder the credit of it.

Gill: Mat 27:63 - -- Saying, Sir, we remember that that deceiver said,.... Meaning Jesus; for no better name could they give him alive or dead, and they chose to continue ...
Saying, Sir, we remember that that deceiver said,.... Meaning Jesus; for no better name could they give him alive or dead, and they chose to continue it; and the rather to use it before Pilate, who had a good opinion of his innocence; and to let him see, that they still retained the same sentiments of him:
"a private person, that deceives a private person; saying to him there is a God in such a place, so it eats, and so it drinks; so it does well, and so it does ill.
But which can never agree with Jesus, who was not a private person, but a public preacher; and who taught men, not privately, but openly, in the temple and in the synagogues; nor did he teach idolatry, or any thing contrary to the God of Israel, or to the unity of the divine being; or which savoured of, and encouraged the polytheism of the Gentiles. The Ethiopic version renders these words thus; "Sir, remember", &c. as if Christ had said this to Pilate in their hearing, and therefore put him in mind of it,
While he was yet alive; so that they owned that he was dead; and therefore could not object this to the truth of his resurrection, that he was taken down from the cross alive, and did not die:
after three days I will rise again: now, though he said to his to his disciples privately, Mat 16:21, yet not clearly and expressly to the Scribes and Pharisees; wherefore they must either have it from Judas, and lied in saying they remembered it: or they gathered it either from what he said concerning the sign of the prophet Jonas, Mat 12:40, or rather from his words in Joh 2:19, and if so, they acted a most wicked part, in admitting a charge against him, as having a design upon their temple, to destroy it, and then rebuild it in three days; when they knew those words were spoken by him concerning his death, and resurrection from the dead: they remembered this, when the disciples did not: bad men have sometimes good memories, and good men bad ones; so that memory is no sign of grace,

Gill: Mat 27:64 - -- Command therefore that the sepulchre be made sure,.... By this also they own, that he was buried; and they knew in what, and whose sepulchre he was la...
Command therefore that the sepulchre be made sure,.... By this also they own, that he was buried; and they knew in what, and whose sepulchre he was laid, and where it was; and request of Pilate, that as he had given leave to Joseph to take the body and inter it, that he would also give orders that the sepulchre might be watched, that no body might come near it, and remove the body, and that
until the third day: not from the time they made this request, but from the time of Christ's death; for no longer did they desire the sepulchre to be guarded; for if he did not rise, and no pretensions could be made to it in that time, they then very likely intended to expose his dead body, and triumph over him as an impostor; and after that time, they cared not what became of it, and were in no concern about watching the sepulchre; but till then they judged it necessary and desired it,
lest his disciples come by night, and steal him away: but of this there was no danger; they were too fearful and timorous to do such an action, had they been ever so much inclined to it; they all forsook him and fled immediately upon his apprehension; nor durst any of them appear at the time of his crucifixion, but John; and were now shut up for fear of the Jews; and besides, they had forgot what Christ said to them about his resurrection, though these men remembered it, and even disbelieved it when it was told them: the phrase "by night", is not in two copies of Beza's, nor in the Vulgate Latin and Arabic versions, nor in Munster's Hebrew Gospel; but is in other copies, and in the Syriac, Persic, and Ethiopic versions:
and say unto the people, he is risen from the dead; to the common people, that were illiterate, credulous, and easily imposed on: as for themselves, who were the learned, the wise and knowing, they were in no danger of being carried away with such a deception; but the populace, for whom they pretend a great concern, were:
so the last error shall be worse than the first; either their own error and mistake, should the sepulchre be neglected, and an opportunity given for such a report; this would be of more fatal consequence than their first mistake, in suffering him and his followers to go on so long: or rather, the error of the people, in believing that Jesus was the Messiah; which would be greatly strengthened and received by greater numbers, should it be given out, and there was any proof of it, that he was risen from the dead: nor were they mistaken in this, for the number of the disciples and followers of Christ greatly increased after his resurrection; to an hundred and twenty, which was their number upon Christ's resurrection, three thousand were added at one time; being converted under one sermon, and that the first preached after Christ was risen.

Gill: Mat 27:65 - -- Pilate said unto them, ye have a watch,.... Meaning either the watch of the temple, said to be placed in the tower of Antonia, for the service of it: ...
Pilate said unto them, ye have a watch,.... Meaning either the watch of the temple, said to be placed in the tower of Antonia, for the service of it: hence mention is made of the captain of the temple, Act 4:1, but it is not likely they would remove the temple guards, to watch a sepulchre night and day: or rather, therefore, the soldiers that had had the care of the crucifixion of Christ, and watched him on the cross, are designed: the words may be read imperatively, "have yea watch", or "take a watch", as the Ethiopic version renders it, and which seems best; for if they had a watch already, what occasion had they to have applied to Pilate for one? but having none, he gives them leave to take one, or such a number of soldiers as were sufficient:
go your way; as fast as you can, take the watch as soon as you please, make no stay, but satisfy yourselves in this point:
make it as sure as you can; or, as you know how to do it, and what will be proper and necessary.

Gill: Mat 27:66 - -- So they went,.... From Pilate's palace, to the garden of Joseph, and to the sepulchre there; which whether more than a sabbath day's journey, or two t...
So they went,.... From Pilate's palace, to the garden of Joseph, and to the sepulchre there; which whether more than a sabbath day's journey, or two thousand cubits, may be inquired; and if so, then they broke one of their own traditions, which allowed a person to go no further on a sabbath day; See Gill on Act 1:12.
And made the sepulchre sure; in the following manner,
sealing the stone; that was rolled to the door of it, it may be with some public seal, with Pilate's, or with the sanhedrim's; as the stone at the mouth of the lions' den, in which Daniel was put, was sealed with the king's signet, and with the signet of his lords, Dan 6:17, that there might be no change of the sentence upon him, and by which it appeared, that his deliverance was by no human assistance: so the stone at Christ's sepulchre was sealed, that it could not be removed without breaking it; which would show, whether any fraudulent methods were taken to remove the body:
and setting a watch; a guard of soldiers, to observe and prevent any person coming near it; or "with the watch": they made sure the sepulchre with the watch; or sealed the stone, the watch being present; all which was overruled by the providence of God, for the greater confirmation of the truth of Christ's resurrection: by the methods taken, it clearly appears, there could be no fraud in the case; the body was laid in a tomb, where no corpse had ever been before; in a tomb hewed out of a rock, to which there was no access, but at the door; where a great stone was rolled; and this had a seal upon it, and a guard of soldiers about it; and hereby there were more witnesses of Christ's resurrection, than otherwise would have been; as the soldiers, though they were afterwards bribed to tell another story; and even the chief priests and Pharisees were convicted that he was risen, or they would never have taken such a method with the soldiers, as they did.

expand allCommentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Mat 27:57 Though some dispute that Joseph of Arimathea was a disciple of Jesus, his actions regarding Jesus’ burial suggest otherwise.

NET Notes: Mat 27:58 Asking for the body of Jesus was indeed a bold move on the part of Joseph of Arimathea, for it clearly and openly identified him with a man who had ju...

NET Notes: Mat 27:59 The term σινδών (sindwn) can refer to a linen cloth used either for clothing or for burial.

NET Notes: Mat 27:66 Grk “with the guard.” The words “soldiers of the” have been supplied in the translation to prevent “guard” from be...
Geneva Bible: Mat 27:57 ( 15 ) When the even was come, there came a rich man of Arimathaea, named Joseph, who also himself was Jesus' disciple:
( 15 ) Christ is buried, not ...

Geneva Bible: Mat 27:62 ( 16 ) Now the next day, that followed the day of the preparation, the chief priests and Pharisees came together unto Pilate,
( 16 ) The keeping of t...

Geneva Bible: Mat 27:65 Pilate said unto them, Ye have a ( f ) watch: go your way, make [it] as sure as ye can.
( f ) The soldiers of the garrison who were appointed to guar...

expand allCommentary -- Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis -> Mat 27:1-66
TSK Synopsis: Mat 27:1-66 - --1 Christ is delivered bound to Pilate.3 Judas hangs himself.19 Pilate, admonished of his wife,20 and being urged by the multitude, washes his hands, a...
MHCC: Mat 27:51-56 - --The rending of the veil signified that Christ, by his death, opened a way to God. We have an open way through Christ to the throne of grace, or mercy-...

MHCC: Mat 27:57-61 - --In the burial of Christ was nothing of pomp or solemnity. As Christ had not a house of his own, wherein to lay his head, while he lived, so he had not...

MHCC: Mat 27:62-66 - --On the Jewish sabbath, the chief priests and Pharisees, when they should have been at their devotions, were dealing with Pilate about securing the sep...
Matthew Henry -> Mat 27:50-56; Mat 27:57-66
Matthew Henry: Mat 27:50-56 - -- We have here, at length, an account of the death of Christ, and several remarkable passages that attended it. I. The manner how he breathed his la...

Matthew Henry: Mat 27:57-66 - -- We have here an account of Christ's burial, and the manner and circumstances of it, concerning which observe, 1. The kindness and good will of...
Barclay: Mat 27:51-56 - --This passage falls into three sections.
(i) There is the story of the amazing things which happened as Jesus died. Whether or not we are meant to tak...

Barclay: Mat 27:57-61 - --According to Jewish law, even a criminal's body might not be left hanging all night, but had to be buried that day. "His body shall not remain all ...

Barclay: Mat 27:62-66 - --This passage begins in the most curious way. It says that the chief priests and Pharisees went to Pilate on the next day, which is the day after the...
Constable: Mat 26:1--28:20 - --VII. The crucifixion and resurrection of the King chs. 26--28
The key phrase in Matthew's Gospel "And it came ab...

Constable: Mat 27:51-56 - --The immediate results of Jesus' death 27:51-56 (cf. Mark 15:38-41; Luke 23:45, 47-49)
27:51a The inner veil of the temple is undoubtedly in view here,...

Constable: Mat 27:57-61 - --The placing of Jesus in the tomb 27:57-61 (cf. Mark 15:42-47; Luke 23:50-56; John 19:31-42)
Normally the Romans let the bodies of crucified criminals ...

Constable: Mat 27:62-66 - --The guarding of Jesus' tomb 27:62-66
Matthew's Gospel is the only one that includes this pericope. It is a witness to the falsehood of the chief pries...
College -> Mat 27:1-66
College: Mat 27:1-66 - --MATTHEW 27
1 Early in the morning, all the chief priests and the elders of the people came to the de...
McGarvey -> Mat 27:45-56; Mat 27:57-66
McGarvey: Mat 27:45-56 - --
Subdivision C.