Text -- Romans 9:29-33 (NET)

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collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)
Robertson: Rom 9:29 - -- Hath said before ( proeirēken ).
Perfect active indicative of proeipon (defective verb). Stands on record in Isa 1:9.
Hath said before (
Perfect active indicative of

Robertson: Rom 9:29 - -- Had left ( egkatelipen ).
Second aorist active indicative of old verb egkataleipō , to leave behind. Condition of second class, determined as unful...
Had left (
Second aorist active indicative of old verb

Robertson: Rom 9:30 - -- Attained ( katelaben ).
Second aorist active indicative of katalambanō , old verb, to grasp, to seize, to overtake (carrying out the figure in dio...
Attained (
Second aorist active indicative of

Robertson: Rom 9:30 - -- Which is of faith ( tēn ek pisteōs ).
As Paul has repeatedly shown, the only way to get the God-kind of righteousness.
Which is of faith (
As Paul has repeatedly shown, the only way to get the God-kind of righteousness.

Robertson: Rom 9:31 - -- Did not arrive at that law ( eis nomon ouk ephthasen ).
First aorist active indicative of phthanō , old verb to anticipate (1Th 4:15), now just to ...
Did not arrive at that law (
First aorist active indicative of

Robertson: Rom 9:32 - -- We must supply the omitted verb ediōxa (pursued) from Rom 9:31. That explains the rest.
@@They stumbled at the stone of stumbling ( prosekopsan t...
We must supply the omitted verb
The quotation is from Isa 8:14.

Robertson: Rom 9:33 - -- @@Paul repeats the phrase just used in the whole quotation from Isa 8:14 with the same idea in "a rock of offence"(petran skandalou , "a rock of snare...
@@Paul repeats the phrase just used in the whole quotation from Isa 8:14 with the same idea in "a rock of offence"(
Vincent: Rom 9:29 - -- Said before ( προείρηκεν )
Not in a previous passage, but by way of prediction.
Said before (
Not in a previous passage, but by way of prediction.

Vincent: Rom 9:29 - -- Seed
Following the Septuagint, which thus renders the Hebrew remnant . See Rom 9:27. Like the remnant of corn which the farmer leaves for seed.
Following the Septuagint, which thus renders the Hebrew remnant . See Rom 9:27. Like the remnant of corn which the farmer leaves for seed.

Vincent: Rom 9:30 - -- Attained ( κατέλαβεν )
See on perceived , Act 4:13, and see on taketh , Mar 9:18; see on Joh 1:5. Compare attained (ἔφθασ...
Attained (
See on perceived , Act 4:13, and see on taketh , Mar 9:18; see on Joh 1:5. Compare attained (

Vincent: Rom 9:30 - -- Even ( δὲ )
or and that . Subjoining something distinct and different from what precedes, though not sharply opposed to it. Attained right...
Even (
or and that . Subjoining something distinct and different from what precedes, though not sharply opposed to it. Attained righteousness, that is not that arising from these works, but from faith.

Vincent: Rom 9:32 - -- Not by faith ( οὐκ ἐκ πίστεως )
A.V. and Rev. supply the ellipsis, they sought it not .
Not by faith (
A.V. and Rev. supply the ellipsis, they sought it not .

Vincent: Rom 9:32 - -- They stumbled ( προσέκοψαν )
" In their foolish course Israel thought they were advancing on a clear path, and lo! all at once there ...
They stumbled (
" In their foolish course Israel thought they were advancing on a clear path, and lo! all at once there was found in this way an obstacle upon which they were broken; and this obstacle was the very Messiah whom they had so long invoked in all their prayers" (Godet).

Vincent: Rom 9:33 - -- Shall not be ashamed ( οὐ καταισχυνθήσεται )
The Hebrew in Isa 28:16 is, shall not make haste , or flee hastily ....
Wesley: Rom 9:29 - -- Namely, Isa 1:9, concerning those who were besieged in Jerusalem by Rezin and Pekah.
Namely, Isa 1:9, concerning those who were besieged in Jerusalem by Rezin and Pekah.

Which denotes, The present paucity: The future abundance.

Wesley: Rom 9:29 - -- So that it is no unexampled thing for the main body of the Jewish nation to revolt from God, and perish in their sin.
So that it is no unexampled thing for the main body of the Jewish nation to revolt from God, and perish in their sin.

Wesley: Rom 9:30 - -- What is to be concluded from all that has been said but this, That the gentiles, who followed not after righteousness - Who a while ago had no knowled...
What is to be concluded from all that has been said but this, That the gentiles, who followed not after righteousness - Who a while ago had no knowledge of, no care or thought about, it.

Wesley: Rom 9:30 - -- Or justification. Even the righteousness which is by faith. This is the first conclusion we may draw from the preceding observations. The second is, t...
Or justification. Even the righteousness which is by faith. This is the first conclusion we may draw from the preceding observations. The second is, that Israel - The Jews Although following after the law of righteousness - That law which, duly used, would have led them to faith, and thereby to righteousness.

To that righteousness or justification which is one great end of the law

In effect, if not professsedly, by works.

Wesley: Rom 9:33 - -- Foretold by their own prophet. Behold, I lay in Sion - I exhibit in my church, what, though it is in truth the only sure foundation of happiness, yet ...
JFB: Rom 9:27-29 - -- "But Isaiah crieth"--an expression denoting a solemn testimony openly borne (Joh 1:15; Joh 7:28, Joh 7:37; Joh 12:44; Act 23:6; Act 24:21).

That is, the elect remnant only shall be saved.

JFB: Rom 9:29 - -- That is, "The Lord of Hosts": the word is Hebrew, but occurs so in the Epistle of James (Jam 5:4), and has thence become naturalized in our Christian ...
That is, "The Lord of Hosts": the word is Hebrew, but occurs so in the Epistle of James (Jam 5:4), and has thence become naturalized in our Christian phraseology.

JFB: Rom 9:29 - -- Meaning a "remnant"; small at first, but in due time to be a seed of plenty (compare Psa 22:30-31; Isa 6:12-13).
Meaning a "remnant"; small at first, but in due time to be a seed of plenty (compare Psa 22:30-31; Isa 6:12-13).

JFB: Rom 9:29 - -- But for this precious seed, the chosen people would have resembled the cities of the plain, both in degeneracy of character and in merited doom.
But for this precious seed, the chosen people would have resembled the cities of the plain, both in degeneracy of character and in merited doom.

JFB: Rom 9:30-31 - -- "What now is the result of the whole?" The result is this--very different from what one would have expected.
"What now is the result of the whole?" The result is this--very different from what one would have expected.

JFB: Rom 9:30-31 - -- As we have seen that "the righteousness of faith" is the righteousness which justifies (see on Rom 3:22, &c.), this verse must mean that "the Gentiles...
As we have seen that "the righteousness of faith" is the righteousness which justifies (see on Rom 3:22, &c.), this verse must mean that "the Gentiles, who while strangers to Christ were quite indifferent about acceptance with God, having embraced the Gospel as soon as it was preached to them, experienced the blessedness of a justified state."

JFB: Rom 9:31 - -- The word "law" is used here, we think, in the same sense as in Rom 7:23, to denote "a principle of action"; that is, "Israel, though sincerely and ste...
The word "law" is used here, we think, in the same sense as in Rom 7:23, to denote "a principle of action"; that is, "Israel, though sincerely and steadily aiming at acceptance with God, nevertheless missed it."

JFB: Rom 9:32-33 - -- As if it were thus attainable, which justification is not: Since, therefore, it is attainable only by faith, they missed it.
As if it were thus attainable, which justification is not: Since, therefore, it is attainable only by faith, they missed it.

It is doubtful if this particle was originally in the text.

JFB: Rom 9:32-33 - -- Better, "against the stone of stumbling," meaning Christ. But in this they only did.
Better, "against the stone of stumbling," meaning Christ. But in this they only did.

JFB: Rom 9:33 - -- Two Messianic predictions are here combined, as is not unusual in quotations from the Old Testament. Thus combined, the prediction brings together bot...
Two Messianic predictions are here combined, as is not unusual in quotations from the Old Testament. Thus combined, the prediction brings together both the classes of whom the apostle is treating: those to whom Messiah should be only a stone of stumbling, and those who were to regard Him as the Cornerstone of all their hopes. Thus expounded, this chapter presents no serious difficulties, none which do not arise out of the subject itself, whose depths are unfathomable; whereas on every other view of it the difficulty of giving it any consistent and worthy interpretation is in our judgment insuperable.

JFB: Rom 9:33 - -- In humility, when they remember that He hath saved them and called them, not according to their works, but according to His own purpose and grace, giv...
In humility, when they remember that He hath saved them and called them, not according to their works, but according to His own purpose and grace, given them in Christ Jesus before the world began (2Ti 1:9); in thankfulness, for "Who maketh thee to differ, and what hast thou that thou didst not receive?" (1Co 4:7); in godly jealousy over themselves; remembering that "God is not mocked," but "whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap" (Gal 6:7); in diligence "to make our calling and election sure" (2Pe 1:10); and yet in calm confidence that "whom God predestinates, and calls, and justifies, them (in due time) He also glorifies" (Rom 8:30). (6) On all subjects which from their very nature lie beyond human comprehension, it will be our wisdom to set down what God says in His word, and has actually done in His procedure towards men, as indisputable, even though it contradict the results at which in the best exercise of our limited judgment we may have arrived (Rom 9:14-23). (7) Sincerity in religion, or a general desire to be saved, with assiduous efforts to do right, will prove fatal as a ground of confidence before God, if unaccompanied by implicit submission to His revealed method of salvation (Rom 9:31-33). (8) In the rejection of the great mass of the chosen people, and the inbringing of multitudes of estranged Gentiles, God would have men to see a law of His procedure, which the judgment of the great day will more vividly reveal that "the last shall be first and the first last" (Mat 20:16).
Clarke: Rom 9:29 - -- And as Esaias said before - What God designs to do with the Jews at present, because of their obstinacy and rebellion, is similar to what he has don...
And as Esaias said before - What God designs to do with the Jews at present, because of their obstinacy and rebellion, is similar to what he has done before, to which the same prophet refers, Isa 1:9 : Except the Lord of hosts had left unto us a very small remnant, we should have been as Sodom, and we should have been like unto Gomorrha: i.e. had not God, who commands and overrules all the powers in heaven and earth, in mercy preserved a very small remnant, to keep up the name and being of the nation, it had been quite cut off and extinct, as Sodom and Gomorrha were. Thus we learn that it is no new thing with God to abandon the greatest part of the Jewish nation, when corrupt, and to confine his favor and blessing to a righteous, believing few
Instead of remnant,

Clarke: Rom 9:30 - -- What shall we say then? - What is the final conclusion to be drawn from all these prophecies, facts, and reasonings? This: That the Gentiles which f...
What shall we say then? - What is the final conclusion to be drawn from all these prophecies, facts, and reasonings? This: That the Gentiles which followed not after righteousness, etc. This, with the succeeding verses, together with what belongs to the same subject in the beginning of the following chapter, I have explained at large in the notes on Rom 1:17, to which I must refer the reader; and shall content myself in this place with Dr. Taylor’ s general paraphrase. We may suppose the apostle to express himself to the following effect. Thus I have vindicated the rejection of the Jews and the calling of the Gentiles, with regard to the Divine veracity and justice. Now let us turn our thoughts to the true reason and state of the affair considered in itself. And, in the first place, what just notion ought we to have of the calling of the Gentiles and the rejection of the Jews? I answer: The true notion of the calling or inviting of the Gentiles is this: whereas they had no apprehension of being reinstated in the privileges of God’ s peculiar kingdom, and consequently used no endeavors to obtain that blessing, yet, notwithstanding, they have attained to justification, to the remission of sins, and the privileges of God’ s people: not on account of their prior worthiness and obedience, but purely by the grace and mercy of God, received by faith on their part. And so, by embracing the scheme of life published by the Gospel, they are adopted into the family and Church of God. Thus the Gentiles are called or invited.

Clarke: Rom 9:31 - -- But Israel, which followed after - But the Jews, who have hitherto been the people of God, though they have been industrious in observing a rule by ...
But Israel, which followed after - But the Jews, who have hitherto been the people of God, though they have been industrious in observing a rule by which they supposed they could secure the blessings of God’ s peculiar kingdom, yet have not come up to the true and only rule by which those blessings can be secured.

Clarke: Rom 9:32 - -- Wherefore? - And where lies their mistake? Being ignorant of God’ s righteousness - of his method of saving sinners by faith in Christ, they we...
Wherefore? - And where lies their mistake? Being ignorant of God’ s righteousness - of his method of saving sinners by faith in Christ, they went about to establish their own righteousness - their own method of obtaining everlasting salvation. They attend not to the Abrahamic covenant, which stands on the extensive principles of grace and faith; but they turn all their regards to the law of Moses. They imagine that their obedience to that law gives them a right to the blessings of the Messiah’ s kingdom. But, finding that the Gospel sets our special interest in God and the privileges of his Church on a different footing, they are offended, and refuse to come into it.

Clarke: Rom 9:33 - -- As it is written, Behold, I lay in Sion - Christ, the Messiah, is become a stone of stumbling to them: and thus what is written in the prophecy of I...
As it is written, Behold, I lay in Sion - Christ, the Messiah, is become a stone of stumbling to them: and thus what is written in the prophecy of Isaiah is verified in their case, Isa 8:14; Isa 28:16 : Behold, I lay in Sion, i.e. I shall bring in my Messiah; but he shall be a widely different person from him whom the Jews expect; for, whereas they expect the Messiah to be a mighty secular prince, and to set up a secular kingdom, he shall appear a man of sorrows and acquainted with griefs; and redeem mankind, not by his sword or secular power, but by his humiliation, passion, and death. Therefore they will be offended at him and reject him, and think it would be reproachful to trust in such a person for salvation

Clarke: Rom 9:33 - -- And whosoever believeth on him - But so far shall any be from confusion or disappointment who believes in Christ; that on the contrary, every genuin...
And whosoever believeth on him - But so far shall any be from confusion or disappointment who believes in Christ; that on the contrary, every genuine believer shall find salvation - the remission of sins here, and eternal glory hereafter. See the notes on Rom 1:16, and Rom 1:17 (note), and Dr. Taylor’ s paraphrase and notes
1. On the subject of vicarious punishment, or rather the case of one becoming an anathema or sacrifice for the public good, in illustration of Rom 9:3, I shall make no apology for the following extracts, taken from an author whose learning is vast, and whose piety is unblemished
"When mankind lost sight of a beneficent Creator, the God of purity, and consecrated altars to the sun, the moon, the stars; to demons; and to hero gods, under the names of Moloch, Ashtaroth and Baalim; these objects of their worship led them to the most horrid acts of cruelty, and to every species of obscenity; even their sons and their daughters they burnt in the fire to their gods, more especially in seasons of distress. Such was the conduct of the king of Moab; for, when he was besieged in his capital, and expected he should fall into the hands of his enemies, he took his eldest son, who should have reigned in his stead, and offered him for a burnt offering on the wall
With these facts thus related from the Scriptures, all accounts, ancient and modern, exactly correspond. Homer, who it must be recollected wrote more than nine hundred years before the Christian era, although he describes chiefly the common sacrifices of quadrupeds, yet gives one account of human victims. But in succeeding generations, when it was conceived that one great and most malignant spirit was the proper object of their fear, or that subordinate provincial gods, equally malignant, nesciaque humanis precibus mansuescere corda , disposed of all things in our world, men bound their own species to the altar, and in circumstances of national distress presented such as they valued most, either their children or themselves. Herodotus informs us that, when the army of Xerxes came to the Strymon, the magi offered a sacrifice of white horses to that river. On his arrival at the Scamander, the king ascended the citadel of Priam; and having surveyed it, he ordered a thousand oxen to be sacrificed to the Trojan Minerva. But on other occasions he chose human victims; for we are informed that, when, having passed the Strymon, he reached the nine ways, he buried alive nine young men and as many virgins, natives of the country. In this he followed the example of his wife, for she commanded fourteen Persian children, of illustrious birth, to be offered in that manner to the deity who reigns beneath the earth. Thus, in the infancy of Rome we see Curtius, for the salvation of his country, devoting himself to the infernal gods, when, as it appears, an earthquake occasioned a deep and extensive chasm in the forum, and the augurs had declared that the portentous opening would never close until what contributed most to the strength and power of the Romans should be cast into it; but that by such a sacrifice they would obtain immortality for their republic. When all men were at a loss how to understand this oracle, M. Curtius, armed as for battle, presented himself in the forum, and explained it thus: ‘ What is more valuable to Rome than her courage and her arms?’ So saying, he urged forward his impetuous steed, and buried himself in the abyss. His grateful countrymen admired his fortitude, and attributed the increasing splendor of their state to the sacrifice he made. Animated by this example, Decius, in the war between Rome and Latium, having solemnly offered himself as an expiatory sacrifice, rushed single into the thickest ranks of the astonished Latins, that by his death he might appease the anger of the gods, transfer their indignation to the enemy, and secure the victory to Rome. Conspectus ab utroque acie aliquanto augustior humano visu, sicut Caelo missus, piaculum omnis deorum irae, qui pestem ab suis aversam in hostes ferret
Here we see distinctly marked the notion of vicarious suffering, and the opinion that the punishment of guilt may be transferred from the guilty to the innocent. The gods call for sacrifice - the victim bleeds - atonement is made - and the wrath of the infernal powers falls in its full force upon the enemy. Thus, while Themistocles at Salamine was offering sacrifice, three captives, the sons of Sandance, and nephews to Xerxes, all distinguished for their beauty, elegantly dressed and decked, as became their birth, with ornaments of gold, being brought on board his galley, the augur, Euphrantides, observing at the very instant a bright flame ascending from the altar, whilst one was sneezing on the right, which he regarded as a propitious omen, he seized the hand of Themistocles, and commanded that they should all be sacrificed to Bacchus, (
So when Aeneas was to perform the last kind office for his friend Pallas, he sacrificed (besides numerous oxen, sheep, and swine) eight captives to the infernal gods. In this he followed the example of Achilles, who had caused twelve Trojans of high birth to bleed by the sacerdotal knife, over the ashes of his friend Patroclus
A hundred feet in length, a hundred wide
The glowing structure spreads on every side
High on the top the manly course they lay
And well-fed sheep and sable oxen slay
Achilles covered with their fat the dead
And the piled victims round the body spread
Then jars of honey and of fragrant oi
Suspends around, low bending o’ er the pile
Four sprightly coursers with a deadly groa
Pour forth their lives, and on the pyre are throw
Of nine large dogs, domestic at his board
Fell two, selected to attend their lord
The last of all, and horrible to tell
Sad sacrifice! twelve Trojan captives fell
On these the rage of fire victorious preys
Involves and joins them in one common blaze
Smeared with the bloody rites, he stands on high
And calls the spirit with a cheerful cry
All hail, Patroclus! let thy vengeful ghos
Hear, and exult on Pluto’ s dreary coast
Pope’ s Homer, Il. xxiii. ver. 20
How much was it to be lamented, that even civilized natures should forget the intention for which sacrifices were originally instituted! The bad effects, however, would not have been either so extensive or so great, had they not wholly lost the knowledge of Jehovah; and taken, as the object of their fear, that evil and apostate spirit whose name, with the utmost propriety is called Apollyon, or the destroyer, and whose worship has been universally diffused at different periods among all the nations of the earth
The practice of shedding human blood before the altars of their gods was not peculiar to the Trojans and the Greeks; the Romans followed their example. In the first ages of their republic they sacrificed children to the goddess Mania; in later periods, numerous gladiators bled at the tombs of the patricians, to appease the manes of the deceased. And it is particularly noticed of Augustus, that, after the taking of Perusia, he sacrificed on the ides of March, three hundred senators and knights to the divinity of Julius Caesar
The Carthaginians, as Diodorus Siculus informs us, bound themselves by a solemn vow to Chronus that they would sacrifice to him children selected from the offspring of their nobles; but in process of time they substituted for these the children of their slaves, which practice they continued, till, being defeated by Agathocles, tyrant of Sicily, and attributing their disgrace to the anger of the god, they offered two hundred children, taken from the most distinguished families in Carthage; besides which, three hundred citizens presented themselves, that by their voluntary death they might render the deity propitious to their country. The mode of sacrificing these children was horrid in the extreme, for they were cast into the arms of a brazen statue, and from thence dropped into a furnace, as was practised among the first inhabitants of Latium. It was probably in this manner the Ammonites offered up their children to Moloch. The Pelasgi at one time sacrificed a tenth part of all their children, in obedience to an oracle
The Egyptians, in Heliopolis, sacrificed three men every day to Juno. The Spartans and Arcadians scourged to death young women; the latter to appease the wrath of Bacchus, the former to gratify Diana. The Sabian idolaters in Persia offered human victims to Mithras, the Cretans to Jupiter, the Lacedemonians and Lusitanians to Mars, the Lesbians to Bacchus, the Phocians to Diana, the Thessalians to Chiron
The Gauls, equally cruel in their worship, sacrificed men, originally to Eso and Teutate, but latterly to Mercury, Apollo, Mars, Jupiter, and Minerva. Caesar informs us that, whenever they thought themselves in danger, whether from sickness, or after any considerable defeat in war, being persuaded that unless life be given for life the anger of the gods can never be appeased, they constructed wicker images of enormous hulk, which they filled with men, who were first suffocated with smoke, and then consumed by fire. For this purpose they preferred criminals; but when a sufficient number of these could not be found, they supplied the deficiency from the community at large
The Germans are said to have differed from the Gauls in having no druids, and in being little addicted to the service of the altar. Their only gods were the sun, Vulcan, and the moon; yet, among the objects of their worship was Tuisco their progenitor and Woden the hero of the north. It is true that neither Caesar nor Tacitus say any thing of their shedding blood in sacrifice; yet the probability is, that, like the Saxons and other northern nations, they not only offered blood, but took their choicest victims from the human race
In Sweden the altars of Woden smoked incessantly with blood: this flowed most abundantly at the solemn festivals celebrated every ninth year at Upsal. Then the king, attended by the senate and by all the great officers about his court, entered the temple, which glittered on all sides with gold, and conducted to the altar nine slaves, or in time of war nine captives. These met the caresses of the multitude, as being about to avert from them the displeasure of the gods, and then submitted to their fate: but in times of distress more noble victims bled; and it stands upon record that when Aune their king was ill, he offered up to Woden his nine sons, to obtain the prolongation of his life
The Danes had precisely the same abominable customs. Every ninth year, in the month of January, they sacrificed ninety-nine men, with as many horses, dogs, and cocks; and Hacon, king of Norway, offered his own son to obtain from Woden the victory over Harold, with whom he was at war
In Russia the Slavi worshipped a multitude of gods, and erected to them innumerable altars. Of these deities Peroun, that is, the thunderer, was the supreme, and before his image many of their prisoners bled. Their god of physic, who also presided over the sacred fires, shared with him; and the great rivers, considered as gods, had their portion of human victims, whom they covered with their inexorable waves. But Suetovid, the god of war, was the god in whom they most delighted; to him they presented annually, as a burnt offering, three hundred prisoners, each on his horse; and when the whole was consumed by fire, the priests and people sat down to eat and drink till they were drunk. It is worthy of remark, that the residence of Suetovid was supposed to be in the sun
To this luminary the Peruvians, before they were restrained by their Incas, sacrificed their children
Among the sacred books of the Hindoos, the Ramayuna demands particular attention, because of its antiquity, the extent of country through which it is revered, and the view which it exhibits of the religion, doctrine, mythology, customs, and manners of their remote progenitors
In this we have a golden age of short duration, succeeded by a state of universal wickedness and violence, which continued till the deity, incarnate, slew the oppressors of the human race, and thus restored the reign of piety and virtue
This poem contains a description of the Ushwamedha, or most solemn sacrifice of the white horse, instituted by Swuymbhoo, that is, by the self-existent. At the celebration of this festival, the monarch, as the representative of the whole nation, acknowledged his transgressions; and when the offerings were consumed by the sacrificial fire, he was considered as perfectly absolved from his offenses. Then follows a particular account of a human sacrifice, in which the victim, distinguished for filial piety, for resignation to his father’ s will, and for purity of heart, was bound by the king himself and delivered to the priest; but at the very instant when his blood was to have been shed, this illustrious youth was by miracle delivered; and the monarch, as the reward of his intended sacrifice, received virtue, prosperity, and fame
It is well known that the Brahmins have in all ages had their human victims, and that even in our days thousands have voluntarily perished under the wheels of their god Jaghernaut."- Townsend’ s character of Moses, p. 76
Though in the preceding notes I have endeavored to make every point as clear and plain as possible; yet it may be necessary, in order to see the scope of the apostle’ s design more distinctly, to take a general survey of the whole. No man has written with more judgment on this epistle than Dr. Taylor, and from his notes I borrow the principal part of the following observations
The principal thing that requires to be settled in this chapter is, what kind of election and reprobation the apostle is arguing about: whether election, by the absolute decree and purpose of God, to eternal life; and reprobation, by a like absolute decree, to eternal misery; or only election to the present privileges and external advantages of the kingdom of God in this world; and reprobation, or rejection, as it signifies the not being favored with those privileges and advantages. I think it demonstrably clear that it is the latter election and rejection the apostle is discoursing on, and not the former; as the following considerations appear to me to demonstrate
I. The subject of the apostle’ s argument is manifestly such privileges as are enumerated, Rom 9:4, Rom 9:5 : Who are Israelites, to whom pertains the adoption, etc. From these privileges he supposes the Jews had fallen, or would fall; or, that for a long time they would be deprived of the benefit of them. For it is with regard to the loss of those privileges that he was so much concerned for his brethren, his kinsmen according to the flesh, Rom 9:2, Rom 9:3. And it is with reference to their being stripped of these privileges that he vindicates the word and righteousness of God, Rom 9:24. Not as though the word of God had taken no effect, or failed, etc.; proving that God, according to his purpose of election, was free to confer them upon any branch of Abraham’ s family: consequently, those privileges were the singular blessings which by the purpose of God according to election, not of works, but of him that calleth, were conferred upon Jacob’ s posterity. But those privileges were only such as the whole body of the Israelites enjoyed in this world, while they were the Church and people of God, and such privileges as they might afterwards lose, or of which they might be deprived; therefore the election of Jacob’ s posterity to those privileges was not an absolute election to eternal life
II. Agreeably to the purpose of God according to election, it was said unto Rebecca, The elder shall serve the younger, meaning the posterity of the elder and the younger; Gen 25:23 : The Lord said unto her, two Nations are in thy womb, and two manner of People shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one People shall be stronger than the other People; and the elder shall serve the younger. These are the words which signify the purpose of God according to election: therefore the election refers to Jacob’ s posterity, or the whole nation of Israel. But all the nation of Israel were not absolutely elected to eternal life: therefore the purpose of God according to election referred to temporal and not to eternal blessings, and was a privilege of which they might be deprived
III. Agreeably to the purpose of God according to election, it was said to Rebecca, The elder shall serve the younger; but to serve, in Scripture, never meant to be eternally damned in the world to come: consequently the opposite blessing, bestowed upon the posterity of the younger, could not be eternal salvation, but certain privileges in this life; therefore the purpose according to election refers to those privileges, and the servitude does not imply everlasting perdition
IV. The election the apostle speaks of is not of works, Rom 9:11, but of the mere will of God, who calls and invites, and refers to no qualifications in the persons thus elected and called. But in no part of the sacred writings is final salvation said to be given to any who are not qualified by holiness to receive and enjoy it; therefore election to eternal glory cannot be what the apostle speaks of in this epistle
V. The election of which the apostle speaks took place, first in Abraham and his seed, before his seed was born; and then (secluding Ishmael and all his posterity) in Isaac and his seed before they were born. And then, secluding Esau and all his posterity, in Jacob and his seed before they were born. But the Scripture no where represents eternal life as bestowed upon any family or race of men in this manner; therefore this election mentioned by the apostle cannot be an election unto eternal life
VI. Vessels of mercy, Rom 9:23, are manifestly opposed to vessels of wrath, Rom 9:22. The vessels of mercy are the whole body of the Jews and Gentiles, who were called or invited into the kingdom of God under the Gospel, Rom 9:24; consequently, the vessels of wrath are the whole body of the unbelieving Jews. So in Rom 9:30, Rom 9:31, the whole body of believing Gentiles, who, according to God’ s purpose of election, had attained justification, are opposed to the whole body of the Israelites, who came short of it. But men shall not be received into eternal life or subjected to eternal damnation at the last day in collective bodies, but according as particular persons in those bodies have acted well or ill; therefore, this election is not of these particular bodies unto eternal life, etc
VII. Whoever carefully peruses the ninth, tenth, and eleventh chapters, will find that those who have not believed, Rom 11:31, are the present rejected Jews, or that Israel to whom blindness hath happened in part, Rom 11:25; the same who fell, and on whom God hath shown severity, Rom 11:22; the same with the natural branches whom God spared not, Rom 11:21; who were broken off from the olive tree, Rom 11:20, Rom 11:19, Rom 11:17; who were cast away, Rom 11:15; who were diminished and fallen, Rom 11:12; who had stumbled, Rom 11:11; who were a disobedient and, gainsaying people, Rom 10:21; who, being ignorant of God’ s righteousness, went about to establish their own, Rom 10:3; because they sought righteousness, not by faith, but as it were by the works of the law, Rom 9:32, and therefore had not attained to the law of righteousness, Rom 9:31; the same people spoken of in all these places, are the vessels of wrath fitted for destruction, Rom 9:22, and the same for whom Paul had great heaviness and continual sorrow of heart, Rom 9:2, Rom 9:3; - in short, they are the unbelieving nation, or people of Israel; and it is with regard to the reprobation or rejection of this people that he is arguing and vindicating the truth, justice, and wisdom of God in this ninth chapter
Now, if we turn back and review those three chapters, we shall find that the apostle, Rom 11:1, heartily desired and prayed that those same reprobated and rejected people of Israel might be saved; he affirms that they had not stumbled so as to fall finally and irrecoverably, Rom 11:11; that they should have again a fullness, Rom 11:12; that they should be received again into the Church, Rom 11:16; that a holiness still belonged to them, Rom 11:16; that if they did not still abide in unbelief, they should be grafted into their own olive tree again, Rom 11:23, Rom 11:24; that blindness had happened unto them only for a time, till the fullness of the Gentiles be come in, Rom 11:25; and then he proves from Scripture, that all Israel - all those nations at present under blindness, shall be saved, Rom 11:26, Rom 11:27; that, as touching the (original) election, they were still beloved for the fathers’, the patriarchs’, sake, Rom 11:28; that, in their case, the gifts and calling of God were without repentance, Rom 11:29; that through our (the believing Gentiles’ ) mercy, they shall at length obtain mercy, Rom 11:31. All these several things are spoken of that Israel, or the body of people concerning whose rejection the apostle argues in the ninth chapter. And therefore the rejection which he there argues about cannot be absolute reprobation to eternal damnation, but to their being, as a nation, stripped of those honors and privileges of God’ s peculiar Church and kingdom in this world, to which, at a certain future period, they shall again be restored
VIII. Once more: whoever carefully peruses those three chapters will find that the people who in times past believed not God, but have Now obtained mercy through the unbelief of the Jews, Rom 11:30, are the whole body of the believing Gentiles; the same who were cut out of the olive tree which is wild by nature, and were grafted, contrary to nature, into the good olive tree, Rom 11:24, Rom 11:17; the same to whom God hath shown goodness, Rom 11:22; the World that was reconciled, Rom 11:15; the Gentiles who were enriched by the diminishing of the Jews, Rom 11:12; to whom salvation came through their fall, Rom 11:11; the Gentiles who had attained to righteousness, (justification), Rom 9:30; who had not been God’ s people, nor believed; but now were his people, beloved, and children of the living God, Rom 9:25, Rom 9:26; even US whom he hath called, not of the Jews only, out also of the Gentiles, Rom 9:24, who are the vessels of mercy, on whom God has made known the riches of his glory, Rom 9:23; the vessels made unto honor, Rom 9:21. He speaks of the same body of men in all these places; namely, of the believing Gentiles principally, but not excluding the small remnant of the believing Jews, who were incorporated with them. And it is this body of men, whose calling and election he is proving, in whose case the purpose of God according to election stands good, Rom 9:11, and who are the children of the promise that are counted for the seed, Rom 9:8 : these are the election, or the elect
Now, concerning this called or elect body of people, or any particular person belonging to this body, the apostle writes thus, Rom 11:20-22 : Well, because of unbelief, they (the Jews) were broken off, (reprobated, rejected), and thou standest (in the Church among God’ s called and elect) by faith; be not high minded, but fear. For if God spared not the natural branches, (the Jews), take heed, lest he also spare not thee, (the Gentiles.) Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God: on them (the Jews) which fell, severity; but towards thee (believing Gentiles) goodness, if thou continue in his goodness; otherwise thou also shalt be cut off, rejected, reprobated. This proves that the calling, and election, for which the apostle is arguing in the ninth chapter, is not absolute election unto eternal life, but to the present privileges of the Church - the honors and advantages of God’ s peculiar people; which election, through unbelief and misimprovement, may be rendered void and come to nothing. See Dr. Taylor, p. 330, etc
From thus carefully considering the apostle’ s discourse, and taking in his scope and design, and weighing the different expressions he uses, in connection with the Scripture facts and Scripture phrases employed in describing those facts, we must be fully convinced that the doctrines of eternal, absolute, unconditional election and reprobation have no place here, and that nothing but a pre-established creed, and a total inattention to the apostles scope and design, could ever have induced men to bend these scriptures to the above purpose, and thus to endeavor to establish as articles of faith, doctrines which, far from producing glory to God in the highest, and peace and good will among men, have filled the Church of God with contention, set every man’ s sword against his brother, and thus done the work of Apollyon in the name of Christ. If men will maintain these and such like for Scriptural doctrines, it is but reasonable to request that it be done in the spirit of the Gospel.
Calvin: Rom 9:29 - -- 29.And as Isaiah had before said, etc 314 He brings another testimony from the first chapter, where the Prophet deplores the devastation of Israel in...
29.And as Isaiah had before said, etc 314 He brings another testimony from the first chapter, where the Prophet deplores the devastation of Israel in his time: and as this had happened once, it was no new thing. The people of Israel had indeed no pre-eminence, except what they had derived from their ancestors; who had yet been in such a manner treated, that the Prophet complained that they had been so afflicted, that they were not far from having been destroyed, as Sodom and Gomorrah had been. There was, however, this difference, that a few were preserved for a seed, to raise up the name, that they might not wholly perish, and be consigned to eternal oblivion. For it behoved God to be ever mindful of his promise, so as to manifest his mercy in the midst of the severest judgments.

Calvin: Rom 9:30 - -- 30.What then, etc That he might cut off from the Jews every occasion of murmuring against God, he now begins to show those causes, which may be compr...
30.What then, etc That he might cut off from the Jews every occasion of murmuring against God, he now begins to show those causes, which may be comprehended by human minds, why the Jewish nation had been rejected. But they do what is absurd and invert all order, who strive to assign and set up causes above the secret predestination of God, which he has previously taught us is to be counted as the first cause. But as this is superior to all other causes, so the corruption and wickedness of the ungodly afford a reason and an occasion for the judgments of God: and as he was engaged on a difficult point, he introduced a question, and, as though he were in doubt, asked what might be said on the subject.
That the Gentiles who did not pursue, etc Nothing appeared more unreasonable, or less befitting, than that the Gentiles, who, having no concern for righteousness, rolled themselves in the lasciviousness of their flesh, should be called to partake of salvation, and to obtain righteousness; and that, on the other hand, the Jews, who assiduously laboured in the works of the law, should be excluded from the reward of righteousness. Paul brings forward this, which was so singular a paradox, in such a manner, that by adding a reason he softens whatever asperity there might be in it; for he says, that the righteousness which the Gentiles attained was by faith; and that it hence depends on the Lord’s mercy, and not on man’s own worthiness; and that a zeal for the law, by which the Jews were actuated, was absurd; for they sought to be justified by works, and thus laboured for what no man could attain to; and still further, they stumbled at Christ, through whom alone a way is open to the attainment of righteousness.
But in the first clause it was the Apostle’s object to exalt the grace of God alone, that no other reason might be sought for in the calling of the Gentiles but this, — that he deigned to embrace them when unworthy of his favor.
He speaks expressly of righteousness, without which there can be no salvation: but by saying that the righteousness of the Gentiles proceeded from faith, he intimates, that it was based on a gratuitous reconciliation; for if any one imagines that they, were justified, because they had by faith obtained the Spirit of regeneration, he departs far from the meaning of Paul; it would not indeed have been true, that they had attained what they sought not, except God had freely embraced them while they were straying and wandering, and had offered them righteousness, for which, being unknown, they could have had no desire. It must also be observed, that the Gentiles could not have obtained righteousness by faith, except God had anticipated their faith by his grace; for they followed it when they first by faith aspired to righteousness; and so faith itself is a portion of his favor.

Calvin: Rom 9:31 - -- 31.But Israel, by pursuing, etc Paul openly states what seemed incredible, — that it was no wonder that the Jews gained nothing by sedulously follo...
31.But Israel, by pursuing, etc Paul openly states what seemed incredible, — that it was no wonder that the Jews gained nothing by sedulously following after righteousness; for by running out of the way, they wearied themselves in vain. But in the first place it seems to me that the law of righteousness is here an instance of transposition, and means the righteousness of the law; 315 and then, that when repeated in the second clause, it is to be taken in another sense, as signifying the model or the rule of righteousness.
The meaning then is, — “That Israel, depending on the righteousness of the law, even that which is prescribed in the law, did not understand the true method of justification.” But there is a striking contrast in the expression, when he teaches us that the legal righteousness was the cause that they had fallen away from the law of righteousness.

Calvin: Rom 9:32 - -- 32.Not by faith, but as it were by works, etc As false zeal seems commonly to be justly excused, Paul shows that they are deservedly rejected, who at...
32.Not by faith, but as it were by works, etc As false zeal seems commonly to be justly excused, Paul shows that they are deservedly rejected, who attempt to attain salvation by trusting in their own works; for they, as far as they can, abolish faith, without which no salvation can be expected. Hence, were they to gain their object, such a success would be the annihilation of true righteousness. You farther see how faith and the merits of works are contrasted, as things altogether contrary to each other. As then trust in works is the chief hinderance, by which our way to obtain righteousness is closed up, it is necessary that we should wholly renounce it in order that we may depend on God’s goodness alone. This example of the Jews ought indeed justly to terrify all those who strive to obtain the kingdom of God by works. Nor does he understand by the works of the law, ceremonial observances, as it has been before shown, but the merits of those works to which faith is opposed, which looks, as I may say, with both eyes on the mercy of God alone, without casting one glance on any worthiness of its own.
For they have stumbled at the stone, etc He confirms by a strong reason the preceding sentence. There is indeed nothing more inconsistent than that they should obtain righteousness who strive to destroy it. Christ has been given to us for righteousness, whosoever obtrudes on God the righteousness of works, attempts to rob him of his own office. And hence it appears that whenever men, under the empty pretence of being zealous for righteousness, put confidence in their works, they do in their furious madness carry on war with God himself.
But how they stumble at Christ, who trust in their works, it is not difficult to understand; for except we own ourselves to be sinners, void and destitute of any righteousness of our own, we obscure the dignity of Christ, which consists in this, that to us all he is light, life, resurrection, righteousness, and healing. But how is he all these things, except that he illuminates the blind, restores the lost, quickens the dead, raises up those who are reduced to nothing, cleanses those who are full of filth, cures and heals those infected with diseases? Nay, when we claim for ourselves any righteousness we in a manner contend with the power of Christ; for his office is no less to beat down all the pride of the flesh, than to relieve and comfort those who labour and are wearied under their burden.
The quotation is rightly made; for God in that passage declares that he would be to the people of Judah and of Israel for a rock of offence, at which they should stumble and fall. Since Christ is that God who spoke by the Prophets, it is no wonder that this also should be fulfilled in him. And by calling Christ the stone of stumbling, he reminds us that it is not to be wondered at if they made no progress in the way of righteousness, who through their wilful stubbornness stumbled at the rock of offence, when God had showed to them the way so plainly. 316 But we must observe, that this stumbling does not properly belong to Christ viewed in himself; but, on the contrary, it is what happens through the wickedness of men, according to what immediately follows.

Calvin: Rom 9:33 - -- 33.And every one who believes in him shall not be ashamed He subjoins this testimony from another part for the consolation of the godly; as though he...
33.And every one who believes in him shall not be ashamed He subjoins this testimony from another part for the consolation of the godly; as though he had said, “Because Christ is called the stone of stumbling, there is no reason that we should dread him, or entertain fear instead of confidence; for he is appointed for ruin to the unbelieving, but for life and resurrection to the godly.” As then the former prophecy, concerning the stumbling and offence, is fulfilled in the rebellious and unbelieving, so there is another which is intended for the godly, and that is, that he is a firm stone, precious, a corner-stone, most firmly fixed, and whosoever builds on it shall never fall. By putting shall not be ashamed instead of s hall not hasten or fall, he has followed the Greek Translator. It is indeed certain that the Lord in that passage intended to strengthen the hope of His people: and when the Lord bids us to entertain good hope, it hence follows that we cannot be ashamed. 317 See a passage like this in 1Pe 2:10
Defender: Rom 9:29 - -- The destruction of Sodom and Gomorra was a very real event in history, even though it was so complete that modern archaeologists have great difficulty...
The destruction of Sodom and Gomorra was a very real event in history, even though it was so complete that modern archaeologists have great difficulty in identifying its location (Isa 1:9)."

Defender: Rom 9:33 - -- That "stone" which caused Israel to stumble, the "rock" which offended their self-righteousness, was actually "Him" - none other than their Messiah, t...
That "stone" which caused Israel to stumble, the "rock" which offended their self-righteousness, was actually "Him" - none other than their Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ (Psa 118:22; Isa 8:14; Isa 28:16). Israel's rejection of Him resulted in God setting Israel aside and turning to the Gentiles. This truth is also expounded by Christ (Mat 21:42) and Peter (1Pe 2:8)."
TSK: Rom 9:29 - -- Except : Isa 1:9, Isa 6:13; Lam 3:22
Sabaoth : Jam 5:4
we had been : Gen 19:24, Gen 19:25; Isa 13:19; Jer 49:18, Jer 50:40; Lam 4:6; Amo 4:11; Zep 2:6...

TSK: Rom 9:30 - -- shall : Rom 9:14, Rom 3:5
the Gentiles : Rom 1:18-32, Rom 4:11, Rom 10:20; Isa 65:1, Isa 65:2; 1Co 6:9-11; Eph 2:12, Eph 4:17-19; 1Pe 4:3
followed : R...
the Gentiles : Rom 1:18-32, Rom 4:11, Rom 10:20; Isa 65:1, Isa 65:2; 1Co 6:9-11; Eph 2:12, Eph 4:17-19; 1Pe 4:3
followed : Rom 9:31; Pro 15:9, Pro 21:21; Isa 51:1; 1Ti 6:11
even the righteousness : Rom 1:17, Rom 3:22, Rom 4:9, Rom 4:11, Rom 4:13, Rom 4:22, Rom 5:1, Rom 10:10; Gal 3:8, Gal 5:5; Phi 3:9; Heb 11:7

TSK: Rom 9:31 - -- followed : Rom 9:30-32, Rom 10:2-4; Gal 3:21; Phi 3:6
hath : Rom 3:20, Rom 4:14, Rom 4:15, Rom 11:7; Gal 3:10,Gal 3:11, Gal 5:3, Gal 5:4; Jam 2:10,Jam...

TSK: Rom 9:32 - -- Because : Rom 4:16, Rom 10:3; Mat 19:16-20; Joh 6:27-29; Act 16:30-34; 1Jo 5:9-12
they stumbled : Rom 11:11; Mat 13:57; Luk 2:34, Luk 7:23; 1Co 1:23
Because : Rom 4:16, Rom 10:3; Mat 19:16-20; Joh 6:27-29; Act 16:30-34; 1Jo 5:9-12
they stumbled : Rom 11:11; Mat 13:57; Luk 2:34, Luk 7:23; 1Co 1:23

TSK: Rom 9:33 - -- Behold : Psa 118:22; Isa 8:14, Isa 8:15, Isa 28:16; Mat 21:42, Mat 21:44; 1Pe 2:7, 1Pe 2:8
and whosoever : Rom 5:5, Rom 10:11; Psa 25:2, Psa 25:3, Psa...

collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)
Barnes: Rom 9:29 - -- And as Esaias said - Isa 1:9. Before - The apostle had just cited one prediction from the tenth chapter of Isaiah. He now says that Isaia...
And as Esaias said - Isa 1:9.
Before - The apostle had just cited one prediction from the tenth chapter of Isaiah. He now says that Isaiah had affirmed the same thing in a previous part of his prophecy.
Except the Lord of Sabaoth - In Isaiah, the Lord of Hosts. The word "Sabaoth"is the Hebrew word rendered "hosts"(armies). It properly denotes armies or military hosts organized for war. Hence, it denotes the "hosts of heaven,"and means:
(1) "The angels"who are represented as marshalled or arranged into military orders; Eph 1:21; Eph 3:10; Eph 6:12; Col 1:16; Col 2:15; Jud 1:6; 1Ki 22:19, "I saw the Lord sitting on his throne, and all the host of heaven standing by him;"Psa 103:21; Psa 148:2.
\caps1 (2) t\caps0 he stars; Jer 33:22, "As the host of heaven cannot be numbered, etc."Isa 40:26; Deu 4:19, etc. God is called the Lord of hosts, as being at the head of all these armies; their King and their Commander. It is a phrase properly expressive of his majesty and power, and is appropriately introduced here, as the "act of saving""the seed"was a signal "act of power"in the midst of great surrounding wickedness.
Had left - Had preserved, or kept from destruction. Here their preservation is ascribed to God, and it is affirmed that if God had not interposed, "the whole nation"would have been cut off. This fully establishes the doctrine of the apostle, that God might cast off the Jews, and extend the blessings to the Gentiles.
A seed - The Hebrew in Isaiah means "one surviving or escaping,"corresponding with the word "remnant."The word "seed"commonly means in the Scriptures "descendants, posterity."In this place it means "a part, a small portion; a remnant,"like the small portion of the harvest which is reserved for sowing.
We had been as Sodoma - The nation was so wicked, that unless God had preserved a small number who were pious from the general corruption of the people, they would have been swept off by judgment, like Sodom and Gomorrah. We are told that ten righteous men would have saved Sodom; Gen 18:32. Among the Israelites, in a time of great general depravity, a small number of holy men were found who preserved the nation. The design of the apostle here was the same as in the previous verses - to show that it was settled in the Jewish history that God might cast off the people, and reject them from enjoying the special privileges of his friends. It is true that in Isaiah he has reference to the temporal punishments of the Jews. But it settles "a great principle,"for which Paul was contending, that God might cast off the nation consistently with his promises and his plans. We may learn here,
(1) That the existence of religion among a people is owing to the love of God. "Except the Lord "had left us, etc."
(2)\caps1 i\caps0 t is owing to his mercy that "any men"are kept from sin, and any nation from destruction.
(3)\caps1 w\caps0 e see the value of religion and of pious people in a nation. Ten such would have saved Sodom; and a few such saved Judea; compare Mat 5:13-14.
(4) God has aright to withdraw his mercies from any other people, however exalted their privileges, and leave them to ruin; and we should not be high-minded, but fear; Rom, Mat 10:20.

Barnes: Rom 9:30 - -- What shall we say then? - What conclusion shall we draw from the previous train of remarks? To what results have we come by the passages adduce...
What shall we say then? - What conclusion shall we draw from the previous train of remarks? To what results have we come by the passages adduced from the Old Testament? This question is asked preparatory to his summing up the argument; and he had so stated the argument that the conclusion which he was about to draw was inevitable.
The Gentiles - That many of the Gentiles; or that the way was open for them, and many of them "had actually"embraced the righteousness of faith. This Epistle was written as late as the year 57 (see Introduction), and at that time multitudes of pagans had embraced the Christian religion.
Which followed not after righteousness - The apostle does not mean that none of the pagans had any solicitude about right and wrong, or that there were no anxious inquiries among them; but he intends particularly to place them in contrast with the Jew. They had not made it their main object to justify themselves; they were not filled with prejudice and pride as the Jews were, who supposed that they had complied with the Law, and who felt no need of any other justification; they were sinners, and they felt it, and had no such mighty obstacle in a system of self-righteousness to overcome as the Jew had. Still it was true that they were excessively wicked, and that the prevailing characteristic among them was that they did not follow after righteousness; see Rom. 1. The word "followed"here often denotes to pursue with intense energy, as a hunter pursues his game, or a man pursues a flying enemy. The Jews had sought righteousness in that way; the Gentiles had not. The word "righteousness"here means the same as justification. The Gentiles, which sought not justification, have obtained justification.
Have attained to righteousness - Have become justified. This was a matter of fact; and this was what the prophet had predicted. The apostle does not say that the sins of the Gentiles, or their indifference to the subject, was any reason why God justified them, or that people would be as safe in sin as in attempting to seek for salvation. He establishes the doctrine, indeed, that God is a sovereign; but still it is implied that the gospel did not have the special obstacle to contend with among the Gentiles that it had among the Jews. There was less pride, obstinacy, self-confidence; and people were more easily brought "to see"that they were sinners, and to feel their need of a Saviour. Though God dispenses his favors as a sovereign, and though all are opposed by nature to the gospel, yet it is always true that the gospel finds more obstacles among some people than among others. This was a most cutting and humbling doctrine to the pride of a Jew; and it is no wonder, therefore, that the apostle guarded it as he did.
Which is of faith - Justification by faith in Christ; see the note at Rom 1:17.

Barnes: Rom 9:31 - -- But Israel - The Jews. The apostle does not mean to affirm that none of the Jews had obtained mercy, but that "as a people,"or acting according...
But Israel - The Jews. The apostle does not mean to affirm that none of the Jews had obtained mercy, but that "as a people,"or acting according to the prevalent principles of the nation to work out their own righteousness, they had not obtained it.
Which followed after the law of righteousness - The phrase, "the law of righteousness,"means the law of justice, or "the just law."That Law demands perfect purity; and even its external observance demanded holiness. The Jews supposed that they rendered such obedience to that Law as to constitute "a meritorious"ground of justification. This they had "followed after,"that is, pursued zealously and unremittingly. The reason why they did not obtain justification in that way is fully stated in Rom. 1\endash 3 where it is shown that the Law demands perfect compliance with its precepts; and that Jews, as well as Gentiles, had altogether failed in rendering such compliance.
Hath not attained to the law of righteousness - They have not come to yield true obedience to the Law, even though imperfect; not such obedience as to give evidence that they have been justified. We may remark here,
(1) That no conclusion could have been more humbling to a Jew than this. It constituted the whole of the prevalent religion, and was the object of their incessant toils.
(2)\caps1 a\caps0 s they made the experiment fully, and failed: as they had the best advantages for it, and did not succeed, but reared only a miserable and delusive system of self-righteousness Phi 3:4-9; it follows, that all similar experiments must fail, and that none now can be justified by the Law.
(3)\caps1 t\caps0 housands fail in the same attempt.
They seek to justify themselves before God. They attempt to weave a righteousness of their own. The moral man does this. The immoral man attempts it as much as the moral man, and is as confident in his own righteousness. The troubled sinner does this; and this it is which keeps him so long from the cross of Christ. All this must be renounced; and man must come as a poor, lost, ruined sinner, and throw himself upon the mere mercy of God in Christ for justification and life.

Barnes: Rom 9:32 - -- Wherefore? - Why? The apostle proceeds to state the reason why so uniform and remarkable a result happened. "They sought it not by faith, etc."...
Wherefore? - Why? The apostle proceeds to state the reason why so uniform and remarkable a result happened. "They sought it not by faith, etc."They depended on their own righteousness, and not on the mercy of God to be obtained by faith.
By the works of the law - By complying with all the demands of the Law so that they might merit salvation. Their attempted obedience included their prayers, fastings, sacrifices, etc., as well as compliance with the demands of the moral law. It may be asked here, perhaps, how the Jews could know any better than this? how should they know anything about justification by faith? To this I answer:
(1) That the doctrine was stated in the Old Testament; see Hab 2:4; compare Rom 1:17; Psa 32:1-11; Psa 130:1-8; Psa 14:1-7; compare Rom. 3; Job 9:2.
\caps1 (2) t\caps0 he sacrifices had reference to a future state of things, and were doubt less so understood; see the Epistle to the Hebrews.
\caps1 (3) t\caps0 he "principle"of justification, and of living by faith, had been fully brought out in the lives and experience of the saints of old; see Rom. 4 and Heb. 11.
They stumbled - They fell; or failed; or "this was the cause why they"did not obtain it.
At that stumbling-stone - To wit, at what he specifies in the following verse. "A stumbling-stone"is a stone or impediment in the path over which people may fall. Here it means "that obstacle which prevented their attaining the righteousness of faith; and which was the occasion of their fall, rejection, and ruin."That was the rejection and the crucifixion of their own Messiah; their unwillingness to be saved by him; their contempt of him and his message. For this God withheld from them the blessings of justification, and was about to cast them off as a people. This also the apostle proceeds to prove was foretold by the prophets.

Barnes: Rom 9:33 - -- As it is written - see Isa 8:14; Isa 28:16. The quotation here is made up of both these passages, and contains the substance of both; compare a...
As it is written - see Isa 8:14; Isa 28:16. The quotation here is made up of both these passages, and contains the substance of both; compare also Psa 118:22; 1Pe 2:6.
Behold I lay in Sion - Mount Sion was the hill or eminence in Jerusalem, over-against Mount Moriah, on which the temple was built. On this was the palace of David, and this was the residence of the court; 1Ch 11:5-8. Hence, the whole city was often called by that name; Psa 48:12; Psa 69:35; Psa 87:2. Hence, also it came to signify the capital, the glory of the people of God, the place of solemnities; and hence, also the church itself; Psa 2:6; Psa 51:18; Psa 102:13; Psa 137:3; Isa 1:27; Isa 52:1; Isa 59:20, etc. In this place it means the church. God will place or establish in the midst of that church.
A stumblingstone and rock of offence - Something over which people shall fall; see the note at Mat 5:29. This is by Paul referred to the Messiah. He is called rock of stumbling, not because it was the design of sending him that people should fall, but because such would be the result. The application of the term "rock"to the Messiah is derived from the custom of building, as he is the "cornerstone"or the "immovable foundation"on which the church is to be built. It is not on human merits, but by the righteousness of the Saviour, that the church is to be reared; see 1Pe 2:4,"I lay in Sion "a chief cornerstone;"Psa 118:22, "The stone which the builders rejected, is become the head stone of the corner;"Eph 2:20, "Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone."This rock, designed as a corner stone to the church, became, by the wickedness of the Jews, the block over which they fall into ruin; 1Pe 2:8.
Shall not be ashamed - This is taken substantially from the Septuagint translation of Isa 28:16, though with some variation. The Hebrew is, "shall not make haste,"as it is in our English version. This is the literal meaning of the Hebrew word; but it means also "to be afraid;"as one who makes haste often is; to be agitated with fear or fright; and hence, it has a signification nearly similar to that of shame. It expresses the substance of the same thing, namely, "failure of obtaining expected success and happiness."The meaning here is, that the man who believes shall not be agitated, or thrown into commotion, by fear of want or success: shall not be disappointed in his hopes; and, of course, he shall never be ashamed that he became a Christian. They who do not believe in Christ shall be agitated, fall, and sink into eternal shame and contempt. Dan 12:2. They who do believe shall be confident; shall not be deceived, but shall obtain the object of their desires. It is clear that Paul regarded the passage in Isaiah as referring to the Messiah. The same also is the case with the other sacred writers who have quoted it; 1Pe 2:5-8; see also Mat 21:42; Luk 20:17-18; Luk 2:34. The ancient Targum of Jonathan translates the passage, Isa 28:16, "Lo, I will place in Zion a king, a king strong, mighty and terrible;"referring doubtless to the Messiah. Other Jewish writings also show that this interpretation was formerly given by the Jews to the passage in Isaiah.
In view of this argument of the apostle, we may remark,
(1) That God is a sovereign, and has a right to dispose of people as he pleases.
\caps1 (2) t\caps0 he doctrine of election was manifest in the case of the Jews as an established principle of the divine government, and is therefore true.
\caps1 (3) i\caps0 t argues great lack of proper feeling to be opposed to this doctrine. It is saving, in other words, that we have not confidence in God; or that we do not believe that he is qualified to direct the affairs of his own universe as well as we.
\caps1 (4) t\caps0 he doctrine of election is a doctrine which is not arbitrary; but which will yet be seen to be wise, just, and good. It is the source of all the blessings that any mortals enjoy; and in the case before us, it can be seen to be benevolent as well as just. It is better that God should cast off a part of the small nation of the Jews, and extend these blessings to the Gentiles, than that they should always have been confined to Jews. The world is better for it, and more good has come out of it.
\caps1 (5) t\caps0 he fact that the gospel has been extended to all nations, is proof that it is from heaven. To a Jew there was no motive to attempt to break down all the existing institutions of his nation, and make the blessings of religion common to all nations, unless he knew that the gospel system was true. Yet the apostles were Jews; educated with all the prejudices of the Jewish people.
\caps1 (6) t\caps0 he interests of Christians are safe. They shall not be ashamed or disappointed. God will keep them, and bring them to his kingdom.
\caps1 (7) p\caps0 eople still are offended at the cross of Christ. They contemn and despise him. He is to them as a root out of dry ground, and they reject him, and fall into ruin. This is the cause why sinners perish; and this only. Thus, as the ancient Jews brought ruin on themselves and their country, so do sinners bring condemnation and woe on their souls. And as the ancient despisers and crucifiers of the Lord Jesus perished, so will all those who work iniquity and despise him now.
Poole: Rom 9:29 - -- As Esaias said before in Isa 1:9 .
The Lord of sabaoth or, of hosts: the mighty God, whose hosts all creatures are, which execute his will, as sold...
As Esaias said before in Isa 1:9 .
The Lord of sabaoth or, of hosts: the mighty God, whose hosts all creatures are, which execute his will, as soldiers the will of their commander.
Had left us a seed: he means by a seed, the same that he meant before by a remnant, a small number. These were left as a little seed, out of a great heap of corn: that which is chosen, and left for seed, is little in comparison of the whole crop.
We had been as Sodoma, and been made like unto Gomorrha i.e. utterly wasted and destroyed as they were, Jer 50:40 .

Poole: Rom 9:30 - -- This is the conclusion of the apostle’ s discourse about the election of some and the rejection of others; as also about the calling of the Gen...
This is the conclusion of the apostle’ s discourse about the election of some and the rejection of others; as also about the calling of the Gentiles and the casting off the Jews.
Which followed not after righteousness that never minded or regarded it; instead of following after it, they fled from it. They were full of all unrighteousness, Rom 1:18 , to the end; Eph 2:2,3 .
The righteousness which is of faith viz. gospel righteousness, or the righteousness of Christ, which is received by true faith.

Poole: Rom 9:31 - -- Israel, which followed after the law of righteousness i.e. the unbelieving Jews, who paid great reverence to the law of God, regarding and observing ...
Israel, which followed after the law of righteousness i.e. the unbelieving Jews, who paid great reverence to the law of God, regarding and observing the outward precepts and ceremonies thereof.
Hath not attained to the law of righteousness they came short of that righteousness which the law requires, which God will accept, and which is to be attained, not by works, but by faith, as it follows in the next verse (see Rom 9:32 ).

Poole: Rom 9:32 - -- Here is the reason of the foregoing seeming paradox; why they, who followed after the law of righteousness, should not attain it, rather than oth...
Here is the reason of the foregoing seeming paradox; why they, who followed after the law of righteousness, should not attain it, rather than other.
Because they sought it not aright; they sought it not in a way of believing, but of working. These two are opposed in the business of justification, as before at large, in Rom 9:3,4 .
As it were by the works of the law i.e. as if they could have attained righteousness or justification in that way, which it was impossible to do.
They stumbled at that stumbling-stone i.e. the true Messiah: q.d. So far were they from seeking righteousness by Christ, that, on the contrary, they took offence at him, to their own destruction, Mar 6:3 1Co 1:23 . They thought it impossible that he should give them a righteousness better than their own. This happened to them according to the prophecy that went before them: so it followeth;

Poole: Rom 9:33 - -- As it is written viz. in Isa 8:14 , and Isa 28:16 ; to which prophecy also the apostle Peter refers, in 1Pe 2:6-8 .
A stumbling stone Jesus Christ ...
As it is written viz. in Isa 8:14 , and Isa 28:16 ; to which prophecy also the apostle Peter refers, in 1Pe 2:6-8 .
A stumbling stone Jesus Christ is properly a corner-stone, elect and precious; but accidentally and eventually a stumbling-stone, Luk 2:34 .
Ashamed or confounded. Isaiah saith, he that believeth; the apostle, whosoever believeth; which is much the same: an indefinite proposition is equivalent to a universal. The prophet saith: He that believeth shall not make haste; the apostle, he
shall not be ashamed He that is rash and hasty will at last be ashamed and confounded.
Haydock -> Rom 9:30-32; Rom 9:33
Haydock: Rom 9:30-32 - -- What then shall we say? Or what shall we conclude from these testimonies of the Scripture, but this paradox, as St. John Chrysostom calls it, that t...
What then shall we say? Or what shall we conclude from these testimonies of the Scripture, but this paradox, as St. John Chrysostom calls it, that they who sought for justice, or sanctification, found it not, and they who did not seek it, found it; that is, the Jews, who sought for this justice by the works of their law, which they magnified so much, have not attained to that law that could make them just; whereas the Gentiles, who had no such written law to confide in, have only sought to be justified by the faith and law of Christ, by which they have met with justice, and sanctification? (Witham) ---
Behold what was wanting to the justice of the Jews! Scrupulous observers of the ceremonial law: esteeming too much their power, and pretended justice, they regarded the gospel and faith in Christ as of no advantage. Running in the path of the commandments with zeal, but without circumspection, they struck against Jesus Christ, who became to them a stumbling-block. They rejected him: they refused to believe. Thus did their works become dead works, without any fruit for eternity. (Calmet)

Haydock: Rom 9:33 - -- Why then have not the Jews been justified? because they stumbled at the stumbling-stone: that is, the doctrine of Christ crucified has been a scanda...
Why then have not the Jews been justified? because they stumbled at the stumbling-stone: that is, the doctrine of Christ crucified has been a scandal to the Jews, at which being offended, they would not own him their Messias. Yet whosoever believeth in him, and follow his law and doctrine, shall not be confounded, but obtain justification and salvation. (Witham)
Gill: Rom 9:29 - -- And as Esaias said before,.... In the beginning of his prophecy, in Isa 1:9.
Except the Lord of sabaoth had left us a seed; the title and character...
And as Esaias said before,.... In the beginning of his prophecy, in Isa 1:9.
Except the Lord of sabaoth had left us a seed; the title and character the great God goes by here, is "Lord of sabaoth", that is, "of hosts", or "armies"; the Septuagint often leave the word untranslated, as here and elsewhere, as in 1Sa 1:11. He is Lord of the hosts of heaven, the sun, moon, and stars, whom he brings forth by number, calls by their names, and them to praise him; of the angels, the multitude of the heavenly host, that do his pleasure, fight under him, and for him; and of the hosts of nations, of the several kingdoms of the world, who are all under his government, and among whom he acts according to his sovereign will and pleasure. Kimchi on the place says, he is called so,
"because of "the hosts above", and because of "the hosts below", who are the Israelites, that are called "hosts"; wherefore he would not consume us all, as we deserved:''
no, according to the council of his own will, he left them "a seed"; or as it is in Isaiah, a very small remnant": and so the Syriac here,
"of himself, and by his mercies, and not for our righteousnesses,''
we had been as Sodoma, and been made like unto Gomorrha; the cities which God destroyed with fire and brimstone from heaven, for their iniquities: had it not been for electing grace, they would have been like the inhabitants of these cities for wickedness; and the case would have been the same with us and with the whole world, had it not been for God's act of election, choosing some to holiness here, and happiness hereafter. The decree of election is so far from being a door to licentiousness, that it is the true spring and source of all real holiness, that has been, or is in the world; and had it not been for this, there would have been no such thing as holiness in the world; and consequently not only Judea, but thee whole world, were it not for this, must have been long before now, like Sodom and Gomorrah, in their punishment.

Gill: Rom 9:30 - -- What shall we say then?.... To God's calling of a large number of the Gentiles, and only a very few of the Jews, according to his eternal purposes and...
What shall we say then?.... To God's calling of a large number of the Gentiles, and only a very few of the Jews, according to his eternal purposes and decrees; what can be objected to it? is he chargeable with any unrighteousness? must it not be referred to his sovereign will and pleasure? is it not an instance of his grace and goodness, that he calls and saves some, when they were all so wicked, that he might in justice have destroyed every individual of them? or what is further to be said, concerning both Jews and Gentiles? or what can be objected to what may be further observed concerning them? as
that the Gentiles which followed not after righteousness; the very same persons among them, who are, called by grace, and are vessels of mercy, before their calling were without a righteousness, stout hearted, and far from one; being without Christ, and destitute of his Spirit; they were ignorant of righteousness, of the righteousness of God, and of his law, and consequently of what true righteousness is; they were unconcerned about it, and did not labour after it, as the Jews did. They did not pursue and improve the light of nature, about God and things of a moral kind, as they might have done; but held the light and truth they had in unrighteousness, and indeed were filled with nothing else: and yet these persons
have attained to righteousness, even the righteousness which is of faith. The righteousness they attained unto, was not a righteousness of their own, not the righteousness of works, or a righteousness by the deeds of the law, to which the righteousness which is of faith is always opposed; nor faith itself, which is distinguished from it; but the righteousness of Christ, so called, not because that faith is the cause or condition of it, but because the discovery of it is made to faith; that receives it, lays hold on it, and exercises itself on it; by it the soul renounces its own righteousness, looks to, and depends on Christ's, and rejoices in it. These Gentiles being called by grace, "attained", "comprehended", or "apprehended" this righteousness; not by the light of nature, which makes no discovery, nor gives the least hint of it; but by the light of faith they apprehended it, as revealed in the Gospel; which faith they had not of themselves, but of God; so that the whole of this account is a wonderful instance of the grace of God, and abundantly confirms the observation made before by the apostle, that "it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that shows mercy", Rom 9:16; since these persons had nothing in them, disposing and qualifying them for a justifying righteousness, and yet attained one; and the grace appears to be the more distinguishing, by what follows.

Gill: Rom 9:31 - -- But Israel, which followed after the law of righteousness,.... The Israelites, the far greater part of the Jews, who were not called by the grace of G...
But Israel, which followed after the law of righteousness,.... The Israelites, the far greater part of the Jews, who were not called by the grace of God, were all very zealous of the law, called "the law of righteousness"; because the matter of it was righteous, it was so in its own nature; and because perfect obedience to it is righteousness; as also because they sought for righteousness by the deeds of it. They very violently and eagerly pursued after it, they tugged and toiled, and laboured with all their might, as persons in running a race, to get up to the law, and the righteousness of it; and yet Israel, with all the pains and labour taken,
hath not attained to the law of righteousness: some of them fancied they had, supposing an external conformity to it, to be all that it insisted upon; not knowing the spirituality of it, that it required truth and holiness in the inward parts; and that he that offended in one point of it, was guilty of all, and therefore could not be justified by it.

Gill: Rom 9:32 - -- Wherefore? because they sought it not by faith,.... The question is asked, why they did not attain to that, which with so much diligence they pressed ...
Wherefore? because they sought it not by faith,.... The question is asked, why they did not attain to that, which with so much diligence they pressed after? the answer is, because, as they did not seek for righteousness in a right place, or object, they sought for it in the law, and the works of it, where it is never to be found by a sinful creature, and not in Christ, in whom only are righteousness and strength; so they did not seek for it in a right way, by faith in Christ, without which it is impossible to please God, and by which only true righteousness is discerned and received:
but as it were by the works of the law; not by works which looked like works of the law, and were not; but they sought it as if they expected their justification before God was to be by works of righteousness done by them; or as if it was partly by their own works, and partly by the goodness of God, accepting of them for a justifying righteousness. The Alexandrian Copy, and some others, read only, "as it were by works"; and so does the Vulgate Latin version: another reason, or else a reason of the former is,
for they stumbled at that stumbling stone; meaning the word of the Gospel, at which Peter says they stumbled, and particularly the doctrine of justification by the righteousness of Christ; or rather Christ himself, who was "to the Jews a stumbling block, and to the Greeks foolishness", 1Co 1:23.

Gill: Rom 9:33 - -- As it is written,.... In Isa 8:14; for the beginning and end of this citation are out of the latter, and the middle of it out of the former. This is a...
As it is written,.... In Isa 8:14; for the beginning and end of this citation are out of the latter, and the middle of it out of the former. This is an instance of
"might skip from text to text, but he might not skip from prophet to prophet, except only in the twelve prophets, only he might not skip from the end of the book to the beginning; also they might skip in the prophets, but not in the law;''
which rules are exactly complied with by the apostle. The beginning of this citation is out of Isa 28:16,
behold I lay in Zion. The "stone" said to be laid in Zion, is by the "Chaldee paraphrast" interpreted of a "king"; by R. David Kimchi, of King Hezekiah, and by Jarchi of the King Messiah; and is truly applied by the apostle to Jesus Christ: the layer of this stone is God the Father, who laid him as the foundation stone, in his eternal purposes and decrees, in his counsels and covenant, in promise and in prophecy, in the mission of him into this world, and in the preaching of the everlasting Gospel: the place where he is laid is Zion, meaning either literally Judea or Jerusalem, where the Messiah was to appear, whither he came, and from whence his Gospel went forth; or mystically the church, where he is laid as the foundation of it, and of the salvation of all the members thereof; though, through the sin and unbelief of others, he proves to be
a stumbling stone, and rock of offence; which phrases are to be seen in Isa 8:14, and are spoken of, and ascribed to a divine person, even to the Lord of hosts; and are by the Targumist thus paraphrased, "and if ye obey not",
"the son of David (the Messiah) shall not come until the two houses of the fathers are destroyed out of Israel; and these are the head of the captivity which is in Babylon, and the prince in the land of Israel, as it is said, Isa 8:14.''
So that, according to the ancient Jews, this passage belongs to the Messiah, and is properly made use of for this purpose by the apostle, who had seen the accomplishment of it in the Jews; who stumbled at the outward meanness of Jesus of Nazareth, at his parentage, the manner of his birth, his education, the mean appearance of himself and followers; at his company and audience, his ministry, miracles, death, and the manner of it; and so believed not in him, for righteousness, life, and salvation; and thus it came about that they did not attain, or come up to the law of righteousness, or the righteousness of the law: but
whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed; that is, who believes in Christ unto righteousness, who builds his faith, and hope of eternal salvation on him, the foundation God has laid in Zion, and at which the unbelieving Jews stumbled and fell; he shall neither be ashamed here nor hereafter: he shall not be ashamed of his faith and hope in Christ; nor of Christ, as the Lord his righteousness; nor shall he be ashamed or confounded at his appearing, but shall be justified before men and angels, and be received into his kingdom and glory. There is some difference between the passage as here cited, and as it stands in Isa 28:16, where it is read, "he that believeth shall not make haste": either to lay any other foundation, being fully satisfied with this, which is laid by God; or shall not make haste to flee away, through fear of any enemy, or of any danger, being safe as built on this foundation; and so shall never fall, be moved, or ashamed and confounded. Some have fancied a various reading, but without any reason. A very learned Oriental critic u of our own nation has observed, that the Arabic words "Haush" "Hish" answer to the Hebrew word,

expand allCommentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

Geneva Bible: Rom 9:29 And as Esaias said before, Except the Lord of ( c ) Sabaoth had left us a ( d ) seed, we had been as Sodoma, and been made like unto Gomorrha.
( c ) ...

Geneva Bible: Rom 9:30 ( 27 ) What shall we say then? That the Gentiles, which followed ( e ) not after righteousness, have attained to righteousness, even the righteousness...

Geneva Bible: Rom 9:31 ( 28 ) But Israel, which followed after the law of righteousness, hath not attained to the law of righteousness.
( 28 ) The pride of men is the reaso...

Geneva Bible: Rom 9:32 Wherefore? Because [they sought it] not by faith, but as it were by the ( s ) works of the law. For they stumbled at that stumblingstone;
( s ) Seeki...

expand allCommentary -- Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis -> Rom 9:1-33
TSK Synopsis: Rom 9:1-33 - --1 Paul is sorry for the Jews.7 All of Abraham not of the promise.18 God's sovereignty.25 The calling of the Gentiles and rejecting of the Jews, foreto...
MHCC -> Rom 9:25-29; Rom 9:30-33
MHCC: Rom 9:25-29 - --The rejecting of the Jews, and the taking in the Gentiles, were foretold in the Old Testament. It tends very much to the clearing of a truth, to obser...

MHCC: Rom 9:30-33 - --The Gentiles knew not their guilt and misery, therefore were not careful to procure a remedy. Yet they attained to righteousness by faith. Not by beco...
Matthew Henry -> Rom 9:25-29; Rom 9:30-33
Matthew Henry: Rom 9:25-29 - -- Having explained the promise, and proved the divine sovereignty, the apostle here shows how the rejection of the Jews, and the taking in of the Gent...

Matthew Henry: Rom 9:30-33 - -- The apostle comes here at last to fix the true reason of the reception of the Gentiles, and the rejection of the Jews. There was a difference in the...
Barclay -> Rom 9:19-29; Rom 9:30-33
Barclay: Rom 9:19-29 - --In the previous passage Paul had been showing that all through the history of Israel there had been going on a process of election and selection by Go...

Barclay: Rom 9:30-33 - --Here Paul draws a contrast between two ways of feeling towards God. There was the Jewish way. The aim of the Jew was to set himself right with God a...
Constable: Rom 9:1--11:36 - --V. THE VINDICATION OF GOD'S RIGHTEOUSNESS chs. 9--11
A major problem concerning God's righteousness arises out o...

Constable: Rom 9:1-33 - --A. Israel's past election ch. 9
Paul began by tracing God's dealings with Israel in the past.

Constable: Rom 9:19-29 - --4. God's mercy toward Israel 9:19-29
Next Paul dealt with a question that rises out of what he had just argued for, namely God's freedom to extend mer...

Constable: Rom 9:30-33 - --5. God's mercy toward the Gentiles 9:30-33
This short pericope concludes Paul's argument concerning Israel's past election and begins the train of tho...
College -> Rom 9:1-33
College: Rom 9:1-33 - --9:1-11:36 - PART FOUR
We now begin our consideration of one of the most difficult sections of...
McGarvey: Rom 9:29 - --And, as Isaiah hath said before [This may mean, Isaiah has said this before me, so that I need not prophesy myself, but may appropriate his word, or, ...

McGarvey: Rom 9:30 - --What shall we say then? ["Shall we raise objection, as at verse 14, or shall we at last rest in a correct conclusion? Let us, from the Scriptures and ...

McGarvey: Rom 9:31 - --but Israel, following after a law of righteousness, did not arrive at that law . [Israel was not seeking justification. Their search was rather for a ...

McGarvey: Rom 9:32 - --Wherefore? [Why, then, did the Jews fail to find any law of life? Answer: Because there is but one such law, and they sought another.] Because they so...