Kidung Jemaat
Matthew 16:27
Dalam Kota Raja Daud [KJ.113]
1. Dalam kota raja Daud ada kandang yang rendah.
Di palungan dibaringkan Bayi mungil yang lemah.
Yesus Kristus namaNya dan Maria bundaNya
Luk 2:11-12
2. Ia turun dari sorga, Tuhan alam semesta.
Dan palungan dalam kandang tempat tidur bagiNya.
Ia hidup beserta orang hina dan rendah.
Flp 2:6-8
3. Waktu Ia kanak-kanak, Ia patuh dan benar;
menghormati orang tua Ia tumbuh dan besar.
Anak-anak, marilah mengikuti contohNya!
Luk 2:51
4. Tak berbeda dari kita, dari aku dan engkau,
tawa riang dan tangisan semuanya Ia tahu.
Suka duka dunia dirasakan olehNya.
Ibr 4:15
5. Nanti kita pun melihat Anak ini yang lemah
jadi Jurus'lamat kita, Raja sorga mulia.
Kita pun dipimpinNya masuk sorga s'lamanya.
1 Tes 4:16-17
6. Bukan dalam kandang hina kita lihat kuasaNYa,
tapi k'lak di dalam sorga dengan Allah, BapaNya.
Nanti kita menyembah di keliling takhtaNya.1 Kor 13:12
Mat 16:27
Why 1:7
Why 22:4
Play Nyanyian Malaikat Nyaring Bergema [KJ.223] ( Golden Harps Are Sounding )
1. Nyanyian malaikat nyaring bergema, sorga t'lah terbuka
bagi Rajanya. Kristus Raja mulia, jaya dan megah,
Yesus, Raja kasih, naik takhtaNya.
Mat 16:27
1 Tim 3:16
2. Sudahlah sempurna karya s'lamatNya;
Yesus naik ke sorga. Puji namaNya!
3. Dia yang tersalib bagi dunia pada sisi Bapa kini mulia
tak sengsara lagi, hidup s'lamanya.
Yesus, Raja mulia, naik takhtaNya!
Yesus, Raja kasih, naik takhtaNya.
Why 5:6
Mat 25:31
Kis 7:55-56
Ef 1:20-22
Ibr 1:3-4, 13
Why 7:17
4. Sudahlah sempurna karya s'lamatNya;
Yesus naik ke sorga. Puji namaNya!
5. Yesus dalam sorga, agung kasihNya: Ia mendoakan
kita umatNya; kasi dan anug'rah dicurahkanNya;
tempat bagi kita disiapkanNya.
Yesus, Raja kasih, naik takhtaNya.
Rm 8:34
1 Yoh 2:1
2 Kor 13:13
Ef 4:7-8
Yoh 14:2
6. Sudahlah sempurna karya s'lamatNya;
Yesus naik ke sorga. Puji namaNya!Play
John 17:24
Kau, Yesus, Raja Mahakaya [KJ.297]
1. Kau, Yesus, Raja Mahakaya, kau jadi miskin bagiku.
TakhtaMulah palungan saja, kandang rendah istanaMu.
Kau, Yesus, Raja Mahakaya, kau jadi miskin bagiku.
Flp 2:6-8
2 Kor 8:9
Luk 2:7, 12
2. Kau, Tuhan, Allah Mahamulia, Kau jadi insan bagiku.
Yang Kautebus di dalam dunia hidup kekal bersamamu.
Kau, Tuhan, Allah Mahamulia, Kau jadi insan bagiku.
Yoh 1:14
Yoh 12:32
Yoh 14:2-3
Yoh 17:24
Rm 6:8
1 Tes 4:17
2 Tim 2:11
3. Kau, Surya Kasih Mahatinggi, Kau, Jurus'lamat, kusembah
Imanuel, hatiku ini buatlah suci berserah. Kau, Surya Kasih
Maha tinggi, Kau, Jurus'lamat, kusembah.
Mal 4:2
Yoh 8:12
Yes 7:14
Mat 1:23
Genesis 11:1-32
[Gen 11:9] Father Eternal, Ruler Of Creation
Father eternal, Ruler of creation,
Spirit of life, which moved ere form was made;
Through the thick darkness covering every nation,
Light to man’s blindness, O be Thou our aid:
Thy kingdom come, O Lord, Thy will be done.Races and peoples, lo! we stand divided,
And sharing not our griefs, no joy can share;
By wars and tumults love is mocked, derided,
His conquering cross no kingdom wills to bear:
Thy kingdom come, O Lord, Thy will be done.Envious of heart, blind eyed, with tongues confounded,
Nation by nation still goes unforgiven;
In wrath and fear, by jealousies surrounded,
Building proud towers which shall not reach to heaven:
Thy kingdom come, O Lord, Thy will be done.Lust of possession worketh desolations;
There is no meekness in the sons of earth;
Led by no star, the rulers of the nations
Still fail to bring us to the blissful birth.
Thy kingdom come, O Lord, Thy will be done.How shall we love Thee, holy, hidden Being,
If we love not the world which Thou hast made?
O give us brother love for better seeing
Thy world made flesh, and in a manger laid:
Thy kingdom come, O Lord, Thy will be done.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Habakkuk 3:3
[Hab 3:3] Lord, Thy Glory Fills The Heaven
“Lord, Thy glory fills the heaven;
Earth is with its fullness stored;
Unto Thee be glory given,
Holy, holy, holy Lord!”
Heaven is still with glory ringing;
Earth takes up the angels’ cry,
“Holy, holy, holy” singing,
“Lord of Hosts, the Lord Most High.”Ever thus, in God’s high praises,
Brethren, let our tongues unite,
While our thought His greatness raises,
And our love His gifts excite;
With His seraph train before Him,
With His holy Church below,
Thus conspire we to adore Him,
Bid we thus our anthem flow.“Lord, Thy glory fills the heaven;
Earth is with its fullness stored;
Unto Thee be glory given,
Holy, holy, holy Lord!”
Thus Thy glorious Name confessing,
We adopt the angels’ cry,
“Holy, holy, holy” blessing
Thee, the Lord of Hosts Most High!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Hab 3:3] Rod Of The Root Of Jesse
Rod of the Root of Jesse,
Thou, Flower of Mary born,
From that thick shady mountain
Cam’st glorious forth this morn:
Of her, the ever virgin,
Incarnate wast Thou made,
The immaterial Essence,
The God by all obeyed!
Glory, Lord, Thy servants pay
To Thy wondrous might today!The Gentiles’ expectation,
Whom Jacob’s words foretell,
Who Syria’s pride shall vanquish,
Samaria’s power shalt quell;
Thou from the Root of Judah
Like some fair plant dost spring,
To turn old Gentile error
To Thee, its God and King!
Glory, Lord, Thy servants pay
To Thy wondrous might today!In Balaam’s ancient vision
The eastern seers were skilled;
They marked the constellations,
And joy their spirits filled;
For Thou, bright Star of Jacob,
Arising in Thy might,
Didst call these Gentile first-fruits
To worship in Thy light.
They, in holy reverence bend,
Gifts acceptable present.As on a fleece descending
The gentle dews distill,
As drops the earth that water,
The virgin didst Thou fill.
Tarshish and Ethiopia,
The Isles and Araby,
And Media, leagues with Sheba,
Fall down and worship Thee.
Glory, Lord, Thy servants pay
To Thy wondrous might today!Play source: Cyberhymnal
Matthew 16:27
[Mat 16:27] Last Mile Of The Way, The
If I walk in the pathway of duty,
If I work till the close of the day;
I shall see the great King in His beauty,
When I’ve gone the last mile of the way.Refrain
When I’ve gone the last mile of the way,
I will rest at the close of the day,
And I know there are joys that await me,
When I’ve gone the last mile of the way.If for Christ I proclaim the glad story,
If I seek for His sheep gone astray,
I am sure He will show me His glory,
When I’ve gone the last mile of the way.Refrain
Here the dearest of ties we must sever,
Tears of sorrow are seen ev’ry day;
But no sickness, no sighing forever,
When I’ve gone the last mile of the way.Refrain
And if here I have earnestly striven,
And have tried all His will to obey,
’Twill enhance all the rapture of Heaven,
When I’ve gone the last mile of the way.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal
Mark 8:38
[Mar 8:38] Jesus, And Shall It Ever Be
Jesus, and shall it ever be,
A mortal man, ashamed of Thee?
Ashamed of Thee, whom angels praise,
Whose glories shine through endless days?Ashamed of Jesus! sooner far
Let night disown each radiant star!
’Tis midnight with my soul, till He,
Bright Morning Star, bid darkness flee.Ashamed of Jesus! O as soon
Let morning blush to own the sun!
He sheds the beams of light divine
O’er this benighted soul of mine.Ashamed of Jesus! that dear Friend
On Whom my hopes of Heav’n depend!
No; when I blush, be this my shame,
That I no more revere His Name.Ashamed of Jesus! yes, I may
When I’ve no guilt to wash away;
No tear to wipe, no good to crave,
No fears to quell, no soul to save.Ashamed of Jesus! empty pride!
I’ll boast a Savior crucified,
And O may this my portion be,
My Savior not ashamed of me!Jesus! and shall it ever be!
A mortal man ashamed of Thee?
Scorn’d be the thought by rich and poor;
O may I scorn it more and more!Ashamed of Jesus! sooner far
Let evening blush to own a star.
Ashamed of Jesus! just as soon
Let midnight blush to think of noon.’Tis evening with my soul till He,
That Morning Star, bids darkness flee;
He sheds the beam of noon divine
O’er all this midnight soul of mine.Ashamed of Jesus! shall yon field
Blush when it think who bids it yield?
Yet blush I must, while I adore,
I blush to think I yield no more.Ashamed of Jesus! of that Friend
On whom for heaven my hopes depend!
It must not be! be this my shame,
That I no more revere His name.Ashamed of Jesus! yes, I may,
When I’ve no crimes to wash away;
No tear to wipe, no joy to crave,
No fears to quell, no soul to save.Till then (nor is the boasting vain),
Till then I boast a Saviour slain:
And, oh, may this my portion be,
That Saviour not ashamed of me!Play source: Cyberhymnal