NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Genesis 16:1-16


given birth <03205> [A.M. 2092. B.C. 1912. bare.]

Egyptian <04713> [Egyptian.]

named <08034> [name.]



Lord <03068> [the Lord.]

family <01129> [obtain children. Heb be builded.]

<08085> [hearkened.]


lived <03427> [A.M. 2093. B.C. 1911. had.]

be <05414> [gave.]

wife ............. wife <0802> [his.]


Sarai <01404> [her mistress.]


wrong <02555> [My wrong.]

Lord <03068> [the Lord.]


Abram <087> [Abram.]

authority <03027> [in.]

whatever <02896> [as it pleaseth thee. Heb. that which is good in thine eyes. dealt hardly with her. Heb. afflicted her.]

ran away from <01272> [fled.]


found <04672> [found.]

spring ........ spring <05869> [the fountain.]

Shur <07793> [Shur.]

The desert of Shur being between the south of Canaan, where Hebron was situated, and Egypt, it is likely that Hagar was returning to her own country.


servant ... Sarai .................... Sarai <08297 08198> [Sarai's maid.]

where <0335> [whence.]

running away from <01272> [I flee.]


submit <06031> [submit.]


angel <04397> [the angel.]

greatly multiply ....... added so <07235> [I will.]


birth <03205 07121> [shalt.]

Ishmael <03458> [Ishmael. i.e., God shall hear. because.]

heard <08085> [hath.]


wild donkey <06501> [be a.]

wild donkey <06501> [wild.]

The word rendered "wild" also denotes the "wild ass;" the description of which animal in Job 39:5-8, affords the very best representation of the wandering, lawless, freebooting life of the Bedouin and other Arabs, the descendants of Ishmael.

hostile <03027> [his hand.]

live <07931> [he shall.]


So <07121> [called.]

God <0410> [Thou.]

sees ............ sees <0310 07210> [him that.]



That is, The well of him that liveth and seeth me.

Kadesh <06946> [Kadesh.]


Hagar <01904> [A.M. 2094. B.C. 1910. Hagar.]

Ishmael <03458> [Ishmael.]

Genesis 28:20


made <05087> [vowed.]

God <0430> [If God.]

gives <05414> [will give.]

Isaiah 26:12


make <08239> [ordain.]

done <06466> [for.]

[in us. or, for us.]

Matthew 1:23


virgin <3933> [a virgin.]

they will call him <2564 846 3686> [they shall call his name. or, his name shall be called.]


[Immanuel. God.]

Matthew 28:20


them <846> [them.]

I am <1473 1510> [I am.]

to <2193> [unto.]

<281> [Amen.]

CONCLUDING REMARKS ON MATTHEW'S GOSPEL. Matthew being one of the twelve apostles, and early called to the apostleship, and from the time of his call a constant attendant on our Saviour, was perfectly well qualified to write fully the history of his life. He relates what he saw and heard. "He is eminently distinguished for the distinctness and particularity with which he has related many of our Lord's discourses and moral instructions. Of these his sermon on the mount, his charge to the apostles, his illustrations of the nature of his kingdom, and his prophecy on mount Olivet, are examples. He has also wonderfully united simplicity and energy in relating the replies of his Master to the cavils of his adversaries." "There is not," as Dr. A. Clarke justly remarks, "one truth or doctrine, in the whole oracles of God, which is not taught in this Evangelist. The outlines of the whole spiritual system are here correctly laid down: even Paul himself has added nothing: he has amplified and illustrated the truths contained in this Gospel;--under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, neither he, nor any of the other apostles, have brought to light one truth, the prototype of which has not been found in the words and acts of our blessed Lord as related by Matthew."

Romans 15:33


God <2316> [the God.]

with <3326> [be.]

Romans 15:2


Romans 4:22


it was credited <3049> [it was imputed.]

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