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1 Chronicles 22:9-12


son <01121> [a son.]

rest ................. give <05117 05414> [I will give.]

Solomon <08010> [Solomon. that is, Peaceable.]

give ... peace <07965 05414> [I will give peace.]


build <01129> [He shall build.]

son <01121> [he shall be.]

I ... grant <03559> [I will establish.]


Lord .............. Lord <03068> [the Lord.]


Lord ....................... Lord <03068> [Only the.]

obey <08104> [that thou mayest.]

1 Chronicles 28:5-6


sons ........... son <01121> [all my sons.]

chose <0977> [he hath chosen.]

rule <03427> [to sit.]


build <01129> [he shall.]

chosen <0977> [I have.]

1 Chronicles 28:2


rose <06965> [stood up.]

brothers <0251> [my brethren.]

wanted <03824> [I had in mine heart.]

placed <04496> [rest.]

footstool <01916> [the footstool.]

preparations <03559> [had made ready.]

1 Chronicles 12:24-25


trained <02502> [armed. or, prepared.]

1 Chronicles 12:1


joined <0935> [these are.]

banished <06113> [while he yet, etc. Heb. being yet shut up.]

Sometimes, in the East, when a successful prince endeavoured to extirpate the preceding royal family, some of them escaped the slaughter, and secured themselves in an impregnable fortress, or in a place of great secrecy; while others have been known to seek an asylum in a foreign county, from when they have occasioned, from time to time, great anxiety and great difficulties to the usurper of the crown. The expression shut up, so often applied to the extermination of eastern royal families. (De 32:32. 1 Ki 14:10; 21:21. 2 Ki 9:8; 14:26,) strictly speaking, refers to the two first of these cases; but the term may be used in a more extensive sense, for those who, by retiring into deserts, or foreign countries, preserve themselves from being slain by the men who usurp the dominions of their ancestors. Thus the term is here applied to David, though he did not shut himself up, strictly speaking, in Ziklag. It is described as a town in the country, and was probably an unwalled town; and it is certain that he did not confine himself to it, but, on the contrary, was continually making excursions from thence.

Saul <07586> [Saul.]

warriors <01368> [the mighty.]

1 Chronicles 1:13


Canaan <03667> [Canaan.]

[Sidon. Heth.]

1 Chronicles 1:17


sons ... Shem <08035 01121> [sons of Shem.]

Elam <05867> [Elam.]

Asshur <0804> [Asshur.]


Lud <03865> [Lud.]

Aram <0758> [Aram.]

Meshech <04902> [Meshech.]


1 Chronicles 2:15


David <01732> [David.]

It appears from the parallel places of Samuel, that Jesse had eight sons, of whom David was the eighth and youngest; but one may have died before David came to the throne.

1 Chronicles 3:3


Eglah <05698> [Eglah.]

The Targumist, Jarchi, and others, maintain that this was Michal; and though it is stated (2 Sa 6:23) that "she had no child to the day of her death," yet she might have had a child before, at that time living.

1 Chronicles 3:5-11


Shimea <08092> [Shimea.]

[Shammuah. Nathan.]

Solomon <08010> [Solomon.]

Bathsheba <01340> [Bath-shua.]


Ammiel <05988> [Ammiel.]



Elishua <0476> [Elishama.]

[Elishua. Eliphelet.]



Nogah <05052> [Nogah.]


Eliada <0450> [Eliada.]

[Beeliada. Eliphelet.]



concubines <06370> [of the concubines.]

Tamar <08559> [Tamar.]


Rehoboam <07346> [Rehoboam.]

[Roboam. Abia.]


[Abijah. Asa.]

Jehoshaphat <03092> [Jehoshaphat.]



Joram <03141> [Joram.]

[Jehoram. Ahaziah.]


[Azariah. Joash.]

Matthew 1:6


Jesse <2421> [Jesse.]

Solomon <4672> [Solomon.]

the <3588> [her.]

Uriah <3774> [Urias.]


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