1 Corinthians 3:10-14
grace <5485> [to the.]
like ... skilled <5613 4680> [as a.]
I laid <5087> [I have.]
but someone else ..... And <1161 243> [and another.]
but ....... And .... must be careful <991 1161> [But let every.]
<5557> [gold.]
precious <5093> [precious.]
wood <3586> [wood.]
Pr 30:6 Jer 23:28 Mt 15:6-9 Ac 20:30 Ro 16:17 2Co 2:17 4:2
Col 2:8,18-23 1Ti 4:1-3,7 6:3 2Ti 2:16-18 3:7,13 4:3
Tit 1:9-11 3:9-11 Heb 13:9 Re 2:14 [All]
each ............................... each <1538> [man's.]
Day <2250> [the day.]
it will be revealed <601> [shall be revealed. Gr. is revealed.]
fire And ... fire <4442 2532> [and the fire.]