NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

1 Kings 17:13-16

17:13 o <0314> hnrxab <06213> yvet <01121> Knblw <0> Klw <0> yl <03318> tauwhw <07223> hnsarb <06996> hnjq <05692> hge <08033> Msm <0> yl <06213> yve <0389> Ka <01697> Krbdk <06213> yve <0935> yab <03372> yaryt <0408> la <0452> whyla <0413> hyla <0559> rmayw(17:13)

17:13 kai <2532> eipen prov <4314> authn <846> hliou yarsei <2293> eiselye <1525> kai <2532> poihson <4160> kata <2596> to <3588> rhma <4487> sou <4771> alla <235> poihson <4160> emoi <1473> ekeiyen <1564> egkrufian mikron <3398> en <1722> prwtoiv <4413> kai <2532> exoiseiv <1627> moi <1473> sauth <4572> de <1161> kai <2532> toiv <3588> teknoiv <5043> sou <4771> poihseiv <4160> ep <1909> escatou <2078>

17:14 <0127> hmdah <06440> ynp <05921> le <01653> Msg <05414> hwhy <05414> *tt {Ntt} <03117> Mwy <05704> de <02637> roxt <03808> al <08081> Nmsh <06835> txpuw <03615> hlkt <03808> al <07058> xmqh <03537> dk <03478> larvy <0430> yhla <03068> hwhy <0559> rma <03541> hk <03588> yk(17:14)

17:14 oti <3754> tade <3592> legei <3004> kuriov <2962> h <3588> udria <5201> tou <3588> aleurou <224> ouk <3364> ekleiqei <1587> kai <2532> o <3588> kaqakhv tou <3588> elaiou <1637> ouk <3364> elattonhsei <1641> ewv <2193> hmerav <2250> tou <3588> dounai <1325> kurion <2962> ton <3588> ueton <5205> epi <1909> thv <3588> ghv <1065>

17:15 <03117> Mymy <01004> htybw <01931> *awhw {ayhw} <01931> *ayh {awh} <0398> lkatw <0452> whyla <01697> rbdk <06213> hvetw <01980> Kltw(17:15)

17:15 kai <2532> eporeuyh <4198> h <3588> gunh <1135> kai <2532> epoihsen <4160> kai <2532> hsyien <2068> auth <846> kai <2532> autov <846> kai <2532> ta <3588> tekna <5043> authv <846>

17:16 P <0452> whyla <03027> dyb <01696> rbd <0834> rsa <03068> hwhy <01697> rbdk <02638> rox <03808> al <08081> Nmsh <06835> txpuw <03615> htlk <03808> al <07058> xmqh <03537> dk(17:16)

17:16 kai <2532> h <3588> udria <5201> tou <3588> aleurou <224> ouk <3364> exelipen <1587> kai <2532> o <3588> kaqakhv tou <3588> elaiou <1637> ouk <3364> elattonwyh <1641> kata <2596> to <3588> rhma <4487> kuriou <2962> o <3739> elalhsen <2980> en <1722> ceiri <5495> hliou

Psalms 37:3

37:3 <0530> hnwma <07462> herw <0776> Ura <07931> Nks <02896> bwj <06213> hvew <03068> hwhyb <0982> xjb(37:3)

37:3 (36:3) elpison <1679> epi <1909> kurion <2962> kai <2532> poiei <4160> crhstothta <5544> kai <2532> kataskhnou <2681> thn <3588> ghn <1065> kai <2532> poimanyhsh <4165> epi <1909> tw <3588> ploutw <4149> authv <846>

Haggai 2:19

2:19 o <01288> Krba <02088> hzh <03117> Mwyh <04480> Nm <05375> avn <03808> al <02132> tyzh <06086> Uew <07416> Nwmrhw <08384> hnathw <01612> Npgh <05704> dew <04035> hrwgmb <02233> erzh <05750> dweh(2:19)

2:19 ei <1487> eti <2089> epignwsyhsetai <1921> epi <1909> thv <3588> alw kai <2532> ei <1487> eti <2089> h <3588> ampelov <288> kai <2532> h <3588> sukh <4808> kai <2532> h <3588> roa kai <2532> ta <3588> xula <3586> thv <3588> elaiav <1636> ta <3588> ou <3364> feronta <5342> karpon <2590> apo <575> thv <3588> hmerav <2250> tauthv <3778> euloghsw <2127>

Matthew 6:33

6:33 zhteiteprwton thnbasileian kaithn dikaiosunhnautou kaitauta pantaprosteyhsetai

Matthew 6:2

6:2 otanoun poihvmh salpishvsou wsperoi upokritaipoiousin taivsunagwgaiv kaien taivrumaiv opwvdoxasywsin twnanyrwpwn amhnlegw apecousinmisyon autwn

Colossians 1:6-8

1:6 touparontov umavkaywv kaien pantitw kosmwestin auxanomenonkai enumin afhv hmeravhkousate epegnwtecarin touyeou enalhyeia

1:7 kaywvemayete epafratou agaphtousundoulou hmwnov estinuper hmwndiakonov toucristou

1:8 okai dhlwsavthn umwnagaphn enpneumati

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