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1 Kings 3:9-12


give ... servant <05414 05650> [Give therefore.]

discerning <08085> [understanding. Heb. hearing.]

make judicial decisions ................ make judicial decisions <08199> [to judge.]

distinguish <0995> [discern.]

able <03201> [who is able.]


pleased <03190> [pleased.]


asked ...... make wise judicial ..... for ....... vengeance <07592> [hast not.]

[long life. Heb. many days. discern. Heb. hear.]

9 *marg:


<06213> [I have done.]

give <05414> [I have given.]

succeed <0310> [neither.]

1 Kings 3:2


people <05971> [the people.]

It was not right to offer sacrifices in any place but where the tabernacle and ark were; and wherever they were, whether on a high place or a plain, sacrifices might be lawfully offered, previously to building of the temple. The tabernacle was now at Gibeon, (2 Ch 1:3,) which was therefore called the great high place; whither we find Solomon, without censure, repaired to sacrifice.

temple <01004> [was no.]

1 Kings 1:10


Psalms 72:1


Solomon <08010> [A.M. 2989. B.C. 1015. (Title.) A Psalm.]

This Psalm seems to have been composed by David in his last days, when he had set his beloved son on the throne. "Then," says Calmet, "transported with joy and gratitude, he addressed this Psalm to God, in which he prays Him to pour out His blessings on the young king, and upon the people. He then, wrapped up in a divine enthusiasm, ascends to a higher subject; and sings the glory of the Messiah, and the magnificence of his reign."

Solomon <08010> [for. or, of.]

127:1 *title

make .... Grant <05414> [Give.]

king .......... king's <04428> [the king's.]

Proverbs 2:6-7


Lord <03068> [the Lord.]

mouth <06310> [out.]


stores up <06845> [layeth.]

shield <04043> [a buckler.]

Luke 21:15


I will give <1473 1325> [I will.]

that ........... or <3739> [which.]

James 1:5


<1536> [any.]

he should ask <154> [let.]

But ................. and ... reprimand and <1161 2532 3679> [and upbraideth.]

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