NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

1 Kings 6:16-20


built ............ temple ................. paneled <01129 01004> [built them.]

inner sanctuary <01687> [the oracle.]

The oracle was the sanctuary, or holy of holies, in which there was nothing but the ark of the covenant, including the tables of the law, and into which the high priest alone was to enter but once a year.


carvings ... round ornaments <06497> [knops. or, gourds.]

{Peka‹m,} "artificial knops," in the shape of {colocynths,} or wild gourds, as the word denotes. (See note on 2 Ki 4:39;) the full-blown flowers of which must have been very ornamental.

flowers <06731 06362> [open flowers. or, openings of flowers.]


inner sanctuary <01687> [the oracle.]

placed <05414> [to set.]


30 feet ... 30 feet .... 30 feet <0520 06242> [twenty cubits.]

<05462> [pure. Heb. shut up. the altar.]

1 Kings 6:2


temple <01004> [the house.]

long <0753> [the length.]

According to Bp. Cumberland's estimation of the cubit, its length was 36 yds. 1 ft. 5/28 inch; its breadth 12 yds. 5/76 inch; and its height, 18 yds. 8/64 inch. This constituted what is properly called the temple; but, besides this, there were the courts and colonnades, where the people might assemble to perform their devotions, without being exposed to the open air.

90 feet <08346> [threescore.]

1 Kings 3:5-10


Lord <03068> [the Lord.]

dream <02472> [in a dream.]

Tell me ..... give <07592 05414> [Ask what.]


servant <05650> [thy servant.]

great ..................... great <01419> [great.]

loyalty ..................... loyalty <02617> [mercy. or, bounty.]

<01980> [according.]

allowing <05414> [that.]


servant <05650> [thou hast.]

young <06996> [a little.]

inexperienced <03318> [to go.]


people ...... nation <05971> [thy people.]

count <04487> [cannot.]


give ... servant <05414 05650> [Give therefore.]

discerning <08085> [understanding. Heb. hearing.]

make judicial decisions ................ make judicial decisions <08199> [to judge.]

distinguish <0995> [discern.]

able <03201> [who is able.]


pleased <03190> [pleased.]

Ezekiel 41:13-17


measured <04058> [he measured.]

These verses (13-15) seem to intimate, that all the buildings of the temple occupied an area of 100 square cubits.


galleries <0862> [galleries. or, several walks, or walks with pillars.]

interior <06442> [with the.]


narrow <0331> [narrow.]

[ceiled with wood. Heb. ceiling of wood.]

windows .................... ground ..... windows .... windows <02474 0776> [from the ground up to the windows. or, the ground unto the windows. covered.]

Probably either by jutting out of the main wall of the temple; or by lattice work, or curtains, or by both.


entrance <06607> [To that.]

That is, the windows were placed above the height of the door, at the east end of the temple, and thus continued, at the same height, and at measured distances, along both sides of the holy place, to the wall of the inner sanctuary, in which there were no windows.

measurement <04060> [measure. Heb. measures.]

Hebrews 9:2-8


a tent <4633> [a tabernacle.]

outer <4413> [the first.]

table <5132> [the table.]

presentation <4286> [the shewbread.]

holy place <39> [the sanctuary. or, holy.]


second <1208> [the second.]

holy of holies <39> [the Holiest.]


golden .................... golden <5552> [the golden.]

ark <2787> [the ark.]

golden .................... golden <5552> [was.]

and ..................... Aaron's ..... and <2532 2> [and Aaron's.]

and ... ark ....................... and ... stone tablets <2532 2787 4109> [and the.]


above <5231> [over.]

mercy seat <2435> [the mercy-seat.]


priests <2409> [the priests.]


<1519> [into.]

not <3756> [not.]

committed in ignorance <51> [errors.]


Holy Spirit <4151 40> [Holy Ghost.]

way <3598> [the way.]

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