NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

1 Kings 8:52


attentive <05869> [That thine.]

prayers <07121> [in all that.]

1 Kings 8:2


festival <02282> [at the feast.]

1 Kings 19:16


Jehu <03058> [Jehu.]

Elisha <0477> [Elisha.]

[Eliseus. Abel-meholah.]

1 Kings 19:2


gods <0430> [So let.]

I .... take <07760> [if I.]

tomorrow <04279> [to-morrow.]

1 Kings 6:20


30 feet ... 30 feet .... 30 feet <0520 06242> [twenty cubits.]

<05462> [pure. Heb. shut up. the altar.]

1 Kings 6:1


four <0702> [A.M. 2993. B.C. 1011. An. Ex. Is. 480. And it came.]

month Ziv .... month <02320 02099> [in the month Zif.]

building <01129> [began. Heb. built.]

building <01129> [build.]

1 Kings 7:15


fashioned <06696> [cast. Heb. fashioned. two pillars.]

27 feet .... 18 feet <0520 08083> [eighteen cubits.]

That is, nearly thirty feet, English measure. But in the parallel place in Chronicles, these pillars are said to thirty-five cubits high. Tremellius reconciles this difference by observing, that the common cubit was but one-half of the cubit of the sanctuary; so that eighteen of the one would make thirty-six of the other; from which, if we deduct one cubit for the base, there will remain thirty-five. Notwithstanding the names of these pillars, they seem to have supported no part of the building, and appear to have been formed for ornament; and were no doubt also emblematical. The right pillar was called {Jachin,} which signifies, "He will establish;" while that on the left was named {Boaz,} "In it is strength." Some think they were intended for memorials of the pillars and cloud of fire, which led Israel through the wilderness; but Henry supposes them designed for memorandums to the priests and others that came to worship at God's door. 1st. To depend upon God only, and not upon any sufficiency of their own, for strength and establishment in all their religious exercises. 2nd. It was a memorandum to them of the strength and establishment of the temple of God among them. When the temple was destroyed, particular notice is taken of the breaking up and carrying away of these brazen pillars, 2 Ki 25:13, 17, which had been the tokens of its establishment, and would have been still so, if they had not forsaken God.

1 Kings 16:9


servant <05650> [his servant.]

conspired <07194> [conspired.]

drinking <08354> [drinking.]

house ....... palace <01004> [steward of. Heb. which was over.]

Nehemiah 1:6


ear <0241> [thine ear.]

day ... night <03119 03915> [day and night.]

confessing <03034> [confess.]

family <01> [both I.]

Psalms 34:15


Lord pays attention .... godly <05869 03068 06662> [The.]

hears <0241> [and.]

Daniel 9:18


Listen <05186> [incline.]

look <07200> [behold.]

called .... name <07121 08034> [which is called by thy name. Heb. whereupon thy name is called.]

<05307> [for we.]

<05307> [present. Heb. cause to fall.]

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