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1 Samuel 14:9-22


say <0559> [they.]

Stay put <01826> [Tarry. Heb. Be still.]


sign <0226> [this shall be a sign.]


holes <02356> [out of the holes.]


up ....... teach ............... up <05927 03045> [Come up to us.]

Meaning, that they would cause them to repent of their audacity. This was the favourable sign which Jonathan had requested.

up ..................... up behind <05927 0310> [Come up after me.]


up <05927> [climbed up.]

down <05307> [fell.]


area .... half ... acre <04618 07704 02677> [an half acre of land. or, half a furrow of an acre of land.]

The original is obscure and variously understood; but it is probably a proverbial expression for a small space.


fear overwhelmed ............................... fear <02731> [there was trembling.]

bands <07843> [the spoilers.]

trembled .... ground <07264 0776> [the earth quaked.]

fear overwhelmed ............................... fear ..... God <02731 0430> [very great trembling. Heb. trembling of God.]

God will in some way or other direct the steps of those who acknowledge him in all their ways, and seek unto him for direction with full purpose of heart. Sometimes we find most comfort in that which is least our own doing, and into which we have been led by the unexpected, but well observed, turns of Providence.


melt <04127> [melted away.]

<01986> [beating down.]


near <05066> [Bring hither.]

The Septuagint reads [Prosagage to ephoud, hoti autos ere to ephoud en te hemera ekeine enopiou Israel.] "Bring hither the ephod; for he bore the ephod on that day before Israel:" which Houbigant and others think is the true reading. Finding that his son Jonathan and his armour-bearer were absent, Saul wished to consult the high-priest; but the tumult increasing, he says to him, "Withdraw thine hand:" i.e., desist form consulting the ephod on the present occasion, and immediately hastened to make the best use he could of this astonishing victory.

<0727> [For the ark.]


panic <01995> [noise. or, tumult. Withdraw.]


marched <02199 0935> [assembled themselves. Heb. were cried together. every man's.]


Hebrews <05680> [the Hebrews.]

Probably such as they held in bondage, or who were their servants. Instead of (h„ivrim,} "the Hebrews," the LXX. evidently read {haƒvdim,} for they have [Loi douloi,] "the slaves;" but this reading is not countenanced by any other version, nor by any MS.


hidden ..... hill country <02244 02022> [hid themselves.]

battle <04421> [the battle.]

The LXX. and Vulgate add here, [kai pas ho laos en meta Saoul hos deka chiliades andron,] {Et erant cum Saul, quasi decem millia virorum.} "And [all the people who were, LXX.] there were with Saul about ten thousand men;" but this is supported by no other authority.

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