NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

1 Samuel 15:17


insignificant <06996> [When thou.]

Lord <03068> [the Lord.]

Genesis 41:14


Then <07971> [sent.]

quickly <07323> [and they brought him hastily. Heb. made him run.]

shaved <01548> [he shaved.]

Genesis 41:40


will <01961> [Thou shalt.]

oversee <05401> [be ruled. Heb. be armed, or kiss.]

Genesis 41:2


coming up <05927> [there came.]

reeds <0260> [a meadow.]

Or, rather, "on, or among the reeds or sedges;" for so {achoo} is generally supposed to denote (see Job 8:11); so called, according to Mr. Parkhurst, from its fitness for making ropes, or the like, to connect or join things together, from {achah,} to join, connect: thus the Latin {juncus,} a bulrush, {a jungendo,} from joining, for the same reason. He supposes it to be that sort of reed growing near the Nile which Hasselquist describes as "having scarce any branches, but numerous leaves, which are narrow, smooth, channelled on the upper surface, and the plant about eleven feet high. The Egyptians make ropes of the leaves."

Genesis 7:8

Job 36:6-7


live <02421> [preserveth.]

gives <05414> [giveth.]

poor <06041> [poor. or, afflicted.]



kings <04428> [with.]

<03427> [he doth.]

Ecclesiastes 4:14


<0631> [For out.]

This is probably an allusion to some fact with which we are unacquainted. History furnishes many instances of mean persons raised to sovereign authority, and of kings being reduced to the meanest offices, and to a morsel. Agrippa mounted the throne of Israel after having been long in prison; and similar instances are not wanting in modern times.

born <03205> [also.]

Daniel 2:48


elevated ... to high position <07236> [a great.]

granted him authority <07981> [ruler.]

main <07229> [and chief.]

Daniel 6:3


was distinguishing himself <01934 05330> [was preferred.]

extraordinary <03493> [an.]

intended <06246> [thought.]

Intended to make him grand vizier or {emiru'l umra.} Daniel had now been employed full sixty-five years as prime minister under the kings of Babylon; and was justly entitled, from his acknowledged wisdom, to this preference.

James 2:5


Listen <191> [Hearken.]

Did not ... choose <1586 3756> [Hath not.]

rich <4145> [rich.]

heirs <2818> [heirs.]

poor .............. kingdom <4434 932> [the. or, that which.]

Revelation 1:6


has appointed <4160> [made.]

his ..... to him <846> [to him.]

Revelation 3:21


one ........................ his <846> [him.]

to sit ............. sat down <2523> [to sit.]

I too <2504> [even.]

to sit ............ and sat down <2532 2523> [and am.]

Revelation 5:10


<935> [kings.]

they will reign <936> [we.]

Revelation 22:5


Night .... no ...... not <3756 3571> [no night.]

and ..... need ....... or ............... and they will reign <2532 5532 936> [and they.]

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