NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

1 Samuel 16:7


by ... appearance <05027 04758> [Look not.]

men ... People <0120> [seeth not.]

view ........ look on ........ looks at <07200> [looketh.]

appearance <05869> [outward appearance. Heb. eyes. on the heart.]

Psalms 139:1


psalm <04210> [A.M. 2956. B.C. 1048. (Title.) A Psalm.]

This Psalm is supposed to have been composed by David when made king of Israel; though some think it was written by him when accused of traitorous designs against Saul. It is a most sublime ode on the wisdom, knowledge, presence, and justice of God: the sentiments are grand, the style highly elevated, and the images various, beautiful, and impressive.

examine <02713> [thou hast.]

John 21:17


a third time ................. a third time <5154> [the third.]

was distressed <3076> [grieved.]

Lord <2962> [Lord.]

that ............... you know ... You know that <4771 1492 1097 3754> [thou knowest that.]

Feed <1006> [Feed.]

Revelation 2:23


with a deadly disease <1722 2288> [with death.]

Furthermore ........... and then all .............. and <2532 3956> [and all.]

I am <1473 1510> [I am.]

Furthermore I will strike ........ and then ........ I ........ and ... I will repay <2532 1473 615 1325> [and I will.]

TIP #04: Try using range (OT and NT) to better focus your searches. [ALL]
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