NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

1 Samuel 17:43


dog <03611> [Am.]

cursed <07043> [cursed.]

1 Samuel 17:2


valley <06010> [the valley.]

arranged ... battle lines <06186 04421> [set the battle in array. Heb. ranged the battle.]

1 Samuel 9:8


happen to have .... hand <03027 04672> [I have here at hand. Heb. there is found in my hand.]


Psalms 22:16


dogs <03611> [dogs.]

surround <05437> [compassed.]

gang <05712> [assembly.]

pin <03738> [they pierced.]

The textual reading is {ka„ri,} "as a lion my hands and feet;" but several MSS., read {kƒroo,} and others {karoo} in the margin, which affords the reading adopted by our translators. So the LXX. [oryxan cheiras mou kai podas,] so also the Vulgate, Syriac, Arabic, and Ethiopic; and as all the Evangelists so quote the passage, and apply it to the crucifixion of Christ, there seems scarcely the shadow of a doubt that this is the genuine reading; especially when it is considered, that the other contains no sense at all. The whole difference lies between [vƒv] {wav} and [y“wd,] {yood,} which might easily be mistaken for each other.

Psalms 22:20


life <05315> [soul.]

<03173> [my darling, etc. Heb. my only one from the hand.]

dogs <03611> [the dog.]

Isaiah 56:10-11


watchmen <06822> [watchmen.]

blind <05787> [are blind.]

mute <0483> [they are all dumb.]

pant <01957> [sleeping. or, dreaming, or talking in their sleep. loving.]


[Yea, they are.]

appetites <05794> [greedy. Heb. strong of appetite. can never have enough.]

Heb. know not to be satisfied.

shepherds <07462> [are shepherds.]

monetary <06437> [all look.]

Matthew 7:6


<3588> [that.]

throw <906> [cast.]

turn around <4762> [turn.]

Philippians 3:2


dogs <2965> [of dogs.]

evil <2556> [evil.]

mutilate the flesh <2699> [the.]

Revelation 22:15


Outside <1854> [without.]

dogs <2965> [dogs.]

sorcerers <5333> [sorcerers.]

sexually immoral <4205> [whoremongers.]

everyone <3956> [whosoever.]

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