1 Timothy 4:3
will prohibit <2967> [Forbidding.]
require abstinence <567> [to abstain.]
that ............ believe <3739 4103> [which.]
with <3326> [with.]
believe <4103> [believe.]
1 Timothy 4:8
physical <4984> [bodily.]
in <4314> [little. or, for a little time.]
godliness <2150> [godliness.]
holds <2192> [having.]
De 28:1-14 Job 5:19-26 Ps 37:3,4,16-19,29 84:11 91:10-16
Ps 112:1-3 128:1-6 145:19 Pr 3:16-18 Ec 8:12 Isa 3:10 32:17,18
Isa 33:16 65:13,14 Mt 5:3-12 6:33 19:29 Mr 10:19,20 Lu 12:31
Lu 12:32 Ro 8:28 1Co 3:22 2Pe 1:3,4 1Jo 2:25 Re 3:12,21 [All]