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2 Chronicles 12:2-5


Shishak <07895> [A.M. 3034. B.C. 970. Shishak.]

unfaithful <04603> [because.]


1,200 <03967> [twelve hundred.]

innumerable number <04557> [without number.]

Libyans <03864> [Lubims.]

Lubim, apparently the same with Lehabim (Ge 10:13,) were probably the ancient inhabitants of Lybia, (called Lubi in the Syriac version, Ac 2:10,) a district of Africa, adjoining to Egypt, and extending along the shore of the Mediterranean as far as the city of Cyrene.

Sukkites <05525> [the Sukkiims.]

The Sukkiim, (from {sachach,} "to cover,") are supposed to have been the Troglodites, as the LXX. and Vulgate render, a people of Egypt, on the west of the Red Sea, so called because they dwelt [en troglais,] in caves.

Cushites <03569> [Ethiopians.]

These Cushim were probably the inhabitants of Ethiopia, south of Egypt.

[Cushim. Heb.]


fortified <04694> [the fenced.]

marched <0935> [came.]


Shemaiah <08098> [Shemaiah.]

rejected ...... rejected <05800 0637> [Ye have forsaken me.]

rejected ...... rejected ..... hand <05800 03027> [left you.]

2 Chronicles 20:9-13


[If, when evil.]

front ..... before <06440> [and in thy presence.]

present <08034> [thy name.]

temple .......... temple <01004> [is in this house.]

Several MSS. with the Syriac, Arabic, and Vulgate, read {nikra}, "is invoked:" "thy name is invoked in this house."


allow <05414> [whom thou.]


repaying .... come <01580 0935> [how they reward us.]

Six of Dr. Kennicott's and De Rossi's MSS. and {r„ƒh}, "evil:" "Behold they reward us evil:" which is also the reading of the Targum.

drive <01644> [to cast us.]


judge <08199> [wilt.]

powerless <03581> [we have.]

know <03045> [neither.]

look <05869> [our eyes.]


Judah <03063> [all Judah.]

2 Chronicles 32:1


<01697> [these things.]

King .... Assyria <04428 0804> [king of Assyria.]

seize <01234> [win them. Heb. break them up.]

Leviticus 26:25


bring <0935> [will bring.]

avenging <05358> [avenge.]

send <07971> [I will send.]

Deuteronomy 28:52-57



offspring <06529> [the fruit.]

offspring <0990> [body. Heb. belly.]


<05869> [his eye.]

wife .... remaining <0802 03499> [and toward.]

The Roman armies at length besieged, sacked, and utterly desolated Jerusalem: and during this seige, the famine was so extreme, that even rich and delicate persons, both men and women, ate their own children, and concealed the horrible repast, lest others should tear it from them! "Women snatched the food out of the very mouths of their husbands, and sons of their fathers, and (what is most miserable) mothers of their infants." "In every house, if there appeared any semblance of food, a battle ensued, and the dearest friends and relations fought with one another; snatching away the miserable provisions of life." "A woman distinguished by birth and wealth, after she had been plundered by the tyrants (or soldiers) of all her possessions, boiling her own sucking child, ate half of him, and concealing the other half, reserved it for another time!"

children <01121> [his children.]


[in the seige.]


delicate <06028> [and delicate.]

<05869 03415> [her eye shall be evil.]


afterbirth <07988> [young one. Heb. after-birth. cometh out.]

eat <0398> [for she shall.]

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