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2 Kings 9:25-26


<03068> [the Lord.]


shed blood ... Naboth <05022 01818> [blood of Naboth. Heb. bloods of Naboth. of his sons.]

I will give ... what ... deserve <07999> [I will requite.]

plot ................. plot <02513> [plat. or, portion.]

2 Kings 9:33--10:7


Throw ... down .... threw ... down <08058> [Throw her down.]

horses <05483> [and on the horses.]

This terrible mode of punishment appears to have been but rarely used, though we occasionally meet with it during this and subsequent periods. The same punishment, it is well known, obtained among the Romans, who used to throw certain malefactors from the Tarpeian rock. This practice obtains among the Moors at Constantia, a town of Barbary; and is also of frequent occurrence in Persia.

when ..... ground <07429> [and he trode.]


had a meal <0398> [he did eat.]

accursed .... Bury <0779 06912> [this cursed woman.]

king's <04428> [she is a king's.]


found <04672> [but they found.]


word <01697> [This is.]

through ... servant <03027 05650> [by his. Heb. by the hand of his.]


corpse <05038> [the carcase.]


seventy sons <01121 07657> [seventy sons.]

Samaria .......... Samaria <08111> [in Samaria.]

officials <08269> [the rulers.]

guardians <0539> [them. Heb. nourishers.]


letter <05612> [as soon.]


pick <07200> [Look even.]

master's .......... defend ... master's <03898 0113> [fight for.]


two <08147> [Behold.]

stop .... can <05975> [how then shall.]


subjects <05650> [We are thy servants.]


obey <08085> [If ye be mine. Heb. If ye be for me.]

take ... heads <03947 07218> [take ye.]

[See on]

master's sons ................. sons <0113 01121> [your master's sons.]

raising <01431> [which brought them up.]

"The rich," says Mr. Morier, "hire a {dedeh,} or wet nurse for their children. If a boy, the father appoints a steady man from the age of two years to be his {laleh,} who, I conjecture, must stand in the same capacity as the bringers up of children mentioned in the catastrophe of Ahab's sons. But if it be a daughter, she has a {gees sefeed,} or white head, attached to her for the same purpose as the {laleh.}"


executed ... seventy ... them They <07657 07819> [slew seventy.]

2 Kings 10:11


nobles ... friends ... priests <01419 03045 03548> [and.]

friends <03045> [kinsfolks. or, acquaintance. his priests.]

left ................ left <07604> [he left.]

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