NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

2 Samuel 12:11


bring <06965> [I will raise.]

take <03947> [I will take.]

That is, in the course of my providence I will permit this to be done. Such phrases in Scripture do not mean that God either does or can do evil himself; but only that he permits such evil to be done as he foresaw would be done, and which, had he pleased, he might have prevented.

2 Samuel 16:10


sons <01121> [What have.]

curses ......... Curse <07043> [so let him.]

said ................... said ........ say <0559> [Who shall.]

Genesis 45:5


upset <06087> [be not grieved.]

angry <02734 05869> [nor angry with yourselves. Heb. neither let there be anger in your eyes. God.]

Genesis 50:20


meant ....... intended <02803> [ye thought.]

meant ...... God intended <0430 02803> [God meant.]

Exodus 7:3


harden <07185> [And I.]

multiply <07235> [multiply.]

Exodus 7:1


See <07200> [See.]

God <0430> [a god.]

Exodus 26:19


forty silver bases ......... bases ............. bases <0705 0134 03701> [forty sockets of silver.]

Exodus 26:1


tabernacle ........ ten curtains <04908 06235 03407> [the tabernacle with ten curtains.]

The word {mishcan,} from {shachan,} to dwell, means simply a dwelling-place, or habitation. "When God had brought the children of Israel out of Egypt," says the very learned Dr. Cudworth, "resolving to manifest himself in a peculiar manner present among them, he thought good to dwell amongst them in a visible and external manner; and therefore, while they were in the wilderness, and sojourned in tents, he would have a tent or tabernacle built, to sojourn with them also.--Now, the tabernacle being thus a house for God to dwell in visibly, to make up the notion of dwelling or habitation complete, there must be all things suitable to a house belonging to it. Hence, in the holy place, there must be a table and a candlestick, because these were the ordinary furniture of a room. The table must have its dishes, and spoons, and bowls, and covers, belonging to it, though they were never used; and always be furnished with bread upon it. The candlestick must have its lamps continually burning, etc."

fine twisted linen <08336 07806> [fine twined linen.]

cherubim <03742> [cherubims.]

work .... artistic designer <04639 02803> [cunning work. Heb. the work of a cunning workman, or embroiderer.]

Exodus 22:20-23


sacrifices <02076> [sacrificeth.]

utterly <02763> [utterly.]


wrong ... foreigner ........ foreigners <01616 03238> [vex a stranger.]

foreigner ........ foreigners <01616> [for ye were strangers.]



cry <06817> [they cry at all.]

surely hear <08085> [I will surely.]

Ezekiel 14:9


prophet ......................... prophet <05030> [if the.]

Lord <03068> [I the.]

That is, I have suffered him to be deceived; I have given him up to "strong delusions to believe a lie," as a just judgment upon him for going after idols, and setting up false pretensions to inspiration. God, according to the genius of the Hebrew language, is often said to do a thing, which he only suffers, or permits.

stretch <05186> [and I will.]

Ezekiel 20:25


gave <05414> [I gave.]

The simple meaning of this place is, that when the Israelites had rebelled against God, despised his statutes, and polluted his sabbaths, in effect cast him off, and given themselves up wholly to their idols, then He, in a just judgment for their disobedience, abandoned them, "gave them up to a reprobate mind," (Ro 1:28,) and suffered them to walk after the idolatrous, cruel, and impious customs and ordinances of the heathen; by which they were ripened for the destruction which he intended to bring upon them, that they might learn to know God by his judgments, seeing they had despised his mercies. In the same sense God is said judicially to "send a strong delusion, that they should believe a lie," to those who "received not the love of the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."

Acts 4:28


to do <4160> [to do.]

and <2532> [and.]

Acts 4:2


angry <1278> [grieved.]

announcing <2605> [preached.]

Acts 2:11


Cretans <2912> [Cretes.]

Arabs <690> [Arabians.]

great deeds <3167> [wonderful.]

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