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2 Samuel 7:12-16


time <03117> [And when.]

die <07901> [sleep.]

raise up <06965> [I will set.]


build <01129> [He shall.]

<03559> [I will stablish.]


father <01> [I will be.]

sins <05753> [If he.]

father ............. correct <01 03198> [I will.]


loyal love <02617> [But my.]

removed ...... removed ....... removed <05493> [as I took.]


2 Samuel 7:25-29


reality <06965 05704> [establish it.]


fame <08034> [let thy.]

before <06440> [before thee.]


dynastic <01540> [revealed. Heb. opened the ear.]

build <01129> [I will.]

dynastic <04672> [found.]


words <01697> [thy words.]


willing ... bless ............................ blessed <01288 02974> [let it please thee to bless. Heb. be thou pleased and bless.]

permanently <05769> [for ever.]

2 Samuel 7:1


king <04428> [the king.]

Lord <03068> [the Lord.]

2 Samuel 17:11-14


Israel <03478> [all Israel.]

sand <02344> [as the sand.]

lead <01980> [thou go. Heb. they face, or presence, go, etc. in thine.]


wherever ................................... one <04725 0259> [in some place.]

<05168> [we will light.]

This is a very beautiful and expressive figure. The dew in Palestine, and other warm climates, falls fast, sudden, and heavy; and it falls upon every spot of earth, so that not a blade of grass escapes it. It is therefore no inapt emblem of a numerous and active army; and it was, perhaps, for this reason that the Romans called their light armed forces {rorarii.}


take up ropes <05375 02256> [bring ropes.]

In the same manner the king of Maturan, in Java, proposed pulling down a tower which the Dutch had built, by making his people and elephants pull at a number of chains, and ropes of cocoa-nut bark, thrown around it.

pebble <01571 06872> [one small.]


Lord .............. Lord <03068> [the Lord.]

had <06680> [appointed. Heb. commanded.]

frustrate <06565> [to defeat.]

advice ....... better .... advice ............. advice <06098 02896> [good counsel.]

2 Samuel 17:23-27


When ... realized <07200> [saw.]

he <06213> [followed. Heb. done. his city.]

had ............. house ...... setting ... household <06680 01004> [put his household in order. Heb. gave charge concerning his house.]

hanged <02614> [and hanged.]


Mahanaim <04266> [Mahanaim.]


Amasa ............. Amasa <06021> [Amasa.]

Jether <03501> [Ithra.]

[Jether the Ishmaelite. Abigail. Heb. Abigal. Nahash. or,]



land <0776> [land of the Gilead.]


son ... Nahash ...... Ammonites .... son <01121 05176> [the son of Nahash.]

Makir <04353> [Machir.]

Barzillai <01271> [Barzillai.]

2 Samuel 1:6-7


happened <07136> [As I happened.]

The story of this young man appears to be wholly a fiction, formed for the purpose of ingratiating himself with David, as the next probable successor to the crown. There is no fact in the case, except for the bringing of the diadem and bracelets of Saul, as a sufficient evidence of his death, which, as he appears to been a plunderer of the slain, he seems to have stripped from the dead body of the unfortunate monarch. It is remarkable, that Saul, who had forfeited his crown by his disobedience and ill-timed clemency with respect to the Amalekites, should now have the insignia of royalty stripped from his person by one of those very people.

Mount <02022> [mount.]

Saul <07586> [Saul.]


[Here am I. Heb. Behold me.]

Psalms 89:35-37


Once <0259> [Once.]

deceive <03576> [that I will not lie. Heb. If I lie.]


dynasty <02233> [seed.]

throne <03678> [and.]


remain <03559> [It shall.]

That is, as long as the sun and moon shall endure, as long as time shall last, his kingdom shall continue among men. The moon is probably termed a faithful witness, because by her, particularly, time is measured. Her decrease and increase are especially observed by every nation; and by these time is generally estimated, especially among eastern nations:--So many moons is a man old--so many moons since such an event happened; and even their years are reckoned by lunations. Or, the rainbow may be intended; that faithful sign which God has established in the clouds, that the earth shall no more be destroyed by water.

stable <05769> [ever.]

endure <0539> [and as.]

Psalms 132:11-12


made .... promise <07650> [sworn.]

descendants <06529> [Of the fruit.]

descendants <0990> [body. Heb. belly.]


sons ............ sons <01121> [If thy children.]

sons ............ sons <01121> [their children.]

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