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2 Samuel 7:15-16


loyal love <02617> [But my.]

removed ...... removed ....... removed <05493> [as I took.]


2 Samuel 7:1


king <04428> [the king.]

Lord <03068> [the Lord.]

2 Samuel 11:12-13



drunk <07937> [made him.]

servants <05650> [with the servants.]


2 Samuel 11:1


[A.M. 2969. B.C. 1035. An. Ex. Is. 456. after the year, etc. Heb. at the return of the year.]

time <06256> [at the time.]

The sacred historian seems to intimate that there was one particular time of the year to which military operations were limited; and Josephus informs us that this took place in the beginning of spring. In another part of his works he says, that as soon as spring was begun, Adad levied and led forth his army against the Hebrews. Antiochus also prepared to invade Judea at the first appearance of spring; and Vespasian marched to Antipatris at the commencement of the same season. The kings and armies of the East, says Chardin, do not march but when there is grass, and when they can encamp, which is in April. This rule, however, seems to be disregarded in modern times.

David sent out ................... David <07971 01732> [David sent.]

Rabbah <07237> [Rabbah.]

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