Kidung Jemaat
Genesis 12:4
Abraham, Abraham [KJ.71]
1. Abraham, Abraham, tinggalkanlah neg'ri tentram,
Abraham, Abraham, berjalanlah dengan iman!
Jumlah bintang tak terbilang, turunanmu pun demikian;
Ikutlah petunjukKu ke neg'ri pusakamu!
Kej 12:1-9
Kis 7:3
Ibr 11:8-10
2. Abraham, Abraham, tinggalkanlah neg'ri tentram;
Abraham, Abraham, berjalanlah dengan iman!
Bangsa-bangsa dunia nanti; dalam dikau Kuberkati;
Ingat akan sabdaKu di sepanjang jalanmu!
Gal 3:7-8, 14
3. Abraham, Abraham, berangkat sungguh beriman;
Abraham, Abraham menuju tanah Kanaan.
Yakin, tanpa keraguan ia ikut sabda Tuhan.
Mari, ikutlah serta ke neg'ri sejahtera!Play Keluar Dari Kaum [KJ.342]
1. Keluar dari kaum dan rumah bapakmu, serahkan dirimu
kepada rahmat Hu. Percaya sabdaNya. Berjalan dengan
suka ke tanah air baka yang tertentu di muka.
Kej 12:1-9
Ibr 11:8-10
2. Pergi dengan seg'ra ke lorong negeri dan simpangannya yang
buruk dan keji. B'ri rumahKu penuh. Jemput segala orang
ke rumah s'lamatKu; tempatnya tidak kurang.
Mat 22:8-10
Yoh 14:2
3. Keluar! Ajarlah seluruh dunia. Taburkan InjilKu di sawah-
ladangnya! Mau t'rang, maupun gelap di rumah dan kerjamu,
baik ingatlah tetap: 'Ku menyertai kamu.Mat 28:19-20
Mrk 16:15
Luk 24:47
Kis 1:8
Genesis 2:7
Takkah Patut Ku Bernyanyi [KJ.290]
1. Takkah patut 'ku bernyanyi syukur bagi Tuhanku,
kar'na rahmat tak berbanding yang melimpah selalu?
Memang sungguh dan setia, tak terhingga kasihNya
Dan kekal bimbinganNya bagi yang mengabdi Dia.
Biar dunia lenyap, kasih Allah 'kan tetap.
Ibr 1:11
2. Bagai burung rajawali melindungi anaknya Tuhan pun
berkali-kali t'lah menolong hambaNya. Semenjak dikandung
ibu, waktu aku dibentuk, dan sepanjang umurku ditanganNya
aku hidup. Biar dunia lenyap, kasih Allah 'kan tetap!
Kel 19:4
Ul 32:11-12
Mzm 139:13-15
3. Bahkan PutraNya sendiri rela diserahkanNya; ditebusNya aku ini
oleh kuasa darahNya. Sungguh aku takkan mampu, wahai Sumber
kurnia, dengan rohku yang lemah mengerti kedalamanMu.
Biar dunia lenyap, kasih Allah 'kan tetap!Yoh 3:16
Rm 8:32
Rm 3:25
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Kor 2:10-11
4. Dalam dunia' ku dikawal oleh Roh dan FirmanNya yang menuntun
dari awal aku dalam t'rang baka, hingga hatiku percaya makin kuat
dan teguh, bahwa kuasa seteru, maut dan Iblis, tak berdaya.
Biar dunia lenyap, kasih Allah 'kan tetap!
Rm 8:14
Yoh 16:13
1 Kor 15:54-56
Ibr 2:14-15
Why 1:18
5. Langit, bumi, segalanya diciptakan bagiku; kutemukan semuanya
menyenangkan hatiku. Hewan, unggas dan tumbuhan, darat, laut,
udara pun jadi rahmat bagiku yang kudapat dari TuhanKej 1-2
Mzm 8:7-9
Play Tuhan, Pencipta Semesta [KJ.289]
1. Tuhan, Pencipta semesta, Kaulah Yang Mahamulia;
sungguh besar karunia yang Kauberi.
Why 4:11
2. KasihMu nyata terjelma di sinar surya yang cerah,
di sawah dan tuaiannya yang Kauberi.
Kej 8:22
Mzm 65:10-14
Mzm 67:7-8
3. Puji syukur terimalah atas berkat anugerah
di rumah yang sejahtera yang Kauberi.
4. Kau merelakan Put'raMu, supaya dunia ditebus;
denganNya kurnia penuh t'lah Kuberi.
Rm 8:32
Ef 1:7, 14
5. Kau mencurahkan Roh Kudus dengan segala
yang perlu: hidup, kuasa, kasihMu Engkau beri.
Gal 5:22-23
6. Tidak terbalas kurnia, ampunan dosa dunia
dan pengharapan yang baka yang Kauberi.
Mzm 116:12
Mi 6:6
1 Yoh 2:2
7. Hilanglah harta yang fana; yang kami cari hanyalah
harta sorgawi yang baka yang Kauberi.
Mat 6:19-21
8. Pemb'rian kami s'lamanya dari tanganMu asalnya;
yang Kauterima itulah yang Kauberi.
1 Taw 29:13-14
9. Terima hormat dan sembah, terima hidup dan kerja
serta sekalian benda yang Kauberi.Why 5:12-13
Genesis 31:1-55
[Gen 31:13] O God Of Bethel, By Whose Hand
O God of Bethel, by Whose hand
Thy people still are fed,
Who through this weary pilgrimage
Hast all our fathers led.Our vows, our prayers, we now present
Before Thy throne of grace;
God of our fathers, be the God
Of their succeeding race.Through each perplexing path of life
Our wandering footsteps guide;
Give us each day our daily bread,
And raiment fit provide.O spread Thy covering wings around
Till all our wanderings cease,
And at our Father’s loved abode
Our souls arrive in peace.Such blessings from Thy gracious hand
Our humble prayers implore;
And Thou shalt be our chosen God,
And portion evermore.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Gen 31:49] Holy Father, In Thy Mercy
Holy Father, in Thy mercy,
Hear our anxious prayer.
Keep our loved ones, now far distant,
’Neath Thy care.Jesus, Savior, let Thy presence
Be their light and guide;
Keep, oh, keep them, in their weakness,
At Thy side.When in sorrow, when in danger,
When in loneliness,
In Thy love look down and comfort
Their distress.May the joy of Thy salvation
Be their strength and stay;
May they love and may they praise Thee
Day by day.Holy Spirit, let Thy teaching
Sanctify their life;
Send Thy grace, that they may conquer
In the strife.Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
God the One in Three,
Bless them, guide them, save them, keep them
Near to Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Genesis 19:1-29
[Gen 19:17] Haste, Traveler, Haste!
Haste, traveler, haste! the night comes on,
And many a shining hour is gone;
The storm is gathering in the west,
And thou art from home and rest.O far from home thy footsteps stray;
Christ is the life, and Christ the way,
And Christ the light; thy setting sun
Sinks ere thy morning is begun.Awake, awake! pursue thy way
With steady course, while yet ’tis day;
While thou art sleeping on the ground,
Danger and darkness gather round.The rising tempest sweeps the sky;
The rains descend, the winds are high;
The waters swell, and death and fear
Beset thy path, nor refuge near.O yes! a shelter you may gain,
A covert from the wind and the rain,
A hiding-place a rest, a home,
A refuge from the wrath to come.Then linger not in all the plain,
Flee for thy life, the mountain gain;
Look not behind, make no delay,
O speed thee, speed thee on thy way!Poor, lost, benighted soul! art thou
Wiling to find salvation now?
There yet is hope; hear mercy’s call:
Truth! Life! Light! Way! in Christ is all!Play source: Cyberhymnal
Genesis 2:7
[Gen 2:7] Arise, All Souls, Arise
Arise, all souls, arise! The watch is past;
A glory breaks above the cloud at last.
There comes a rushing mighty wind again!
The breath of God is still the life of men;
The day ascending fills the waiting skies,
All souls, arise!It comes the breath of God through all the skies!
To live, to breathe with Him, all souls, arise!
Open the windows toward the shining East;
Call in the guests, and spread a wider feast,
The Lord pours forth as sacramental wine
His breath divine!It comes a larger life, a deeper breath;
Arise, all souls, arise, and conquer death!
Spread forth the feast, the dew and manna fall
And angels whisper, “Drink ye of it all;
Drink of His truth, and feed upon His love,
With saints above!”Arise, all souls, arise, to meet your Guest!
His light flames from the East unto the West.
The Lord of earth and Heaven is at the door,
He comes to break His bread to all His poor;
Arise and serve with Him, His moment flies;
All souls arise!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Gen 2:7] Lord At First Had Adam Made, The
The Lord at first had Adam made
Out of the dust and clay,
And in his nostrils breathèd life,
E’en as the Scriptures say.
And then in Eden’s paradise
He placèd him to dwell,
That he within it should remain,
To dress and keep it well.Refrain
Now let good Christians all begin
A holier life to live,
And to rejoice and merry be,
For this is Christmas Eve.And thus within the garden he
Was set, therein to stay;
And in commandment unto him
These words the Lord did say:
“The fruit which in the garden grows
To thee shall be for meat,
Except the tree in midst thereof,
Of which thou shalt not eat.”Refrain
“For in the day thou shalt it touch
Or dost to it come nigh,
If so thou do but eat thereof,
Then thou shalt surely die.”
But Adam he did take no heed
Unto that only thing,
But did transgress God’s holy Law,
And so was wrapt in sin.Refrain
Now mark the goodness of the Lord,
Which He to mankind bore;
His mercy soon He did extend,
Lost man for to restore;
And therefore to redeem our souls
From death and hell and thrall,
He said His own dear Son should be
The Savior of us all.Refrain
Which promise now is brought to pass:
Christians, believe it well:
And by the death of God’s dear Son,
We are redeemed from hell.
So if we truly do believe,
And do the thing that’s right,
Then by His merits we at last
Shall live in Heaven bright.Refrain
And now the tide is nigh at hand,
In which our Savior came;
Let us rejoice and merry be
In keeping of the same;
Let’s feed the poor and hungry souls,
And such as do it crave;
And when we die, in Heaven we
Our sure reward shall have.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Gen 2:7] O Breath Of Life
O Breath of life, come sweeping through us,
Revive Thy church with life and power;
O Breath of life, come, cleanse, renew us,
And fit Thy church to meet this hour.O Wind of God, come bend us, break us,
Till humbly we confess our need;
Then in Thy tenderness remake us,
Revive, restore, for this we plead.O Breath of love, come breathe within us,
Renewing thought and will and heart;
Come, Love of Christ, afresh to win us,
Revive Thy church in every part.O Heart of Christ, once broken for us,
’Tis there we find our strength and rest;
Our broken, contrite hearts now solace,
And let Thy waiting church be blest.Revive us, Lord! Is zeal abating
While harvest fields are vast and white?
Revive, us Lord, the world is waiting,
Equip Thy church to spread the light.Play source: Cyberhymnal