Kidung Jemaat
Genesis 1:14
- Allahkulah Kuatku dan Mazmurku [KJ.62]
1. Allahkulah kuatku dan mazmurku;
namaNya dan karyaNya mahaagung; segala alam milikNya.
Mzm 118:14
2. Terciptalah semua oleh firman;
yang ada itu pun lenyap dan hilang jikalau dititahkanNya.
Kej 1:3-25
Mzm 33:6-9
Mzm 104:29-30
3. PakaianNya semarak bercahaya;
Dialah Raja untuk selamaNya; yang adil dasar takhtaNya.
Mzm 104:1-2
Mzm 97:1-2
4. Ya Tuhanku, Engkau selalu hadir;
Allahku tanpa awal, tanpa akhir, siapa menandingiMu?
1 Tim 1:17
Yes 40:25
5. Di tanganMu aku ten'tram dan aman;
Engkau kenal yang bakal kurancangkan, Engkau periksa hatiku.
Mzm 139:4, 23
6. Engkau dekat, jalanku Kaumaklumi
ke batas laut dan ke ujung bumi, di tiap waktu dan tempat.
Mzm 139:7-12
7. Pikiranku dan hasratku Kaubaca;
setiap tindak, yang benar dan salah, terbuka bagi mataMu.
Mzm 139:1-3
8. MilikMulah segala yang 'ku punya;
dengan semua patut kuagungkan namaMu, Tuhan, s'lamanya.
1 Kor 6:19-20
9. Kembang kecil cerminan hikmat Tuhan;
udara, laut, padang, pegunungan memuji Dikau bertahlil.
Mat 6:28-29
Mzm 148:7-10
10. Engkau beri segala keperluan;
Kausiram tanah, padi Kautumbuhkan: Kaubuka sumber rezeki.
Im 26:4-5
Mzm 104:10-18
Mzm 104:27-28
11. Tanpa Engkau tiada pipit jatuh;
hidupku pun berada di tanganMu: rahmatMu, Bapa, tidak jauh.
Mat 10:29-31
12. Pelindungku Engkau, ya Sumber s'lamat;
'ku tak gentar: di dunia dan akhirat Engkau tempatku berteduh.Mzm 142:6
Play - Hai Mari Sembah [KJ.4]
O Worship the King
1. Hai mari sembah Yang Maha besar,
Nyanyian syukur dengan bergemar.
Perisai umatNya, Yang Maha esa,
Mulia namaNya, takhtaNya megah
2. Hai masyhurkanlah keagunganNya;
cahaya terang itu jubahNya.
Gemuruh suaraNya di awan kelam;
Berjalanlah Dia di badai kencang.
Mzm 104:1-7
3. Buana penuh mujizat ajaib,
ya Khalik, Engkau membuatnya baik.
Engkau memisahkan daratan dan laut
Dengan kuasa firman : besarlah Engkau!
Kej 1:3-31
Mzm 104:7-9
4. PengasuhanMu betapa megah:
udara dan t'rang menyatakannya,
embun bertetesan dan hutan sejuk,
lembah maupun bukit cermin kasihMu!
Mzm 104:10-18
5. UmatMu lemah dan dari debu,
tetap memegang janjiMu teguh.
Kasih setiaMu berlimpah terus,
Ya Khalik, Pembela dan Kawan kudus!
Mzm 103:14-18
6. Ya Mahabesar, kekal kasihMu;
malaikat memb'ri pujian merdu,
pun kami, mahlukMu kecil dan lemah,
mengangkat pujian serta menyembah.Mzm 103:20-22
Mzm 148
Play - Pada Mulanya [KJ.69]
1. Pada mulanya gelap semuanya, sunyi senyaplah samudera.
Allah bersabda: terang bercahya; hari pertama di dunia.
2. Pada mulanya belum ada langit; atas dan bawah tercampurlah.
Allah bersabda: bentangan pun jadi; hari kedua di dunia.
3. Pada mulanya belum ada tanah yang menumbuhkan tanamannya.
Allah bersabda: terciptalah darat; hari ketiga di dunia.
4. Pada mulanya belum ada surya, bulan dan bintang dan masanya.
Allah bersabda membuat semua; hari keempat di dunia.
5. Pada mulanya belum ada ikan, burung bersayap belum pernah.
Allah bersabda: segala tercipta; hari kelima di dunia.
6. Pada mulanya belum ada hewan yang menemani manusia.
Allah bersabda menjadikan insan; hari keenam di dunia.
7. Pada mulanya semua terjadi: langit dan bumi dan isinya.
Allah Pencipta telah memberkati hari ketujuh di dunia.Play - Sebelum Semua Jadi [KJ.136]
1. Sebelum semua jadi ada Firman Mulia;
Dia Alfa dan Omega, citra Allah BapaNya.
Dia itu Yang Pertama, pun Yang Akhir
Dialah selamanya dan abadi.
Ams 8:23
Yoh 1:1-2
Why 1:8
Why 22:13
2. Oleh Firman diciptakan yang mengisi semesta:
langit, bumi dan samud'ra beserta penghuninya.
Oleh Dia, untuk Dia terbentuk semuanya
selamanya dan abadi.
Kej 1:3-31
Mzm 33:6
Yoh 1:3
Ibr 1:2
Kol 1:16
3. Ia ambil rupa insan, rupa Adam yang fana,
menderita sampai mati menebus manusia,
agar kita tak binasa, tapi hidup olehNya
selamanya dan abadi.
Yoh 1:14
Flp 2:6-8
Yoh 3:16
4. Ia pun telah dikandung dar pada Roh Kudus
dan perawan terberkati melahirkan penebus.
Tampak wujud Jurus'lamat di wajahNya yang kudus
selamanya dan abadi.
Mat 1:20
Luk 1:35, 42
2 Kor 4:6
5. Puji, hai malaikat sorga, puji Raja semesta!
Penguasa duniawi, puji Allah Yang Esa!
Biarlah segala lidah mengagungkan Tuhannya
selamanya dan abadi.
Mzm 148
Luk 2:14
Flp 2:9-11
6. Janji pada masa lampau dalam Dia t'lah genap.
Dialah yang disyairkan di halaman Alkitab.
Sudah datang Jurus'lamat; puji syukur menggegap
selamanya dan abadi.
Mat 1:22-23
7. Maha Hakim orang mati, Raja orang hidup pun,
Kau di takhta Allah Bapa mengalahkan lawanMu.
Unsur jahat Kauenyahkan dalam penghakimanMu
selamanya dan abadi.
2 Kor 5:10
Why 20:11-15
Kis 2:33-35
8. Biar kami, tua-muda, umatMu, kecil-besar,
bersyukur memuji Dikau, Raja adil dan benar:
biar madah orang s'lamat silih-ganti terdengar
selamanya dan abadi.Mzm 148:12-13
Why 19:5
Why 15:2-4
9. KepadaMu, Yesus Kristus, dan kepada BapaMu
dan kepada Roh Penghibur layak diberi syukur,
puji, hormat dan kuasa dalam KerajaanMu
selamanya dan abadi.Play - Sungguh Indah Alam [KJ.61]
1. Sungguh indah alam ciptaan Tuhan;
Hewan, burung, ikan, tumbuh-tumbuhan.
Kej 1:3-25
2. Dan angkasa raya, bintang dan bulan;
seg'nap tata surya memuji Tuhan.
3. Tuhanku menjaga sejagat raya;
burung, margasatwa cukup makannya.
Mzm 104:27-28
4. Ajar aku, Tuhan, buka mataku,
b'lajar dari alam lihat hikmatMu.Play - Takkah Patut Ku Bernyanyi [KJ.290]
1. Takkah patut 'ku bernyanyi syukur bagi Tuhanku,
kar'na rahmat tak berbanding yang melimpah selalu?
Memang sungguh dan setia, tak terhingga kasihNya
Dan kekal bimbinganNya bagi yang mengabdi Dia.
Biar dunia lenyap, kasih Allah 'kan tetap.
Ibr 1:11
2. Bagai burung rajawali melindungi anaknya Tuhan pun
berkali-kali t'lah menolong hambaNya. Semenjak dikandung
ibu, waktu aku dibentuk, dan sepanjang umurku ditanganNya
aku hidup. Biar dunia lenyap, kasih Allah 'kan tetap!
Kel 19:4
Ul 32:11-12
Mzm 139:13-15
3. Bahkan PutraNya sendiri rela diserahkanNya; ditebusNya aku ini
oleh kuasa darahNya. Sungguh aku takkan mampu, wahai Sumber
kurnia, dengan rohku yang lemah mengerti kedalamanMu.
Biar dunia lenyap, kasih Allah 'kan tetap!Yoh 3:16
Rm 8:32
Rm 3:25
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Kor 2:10-11
4. Dalam dunia' ku dikawal oleh Roh dan FirmanNya yang menuntun
dari awal aku dalam t'rang baka, hingga hatiku percaya makin kuat
dan teguh, bahwa kuasa seteru, maut dan Iblis, tak berdaya.
Biar dunia lenyap, kasih Allah 'kan tetap!
Rm 8:14
Yoh 16:13
1 Kor 15:54-56
Ibr 2:14-15
Why 1:18
5. Langit, bumi, segalanya diciptakan bagiku; kutemukan semuanya
menyenangkan hatiku. Hewan, unggas dan tumbuhan, darat, laut,
udara pun jadi rahmat bagiku yang kudapat dari TuhanKej 1-2
Mzm 8:7-9
Play - Tuhan, karyaMu Sungguh Besar [KJ.63]
Many and Great, O God
1. Tuhan, karyaMu sungguh besar, ya Khalik semesta:
bintang dan bulan, surya terang, gunung, lembah yang tinggi rendah,
sungai kecil ciptaan firmanMu.
Kej 1:3-25
Mzm 104
2. Tuhan, curahkanlah kasihMu, lindungi umatMu.
Biarlah RohMu tinggal serta dan memb'ri kami hidup kekal.
Tuhan, dengarlah doa syukur, pujian padaMu.
Play - Tuhan, Pencipta Semesta [KJ.289]
1. Tuhan, Pencipta semesta, Kaulah Yang Mahamulia;
sungguh besar karunia yang Kauberi.
Why 4:11
2. KasihMu nyata terjelma di sinar surya yang cerah,
di sawah dan tuaiannya yang Kauberi.
Kej 8:22
Mzm 65:10-14
Mzm 67:7-8
3. Puji syukur terimalah atas berkat anugerah
di rumah yang sejahtera yang Kauberi.
4. Kau merelakan Put'raMu, supaya dunia ditebus;
denganNya kurnia penuh t'lah Kuberi.
Rm 8:32
Ef 1:7, 14
5. Kau mencurahkan Roh Kudus dengan segala
yang perlu: hidup, kuasa, kasihMu Engkau beri.
Gal 5:22-23
6. Tidak terbalas kurnia, ampunan dosa dunia
dan pengharapan yang baka yang Kauberi.
Mzm 116:12
Mi 6:6
1 Yoh 2:2
7. Hilanglah harta yang fana; yang kami cari hanyalah
harta sorgawi yang baka yang Kauberi.
Mat 6:19-21
8. Pemb'rian kami s'lamanya dari tanganMu asalnya;
yang Kauterima itulah yang Kauberi.
1 Taw 29:13-14
9. Terima hormat dan sembah, terima hidup dan kerja
serta sekalian benda yang Kauberi.Why 5:12-13
Philippians 4:13
- 'Ku Ingin Menyerahkan [KJ.441]
1. 'Ku ingin menyerahkan seluruh hidupku, sekalipun tak layak,
kepada Tuhanku. Kubunuh keinginan dan hasrat hatiku, supaya
hanya Tuhan mengisi hidupku.
Rm 8:13
Gal 5:24
Kol 3:5
2. Di waktu kesusahan tak usah 'ku gentar; dib'riNya perlindungan,
hatiku pun segar. DarahNya dicurahkan, nyawaNya pun dib'ri,
teruraslah jiwaku, hidupku berseri.
Mrk 14:24
Yoh 10:11, 15
Yoh 15:13
3. Tentu beban tak tanggal, lenyap serta merta, dan salib yang kupikul
tak jatuh segera. Kendati demikian, bertambah dayaku, sebab
pengasihanNya menopang hidupku.
Rm 5:3-4
Flp 4:13
Yak 1:2-4
4. Setiap aku jatuh, dirangkul 'ku erat, tak kunjung dibiarkan anakNya
tersesat. Dan RohNya menerangkan kasihNya yang besar, sehingga
dalam susah hatiku bergemar.
Mzm 66:9
Mzm 73:23
Mzm 145:14
5. KasihNya menentukan waktuNya tepat memanggil aku pulang,
yang rindu dan penat. Di sorga kusampaikan pujian, syukurku,
sebab dib'ri ujian di dalam hidupku.Play
Colossians 1:11
- Majulah, Majulah [KJ.253]
1. Majulah, majulah, maju dalam t'rang permai dan nyalakanlah
pelita menantikan Mempelai; sumber Hidup hanya Dia.
Umat Tuhan, masuk pintuNya, majulah, majulah!
Yes 60:1
Mat 25:1-13
Mzm 118:20
Mat 7:13-14
Yoh 10:7-9
Why 3:8
2. Tabahlah, tabahlah, tabah tanpa mengeluh; tanggunglah cerca dan duka,
taat sampai ajalmu. Lihat tajuk kehidupan;
biar Iblis datang menerpa, tabahlah, tabahlah!
2 Kor 1:6
Ef 6:10-13
Ibr 12:1-3
1 Ptr 2:21-23
1 Ptr 5:4, 8
Why 2:10
3. Tolaklah, tolaklah tolak rayu dunia yang mencoba memegahkan
dikau oleh hartanya; jangan pandang kesenangan:
janji Iblis dan godaannya tolaklah, tolaklah!
1 Tim 6:9-10
2 Tim 3:2
Yak 1:2-4
Ef 4:27
Yak 4:7
4. Ujilah, ujilah, ujilah setiap roh yang memikat kiri kanan
untuk menyesatkanmu. Ikut Bintang Pengharapan,
tapi yang tersamar nampaknya ujilah, ujilah!
1 Yoh 4:1
5. Tumbuhlah, tumbuhlah, tumbu dalam Tuhanmu: Roh dan Hidup kauseraplah;
jangan maut kautempuh. Subur oleh kuasa Allah
bagai carang hijau s'lamanya tumbuhlah, tumbuhlah!Yoh 15:1-8
Ef 4:15
Kol 1:10-11
Kol 2:19
2 Ptr 3:18
Genesis 32:1-32
[Gen 32:24] Come, O Thou Traveler Unknown
Come, O thou Traveler unknown,
Whom still I hold, but cannot see!
My company before is gone,
And I am left alone with Thee;
With Thee all night I mean to stay,
And wrestle till the break of day.I need not tell Thee who I am,
My misery and sin declare;
Thyself hast called me by my name,
Look on Thy hands, and read it there;
But who, I ask Thee, who art Thou?
Tell me Thy name, and tell me now.In vain Thou strugglest to get free,
I never will unloose my hold!
Art Thou the Man that died for me?
The secret of Thy love unfold;
Wrestling, I will not let Thee go,
Till I Thy name, Thy nature know.Wilt Thou not yet to me reveal
Thy new, unutterable Name?
Tell me, I still beseech Thee, tell;
To know it now resolved I am;
Wrestling, I will not let Thee go,
Till I Thy Name, Thy nature know.’Tis all in vain to hold Thy tongue
Or touch the hollow of my thigh;
Though every sinew be unstrung,
Out of my arms Thou shalt not fly;
Wrestling I will not let Thee go
Till I Thy name, Thy nature know.What though my shrinking flesh complain,
And murmur to contend so long?
I rise superior to my pain,
When I am weak, then I am strong
And when my all of strength shall fail,
I shall with the God-man prevail.My strength is gone, my nature dies,
I sink beneath Thy weighty hand,
Faint to revive, and fall to rise;
I fall, and yet by faith I stand;
I stand and will not let Thee go
Till I Thy Name, Thy nature know.Yield to me now, for I am weak,
But confident in self-despair;
Speak to my heart, in blessings speak,
Be conquered by my instant prayer;
Speak, or Thou never hence shalt move,
And tell me if Thy Name is Love.’Tis Love! ’tis Love! Thou diedst for me!
I hear Thy whisper in my heart;
The morning breaks, the shadows flee,
Pure, universal love Thou art;
To me, to all, Thy bowels move;
Thy nature and Thy Name is Love.My prayer hath power with God; the grace
Unspeakable I now receive;
Through faith I see Thee face to face,
I see Thee face to face, and live!
In vain I have not wept and strove;
Thy nature and Thy Name is Love.I know Thee, Savior, who Thou art.
Jesus, the feeble sinner’s friend;
Nor wilt Thou with the night depart.
But stay and love me to the end,
Thy mercies never shall remove;
Thy nature and Thy Name is Love.The Sun of righteousness on me
Hath rose with healing in His wings,
Withered my nature’s strength; from Thee
My soul its life and succor brings;
My help is all laid up above;
Thy nature and Thy Name is Love.Contented now upon my thigh
I halt, till life’s short journey end;
All helplessness, all weakness I
On Thee alone for strength depend;
Nor have I power from Thee to move:
Thy nature, and Thy name is Love.Lame as I am, I take the prey,
Hell, earth, and sin, with ease o’ercome;
I leap for joy, pursue my way,
And as a bounding hart fly home,
Through all eternity to prove
Thy nature and Thy Name is Love.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Gen 32:26] I Would Not Be Denied
When pangs of death seized on my soul,
Unto the Lord I cried;
Till Jesus came and made me whole,
I would not be denied.Refrain
I would not be denied,
I would not be denied,
Till Jesus came and made me whole,
I would not be denied.As Jacob in the days of old,
I wrestled with the Lord;
And instant, with a courage bold,
I stood upon His Word.Refrain
Old Satan said my Lord was gone
And would not hear my prayer;
But praise the Lord, the work is done,
And Christ the Lord is here.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Gen 32:26] Lord, I Cannot Let Thee Go
Lord, I cannot let Thee go,
[originally, Nay, I cannot let Thee go]
Till a blessing Thou bestow:
Do not turn away Thy face,
Mine’s an urgent, pressing case.Dost Thou ask me who I am?
Ah! my Lord, Thou know’st my name;
Yet the question gives a plea
To support my suit with Thee.Thou didst once a wretch behold,
In rebellion blindly bold,
Scorn Thy grace, Thy power defy:
That poor rebel, Lord, was I.Once a sinner, near despair,
Sought Thy mercy seat by prayer;
Mercy heard, and set him free:
Lord, that mercy came to me.Many days have passed since then,
Many changes I have seen;
Yet have been upheld till now;
Who could hold me up but Thou?Thou hast helped in every need;
This emboldens me to plead:
After so much mercy past,
Canst Thou let me sink at last?No, I must maintain my hold;
’Tis Thy goodness makes me bold;
I can no denial take,
When I plead for Jesus’ sake.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Gen 32:26] My God, I Know, I Feel Thee Mine
My God! I know, I feel Thee mine,
And will not quit my claim,
Till all I have is lost in Thine,
And all renewed I am.I hold Thee with a trembling hand,
But will not let Thee go,
Till steadfastly by faith I stand,
And all Thy goodness know.When shall I see the welcome hour,
That plants my God in me!
Spirit of health, and life, and power,
And perfect liberty!Jesus, Thine all victorious love
Shed in my heart abroad;
Then shall my feet no longer rove,
Rooted and fixed in God.Love only can the conquest win,
The strength of sin subdue,
(My own unconquerable sin)
And form my soul anew.Love can bow down the stubborn neck,
The stone to flesh convert,
Soften, and melt, and pierce, and break
An adamantine heart.O that in me the sacred fire
Might now begin to glow,
Burn up the dross of base desire,
And make the mountains flow!O that it now from heaven might fall,
And all my sins consume!
Come, Holy Ghost, for Thee I call,
Spirit of burning, come!Refining fire, go through my heart,
Illuminate my soul;
Scatter Thy life through every part,
And sanctify the whole.No longer then my heart shall mourn,
While, purified by grace,
I only for His glory burn,
And always see His face.My steadfast soul, from falling free,
Shall then no longer move;
But Christ be all the world to me,
And all my heart be love.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Gen 32:26] Shepherd Divine, Our Wants Relieve
Shepherd divine, our wants relieve
In this our evil day,
To all Thy tempted followers give
The power to watch and pray.Long as our fiery trials last,
Long as the cross we bear,
O let our souls on Thee be cast
In never ceasing prayer!The Spirit of interceding grace
Give us in faith to claim;
To wrestle till we see Thy face,
And know Thy hidden Name.Till thou Thy perfect love impart,
Till thou thyself bestow,
Be this the cry of every heart,
“I will not let Thee go:“I will not let Thee go, unless
Thou tell Thy name to me,
With all Thy great salvation bless,
And make me all like Thee:“Then let me on the mountain top
Behold Thy open face,
Where faith in sight is swallowed up,
And prayer in endless praise.”Play source: Cyberhymnal
Genesis 1:14
[Gen 1:14] Another Year Is Dawning
Another year is dawning, dear Father, let it be
In working or in waiting, another year with Thee.
Another year of progress, another year of praise,
Another year of proving Thy presence all the days.Another year of mercies, of faithfulness and grace,
Another year of gladness in the shining of Thy face;
Another year of leaning upon Thy loving breast;
Another year of trusting, of quiet, happy rest.Another year of service, of witness for Thy love,
Another year of training for holier work above.
Another year is dawning, dear Father, let it be
On earth, or else in Heaven, another year for Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Gen 1:14] New Wonders Of Thy Mighty Hand
New wonders of Thy mighty hand,
Lord, we today admire,
Writ on the firmament above
In glittering orbs of fire.The sun is ruler of the day,
The silver moon of night,
The starry hosts adorn the sky
In ordered ranks of light.But e’en that glorious sun must set,
And knows his going down,
That silver moon must wax and wane,
The stars their courses own.Still in an ever changing round
The daylight comes and goes;
But Thou art evermore the same,
No change Thy mercy knows.Why waver then our troubled hearts?
Thine is a Father’s care;
And they, eternal life who seek,
Eternal life shall share.All praise, all glory be ascribed
To God the One in Three,
Who bids us cast our care on Him,
To Him for comfort flee.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Isaiah 12:2
[Isa 12:2] Come, Sing With Holy Gladness
Come, sing with holy gladness,
High alleluias sing,
Uplift your loud hosannas
To Jesus, Lord and King;
Sing, boys in joyful chorus
Your hymn of praise today,
And sing, ye gentle maidens,
Your sweet responsive lay.’Tis good for boys and maidens
Sweet hymns to Christ to sing,
’Tis meet that children’s voices
Should praise the children’s King:
For Jesus is salvation,
And glory, grace and rest;
To babe and boy and maiden
The one Redeemer blest.O boys, be strong in Jesus,
To toil for him is gain,
And Jesus wrought with Joseph
With chisel, saw and plane;
O maidens, live for Jesus,
Who was a maiden’s Son;
Be patient, pure and gentle,
And perfect grace begun.Soon in the golden city
The boys and girls shall play,
And through the dazzling mansions
Rejoice in endless day;
O Christ, prepare Thy children
With that triumphant throng
To pass the burnished portals,
And sing th’eternal song.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Isa 12:2] I Will Not Be Afraid
I will not be afraid, I will not be afraid;
I will look upward, and travel onward,
And not be afraid.He says He will be with me, He says He will be with me;
He goes before me, and is beside me,
So I’m not afraid.His arms are underneath me, His arms are underneath me;
His hands uphold me, His love enfolds me,
So I’m not afraid.His Word will stand forever, His Word will stand forever;
His truth—it shall be my shield and buckler,
So I’m not afraid.He will give grace and glory, He will give grace and glory;
His cross before me, His banner o’er me,
So I’m not afraid.So we go singing onward, so we go singing onward;
We’re pressing upward, we’re marching homeward,
To Him unafraid.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Isa 12:2] Praise Ye Jehovah!
Praise ye Jehovah! praise the Lord most holy,
Who cheers the contrite, girds with strength the weak!
Praise Him Who will with glory crown the lowly,
And with salvation beautify the meek.Praise ye Jehovah! for His lovingkindness,
And all the tender mercy He hath shown;
Praise Him Who pardons all our sin and blindness,
And calls us sons, and takes us for His own.Praise ye Jehovah! source of all our blessings:
Before His gifts earth’s richest boons wax dim;
Resting in Him, His peace and joy possessing,
All things are ours, for we have all in Him.Praise ye the Father! God, the Lord, who gave us,
With full and perfect love, His only Son;
Praise ye the Son! Who died Himself to save us;
Praise ye the Spirit! praise the Three in One!Play source: Cyberhymnal