Acts 13:9
<3588> [who.]
filled <4130> [filled.]
stared straight <816> [set.]
Acts 9:1
[Cir A.M. 4039. A.D. 35.]
Saul <4569> [Saul.]
breathing out <1709> [breathing.]
Acts 12:25
Barnabas <921> [Barnabas.]
mission <1248> [ministry. or, charge. took.]
John <2491> [John.]
Acts 8:3
Acts 9:8
he could see <991> [he saw.]
Acts 9:22
capable <1743> [increased.]
was causing consternation <4797> [confounded.]
proving <4822> [proving.]
Acts 8:1
And Saul .................................. and <1161 4569 5037 2532> [And Saul.]
This clause evidently belongs to the conclusion of the previous chapter; there is scarcely a worse division of chapters than this.
<1096> [there.]
church <1577> [the church.]
And .......................... were forced to scatter ....... and <1161 5037 2532 1289> [and they.]
Samaria <4540> [Samaria.]
except <4133> [except.]
Acts 13:1
[Cir. A.M. 4049. A.D. 45.]
prophets <4396> [prophets.]
Barnabas <921> [Barnabas.]
Lucius <3066> [Lucius.]
childhood <4939> [which, etc. or, Herod's foster brother. Herod.]
and ......................... and Saul <2532 5037 4569> [and Saul.]