NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Acts 5:11


Acts 5:13


rest <3062> [of.]

but <235> [but.]

Acts 2:43


Reverential awe <5401> [fear.]

many <4183> [many.]

Leviticus 10:3


holy ............. honored <06942 03513> [I will be.]

presence <06440> [before.]

Aaron ................................ Aaron <0175> [Aaron.]

Numbers 16:34


fled <05127> [fled.]

earth <0776> [Lest.]

Numbers 17:12-13


die <01478> [Behold.]

die <01478> [we die.]

{Gawanoo,} "we expire:" it signifies not so much to die simply, as to feel an extreme difficulty in breathing, which producing suffocation, ends at last in death. See the folly and extravagance of this sinful people, in thus rebelling against the authority of those whom Jehovah had appointed to be their rulers.


comes close <07131> [Whosoever.]

comes close <07131> [any thing.]

<08552> [consumed.]

Deuteronomy 13:11


Deuteronomy 21:21


<0582> [all the men.]

purge <01197> [so shalt thou.]

Israel <03478> [all Israel.]

Joshua 22:20


Joshua 22:1


Joshua <03091> [Joshua.]

Reubenites <07206> [Reubenites.]

We have already seen, that a detachment of 40,000 men, of the tribes of Reuben and Gad, and the half tribe of Manasseh, had passed over Jordan armed, with their brethren, according to their agreement with Moses. The war being now concluded, the land divided, and their brethren settled, Joshua assembles these warriors; and with commendations for their services and fidelity, he dismisses them, having fist given them the most pious and suitable instructions. They had now been about seven years absent from their respective families; and though there was only the river Jordan between the camp of Gilgal and their own inheritance, yet it does not appear that they had, during that time, ever revisited their home, which they might have done at any time of the year, except the harvest, as the river was at other times easily fordable.

Joshua 6:19-21


silver <03701> [all the silver.]

<06944> [consecrated. Heb. holiness.]

treasury <0214> [the treasury.]


wall <02346> [the wall.]

collapsed <05307> [flat. Heb. under it.]


annihilated <02763> [And they.]

The Canaanites were ripe for destruction; and God was pleased, instead of destroying them by a pestilence, a famine, or an earthquake, to employ the Israelites as the executioners of his vengeance. Had an angel been commissioned to slay them, who would have charged him with iniquity or cruelty? In all public calamities infants are involved; and tens of thousands of infants die in great agony every year. Now, either God is not the agent in these calamities, (which opinion, though often implied in men's reasonings on these subjects, is not far from atheism;) or they must consist with the most perfect justice and goodness.

annihilated <02763> [utterly.]

Joshua 6:1


shut tightly <05462> [was straitly. Heb. did shut up, and was shut up.]

because <06440> [because.]

Joshua 13:12


Og <05747> [Og.]

Moses <04872> [these did.]

Joshua 15:13


Caleb <03612> [Caleb.]

<0704 07151> [the city of Arba. or, Kirjath-arba.]

Psalms 64:9


fear <03372> [fear.]

reflect <07919> [they.]

Psalms 119:120


body <01320> [My flesh.]

Psalms 119:2


observe <05341> [keep.]

seek <01875> [seek.]

Colossians 1:11


strengthened <1412> [Strengthened.]

his <846> [his.]

<1519> [unto.]

Revelation 11:13


took place .................... were terrified <1096> [was there.]

and a tenth .............. and ...... and <2532 1182> [and the tenth.]

people <444> [men. Gr. names of men.]

and ................ and ... rest .... and <2532 3062> [and the remnant.]

gave <1325> [gave.]

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