Acts 5:12-26
through <1223> [by.]
2:43 3:6,7 4:30,33 9:33,40 14:3,8-10 16:18 19:11 Mr 16:17,18
Mr 16:20 Ro 15:19 2Co 12:12 Heb 2:4 [All]
<2258> [they.]
among .................. in <1722> [in.]
rest <3062> [of.]
5 Nu 17:12,13 24:8-10 1Sa 16:4,5 1Ki 17:18 Isa 33:14 Lu 12:1,2
Lu 14:26-35 Joh 9:22 12:42 19:38 2Pe 2:20-22 [All]
but <235> [but.]
believers <4100> [believers.]
number crowds <4128> [multitudes.]
carried .... out <1627> [they brought.]
streets <2596 4113> [into the streets. or, in every street.]
bringing <5342> [bringing.]
were ... being healed <2323> [healed.]
high priest <749> [the high.]
all <3956> [all.]
with jealousy <2205> [indignation. or, envy.]
7:9 13:45 17:5 1Sa 18:12-16 Job 5:2 Pr 14:30 27:4 Ec 4:4
Mt 27:18 Ga 5:21 Jas 3:14-16 4:5 1Pe 2:1 [All]
stand <2476> [stand.]
all <3956> [all.]
they entered <1525> [entered.]
Now <1161> [But.]
high council <1087> [senate.]
sent <649> [sent.]
jail <1201> [The prison.]
commander <4755> [the captain.]
they were greatly puzzled <1280> [they.]
this <5124> [this.]
Look <2400> [Behold.]
they were afraid ... being stoned <5399 3034> [they.]