Acts 7:20
Moses <3475> [Moses.]
and <2532 2258 3739> [and was.]
[exceeding fair. or, fair to God.]
Acts 7:29
Acts 7:32
I .... God ...... God <1473 2316> [I am.]
and <1161> [Then.]
9:4-6 Ge 28:13-17 Ex 33:20 1Ki 19:13 Job 4:14 37:1,2 42:5,6
Ps 89:7 Isa 6:1-5 Da 10:7,8 Mt 17:6 Lu 5:8 Re 1:17 [All]
Acts 7:37
Moses <3475> [that.]
a prophet <4396> [A prophet.]
like me <5613 1691> [like unto me. or, as myself. him.]
Acts 13:39
by <1722> [by.]
Isa 53:11 Hab 2:4 Lu 18:14 Joh 5:24 Ro 3:24-30 4:5-8,24 5:1,9
Ro 8:1,3,30-34 10:10 1Co 6:11 Ga 2:16 3:8 [All]
which <3739> [from which.]
Job 9:20 25:4 Ps 143:2 Jer 31:32 Lu 10:25,28 Joh 1:17 Ro 3:19
Ro 4:15 5:20 7:9-11 8:3 9:31 10:4 Ga 2:16,19 3:10-12,21-25 5:3
Php 3:6-9 Heb 7:19 9:9,10 10:4,11 [All]
Acts 15:1
[Cir. A.M. 4057. A.D. 53.]
some men <5100> [certain.]
brothers <80> [the brethren.]
<3362> [Except.]
custom <1485> [after.]
are circumcised ......... cannot <4059 3756> [ye.]
Acts 15:5
some ............ stood up <5100 1817> [rose up certain. or, rose up, said they, certain. the sect.]
It is necessary <3754 1163> [That it.]
Acts 15:21
Sabbath <4521> [sabbath.]