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Deuteronomy 31:16-18


die <07901> [thou shalt.]

die <07901> [sleep. Heb. lie down.]

{Shochaiv,} "lying down:" it signifies to rest, take rest in sleep, and metaphorically, to die. Though much stress cannot be safely laid upon this expression to prove the immortality of the soul, or that the people, in the time of Moses, had a distinct notion of its separate existence; yet is was understood in this sense by Jonathan, who paraphrases the words thus: "Thou shalt lie down in the dust with thy fathers; and thy soul {nishmatoch) shall be laid up in the treasury of the life to come, with thy fathers."

prostitute <02181> [and go a.]

reject .... break <05800 06565> [forsake me.]

break ... covenant <06565 01285> [break my.]


anger <0639> [my anger.]

abandon <05800> [I will forsake.]

hide ... face <06440 05641> [hide my face.]

Though this may allude to the withdrawing of the {Shechinah,} or visible appearance of Jehovah, yet the general meaning of the expression in Scripture is, the withdrawing of his approbation and protection, of which his visible appearance was formerly the sign and pledge.

[befal them. Heb. find them.]

disasters <07451> [Are not these.]


Jude 1:14-15


Enoch <1802> [Enoch.]

Look <2400> [Behold.]


to execute <4160> [execute.]

<1827> [convince.]

all and .... every person of all .......... and of all <3956 2532 4012> [and of all.]

Jude 1:8


these men <3778> [these.]

defile <3392> [defile.]

reject <114> [despise.]

insult <987> [speak.]

Jude 1:2


Jude 1:17


recall <3415> [remember.]

Psalms 106:41-42


handed <05414> [he gave.]

hated <08130> [and they.]

Daniel 9:10-14


set <05414> [which.]


Israel <03478> [all.]

judgment <0423> [the curse.]


threats <06965> [confirmed.]

rulers .............. happened <08199> [our judges.]

heaven <08064> [for under.]

The destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans, and the condition of the Jews during almost eighteen centuries, have far more exceeded all the miseries of the capture of Jerusalem by the Chaldeans, and in the Babylonish captivity, than those miseries exceeded the judgments inflicted on other nations; for the guilt of crucifying the Messiah, and rejecting his gospel, was immensely more atrocious than all their other transgressions.


written <03789> [As it is.]

Thus every succeeding part of the Sacred writings attests and prove the Divine authority of the preceding. The history relates the fulfilment of former predictions; and then new prophecies are add, which future events accomplish, and thus demonstrate their inspiration to the latest ages.

pacify <06440 02470> [made we not our prayer before. Heb. intreated we not the face of.]

back <07725> [that we.]


mindful <08245> [watched.]

LORD ............... LORD <03068> [the Lord.]

LORD ............... LORD ............... obeyed <03068 08085> [for.]

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