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Deuteronomy 26:9-10

And he hath brought
<0935> (8686)
us into this place
and hath given
<05414> (8799)
us this land
[even] a land
that floweth
<02100> (8802)
with milk
and honey
And now, behold, I have brought
<0935> (8689)
the firstfruits
<06529> <07225>
of the land
which thou, O LORD
hast given
<05414> (8804)
me. And thou shalt set
<03240> (8689)
it before
the LORD
thy God
and worship
<07812> (8694)
the LORD
thy God

Exodus 22:29

Thou shalt not delay
<0309> (8762)
[to offer] the first of thy ripe fruits
and of thy liquors
the firstborn
of thy sons
shalt thou give
<05414> (8799)
unto me. {the first...: Heb. thy fulness} {liquors: Heb. tear}

Exodus 23:19

The first
of the firstfruits
of thy land
thou shalt bring
<0935> (8686)
into the house
of the LORD
thy God
Thou shalt not seethe
<01310> (8762)
a kid
in his mother's

Leviticus 23:10

<01696> (8761)
unto the children
of Israel
and say
<0559> (8804)
unto them, When ye be come
<0935> (8799)
into the land
which I give
<05414> (8802)
unto you, and shall reap
<07114> (8804)
the harvest
thereof, then ye shall bring
<0935> (8689)
a sheaf
of the firstfruits
of your harvest
unto the priest
{sheaf: or, handful: Heb. omer}

Leviticus 23:17

Ye shall bring out
<0935> (8686)
of your habitations
of two
tenth deals
they shall be of fine flour
they shall be baken
<0644> (8735)
with leaven
[they are] the firstfruits
unto the LORD

Numbers 18:12-24

All the best
of the oil
and all the best
of the wine
and of the wheat
the firstfruits
of them which they shall offer
<05414> (8799)
unto the LORD
them have I given
<05414> (8804)
thee. {best: Heb. fat}
[And] whatsoever is first ripe
in the land
which they shall bring
<0935> (8686)
unto the LORD
shall be thine; every one that is clean
in thine house
shall eat
<0398> (8799)
[of] it.
Every thing devoted
in Israel
shall be thine.
Every thing that openeth
the matrix
in all flesh
which they bring
<07126> (8686)
unto the LORD
[whether it be] of men
or beasts
shall be thine: nevertheless the firstborn
of man
shalt thou surely
<06299> (8800)
<06299> (8799)_,
and the firstling
of unclean
shalt thou redeem
<06299> (8799)_.
And those that are to be redeemed
<06299> (8803)
from a month
shalt thou redeem
<06299> (8799)_,
according to thine estimation
for the money
of five
after the shekel
of the sanctuary
which [is] twenty
But the firstling
of a cow
or the firstling
of a sheep
or the firstling
of a goat
thou shalt not redeem
<06299> (8799)_;
they [are] holy
thou shalt sprinkle
<02236> (8799)
their blood
upon the altar
and shalt burn
<06999> (8686)
their fat
[for] an offering made by fire
for a sweet
unto the LORD
And the flesh
of them shall be thine, as the wave
and as the right
are thine.
All the heave offerings
of the holy things
which the children
of Israel
<07311> (8686)
unto the LORD
have I given
<05414> (8804)
thee, and thy sons
and thy daughters
with thee, by a statute
for ever
it [is] a covenant
of salt
for ever
the LORD
unto thee and to thy seed
with thee.
And the LORD
<0559> (8799)
unto Aaron
Thou shalt have no inheritance
<05157> (8799)
in their land
neither shalt thou have any part
them: I [am] thy part
and thine inheritance
the children
of Israel
And, behold, I have given
<05414> (8804)
the children
of Levi
all the tenth
in Israel
for an inheritance
their service
which they serve
<05647> (8802)_,
[even] the service
of the tabernacle
of the congregation
Neither must the children
of Israel
come nigh
<07126> (8799)
the tabernacle
of the congregation
lest they bear
<05375> (8800)
and die
<04191> (8800)_.
{and die: Heb. to die}
But the Levites
shall do
<05647> (8804)
the service
of the tabernacle
of the congregation
and they shall bear
<05375> (8799)
their iniquity
[it shall be] a statute
for ever
throughout your generations
that among
the children
of Israel
they have
<05157> (8799)
no inheritance
But the tithes
of the children
of Israel
which they offer
<07311> (8686)
[as] an heave offering
unto the LORD
I have given
<05414> (8804)
to the Levites
to inherit
therefore I have said
<0559> (8804)
unto them, Among
the children
of Israel
they shall have
<05157> (8799)
no inheritance

Numbers 18:2

And thy brethren
also of the tribe
of Levi
the tribe
of thy father
<07126> (8685)
thou with thee, that they may be joined
<03867> (8735)
unto thee, and minister
<08334> (8762)
unto thee: but thou and thy sons
with thee [shall minister] before
the tabernacle
of witness

Numbers 31:4-10

Of every tribe
<04294> <04294>
a thousand
<0505> <0505>_,
throughout all the tribes
of Israel
shall ye send
<07971> (8799)
to the war
{Of...: Heb. A thousand of a tribe, a thousand of a tribe}
So there were delivered
<04560> (8735)
out of the thousands
of Israel
a thousand
of [every] tribe
<08147> <06240>
<02502> (8803)
for war
And Moses
<07971> (8799)
them to the war
a thousand
of [every] tribe
them and Phinehas
the son
of Eleazar
the priest
to the war
with the holy
and the trumpets
to blow
in his hand
And they warred
<06633> (8799)
against the Midianites
as the LORD
<06680> (8765)
and they slew
<02026> (8799)
all the males
And they slew
<02026> (8804)
the kings
of Midian
the rest of them that were slain
[namely], Evi
and Rekem
and Zur
and Hur
and Reba
of Midian
also the son
of Beor
they slew
<02026> (8804)
with the sword
And the children
of Israel
took [all] the women
of Midian
<07617> (8799)_,
and their little ones
and took the spoil
<0962> (8804)
of all their cattle
and all their flocks
and all their goods
And they burnt
<08313> (8804)
all their cities
wherein they dwelt
and all their goodly castles
with fire

Nehemiah 12:44-47

And at that time
were some
<06485> (8735)
over the chambers
for the treasures
for the offerings
for the firstfruits
and for the tithes
to gather
<03664> (8800)
into them out of the fields
of the cities
the portions
of the law
for the priests
and Levites
for Judah
for the priests
and for the Levites
that waited
<05975> (8802)_.
{of the law: that is, appointed by the law} {for Judah...: Heb. for the joy of Judah} {waited: Heb. stood}
And both the singers
<07891> (8789)
and the porters
<08104> (8799)
the ward
of their God
and the ward
of the purification
according to the commandment
of David
[and] of Solomon
his son
For in the days
of David
and Asaph
of old
[there were] chief
of the singers
<07891> (8789)_,
and songs
of praise
and thanksgiving
<03034> (8687)
unto God
And all Israel
in the days
of Zerubbabel
and in the days
of Nehemiah
<05414> (8802)
the portions
of the singers
<07891> (8789)
and the porters
every day
his portion
and they sanctified
<06942> (8688)
[holy things] unto the Levites
and the Levites
<06942> (8688)
[them] unto the children
of Aaron
{sanctified: that is, set apart}

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