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Esther 4:14


liberation <07305> [then shall.]

liberation <07305> [enlargement. Heb. respiration.]

father's <01> [but thou.]

achieved <05060> [whether.]

time .................................. time <06256> [for such a time.]

The fact related in this verse was unquestionably the reason why Esther was raised to regal honours, by the overruling providence of God: she was therefore bound in gratitude to do this service for God, else she would not have answered the end of her elevation: and she need not fear the miscarriage of the enterprise, for if God designed her for it, he would surely bear her through and give success. It appeared by the event that Mordecai spoke prophetically, when he modestly conjectured that Esther came to the kingdom that she might be the instrument of the Jews' deliverance. Mordecai thoroughly believed that it was a cause which one way or other would certainly be carried, and which, therefore, she might safely venture upon. Instruments might fail, but God's covenant cannot. There is a wise design in all the providences of God, which is unknown to us till it is accomplished; but it will prove in the issue that all is intended for and centre in the good of those who trust in Him.

Esther 4:1


done <06213> [all that.]

tore <07167> [rent.]

ashes <0665> [with ashes.]

crying out <02199> [and cried.]

Mordecai gave every demonstration of the most poignant grief. Nor did he hide this from the city; and the Greek says that he uttered these words aloud: [Airetai ethnos meden edikekos,] "A people is going to be destroyed who have done no evil."

Esther 2:8


Hegai ................ Hegai <01896> [Hegai.]

One of Dr. Kennicott's MSS., instead of Hegai has Heg‚, as in ver. 3.


Psalms 75:6-7


wilderness <04057> [south. Heb. desert.]


God <0430> [God.]

exalts <08213> [he putteth.]

Psalms 113:7-8


raises <06965> [raiseth.]

dirt ......... garbage <06083 0830> [out of.]

needy <034> [needy.]


Ezekiel 17:24


trees ................ tree ........ tree ...... tree ........ tree <06086> [all the trees.]

low <08213> [have brought.]

Lord ............................. Lord ... spoken <03068 01696> [I the Lord have spoken.]

Luke 1:48-52


he has looked <1914> [regarded.]

all <3956> [all.]


mighty <1415> [he.]

has done <4160> [hath.]

and <2532> [and.]



He has demonstrated <4160> [shewed.]

he has scattered <1287> [he hath scattered.]

sheer <1271> [the imagination.]


He has brought down <2507> [put.]

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