NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Exodus 18:21


choose <02372> [Moreover.]

capable <02428 0582> [able men.]

God-fearing <03373> [such as.]

<0582> [men.]

hate <08130> [hating.]

rulers ... thousands rulers .... rulers ..... rulers <0505 08269> [rulers of thousands.]

Whatever matter the {decarch,} or ruler over ten, could not decide, went to the {pentecontarch,} or ruler of fifty, and thence by degrees to the {hecatontarch,} or ruler over a hundred, to the {chiliarch,} or ruler over a thousand, to Moses, and at length to God himself. Each magistrate had the care or inspection of only ten men; the {decarch} superintended ten private characters; the {hecatontarch} ten {decarchs;} and the {chiliarch,} ten {hecatontarchs.}

Exodus 18:1


Jethro <03503> [Jethro.]

heard <08085> [heard.]

God <0430> [God.]

done <06213> [done.]

Exodus 21:7


sells <04376> [sell.]

go out <03318> [go out.]

Exodus 21:1


decisions <04941> [the judgments.]

set <07760> [which.]

Exodus 27:1-2


altar ... acacia wood .............. altar <07848 06086 04196> [altar of shittim wood.]


horns .... four corners ... horns <0702 06438 07161> [horns of it upon the four corners thereof.]

The horns might have been designed not only for ornament, but to prevent the sacrifices from falling off, and to tie the victim to, previous to its being sacrificed.

overlay .... bronze <05178 06823> [overlay it with brass.]

Exodus 26:10


fifty loops ............. fifty loops <02572 03924> [fifty loops.]

Proverbs 22:29


person <0376> [a man.]

position ......... position <03320> [he shall stand.]

That is, he shall have the honour of serving kings; as the phrase denotes.

obscure <02823> [mean men. Heb. obscure men.]

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