NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Exodus 25:9


pattern .... tabernacle .... pattern <04908 08403> [the pattern of the tabernacle.]

Exodus 25:40


make <06213> [that thou make.]

sure ........... shown .... mountain <02022 07200> [was shewed thee in the mount. Heb. thou wast caused to see in the mount.]

Exodus 26:30-37


set .... tabernacle <04908 06965> [rear up the tabernacle.]

plan <04941> [according to the fashion.]


curtain ... blue <06532 08504> [a vail of.]

blue <08504> [blue.]

purple <0713> [purple.]

{Argaman,} a very precious colour, extracted from the purpura, or murex, a species of shell-fish; and supposed to be the same with the costly and much celebrated Tyrian purple.

yarn <08144> [scarlet.]

TolaÆ’th; properly the worm whence the scarlet colour was produced; which grew in a coccus, or excrescence, of a shrub of the ilex kind, like the cochineal worm in the Opuntia of America; which is arranged under the same genus as the Arabic {Kermez,} which also denotes this colour.

work .... artistic designer <04639 02803> [cunning work.]

make ................... made ... cherubim <06213 03742> [cherubims shall it be made.]


posts ... acacia <05982 07848> [pillars of shittim.]

gold hooks .......... gold <02053 02091> [their hooks shall be of gold.]

The Hebrew {waveyhem,} which we translate their hooks, is rendered by the LXX. [kephalides,] and by the Vulgate, {capiata,} capitals. Hence Calmet contends, 1. That if Moses does not mean the capitals of the pillars by this word, he mentions them nowhere else; and it would seem strange, that while he describes them with so much exactness, that he should not mention the capitals; or that pillars every way so correctly formed, should have been destitute of this necessary ornament. 2. As Moses was commanded to make the {wavim} of the pillars, and their fillets, of silver, (ch. 27:10, 11,) and the {wavim} of the pillars of the vail of gold, (ch. 36:36,) and that 1,775 shekels were employed in making them, overlaying their chapiters, {rasheyhem,} their heads, and filleting them, (ch. 38:28,) it is more reasonable to suppose that all this is spoken of the capitals of pillars, than of any kind of hooks, especially as hooks are mentioned under the word taches or clasps. But as the root {wavah} seems to signify to connect, (for [wwy,] in Arabic, is to marry a wife,) and as the letter [ww,] {wav,} if it has not its name from its hook-like form, is yet used as a connective particle, it would rather appear to denote hooks, which connected the curtains or vails to the pillars. The LXX. also render it [agkulai,] "handles", and [krikoi,] "rings" or "clasps".


clasps <07165> [the taches.]

curtain .............. behind ... curtain ... curtain <06532 01004> [within the vail.]

ark .... testimony <0727 05715> [the ark of the testimony.]

Holy Place ..... Holy Place <06944> [the holy place.]


put ... atonement lid <03727 05414> [put the mercy seat.]


table ................. table ........ table <07979> [the table.]

lampstand <04501> [the candlestick.]


hanging <04539> [hanging.]

This may be termed the first vail, as it occupied the door or entrance to the tabernacle; the vail that separated the Holy of Holies is called the second vail, Heb 9:3. Mr. Morier, (Second Journey Through Persia, p. 251,) describing the tent of a chief of the Eelauts, says, "It was composed of a wooden frame of circular laths, which were fixed on the ground, and then covered over with large felts, that were fastened down by a cord, ornamented by tassels of various colours. A curtain, curiously worked by the women, with coarse needle-work of various colours, was suspended over the door. In the king of Persia's tents, magnificent {perdahs,} or hangings of needle-work, are suspended, as well as on the doors of the great mosques in Turkey; and these circumstances combined, will, perhaps, illustrate Ex 26:36."

tent <0168> [the tent.]

blue <08504> [of blue.]


overlay .... gold ....... gold <02091 06823> [overlay them with gold.]

Exodus 26:1


tabernacle ........ ten curtains <04908 06235 03407> [the tabernacle with ten curtains.]

The word {mishcan,} from {shachan,} to dwell, means simply a dwelling-place, or habitation. "When God had brought the children of Israel out of Egypt," says the very learned Dr. Cudworth, "resolving to manifest himself in a peculiar manner present among them, he thought good to dwell amongst them in a visible and external manner; and therefore, while they were in the wilderness, and sojourned in tents, he would have a tent or tabernacle built, to sojourn with them also.--Now, the tabernacle being thus a house for God to dwell in visibly, to make up the notion of dwelling or habitation complete, there must be all things suitable to a house belonging to it. Hence, in the holy place, there must be a table and a candlestick, because these were the ordinary furniture of a room. The table must have its dishes, and spoons, and bowls, and covers, belonging to it, though they were never used; and always be furnished with bread upon it. The candlestick must have its lamps continually burning, etc."

fine twisted linen <08336 07806> [fine twined linen.]

cherubim <03742> [cherubims.]

work .... artistic designer <04639 02803> [cunning work. Heb. the work of a cunning workman, or embroiderer.]

Exodus 28:11


engravings .... seal <02368 06603> [engravings of a signet.]

[ounces of gold.]

Exodus 28:19


jacinth <03958> [a ligure.]

agate <07618> [an agate.]

Matthew 15:9


in vain <3155> [in.]

teaching <1321> [teaching.]

Colossians 2:20-23


If <1487> [if.]

to <575> [from.]

elemental <4747> [rudiments. or, elements. living.]

do you submit <1379> [subject.]



to <1519> [to.]

on <2596> [after.]


<2076> [a shew.]

self-imposed worship <1479> [will.]

an unsparing treatment <857> [neglecting. or, punishing, or, not sparing.]

Hebrews 8:5


a sketch <5262> [unto.]

[Hupodeigmati kai <\\See definition 2532\\> skia <\\See definition 4639\\>,] or, "with the representation and shadow," as Dr. Macknight renders.

a sketch <5262> [the example.]

See <3708> [See.]

design <5179> [pattern.]

[Tupos <\\See definition 5179\\>,] type, plan, or form.

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