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Ezra 7:27


Blessed <01288> [Blessed.]

There is a most amiable spirit of piety in these reflections. Instead of expatiating on the praises of his munificent patron, or boasting of his own services, he blesses God for "putting such a thing in the king's heart;" and for all the assistance and favour shown him by the king and his counsellors.

so ........ king <05414 04428> [put such.]

heart .... king <03820 04428> [in the king's heart.]

honor <06286> [to beautify.]

Nehemiah 2:12


got <06965> [I arose.]

tell .................. animals <05046 0929> [neither.]

God <0430> [my God.]

This pious and noble-minded man attributes every thing to God. If he purposed any good, it was because God put it into his heart; if he did or received any good, it was because the good hand of his God was upon him; if he expected any good, it was because he earnestly prayed God to remember him for good.

Jeremiah 31:31


time <03117> [the days.]

make <03772> [I.]

people of <01004> [with.]

Jeremiah 32:40


make <03772> [I will make.]

<07725> [that I.]

stop <0310> [from them. Heb. from after them. but I.]

Colossians 3:17


<3748> [whatsoever.]

in word ....... in <1722 3056> [in word.]

in ........ in ... name <1722 3686> [in the.]

giving thanks <2168> [giving.]

God <2316> [God.]

Revelation 17:17


God has put .............. to give ............ God <2316 1325> [God hath.]

has put .............. to give <1325> [put.]

to carry out ..... making <4160> [to fulfil.]

until <891> [until.]

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