Galatians 3:21-29
law ............. a law ................... law <3551> [the law.]
not <3361> [God forbid.]
For <1063> [for.]
righteousness <1343> [righteousness.]
imprisoned <4788> [concluded.]
so that ................. believe <2443 4100> [that.]
believe <4100> [to.]
faith came ................. faith <4102 2064> [faith came.]
under <5259> [under.]
faith .................. faith <4102> [the faith.]
law <3551> [the law.]
25 2:19 4:2,3 Mt 5:17,18 Ac 13:38,39 Ro 3:20-22 7:7-9,24,25
Ro 10:4 Col 2:17 Heb 7:18,19 9:8-16 10:1-14 [All]
we could be declared righteous <1344> [justified.]
faith <4102> [faith.]
<2070> [we.]
4:5,6 Joh 1:12,13 20:17 Ro 8:14-17 2Co 6:18 Eph 1:5 5:1
Php 2:15 Heb 2:10-15 1Jo 3:1,2 Re 21:7 [All]
all <3745> [as many.]
Mt 28:19,20 Mr 16:15,16 Ac 2:38 8:36-38 9:18 16:15,31-33
Ro 6:3,4 1Co 12:13 Col 2:10-12 1Pe 3:21 [All]
have clothed <1746> [put.]
neither ....... neither ....... neither <3756> [neither.]
male <730> [male.]
for <1063> [for.]
Christ <5547> [Christ's.]
Abraham's <11> [Abraham's.]
heirs <2818> [heirs.]