NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Genesis 27:42


planning ...... killing <05162 02026> [comfort himself.]

Genesis 27:1


[A.M. 2244. B.C. 1760.]

almost <03543> [dim.]

older son ........ son <01121 01419> [eldest son.]

Genesis 20:1-2


Negev <05045> [A.M. cir. 2107. B.C. cir. 1897. from.]

Kadesh <06946> [Kadesh.]

Gerar <01642> [Gerar.]

Gerar was a city of Arabia Petr‘a, under a king of the Philistines, 25 miles from Eleutheropolis beyond Daroma, in the south of Judah. From ch. 10:19, it appears to have been situated in the angle where the south and west sides of Canaan met, and to have been not far from Gaza. Jerome, in his Hebrew Traditions on Genesis, says, from Gerar to Jerusalem was three days' journey. There was a wood near Gerar, spoken of by Theodoret; and a brook, (ch. 26:26,) on which was a monastery, noticed by Sozomen.


said <0559> [said.]

Abimelech <040> [Abimelech.]

Genesis 22:18


descendants <02233> [And in.]

obeyed <08085> [obeyed.]

Job 37:23


attain <04672> [we.]

great <07689> [excellent.]

justice <04941> [in judgment.]

oppress <06031> [he will.]

Psalms 45:1


music director <05329> [(Title.) To the chief.]

Or, rather, "To the chief musician upon the hexachords, a didactic ode for the sons of Korah, and a song of loves." {Shoshannim} most probably denotes hexachords, or six-stringed instruments, from {shesh,} "six:" hence the Persian {shasta,} a six-stringed lute. This Psalm is supposed by some to be an epithalamium, or nuptial song, on the marriage of Solomon with Pharaoh's daughter; but with what propriety could Solomon be described as fairer than the children of men, a mighty warrior, a victorious conqueror, and a prince whose throne is for ever and ever? A greater than Solomon is here; and the person described is no other than the Messiah, as is acknowledged by many Jewish writers. The Targum on ver. 3 says, "Thy beauty, {malka meshecha,} O King Messiah, is greater than the children of men;" and the Apostle expressly quotes it as such Heb 1:8, 9. It was probably written by David after Nathan's prophetic address 1 Ch 17:27.

Lilies <07799> [Shoshannim.]

69:1 80:1 *titles [All]

well-written poem <04905> [Maschil. or, of instruction. A song.]

stirred <07370> [is inditing. Heb. boileth, or, bubbleth up.]

beautiful <02896> [a good.]

king <04428> [touching.]

tongue <03956> [tongue.]

Matthew 22:31


have you ... read <314> [have.]

Romans 11:28


enemies <2190> [are enemies.]

but <1161> [but.]

dearly loved <27> [are beloved.]

Philippians 3:5-6


circumcised <4061> [Circumcised.]

from ... people ........... of <1085 1537> [of the stock.]

tribe <5443> [of the tribe.]

a Hebrew ... Hebrews <1445> [an.]

Pharisee <5330> [Pharisee.]


zeal for God <2205> [zeal.]

persecuted <1377> [persecuting.]

In .......... According to <2596> [touching.]

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